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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Asociación entre nacimiento por cesárea y otros factores prenatales, perinatales y de la infancia temprana, con el desarrollo de convulsiones/epilepsia durante 15 años de seguimiento en personas nacidas en Perú, Etiopía, India y Vietnam entre 2001-2002: Sub-análisis de la cohorte “Niños del Milenio – Young Lives” / Relationship between Caesarean sections and other prenatal, perinatal and early childhood factors and seizures/Epilepsy development during a 15 year follow up among children born between 2001-2002 in Ethiopia, India, Peru and Vietnam

Chirinos Zevallos, Rafaella Maria, Padilla Philipps, Alejandra 08 November 2021 (has links)
Antecedentes: Los síndromes convulsivos son un problema de salud pública, pues existen 50 millones de personas diagnosticadas a nivel mundial, 80% en países de ingresos bajos/medianos. Estos pacientes tienen más riesgo de morir. Muchas madres optan por parto por cesárea sin necesidad médica exponiendo al feto a riesgos innecesarios. Objetivo: Evaluar si existe asociación entre nacimiento por cesárea y otros factores prenatales/perinatales/infancia temprana, con el desarrollo de convulsiones/epilepsia en 15 años de seguimiento. Metodología: Estudio tipo cohorte, sub-análisis del estudio “Young-Lives” que incluyó niños nacidos entre 2001-2002 (cohorte menor) en Etiopía, India, Perú y Vietnam. Los desenlaces fueron desarrollo de convulsiones/epilepsia en los primeros 6-18 meses de vida, y hasta los 15 años de edad. Se calcularon riesgos relativos crudos y ajustados (RRa) usando regresión de Poisson en forma multinivel. Resultados: Hubo 7497 participantes, 1806 de Etiopía, 1891 India, 1860 Perú, y 1940 Vietnam. Hasta los 6-18 meses, desarrollaron convulsiones 2.72% en Etiopía, 2.05% en India, 0.58% en Perú, y 0.25% en Vietnam. Hasta los 15 años, 3.36% en Etiopía, 4.30% en India, 1.71% en Perú, y 0.75% en Vietnam. Los nacidos por cesárea tuvieron más riesgo de desarrollar convulsiones/epilepsia que los nacidos en el hospital por parto vaginal hasta los 6-18 meses (RRa 2.37; IC95% 1.20-4.67), y hasta los 15 años (RRa 1.95; IC95% 1.05-3.65). Otros factores asociados fueron sexo masculino, madre adolecente, y caídas con vómitos/pérdida de conciencia. Conclusiones: Haber nacido por cesárea se asoció a desarrollo de convulsiones hasta los 6-18 meses, y en menor medida hasta los 15 años. Desarrollar convulsiones hasta los 6-18 meses también se asoció a sexo masculino y caídas con vómitos/pérdida de conciencia. Desarrollar convulsiones hasta los 15 años además se asoció a tener una madre menor de 20 años y caídas con/sin vómitos/pérdida de conciencia. / Background: Seizures are a global health problem that affects 50 million people worldwide, 80% of which are in low/medium income countries. These patients have a higher risk of death. Many mothers opt for a Caesarean section (C-Section) with no medical necessity exposing the fetus to unnecessary risks. Objective: To assess association of birth by C-Section and other antenatal, perinatal and early childhood factors with development of seizures/Epilepsy during 15 years of follow-up. Methods: Cohort study, sub-analysis of “Young-Lives,” including children born between 2001-2002 in Ethiopia, India, Peru and Vietnam. Outcomes include occurrence of seizures/Epilepsy in the first 6-18 months after birth, and until 15 years. Crude and Adjusted Relative Risk (aRR) were calculated using multilevel Poisson regression. Results: There were 7497 participants, 1806 in Ethiopia, 1891 in India, 1860 in Peru, and 1940 in Vietnam. Until 6-18 months, 2.72% developed seizures in Ethiopia, 2.05% in India, 0.58% in Peru, and 0.25% in Vietnam. Until 15 years, 3.36% in Ethiopia, 4.30% in India, 1.71% in Peru and 0.75% in Vietnam. Birth by C-Section had higher risk of developing seizures/Epilepsy than children born by in-hospital vaginal birth, until 6-18 months (aRR 2.37; IC95% 1.20-4.67), and until 15 years (aRR 1.95; IC95% 1.05-3.65). Other identified factors were born male, teenager mother, and falls with vomits/loss of consciousness. Conclusions: Children born by C-Section had higher risk of developing seizures in the first 6-18 months of life and until 15 years. Developing seizures until 6-18 months was also associated with born male, and having fell with vomit/loss of consciousness. Additionally, developing seizures until 15 years was associated with having a teenage mother and having fell with, and without vomit/loss of consciousness. / Tesis

Att förhandla sanning : En kulturanalytisk studie av sanningsstriderna i klimatdebatten

Svanström, Emelie January 2020 (has links)
The essay To negotiate truth is a cultural analytical study of the boundary work that takes place in the comment sections, more specifically in relations to the climate change debate and Greta Thunberg’s climate activism. This paper deals with empirical material in the form of comments obtained from the Swedish newspapers Aftonbladet’s and Expressen’s comment field on Facebook. The data-gathering method used for this paper is digital ethnography. This study aims to create an understanding of how argumentation is presented in open social arenas such as Expressen and Aftonbladet's comments field. The purpose of the study has been to show how the contested claims and facts are legitimized and negotiated in the comment fields. The theoretical framework has consisted of discourse theory and Boundary objects theory. The questions to be answered in the study is: In what way is truth constructed in the debate? How are the various claims of truth legitimized? In what way are facts and science used in the legitimization of the different claims of truths? The analysis shows that truth is constructed in many different ways, partly through what i choose to call denial and distrust discourse. The analysis also showed how climate research and the climate can be seen as a boundary object and be used to stabilize the denial discourse further. The result also showed that scientific evidence can be used in a variety of ways in the legitimization of the different claims of truth. On the one hand, there is a demand for more nuanced research to be presented in the media, this creates an image that there are two sides of climate science that are of equal importance. The analysis also showed how mistrust and doubt against established media, political processes and science in general can be used in the legitimization of various statements of truth. I also claim that Greta can be seen as a boundary object in the ongoing negotiation. The use of religious metaphors also proves to be of great importance in trying to undermine the climate issue and climate research in general.

Анализа функција ефикасних пресека за неутронске реакције на 185Re и 187Re и анализа специфичне константе гама дозе зa 252Cf / Analiza funkcija efikasnih preseka za neutronske reakcije na 185Re i 187Re i analiza specifične konstante gama doze za 252Cf / Analysis of the cross-section function for neutron induced reactions on 185Re and 187Re and analysis of gamma ray dose constant оf 252Cf

Ilić Strahinja 17 September 2020 (has links)
<p>Користећи NAXSUN технику развијену уЈРЦ-Геел,мерени су ефикасни пресеци зареакције изазване неутронима187Re(n, p) 187W и 185Ре (n, 3n) 183Rе мерене у енергетском распону између 13,08 MeV и 19,5 МеV. Ови подаци су прве експериментално добијене вредности за нуклеарне реакције у овом енергетском опсегу неутрона. Добијени резултати упоређени су са постојећим процењеним прорачунимаТАЛИС 1.9 и ЕМПИРЕ 3.2.3 користећи различите доступне моделе. Упоређени су теоријски прорачуни са експерименталним резултатима. У раду је, на основу три снимљена гама спектра калифорнијумовог извора, закључено о утицају акумулације фисионих продуката на укупну специфичну гама константу извора.</p> / <p>Koristeći NAXSUN tehniku razvijenu uJRC-Geel,mereni su efikasni preseci zareakcije izazvane neutronima187Re(n, p) 187W i 185Re (n, 3n) 183Re merene u energetskom rasponu između 13,08 MeV i 19,5 MeV. Ovi podaci su prve eksperimentalno dobijene vrednosti za nuklearne reakcije u ovom energetskom opsegu neutrona. Dobijeni rezultati upoređeni su sa postojećim procenjenim proračunimaTALIS 1.9 i EMPIRE 3.2.3 koristeći različite dostupne modele. Upoređeni su teorijski proračuni sa eksperimentalnim rezultatima. U radu je, na osnovu tri snimljena gama spektra kalifornijumovog izvora, zaključeno o uticaju akumulacije fisionih produkata na ukupnu specifičnu gama konstantu izvora.</p> / <p>Using the NAXSUN technique developed at the JRC-Geel, the cross section functions for the neutron induced reactions 187Re(n,p)187W and 185Re(n,3n)183Re have been measured in the energy range between 13.08 MeV and 19.5 MeV. These data are the first experimentally obtained values for those nuclear reactions in this neutron energy range. Obtained results have been compared withexisting evaluated The TALYS 1.9 and EMPIRE 3.2.3 calculations were performed using different available. A comparison between theoretical model calculations and experimental results was made. Based on three recorded gamma ray spectra of a Californiumsource, conclusion is made if there are influences of fission product accumulation on the total specific gamma ray constant of the source.</p>

Strategies to Combat Tenant Fraud in the Rental Housing Market

Dawson, Dr. Gwendolyn B 01 January 2018 (has links)
Many business executives lack strategies to detect and eliminate tenant fraud in subsidized rental housing. The purpose of this multicase study was to explore strategies some business executives used to detect and eliminate tenant fraud in subsidized rental housing. The conceptual framework used to guide this study was the theory of planned behavior. Data were gathered using semistructured interviews with 6 purposively selected business executives of public housing authorities, supplemented with a review of policies and procedures that business executives used. Yin's 5-step analysis, which entails examining, categorizing, tabulating, creating a data display, and testing the data, guided the process of coding participants' responses. Member checking validated that emerging themes were in alignment with participant experiences. The 4 major themes of the study were: perception of tenant fraud, detection and minimization of fraud, the effect of fraudulent behavior on tenant attitudes and belief systems, and verification procedures. The results of the study might support positive social change by providing leaders with insights related to fraud-reducing fragmentation, duplication, and overlapping of programs, which may result in federal funds being available for federal government public services. The findings of this study might add to the body of knowledge and further contribute to social change through a coalition of housing agencies working together to share their knowledge of combating tenant fraud in subsidized rental housing and restoring the integrity of the Housing Choice Voucher Program.

Obloukový silniční most / Highway arch bridge

Vavřička, Lukáš January 2022 (has links)
The aim of the master thesis was a design of arch highway bridge made of prestressed reinforced concrete. In the beginning two versions of construction were designed, with box-girder and double-girder cross section of bridge deck, from which the variant of double-girder cross section in combination with box-girder arch were chosen for further detail postprocessing. The basics of the solution laid in right choice of dimensions of elements creating load-bearing system and construction geometry. Subsequently global beam model was created, which was used to prestress design and structural assessment of ultimate and serviceability limit states of pillars, arches and bridge deck during the building phases, service lifetime and in the end of lifetime of construction. For detail assessment, linear and nonlinear analysis was created using Midas Civil. To check the cross-sectional direction of bridge deck, slab model was made using Scia Engineer software

Studie okružní křižovatky Bílinská v Teplicích / Teplice, Bílinská st. - roundabout design

Chladný, Miroslav January 2012 (has links)
The aim of my master´s thesis is to design documentation, at the level of study, for roundabout. The area of interest is defined by the crossroad of Lounská, Americká, Bílinská streets and the conection of existing road I/13 . This is the crossroad of local roads, which are functional group C-serving with the serving function. The aim of conversion of existing crossroad on the roundabout is to calm and clarify the traffic in the locality. There are also designed comunications for pedestrians in the locality. The study is solved in two variant of conection to existing road I/13.

Půdorysně zakřivená oblouková lávka pro pěší / Plan curved arch footbridge

Trenz, Jan January 2012 (has links)
The scope of thesis is to design a curved arch footbridge. The main structure consists of composite deck supported by steel arch. The focus is on finding optimal shape of arch and proper cross-sections of elements. Bridge is analysed according to limit states.

Vývoj metod in-line tepelného zpracování / Developement of In-Line Heat Treatment Methods

Hnízdil, Milan January 2012 (has links)
In-line heat treatment is a part of technological process uses a phase and structure changes to obtain required mechanical properties. Heat treatment of rolled products offers a reduction of steel making costs and a creation of new steel products. For example the TRIP steel is a part of modern steels which is used in the automobile industry for higher safety of passengers. The heat treatment is often described in the literature. But the authors are often focused on the method how to get the required structure and mechanical properties for different metallic materials. Nevertheless just few articles are focused on the technical observing of temperature regimes and which parameter is necessary to consider during designing the cooling section. Eight parameters were tested by the experimental way to examine their influence on the cooling intensity. They were: gravity (orientation of the cooled surface), coolant pressure, amount of coolant spraying on the surface (the flow rate), rolling velocity, nozzle configuration, kind of nozzles (full cone or flat fan nozzle), coolant temperature and the surface quality (surface roughness and scales). All these parameters have an influence the heat transfer coefficient. Based on knowledge gained in this work was created the cooling section, which comply with the required cooling temperature regimes.

Použití R-materiálu do asfaltových směsí typu asfaltový koberec mastixový / Usage of reclaimed asphalt pavement in stone mastic asphalt

Coufalíková, Iva January 2019 (has links)
The dissertation deals with the possibilities of adding recycled asphalt pavement (RAP) to the stone mastic asphalt (SMA), which is increasingly being promoted due to its good resistance to permanent deformations and high traffic load. Thanks to the use of high-quality input materials in production, this is a valuable material source. The theoretical part describes composition of SMA mixture and problems of pavement recycling. The practical part deals with SMA 11S laboratory designs with RAP ratio of 0 to 50%. Based on these suggestions, a trial section with 17 variants was placed, which varied with the content and quality of the RAP and the used additives. All variants have been subjected to functional testing not only on mixtures but also on recovered binders. The results obtained during the dissertation were used to build a certified methodology named "Methodology of application RAP to Stone Mastic Asphalt." In conclusion, the results of the dissertation are summarized.

Možnosti alternativního použití materiálů do hráze vodního díla Vlachovice / The possibility of the use of alternative soils into the Vlachovice dam body

Novák, Jiří Unknown Date (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with possibility of the use of alternative soils into the Vlachovice dam body. In the introductory part, a brief description of the site of the Vlachovice dam is presented. Following section includes a research of the possibility of the use of alternative soils into the dam body. The research includes a description of the individual waterworks, along with the specifics of their construction process. Based on this research, a variant design of the typical profile for the Vlachovice dam is developed. There is also an estimation of cubaturs of materials needed to construct the selected design profile, as well as an estimation of cubaturs of available materials in the flood.

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