1551 |
Mesure de la section efficace différentielle de production du boson Z se désintégrant en paires électron-position, dans l'expérience ATLAS / Measurement of the differential cross section of the production Z boson decaying into electron-positron pairs in the ATLAS experimentDoan, Thi Kieu Oanh 28 November 2012 (has links)
La première mesure du spectre en phi*_eta du boson Z à 7 TeV a été réalisée dans cette thèse. Cette variable permet de sonder la dynamique de production des Z de façon fine. L’échantillon complet des données enregistrées par ATLAS en 2011 a été utilisé ce qui correspond à 4.7/fb de luminosité intégrée. Les résultats de cette mesure sont publiés dans la Ref. [18] fondé sur la note interne Ref. [69]. La section efficace différentielle de Z->ee en fonction phi*_eta a été mesurée et comparée aux calculs perturbatifs à ordre fixé, avec/sans resommation pour la région des petits phi*_eta. Le code RESBOS fournit la meilleure description des données, cependant il est incapable de reproduire, à mieux de 4%, la forme détaillée de la section efficace mesurée. La section efficace différentielle a également été comparée aux prédictions de différents générateurs Monte Carlo interfacés avec un algorithme de parton shower. Les meilleures descriptions du spectre en phi*_eta mesuré sont données par les générateurs SHERPA et POWHEG+PYTHIA8. La mesure précise de la section efficace différentielle en phi*_eta fournit des informations précieuses pour l’ajustement des codes Monte Carlo. La précision expérimentale typique de cette mesure (~0.5%) est dix fois meilleure que la précision des calculs théoriques et elle est donc aussi précieuse pour contraindre la théorie. La mesure du spectre en ptZ a également été faite pour quantifier l’incertitude systématique de cette mesure en utilisant la grande statistique de l’échantillon de données. Cela permet de comparer deux mesures qui traitent de l’impulsion transverse du boson Z. Dans la plupart du domaine en phi*_eta l’incertitude systématique de la mesure de ptZ est deux fois plus grande que celle de la mesure de phi*_eta. Cette comparaison confirme l’intérêt de la variable phi*_eta. Les résultats présentés dans cette thèse ont beaucoup d’implications pour les études futures. Ajustant les générateurs Monte Carlo en utilisant les résultats de la mesure précise du spectre en phi*_eta minimisera l’incertitude sur leurs paramètres. Une mesure de la section efficace doublement différentielle en ptZ et phi*_eta est intéressante pour mieux comprendre la corrélation entre ces deux variables. La mesure précise du spectre en ptZ utilisant la variable phi*_eta peut être appliquée au spectre en ptW et on sait que des mesures plus fines du ptW sont importante pour une détermination précise de la masse du boson W. De plus, une compréhension précise du spectre en ptZ est importante pour comprendre les propriétés cinématiques de la production du boson de Higgs. / The first measurement of the phi*_eta spectrum of Z bosons at 7 TeV of pp collisions has been studied in this thesis, which is an alternative way to probe the transverse momentum of Z bosons. The full data sample recorded by the ATLAS detector during 2011 run of the LHC was used, which corresponds with 4.7/fb integrated luminosity. The results of this measurement were reported in Ref. [18] supported by the internal note in Ref. [69]. The differential cross section of Z->ee as a function of phi*_eta has been measured and compared to fixed order perturbative QCD calculations with/without a resummation for the low phi*_eta region. Calculations using RESBOS provide the best descriptions of the data. However, they are unable to reproduce the detailed shape of the measured cross section to better than 4%. The differential cross section was also compared to predictions from different Monte Carlo generators interfaced to a parton shower algorithm. The best descriptions of the measured phi*_eta spectrum are provided by SHERPA and POWHEG+PYTHIA8 Monte Carlo event generators. The precise measurement of the differential cross section as a function of phi*_eta provides valuable information for the tuning of MC generators. The typical experimental precision of this measurement (~0.5%) is ten times better than the typical theoretical precision and therefore is valuable to constrain the theoretical predictions further. The ptZ measurement has been also studied to quantify the systematic uncertainty of this measurement using the high statistic data sample. This allows to compare two measurements which both address the physics issues of the Z transverse momentum. In most of the phi*_eta range, the systematic uncertainty of the ptZ measurement is two times larger than the one of the phi*_eta measurement. This comparison confirms the interest for the phi*_eta variable. The measurements presented in this thesis has many implications for future studies. Tuning MC generators using the result of the precise measurement of the phi*_eta spectrum will minimize the uncertainty on the tuned parameters. A double differential cross section measurement as a function of ptZ and phi*_eta is interesting to understand the correlation between ptZ and phi*_eta variables. The precise measurement of the ptZ spectrum using the new variable phi*_eta can be applied to ptZ. More precise measurement of ptZ are important to obtain precise measurements of the W mass. In addition, a precise understanding of the ptZ spectrum is important to understand kinematic properties of Higgs boson production.
1552 |
Kalibrace měřícího zařízení aerodynamického tunelu VUT / Wind tunnel measuring equipment calibrationde Boer, Hendrik January 2021 (has links)
V této diplomové práci bylo zkoumáno téma kalibrace zařízení a sekcí ve vztahu k aerodynamickému tunelu na brněnském institutu leteckého inženýrství. Přístroje používané v aerodynamickém tunelu jsou kalibrovány a jsou popsány a provedeny kalibrace sekcí na testovací sekci. Kalibrační listy a šablony sestav jsou vytvořeny za účelem zjednodušení budoucích procesů. Nově kalibrovaná sestava se používá k provádění měření síly a probuzení na modelovém voze, která jsou porovnána s předkalibrací měření, aby dále ilustrovala užitečnost kalibrací.
1553 |
The constitutionality of employers' investigative procedures and disciplinary hearing processes with specific reference to dismissal of employees on the basis of criminal misconducts in South AfricaMonyakane, ’Mampolokeng ’Mathuso Mary-Elizabeth 22 October 2020 (has links)
This Doctoral thesis entitled the Constitutionality of Employers' Investigative Procedures and Disciplinary Hearing Processes with Specific Reference to Dismissal of Employees on the Basis of Criminal Misconducts in South Africa, focusses on individual labour law principles of fair labour practices entrenched in section 23(1) of the Constitution. The thesis deals with fairness in situation where an employee who is suspected of committing a criminal act is investigated and subsequently goes through a disciplinary hearing for dismissal. It determines the extent to which an employee’s criminal guilt is decided before dismissal. As such, the thesis is based upon South African judicial interpretation of the right to fair dismissal. In the process the thesis examines the application of principles informing the employer’s duty to provide fair reason concerning the dismissal of employees criminal suspects. In examining if employers observe constitutional transformative objective when conducting criminal investigations and disciplinary hearings - the thesis reviews the extent to which the employer respects constitutional rationales of equity based on the principles of natural justice. These natural justice principles are the basis upon which section 23(1) fairness is founded. Section 23 (1) is implemented through the LRA provisions. The thesis then concludes that, only one principle of natural justice - audi alteram partem is respected within employer flexibility-based fairness while the other principle - nemo judex in propria sua causa is ignored. It is this denial that causes serious procedural challenges in the quest for equity intended in section 23(1) fair labour practices. It is upon these foundational equity concerns that this thesis opposes the flexibility in employer’s criminal investigations and disciplinary hearing processes entrenched in item 4 (1) of Schedule 8 of the LRA fair procedure for dismissal of employees suspected of criminal acts. The thesis interlinks labour law and criminal law to advocate for the missing constitutionally justiciable fairness for employees who have committed criminal misconducts. It argues that the current judicial interpretation of labour law fairness is based upon the principle of flexibility underlying dismissals, asserting that fairness based on flexibility breeds informal procedural processes which exempt employers from observing crucial constitutional fairness principles expressed through proportionality-based prescripts. The thesis concludes that the practice of including the right against self-incrimination in employment law, done in other common law countries be introduced into the South African labour law through section 39 of the Constitution so that the identified procedural challenges are regulated. / Mercantile Law / LL.D.
1554 |
Aplikace VBA (Visual Basic for Application) a Maple na problémy procesního inženýrství / VBA and Maple application in process engineering problematics.Farkač, Daniel January 2009 (has links)
The task of the diploma thesis named VBA and Maple Application on Process Engineering Problems is to show the possibilities of using these programming languages for various engineering tasks. Particularly the programming language Visual Basic for Application (VBA), which is a part of MS Office package, is very little used in practise. That´s why this thesis solves the complex task of a furnaces design process; the topic was reccomended by the supervisor prof. Ing. Josef Kohoutek, CSc. Specifically, the thesis deals with calculations of heat transfer and optimization of the height of extended surfaces of tubes in the convection section of process furnaces. The entire task is elaborated in VBA and runs in Excel. After entering the input information, the created program first calculates the size and heat output of the convection section, but it can also optimize the height of extended surfaces in different parts of the convection section and thus minimize investment costs.
1555 |
Modélisation des propriétés de transport des ions moléculaires de krypton et xénon pour l'optimisation des générateurs de plasma froids utilisant les gaz rares / Modeling the transport properties of molecular ions of krypton and xenon for the optimization of cold plasma generators using rare gasesVan de Steen, Cyril 11 December 2018 (has links)
L'utilisation de plasmas froids à base de gaz rares (Rg) dans des applications biomédicales ainsi que dans la propulsion spatiale est en nette évolution. Pour optimiser ces réacteurs plasmas, une compréhension fine des processus ayant lieu dans ces réacteurs est nécessaire. Ce travail de thèse a pour objectif de fournir les données manquantes dans la littérature (coefficients de transport et réaction) en passant par des données mésoscopiques (sections efficaces) obtenues à partir de données microscopiques (potentiels d'interaction) pour le xénon et krypton dans leur gaz parent. Seul des plasmas froids composés d'un seul type d'atome sont considérés. Comme le krypton et le xénon sont des gaz rares, et ont donc, à l'état de neutralité peu/pas d'interaction entre eux. Par conséquent, seules les collisions ion - atome seront considérées. Du fait des faibles énergies des ions dans le plasma froid, seul les 6 premiers états excités du couple Rg2+ seront pris en compte. Ces 6 états seront classés en deux groupes, 2P1/2 et 2P3/2. Lors de ce travail, deux potentiels d'interaction différents disponibles dans la littérature sont utilisés et comparés pour les systèmes collisionnels Kr+/Kr et Xe+/Xe dans le calcul des sections efficaces. Pour les collisions impliquant des dimères ioniques (Kr2+/Kr et Xe2+/Xe), les potentiels d'interaction sont calculés à partir du modèle DIM (Diatomics In Molecules) qui est une combinaison des potentiels atomiques d'interaction neutre - neutre et ion - neutre. Les sections efficaces, requises pour obtenir les données mésoscopiques manquantes, sont calculées à partir de trois méthodes différentes. La première méthode est la méthode quantique qui permet, par une résolution de l'équation de Schrödinger, d'obtenir de manière exacte les sections efficaces à partir des potentiels d'interaction. Cette méthode exacte, étant grande consommatrice de temps de calcul, est utilisée en tant que référence pour valider les deux autres méthodes approchées. La seconde méthode, nommée semi-classique, est basée sur la même expression que la section efficace quantique mais utilise un déphasage approché (approximation JWKB), induit par le potentiel d'interaction, entre l'onde diffusée et l'onde incidente. [...] / The use of cold plasmas based on rare gases (Rg) in biomedical applications as well as in space propulsion is clearly evolving. To optimize these plasma reactors, a fine understanding of the processes taking place in these reactors is necessary. This thesis aims to provide the missing data in the literature (transport coefficients and reaction rates) through mesoscopic data (cross-sections) obtained from microscopic data (interaction potentials) for xenon and krypton in their parent gas. Only cold plasmas composed of a single type of atom are considered. As krypton and xenon are rare gases, and so have, in the neutral state little / no interaction between them. Therefore, only ion - atom collisions will be considered. Due to the low ion energies in the cold plasma, only the first 6 excited states of the Rg2+ pair will be taken into account. These 6 states will be classified in two groups, 2P1/2 and 2P3/2. In this work, two different interaction potentials available in the literature are used and compared for the Kr+/Kr and Xe+/Xe collision systems in the calculation of cross-sections. For collisions involving ionic dimers (Kr2+/Kr and Xe2+/Xe), the interaction potentials are calculated from the DIM model (Diatomics In Molecules) which is a combination of the atomic potentials of neutral - neutral and ionic - neutral interactions. The cross-sections required to obtain the missing mesoscopic data are calculated from three different methods. The first method is the quantum method which allows, by a resolution of the Schrödinger equation, to obtain exactly the cross-sections from the interaction potentials. This exact method, which consumes a lot of computation time, is used as a reference to validate the two other approximate methods. The second method, called semi-classical, is based on the same expression as the quantum cross section but uses an approximate phase shift (JWKB approximation), induced by the interaction potential, between the scattered wave and the incident wave. [...]
1556 |
The powers and authority of directors to act on behalf of a company under South African lawFrantzen, Erinda 01 1900 (has links)
As a company is a juristic person it can only act through human agency. A question that arises because of this fact is under what circumstances a company can be held to a contract by a third party where its representative was unauthorised to enter into such contract. There should be a careful weighing and balancing of the interests of the shareholders and the company on the one hand and the contracting third party on the other. It is further important to have legal certainty on the validity and enforceability of contracts concluded by and with companies as the absence of certainty can hamper business dealings with companies which would have an impact on the economy.
The common-law principles of agency form the foundation upon which representation within the context of company law takes place. The law of agency has been adapted in the context of company law to satisfy the unique needs that have originated in this regard. One such adaptation is the creation of the Turquand rule by the English courts which rule was taken over by the South African courts. One of the primary reasons for creating the Turquand rule was due to the harsh effect that the common-law doctrine of constructive notice had on third parties dealing with a company.
In this study an examination of the current legal position regarding representation of a company in South Africa was undertaken. The history and development of the common-law principles of agency and doctrines that are unique to representation in a company law context are analysed and the relevant sections of the Companies Act 71 of 2008 are discussed. The integration of the common-law principles with the relevant provisions of the Companies Act 71 of 2008 is considered and recommendations are made in respect thereof.
In support of the analysis, a comparative study was undertaken of the history and development of this subject matter in England. It was concluded that South African company law, with all its shortcomings and uncertainties is still to be preferred above the position in England. / Aangesien ‘n maatskappy ‘n regspersoon is, kan dit slegs deur middel van natuurlike persone as agente optree. ‘n Vraag wat as gevolg van hierdie feit ontstaan is onder watter omstandighede ‘n maatskappy deur ‘n derde party gebonde gehou kan word aan ‘n kontrak waar die maatskappy se verteenwoordiger nie gemagtig was om die kontrak aan te gaan nie. Daar behoort ‘n versigtige afweging te wees tussen die belange van die maatskappy en sy aandeelhouers aan die een kant en ‘n derde party wat met die maatskappy kontrakteer aan die ander kant. Dit is verder belangrik om regsekerheid te hê oor die geldigheid en afdwingbaarheid van kontrakte wat met maatskappye aangegaan word aangesien die afwesigheid daarvan besigheidsverkeer met maatskappye kan kortwiek wat ‘n impak op die ekonomie tot gevolg sal hê.
Die gemeenregtelike beginsels van verteenwoordiging vorm die basis waarop verteenwoordiging binne die konteks van maatskappyereg plaasvind. Verteenwoordigingsreg is aangepas binne die konteks van maatskappye om voorsiening te maak vir die unieke behoeftes wat in hierdie verband ontstaan het. Een sodanige aanpassing is die skepping van die Turquand reël deur die Engelse howe, welke reël deur die Suid-Afrikaanse howe oorgeneem is. Een van die hoofredes vir die skepping van die Turquand reël is die onregverdige uitwerking wat die gemeenregtelike leerstuk van toegerekende kennis op derde partye gehad het wat met ‘n maatskappy onderhandel.
‘n Studie van die huidige regsposisie rakende verteenwoordiging van ‘n maatskappy in Suid-Afrika is hierin gedoen. Die geskiedenis en ontwikkeling van die gemeenregtelike beginsels van verteenwoordiging en leerstukke eie aan verteenwoordiging in die konteks van maatskappyereg is geanaliseer. Die betrokke artikels van die Maatskappywet 71 van 2008 word bespreek. Die integrasie van hierdie gemeenregtelike beginsels met die betrokke bepalings van die Maatskappywet 71 van 2008 is oorweeg en aanbevelings in verband daarmee gemaak.
Ter ondersteuning van die analise is ‘n vergelykende studie van die gekiedenis en ontwikkeling van hierdie onderwerp in Engeland onderneem. Daar is tot die slotsom gekom dat die Suid-Afrikaanse maatskappyereg, met al sy tekortkominge en onsekerhede nogsteeds bo die posisie in Engeland te verkies is. / Mercantile Law / LL. M.
1557 |
A legal comparison between South African, Canadian and Australian workmen's compensation lawJansen van Vuuren, Johanna Petronella 30 April 2015 (has links)
Workers’ compensation originated internationally because of the need to address
the plight of workers and communities left destitute due to occupationally sustained
disabilities or death. This study examines how the right to no-fault compensation
developed in South Africa in comparison to the comparable law in Canada and
Australia. Specific limitations regarding the right to workers' compensation
pursuant to the South African compensatory laws were identified. Limitations
identified include the persons falling within the ambit of the law, circumstances
creating a right to compensation, the right to claims for increased compensation
uniquely provided for in South African compensatory law and founded in the
negligent conduct of employers as well as common law redress for damages. The
background of the administrative remedy in the form of the right to compensation
for occupational injuries and diseases ought to be seen in the light of the
Constitution of the Republic of South Africa 1996. / Mercantile Law / LL. M.
1558 |
Lobbying Regulation in Canada and the United States: Political Influence, Democratic Norms and Charter RightsGold, Daniel 01 September 2020 (has links)
Lobbying should be strictly regulated – that is the major finding of this thesis. The thesis presents many reasons to enact stricter regulations. The principle one being that, as lightly regulated as it is, lobbying is corroding democracy in both Canada and the United States.
The thesis opens with a deep investigation of how lobbying works in both countries. There are examples taken from the literature, as well as original qualitative interviews of Canadian lobbyists, former politicians, and officials. Together, these make it clear that there is an intimate relationship between lobbying and campaign financing. The link between the two is sufficiently tight that lobbying and campaign financing should be considered mirrors of each other for the purposes of regulatory design and constitutional jurisprudence. They both have large impacts on government decision-making. Left lightly regulated, lobbying and campaign financing erode the processes of democracy, damage policy-making, and feed an inequality spiral into plutocracy. These have become major challenges of our time.
The thesis examines the lobbying regulations currently in place. It finds the regulatory systems of both countries wanting. Since stricter regulation is required to protect democracy and equality, the thesis considers what constitutional constraints, if any, would stand in the way. This, primarily, is a study of how proposed stronger lobbying regulations would interact with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, s. 2 (free expression and association rights) and s. 3 (democratic rights). The principal findings are that legislation which restricted lobbying as proposed would probably be upheld by the Canadian court, but struck down by the American court, due to differences in their constitutional jurisprudence. The thesis contends that robust lobbying regulations would align with Canadian Charter values, provide benefits to democracy, improve government decision-making, increase equality, and create more room for citizen voices.
The thesis concludes with a set of proposed principles for lobbying reform and an evaluation of two specific reforms: limits on business lobbying and funding for citizen groups. Although the thesis focuses on Canadian and American lobbying regulations, its lessons are broadly applicable to any jurisdiction that is considering regulating lobbying.
1559 |
Self-managing schools in Gauteng : challenges and opportunities for school-based managersSoga, Nombasa Ncediwe 15 June 2004 (has links)
Self-management is a relatively new concept in South Africa. The transformation of education after 1994 resulted in the promulgation of the South African Schools Act (SASA) 84 of 1996, which started the process of decentralisation of education. The SASA mandates the school governing bodies (SGBs) to play an active role in decision making in schools. The justification for the self-management of schools is that it promotes effectiveness and efficiency in schools.
The aim of the study was to investigate the challenges that are faced and the benefits/opportunities that exist for self-managing schools. The secondary aim of the study was to investigate how self-managing schools could be supported so that they become more efficient and effective.
This study focuses on 2 ex-DET self-managing schools in Gauteng. The findings reveal that teamwork amongst educators, parents and communities is essential for self-managing schools to be effective and efficient. / Educational Studies / M.Ed. (Education Management)
1560 |
Legal aspects of the regulation of mergers and acquisitionsOberholzer, Cornelius Christiaan 11 1900 (has links)
One of the objectives of the Securities Regulation Code on Takeovers and Mergers ("the
Code") was to achieve neutrality of treatment of minority shareholders in takeover situations
irrespective of the method employed to effect the takeover. This objective has not yet been
achieved despite the inclusion of Rule 29 in the Code. Different levels of minority protection
apply depending on the method used to effect a takeover. Asset takeovers are also
excluded from the ambit of the Code. It is suggested that capital reductions and security
conversions be prohibited to effect a takeover unless the Code is applicable to the
transaction. The scheme of arrangement procedure, with certain suggested amendments,
should be retained as a takeover method. It is further suggested that section 228 of the
Companies Act be amended to ensure greater minority shareholder protection but that
asset takeovers not be included within the ambit of the Code at this stage. / Private Law / LL.M.
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