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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Relationship between the southern Atlas foreland and the eastern margin of Tunisia (Chotts-Gulf of Gabes) : tectono-sedimentary, fault kinematics and balanced cross section approaches / Interactions entre le front sud-atlasique et la marge est-tunisienne (Chott-Golfe de Gabès) : analyse tectono-sédimentaire, cinématique de failles et coupe équilibrée

Gharbi, Mohamed 17 December 2013 (has links)
L'architecture structurale de l’avant-pays sud atlasique tunisien est caractérisée par un style tectonique mixte résultant de la réactivation de failles normales connectées avec le socle, de la mise en place de décollements dans la couverture sédimentaire ainsi que d’un diapirisme non négligeable. La géométrie et l’orientation des structures extensives préexistantes, issues du rifting Trias à Turonien, contrôlent la déformation de la couverture sédimentaire au cours des phases compressives d’âge fini-mésozoïque et cénozoïque. En effet, la marge tunisienne a enregistrée une longue période de rifting, de la fin du Permien-Trias jusqu’au Turonien. Une inversion tectonique s’est initiée probablement pendant le Crétacé supérieur. Les compressions tectoniques tertiaires se sont produites au cours de trois périodes: l’Eocène, le Mio-Pliocène et le Plio-Quaternaire. Notre étude montre une variation temporel du champ de contrainte régional, d’un régime tectonique compressif de direction NW-SE d’âge Mio-Pliocène à un régime tectonique compressif de direction N-S à NNE-SSW d’âge Quaternaire à l’actuel. Ce changement de régime tectonique a lieu, soit à la fin du Pliocène, soit au début du Quaternaire. Et une variation spatiale du champ de contrainte, de la compression (Domaine atlasique de la Tunisie) à la transtension (Golfe de Gabès), semble se faire progressivement du Nord vers le Sud-Est. Cette étude souligne le rôle prépondérant des failles profondes héritées et acquises au cours de l'évolution de la marge passive sud téthysienne. Dans ce domaine, la restauration de notre coupe équilibrée montre un raccourcissement modéré en surface de l’ordre de 8.1 km (~7,3%). / The structural architecture of the Tunisian foreland consists in a mixed tectonic style with deep-seated basement faults, shallower décollements within sedimentary cover and salt diapirism. Structural geometry and orientation of the pre-existing Triassic-Turonian extensional structures controlled subsequent contractional deformation within the sedimentary cover. The rifting of the margin started in the late Permian–Triassic and continued up to the Turonian. From the inversion of the successive compressions, the development of ENE-trending thrust-related anticlines such as the Orbata and Chemsi structures are controlled by the reactivation of the inherited Mesozoic faults. Geologic data from this region indicate that the positive tectonic inversion occurred probably during Late Cretaceous period. The Cenozoic tectonic compressions in the southern Atlassic domain occurred during three periods: Late Eocene, Late Miocene and Plio-Quaternary. The Fault kinematic analysis reveals a temporal change in states of stress that occurred during the Late Cenozoic. A paleostress (Miocene-Pliocene) state is characterized by a regional compressional tectonic regime with a mean N134±09°E trending compressional axis (σ1). A modern (Quaternary to present-day) state of stress also corresponds to compressional tectonic regime with a regionally mean N05±10°E trending horizontal σ1. This study underlines the predominant role of inherited basement structures acquired during the evolution of the southern Tethyan margin, and their influence on the geometry of the Atlassic fold-and-thrust belt. At the southern Atlas of Tunisia our restoration shows a surface shortening of ~8.1 km (~7.3%).

Zimbabwean Ndebele perspectives on alternative modes of child birth

Chamisa, Judith Audrey 12 1900 (has links)
The study explored cultural perspectives of the Zimbabwean Ndebele on alternative modes of childbirth. A qualitative generic, exploratory and descriptive design guided the study. The problem is that alternative modes of birthing are not acceptable to the Zimbabwean Ndebele. Women who give birth through alternative modes of birthing, which include caesarean section (CS) instrumental deliveries (ID) and any other unnatural modes are stigmatised. Data were collected from purposively selected samples of women who had given birth through alternative modes of birthing, spouses, mothers-in-law, community elders, sangomas (traditional healers) and traditional birth attendants (TBAs) using individual unstructured in-depth interviews, structured interviews and focus group interviews (FGIs). Data were analysed through use of qualitative content analysis which involved verbatim transcripts. Interpretations of narrations of data and script reviewing were done while simultaneously listening to audio-tapes which were transcribed in the IsiNdebele the language that was used to collect data. Data were then translated into English to accommodate all readers. Accounts of all the informants that were interviewed point to effects of supernatural ancestral powers, infidelity and use of traditional and herbal medicines as cause for “tiedness” (labour complications), a concept that showed a strong thread throughout the study. Study findings illuminated that traditional practices are culture-bound and the desire is to perpetuate the valued culture. Recommendations made from the study are; cultural orientation of local and foreign health workers, cultural consultation and collaboration with sangomas (traditional healers) and particular recognition of the significance of the study as a cultural heritage of the Zimbabwean Ndebele society. Further research on how women and their spouses cope with the grieving process after experiencing the crisis and grief following CS is recommended. With all the recommended areas addressed, Zimbabwean Ndebele would find alternative modes of birthing acceptable. / Health Studies / D. Lit. et Phil. (Health Studies)

Design and automated manufacturing of profiled composite driveshafts

Gude, Maik, Lenz, Florian, Gruhl, Andreas, Witschel, Bernhard, Ulbricht, Andreas, Hufenbach, Werner 23 June 2020 (has links)
The high specific strength and stiffness characteristics of composite materials such as carbon fiber-reinforced plastic (CFRP) allow a significant weight reduction of the structural machine components such as automobile driveshafts. But high material cost and rather low productivity of the established manufacturing processes (e.g., filament winding) often inhibit the use of CFRP components in a high-volume car series. In this paper, a novel composite driveshaft system based on a profiled CFRP tube is presented. This system is designed to be produced by a continuous pultrusion process to achieve a significant reduction of the manufacturing costs. A cost assessment study was conducted to quantify the benefit of the developed continuous manufacturing process. In comparison with the state-of-the-art filament winding process, a cost reduction of 36% for the composite shaft body can be obtained. Moreover, the proposed fiber layup processes – braiding and continuous winding – offer the potential to manipulate the reinforcement architecture to maximize material utilization without reducing the manufacturing efficiency. This potential is investigated and validated by experimental tests. A difference in the load bearing capacity of more than 100% between different reinforcing architectures is shown.

Glaciala och fluviala dalgångar i södra Norge : Ett resultat av mesozoisk sprickbildning och kenozoisk erosion

Eklöv Pettersson, Anna January 2019 (has links)
The dramatic landscape of Norway has a long history of different events during the Phanerozoic. During the Caledonian orogeny, the basement became fractured, and during the warm climate in the Mesozoic, the fractures became deeply weathered. These fracture systems later became eroded, forming the main structures for valleys. The landscape today is characterized by an elevated plateau with deeply incised valleys. Several theories discuss when and how the landscape became elevated. The main theory for this suggests uplift events of the plateau during the Tertiary. The uplifts resulted in a later elevated landscape with erosional plateaux in different distinct levels. This often referred to as the Palaeic relief. The uplift events also followed formation of incised fluvial valleys. During the Quaternary, glaciers partly reshaped these valleys. This study aims to investigate the shape of these valleys, and how much they have been reshaped during the glaciations. The study further aims to investigates if the identified shapes within the valleys can be connected to pre-glacial landforms. To investigate this, satellite images and topographic maps have been studied. A digital terrain model (10 m resolution) were used to create topographic cross sections across eight valleys in southern Norway. This study identifies possible pre-glacial forms and fluvial generations within five of the investigated valleys. Three of the valleys show a gradual transition from a broad, glacial, U-shape near the coast to become a narrower, V-shaped, fluvial valley further inland. The analysis also shows that the joints and fractures affect the width of the valleys which has affected the amount of glacial erosion. The results of this study clearly show that old fluvial valley remains is common, even within these major glacial valleys of southern Norway.

Measurement of Higgs boson properties using the decay channel to b-quarks following associated production with a vector boson in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV / 重心系エネルギー13 TeVの陽子陽子衝突におけるヒッグス粒子のbクォークへの崩壊とベクトルボソン随伴生成を使用したヒッグス粒子の性質測定

Noguchi, Yohei 23 March 2021 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(理学) / 甲第22999号 / 理博第4676号 / 新制||理||1671(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院理学研究科物理学・宇宙物理学専攻 / (主査) 長野 邦浩, 教授 中家 剛, 准教授 吉岡 興一 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Science / Kyoto University / DFAM

Příprava řezů vzorků a jejich analýza metodou SIMS / Preparation of sample cross-sections and analysis by SIMS

Karlovský, Juraj January 2018 (has links)
This thesis studies possible methods of semiconductor sample measurement by SIMS, with emphasis on testing different measurement parameters and sample preparation. Part of this master thesis deals with the design of a modified sample holder compatible with the used ToF-SIMS$^{5}$ instrument, IONTOF company, which is capable of tilting the sample by defined angle. This holder enables sample preparation in the main chamber of the instrument without the need of transferring the sample between instruments, which limits the probability of sample contamination. This sample holder was tested by ion machining of TIGBT sample edge and by imaging of a crater edge, created in previous measurement. Edge termination structures prepared by different techniques were measured on the TIGBT samples. Further measurements with the goal of optimizing the depth resolution for thin layers were done on Molybdenum-Silicon-multilayer X-Ray Mirror. Part of the measurements was focused on comparing depth profiles measured at low temperatures. For these measurements the samples with Indium multilayers in GaN substrate were used.

Citlivostní analýza stabilitních problémů ocelových konstrukcí / Sensitivity analysis of stability problems of steel structures

Valeš, Jan Unknown Date (has links)
The doctoral thesis is focused on evaluation of global sensitivity analysis of load-carrying capacity of steel hot-rolled beams. These beams are subjected to lateral-torsional buckling, weak axis buckling and strong axis buckling. Very comprehensive computational models which were both geometrically and materially nonlinear were created in Ansys software using solid finite elements to calculate the load-carrying capacity. The computational models allowed modelling of random initial imperfections such as initial curvature, deviations of cross-section dimensions and steel properties. Sensitivity analysis quantified their influence on the load-carrying capacity. Simulation runs of random imperfections were generated using the Latin Hypercube Sampling method. Since the evaluation of sensitivity analysis of load-carrying capacity of all finite element models would cost an extreme amount of computer time, the thesis aimed at developing a meta-model (also known as surrogate model) based on approximation of FEM model. The approximation polynomial then facilitated the evaluation of sensitivity indices using a high number of simulation runs. At the end, the relationships between the slenderness and the first and second-order sensitivity indices are plotted in graphs. Those random input imperfections that influence the variability of load-carrying capacity the most are pointed out.

Průmyslová hala s administrativním objektem / Industrial Hall with Administrative Building

Ceh, Ondřej January 2019 (has links)
This thesis contains a design of a steel structure of two-bay industrial hall with an administrative facility in the city of Brno. There are 3 variants of solution for industrial steel hall with duopitch roof with overall dimensions 60x74 m and detailed structural analysis of the first variant. Height of the hall is 10,5 m. Main structure of the roof is designed as frames from steel profiles with purlins from cold rolled sections, a span of frames is 30 m. The material of main frames is steel S355, material of purlins is S450. The hall is equipped by overhead crane with loading capacity 5 tons. Bolted connections will be done with maximal stiffness and feasibility of the structure. The administrative facility is designed as an independent building with 3 floors, the floor plan is semicircular with diameter 48 m.

Návrh ocelobetonové obloukové lávky přes řeku Svratku / Design of steel-concrete arch structure of footbridge over the river Svratka

Vraňanová, Veronika January 2019 (has links)
The main goal of this diploma thesis was to project a design of arch bridge‘s framework over the Svratka river. This single-span bridge has the span of 52,5m. The framework is constructed from a pair of beams, suspended from the pair of beams bent towards each other. The bridge deck is coupled with steel crosspieces. The construction design was executed in computing programme Dlubal RFEM 5.07. The individual components of the framework were assessed in Microsoft Excel. The calculation considered the load of wind and pedestrians’ movement and their effect on the dynamics of the construction. The phases of development were also considered. Assessments of coupled cross-section, main beams of steel construction, tension systems and selected construction joints were executed in a static calculation. Moreover, a design of a bearing and a bridge plug joint. Finally, a drawing documentation and a final report were prepared in regards with the requirements. The construction design and its assessment were executed according to valid standards.

Smyková pevnost prvků stavebních konstrukcí z textilního betonu / Shear strength of textile reinforced concrete members

Lomič, Jiří January 2017 (has links)
The scope of the presented Diploma thesis was the establishment of calculation model for shear design of textile reinforced concrete members with rectangular cross-section. To accomplish this task, it was necessary to acquire the knowledge of the principles of shear design for steel reinforced concrete and existing design methods for textile reinforced concrete. Based on these principles, an experiment was designed as 3-point bending test to obtain values of acting shear force in textile reinforced concrete beams. These beams were filled with textile reinforcement made of carbon and alkali resistant glass and cast in the laboratory of the Solidian Company. An important factor for the experiment design was the a/d ratio which was constant for all tested beams. The value of acting shear force as well as of concrete compressive strength was obtained from each experiment. These values were used for the optimization of mathematical equation for the shear design of textile reinforced concrete members with rectangular cross-section. This equation was first analyzed to gain the knowledge of every influential factor. After, the coefficient CRm,c was determined from the experimental data using the methods of optimization. The problem statement resulted in the formula for shear design of textile reinforced concrete members with rectangular cross-section which may be applied with respect to the conditions of usability of the shear model.

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