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Výpočtová analýza rovnání čtvercových tyčí / Computational analysis of leveling of square cross section rodsŠebek, František January 2012 (has links)
Current requirements in mechanical engineering require more accurate operations and more efficient technologies. The aim of this thesis is the analysis of the leveling of square rods. The main problem is the setting of the leveling machine for the specified material and geometric data so that the initially curved material, which passes through alternatively positioned offset rollers, is leveled as much as possible. The main factor in the leveling process is the plastification of the material used for the redistribution of the residual stress. Based on existing theo-retical knowledge in this field, programs are set up to simulate the passing of the rod through the leveling machine. Further, modifications leading to the improvement of the whole process are presented. Finally, there is a verification of the results which is made independently of the submitted solution and processed by the finite element method.
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Návrh zařízení pro měření aerodynamických sil a momentů v aerodynamickém tunelu / Design of device for measurement of aerodynamic forces and moments in wind tunnelBrožek, Petr January 2014 (has links)
The masters thesis is focused on design of the device for measurement of the aerodynamic forces and moments acting on radiators mounted in the wind tunnel test section. The thesis also includes the analysis of the aerodynamic drag which is produced by radiators and the LabView application software development.
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Dlouhodobá analýza ultrazvukových videosekvencí s využitím metod detekce významných bodů / Long-term Analysis of Ultrasound Video Sequences Using Interest Point DetectorsZukal, Martin January 2015 (has links)
This doctoral thesis deals with the analysis of ultrasound (US) video sequences. It specifically focuses on long-term tracking of the common carotid artery (CCA) in transversal section and measurement of its geometric parameters in a sequence of US images. The design and implementation of a system for automatic tracking of the artery is described in this thesis. The proposed system utilizes Viola-Jones detector and Hough transform to localize the artery in the image. Interest points are detected in the area of the artery wall. These points are then tracked using optical flow. The proposed system comprises a number of innovative methods which allow to perform accurate long-term measurement of parameters of CCA and store the results. A novel mathematical model describing the movement of CCA in transversal section during a cardiac cycle is defined afterwards taking the influence of breathing into consideration. A number of artificial sequences of US images based on this model have been created. These sequences were consequently used to evaluate the accuracy of the proposed system in terms of measuring the parameters of CCA. The sequences are unique because of their length which makes them suitable for evaluation of tracking accuracy even in long video sequences.
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Návrh odstředivého čerpadla metodami diferenciální geometrie / Design of Centrifugal Pump Using Differential Geometry MethodsSloupenský, Zdeněk January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with a new approach to the design of impeller, blade and spiral of centrifugal pump. The mathematic model of flow inside meridional section of impeller and spiral is based on the instruments of differential geometry applied to Bezier surfaces. This formerly introduced theory is more deeply developed in this thesis and the conclusions are applied to the design of centrifugal pump parts working with fluid. The main thesis output is the mathematic model and on its principles created software determined for the design of impeller, blade and spiral. The received results are exportable into one of the commonly used 3D modeling programs.
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Letištní terminál / Airport TerminalFojtík, Petr January 2016 (has links)
My diploma thesis is focused on design and assessment of structural system of airport terminal. The design is processed in two options. Both of them has the same dimensions but structural system is changed. Floor plan is in the shape of part of annulus. Width of the hall is changing, in the middle of the hall is aproximatly 90 m. Length is 52,5 m, 10 m of this length is porch. Roof slope is 3° towards to the front of the hall.
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Dálniční most přes hluboké údolí / Highway bridge over deep wallyPírková, Barbora January 2017 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis is the design and the assessment of post-tensioned bridge structure over deep wally, which transfer road D26,5/100 on D1 in Slovakia between Hubová – Ivachnová. Three variants were designed and compared. The most suitable variant of two identical bridges with box cross-section and constant height was further assess in detail.
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The reporting responsibilities of accountants in terms of South African anti-money laundering legislationCullen, Catherine 03 May 2012 (has links)
Criminals make use of accountants to assist them, knowingly or unknowingly, with complex money laundering schemes. The nature of the accounting profession places accountants in an ideal position to identify possibly money laundering activities. The purpose of this research is to consider whether the reporting obligations of South African accountants in terms of section 29 of the Financial Intelligence Centre Act, No 38 of 2001, as amended, corresponds sufficiently with the services they provide so as to constitute an effective anti-money laundering measure. In order to evaluate the relevance of section 29, the reporting requirements of accountants practising in South Africa are compared with those of the European Union and the United Kingdom, as well as the requirements of the Financial Action Task Force. The research study will also analyse the money laundering process and the nature of the accounting profession and consider some of the methods used to perpetrate money laundering applicable to accountants. The research found that accountants in South Africa have a duty to report suspicious transactions only when they are party to such transactions or when they are going either to receive the proceeds of crime or be used for money laundering purposes. Accordingly, in view of the fact that accountants are more likely to be in a position to observe money laundering than to be party to such a transaction, the requirements of section 29 of the Financial Intelligence Centre Act, No 38 of 2001, as amended, are not effective when applied to accountants. Copyright / Dissertation (MPhil)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Accounting / unrestricted
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L'utilisation du domaine de la preuve par la Cour suprême du Canada dans la détermination des droits économiques des Autochtones conformément à ses propres valeursWalsh, Francis 10 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Etude de la mesure de la section efficace de la réaction 16O(n,alpha)¹³C du seuil à 10 MeV / Study of the O-16(n,alpha)C-13 cross section measurement between the energy threshold and 10MeV neutron energyGalhaut, Bastien 26 October 2017 (has links)
SCALP (Scintillating ionization Chamber for ALpha particle production in neutron induced reactions) est un dispositif expérimental conçu pour la mesure de la section efficace de la réaction O-16(n,alpha)C-13. Cette réaction fait partie de la HPRL (High Priority Request List) de la NEA. Elle est très importante pour la physique des réacteurs car la production d'hélium a des conséquences sur le fonctionnement des réacteurs électrogènes à neutrons thermiques et neutrons rapides.Les simulations Monte Carlo effectuées avec Geant4 montrent que le dispositif conçu (une chambre d'ionisation scintillante entourée de quatre photo-multiplicateurs) est apte à la mesure de la section efficace. Les sections efficaces des réactions O-16(n,alpha)C-13 et F-19(n,alpha)N-16 (réaction nucléaire étudiée pour la normalisation en section efficace) entre le seuil en énergie et 10MeV peuvent être mesurées expérimentalement avec une erreur relative minimale de 15%.Toutefois, il faudra en améliorer les performances pour obtenir de plus faibles incertitudes comme requis par la NEA : une mesure de la section efficace de la réaction O-16(n,alpha)C-13 avec une précision inférieure à 10%. / SCALP (Scintillating ionization Chamber for ALpha particle production in neutron induced reactions) is an experimental device conceived to measure the cross section of the n-induced reaction on oxygène O-16(n,alpha)C-13. This latter reaction belongs to the HPRL (High Priority Request List) NEA list and is relevant in reactor physics because of the helium production affecting important fast and thermal neutron reactor's parameters.The Monte Carlo simulations with Geant4 showed that the device (a scintillating ionization chamber surrounded by four photomultipliers tubes) can measure and discriminate the different reactions inside the scintillating ion chamber. Cross section of O-16(n,alpha)C-13 and F-19(n,alpha)N-16 (used for cross section normalisation) reactions between the energy threshold and 10MeV could be experimentally measured with a 15% relative accuracy. However some improvement will be necessary to obtain lower uncertainties as requested by the NEA : O-16(n,alpha)C-13 cross section measurement with a accuracy better than 10%.
1500 |
Sind wir fit für das 21. Jahrhundert? : Die aus den neuen Technologien erwachsenden Anforderungen an die ArchiveLuther, Stephan 17 March 2011 (has links)
Der Tagungsband beschäftigt sich mit den aus den neuen Technologien erwachsenden Anforderungen an die Archive. Er fasst mehrere Aufsätze zusammen, die sich aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven mit diesen Herausforderungen beschäftigen. Das Eingangsreferat von Norbert Becker wertet eine Umfrage zu Erwartungen der Benutzer im Hinblick auf die modernen Medien und Informationstechnologien aus. Kerstin Arnold stellt das Projekt zur Schaffung eines Archivportals für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland vor. In zwei weiteren Beiträgen werden konkrete Digitalisierungsprojekte bzw. –strategien vorgestellt. Susanne Knoblich, Berlin, stellt einen Werkstattbericht zur Übernahme von elektronischen Unterlagen in das Landesarchiv Berlin vor. Abgerundet wird der Band durch einen Beitrag von Kerstin Orantek zu den Problemen des Datenschutzes in einer digitalisierten Welt.:Stephan Luther: Einleitung 7
Norbert Becker: Perspektiven, Benutzererwartungen und neue Aufgaben
der Archive zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts. Ergebnisse einer Benutzerumfrage 11
Kerstin Arnold: Auf dem Weg zum Archivportal Deutschland. Die Referenzanwendung aus dem DFG-Projekt zum „Ausbau des Netzwerks
SED-/FDGB-Archivgut“ 37
Marek Ďurčanský: Die tschechischen Spezialarchive und die Digitalisierung 53
Matthias Röschner: Auf dem Weg ins Internet – Digitalisierungsprojekte im Archiv 65
Susanne Knoblich: Übernahme und Archivierung elektronischer Unterlagen
durch das Landesarchiv Berlin – Ein Werkstattbericht 83
Kerstin Orantek: Probleme des Datenschutzes in einer digitalisierten
Welt – Neue Anforderungen für Archive? 91 / The proceedings of the conference are concerned with the requirements for archives arising due to new technologies. It comprises several papers addressing these challenges from different perspectives. The opening address by Norbert Becker evaluates a survey on user expectations concerning modern media and information technologies. Kerstin Arnold describes a project to create the archive portal of the Federal Republic of Germany. In two other contributions, specific digitisation projects or strategies are discussed. Susanne Knoblich from Berlin presents a working report on the transfer of electronic documents for the National Archives of Berlin. Kerstin Orantek completes the volume with a contribution on the problem of data protection in a digital world.:Stephan Luther: Einleitung 7
Norbert Becker: Perspektiven, Benutzererwartungen und neue Aufgaben
der Archive zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts. Ergebnisse einer Benutzerumfrage 11
Kerstin Arnold: Auf dem Weg zum Archivportal Deutschland. Die Referenzanwendung aus dem DFG-Projekt zum „Ausbau des Netzwerks
SED-/FDGB-Archivgut“ 37
Marek Ďurčanský: Die tschechischen Spezialarchive und die Digitalisierung 53
Matthias Röschner: Auf dem Weg ins Internet – Digitalisierungsprojekte im Archiv 65
Susanne Knoblich: Übernahme und Archivierung elektronischer Unterlagen
durch das Landesarchiv Berlin – Ein Werkstattbericht 83
Kerstin Orantek: Probleme des Datenschutzes in einer digitalisierten
Welt – Neue Anforderungen für Archive? 91
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