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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pollination ecology of Trachymene incisa (Apiaceae): Understanding generalised plant-pollinator systems

Davila, Yvonne Caroline January 2006 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / A renewed focus on generalised pollinator systems has inspired a conceptual framework which highlights that spatial and temporal interactions among plants and their assemblage of pollinators can vary across the individual, population, regional and species levels. Pollination is clearly a dynamic interaction, varying in the number and interdependence of participants and the strength of the outcome of the interaction. Therefore, the role of variation in pollination is fundamental for understanding ecological dynamics of plant populations and is a major factor in the evolution and maintenance of generalised and specialised pollination systems. My study centred on these basic concepts by addressing the following questions: (1) How variable are pollinators in a generalised pollination system? To what degree do insect visitation rates and assemblage composition vary spatially among populations and temporally among flowering seasons? (2) How does variation in pollinators affect plant reproductive success? I chose to do this using a model system, Trachymene incisa subsp. incisa (Apiaceae), which is a widespread Australian herbaceous species with simple white flowers grouped into umbels that attract a high diversity of insect visitors. The Apiaceae are considered to be highly generalist in terms of pollination, due to their simple and uniform floral display and easily accessible floral rewards. Three populations of T. incisa located between 70 km and 210 km apart were studied over 2-3 years. The few studies investigating spatial and temporal variation simultaneously over geographic and yearly/seasonal scales indicate that there is a trend for more spatial than temporal variation in pollinators of generalist-pollinated plants. My study showed both spatial and temporal variation in assemblage composition among all populations and variation in insect visitation rates, in the form of a significant population by year interaction. However, removing ants from the analyses to restrict the assemblage to flying insects and the most likely pollinators, resulted in a significant difference in overall visitation rate between years but no difference in assemblage composition between the Myall Lakes and Tomago populations. These results indicate more temporal than spatial variation in the flying insect visitor assemblage of T. incisa. Foraging behaviour provides another source of variation in plant-pollinator interactions. Trachymene incisa exhibits umbels that function as either male or female at any one time and offer different floral rewards in each phase. For successful pollination, pollinators must visit both male and female umbels during a foraging trip. Insects showed both preferences and non-preferences for umbel phases in natural patches where the gender ratio was male biased. In contrast, insects showed no bias in visitation during a foraging trip or in time spent foraging on male and female umbels in experimental arrays where the gender ratio was equal. Pollinator assemblages consisting of a mixture of different pollinator types coupled with temporal variation in the assemblages of populations among years maintains generalisation at the population/local level. In addition, spatial variation in assemblages among populations maintains generalisation at the species level. Fire alters pollination in T. incisa by shifting the flowering season and reducing the abundance of flying insects. Therefore, fire plays an important role in maintaining spatial and temporal variation in this fire-prone system. Although insect pollinators are important in determining the mating opportunities of 90% of flowering plant species worldwide, few studies have looked at the effects of variation in pollinator assemblages on plant reproductive success and mating. In T. incisa, high insect visitation rates do not guarantee high plant reproductive success, indicating that the quality of visit is more important than the rate of visitation. This is shown by comparing the Agnes Banks and Myall Lakes populations in 2003: Agnes Banks received the highest visitation rate from an assemblage dominated by ants but produced the lowest reproductive output, and Myall Lakes received the lowest visitation rate by an assemblage dominated by a native bee and produced the highest seedling emergence. Interestingly, populations with different assemblage composition can produce similar percentage seed set per umbel. However, similar percentage seed set did not result in similar percentage seedling emergence. Differences among years in reproductive output (total seed production) were due to differences in umbel production (reproductive effort) and proportion of umbels with seeds, and not seed set per umbel. Trachymene incisa is self-compatible and suffers weak to intermediate levels of inbreeding depression through early stages of the life cycle when seeds are self-pollinated and biparentally inbred. Floral phenology, in the form of synchronous protandry, plays an important role in avoiding self-pollination within umbels and reducing the chance of geitonogamous pollination between umbels on the same plant. Although pollinators can increase the rate of inbreeding in T. incisa by foraging on both male and female phase umbels on the same plant or closely related plants, most consecutive insect movements were between plants not located adjacent to each other. This indicates that inbreeding is mostly avoided and that T. incisa is a predominantly outcrossing species, although further genetic analyses are required to confirm this hypothesis. A new conceptual understanding has emerged from the key empirical results in the study of this model generalised pollination system. The large differences among populations and between years indicate that populations are not equally serviced by pollinators and are not equally generalist. Insect visitation rates varied significantly throughout the day, highlighting that sampling of pollinators at one time will result in an inaccurate estimate and usually underestimate the degree of generalisation. The visitor assemblage is not equivalent to the pollinator assemblage, although non-pollinating floral visitors are likely to influence the overall effectiveness of the pollinator assemblage. Given the high degree of variation in both the number of pollinator species and number of pollinator types, I have constructed a model which includes the degree of ecological and functional specialisation of a plant species on pollinators and the variation encountered across different levels of plant organisation. This model describes the ecological or current state of plant species and their pollinators, as well as presenting the patterns of generalisation across a range of populations, which is critical for understanding the evolution and maintenance of the system. In-depth examination of pollination systems is required in order to understand the range of strategies utilised by plants and their pollinators, and I advocate a complete floral visitor assemblage approach to future studies in pollination ecology. In particular, future studies should focus on the role of introduced pollinators in altering generalised plant-pollinator systems and the contribution of non-pollinating floral visitors to pollinator assemblage effectiveness. Comparative studies involving plants with highly conserved floral displays, such as those in the genus Trachymene and in the Apiaceae, will be useful for investigating the dynamics of generalised pollination systems across a range of widespread and restricted species.

Efeito de adubação orgânica e mineral e culturas de entressafra na cultura da soja (Glycine max (L) Merrill) no sistema plantio direto /

Zuim, Carlos Eduardo. January 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Edson Lazarini / Banca: Marco Eustáquio de Sá / Banca: Edson Luiz Mendes Coutinho / Resumo: A busca pela qualidade do solo como base de sustentação do sistema de produção, tem aumentado o desafio de compreender um sistema que, além de reduzir sensivelmente a degradação do meio ambiente, pode permitir maior retorno econômico ao agricultor. Nesse sentido o presente trabalho foi desenvolvido no período de abril de 2005 a abril de 2006, com o objetivo de avaliar na cultura da soja, no sistema de plantio direto, o efeito de diferentes culturas de cobertura e presença ou ausência de adubação orgânica e mineral. O trabalho foi desenvolvido no município de Guararapes-SP (50°39'W, 21°09'S e 412 m de altitude aproximadamente) em um Latossolo Vermelho amarelo, com textura média, sendo cultivado com culturas anuais a partir de 1993. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o em blocos casualizados com 4 repetições, com os tratamentos dispostos em um esquema fatorial 5x2x2, ou seja, 5 culturas de cobertura (milho, milheto, sorgo, braquiária e mamona), cultivadas no período de outono/inverno, na presença e ausência de adubação orgânica (11.512 kg/ha de esterco de galinha), sendo semeado em sucessão, a cultura da soja, cultivar MGBR 46 (Conquista), na presença ou ausência de adubação mineral (500 kg/ha da fórmula 02-20-15). As culturas de cobertura e a soja foram irrigadas pelo sistema pivô central. As avaliações constaram da produção de massa seca das culturas de cobertura, estado nutricional da soja no florescimento pleno, características agronômicas e produção de grãos da soja e características químicas do solo, em diferentes profundidades, após o cultivo da soja. Através dos resultados obtidos, verificou-se que o milho apresentou maior produção de massa seca como cultura de cobertura, mas todas as ...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The search for the soil quality as sustentation base of production system, has stimulated the challenge to understand a system that, beyond sensibly reducing the environment degradation, may allows greater economic return to the farmer. Thus, the present work was developed in the period of April 2005 to April 2006, with the objective to evaluate in soybean crop, in no tillage system, the effect of different cover crops and presence or absence of organic and mineral fertilization. The work was developed at the municipal district of Guararapes, State of São Paulo (50°39' W, 21°09' S and 412 m altitude approximately) in a Typic Haplustox, with sandy texture, being cultivated with annual crops since 1993. The exeprimental design used was randomized blocks with four replications, with treatments disposed in a 5x2x2 factorial scheme, i.e., five cover crops (corn, millet, sorghum, braquiaria grass and castor bean), cultivated in the autumn/winter period, in presence and absence of organic fertilization (11,512 kg ha-1 of chicken manure fertilizer), being sowedin succession of soybean crop, MGBR 46 cultivar, in presence or absence of mineral fertilization (500 kg ha-1 of 02-20-15 formula). The cover cultures and soybean had been irrigated by center pivot irrigation systems.The evaluations was cover crops dry matter production, nutritional status in flowering, agronomic characteristics and soybean grain production, soil chemical characteristis, in different depths, after soybean. Through the obtained results, it verified that the corn presents greater dry matter production as cover crop, but all the evaluated cover crops are adjusted to precede soybean; organic fertilization increases cover crop dry matter production, beyond provided significant P, Ca and K increases in 0 to 0.05 and 0.05 to 0.10 m depth and P and K in 0.10 to 0.20 m depth; ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Pollinisation intégrée des cultures : intégrer les mécanismes liés à la température pour évaluer l'offre et la demande en pollinisation / Integrated crop pollination : integrate temperature mechanisms to assess pollination supply and demand

Chabert, Stan 17 December 2018 (has links)
Les insectes contribuent à la pollinisation de 70% des espèces cultivées aujourd’hui à travers le monde. Avec l’intensification de l’agriculture au début du XXème siècle, les agriculteurs se sont mis à introduire des colonies d’abeilles mellifères dans leurs cultures entomophiles pour assurer le service de pollinisation. Avec la reconnaissance croissante du rôle majeur joué par les insectes sauvages dans la pollinisation des cultures, le concept de pollinisation intégrée des cultures a récemment vu le jour, encourageant à combiner insectes pollinisateurs introduits et sauvages en adaptant les pratiques agricoles pour assurer une pollinisation durable des cultures. Mais l’introduction d’insectes pollinisateurs d’élevage est une pratique encore très empirique qui manque de références techniques pour pouvoir être mise en œuvre avec précision. L’objectif général de cette thèse était de fournir des éléments pour mettre au point une méthode objective pour définir la charge en unités opérationnelles d’abeilles mellifères à introduire par unité de surface de culture cible pour complémenter la faune pollinisatrice sauvage pour que la pollinisation ne soit pas un facteur de production limitant.Nous avons travaillé sur une lignée mâle fertile et une lignée mâle stérile de colza (Brassica napus L.), les productions de semence hybride dépendant entièrement des insectes pour la pollinisation chez cette espèce. Nous avons pu déterminer (i) le nombre minimum de grains de pollen viables devant être déposés par stigmate pour que la grenaison puisse être complète en fonction de la température, (ii) la durée après anthèse pendant laquelle le pollen doit être déposé sur le stigmate pour que la grenaison puisse être complète en fonction de la température, (iii) la durée pendant laquelle une fleur sécrète du nectar en fonction de la température pour chacune des deux lignées, et (iv) la vitesse de cette sécrétion nectarifère en fonction de la température pour chacune des deux lignées. Nous avons également validé une méthode d’évaluation rapide de la taille des cheptels d’abeilles mellifères introduits dans les cultures entomophiles, couramment utilisée dans certains pays, en tenant compte de la température.A partir de ces éléments, nous avons proposé d’introduire les concepts d’offre et de demande en pollinisation d’une culture cible, afin de quantifier les déficits de pollinisation et le nombre d’insectes pollinisateurs à introduire pour compléter ces déficits. Ces premiers éléments fournissent une base pour construire un modèle mécaniste de gestion intégrée de la pollinisation, pour prédire le nombre d’insectes pollinisateurs à introduire dans une culture étant donné son contexte climatique, paysager et variétal. / Insects contribute to the pollination of 70% of the species cultivated today around the world. With the agriculture intensification in the early twentieth century, farmers began to introduce honey bees colonies into their entomophilous crops to provide pollination service. With the growing recognition of the major role played by wild insects in crop pollination, the concept of integrated crop pollination recently emerged, encouraging the combination of introduced and wild pollinating insects by adapting agricultural practices to ensure sustainable pollination of crops. But the introduction of managed pollinating insects is still an empirical practice that lacks technical references to be implemented with precision. The general objective of this thesis was to provide elements to develop an objective method to define the operational unit load of honey bees to be introduced per unit area of target crop to complement wild pollinating fauna so that pollination is not a limiting factor for production.We worked on a male fertile and a male sterile oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) lines, hybrid seed productions being entirely dependent on insects for pollination in this species. We were able to determine (i) the minimum number of viable pollen grains to be deposited on stigma so that seed set was complete depending on the temperature, (ii) the duration after anthesis during which the pollen must be deposited on the stigma so that seed set was complete depending on the temperature, (iii) the length of time a flower secretes nectar as a function of temperature for each of the two lines, and (iv) the rate of this nectar secretion as a function of temperature for each of the two lines. We also validated a method for rapid assessment of the size of honey bee stocking rate introduced into entomophilous crops, commonly used in some countries, taking into account temperature.From these elements, we proposed to introduce the concepts of supply and demand in pollination of a target crop, in order to quantify the pollination deficits and the number of pollinating insects to introduce to complete these deficits. These first elements provide a basis for constructing a mechanistic model of integrated pollination management, to predict the number of pollinating insects to be introduced into a crop given its climatic, landscape and varietal context.

Pollination biology of <i>Echinacea angustifolia</i> and <i>E. purpurea</i> (<i>Asteraceae</i>) in Saskatchewan

Wist, Tyler Jonathan 28 October 2005
The goals of this research project were to identify the various insects observed to visit inflorescences of Echinacea angustifolia DC, and to rank these visitors according to their importance as pollinators of E. angustifolia in Saskatchewan. Studying nectar and the nectary is essential to understanding the interaction of disc florets with pollinators. Nectar-sugar production by disc florets of E. angustifolia and E. purpurea (L. Moench) was quantified from anthesis to cessation with production per disc floret peaking in the afternoon of the staminate phase (191.7 µg) and at midday of the first day of the pistillate phase (156.6 µg), respectively. Morphology of the disc-like floral nectaries of both Echinacea species was studied, as well as the ultrastructure of the nectary of E. purpurea. Modified stomata on the nectary rim are the most likely exits for nectar, but creases in the epidermis may also participate. The nectary of E. purpurea is vascularized by phloem alone, which occurred adjacent to the epidermis. Companion cells possessed wall ingrowths, and these cells may unload arriving sugar destined for either an apoplastic or symplastic pathway. Lobed nuclei were a key feature of secretory parenchyma cells, as was a predominance of mitochondria, suggesting that energy-requiring eccrine secretion predominates in E. purpurea. E. angustifolia exhibited a generalist pollination system, with pollinating insects belonging to the orders Coleoptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera, and Lepidoptera. The pollination efficiency of visitors was determined by single insect visits to bagged, virgin inflorescences followed by quantifying pollen tubes at the bases of receptive styles and/or calculating the percentage of shrivelled styles. It was determined that bumble bees (Bombus spp.) were efficient pollinators, indicating that they would likely contribute much to the pollination of E. angustifolia. Grasshopper bee flies (Systoechus vulgaris Loew) were plentiful but individually were not efficient pollinators, but taken together, they provided much pollination. Golden blister beetles (Epicauta ferruginea Say) were efficient pollinators but where yellow-petalled flowers occurred, their numbers on E. angustifolia decreased. Honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) were efficient pollinators and were present in low numbers without managed introduction. Pierid (2003) butterflies were regular visitors and efficient pollinators, and likely contributed significantly to E. angustifolia pollination. When introduced, the alfalfa leafcutter bee (Megachile rotundata Fabr.) preferred not to forage on E. angustifolia and as such, these solitary bees were not suitable as managed pollinators. In large agricultural plantings of E. angustifolia, however, native insects may not be capable of providing sufficient pollination for seed production when floral competition occurs.

Pollination biology of <i>Echinacea angustifolia</i> and <i>E. purpurea</i> (<i>Asteraceae</i>) in Saskatchewan

Wist, Tyler Jonathan 28 October 2005 (has links)
The goals of this research project were to identify the various insects observed to visit inflorescences of Echinacea angustifolia DC, and to rank these visitors according to their importance as pollinators of E. angustifolia in Saskatchewan. Studying nectar and the nectary is essential to understanding the interaction of disc florets with pollinators. Nectar-sugar production by disc florets of E. angustifolia and E. purpurea (L. Moench) was quantified from anthesis to cessation with production per disc floret peaking in the afternoon of the staminate phase (191.7 µg) and at midday of the first day of the pistillate phase (156.6 µg), respectively. Morphology of the disc-like floral nectaries of both Echinacea species was studied, as well as the ultrastructure of the nectary of E. purpurea. Modified stomata on the nectary rim are the most likely exits for nectar, but creases in the epidermis may also participate. The nectary of E. purpurea is vascularized by phloem alone, which occurred adjacent to the epidermis. Companion cells possessed wall ingrowths, and these cells may unload arriving sugar destined for either an apoplastic or symplastic pathway. Lobed nuclei were a key feature of secretory parenchyma cells, as was a predominance of mitochondria, suggesting that energy-requiring eccrine secretion predominates in E. purpurea. E. angustifolia exhibited a generalist pollination system, with pollinating insects belonging to the orders Coleoptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera, and Lepidoptera. The pollination efficiency of visitors was determined by single insect visits to bagged, virgin inflorescences followed by quantifying pollen tubes at the bases of receptive styles and/or calculating the percentage of shrivelled styles. It was determined that bumble bees (Bombus spp.) were efficient pollinators, indicating that they would likely contribute much to the pollination of E. angustifolia. Grasshopper bee flies (Systoechus vulgaris Loew) were plentiful but individually were not efficient pollinators, but taken together, they provided much pollination. Golden blister beetles (Epicauta ferruginea Say) were efficient pollinators but where yellow-petalled flowers occurred, their numbers on E. angustifolia decreased. Honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) were efficient pollinators and were present in low numbers without managed introduction. Pierid (2003) butterflies were regular visitors and efficient pollinators, and likely contributed significantly to E. angustifolia pollination. When introduced, the alfalfa leafcutter bee (Megachile rotundata Fabr.) preferred not to forage on E. angustifolia and as such, these solitary bees were not suitable as managed pollinators. In large agricultural plantings of E. angustifolia, however, native insects may not be capable of providing sufficient pollination for seed production when floral competition occurs.

Untersuchungen zur Verjüngungsökologie der Sand-Birke (Betula pendula Roth) / Studies in regeneration ecology of Silver birch (Betula pendula Roth)

Huth, Franka 29 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
- Ziele der Arbeit - Das primäre Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit bestand in einer möglichst umfassenden Be-schreibung einzelner Entwicklungsstadien im Verjüngungszyklus von Betula pendula Roth. Dabei waren die lokalen Bestandes- und Standortsbedingungen im Untersuchungsgebiet in besonderer Weise zu berücksichtigen. Des Weiteren sollten Optionen zur waldbaulichen Integration der Sand-Birkenverjüngung in bestehende Behandlungskonzepte für in Auflösung befindliche Fichtenaltbestände aufgezeigt werden. - Untersuchungsgebiet - Der Tharandter Wald liegt im Freistaat Sachsen (50° 55’-50° 00’n. Br., 13° 25’-13° 35’ ö. L.) und umfasst eine Fläche von etwa 6.000 ha. Das von der Baumart Fichte dominierte Gebiet kolliner bis submontaner Höhenstufe (350 - 420 m ü. NN) wird der „Unteren Nordostab-dachung des Erzgebirges“ zugeordnet. Als Untersuchungsflächen wurden wechselfeuchte (wechselfrische) Standorte mittlerer Trophie gewählt, die von einschichtigen Fichtenbe-ständen in einem Alter von ≥ 80 Jahren bestockt waren. Einzeln bis truppweise eingemischte Samenbäume der Sand-Birke (B. pendula) bildeten eine Grundvoraussetzung für die Flächen-auswahl. - Methodisches Vorgehen - Das methodische Vorgehen konzentrierte sich auf die verjüngungsökologisch relevanten Entwicklungsstadien (fruktifizierender Samenbaum, Diaspore, Keimling, Sämling und eta-blierte Verjüngungspflanze) der Sand-Birke. Die Wachstumsparameter der vorhandenen Samenbäume wurden durch Untersuchungen zum Fruchtbehang unterlegt. Der mehrstufige Versuchsansatz zur Erfassung einzelner Verjüngungsstadien stützte sich auf Bestandesauf-nahmen, Gefäß- und Laborversuche. Erhebungen auf Bestandesebene erfassten die Diaspo-renausbreitung mithilfe von Samenfallen und dokumentierten die Keimlings- und Ver-jüngungsstadien von B. pendula auf entsprechend etablierten Aufnahmeplots (1 m x 1 m). Darüber hinaus umfassten die Aufnahmen Strahlungs- und Feuchtemessungen und die Charakterisierung der Bodenvegetation. Für die Einschätzung des mikrostandörtlichen Um-feldes wurden exemplarisch Bodendeckungsvarianten (Mineralboden, Nadelstreuauflage, Calamagrostis villosa CHAIX (GMEL.) und Deschampsia flexuosa L. (TRIN.)) ausgewählt, die als besonders repräsentativ für reine Fichtenbestände des Erzgebirges gelten. Für die räumliche Modellierung der Diasporen und Keimlinge auf Bestandesebene stand das Pro-gramm WALDSTAT (NÄTHER &amp; WÄLDER 2003) zur Verfügung. Im Rahmen des Mitscherlich-Gefäßversuchs wurden gleichermaßen quantitative und qualitative Entwicklungen von Sand-Birkenkeimlingen und -sämlingen erhoben. Der Einfluss ausgewählter Bodendeckungs-varianten wurde in diesen Betrachtungen berücksichtigt. Neben zahlreichen Pflanzenpara-metern (Spross-, Blatt- und Wurzelentwicklung, Allokationen, Allometrien) war die kleinstandörtliche räumliche Verteilung dieser Verjüngungspflanzen von vorrangiger Be-deutung. Als Verteilungs- und Konkurrenzmaße auf Ebene des Mikrostandortes dienten Tessellationsmodelle, der Aggregationsindex nach CLARK &amp; EVANS, der Gini-Koeffizient und das “Constant Yield Law“. - Ergebnisse - - Die Erfassung der Samenbaumparameter von B. pendula führte zu flächenspezifischen und signifikanten Unterschieden in der Dimension, Höhe und soziologischen Stellung. Für die Darstellung der Durchmesser-Höhenverteilungen erwiesen sich logarithmische und quadra-tische Funktionen gleichermaßen geeignet. Das Kronenprozent ereichte im Mittel Werte zwi-schen 37 % und 49 %. Die einzelnen Kronenparameter (Kronendurchmesser, Kronenlänge und Kronenmantelfläche) zeigten straffe lineare Zusammenhänge. Innerhalb der Kronen-strukturen (z. B. Blatt- und Zweigtrockenmasse) ließen sich zum Teil allometrische Be-ziehungen nachweisen. Im Rahmen der Vollbaumbeerntung war ein durchmesserabhängiger Fruchtbehang nachweisbar, der für den Einzelbaum eine Anzahl zwischen 2,3 und 4,2 Millionen Diasporen erreichte. - Mit den Erhebungen zur zeitlichen Ausbreitungsdynamik der Diasporen waren durch mehrjährige Untersuchungszeiträume, auch für eine Pionierbaumart wie B. pendula, stärkere Samenjahre nachzuweisen. Die räumliche Modellierung der anemochoren Diasporenaus-breitung belegte erwartungsgemäß bessere Modellanpassungen für den anisotropen (richtungsgebundenen) Modellansatz. Dennoch zeichneten sich sowohl jahres- als auch flächenspezifisch deutliche Unterschiede in der Modellgüte ab. Als maximale Diasporen-dichte pro m² wurde ein Wert von 20.700 Diasporen ermittelt. Die mittleren Ausbreitungs-distanzen (MDD - “Mean Dispersal Distances“) lagen nach Modellschätzung für die ge-samten Beprobungszeiträume und unter Berücksichtigung aller Versuchsflächen zwischen 37 m und 90 m. Die durchschnittliche Diasporenproduktion eines Einzelbaumes lag nach Anga-ben des Modells in einem Bereich von 180.000 bis 7.400.000. Die Qualitätsansprache an den Diasporen ergab einen Anteil von etwa 5 % bis 8 % äußerlich Schadhaften. Der unmittelbare Windeinfluss auf Hauptausbreitungsrichtung und -entfernung konnte ebenfalls nachgewiesen werden. - Untersuchungen zum Keimlingsstadium zeigten deutliche Abhängigkeiten zwischen den ausgewählten Bodendeckungsvarianten, der Keimlingsdichte und dem Keimlingswachstum. Sand-Birkenkeimlinge waren sowohl unter Bestandesbedingungen als auch unter den freif-lächenähnlichen Bedingungen des Mitscherlich-Gefäßversuchs auf der Variante mit Mine-ralboden besonders dicht aufgelaufen, blieben jedoch stark in ihrer weiteren Entwicklung zurück. Als besonders wüchsig erwiesen sich Keimlinge auf den Bodendeckungsvarianten mit Nadelstreuauflage und in D. flexuosa. Sand-Birkenkeimlinge der Bodendeckungsvarianten ohne Konkurrenz durch Bodenvegetation (Mb, Nd) besaßen eine längere Hauptwurzel und eine höhere Wurzelmasse (56 % - 60 % der Gesamtmasse). Die oberirdische Allokation (Blatt- und Sprossmasse) fiel hingegen für Sand-Birkenkeimlinge in den Bodendeckungs-varianten mit C. villosa und D. flexuosa höher aus. Verteilungs- und Konkurrenzerhebungen in den Gefäßversuchen erbrachten signifikante Zusammenhänge zwischen Keimlingsdichte, Standraum und Wachstum der Einzelpflanze. - Das Sämlingsstadium und die älteren Verjüngungspflanzen wiesen einen deutlichen Rückgang in der Mortalität auf. Die Erhebungen im Bestand ergaben ein unterschiedliches Durchschnittsalter für Sand-Birken auf den einzelnen Bodendeckungsvarianten (C. villosa 7,6 Jahre, D. flexuosa 6,2 Jahre und Nadelstreu 4,7 Jahre). Die wachstumsrelevanten Umweltbe-dingungen wie Strahlungsverfügbarkeit, Feuchteregime und Entfernung zum nächsten Alt-baum unterschieden sich außerdem in Abhängigkeit von den als repräsentativ eingestuften Bodendeckungsvarianten unter Bestandesbedingungen. Das bestandesbezogene Wachstum der Sand-Birken in einem Alter von 2 bis 6 Jahren ließ sich durch eine exponentielle Funktion mit hoher Anpassungsgüte (p ≤ 0,000) abbilden. Innerhalb des Mitscherlich-Gefäßversuchs haben sich ebenfalls Unterschiede in der Individuendichte, den Mortalitäts- und Wachstums-raten in Abhängigkeit von den Bodendeckungsvarianten ausgebildet. Höchste Verjüngungs-dichten wurden nach einem 2,5jährigen Entwicklungszeitraum auf der Bodendeckungs-variante Nadelstreuauflage erreicht. Die Allokationen in der Trockenmasse näherten sich hingegen in den unterschiedlichen Varianten stärker an. Ein dichteabhängiges Wachstum konnte in der letzten Aufnahme nicht mehr nachgewiesen werden. Abschließend bleibt festzuhalten, dass die ermittelten Untersuchungsergebnisse in Abhängig-keit vom jeweiligen Verjüngungsstadium die zeitliche und räumliche Präsenz, Konkurrenz- und Entwicklungsfähigkeit der Sand-Birke in Fichtenaltbeständen des Tharandter Waldes charakterisieren. Sie belegen eine kleinstandörtliche Heterogenität in den untersuchten Beständen, die sich nachhaltig auf die Etablierung der hier untersuchten Pionierbaumart auswirkt. Anhand der räumlichen Modellierung lässt sich die zu erwartende Verteilung von Diasporen und Keimlingen in Abhängigkeit von den Positionen der Samenbäume prognostizieren. Insgesamt ergibt sich aus den vorliegenden Ergebnissen ein vergleichsweise hohes Verjüngungspotenzial für B. pendula, das sich durch waldbauliche Maßnahmen effizient nutzen ließe. Ein detailliertes Wissen über die einzelnen Verjüngungsstadien bietet zudem die Möglichkeit einer gezielten waldbaulichen Steuerung der Baumart und zur Risikoabschätzung des Verjüngungserfolgs unter den gegebenen Rahmenbedingungen. Bei einer wachsenden waldbaulichen Unsicherheit im Umgang mit unterschiedlichsten Klima-prognosen, die sich in ihrer Wirkung regionalspezifisch erheblich unterscheiden können, sollte die Sand-Birke als Misch- und Vorwaldbaumart unbedingt berücksichtigt werden. Um dem viel zitierten Anspruch an die Nachhaltigkeit waldbaulichen Handelns gerecht zu werden, muss die Option zur Integration von B. pendula gewährleistet bleiben, auch für künftige Generationen und bei sich wandelnden Ansprüchen an den Wald. / - Objectives - The main goal of this study was to describe comprehensively the particular stages of the regeneration cycle of Betula pendula Roth. Investigations were carried out in local stand and site conditions of a research area in South-East Germany (Tharandter Forest) are considered. In this context options for integrating Silver birch regeneration into silvicultural management concepts of old Spruce stands (Picea abies L.) with lacking vitality are pointed out. - Research area - The Tharandter Forest is located (50°00’N, 13°35’E.) in Saxony (South-East Germany) with an area of around 6.000 ha. It is dominated by Norway spruce stands, and ranges from colline to submontane altitudinal belt (350 to 420 m a.s.l.). These sites are part of the northern declivity of the Ore Mountains. Mono-layered Norway spruce stands with soils of medium trophy and well drained, but featured highly variable soil moisture levels during the growing season were selected for this study. The stand age was ≥ 80 years. Seed trees of Silver birch were mixed as single trees or small groups. - Methodical aspects - The methodical work was concentrated on relevant regeneration aspects like fructification of seed trees, seeds, seedlings, saplings and established regeneration of Silver birch. Growth parameters of seed trees and the amount of fructification were used to quantify allometric relationships. The multi-level research design was based on measurements under stand conditions, pot and laboratory experiments. Seed traps and plots (1m x 1m) were located in spruce stands with regard to different stages of Silver birch development. Therefore micro-environmental growth conditions like soil humidity and photosynthetic active radiation were measured, and plants of ground cover characterized. As examples of ground cover variants with highest presence in homogeneous spruce stands mineral soil, needle litter, Calamagrostis villosa CHAIX (GMEL.) und Deschampsia flexuosa L. (TRIN.) were chosen. Using the program WALDSTAT (NÄTHER &amp; WÄLDER 2003) spatial distribution of dispersed seeds (diaspores) and seedlings could be modelled. Additionally pot experiments were done to compare quantitative and qualitative development of birch seedlings between stand and open site conditions. Regeneration density, number of leaves, shoot and root growth and allocations were measured as important growth parameters to evaluate single plant development under different environmental conditions. Finally, spatial distribution of seedlings in microsites and intraspecific competition were calculated by tessellation models, aggregation indices after CLARK &amp; EVANS, Gini-coefficient and ‘constant yield law’. - Main results - - Measurements on seed trees of B. pendula indicate stand specific differences significantly in dimension, height and biosocial position of trees within the birch population (crown classes). For specific height-dbh curves logarithmic and quadratic equations were adapted. The relative crown length for seed trees was located between 37 % and 49 %. Allometric relationships between crown parameters (e.g. crown diameter, crown length and crown surface) were strongly correlated. In specific cases crown structures (e.g. dry mass of leaves and twigs) were also correlated, certainly with different grades. Direct seed counting of felled seed trees provided the relationships between dbh and number of seeds. Counted seeds for single Silver birch trees ranged between 2.300.000 - 4.200.000. - As one result of seed trapping huge varieties in seed production of Silver birch were detectable between years with different seed potential. Spatial modeling of seed dispersal supported strong influences caused by wind (direction and speed). Hence, best fitted model estimations were found for anisotropic scenarios. The maximum in seed density was recorded with 20.700 seeds per m². As data for ‘Mean Dispersal Distances’ (MDD) the program WALDSTAT calculated between 37 m and 90 m. Furthermore the amount of seeds produced by a single tree was estimated with 180.000 - 7.400.000 depending on dbh. Physical quality evaluations for seeds have shown a mean proportion of damaged and not germinable seeds between 5 % and 8 %. - Direct effects of ground cover variants have been identified for seedling density and growth. Seedling density was highest on mineral soil for both, stand conditions and pot experiment, but these birch seedlings developed slowly compared with individuals in the other ground cover variants. The best growth was realized by birch seedlings in needle litter and D. flexuosa. Regarding to root length and mass, birches in ground cover variants without grass competition (mineral soil and needle litter) have shown a significant better development of underground parts. Root dry mass of these birch seedlings reached proportions between 56 % and 60 % of whole plant dry mass. By contrast the aboveground dry mass (leaves and shoot) was higher for birches competing with grasses. Overall results of birch seedling distribution and competition were significant correlations between densities, space, and growth per single plant. - For saplings and established birch regeneration a notable decrease in mortality rates were found. According to regeneration analyses under stand conditions age distributions in Silver birch regeneration have been controlled by ground cover variants and their environment conditions. The average age of Silver birch seedlings was high in areas with C. villosa (7.6 years) and low in needle litter (4.7 years). Furthermore growth influencing environmental conditions like light, humidity, and distance of old spruce trees have shown differences between variants in ground cover. The growth of regenerated Silver birches at the age of 2 to 6 years under those stand conditions can be described by an exponential function with high degree of adaptation (p ≤ 0,000). There were also differences in sapling densities, mortality and growth rates caused by ground cover variants in the pot experiments. After 2.5 years maximum regeneration densities in pots were registered on ground covers with needle litter. Allocations in regeneration dry mass were less influenced by ground cover variants than in previous stages. Density dependent growth rates could not be proved during last measurements. Finally, the presented results provide the opportunity to characterize temporal and spatial presence of different regeneration stages of Silver birch, its potential of competition and further development in old Norway spruce stands of the Tharandter Forest. They document heterogeneous structures of micro-environmental conditions in these spruce stands, which have sustainable effects on regeneration establishment of this studied pioneer tree species. On the basis of spatial modeling it is possible to estimate spatial distribution of seeds and seedlings depending on seed tree positions. Overall the results involve a high potential of successful regeneration in Silver birch, which opens up promising vistas for silvicultural management. More detailed knowledge in particular regeneration stages induces possibilities for selective control in silviculture with Silver birch. Additionally, estimating the regeneration risks and the success under given surrounding conditions will be more precisely. Considering uncertainty in giving prognoses for climate change Silver birch should be integrated in silvicultural strategies because of its role as admixed tree species and pioneer crop combined with comparably high resilience against warming.

Vliv biotických a abiotických faktorů na populační dynamiku kriticky ohroženého druhu Spiranthes spiralis / Influence of biotic and abiotic factors on population dynamics of a critically endangered species Spiranthes spiralis

IPSER, Zdeněk January 2012 (has links)
A population of a critically endangered species Spiranthes spiralis was discovered in 1980 in the National Natural Monument Pastviště u Fínů near village Albrechtice, close to Sušice city. Since 1985 the number of flowering individuals in this population has been annually monitored. Since autumn 1998 all the specimen found there have been marked and biometrically measured. During these periods (12 or 26 years, respectively), large year-on-year fluctuations in the number of flowering plants and in the survival of the individual rosettes have been recorded. The main aim of my work was to assess the effect of weather conditions (temperature, precipitation, the number of days of snow) on the population dynamics and on the fitness of plants (leaf area, probability of flowering and probability of death). The year-round lower temperature and the wet end of autumn during the previous year (t-1) together with the wet spring of the following year (t) had a positive effect on the leaf area during the period of maximal rosette growth (end May in the year t). The probability of flowering was positively affected by the lower temperatures in May and June in the previous year (t-1) and in August just before flowering (year t). The probability of death (in the year t) was increased when the March precipitation (in t) and October temperatures (in t-1) were low. The average number of seeds in the capsule was 1528 ? 885 (s.d.). The number of flowers was positively correlated with the number of mature capsules. However, it did not affect the ratio of mature capsules. Capsules developed on average from 44% ? 24.6 % (s.d.) of the flowers. The average life time of individual plant cohorts was 4.7 years. The number of rosettes per each position was variable from 1 to 7 rosettes (73.2% positions had only 1 rosette). The annual life cycle of the underground organs is described at the end of the thesis.

Untersuchungen zur Verjüngungsökologie der Sand-Birke (Betula pendula Roth)

Huth, Franka 13 August 2009 (has links)
- Ziele der Arbeit - Das primäre Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit bestand in einer möglichst umfassenden Be-schreibung einzelner Entwicklungsstadien im Verjüngungszyklus von Betula pendula Roth. Dabei waren die lokalen Bestandes- und Standortsbedingungen im Untersuchungsgebiet in besonderer Weise zu berücksichtigen. Des Weiteren sollten Optionen zur waldbaulichen Integration der Sand-Birkenverjüngung in bestehende Behandlungskonzepte für in Auflösung befindliche Fichtenaltbestände aufgezeigt werden. - Untersuchungsgebiet - Der Tharandter Wald liegt im Freistaat Sachsen (50° 55’-50° 00’n. Br., 13° 25’-13° 35’ ö. L.) und umfasst eine Fläche von etwa 6.000 ha. Das von der Baumart Fichte dominierte Gebiet kolliner bis submontaner Höhenstufe (350 - 420 m ü. NN) wird der „Unteren Nordostab-dachung des Erzgebirges“ zugeordnet. Als Untersuchungsflächen wurden wechselfeuchte (wechselfrische) Standorte mittlerer Trophie gewählt, die von einschichtigen Fichtenbe-ständen in einem Alter von ≥ 80 Jahren bestockt waren. Einzeln bis truppweise eingemischte Samenbäume der Sand-Birke (B. pendula) bildeten eine Grundvoraussetzung für die Flächen-auswahl. - Methodisches Vorgehen - Das methodische Vorgehen konzentrierte sich auf die verjüngungsökologisch relevanten Entwicklungsstadien (fruktifizierender Samenbaum, Diaspore, Keimling, Sämling und eta-blierte Verjüngungspflanze) der Sand-Birke. Die Wachstumsparameter der vorhandenen Samenbäume wurden durch Untersuchungen zum Fruchtbehang unterlegt. Der mehrstufige Versuchsansatz zur Erfassung einzelner Verjüngungsstadien stützte sich auf Bestandesauf-nahmen, Gefäß- und Laborversuche. Erhebungen auf Bestandesebene erfassten die Diaspo-renausbreitung mithilfe von Samenfallen und dokumentierten die Keimlings- und Ver-jüngungsstadien von B. pendula auf entsprechend etablierten Aufnahmeplots (1 m x 1 m). Darüber hinaus umfassten die Aufnahmen Strahlungs- und Feuchtemessungen und die Charakterisierung der Bodenvegetation. Für die Einschätzung des mikrostandörtlichen Um-feldes wurden exemplarisch Bodendeckungsvarianten (Mineralboden, Nadelstreuauflage, Calamagrostis villosa CHAIX (GMEL.) und Deschampsia flexuosa L. (TRIN.)) ausgewählt, die als besonders repräsentativ für reine Fichtenbestände des Erzgebirges gelten. Für die räumliche Modellierung der Diasporen und Keimlinge auf Bestandesebene stand das Pro-gramm WALDSTAT (NÄTHER &amp; WÄLDER 2003) zur Verfügung. Im Rahmen des Mitscherlich-Gefäßversuchs wurden gleichermaßen quantitative und qualitative Entwicklungen von Sand-Birkenkeimlingen und -sämlingen erhoben. Der Einfluss ausgewählter Bodendeckungs-varianten wurde in diesen Betrachtungen berücksichtigt. Neben zahlreichen Pflanzenpara-metern (Spross-, Blatt- und Wurzelentwicklung, Allokationen, Allometrien) war die kleinstandörtliche räumliche Verteilung dieser Verjüngungspflanzen von vorrangiger Be-deutung. Als Verteilungs- und Konkurrenzmaße auf Ebene des Mikrostandortes dienten Tessellationsmodelle, der Aggregationsindex nach CLARK &amp; EVANS, der Gini-Koeffizient und das “Constant Yield Law“. - Ergebnisse - - Die Erfassung der Samenbaumparameter von B. pendula führte zu flächenspezifischen und signifikanten Unterschieden in der Dimension, Höhe und soziologischen Stellung. Für die Darstellung der Durchmesser-Höhenverteilungen erwiesen sich logarithmische und quadra-tische Funktionen gleichermaßen geeignet. Das Kronenprozent ereichte im Mittel Werte zwi-schen 37 % und 49 %. Die einzelnen Kronenparameter (Kronendurchmesser, Kronenlänge und Kronenmantelfläche) zeigten straffe lineare Zusammenhänge. Innerhalb der Kronen-strukturen (z. B. Blatt- und Zweigtrockenmasse) ließen sich zum Teil allometrische Be-ziehungen nachweisen. Im Rahmen der Vollbaumbeerntung war ein durchmesserabhängiger Fruchtbehang nachweisbar, der für den Einzelbaum eine Anzahl zwischen 2,3 und 4,2 Millionen Diasporen erreichte. - Mit den Erhebungen zur zeitlichen Ausbreitungsdynamik der Diasporen waren durch mehrjährige Untersuchungszeiträume, auch für eine Pionierbaumart wie B. pendula, stärkere Samenjahre nachzuweisen. Die räumliche Modellierung der anemochoren Diasporenaus-breitung belegte erwartungsgemäß bessere Modellanpassungen für den anisotropen (richtungsgebundenen) Modellansatz. Dennoch zeichneten sich sowohl jahres- als auch flächenspezifisch deutliche Unterschiede in der Modellgüte ab. Als maximale Diasporen-dichte pro m² wurde ein Wert von 20.700 Diasporen ermittelt. Die mittleren Ausbreitungs-distanzen (MDD - “Mean Dispersal Distances“) lagen nach Modellschätzung für die ge-samten Beprobungszeiträume und unter Berücksichtigung aller Versuchsflächen zwischen 37 m und 90 m. Die durchschnittliche Diasporenproduktion eines Einzelbaumes lag nach Anga-ben des Modells in einem Bereich von 180.000 bis 7.400.000. Die Qualitätsansprache an den Diasporen ergab einen Anteil von etwa 5 % bis 8 % äußerlich Schadhaften. Der unmittelbare Windeinfluss auf Hauptausbreitungsrichtung und -entfernung konnte ebenfalls nachgewiesen werden. - Untersuchungen zum Keimlingsstadium zeigten deutliche Abhängigkeiten zwischen den ausgewählten Bodendeckungsvarianten, der Keimlingsdichte und dem Keimlingswachstum. Sand-Birkenkeimlinge waren sowohl unter Bestandesbedingungen als auch unter den freif-lächenähnlichen Bedingungen des Mitscherlich-Gefäßversuchs auf der Variante mit Mine-ralboden besonders dicht aufgelaufen, blieben jedoch stark in ihrer weiteren Entwicklung zurück. Als besonders wüchsig erwiesen sich Keimlinge auf den Bodendeckungsvarianten mit Nadelstreuauflage und in D. flexuosa. Sand-Birkenkeimlinge der Bodendeckungsvarianten ohne Konkurrenz durch Bodenvegetation (Mb, Nd) besaßen eine längere Hauptwurzel und eine höhere Wurzelmasse (56 % - 60 % der Gesamtmasse). Die oberirdische Allokation (Blatt- und Sprossmasse) fiel hingegen für Sand-Birkenkeimlinge in den Bodendeckungs-varianten mit C. villosa und D. flexuosa höher aus. Verteilungs- und Konkurrenzerhebungen in den Gefäßversuchen erbrachten signifikante Zusammenhänge zwischen Keimlingsdichte, Standraum und Wachstum der Einzelpflanze. - Das Sämlingsstadium und die älteren Verjüngungspflanzen wiesen einen deutlichen Rückgang in der Mortalität auf. Die Erhebungen im Bestand ergaben ein unterschiedliches Durchschnittsalter für Sand-Birken auf den einzelnen Bodendeckungsvarianten (C. villosa 7,6 Jahre, D. flexuosa 6,2 Jahre und Nadelstreu 4,7 Jahre). Die wachstumsrelevanten Umweltbe-dingungen wie Strahlungsverfügbarkeit, Feuchteregime und Entfernung zum nächsten Alt-baum unterschieden sich außerdem in Abhängigkeit von den als repräsentativ eingestuften Bodendeckungsvarianten unter Bestandesbedingungen. Das bestandesbezogene Wachstum der Sand-Birken in einem Alter von 2 bis 6 Jahren ließ sich durch eine exponentielle Funktion mit hoher Anpassungsgüte (p ≤ 0,000) abbilden. Innerhalb des Mitscherlich-Gefäßversuchs haben sich ebenfalls Unterschiede in der Individuendichte, den Mortalitäts- und Wachstums-raten in Abhängigkeit von den Bodendeckungsvarianten ausgebildet. Höchste Verjüngungs-dichten wurden nach einem 2,5jährigen Entwicklungszeitraum auf der Bodendeckungs-variante Nadelstreuauflage erreicht. Die Allokationen in der Trockenmasse näherten sich hingegen in den unterschiedlichen Varianten stärker an. Ein dichteabhängiges Wachstum konnte in der letzten Aufnahme nicht mehr nachgewiesen werden. Abschließend bleibt festzuhalten, dass die ermittelten Untersuchungsergebnisse in Abhängig-keit vom jeweiligen Verjüngungsstadium die zeitliche und räumliche Präsenz, Konkurrenz- und Entwicklungsfähigkeit der Sand-Birke in Fichtenaltbeständen des Tharandter Waldes charakterisieren. Sie belegen eine kleinstandörtliche Heterogenität in den untersuchten Beständen, die sich nachhaltig auf die Etablierung der hier untersuchten Pionierbaumart auswirkt. Anhand der räumlichen Modellierung lässt sich die zu erwartende Verteilung von Diasporen und Keimlingen in Abhängigkeit von den Positionen der Samenbäume prognostizieren. Insgesamt ergibt sich aus den vorliegenden Ergebnissen ein vergleichsweise hohes Verjüngungspotenzial für B. pendula, das sich durch waldbauliche Maßnahmen effizient nutzen ließe. Ein detailliertes Wissen über die einzelnen Verjüngungsstadien bietet zudem die Möglichkeit einer gezielten waldbaulichen Steuerung der Baumart und zur Risikoabschätzung des Verjüngungserfolgs unter den gegebenen Rahmenbedingungen. Bei einer wachsenden waldbaulichen Unsicherheit im Umgang mit unterschiedlichsten Klima-prognosen, die sich in ihrer Wirkung regionalspezifisch erheblich unterscheiden können, sollte die Sand-Birke als Misch- und Vorwaldbaumart unbedingt berücksichtigt werden. Um dem viel zitierten Anspruch an die Nachhaltigkeit waldbaulichen Handelns gerecht zu werden, muss die Option zur Integration von B. pendula gewährleistet bleiben, auch für künftige Generationen und bei sich wandelnden Ansprüchen an den Wald. / - Objectives - The main goal of this study was to describe comprehensively the particular stages of the regeneration cycle of Betula pendula Roth. Investigations were carried out in local stand and site conditions of a research area in South-East Germany (Tharandter Forest) are considered. In this context options for integrating Silver birch regeneration into silvicultural management concepts of old Spruce stands (Picea abies L.) with lacking vitality are pointed out. - Research area - The Tharandter Forest is located (50°00’N, 13°35’E.) in Saxony (South-East Germany) with an area of around 6.000 ha. It is dominated by Norway spruce stands, and ranges from colline to submontane altitudinal belt (350 to 420 m a.s.l.). These sites are part of the northern declivity of the Ore Mountains. Mono-layered Norway spruce stands with soils of medium trophy and well drained, but featured highly variable soil moisture levels during the growing season were selected for this study. The stand age was ≥ 80 years. Seed trees of Silver birch were mixed as single trees or small groups. - Methodical aspects - The methodical work was concentrated on relevant regeneration aspects like fructification of seed trees, seeds, seedlings, saplings and established regeneration of Silver birch. Growth parameters of seed trees and the amount of fructification were used to quantify allometric relationships. The multi-level research design was based on measurements under stand conditions, pot and laboratory experiments. Seed traps and plots (1m x 1m) were located in spruce stands with regard to different stages of Silver birch development. Therefore micro-environmental growth conditions like soil humidity and photosynthetic active radiation were measured, and plants of ground cover characterized. As examples of ground cover variants with highest presence in homogeneous spruce stands mineral soil, needle litter, Calamagrostis villosa CHAIX (GMEL.) und Deschampsia flexuosa L. (TRIN.) were chosen. Using the program WALDSTAT (NÄTHER &amp; WÄLDER 2003) spatial distribution of dispersed seeds (diaspores) and seedlings could be modelled. Additionally pot experiments were done to compare quantitative and qualitative development of birch seedlings between stand and open site conditions. Regeneration density, number of leaves, shoot and root growth and allocations were measured as important growth parameters to evaluate single plant development under different environmental conditions. Finally, spatial distribution of seedlings in microsites and intraspecific competition were calculated by tessellation models, aggregation indices after CLARK &amp; EVANS, Gini-coefficient and ‘constant yield law’. - Main results - - Measurements on seed trees of B. pendula indicate stand specific differences significantly in dimension, height and biosocial position of trees within the birch population (crown classes). For specific height-dbh curves logarithmic and quadratic equations were adapted. The relative crown length for seed trees was located between 37 % and 49 %. Allometric relationships between crown parameters (e.g. crown diameter, crown length and crown surface) were strongly correlated. In specific cases crown structures (e.g. dry mass of leaves and twigs) were also correlated, certainly with different grades. Direct seed counting of felled seed trees provided the relationships between dbh and number of seeds. Counted seeds for single Silver birch trees ranged between 2.300.000 - 4.200.000. - As one result of seed trapping huge varieties in seed production of Silver birch were detectable between years with different seed potential. Spatial modeling of seed dispersal supported strong influences caused by wind (direction and speed). Hence, best fitted model estimations were found for anisotropic scenarios. The maximum in seed density was recorded with 20.700 seeds per m². As data for ‘Mean Dispersal Distances’ (MDD) the program WALDSTAT calculated between 37 m and 90 m. Furthermore the amount of seeds produced by a single tree was estimated with 180.000 - 7.400.000 depending on dbh. Physical quality evaluations for seeds have shown a mean proportion of damaged and not germinable seeds between 5 % and 8 %. - Direct effects of ground cover variants have been identified for seedling density and growth. Seedling density was highest on mineral soil for both, stand conditions and pot experiment, but these birch seedlings developed slowly compared with individuals in the other ground cover variants. The best growth was realized by birch seedlings in needle litter and D. flexuosa. Regarding to root length and mass, birches in ground cover variants without grass competition (mineral soil and needle litter) have shown a significant better development of underground parts. Root dry mass of these birch seedlings reached proportions between 56 % and 60 % of whole plant dry mass. By contrast the aboveground dry mass (leaves and shoot) was higher for birches competing with grasses. Overall results of birch seedling distribution and competition were significant correlations between densities, space, and growth per single plant. - For saplings and established birch regeneration a notable decrease in mortality rates were found. According to regeneration analyses under stand conditions age distributions in Silver birch regeneration have been controlled by ground cover variants and their environment conditions. The average age of Silver birch seedlings was high in areas with C. villosa (7.6 years) and low in needle litter (4.7 years). Furthermore growth influencing environmental conditions like light, humidity, and distance of old spruce trees have shown differences between variants in ground cover. The growth of regenerated Silver birches at the age of 2 to 6 years under those stand conditions can be described by an exponential function with high degree of adaptation (p ≤ 0,000). There were also differences in sapling densities, mortality and growth rates caused by ground cover variants in the pot experiments. After 2.5 years maximum regeneration densities in pots were registered on ground covers with needle litter. Allocations in regeneration dry mass were less influenced by ground cover variants than in previous stages. Density dependent growth rates could not be proved during last measurements. Finally, the presented results provide the opportunity to characterize temporal and spatial presence of different regeneration stages of Silver birch, its potential of competition and further development in old Norway spruce stands of the Tharandter Forest. They document heterogeneous structures of micro-environmental conditions in these spruce stands, which have sustainable effects on regeneration establishment of this studied pioneer tree species. On the basis of spatial modeling it is possible to estimate spatial distribution of seeds and seedlings depending on seed tree positions. Overall the results involve a high potential of successful regeneration in Silver birch, which opens up promising vistas for silvicultural management. More detailed knowledge in particular regeneration stages induces possibilities for selective control in silviculture with Silver birch. Additionally, estimating the regeneration risks and the success under given surrounding conditions will be more precisely. Considering uncertainty in giving prognoses for climate change Silver birch should be integrated in silvicultural strategies because of its role as admixed tree species and pioneer crop combined with comparably high resilience against warming.

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