Spelling suggestions: "subject:"eea ice."" "subject:"aiea ice.""
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Unsupervised Change Detection Using Multi-Temporal SAR Data : A Case Study of Arctic Sea Ice / Oövervakad förändringsdetektion med multitemporell SAR data : En fallstudie över arktisk havsisFröjse, Linda January 2014 (has links)
The extent of Arctic sea ice has decreased over the years and the importance of sea ice monitoring is expected to increase. Remote sensing change detection compares images acquired over the same geographic area at different times in order to identify changes that might have occurred in the area of interest. Change detection methods have been developed for cryospheric topics. The Kittler-Illingworth thresholding algorithm has proven to be an effective change detection tool, but has not been used for sea ice. Here it is applied to Arctic sea ice data. The objective is to investigate the unsupervised detection of changes in Arctic sea ice using multi-temporal SAR images. The well-known Kittler-Illingworth algorithm is tested using two density function models, i.e., the generalized Gaussian and the log-normal model. The difference image is obtained using the modified ratio operator. The histogram of the change image, which approximates its probability distribution, is considered to be a combination of two classes, i.e., the changed and unchanged classes. Histogram fitting techniques are used to estimate the unknown density functions and the prior probabilities. The optimum threshold is selected using a criterion function directly related to classification error. In this thesis three datasets were used covering parts of the Beaufort Sea from the years 1992, 2002, 2007 and 2009. The SAR and ASAR C-band data came from satellites ERS and ENVISAT respectively. All three were interpreted visually. For all three datasets, the generalized Gaussian detected a lot of change, whereas the log-normal detected less. Only one small subset of a dataset was validated against reference data. The log-normal distribution then obtained 0% false alarm rate through all trials. The generalized Gaussian obtained false alarm rates around 4% for most of the trials. The generalized Gaussian achieved detection accuracies around 95%, whereas the log-normal achieved detection accuracies around 70%. The overall accuracies for the generalized Gaussian were about 95% in most trials. The log-normal achieved overall accuracies at around 85%. The KHAT for the generalized Gaussian was in the range of 0.66-0.93. The KHAT for log-normal was in the range of 0.68-0.77. Using one additional speckle filter iteration increased the accuracy for the log-normal distribution. Generally, the detection of positive change has been accomplished with higher level of accuracy compared with negative change detection. A visual inspection shows that the generalized Gaussian distribution probably over-estimates the change. The log-normal distribution consistently detects less change than the generalized Gaussian. Lack of validation data made validation of the results difficult. The performed validation might not be reliable since the available validation data was only SAR imagery and differentiating change and no-change is difficult in the area. Further due to the lack of reference data it could not be decided, with certainty, which distribution performed the best. / Ytan av arktisk havsis har minskat genom åren och vikten av havsisövervakning förväntas öka. Förändrigsdetection jämför bilder från samma geografiska område från olika tidpunkter föra att identifiera förändringar som kan ha skett i intresseområdet. Förändringsdekteringsmetoder har utvecklats för kryosfäriska ämnen. Tröskelvärdesbestämning med Kittler-Illingworth algoritmen har visats sig vara ett effektivt verktyg för förändringsdetektion, men har inte änvänts på havsis. Här appliceras algoritmen på arktisk havsis. Målet är att undersökra oövervakad förändringsdetektion i arktisk havsis med multitemporella SAR bilder. Den välkända Kittler-Illingworth algoritmen testas med två täthetsfunktioner, nämligen generaliserad normaldistribution och log-normal distributionen. Differensbilden erhålls genom den modifierad ratio-operator. Histogrammet från förändringsbilden skattar dess täthetsfunktion, vilken anses vara en kombination av två klasser, förändring- och ickeförändringsklasser. Histogrampassningstekniker används för att uppskatta de okända täthetsfunktionerna och a priori sannolikheterna. Det optimala tröskelvärdet väljs genom en kriterionfunktion som är direkt relaterad till klassifikationsfel. I detta examensarbete användes tre dataset som täcker delar av Beaufort-havet från åren 1992, 2002, 2007 och 2009. SAR C-band data kom från satelliten ERS och ASAR C-band data kom från satelliten ENVISAT. Alla tre tolkades visuellt och för alla tre detekterade generaliserad normaldistribution mycket mer förändring än lognormal distributionen. Bara en mindre del av ett dataset validerades mot referensdata. Lognormal distributionen erhöll då 0% falska alarm i alla försök. Generalised normaldistributionen erhöll runt 4% falska alarm i de flesta försöken. Generaliserad normaldistributionen nådde detekteringsnoggrannhet runt 95% medan lognormal distributionen nådde runt 70%. Generell noggrannheten för generaliserad normaldistributionen var runt 95% i flesta försöken. För lognormal distributionen nåddes en generell noggrannhet runt 85%. KHAT koefficienten för generaliserad normaldistributionen var i intervallet 0.66-0.93. För lognormal distributionen var den i intervallet 0.68-0.77. Med en extra speckle-filtrering ökades nogranneheten för lognormal distributionen. Generellt sett, detekterades positiv förändring med högre nivå av noggrannhet än negativ förändring. Visuell inspektion visar att generaliserad normaldistribution troligen överskattar förändringen. Lognormal distributionen detekterar konsistent mindre förändring än generaliserad normaldistributionen. Bristen på referensdata gjorde valideringen av resultaten svårt. Den utförda valideringen är kanske inte så trovärdig, eftersom den tillgänliga referensdatan var bara SAR bilder och att särskilja förändring och ickeförändring är svårt i området. Vidare, på grund av bristen på referensdata, kunde det inte bestämmas med säkerhet vilken distribution som var bäst.
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Methane Sulphonic Acid in East Antarctic Coastal Firn and Ice Cores and Its Relationship with Chlorophyll-a and Sea Ice Extent in the Southern Ocean / Metansulfonsyra i kustnära firn- och iskärnor från Östra Antarktis, och dess förhållande till klorofyll-a och havsisutbredning i Antarktiska OceanenNilsson, Emma January 2022 (has links)
The seasonal retreat of sea ice in the austral spring and summer around Antarctica has a significant effect on phytoplankton activity, mainly due to light availability, meltwater input of dissolved iron, and surface water stratification. Phytoplankton produce dimethylsulfoniopropionate, the precursor to the climate-cooling gas dimethyl sulphide, which is ventilated to the atmosphere and oxidised to methane sulphonic acid (MSA). MSA is preserved in firn and ice cores from both the Arctic and Antarctica. Attempts to reconstruct sea ice conditions in different regions of Antarctica with the help of MSA records from ice cores have had varying success, highlighting the often-regional relationship between ice core MSA and sea ice. This study uses MSA records from three firn cores and one ice core drilled on Fimbul Ice Shelf in Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica, to investigate the relationship to satellite-derived sea ice extent (SIE) in five sectors of the Southern Ocean. Chlorophyll-a concentrations, serving as a measure of phytoplankton biomass, are correlated to the MSA records to further test the MSA – SIE relationship. The firn cores are named after the ice rise where they were drilled: Kupol Ciolkovskogo (KC), Kupol Moskovskij (KM), and Blåskimen Island (BI). The ice core is named S100. The results show that there is a significant, yet weak positive correlation between summer MSA in the KM core and winter SIE in the Weddell Sea Sector. There is also a significant, weak positive correlation between summer MSA in the BI core and summer chlorophyll-a concentrations in the Weddell Sea Sector. There are no significant correlations between MSA in the low-accumulation KC or S100 cores and SIE or chlorophyll-a concentrations. Furthermore, the two high-accumulation core sites in this study, BI and KM, do not display the same relationship between MSA and SIE or MSA and chlorophyll-a, which is likely due to very local wind patterns. Surface winds on Fimbul Ice Shelf are easterly or north-easterly which results in a more coastal influence at the KM site compared to the BI site, likely introducing the differences observed when comparing the two MSA records. More research aimed at evaluating the meteorological conditions that prevail at the core sites is needed to further assess the use of the MSA records from the high-accumulation ice rise cores BI and KM as proxies for SIE in the Weddell Sea region, but in their current state these MSA records are not suitable to use for sea ice reconstruction. / Havsisen kring Antarktis smälter årligen under vår- och sommarmånaderna, vilket har en betydande inverkan på fytoplankton eftersom isen reglerar tillgången till solljus, det viktiga näringsämnet järn samt vattenkolumnens stabilitet. Fytoplankton producerar ämnet dimetylsulfid som oxideras till metansulfonsyra (MSA) i atmosfären. MSA kan sedan transporteras till Antarktis där det avsätts och bevaras i snön. Genom att borra upp iskärnor kan man erhålla ett daterat MSA-arkiv, som i flera fall har använts för att försöka rekonstruera havsisens utbredning. Dessa försök har haft varierande framgång, vilket beror på att förhållandet mellan MSA och havsis ofta är regionalt betingat. I den här studien har MSA-arkiven från tre firnkärnor och en iskärna tagna från Fimbulisen i Dronning Maud Land, Östra Antarktis, använts för att undersöka förhållandet till havsisutbredning i Antarktiska Oceanen. Dessutom har klorofyll-a, ett sätt att mäta fytoplanktonens biomassa i havet, också korrelerats till MSA-arkiven för att ytterligare testa förhållandet mellan MSA och havsis. Firnkärnorna är döpta efter platsen de borrades på: Kupol Ciolkovskogo (KC), Kupol Moskovskij (KM) och Blåskimen Island (BI). Iskärnan kallas S100. Resultaten av korrelationsberäkningarna påvisar en signifikant men svagt positiv korrelation mellan sommar-MSA i KM-kärnan och havsisutbredning under vintern i Weddellhavet. Dessutom finns det en signifikant, svag korrelation mellan sommar-MSA i BI-kärnan och klorofyll-a under sommaren i Weddellhavet. Inga signifikanta korrelationer mellan MSA i KC- eller S100-kärnorna och havsis eller klorofyll-a kan påvisas. Det faktum att MSA-arkiven från BI- och KM-kärnorna inte uppvisar samma förhållande till havsisutbredning eller klorofyll-a kan förklaras av de lokala vind- och transportmönstren som är aktiva på olika delar av Fimbulisen. Marknära vindar är ostliga eller nordostliga i det här området vilket resulterar i ett högre inflytande av kustliga vindar vid KM jämfört med vid BI. Detta är förmodligen tillräckligt för att påverka MSA-arkiven att uppvisa olika korrelationsmönster till havsis och klorofyll-a. För att fortsatt utreda lämpligheten av MSA-arkiven från KM och BI för att rekonstruera havsisutbredning i Weddellhavet behövs mer forskning kring de specifika meteorologiska förhållanden som är aktiva på Fimbulisen.
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Mouvements de masse par solifluxion et dynamique syngénétique du pergélisol du Haut-ArctiqueVerpaelst, Manuel 04 1900 (has links)
Le Haut-Arctique est caractérisé par de nombreux phénomènes climatiques et géomorphologiques extrêmes. Les températures très froides, les faibles précipitations et la couverture végétale disparate permettent une pénétration en profondeur du froid dans le sol. Ceci, combiné à un grand nombre de cycles de gel et de dégel, donne naissance à différentes formes de surface qui affectent les dynamiques d’évolution du pergélisol et induisent une variabilité verticale et latérale de la distribution des teneurs en glace dans le sol. Ce mémoire porte sur l’influence d’un lobe de solifluxion de type rocheux sur les dynamiques d’évolution du pergélisol sur l’île Ward Hunt, Nunavut (Canada). En utilisant une approche cryostratigraphique, les objectifs sont de caractériser la cryostratigraphie d’un lobe de solifluxion, ce qui permettra de proposer un modèle d’évolution du pergélisol en lien avec le déplacement de matériel par solifluxion. L’analyse cryostratigraphique a révélé que la formation du lobe de solifluxion a mené au développement syngénétique d’une couche de pergélisol avec une teneur en glace variant en fonction de la morphologie du lobe, et à l’enfouissement et la préservation d’un corps de glace massive préexistant en bas de pente. La succession verticale et latérale des cryofaciès fait état du déplacement du lobe et de l’impact que ce dernier a sur la variabilité spatiale et temporelle du pergélisol, et ce, tant sur les aspects d’aggradation liés à l’accumulation de matériel en surface que sur les aspects de dégradation associés aux réchauffements climatiques actuels. / The high Arctic is characterized by many extreme climatic and geomorphologic phenomena. Very cold temperatures, low precipitation and sparse vegetation cover, permit a deep penetration of cold in the soil. The latter, combined with a great number of freeze-thaw cycles, give rise to different surface features which in turn affect permafrost evolution dynamics and induce a vertical and lateral variability of the ice content distributions in the soil. This thesis focusses on the influence of a stone-banked solifluction lobe on permafrost evolution dynamics on Ward Hunt Island, Nunvut (Canada). By using a cryostratigraphic approach, the objectives are first, to characterize the cryostratigraphy of a solifluction lobe and second, to propose an evolution model of permafrost in reaction to the downslope displacement of material by solifluction. The cryostratigraphic analysis revealed that the solifluction lobes formation lead to the development of a syngenetic layer of permafrost with an ice content that varied according to the morphology of the lobe, and to the burial and preservation of a pre-existing body of massive ice at the base of the slope. The vertical and lateral sequence of the cryofacies presents the displacement of the lobe and its impact on spatial and temporal variability of the permafrost, that being, the aspects of aggradation related to the accumulation of material at the surface as well as degradation due to the actual climatic warming.
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Interação trópicos-extratrópicos, relações com o oceano Austral e impactos no gelo marinho antártico / TROPICAL-EXTRATROPICAL INTERATION, RELATIONSHIP WITH AUSTRAL OCEAN AND IMPACTS ON ANTARCTIC SEA ICELima, Fabio Ullmann Furtado de 23 August 2012 (has links)
Trabalhos prévios mostram que a variabilidade do gelo marinho antártico em diversas escalas temporais está intimamente relacionada a mecanismos de teleconexões trópicos-extratrópicos. Com base nesta hipótese, este trabalho pretende estabelecer a resposta da passagem dos trens de ondas em latitudes médias, associados a fenômenos de escala intrasazonal (20-100 dias) como a Oscilação de Madden-Julian (Madden-Julian Oscillation ou MJO), nas camadas superiores do Oceano Austral (OA) e impactos no gelo marinho antártico. O período investigado neste estudo é 19892007, com ênfase no inverno e sobre o mar de Ross, localizado no setor Pacífico austral (região diretamente afetada pela passagem dos trens de ondas de latitudes médias). Composições com defasagens (lag composites) de anomalias intrasazonais da tensão de cisalhamento do vento (zonal e meridional) mostram que correntes oceânicas são geradas em resposta a essa forçante atmosférica sobre o oceano no setor Pacífico austral. O transporte zonal e meridional de massa na camada de Ekman oceânica indica que divergência de massa nessa camada precede os eventos extremos intrasazonais de retração do gelo marinho em Ross (EIR). Em contraste, convergência precede períodos de eventos extremos intrasazonais de expansão do gelo marinho em Ross (EIE). A divergência (convergência) de massa na camada de Ekman associada com anomalias intrasazonais do bombeamento de Ekman resulta em ressurgência (subsidência) que precede a ocorrência de EIR (EIE). Alguns trabalhos mostram que águas intermediárias antárticas, que são relativamente mais quentes no inverno em relação às águas superficiais que estão próximas ao ponto de congelamento (ou congeladas), são dirigidas para a superfície do oceano pelo bombeamento de Ekman e ocasionam o derretimento do gelo marinho. Anomalias do transporte meridional de calor na camada de Ekman oceânica mostram que durante os EIR (EIE), calor é transportado para dentro (fora) do mar de Ross entre 15 e 8 dias (12 e 8 dias) precedentes aos EIR (EIE). Anomalias intrasazonais do fluxo de calor na interface ar-mar mostram que precedendo o dia de observação dos EIR (EIE) o fluxo de calor é direcionado da atmosfera para o oceano (do oceano para a atmosfera), sendo essa configuração associada a um ganho (perda) de calor no oceano superior em Ross. Em todas as composições, observa-se a mudança de fase das anomalias nos dias posteriores (lags positivos) ao dia dos EIG e são consistentes com a propagação do modo conhecido como Pacific-South-American (PSA), identificado nesse trabalho por meio de anomalias intrasazonais da altura geopotencial em 200 hPa. Além disso, uma diferença notada em alguns casos nas lag-composities é que em períodos de MJO ativa, as anomalias parecem estar mais deslocadas para o sul do que em períodos de MJO inativa. Em períodos de MJO inativa foram observados 15 (13) eventos de EIR (EIE), enquanto que, em períodos de MJO ativa observou-se 25 (24) eventos de EIR (EIE). Observa-se ainda que há uma maior quantidade de ciclones quando a MJO está presente. Por exemplo, o número de ciclones com duração a partir de 12 horas para períodos sem MJO foi igual a 146 para os EIR e 130 para os EIE. Já o número de ciclones para períodos com MJO foi igual a 311 para os EIR e 278 para os EIE. Com isso, observa-se claramente o papel da MJO na circulação de latitudes média e possíveis associações com o gelo marinho, pois é sabido que a atividade ciclônica está relacionada à advecção de massas de ar sobre o gelo marinho, além da advecção do próprio gelo marinho. Para investigar em detalhes a interação oceano-atmosfera-gelo marinho foram examinados casos persistentes de EIR e EIE. Os casos mais persistentes de EIR (EIE) tiveram durações de 34 e 30 (26 e 25) dias, sendo esses os casos analisados. Mostra-se que as anomalias intrasazonais da circulação atmosférica em baixos níveis (em 850 hPa) estão associadas a advecções quentes (frias) na proporção de aproximadamente 0,5 1 (0,1 1) m.s-1 em períodos precedentes aos EIR (EIE). No geral, anomalias em latitudes médias da circulação atmosférica ciclônicas (anti-ciclônicas) e divergência (convergência) das correntes oceânicas superficiais aparecem relacionadas à ressurgência (subsidência) da ordem de 0,1 0,3 m2.s-1 em algumas pêntadas anteriores a pêntada que corresponde ao início dos supercasos de EIR (EIE). Os padrões mudam de fase com o tempo, o que sugere a propagação de um padrão de onda em escala intrasazonal. Estas anomalias mostram-se abrangendo dimensões espaciais que compreendem grande parte do setor Pacífico austral, incluindo o mar de Ross. Impactos associados a estas anomalias podem ser verificados diretamente no mar de Ross através das análises da concentração do gelo marinho em Ross. Anomalias intrasazonais negativas (positivas) da concentração do gelo marinho predominam sobre o campo do gelo marinho do mar de Ross nas primeiras pêntadas a partir daquela que indica o início dos casos persistentes de EIR (EIE). Durante os períodos de EIR, as anomalias intrasazonais negativas da concentração do gelo mostram-se da ordem de aproximadamente 5% a 10% no interior do mar de Ross e entre 15% a 30% nas bordas do gelo marinho de Ross. Já durante os períodos de EIE, as anomalias intrasazonais positivas da concentração do gelo marinho em Ross mostram-se da ordem de 10% a 30% nas bordas do gelo marinho do mar de Ross. Esse resultado mostra que a resposta do gelo marinho aos padrões atmosféricos e oceânicos em escala intrasazonal possui uma defasagem entre 5 e 1 pêntada(s). No geral, este trabalho cumpriu o objetivo de verificar as respostas do oceano às anomalias da circulação atmosférica e impactos associados no gelo marinho, em escala intrasazonal. / Previous works show that antarctic sea ice variability on several time-scales is close related to tropics-extratropics teleconections mechanisms. Based on this hyphotesis, this work intend to verify the responses in oceanic upper layers of Austral Ocean on intraseasonal time-scale (20-100 days) phenomenom and impacts on sea ice due to anomalous atmospheric circulation associated to the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO). The period analysed in this study is from 1989 to 2007, with emphasis on winter season and on Ross Sea (located at austral Pacific sector). Lag composities of zonal and meridional intraseasonal wind stress anomalies show that oceanic currents are generated as a response of these atmospheric forcings on austral Pacific sector. Zonal and meridional mass transport on oceanic Ekman layer, which are perpendicular and to the left of wind stress at Southern Hemisphere (SH), indicate that Ekman mass divergence precedes intraseasonal Ross sea ice extreme retraction (EIR). In contrast, convergence precedes the periods of extreme intraseasonal Ross sea ice expantion (EIE). Divergence (convergence) on oceanic Ekman layer associated to intraseasonal Ekman pumping anomalies results in upwelling (downwelling) wich precedes the occurrence of EIR (EIE). Some works have already shown that intermediate antarctic waters, wich are relatively warmer in the wintertime when compared to superficial waters that are next to the freezing point (or freezed), are headed to ocean surface due to Ekman pumping, generating sea ice melt. Intraseasonal anomalies of sea-air heat flux show that days before EIR (EIE) occurrences, the flux is headed from atmosphere to the ocean (from ocean to the atmosphere), which configuration is associated to the earn (loss) of heat at Ross upper ocean. In all compositions, the change of anomalies phase on the days before EI occurrence (positive lags) is clearly noticed and is consistent to the propagations of the mode known as Pacific South American (PSA), revealed in intraseasonal anomalies of geopotencial height at 200 hPa. Furthermore, in some cases (as in the case of Ekman pumping and Sverdrup transport) the anomalies seem to be deplaced southward in active MJO periods than in inactive MJO periods. In inactive MJO periods were observed 15 (13) EIR (EIE) events, while in active MJO periods were observed 25 (24) EIR (EIE) events. Furthermore, the number of cyclones during EIR periods was bigger than during EIE periods. In addiction, more cyclones were observed when MJO is active. For example, the number of cyclones with duration of 6 (12) hours without MJO was equal to 174 (146) during EIR events and 169 (130) during EIE events. However, the number of cyclones with active MJO was equal to 393 (311) in EIR events and 364 (278) in EIE events. In order to investigate in details the interaction between ocean-atmosphere-sea ice, it was examinated persistents cases of EIR and EIE events. The cases more persistents of EIR (EIE) events had durations of 34 and 30 (26 and 25) days, which were the analised cases. It was observed that intraseasonal anomalies of atmospheric circulation at lower levels (in 850 hPa) and intraseasonal anomalies of superficial ocean currents were associates to hot (cold) advection during periods before EIR (EIR) events. In general, the medium latitude cyclonic (anticyclonic) anomalies of atmospheric circulation and divergence (convergence) of superficial ocean currents seem to be linked to upwelling (downwelling) in some pentads before the pentad which is correspondent to the beggining of EIR (EIE) supercases. The patterns observed change their phases along the time, suggesting the propagation of extratropical intraseasonal wave train pattern. Negatives (positives) intraseasonal anomalies of sea ice concentration were observed above Ross Sea in the first pentads after the beggining of EIR (EIE) persistents cases. This result shows that sea ice response to atmospheric and to oceanic patterns on intraseasonal time-scales has a lag between 5 and 1 pentad(s). In general, this work contributed to better understand the oceanic responses due to anomalies in atmospheric circulation and related impacts on sea ice, on intraseasonal time-scale.
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Réponse des masses d'eau intermédiaires et modales de l'océan Austral au mode annulaire austral : les processus en jeu et rôle de la glace de mer / Antarctic Intermediate and Subantarctic Mode waters response to the Southern Annular Mode : processes involved and the sea-ice roleMainsant, Gildas 28 November 2014 (has links)
Les tendances climatiques récentes montrent un réchauffement et un adoucissement des couches de surface dans la région du courant circumpolaire antarctique (ACC).Sur la même période, les vents d'ouest pilotant la circulation de l'océan Austral ont significativement augmentés. Cette augmentation est en partie liée à l'intensification du mode annulaire austral (SAM), principal mode de variabilité atmosphérique au sud de 20°S. Dans cette thèse, on s'intéresse à comprendre les effets de la tendance positive du SAM sur les propriétés des masses d'eau formées dans la région de l'ACC.A cette fin, on met en place une stratégie de simulations régionales couplées océan-glace de mer et forcées par une série de scénarios atmosphériques perturbés. Les scénarios atmosphériques sont construits à partir de réanalyses atmosphériques afin de décrire les différentes composantes (dynamiques et thermodynamiques) des changements liés au SAM.En réponse à l'intensification du SAM, les simulations montrent une forte salinisation de la couche de mélange océanique ainsi que des eaux modales (SAMW) et intermédiaires (AAIW).L'essentiel de ces changements peut être attribué aux composantes dynamiques du SAM. Dans les régions saisonnières englacées, les composantes thermodynamiques du SAM peuvent jouer un rôle important (en particulier en mer d'Amundsen et en mer de Weddell). Les simulations montrent également le rôle clef joué par la glacede mer dans la médiation des changements atmosphériques vers l'océan intérieur. Ces résultats de simulations suggèrent que le SAM ne serait pas le seul pilote des tendances climatiques récentes dans l'océan Austral. / Recent climate trends show a warming and freshening of the surface layers in the region of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC). Over the same period, the westerlies driving the circulation of the Southern Ocean have significantly increased. This increase is partly due to the intensification of the Southern Annular Mode (SAM), the main mode of atmospheric variability south of 20°S. In this thesis, we are interested in understanding the effects of the positive trend of the SAM onto the properties of water masses formed in the region of the ACC. To do so, we implement a strategy of regional coupled ocean-sea ice simulations forced by a series of atmospheric disturbance scenarios.These scenarios are constructed from atmospheric reanalyses in order to describe the various components (dynamic and thermodynamic) of the changes related to the SAM. In response to the increase of the SAM, the simulations show a significant salinification of the ocean mixed layer and of the mode water (SAMW) and intermediate water (AAIW).Most of these changes can be attributed to the dynamic components of the SAM. In Seasonal Ice Zone, the thermodynamic components of the SAM can play an important part (especially in Amundsen Sea and Weddell Sea). The simulations also show the key role played by sea ice in mediating atmospheric changes toward the interior ocean.These simulation results suggest that SAM is not the only driver of recent climate trends in the Southern Ocean.
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Interação trópicos-extratrópicos, relações com o oceano Austral e impactos no gelo marinho antártico / TROPICAL-EXTRATROPICAL INTERATION, RELATIONSHIP WITH AUSTRAL OCEAN AND IMPACTS ON ANTARCTIC SEA ICEFabio Ullmann Furtado de Lima 23 August 2012 (has links)
Trabalhos prévios mostram que a variabilidade do gelo marinho antártico em diversas escalas temporais está intimamente relacionada a mecanismos de teleconexões trópicos-extratrópicos. Com base nesta hipótese, este trabalho pretende estabelecer a resposta da passagem dos trens de ondas em latitudes médias, associados a fenômenos de escala intrasazonal (20-100 dias) como a Oscilação de Madden-Julian (Madden-Julian Oscillation ou MJO), nas camadas superiores do Oceano Austral (OA) e impactos no gelo marinho antártico. O período investigado neste estudo é 19892007, com ênfase no inverno e sobre o mar de Ross, localizado no setor Pacífico austral (região diretamente afetada pela passagem dos trens de ondas de latitudes médias). Composições com defasagens (lag composites) de anomalias intrasazonais da tensão de cisalhamento do vento (zonal e meridional) mostram que correntes oceânicas são geradas em resposta a essa forçante atmosférica sobre o oceano no setor Pacífico austral. O transporte zonal e meridional de massa na camada de Ekman oceânica indica que divergência de massa nessa camada precede os eventos extremos intrasazonais de retração do gelo marinho em Ross (EIR). Em contraste, convergência precede períodos de eventos extremos intrasazonais de expansão do gelo marinho em Ross (EIE). A divergência (convergência) de massa na camada de Ekman associada com anomalias intrasazonais do bombeamento de Ekman resulta em ressurgência (subsidência) que precede a ocorrência de EIR (EIE). Alguns trabalhos mostram que águas intermediárias antárticas, que são relativamente mais quentes no inverno em relação às águas superficiais que estão próximas ao ponto de congelamento (ou congeladas), são dirigidas para a superfície do oceano pelo bombeamento de Ekman e ocasionam o derretimento do gelo marinho. Anomalias do transporte meridional de calor na camada de Ekman oceânica mostram que durante os EIR (EIE), calor é transportado para dentro (fora) do mar de Ross entre 15 e 8 dias (12 e 8 dias) precedentes aos EIR (EIE). Anomalias intrasazonais do fluxo de calor na interface ar-mar mostram que precedendo o dia de observação dos EIR (EIE) o fluxo de calor é direcionado da atmosfera para o oceano (do oceano para a atmosfera), sendo essa configuração associada a um ganho (perda) de calor no oceano superior em Ross. Em todas as composições, observa-se a mudança de fase das anomalias nos dias posteriores (lags positivos) ao dia dos EIG e são consistentes com a propagação do modo conhecido como Pacific-South-American (PSA), identificado nesse trabalho por meio de anomalias intrasazonais da altura geopotencial em 200 hPa. Além disso, uma diferença notada em alguns casos nas lag-composities é que em períodos de MJO ativa, as anomalias parecem estar mais deslocadas para o sul do que em períodos de MJO inativa. Em períodos de MJO inativa foram observados 15 (13) eventos de EIR (EIE), enquanto que, em períodos de MJO ativa observou-se 25 (24) eventos de EIR (EIE). Observa-se ainda que há uma maior quantidade de ciclones quando a MJO está presente. Por exemplo, o número de ciclones com duração a partir de 12 horas para períodos sem MJO foi igual a 146 para os EIR e 130 para os EIE. Já o número de ciclones para períodos com MJO foi igual a 311 para os EIR e 278 para os EIE. Com isso, observa-se claramente o papel da MJO na circulação de latitudes média e possíveis associações com o gelo marinho, pois é sabido que a atividade ciclônica está relacionada à advecção de massas de ar sobre o gelo marinho, além da advecção do próprio gelo marinho. Para investigar em detalhes a interação oceano-atmosfera-gelo marinho foram examinados casos persistentes de EIR e EIE. Os casos mais persistentes de EIR (EIE) tiveram durações de 34 e 30 (26 e 25) dias, sendo esses os casos analisados. Mostra-se que as anomalias intrasazonais da circulação atmosférica em baixos níveis (em 850 hPa) estão associadas a advecções quentes (frias) na proporção de aproximadamente 0,5 1 (0,1 1) m.s-1 em períodos precedentes aos EIR (EIE). No geral, anomalias em latitudes médias da circulação atmosférica ciclônicas (anti-ciclônicas) e divergência (convergência) das correntes oceânicas superficiais aparecem relacionadas à ressurgência (subsidência) da ordem de 0,1 0,3 m2.s-1 em algumas pêntadas anteriores a pêntada que corresponde ao início dos supercasos de EIR (EIE). Os padrões mudam de fase com o tempo, o que sugere a propagação de um padrão de onda em escala intrasazonal. Estas anomalias mostram-se abrangendo dimensões espaciais que compreendem grande parte do setor Pacífico austral, incluindo o mar de Ross. Impactos associados a estas anomalias podem ser verificados diretamente no mar de Ross através das análises da concentração do gelo marinho em Ross. Anomalias intrasazonais negativas (positivas) da concentração do gelo marinho predominam sobre o campo do gelo marinho do mar de Ross nas primeiras pêntadas a partir daquela que indica o início dos casos persistentes de EIR (EIE). Durante os períodos de EIR, as anomalias intrasazonais negativas da concentração do gelo mostram-se da ordem de aproximadamente 5% a 10% no interior do mar de Ross e entre 15% a 30% nas bordas do gelo marinho de Ross. Já durante os períodos de EIE, as anomalias intrasazonais positivas da concentração do gelo marinho em Ross mostram-se da ordem de 10% a 30% nas bordas do gelo marinho do mar de Ross. Esse resultado mostra que a resposta do gelo marinho aos padrões atmosféricos e oceânicos em escala intrasazonal possui uma defasagem entre 5 e 1 pêntada(s). No geral, este trabalho cumpriu o objetivo de verificar as respostas do oceano às anomalias da circulação atmosférica e impactos associados no gelo marinho, em escala intrasazonal. / Previous works show that antarctic sea ice variability on several time-scales is close related to tropics-extratropics teleconections mechanisms. Based on this hyphotesis, this work intend to verify the responses in oceanic upper layers of Austral Ocean on intraseasonal time-scale (20-100 days) phenomenom and impacts on sea ice due to anomalous atmospheric circulation associated to the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO). The period analysed in this study is from 1989 to 2007, with emphasis on winter season and on Ross Sea (located at austral Pacific sector). Lag composities of zonal and meridional intraseasonal wind stress anomalies show that oceanic currents are generated as a response of these atmospheric forcings on austral Pacific sector. Zonal and meridional mass transport on oceanic Ekman layer, which are perpendicular and to the left of wind stress at Southern Hemisphere (SH), indicate that Ekman mass divergence precedes intraseasonal Ross sea ice extreme retraction (EIR). In contrast, convergence precedes the periods of extreme intraseasonal Ross sea ice expantion (EIE). Divergence (convergence) on oceanic Ekman layer associated to intraseasonal Ekman pumping anomalies results in upwelling (downwelling) wich precedes the occurrence of EIR (EIE). Some works have already shown that intermediate antarctic waters, wich are relatively warmer in the wintertime when compared to superficial waters that are next to the freezing point (or freezed), are headed to ocean surface due to Ekman pumping, generating sea ice melt. Intraseasonal anomalies of sea-air heat flux show that days before EIR (EIE) occurrences, the flux is headed from atmosphere to the ocean (from ocean to the atmosphere), which configuration is associated to the earn (loss) of heat at Ross upper ocean. In all compositions, the change of anomalies phase on the days before EI occurrence (positive lags) is clearly noticed and is consistent to the propagations of the mode known as Pacific South American (PSA), revealed in intraseasonal anomalies of geopotencial height at 200 hPa. Furthermore, in some cases (as in the case of Ekman pumping and Sverdrup transport) the anomalies seem to be deplaced southward in active MJO periods than in inactive MJO periods. In inactive MJO periods were observed 15 (13) EIR (EIE) events, while in active MJO periods were observed 25 (24) EIR (EIE) events. Furthermore, the number of cyclones during EIR periods was bigger than during EIE periods. In addiction, more cyclones were observed when MJO is active. For example, the number of cyclones with duration of 6 (12) hours without MJO was equal to 174 (146) during EIR events and 169 (130) during EIE events. However, the number of cyclones with active MJO was equal to 393 (311) in EIR events and 364 (278) in EIE events. In order to investigate in details the interaction between ocean-atmosphere-sea ice, it was examinated persistents cases of EIR and EIE events. The cases more persistents of EIR (EIE) events had durations of 34 and 30 (26 and 25) days, which were the analised cases. It was observed that intraseasonal anomalies of atmospheric circulation at lower levels (in 850 hPa) and intraseasonal anomalies of superficial ocean currents were associates to hot (cold) advection during periods before EIR (EIR) events. In general, the medium latitude cyclonic (anticyclonic) anomalies of atmospheric circulation and divergence (convergence) of superficial ocean currents seem to be linked to upwelling (downwelling) in some pentads before the pentad which is correspondent to the beggining of EIR (EIE) supercases. The patterns observed change their phases along the time, suggesting the propagation of extratropical intraseasonal wave train pattern. Negatives (positives) intraseasonal anomalies of sea ice concentration were observed above Ross Sea in the first pentads after the beggining of EIR (EIE) persistents cases. This result shows that sea ice response to atmospheric and to oceanic patterns on intraseasonal time-scales has a lag between 5 and 1 pentad(s). In general, this work contributed to better understand the oceanic responses due to anomalies in atmospheric circulation and related impacts on sea ice, on intraseasonal time-scale.
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Physical and biogeochemical controls on the DMS/P/O cycle in Antarctic sea ice / Contrôles physiques et biogéochimiques sur le cycle du DMS/P/O dans la glace de mer AntarctiqueBrabant, Frédéric 14 September 2012 (has links)
Il a récemment été démontré que la glace de mer antarctique pouvait jouer un rôle significatif dans la dynamique des gaz à effet climatique (dont le dimethylsulfure ou DMS) dans les régions polaires. Ce travail s’est d’abord attaché à la mise au point d’une méthode de mesure fiable du diméthylsulfoxyde (DMSO) dans la glace de mer, supprimant les interférences générées par la production de DMS au sein de l’échantillon en réponse au choc osmotique subi lors de la fonte de l’échantillon de glace. Une procédure de détermination séquentielle du DMS, par broyage à sec, puis du dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) et du DMSO sur le même échantillon de glace a été développée et utilisée à large échelle dans ce travail. Les données du présent travail ont été acquises dans le cadre de deux programmes d’observation intégrés menés sur la glace de mer antarctique à des saisons différentes mais avec une méthodologie commune :1) choix de sites d’étude homogènes afin de minimiser l’impact de la variabilité spatiale sur l’interprétation des résultats dans une optique d’évolution temporelle et 2) priorité à la caractérisation du cadre physico-chimique (texture, température, salinité, couvert de neige, susceptibilité au drainage des saumures,….) avant toute autre analyse. L’étude menée dans le cadre du programme ISPOL (nov.–dec. 2004) a permis d’observer que la stratification des saumures a un impact positif sur la conversion du DMSP en DMS au sein de la glace mais ralentit les flux de DMS et DMSP vers l’océan. Le couvert de glace est caractérisé à cette période de l’année par une perte nette de DMSP et génère des flux combiné de DMS et DMSP du même ordre de grandeur que les flux de DMS atmosphériques mesurés dans le cadre d’autres études. L’étude menée dans le cadre du programme SIMBA (sept.–oct. 2007) a permis de mettre en évidence l’importance du forçage atmosphérique sur le régime thermique et la dynamique du DMS/P/O dans la glace. Les communautés d’algues de surface produisent de fortes concentrations de DMS/P/O en réponse au stress thermique, osmotique et potentiellement radiatif durant les périodes de refroidissement et la mise en place d’un régime soutenu de drainage des saumures contribue à évacuer périodiquement les hautes concentrations de DMS/P/O produites dans la glace vers l’océan sous-jacent. Le couvert de glace affichant une production nette de DMS/P/O à cette période de l’année génère des flux combinés de DMS et DMSP plus de dix fois supérieurs à ceux observés pour la glace estivale. L’étude menée sur de la glace artificielle a permis de mettre en évidence l’impact des processus physico-chimiques sur la signature en gaz de la glace en croissance constituant un premier pas vers la modélisation des transports de gaz dans la glace de mer et leurs échanges au travers des interfaces glace-océan et glace-atmosphère. <p><p><p>SUMMARY - It has recently been demonstrated that Antarctic sea ice recently demonstrated plays a potentially significant role in the dynamics of climatically significant gases (amongst which dimethylsulphide or DMS) in Polar Regions. This research work has initially focused on the development of a reliable method for the determination of dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO) within sea ice, avoiding interferences generated by DMS production within the sample in response to the osmotic shock caused by melting. A sequential determination procedure of DMS, dimethlsulphoniopropionate (DMSP) and DMSO on the same ice sample has been developed and used on a large amount of samples in the present work. Data presented in this research project have been collected in the framework of two integrated sea ice observation programs focused on Antarctic sea ice at different seasons but following a common approach: 1) choice of homogeneous study sites to minimize the impact of spatial variability on the interpretation of the results in a time series perspective and 2) priority given to the characterization of the physicochemical framework (texture, temperature, salinity, snow cover, susceptibility to brine drainage,…) prior to any other study. The study conducted in the framework of the ISPOL experiment (Nov.–Dec. 2004) demonstrated that stratification of the brine inclusions network positively influenced the conversion of DMSP into DMS but decreased fluxes of DMS and DMSP towards the ocean. The ice cover at that time of the year is characterised by a net DMSP loss and generates combined DMS and DMSP fluxes whose values fall in the range of atmospheric DMS flux from sea ice measured in the frame of other studies. The study conducted in the framework of the SIMBA experiment (sept.–oct. 2007) emphasized the importance of atmospheric thermal forcing on the sea ice thermal regime and DMS/P/O dynamics. The surface community of algae produced elevated levels of DMS/P/O in response to thermal, osmotic and potentially radiative stress during periods of atmospheric cooling while the development of an intense brine drainage regime contributed to periodically release the elevated levels of DMS/P/O produced in the sea ice towards the underlying ocean. The ice cover exhibited at that time of the year a net production of DMS/P/O and produced combined DMS and DMSP fluxes more than ten times higher than those observed for summer sea ice. The study conducted on laboratory prepared growing sea ice emphasised the impact of physicochemical processes on the gas signature of growing sea ice and represents a first step towards modelling gas exchanges within sea ice and across its interfaces with the ocean and the atmosphere.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences agronomiques et ingénierie biologique / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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