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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influence Of Cross-Section Change During Directional Solidification On Dendrite Morphology, Macrosegregation And Defect Formation In Pb-6 wt Sb Alloy

Lacdao, Claudine 25 August 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Linking Communications: the Philippine Regional Section of the Allied Intelligence Bureau's Operations in the Occupied Islands,1942-1945

Bentley, Caitlin T. January 2015 (has links)
No description available.


Elghannai, Ezdeen Ahmed January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Welded connections at high-strength steel hollow section joints

Stroetmann, Richard, Kästner, Thoralf, Rust, Brian, Schmidt, Jan 08 April 2024 (has links)
The calculation of the loadbearing capacity of hollow section joints using the design formulas according to EN 1993-1-8 assumes full-strength welded connections if the non-linear stress distribution over the circumference is not covered by calculation. Sufficient ductility in the connections ensures a plastic redistribution capacity within each joint. In the case of hollow section structures made of high-strength steels, it becomes more difficult to meet the requirement for full-strength welds as the yield strength of the base material increases. This article begins with a summary of the current rules for the design and execution of welded hollow section joints. The softening behaviour of high-strength steels and the loadbearing capacity of welded connections with local softening in the HAZ are then discussed. That is followed by the presentation of the results from the AiF-FOSTA research project P1020 regarding the influence of manufacturing parameters on the properties of welded connections and the HAZ. The experimental test programme for single-sided welded T-connections and the parameter studies within the research project P1453 are also described. Finally, a design approach is presented to account for HAZ failure and hybrid failure modes of hollow section connections.

The Influence of the Recommended LRFD Guidelines for the Seismic Design of Highway Bridges on Virginia Bridges

Widjaja, Matius Andy 26 August 2003 (has links)
The influence of the recommended LRFD Guidelines for the seismic design of highway bridges in Virginia was investigated by analyzing two existing bridges. The first bridge has prestressed concrete girders and is located in the Richmond area. The second bridge has steel girders and is located in the Bristol area. The analysis procedure for both bridges is similar. First the material and section properties were calculated. Then the bridge was modeled in RISA 3D. Live and dead load were imposed on the bridge to calculate the cracked section properties of the bridge. The period of vibration of the bridge was also calculated. After the soil class of the bridge was determined, the design response spectrum curve of the bridge was drawn. The spectral acceleration obtained from the design spectrum curve was used to calculate the equivalent earthquake loads, which were applied to the superstructure of the bridge to obtain the earthquake load effects. Live and dead loads were also applied to get the live and dead load effects. The combined effects of the dead, live and earthquake loads were compared to the interaction diagram of the columns and moment strength of the columns. The details of the bridge design were also checked with the corresponding seismic design requirement.A parametric study was performed to explore the effects of different column heights and superstructure heights in different parts of Virginia. The column longitudinal reinforcing was increased to satisfy the bridge axial loads and moments that are not within the column interaction diagram. / Master of Science

Cluster Effective Field Theory calculation of electromagnetic breakup reactions with the Lorentz Integral Transform method

Capitani, Ylenia 17 June 2024 (has links)
Nuclear electromagnetic breakup processes at low energy are particularly relevant in the astrophysical context. In this Thesis we analyse the Beryllium-9 photodisintegration reaction, whose inverse process, under certain astrophysical conditions, is related to the Carbon-12 formation. A preliminary study of the Carbon-12 photodisintegration is also carried out. The interaction of these nuclei with a low-energy photon induces a transition to a state consisting of cluster sub-units, the alpha-particles, and possibly a neutron, n. The theoretical study of the cross section in the low-energy regime is conducted by using a three-body ab initio approach. Beryllium-9 exhibits a clear separation of energy scales, since its alpha-alpha-n three-body binding energy is shallow compared to the binding of the alpha-particle. Within this framework a halo/cluster Effective Field Theory (EFT) can be developed. The alpha-alpha and alpha-n effective interactions are defined in momentum space as a series of contact terms, regularized by a momentum-regulator function. The Low Energy Constants are expressed in terms of scattering observables, i.e. scattering length and effective range. A three-body potential is also introduced in the model. Carbon-12 is studied on the same footing. By means of an integral transform approach, the problem of the transition to a state in the continuum can be advantageously reformulated in terms of a bound-state problem: in the calculations we use the Lorentz Integral Transform method, in conjunction with the Non-Symmetrized Hyperspherical Harmonics method. In determining the low-energy photodisintegration cross section, the nuclear current matrix element is evaluated through the electric dipole, or quadrupole, transition operator (Siegert theorem). Since the continuity equation is used explicitly, the contribution of the one-body and the many-body current operators is implicitly included in the calculation. By comparing the results with those obtained by using a one-body convection current, the effect of the many-body terms can be quantified. The dependence of the results on different EFT parameters is discussed, always in connection with the experimental data available in the literature. By following the power counting dictated by the EFT approach for Beryllium-9, the inclusion of different partial waves in the potential model is explored. In addition to a alpha-alpha S-wave, a alpha-n P-wave and a three-body effective interaction, a alpha-n S-wave term is also required to obtain results more consistent with the experimental data. The contribution of the many-body currents to the cross section is found to be non-negligible. Although at an early stage, Carbon-12 results show interesting features. The formalism presented in this Thesis can be extended to study the photodisintegration of Oxygen-16 within a fully four-body ab initio approach.

Estudo dos fatores relacionados à determinação da via do parto em gestantes portadoras de cardiopatias / Obstetrical and clinical factors related to the mode of delivery in pregnant women with heart disease

Maria Rita de Figueiredo Lemos Bortolotto 08 March 2006 (has links)
Os objetivos deste estudo foram: avaliar as freqüências de partos vaginais e cesáreas em mulheres portadoras de cardiopatias, bem como a distribuição dos partos nos diferentes subgrupos de doenças cardíacas: arritmias (A), cardiopatias congênitas (CC) e cardiopatias adquiridas (CA); analisar os fatores clínicos e obstétricos que estiveram relacionados à determinação da via de parto no grupo total de cardiopatas e também nos subgrupos, e avaliar a associação entre o tipo de parto e complicações clínicas e obstétricas. Foram analisados retrospectivamente os dados referentes a 571 gestações de 556 mulheres internadas para parto na Clínica Obstétrica do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo entre 2001 e 2005. A composição dos grupos foi: A - 57 casos (10%), CC - 163 casos (28,6%) e CA - 351 casos (61,4%). A taxas de cesárea foram 57,2% (total), 45,6% (A), 64,2% (CC) e 55,7% (CA). A indicação da cesárea foi obstétrica em 77% dos casos. Analisando os 425 casos sem cesáreas anteriores, as taxas de cesárea foram: 47,1% (total), 37,8% (A), 57,8% (CC) e 43,3% (CA). A probabilidade de parto cesáreo esteve relacionada à presença de cesárea anterior, idade gestacional no parto inferior a 37 semanas, presença de intercorrências obstétricas, diagnóstico de cardiopatia congênita, insuficiência cardíaca classe funcional (CF) III ou IV, e uso de medicamentos de ação cardiovascular. A paridade maior ou igual a um diminuiu a probabilidade de cesárea. A presença de cesárea anterior foi o principal fator relacionado à probabilidade de parto cesáreo nesta população. Nos subgrupos de cardiopatia (sem cesárea anterior) a probabilidade de cesárea esteve aumentada na presença dos seguintes fatores: A - uso de medicação cardiovascular; CC - CF III/IV e intercorrências obstétricas; CA -intercorrências obstétricas e idade gestacional no parto inferior a 37 semanas. A ocorrência de complicações obstétricas foi 6,8% (total), sendo maior em A (18,6%) e nos partos vaginais (10,7%); complicações clínicas maiores ocorreram em 2,5% dos casos e foram mais freqüentes nos casos de cesárea (3,8%). Conclusão: As taxas de cesárea observadas em gestante com cardiopatia foram elevadas (em especial nos casos de cardiopatia congênita) e correlacionadas à presença de cesárea anterior, insuficiência cardíaca CF III/IV, uso de medicamentos de ação cardiovascular, presença de intercorrências obstétricas e idade gestacional no parto inferior a 37 semanas. / This study reviewed the data of 571 pregnancies in 556 pregnant women with heart disease admitted for delivery in a tertiary university hospital between 2001 and 2005. The objectives were to assess the prevalence of cesarean sections and vaginal births among the whole group of cases and in three subgroups: patients with arrhythmias (A - 57 cases / 10%), congenital diseases (CD - 163 cases / 28,6%) and acquired diseases (AD - 351 cases / 61,4%), and to determine the clinical and obstetrical factors related to the mode of delivery in the whole population and in the subgroups, as well as the association between the mode of delivery and clinical and obstetrical complications. The frequencies of cesarean sections were: 57,2% (whole population), 45,6% (A), 64,2% (CD) and 55,7% (AD); the cesarean sections were performed due to obstetrical reasons in 77% of the cases. In the 425 cases with no previous cesarean sections, the frequencies of c-sections deliveries were 47,1% (whole group), 37,8% (A), 57,8% (CD) and 43,3% (AD). The factors related to a higher probability of cesarean section were: previous cesarean section, gestational age at delivery of less than 37 weeks, presence of obstetrical events, diagnosis of congenital heart disease, heart failure (NYHA functional class III/IV) and use of cardiovascular drugs. The parity above 1 was related to a lesser probability of csections, and previous cesarean was the main factor related to the risk of abdominal delivery. In the cases with no previous cesarean sections, according to the subgroups of heart disease, the probability of cesarean section was heightened in the presence of the following factors: group A: use of cardiovascular drugs, CD: functional class III/IV and obstetrical events and AD: obstetrical events and gestational age in delivery less than 37 weeks. The rate of obstetrical complications was 6,8%, most of them in group A and in vaginal birth. Major clinical complications occurred in 2,5% of the cases, and were more related to cesarean sections (3,8%). Conclusion: the rates of cesarean sections observed in pregnant women with heart disease were high (mainly in the CD group), and related to previous cesarean sections, heart failure, use of cardiovascular drugs, presence of obstetrical events and gestational age at delivery less than 37 weeks.

Estudo dos fatores relacionados à determinação da via do parto em gestantes portadoras de cardiopatias / Obstetrical and clinical factors related to the mode of delivery in pregnant women with heart disease

Bortolotto, Maria Rita de Figueiredo Lemos 08 March 2006 (has links)
Os objetivos deste estudo foram: avaliar as freqüências de partos vaginais e cesáreas em mulheres portadoras de cardiopatias, bem como a distribuição dos partos nos diferentes subgrupos de doenças cardíacas: arritmias (A), cardiopatias congênitas (CC) e cardiopatias adquiridas (CA); analisar os fatores clínicos e obstétricos que estiveram relacionados à determinação da via de parto no grupo total de cardiopatas e também nos subgrupos, e avaliar a associação entre o tipo de parto e complicações clínicas e obstétricas. Foram analisados retrospectivamente os dados referentes a 571 gestações de 556 mulheres internadas para parto na Clínica Obstétrica do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo entre 2001 e 2005. A composição dos grupos foi: A - 57 casos (10%), CC - 163 casos (28,6%) e CA - 351 casos (61,4%). A taxas de cesárea foram 57,2% (total), 45,6% (A), 64,2% (CC) e 55,7% (CA). A indicação da cesárea foi obstétrica em 77% dos casos. Analisando os 425 casos sem cesáreas anteriores, as taxas de cesárea foram: 47,1% (total), 37,8% (A), 57,8% (CC) e 43,3% (CA). A probabilidade de parto cesáreo esteve relacionada à presença de cesárea anterior, idade gestacional no parto inferior a 37 semanas, presença de intercorrências obstétricas, diagnóstico de cardiopatia congênita, insuficiência cardíaca classe funcional (CF) III ou IV, e uso de medicamentos de ação cardiovascular. A paridade maior ou igual a um diminuiu a probabilidade de cesárea. A presença de cesárea anterior foi o principal fator relacionado à probabilidade de parto cesáreo nesta população. Nos subgrupos de cardiopatia (sem cesárea anterior) a probabilidade de cesárea esteve aumentada na presença dos seguintes fatores: A - uso de medicação cardiovascular; CC - CF III/IV e intercorrências obstétricas; CA -intercorrências obstétricas e idade gestacional no parto inferior a 37 semanas. A ocorrência de complicações obstétricas foi 6,8% (total), sendo maior em A (18,6%) e nos partos vaginais (10,7%); complicações clínicas maiores ocorreram em 2,5% dos casos e foram mais freqüentes nos casos de cesárea (3,8%). Conclusão: As taxas de cesárea observadas em gestante com cardiopatia foram elevadas (em especial nos casos de cardiopatia congênita) e correlacionadas à presença de cesárea anterior, insuficiência cardíaca CF III/IV, uso de medicamentos de ação cardiovascular, presença de intercorrências obstétricas e idade gestacional no parto inferior a 37 semanas. / This study reviewed the data of 571 pregnancies in 556 pregnant women with heart disease admitted for delivery in a tertiary university hospital between 2001 and 2005. The objectives were to assess the prevalence of cesarean sections and vaginal births among the whole group of cases and in three subgroups: patients with arrhythmias (A - 57 cases / 10%), congenital diseases (CD - 163 cases / 28,6%) and acquired diseases (AD - 351 cases / 61,4%), and to determine the clinical and obstetrical factors related to the mode of delivery in the whole population and in the subgroups, as well as the association between the mode of delivery and clinical and obstetrical complications. The frequencies of cesarean sections were: 57,2% (whole population), 45,6% (A), 64,2% (CD) and 55,7% (AD); the cesarean sections were performed due to obstetrical reasons in 77% of the cases. In the 425 cases with no previous cesarean sections, the frequencies of c-sections deliveries were 47,1% (whole group), 37,8% (A), 57,8% (CD) and 43,3% (AD). The factors related to a higher probability of cesarean section were: previous cesarean section, gestational age at delivery of less than 37 weeks, presence of obstetrical events, diagnosis of congenital heart disease, heart failure (NYHA functional class III/IV) and use of cardiovascular drugs. The parity above 1 was related to a lesser probability of csections, and previous cesarean was the main factor related to the risk of abdominal delivery. In the cases with no previous cesarean sections, according to the subgroups of heart disease, the probability of cesarean section was heightened in the presence of the following factors: group A: use of cardiovascular drugs, CD: functional class III/IV and obstetrical events and AD: obstetrical events and gestational age in delivery less than 37 weeks. The rate of obstetrical complications was 6,8%, most of them in group A and in vaginal birth. Major clinical complications occurred in 2,5% of the cases, and were more related to cesarean sections (3,8%). Conclusion: the rates of cesarean sections observed in pregnant women with heart disease were high (mainly in the CD group), and related to previous cesarean sections, heart failure, use of cardiovascular drugs, presence of obstetrical events and gestational age at delivery less than 37 weeks.

Mesure de la section efficace différentielle de production du boson Z se désintégrant en paires électron-position, dans l'expérience ATLAS / Measurement of the differential cross section of the production Z boson decaying into electron-positron pairs in the ATLAS experiment

Doan, Thi Kieu Oanh 28 November 2012 (has links)
La première mesure du spectre en phi*_eta du boson Z à 7 TeV a été réalisée dans cette thèse. Cette variable permet de sonder la dynamique de production des Z de façon fine. L’échantillon complet des données enregistrées par ATLAS en 2011 a été utilisé ce qui correspond à 4.7/fb de luminosité intégrée. Les résultats de cette mesure sont publiés dans la Ref. [18] fondé sur la note interne Ref. [69]. La section efficace différentielle de Z->ee en fonction phi*_eta a été mesurée et comparée aux calculs perturbatifs à ordre fixé, avec/sans resommation pour la région des petits phi*_eta. Le code RESBOS fournit la meilleure description des données, cependant il est incapable de reproduire, à mieux de 4%, la forme détaillée de la section efficace mesurée. La section efficace différentielle a également été comparée aux prédictions de différents générateurs Monte Carlo interfacés avec un algorithme de parton shower. Les meilleures descriptions du spectre en phi*_eta mesuré sont données par les générateurs SHERPA et POWHEG+PYTHIA8. La mesure précise de la section efficace différentielle en phi*_eta fournit des informations précieuses pour l’ajustement des codes Monte Carlo. La précision expérimentale typique de cette mesure (~0.5%) est dix fois meilleure que la précision des calculs théoriques et elle est donc aussi précieuse pour contraindre la théorie. La mesure du spectre en ptZ a également été faite pour quantifier l’incertitude systématique de cette mesure en utilisant la grande statistique de l’échantillon de données. Cela permet de comparer deux mesures qui traitent de l’impulsion transverse du boson Z. Dans la plupart du domaine en phi*_eta l’incertitude systématique de la mesure de ptZ est deux fois plus grande que celle de la mesure de phi*_eta. Cette comparaison confirme l’intérêt de la variable phi*_eta. Les résultats présentés dans cette thèse ont beaucoup d’implications pour les études futures. Ajustant les générateurs Monte Carlo en utilisant les résultats de la mesure précise du spectre en phi*_eta minimisera l’incertitude sur leurs paramètres. Une mesure de la section efficace doublement différentielle en ptZ et phi*_eta est intéressante pour mieux comprendre la corrélation entre ces deux variables. La mesure précise du spectre en ptZ utilisant la variable phi*_eta peut être appliquée au spectre en ptW et on sait que des mesures plus fines du ptW sont importante pour une détermination précise de la masse du boson W. De plus, une compréhension précise du spectre en ptZ est importante pour comprendre les propriétés cinématiques de la production du boson de Higgs. / The first measurement of the phi*_eta spectrum of Z bosons at 7 TeV of pp collisions has been studied in this thesis, which is an alternative way to probe the transverse momentum of Z bosons. The full data sample recorded by the ATLAS detector during 2011 run of the LHC was used, which corresponds with 4.7/fb integrated luminosity. The results of this measurement were reported in Ref. [18] supported by the internal note in Ref. [69]. The differential cross section of Z->ee as a function of phi*_eta has been measured and compared to fixed order perturbative QCD calculations with/without a resummation for the low phi*_eta region. Calculations using RESBOS provide the best descriptions of the data. However, they are unable to reproduce the detailed shape of the measured cross section to better than 4%. The differential cross section was also compared to predictions from different Monte Carlo generators interfaced to a parton shower algorithm. The best descriptions of the measured phi*_eta spectrum are provided by SHERPA and POWHEG+PYTHIA8 Monte Carlo event generators. The precise measurement of the differential cross section as a function of phi*_eta provides valuable information for the tuning of MC generators. The typical experimental precision of this measurement (~0.5%) is ten times better than the typical theoretical precision and therefore is valuable to constrain the theoretical predictions further. The ptZ measurement has been also studied to quantify the systematic uncertainty of this measurement using the high statistic data sample. This allows to compare two measurements which both address the physics issues of the Z transverse momentum. In most of the phi*_eta range, the systematic uncertainty of the ptZ measurement is two times larger than the one of the phi*_eta measurement. This comparison confirms the interest for the phi*_eta variable. The measurements presented in this thesis has many implications for future studies. Tuning MC generators using the result of the precise measurement of the phi*_eta spectrum will minimize the uncertainty on the tuned parameters. A double differential cross section measurement as a function of ptZ and phi*_eta is interesting to understand the correlation between ptZ and phi*_eta variables. The precise measurement of the ptZ spectrum using the new variable phi*_eta can be applied to ptZ. More precise measurement of ptZ are important to obtain precise measurements of the W mass. In addition, a precise understanding of the ptZ spectrum is important to understand kinematic properties of Higgs boson production.

Kalibrace měřícího zařízení aerodynamického tunelu VUT / Wind tunnel measuring equipment calibration

de Boer, Hendrik January 2021 (has links)
V této diplomové práci bylo zkoumáno téma kalibrace zařízení a sekcí ve vztahu k aerodynamickému tunelu na brněnském institutu leteckého inženýrství. Přístroje používané v aerodynamickém tunelu jsou kalibrovány a jsou popsány a provedeny kalibrace sekcí na testovací sekci. Kalibrační listy a šablony sestav jsou vytvořeny za účelem zjednodušení budoucích procesů. Nově kalibrovaná sestava se používá k provádění měření síly a probuzení na modelovém voze, která jsou porovnána s předkalibrací měření, aby dále ilustrovala užitečnost kalibrací.

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