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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tlustovrstvá topná deska s regulací výkonu / Hot plate with power regulation

Lacika, Marek January 2020 (has links)
This thesis deals with issues of used hot plates and thick-film technology. The theoretical part of diploma thesis contains a theoretical analysis and description of corresponding technology and usage of materials. The practical part of the thesis focuses on the design of the resulting device, which forms design of the test and optimized hot element, the initial design of the device and the design of models for temperature simulations. Then follows description of the practical realization of the motifs and testing of the created thick-film structure on a ceramic substrate. In the last part are shown simulations of heat transfer in the proposed model of the device.

Impedanční metody v detekci toxických látek / Impedance methods in toxic substances detection

Feber, Václav January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this work was focused on the determination of pesticides concentration in water solution. Pesticides are indissoluble in aqueous solutions and impedance or voltametric/amperometric response of the pure water and water with pesticides is identical. Therefore was necessary find a way how rapidly, effectively and economically measure the pesticides concentration. One way is measurement of conductivity with electrochemical microsensors after enzymatic reaction.

Resinátové pasty / Resinate pastes

Tomašák, Lukáš January 2014 (has links)
The work is dedicated to the production of a thick film with resinate paste on a ceramic substrate based on a proposal test motive. It introduced the optimization of the workflow leading to the successful realization of the layer. Using an electron microscope, it is performed evaluation of the quality of resultant layer and analysis of the composition of the paste. In the last part of the work it is carried out measurements of temperature and electrical properties of resinate paste.

Optimalizace tiskových metod přípravy organických polovodivých vrstev / Optimalization of printing methods of organic semiconducting layers preparation

Ehlich, Jiří January 2017 (has links)
Electrophysiological biosensors enables a novel way to measure electrical activity of biological structures both in-vitro and in-vivo and represents valuable alternative to current cellular activity measuring methods. Within this work we will be focusing on development of organic semiconductor (PEDOT:PSS) based Organic Electrochemical Transistors (OECTs) and optimization of material printing methods used in their development. These transistors are meant to be able to transfer electrochemical signals within the cell membrane to electrical signal. Such sensors should be used for cytotoxicity testing of chemicals and potential drugs on cardiomyocytes. Main benefits of OECTs are in their higher sensitivity thanks to their ability to locally amplify electric signals, better noise-signal ratio and outstanding biocompatibility. Their development is undemanding and inexpensive due material printing methods and materials processable at room temperatures.

PEELING GARMENTS : Flat garment construction between fabric layers using the printing process as a construction method and the reference of a peeling wallpaper to create expressive dress

Colja, Monika January 2020 (has links)
This work is a proposal for an alternative approach to working with print, making the printing process a key element within designing. It is an investigation into flat garment construction between fabric layers, as this enables for the printing to be used in place of sewing. Additionally, working with multiple textile layers connects with the reference of the peeling wallpaper, which is used as a base for material and form developments. The aim of the work is to develop a more holistic approach and new expressions in garment-making in relation to the application of printing processes within textile layers. The main objective is to present a new perspective of the relationship between garment pattern and print, bringing the later forward. Not only does the surface print, through the interaction of colour and texture provide an important element in terms of creating expression, but it additionally acts as a construction element. Moreover, by using the process of printing to create form the element of print becomes integrated into the process of garment-making.

Study on Additively Manufactured Antennas for Wearables and Bio-medical Applications

Lamsal, Sanjee 03 May 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Diseño y caracterización de sensores para la medida de parámetros químicos y biológicos mediante Organic Thin-film transistors

Pérez Fuster, Clara 22 March 2019 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] RESUMEN La Electrónica Orgánica ha experimentado un gran avance en las últimas décadas, desde que en los años 70 se descubrieran los polímeros conductores. Las características únicas de los semiconductores orgánicos, han permitido el desarrollo de dispositivos electrónicos flexibles y con múltiple funcionalidad, mediante técnicas de fabricación a temperatura ambiente y bajo coste. Uno de los campos en los que estos dispositivos orgánicos han despertado mayor interés es el de su aplicación como sensores. En particular, los sensores basados en los denominados Transistores Orgánicos de película delgada (OTFT's) han experimentado un gran desarrollo debido a sus múltiples ventajas, como simplicidad, elevada sensibilidad, y posibilidad de miniaturización. Existen dos tipos principales de OTFT's: Transistor Orgánico de Efecto de Campo (OFET) y Transistor Electroquímico Orgánico (OECT). Los OECT's constan de tres electrodos (surtidor, drenador y puerta), un semiconductor orgánico (OSC), y un electrolito en contacto con el semiconductor. El funcionamiento de los sensores basados en OECT's se basa en la modulación de la corriente del canal por dopaje o de-dopaje electroquímico desde el electrolito, cuando se aplican tensiones de puerta. Los OECT's resultan especialmente adecuados como sensores químicos debido a su capacidad de operar en medios acuosos. En este trabajo, se han desarrollado OECT's basados en el OSC PEDOT:PSS mediante tecnología Screen-printing. Los transistores se han diseñado variando su geometría, parámetro del que depende la sensibilidad del sensor. Mediante la caracterización eléctrica de los OECT's, se ha podido determinar la geometría óptima en función del analito a detectar. Finalmente, se ha comprobado experimentalmente la validez de estos OECT's como sensores de cationes de diferentes tamaños y de ácido ascórbico, obteniéndose resultados muy satisfactorios. Los OFET's, se han preparado depositando el OSC sobre el dieléctrico y para obtener el canal cuya corriente se modula con la tensión aplicada al electrodo de puerta. En la mayoría de los sensores basados en OFET's, el semiconductor está expuesto al analito. Su funcionamiento se basa en la modificación de la corriente del canal por dopaje o captura de cargas en presencia del analito. En este trabajo, se han desarrollado OFET's basados en TIPS-Pentacene mediante las tecnologías Drop-casting y Spin-coating. Tras establecer la mejor técnica de deposición del semiconductor orgánico se han caracterizado eléctricamente los OFET's. La caracterización eléctrica de estos transistores orgánicos es fundamental para optimizar su uso como sensores químicos. No obstante, las propiedades únicas de los OSC's dificultan la caracterización eléctrica de estos dispositivos con los equipos comerciales actuales, diseñados todos ellos para la caracterización de transistores de Silicio. Para suplir esta necesidad, se ha diseñado un equipo para la caracterización de transistores orgánicos, utilizando componentes comerciales de bajo coste y un software desarrollado específicamente para la determinación de los parámetros característicos de OECT's y OFET's fijados en la norma estándar IEEE 1620-2008. / [CA] RESUM La Electrònica Orgànica ha experimentat un gran avanç en les últimes dècades, des que en els anys 70 es descobrissin els polímers conductors. Les característiques úniques dels semiconductors orgànics, han permès el desenvolupament de dispositius electrònics flexibles i amb múltiple funcionalitat, mitjançant tècniques de fabricació a temperatura ambient i baix cost. Un dels camps en què aquests dispositius orgànics han despertat més interès és el de la seva aplicació com a sensors. En particular, els sensors basats en els denominats Transistors Orgànics de pel·lícula prima (OTFT s) han experimentat un gran desenvolupament a causa dels seus múltiples avantatges, com simplicitat, elevada sensibilitat, i possibilitat de miniaturització. Hi ha dos tipus principals de OTFT s: Transistor Orgànics d'Efecte de Camp (OFET) i Transistor Electroquímic Orgànic (OECT). Els OECT's consten de tres elèctrodes (sortidor, drenador i porta), un semiconductor orgànic (OSC), i un electròlit en contacte amb el semiconductor. El funcionament dels sensors basats en OECT's es basa en la modulació del corrent del canal per dopatge o de-dopatge electroquímic des del electròlit, quan s'apliquen tensions de porta. Els OECT's resulten especialment adequats com a sensors químics per la seva capacitat d'operar en mitjans aquosos. En aquest treball, s'han desenvolupat OECT's basats en el OSC PEDOT: PSS mitjançant tecnologia Screen-printing. Els transistors s'han dissenyat variant la seua geometria, paràmetre del qual depèn la sensibilitat del sensor. Mitjançant la caracterització elèctrica dels OECT's, s'ha pogut determinar la geometria òptima en funció de l'analit a detectar. Finalment, s'ha comprovat experimentalment la validesa d'aquests OECT's com a sensors de cations de diferents mides i d'àcid ascòrbic, obtenint-se resultats molt satisfactoris. Els OFET's, s'han preparat dipositant el OSC sobre el dielèctric per obtenir el canal i la corrent es modula amb la tensió aplicada a l'elèctrode de porta. En la majoria dels sensors basats en OFET's, el semiconductor està exposat al analit. El seu funcionament es basa en la modificació del corrent del canal per dopatge o captura de càrregues en presència de l'analit. En aquest treball, s'han desenvolupat OFET's basats en TIPS-Pentacene mitjançant les tecnologies "Drop-càsting" i "Spin-coating". Després d'establir la millor tècnica de deposició del semiconductor orgànic s'han caracteritzat elèctricament els OFET's La caracterització elèctrica d'aquests transistors orgànics és fonamental per optimitzar el seu ús com a sensors químics. No obstant això, les propietats úniques dels OSC's dificulten la caracterització elèctrica d'aquests dispositius amb els equips comercials actuals, dissenyats tots ells per a la caracterització de transistors de silici. Per suplir aquesta necessitat, s'ha dissenyat un equip per a la caracterització de transistors orgànics, utilitzant components comercials de baix cost i un programari desenvolupat específicament per a la determinació dels paràmetres característics de OECT's i OFET's fixats en la norma estàndard IEEE 1620-2008. / [EN] ABSTRACT Organic Electronics has been extensively developed along these past decades, since the discovery of conducting polymers in the 1970s. The unique features that these organic semiconductors can offer have allowed the development of many electronic devices with mechanical flexibility and multiple functionalities, using low-temperature and low-cost fabrication technologies. These organic devices have attracted considerable interest for their use in many fields, especially for sensing applications. In particular, Organic Thin-Film Transistors (OTFTs) have paved the way towards the fabrication of efficient sensors due to their many advantages, such as simplicity, high sensitivity, and facile miniaturization. OTFTs can be classified into two types of transistors: Organic Field Effect Transistors (OFET) and Organic Electrochemical Transistors (OECT). The essential components of an OECT are an organic semiconductor film, three electrodes (source, drain and gate), and an electrolyte bridging the semiconductor and the gate electrode. The operation of an OECT-based sensor lies on the modulation of the channel current by electrochemical doping or de-doping from the electrolyte, when gate voltages are applied. OECTs have attracted considerable interest for their application as chemical sensors due to their ability to operate in aqueous environments. In this work, PEDOT: PSS-based OECTs have been prepared by Screen-printing. The effect of the geometry on the sensor sensitivity has been investigated by comparing OECTs with different channel and gate areas ratio. The electrical characteristics of the OECTs have been used to determine the geometry that optimizes their performance for sensing different analytes. Finally, the use of these OECTs for the detection of cations and ascorbic acid has been experimentally assessed, with satisfactory and promising results. The OFET's have been prepared by depositing the organic semiconductor on the dielectric and thus obtain the chanel whose current is modulated by the voltage applied to the gate electrode. In most of the OFET-based sensors, the semiconductor is exposed to the analyte. Their operation is based on the modification of the channel current by charge doping or trapping due to the analyte. In this work, OFETs based on TIPS-pentacene have been prepared by Drop-casting and Spin-coating. The best technique for deposition of this organic semiconductor has been initially identified. Then, the electrical characteristics of these OFETs have been determined. The electrical characterization of these organic transistors is essential for their optimization as chemical sensors. However, the unique properties of organic semiconductors render difficult the electrical characterization of these transistors with current commercial devices, since these have been all designed for characterizing Si-based transistors. A device which allows for systematic characterization of organic transistors has been designed therefore, using low-cost commercial components and a software that has been specifically developed for the determination of the reporting parameters for OFETs and OECTs, as specified in the IEEE 1620-2008 standard. / El trabajo desarrollado en los artículos ha sido posible gracias a los distintos proyectos de investigación de financiación pública dentro del marco de proyectos del Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia del Gobierno de España/Fondos FEDER (grant number MAT2015-64139-C4-3-R (MINECO/FEDER)) y Fondos de la Generalitat Valenciana (grant number AICO/2015/103). / Pérez Fuster, C. (2019). Diseño y caracterización de sensores para la medida de parámetros químicos y biológicos mediante Organic Thin-film transistors [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/118793 / Compendio

Oxydes sans plomb pour la détection de gaz : OSPÉGAZ / Lead-free oxides for gas detection : OSPÉGAZ

El Romh, Mohamad Ali 01 July 2016 (has links)
La détection de gaz, qui utilise aujourd'hui principalement des capteurs optiques, des capteurs électrochimiques à base de plomb et des capteurs catalytiques est un marché très porteur (estimé à 3 milliards d'euros) et doté d'une forte croissance (10% par an). La nécessité de développer de nouveaux systèmes d'instrumentation dédiés à la surveillance de la qualité de l'air intérieur et à la détection de substances dangereuses implique l'étude et le développement de nouveaux capteurs élaborés à partir de produits compatibles avec les enjeux environnementaux (RoHs, REACH), et économiques (matériaux à faible coût, techniques de réalisation fiables, durée de vie élevée). Le projet ANR OSPÉGAZ (Oxydes sans plomb pour la détection de gaz) vise à développer des systèmes d'instrumentations intégrés innovants dédiés à la caractérisation des différentes expositions environnementales en lien notamment avec les actions recommandées dans le cadre du PNSE2 pour les impacts sanitaires avérés. Le travail de thèse présenté dans ce manuscrit fait partie du projet OSPÉGAZ. L'objectif du travail a été, d'une part, de mettre au point un nouveau procédé d'élaboration d'encre au sein du laboratoire UDSMM pour l'élaboration et la caractérisation de films épais poreux, et d'autre part, de réaliser des capteurs de gaz à base de ces films. Nous avons choisi d'utiliser le matériau BaTiO₃, bien connu de la littérature, comme matériau de départ afin de mettre au point le procédé d'élaboration de couches épaisses. Par la suite, nous avons choisi le BaSrTiFeO₃ comme matériau sensible au gaz, et nous avons étudié deux compositions correspondant à deux taux de fer : Ba₀.₈₅Sr₀.₁₅Ti₀.₉Fe₀.₁O₃ (BSTF 10%) et Ba₀.₈₅Sr₀.₁₅Ti₀.₉₈Fe₀.₀₂O₃ (BSTF 2%). Ces matériaux ont été caractérisés dans une large gamme de fréquence (100 Hz à 1 MHz) et de température (25°C à 500°C). Les propriétés diélectriques en fonction de la fréquence et de la température ont été étudiées sur deux structures différentes d'électrodes : capacité parallèle (MIM) et capacité interdigitée (CID). Enfin, des démonstrateurs de capteurs de gas basés sur le principe des capteurs semi-conducteurs, ont été réalisés à partir de films épais poreux (BT, BST, BSFT 10% et 2%). Ces démonstrateurs ont été testés dans les locaux de la société SIMTRONICS sous différents gaz comme le monoxyde de carbone CO (200ppm), le sulfure d'hydrogène H₂S (50ppm) et le dioxyde de soufre SO₂ (20ppm) à 400°C et 450°C. Sous H₂S (50ppm), ils ont montré une plus grande sensibilité relative du BSTF (10%) (55.4%) par rapport au BSTF (2%) (48%) à 450°C. La bonne sensibilité relative et la réponse dynamique très intéressante montrent que le matériau BSTF dispose d'un potentiel très intéressant pour la détection de gaz. L'optimisation de la géométrie des capteurs, du taux de fer et de la température de fonctionnement devrait nous permettre d'améliorer les performances de nos démonstrateurs. / Today gas detection, which now mainly uses optical sensors, electrochemical sensors based on lead, and catalytic sensors, is a very promising market (estimated at 3 billion euros) with a strong growth (10% per year). The need for new instrumentation systems dedicated to the monitoring of the air quality and to the detection of hazardous substances, requires the study and development of new sensors compatible with the European environmental standards : Restriction of the use of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) ; Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals (REACh). The OSPÉGAZ project aims to develop innovative integrated instrumentations systems for the characterization of different environmental exposures linked to the actions recommended by the PNSE2 for proven health impacts. Our research project aims to develop innovating and cost-effective gas sensors containing lead-free oxides and dedicated to the detection of flammable gases and protection against toxic risks. The works of the thesis presented in this manuscript is a part of this project. The objectives were, firstly, to develop a new process for ink preparation in UDSMM laboratory, for the elaboration, electrical and physicochemical characterizations, of thick porous film, and secondly to make gas sensors based on these films. We chose to use the BaTiO3 (well-known material in literature) material as a first material in order to develop the process of thick film elaboration. After that, we chose the BaSrTiFeO₃ as gas-sensitive material, and we studied two compositions of Ba₁₋ ₓ Sr ₓ Ti₁₋yFeyO₃ with two different concentrations or iron : Ba₀.₈₅Sr₀.₁₅Ti₀.₉Fe₀.₁O₃ (BSTF 10%) and Ba₀.₈₅Sr₀.₁₅Ti₀.₉₈Fe₀.₀₂O₃ (BSTF 2%). Electrical characterizations were made in a wide range of frequency (100 HZ to 1 MHz) and temperature (25° C to 500° C). The dielectric properties as a function of temperature and frequency were studied using two different structures of capacitance : metal-insulator-metal (MIM) and interdigital electrodes (CID). Finally we have developed semi-conductor gas sensors based on BT, BST and BSTF (10% ; 2%) thick films. All our sensors were tested under different gases such as carbon monoxide CO (200ppm), hydrogen sulphide H₂S (50ppm) and sulfur dioxide SO₂ (20ppm), at various temperature, in the laboratory of SIMTRONICS SAS. We have measured the greatest relative sensitivity under H₂S (50ppm) gas ; 55.4% and 48% respectively for BSTF (10%) and BSTF (2%), at 450°C. Good relative sensitivity and very interesting dynamic responsesof BSTF show that the material has a great potential for the detection of gas. The optimization of the sensor geometry, iron rate and operating temperature should allow us to improve the performance of our demonstrators.

Screen and stencil print technologies for industrial N-type silicon solar cells

Edwards, Matthew Bruce, ARC Centre of Excellence in Advanced Silicon Photovoltaics & Photonics, Faculty of Engineering, UNSW January 2008 (has links)
To ensure that photovoltaics contributes significantly to future world energy production, the cost per watt of producing solar cells needs to be drastically reduced. The use of n-type silicon wafers in conjunction with industrial print technology has the potential to lower the cost per watt of solar cells. The use of n-type silicon is expected to allow the use of cheaper Cz substrates, without a corresponding loss in device efficiency. Printed metallisation is well utilised by the PV industry due to its low cost, yet there are few examples of its application to n-type solar cells. This thesis explores the use of n-type Cz silicon with printed metallisation and diffusion from printed sources in creating industrially applicable solar cell structures. The thesis begins with an overview of existing n-type solar cell structures, previous printed thick film metallisation research and previous research into printed dopant sources. A study of printed thick-film metallisation for n-type solar cells is then presented, which details the fabrication of boron doped p-type emitters followed by a survey of thick film Ag, Al, and Ag/Al inks for making contact to a p-emitter layer. Drawbacks of the various inks include high contact resistance, low metal conductivity or both. A cofire regime for front and rear contacts is established and an optimal emitter selected. A study of printed dopant pastes is presented, with an objective to achieve selective, heavily doped regions under metal contacts without significantly compromising minority carrier lifetime in solar cells. It is found that heavily doped regions are achievable with both boron and phosphorus, but that only phosphorus paste was capable of post-processing lifetime compatible with good efficiencies. The effect of belt furnace processing on n-type silicon wafers is explored, with large losses in implied voltage observed due to contamination of Si wafers from transition metals present in the belt furnace. Due to exposure to chromium in the belt furnace, no significant advantage in using n-type wafers instead of p-type is observed during the belt furnace processing step. Finally, working solar cells with efficiencies up to 16.1% are fabricated utilising knowledge acquired in the earlier chapters. The solar cells are characterised using several new photoluminescence techniques, including photoluminescence with current extraction to measure the quality of metal contacts. The work in this thesis indicates that n-type printed silicon solar cell technology shows potential for good performance at low cost.

Screen and stencil print technologies for industrial N-type silicon solar cells

Edwards, Matthew Bruce, ARC Centre of Excellence in Advanced Silicon Photovoltaics & Photonics, Faculty of Engineering, UNSW January 2008 (has links)
To ensure that photovoltaics contributes significantly to future world energy production, the cost per watt of producing solar cells needs to be drastically reduced. The use of n-type silicon wafers in conjunction with industrial print technology has the potential to lower the cost per watt of solar cells. The use of n-type silicon is expected to allow the use of cheaper Cz substrates, without a corresponding loss in device efficiency. Printed metallisation is well utilised by the PV industry due to its low cost, yet there are few examples of its application to n-type solar cells. This thesis explores the use of n-type Cz silicon with printed metallisation and diffusion from printed sources in creating industrially applicable solar cell structures. The thesis begins with an overview of existing n-type solar cell structures, previous printed thick film metallisation research and previous research into printed dopant sources. A study of printed thick-film metallisation for n-type solar cells is then presented, which details the fabrication of boron doped p-type emitters followed by a survey of thick film Ag, Al, and Ag/Al inks for making contact to a p-emitter layer. Drawbacks of the various inks include high contact resistance, low metal conductivity or both. A cofire regime for front and rear contacts is established and an optimal emitter selected. A study of printed dopant pastes is presented, with an objective to achieve selective, heavily doped regions under metal contacts without significantly compromising minority carrier lifetime in solar cells. It is found that heavily doped regions are achievable with both boron and phosphorus, but that only phosphorus paste was capable of post-processing lifetime compatible with good efficiencies. The effect of belt furnace processing on n-type silicon wafers is explored, with large losses in implied voltage observed due to contamination of Si wafers from transition metals present in the belt furnace. Due to exposure to chromium in the belt furnace, no significant advantage in using n-type wafers instead of p-type is observed during the belt furnace processing step. Finally, working solar cells with efficiencies up to 16.1% are fabricated utilising knowledge acquired in the earlier chapters. The solar cells are characterised using several new photoluminescence techniques, including photoluminescence with current extraction to measure the quality of metal contacts. The work in this thesis indicates that n-type printed silicon solar cell technology shows potential for good performance at low cost.

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