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Měření ovality extrudovaného vlákna pomocí tří kamer / Ovality measurement of extruded fiber using three camerasLoučka, Pavel January 2019 (has links)
One of the important parameters observed during extruded fibre fabrication is its diameter. The diameter can be measured with a single scanning camera assuming that the fibre section has a circular shape. As proved in practice, another important parameter is ovality, that is the rate of fibre flattening. This paper assumes that the fibre section shape is elliptical. In such a case, at least three different views on examined fibre are needed. Mathematical part of this paper is concerned with analytical description of fibre ovality measurement using two different approaches based on the knowledge of linear algebra, projective geometry and conic sections theory. Main goal of this paper is thus to use both mathematical theory and image analysis methods for ovality and diameter determination. Precise calcluation of such quantities is, however, conditioned on precise camera system calibration, which is described in the paper as well. Additionally, the work contains a brief mention of technical realization of ovality measurement and its possible difficulties.
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Most na silnici I/38 / Bridge on I/38 road.Novotný, Tomáš January 2020 (has links)
The final thesis is focused on design of valley bridging on I/38 road at the Havlickuv Brod bypass. The thesis contains study of the bridging area. For detailed assessment was chosen, from three variants, a two-beam cross-section girder of 4 spans. Load-bearing structure is designed as cast-in-place, post-tensioned, concreted at fixed falsework without phased construction. The serviceability limit state and the ultimate limit state were assessed. The thesis contains, apart from structural design, drawings and visualizations of the bridge.
1473 |
Polyfunkční dům, Brumov - Bylnice / Multifunctional building, Brumov - BylniceSkřek, Daniel January 2020 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis is the design of a multifunctional building, which consists of parking lots, store section, office as well as dwelling units. Multifunctional building has four above-ground floors, full basement and a flat roof. During processing, emphasis was placed on layout solutions to be designed according to legislation and standards. In the basement there are parking lots, the ground flood is used as a store section, the first floor consists of office units designed for start-up companies. The third and fourth floor consists dwelling units from one-bedroom to three-bedroom apartments. The building has a concrete frame structure combined with a masonry system from Porotherm ceramic pieces. Horizontal load bearing system is designed of two way reinforced concrete slabs. Walls bellow the ground level are made from core-filled reinforced concrete blocks. The building is supported by the spread footing concrete system. Multifunctional building is situated in flat terrain in the city of Brumov-Bylnice.
1474 |
Most přes řeku Jevišovku / Bridge over the Jevišovka riverČípek, Luboš January 2019 (has links)
This thesis focuses on design and assessment of load-bearing construction of a bridge over Jevišovka river at road I/53 near Lechovice. The bridge was designed as a trapezoidal cross-section slab. This solution was chosen from three sketch eventualities. The work includes an implementing engineering report, construction process report and report about static-analysis, the attachments include the sketch, vizualization, drawings, component drawing, construction process and the static-analysis of this structure. Computing of internal forces was performed by computational software Scia Engineer 17.
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Příprava experimentálního měření aerodynamických charakteristik na zmenšeném modelu automobilu v aerodynamickém tunelu / Wind tunnel experiment of scaled car model preparationZedník, Roman January 2020 (has links)
This master thesis focuses on designing of an external six-component balance. This universal concept would provide access of results from different models of wings, aircraft and automobiles with relatively small scales. This work also includes theoretical background needed in aerodynamic testing, analysis of 1D beam element model of scale and explanation of components used in scale. Lastly methods of calibration and measurement in aerodynamic tunnel are described, which can be adopted for this design to achieve the adequate level of accuracy.
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Tic-tac... Explorer les perceptions de femmes qui vivent un échec du déclenchement du travailRioux, Emilie S. 08 1900 (has links)
Le déclenchement du travail est une procédure obstétricale qui consiste à provoquer le travail afin que la femme puisse vivre un accouchement vaginal dans les 24 à 48 heures suivant l’initiation de la procédure (Leduc et al., 2013). Cependant, le déclenchement du travail peut ne pas fonctionner entraînant la nécessité de procéder à un accouchement par césarienne après un travail d’une durée de plus de 24 heures. Cette étude qualitative visait à explorer l’expérience de femmes qui ont vécu un échec du déclenchement du travail résultant en une césarienne non planifiée. Cette étude a été menée auprès de 6 femmes durant leur séjour hospitalier post-partum. Les données ont été obtenues à l’aide d’un questionnaire sociodémographique, du dossier médical des participantes et d’un entretien semi-dirigé. Les entretiens semi-dirigés ont été enregistrés, avec l’accord des participantes, puis transcrits et analysés selon l’approche d’analyse thématique de Braun, Clarke, Hayfield et Terry (2019). Cinq thèmes et 12 sous-thèmes ont émergé de l’analyse thématique permettant de mieux saisir l’expérience des femmes vivant un échec du déclenchement du travail résultant en une césarienne. Les thèmes : Les attentes envers l’expérience, Le soutien reçu, La qualité et quantité de l’information reçue ainsi que Le sentiment de contrôle envers l’expérience semblent influencer la satisfaction ou l’insatisfaction de la participante envers son expérience et contribuent au thème global de l’Expérience globale de l’échec du déclenchement du travail résultant en une césarienne. Les infirmières ont un rôle important afin de communiquer l’information aux patientes et de les soutenir quant au déclenchement du travail leur permettant de mieux gérer leurs attentes et exercer le contrôle désiré envers leur expérience. / Induction of labor is an obstetric procedure which consists of inducing labor so that women can experience a vaginal birth within 24 to 48 hours after the initiation of the procedure (Leduc et al., 2013). The induction of labor may not work resulting in the need for a caesarean delivery after lasting more than 24 hours. This qualitative study aimed to explore the experience of women who had experienced labor induction failure resulting in an unplanned caesarean section. This study was conducted with 6 women in the postpartum unit during their hospitalisation. Data were collected from a socio-demographic questionnaire, the participants’ medical chart as well as a semi-structured interview. After participants’ consent, the semi-structured interviews were recorded, transcribed, then analysed using the Braun, Clarke, Hayfield and Terry (2019) thematic analysis approach. Five themes and 12 sub-themes emerged to better capture the experience of women experiencing labor induction failure resulting in a caesarean. Four themes: Expectation of Labor and Delivery: Managing Expectations, Antepartum and Intrapartum Support Received, Comprehensive Information Needed, and Feeling in Control of the Experience emerged as influencing the participant's satisfaction or dissatisfaction towards their Global Experience of a Failed Induction of Labor Resulting in a Ceserean Section. Nurses have a strategic role and are key support professionals in communicating information and supporting women during induction of labor, allowing them to better manage their expectations and have the desired level of control over their experience.
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Generátory měřicích signálů sin220 T a sin22T / Generators of the Measuring Signals sin220T and Sin22TMazánek, David January 2008 (has links)
My diploma thesis deals about the one possibility of distortion measuring in TV devices and distributions. The main objectives are analysis of special measuring signals sin220T and sin22T, means of precision assesments and design possibilities. Next point is proposal and after that draft of generator circuit. It will consist analog a digital section of processing measuring signals. Pulse sin22T is generated by digital decoder CPLD, trigged by “hardware” quartz oscilator 60MHz. Low-frequency component of signal sin220T have identical form like sin22T, diference is only in clocking by 10MHz assured by “software”frequency divider. High-frequency component of pulse is gained like product of AM modulation, that the modulation signal is low-frequency sin220T and harmonic carrier with frequency 4,433619MHz. Ocilator with automatic gain control (AGC) and quartz feed-back generates absolute accuracy oscillation (precision 10-6). Finaly this parts are summing in operation amplifier. Detailed analysis, draft and layout of PCB (Printed Circuid Board) is reffered – to diploma thesis.
1478 |
Analýza závad na DPS pomocí X-RAY / Analysis of Defects on PCB Using X-RAYMlýnek, Martin January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is focused on BGA packages and fault detection after rework using X – Ray. There is a description of BGA packages by carrier substrate, techniques of connecting on chip, from mounting packages to repair printed circuit boards (hereafter PCB). Thesis summarizes description of defects, which are created after rework process. There is also description of X – Ray as method for analyzing defects. X – PLANE method used to detect internal structure of BGA packages and it was confirmed by microsection and by software for reconstruction. Description of automatic and manual measurement is follow.
1479 |
Měření elektrických veličin v distribučních sítích 22 kV a 0,4 kV s disperzními zdroji / Monitoring in Middle- and Low-Voltage distribution systems penetrated by distributed generationKolacia, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
This thesis concerns monitoring in Middle- and Low-Voltage distribution systems penetrated by distributed generation. Monitoring itself means measuring voltages and power flows and sending relevant data to the supervisory system. The first part of the thesis describes distribution systems with differences between individual voltage levels. The following chapter is focused on consequences of high share of renewable energy sources in distribution systems. Most of the problems are partially resolved by technical conditions for connection of the new power sources. However, difficulties with voltage regulation and uncontrolled power flows to higher voltage levels remain. These are the reasons for measuring voltages and currents in medium voltage networks. Second to last subhead of this chapter is dedicated to possible benefits of monitoring. The fourth part of the thesis deals with voltage and current sensors with their advantages and disadvantages. The best suitable devices are chosen in the end of the chapter. It is crucial to mention that sensors are only part of measuring system. Analog outputs from current or voltage transformers need to be converted to digital signal and further processed. After that required quantities are finally sent. Properties of these circuit cards are described in the sixth chapter. Following part aims to define a certain key that will determine the suitable locations for installation of the measurement. The final part of the thesis compares measured voltages and power flows from real 22 kV network with calculated values from computer program PAS DAISY Bizon.
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Zesilování ocelových nosníků výztuží na bázi FRP / Strengthening steel beams using reinforcement based on FRPBláha, Tomáš January 2013 (has links)
A study of an influence of strengthening steel beams using reinforcement based on FRP on a moment bearing resistance and bending stiffness. Evaluation of the theoretical calculation methods based on the performed experimental verification. Description of the production of carbon fibres and composite materials on the basis of carbon fibres.
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