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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Clayey landslide seismology : use of endogenous seismic catalog for understanding the deformation pattern / Sismologie de glissements de terrains argileux : apport de catalogues de sismicité endogène pour comprendre les mécanismes de déformation

Provost, Floriane 20 June 2018 (has links)
Ce projet de recherche vise à accroître les connaissances sur les mécanismes contrôlant la déformation des glissements de terrain argileux grâce à la combinaison de la surveillance sismique passive et de la surveillance géodésique. Des études récentes ont démontré que la surveillance sismique peut fournir des informations intéressantes sur la mécanique des glissements de terrain et, dans certains cas, fournir des précurseurs utiles pour la prévision des défaillances. L’installation récente de sismomètres sur les glissements de terrain a révélé une variété de signaux sismiques de magnitude (ML $<$ 1) soupçonnée d'être générée par la déformation de la pente (chute, basculement, glissement, écoulement). Cette sismicité endogène doit être catégorisée. Une classification standard des sources sismiques endogènes est ainsi proposée ; l'objectif de cette norme est de pouvoir comparer l'activité sismique de plusieurs glissements de terrain et d'identifier les mécanismes générant ces signaux sismiques ainsi que leur corrélation avec les forçages externes. Plusieurs propriétés de signal (durée, contenu spectral et forme de spectrogramme) sont prises en compte pour décrire les différentes classes de signaux et permettre une comparaison générique. Les observations montrent que des signaux similaires enregistrés sur différents sites présentent les mêmes propriétés et les sources sismiques possibles sont discutées compte tenu du type de déformation observé sur les pentes étudiées. [...] / This research project aims at increasing knowledge on the mechanisms controlling the deformation of clayey landslides through the combination of passive seismic and geodetic monitoring. Recent studies have demonstrated that seismic monitoring is able to give interesting information on landslide mechanics and in some case to provide precursory patterns useful for failure forecasting. The recent installation of seismometers on landslides revealed a variety of seismic signals of law magnitude (ML $<$ 1) suspected to be generated by slope deformation (falling, toppling, sliding, flowing), weathering of the slope material or fluid circulation. This endogenous seismicity needs to be categorized. We thus proposed a standard classification of the endogenous seismic sources; the objective of this standard is to be able to compare the seismic activity of several landslides and identify the mechanisms generating these seismic signals as well as their correlation with external forcing. Several signal properties (i.e. duration, spectral content and spectrogram shape) are taken into account to describe the different class of signals and allow generic comparison. We observe that similar signals recorded at different sites present the same properties and discussed the possible seismic sources considering the type of deformation observed on the studied slopes. [...]

Deriving Geothermal Reservoir Properties from Tomographic Models / Utvärdering av geothermala egenskaper från tomografiska studier

Kim, Samantha January 2019 (has links)
The effectiveness of the heat transfer in a geothermal reservoir strongly depends on its temperature, pressure and rock type. A porous and fractured rock is essential to provide a hot fluid circulation to a geothermal power plant. Velocity anomalies in seismic tomography may relate to the location of a fluid reservoir, hydrothermal systems, and possible heat sources. However, the subsurface properties like porosity, fracture density, and fluid state (e.g liquid, gas or supercritical fluid) cannot be inferred directly using seismic tomography. The inversion of seismic data can be combined with an effective medium model (EMM) to investigate such rock and subsurface properties. In the present study, we implement an EMM involving elastic rock properties and the following descriptions of inclusions: pore porosity, fracture density, fracture aspect ratio, fracture porosity, and liquid ratio. The chosen EMM was reproduced from the work of Adelinet et al. (2011a) and Adelinet (2010). Tomographic results were inverted for the same geographic area (Krysuvik in Iceland) in order to validate our method and to confirm the presence of the supercritical fluid reservoir. We re-evaluate the assumptions and constraining parameters choice of the inverse model used in Adelinet et al. (2011a) and Adelinet (2010), in order to 1) get a better understanding of the underlying problems, 2) investigate the sensitivity of the results based on the constraining parameters, 3) produce suitable workflows, and 4) build an adaptive method for geothermal exploration in different areas. The newly implemented method found the same qualitative results in Krysuvik as Adelinet et al. (2011a). Namely, at ≈ 6.5 km depth both values of fracture density and of liquid ratio are consistent with hydraulic fracturing and a probable super-critical fluid reservoir. Afterwards, the method was applied to the Hengill volcanic complex. Fracture density and liquid ratio values similar to those observed at Krysuvik and associated to a geothermal reservoir were obtained at Hengill at the exact location of existing production sites. Our results also showed limitations of initial assumptions and could contribute to improve the method. This study could be a starting point to build a more sophisticated tool for geothermal exploration. / Idag består majoriteten av världens energiproduktion av fossilt bränsle. Naturgas, kol och olja stod tillsammans för 70% av världens energiproduktion 2010 och det ökar konstant trots nödvändigheten att minska koldioxidutsläppen. Geotermisk energi är en hållbar resurs men bidrar endast med mindre än 2% av världens energi. Det finns dock undantag, exempelvis på Island där 70% av all energi som förbrukas kommer från geotermiska resurser. Island är en seismiskt aktiv region som inkluderar diverse olika geotermiska områden med hög temperatur. På grund av detta, har det där skett mycket forskning om geotermiska resurser. Vidare information är nödvändig för att utforska potentialen av att nyttja geotermisk energi. I denna studie impementerades en metod som kombinerar seismiska hastigheter och teoretiska mekaniska egenskaper av stenar, exempelvis stenbrottsgeometri. Metoden tillåter att uttyda egenskaper under ytan, framförallt tätheten av sprickor och det fysiska tillståndet av vätskan. Dessa egenskaper kan bidra med relevant information för beslutstagande och är nödvändiga för att lyckas med borrning. En optimering av mätna och teoeriska värden var beräknad för att hitta de optimala värdena av spricktäthet och det fysiska tillståndet av vätskan. Studien fokuserar huvudsakligen på två geotermiska områden på Island, Krysuvik- och Hengill-vulkanernas områden. Resultat erhållna från Krysuvik konfimerade en möjlig superkritisk vätskereservoar på ettdjup av 5.5-6.5 kilometer. Efter att ha studerat Hengill-området, uppkom resultat på den geotermiska utvinningsplatsen men det visade även begränsningar kring metoden. Metoden behöver förbättras och anpassa sig till funktionen av området. Heterogeniteten och de komplexa egenskaperna (till exempel bergskomposition eller vätskealternering) under ytan ledde till omvärdering av antaganden gjorda i den initiala mediummodellen.

Investigation sismique du domaine avant-arc Égéen du segment Sud-Ouest de la zone de subduction Hellénique / Seismic investigation of the forearc domain of the southwestern segment of the Hellenic subduction zone

Vitard, Clément 01 December 2016 (has links)
La zone de subduction Hellénique, en Méditerranée orientale, est caractérisée par le taux de sismicité le plus important d’Europe. Des séismes de forte magnitude (Mw 7,5-8) ont eu lieu le long du segment Sud-Ouest de la zone de subduction Hellénique, au large du Péloponnèse, au cours du 19ème et 20ème siècle. Ce segment de 400 km de long a également été le lieu de nucléation du plus important séisme d’Europe, en 365 ap J.C, avec une magnitude supérieure à 8, ayant entraîné un tsunami dévastateur. Deux principaux modèles scientifiques s’opposent sur la question du couplage sismique de l’interface de subduction, allant d’un couplage sismique total au niveau de l’interface, à l’hypothèse opposée d’un couplage quasi inexistant. Cependant, ces modèles opposés considèrent des géométries approximatives et parfois extrêmes, fautes de contraintes disponibles sur la structure et la géométrie de l’interplaque sous l’avant-arc dans cette zone. La localisation de la faille responsable du séisme de 365 ap J.C est également débattue, en l’absence de données géophysiques permettant d’identifier les interfaces potentiellement responsables de cet événement dévastateur. La faille de méga-chevauchement et le domaine avant-arc du segment Sud-Ouest de l’arc Hellénique ont été l’objet d’étude de la campagne océanographique Ulysse en Novembre 2012 afin de déterminer la géométrie des structures et unités majeures dans cette portion de la zone de subduction, mais également d’apporter un éclairage sur la tectonique récente qui affecte cette zone / The Hellenic subduction zone, in the eastern part of the Mediterranean sea, is characterized by the highest rate of current seismicity in Europe. In the southwestern segment, several earthquakes of large magnitude (Mw 7,5-8) occured a the turn of the 19th to 20th century. This segment of 400 km long, has also been the nucleation site of the largest historical earthquake in Europe, named the 365 AD earthquake, with a magnitude of Mw 8. This event generates a devastating tsunami, which spread along the Adriactic Sea and in the Nile Delta region. Two main models differ about the interplate seismic coupling question in this region, from a total seismic coupling at the interplate, at the opposite assumption of a very weak seismic coupling. However, these opposing models consider an approximate geometry, mostly because of the lack of information available on the geometry and the localization of the interplate in this region of the forearc domain. The localization of the fault responsible of the 365 AD event is also debated, because, there is no available data who provides imagery of the interfaces potentially responsible of this devastating earthquake. The megathrust fault and the forearc domain of the southwestern segment of the Hellenic subduction zone has been the target of the Ulysse marine survey in November 2012. The aim of this survey was to provide information of the structural geometry of the main units in this part of the subduction zone, and to bring information on the recent tectonic activity in this region

Seismic Wave Velocity Variations in Deep Hard Rock Underground Mines by Passive Seismic Tomography

Ghaychi Afrouz, Setareh 22 April 2020 (has links)
Mining engineers are tasked with ensuring that underground mining operations be both safe and efficiently productive. Induced stress in deep mines has a significant role in the stability of the underground mines and hence the safety of the mining workplace because the behavior of the rock mass associated with mining-induced seismicity is poorly-understood. Passive seismic tomography is a tool with which the performance of a rock mass can be monitored in a timely manner. Using the tool of passive seismic tomography, the advance rate of operation and mining designs can be updated considering the induced stress level in the abutting rock. Most of our current understanding of rock mass behavior associated with mining-induced seismicity comes from numerical modeling and a limited set of case studies. Therefore, it is critical to continuously monitor the rock mass performance under induced stress. Underground stress changes directly influence the seismic wave velocity of the rock mass, which can be measured by passive seismic tomography. The precise rock mass seismicity can be modeled based on the data recorded by seismic sensors such as geophones of an in-mine microseismic system. The seismic velocity of rock mass, which refers to the propagated P-wave velocity, varies associated with the occurrence of major seismic events (defined as having a local moment magnitude between 2 to 4). Seismic velocity changes in affected areas can be measured before and after a major seismic event in order to determine the highly stressed zones. This study evaluates the seismic velocity trends associated with five major seismic events with moment magnitude of 1.4 at a deep narrow-vein mine in order to recognize reasonable patterns correlated to induced stress redistribution. This pattern may allow recognizing areas and times which are prone to occurrence of a major seismic event and helpful in taking appropriate actions in order to mitigate the risk such as evacuation of the area in abrupt cases and changing the aggressive mine plans in gradual cases. In other words, the high stress zones can be distinguished at their early stage and correspondingly optimizing the mining practices to prevent progression of high stress zones which can be ended to a rock failure. For this purpose a block cave mine was synthetically modeled and numerically analyzed in order to evaluate the capability of the passive seismic tomography in determining the induced stress changes through seismic velocity measurement in block cave mines. Next the same method is used for a narrow vein mine as a case study to determine the velocity patterns corresponding to each major seismic event. / Doctor of Philosophy / Mining activities unbalance the stress distribution underground, which is called mining induced stress. The stability of the underground mines is jeopardized due to accumulation of induced stress thus it is critical for the safety of the miners to prevent excessive induced stress accumulation. Hence it is important to continuously monitor the rock mass performance under the induced stress which can form cracks or slide along the existing discontinuities in rock mass. Cracking or sliding releases energy as the source of the seismic wave propagation in underground rocks, known as a seismic event. The velocity of seismic wave propagation can be recorded and monitored by installing seismic sensors such as geophones underground. The seismic events are similar to earthquakes but on a much smaller scale. The strength of seismic events is measured on a scale of moment magnitude. The strongest earthquakes in the world are around magnitude 9, most destructive earthquakes are magnitude 7 or higher, and earthquakes below magnitude 5 generally do not cause significant damage. The moment magnitude of mining induced seismic events is typically less than 3. In order to monitor mining induced stress variations, the propagated seismic wave velocity in rock mass is measured by a series of mathematical computations on recorded seismic waves called passive seismic tomography, which is similar to the medical CT-scan machine. Seismic wave velocity is like the velocity of the vibrating particles of rock due to the released energy from a seismic event. This study proposes to investigate trends of seismic velocity variations before and after each seismic event. The areas which are highly stressed have higher seismic velocities compared to the average seismic velocity of the entire area. Therefore, early recognition of highly stressed zones, based on the seismic velocity amount prior the occurrence of major seismic events, will be helpful to apply optimization of mining practices to prevent progression of high stress zones which can be ended to rock failures. For this purpose, time-dependent seismic velocity of a synthetic mine was compared to its stress numerically. Then, the seismic data of a narrow vein mine is evaluated to determine the seismic velocity trends prior to the occurrence of at least five major seismic events as the case study.

Zones de subduction horizontale versus normale : une comparaison basée sur la tomographie sismique en 3-D et de la modélisation pétrologique de la lithosphère continentale du Chili Central et d’Ouest de l’Argentine (29°S-35°S) / Flat versus normal subduction zones : a comparison based on 3-D regional travel-time tomography and petrological modeling of Central Chile and Western Argentina (29°-35°S)

Marot, Marianne 27 June 2013 (has links)
Sous le Chili central et l’ouest de l'Argentine (29°-35°S), la plaque océanique Nazca, en subduction sous la plaque continentale Amérique du Sud, change radicalement de géométrie : inclinée à 30°, puis horizontale, engendrée par la subduction de la chaine de volcans de Juan Fernandez. Le but de mon étude est d'évaluer, la variation de nature et de propriétés physiques de la lithosphère chevauchante entre ces deux régions afin de mieux comprendre (1) sa structure profonde et (2) les liens entre les déformations observées en surface et en profondeur. Pour répondre à cette thématique, j’utilise une approche originale couplant la sismologie, la thermométrie, et la pétrologie. Je montre ainsi des images 3-D de tomographie sismique les plus complètes de cette région par rapport aux études précédentes, qui intègrent (1) de nombreuses données sismiques provenant de plusieurs catalogues, (2) un réseau de stations sismiques plus dense permettant de mieux imager la zone de subduction. J’apporte la preuve que la plaque en subduction se déshydrate dans deux régions distinctes : (1) le coin mantellique, et (2) le long de la ride subduite avant que celle-ci ne replonge plus profondément dans le manteau. La croûte continentale au-dessus du flat slab possède des propriétés sismiques très hétérogènes en relation avec des structures de déformation profondes et des domaines géologiques spécifiques. La croûte chevauchante d’avant-arc, au-dessus du flat slab, est décrite par des propriétés sismiques inhabituelles, liées à la géométrie particulière du slab en profondeur, et/ou liées aux effets du séisme de 1997 de Punitaqui (Mw 7.1). Mes résultats, confirmant les études antérieures, montrent que : - le bloc Cuyania situé plus à l’est, dans la zone d’arrière-arc est plus mafique et contient une croûte inférieure éclogitisée ; quant à, la croûte continentale inférieure sous l’arc Andin, est épaisse et non-éclogitisée, décrivant surement le bloc felsique de Chilenia. / Beneath central Chile and western Argentina, the oceanic Nazca slab drastically changes geometry from horizontal to dipping at an angle of 30°, and correlates with the subduction of the Juan Fernandez seamount ridge. The aim of our study is to assess, using a thermo-petrological-seismological approach, the differences of the overriding lithosphere between these two regions, in order to better understand the deep structure of the continental lithosphere above the flat slab, and the links between the deformations at the surface and at depth. We show the most complete regional 3-D seismic tomography images of this region, whereby, in comparison to previous studies, we use (1) a much larger seismic dataset compiled from several short-term seismic catalogs, (2) a much denser seismic station network which enables us to resolve better the subduction zone. We show significant seismic differences between the flat and normal subduction zones. As expected, the flat slab region is impacted by colder temperatures, and therefore by faster seismic velocities and more intense seismic activity, compared to the normal slab region. We show evidence that the flat slab dehydrates within the mantle wedge, but also along the subducting ridge prior to re-subducting. The forearc crust above the flat slab is described by unusual seismic properties, correlated to the slab geometry at depth, and/or, to the aftershock effects of the 1997 Mw 7.1 Punitaqui earthquake which occurred two years before the recording of our events. The continental crust above the flat slab has very heterogeneous seismic properties which correlate with important deformation structures and geological terranes at the surface. We confirm previous studies that have shown that the thick lower crust of the present day Andean arc is non-eclogitized and maybe representing the felsic Chilenia terrane, whereas to the east, the Cuyania terrane in the backarc is more mafic and contains an eclogitized lower crust.

Tomografia sísmica com ondas P e S para o estudo do manto superior no Brasil / Seismic tomography with P- and S-waves for the study of the upper mantle in Brazil

Rocha, Marcelo Peres 23 June 2008 (has links)
Nós usamos tomografia sísmica de tempo de percurso para estudar o manto superior sob as regiões Sudeste e Centro-Oeste do Brasil. Este método baseia-se na inversão de resíduos relativos de tempo para as ondas P e S (VanDecar, 1991), que foram obtidos para mais de 80 estações em uma área de 20 x 20 graus. Mais de 11000 e 8000 resíduos de tempo foram obtidos para as ondas P (P direta e PKPdf) e S (S direta, ScS, SKS e SKKS), respectivamente, utilizando correlação cruzada de forma de ondas para até 12 estações operando simultaneamente. Para avaliar a robustez dos resultados com respeito aos dados, nós utilizamos o método estatístico de re-amostragem Jackknife, o qual inerentemente leva em conta a altamente variável cobertura dos raios e os erros das medidas, e pode fornecer limites de confiança para as anomalias. Inversões regionais foram realizadas para estudar a influência da parametrização nas anomalias sísmicas. Nossos resultados mostraram boa correlação das anomalias sísmicas com as principais estruturas tectônicas e revelaram novas anomalias que ainda não haviam sido observadas nos trabalhos anteriores. Anomalias de alta velocidade na porção oeste do Cráton do São Francisco apóiam a hipótese de que este cráton foi parte de uma placa Neoproterozóica maior. Anomalias de baixa velocidade sob a Província Tocantins (principalmente nas faixas móveis entre os Crátons Amazônico e do São Francisco) foram interpretadas como causadas por afinamento litosférico, consistente com a boa correlação entre a sismicidade intraplaca e as anomalias de baixa velocidade nesta região (Assumpção et al., 2004b). A melhora na resolução da anomalia de alta velocidade sob a Bacia do Paraná (~200 km) permitiu uma discussão sobre a geometria do núcleo cratônico desta Bacia. A subducção da Placa de Nazca foi observada como uma anomalia de alta velocidade sob a Bacia do Paraná (profundidades entre 700 e 1200 km). Nestas profundidades, uma grande anomalia de baixa velocidade aparece próxima da Placa de Nazca. Testes sintéticos mostraram que esta anomalia é um artefato da inversão gerado pela presença da Placa de Nazca. / We used travel time seismic tomography to study the upper mantle beneath SE and Central Brazil. This method is based on the inversion of P- and S-wave relative travel time residuals (VanDecar, 1991) obtained from more than 80 stations in an area of 20 x 20 degrees. More than 11000 P and PKP residuals, and more than 8000 S, ScS, SKS, and SKKS residuals were obtained from waveform cross-correlations for up to 12 simultaneous stations. To evaluate the robustness of the tomographic results with respect to the data, we use the Jackknife re-sampling method, which inherently take into account the highly variable ray coverage and measurement errors, and can provide confidence limits for the anomalies. Regional inversions were carried out to study influence of the parameterization on the seismic anomalies. Our results show correlations of seismic anomalies with the main tectonic structures and reveal new anomalies not yet observed in previous works. High velocity anomalies in the western portion of the São Francisco Craton support the hypothesis that this craton was part of a major Neoproterozoic plate. Low velocity anomalies beneath the Tocantins Province (mainly fold belts between the Amazon and São Francisco cratons) are interpreted as due to lithospheric thinning, consistent with a good correlation between intraplate seismicity and low velocity anomalies in this region (Assumpção et al., 2004b). The resolution improvement of the high velocity anomalies beneath the Parana Basin (at ~200 km) allows a discussion about the geometry of the cratonic nucleous of this Basin. The slab of the Nazca Plate is observed as a high velocity anomaly beneath the Parana basin (at 700-1200 km depth). At these depths, large low velocity anomaly appears next to the slab. Synthetic tests show that these anomalies are an artifact of the inversion generated by the presence of the slab.

Tomografia sísmica com ondas P e S para o estudo do manto superior no Brasil / Seismic tomography with P- and S-waves for the study of the upper mantle in Brazil

Marcelo Peres Rocha 23 June 2008 (has links)
Nós usamos tomografia sísmica de tempo de percurso para estudar o manto superior sob as regiões Sudeste e Centro-Oeste do Brasil. Este método baseia-se na inversão de resíduos relativos de tempo para as ondas P e S (VanDecar, 1991), que foram obtidos para mais de 80 estações em uma área de 20 x 20 graus. Mais de 11000 e 8000 resíduos de tempo foram obtidos para as ondas P (P direta e PKPdf) e S (S direta, ScS, SKS e SKKS), respectivamente, utilizando correlação cruzada de forma de ondas para até 12 estações operando simultaneamente. Para avaliar a robustez dos resultados com respeito aos dados, nós utilizamos o método estatístico de re-amostragem Jackknife, o qual inerentemente leva em conta a altamente variável cobertura dos raios e os erros das medidas, e pode fornecer limites de confiança para as anomalias. Inversões regionais foram realizadas para estudar a influência da parametrização nas anomalias sísmicas. Nossos resultados mostraram boa correlação das anomalias sísmicas com as principais estruturas tectônicas e revelaram novas anomalias que ainda não haviam sido observadas nos trabalhos anteriores. Anomalias de alta velocidade na porção oeste do Cráton do São Francisco apóiam a hipótese de que este cráton foi parte de uma placa Neoproterozóica maior. Anomalias de baixa velocidade sob a Província Tocantins (principalmente nas faixas móveis entre os Crátons Amazônico e do São Francisco) foram interpretadas como causadas por afinamento litosférico, consistente com a boa correlação entre a sismicidade intraplaca e as anomalias de baixa velocidade nesta região (Assumpção et al., 2004b). A melhora na resolução da anomalia de alta velocidade sob a Bacia do Paraná (~200 km) permitiu uma discussão sobre a geometria do núcleo cratônico desta Bacia. A subducção da Placa de Nazca foi observada como uma anomalia de alta velocidade sob a Bacia do Paraná (profundidades entre 700 e 1200 km). Nestas profundidades, uma grande anomalia de baixa velocidade aparece próxima da Placa de Nazca. Testes sintéticos mostraram que esta anomalia é um artefato da inversão gerado pela presença da Placa de Nazca. / We used travel time seismic tomography to study the upper mantle beneath SE and Central Brazil. This method is based on the inversion of P- and S-wave relative travel time residuals (VanDecar, 1991) obtained from more than 80 stations in an area of 20 x 20 degrees. More than 11000 P and PKP residuals, and more than 8000 S, ScS, SKS, and SKKS residuals were obtained from waveform cross-correlations for up to 12 simultaneous stations. To evaluate the robustness of the tomographic results with respect to the data, we use the Jackknife re-sampling method, which inherently take into account the highly variable ray coverage and measurement errors, and can provide confidence limits for the anomalies. Regional inversions were carried out to study influence of the parameterization on the seismic anomalies. Our results show correlations of seismic anomalies with the main tectonic structures and reveal new anomalies not yet observed in previous works. High velocity anomalies in the western portion of the São Francisco Craton support the hypothesis that this craton was part of a major Neoproterozoic plate. Low velocity anomalies beneath the Tocantins Province (mainly fold belts between the Amazon and São Francisco cratons) are interpreted as due to lithospheric thinning, consistent with a good correlation between intraplate seismicity and low velocity anomalies in this region (Assumpção et al., 2004b). The resolution improvement of the high velocity anomalies beneath the Parana Basin (at ~200 km) allows a discussion about the geometry of the cratonic nucleous of this Basin. The slab of the Nazca Plate is observed as a high velocity anomaly beneath the Parana basin (at 700-1200 km depth). At these depths, large low velocity anomaly appears next to the slab. Synthetic tests show that these anomalies are an artifact of the inversion generated by the presence of the slab.

Τεχνικές επεξεργασίας ψηφιακού σεισμικού σήματος για χρήση στην τομογραφία υψηλής ανάλυσης

Λόης, Αθανάσιος 16 May 2014 (has links)
Αντικείμενο της παρούσας διδακτορικής διατριβής αποτελεί η μελέτη και ανάπτυξη νέων μεθοδολογιών αυτόματης επεξεργασίας σεισμολογικών δεδομένων, µε σκοπό την επίλυση σημαντικών προβλημάτων που συναντώνται στα πεδία των επιστημών της σεισμολογίας και της γεωφυσικής όπως: 1) η ανίχνευση μικροσεισμικών γεγονότων από µία καταγραφή, µε άλλα λόγια ο διαχωρισμός της καταγραφής σε τμήματα που αποτελούνται από εδαφικό θόρυβο και σε τμήματα που περιέχουν την χρήσιμη πληροφορία (σεισμικά γεγονότα) για τους γεωεπιστήμονες και 2) η εκτίμηση των χρόνων άφιξης των διαμήκων (P-) καθώς και των εγκαρσίων (S-) σεισμικών φάσεων. Πιο αναλυτικά, η διατριβή είναι δομημένη ως εξής: Το πρώτο κεφάλαιο αποτελεί την εισαγωγή της διατριβής. Στο δεύτερο κεφάλαιο συγκεντρώνονται και κατηγοριοποιούνται όλες οι υπάρχουσες τεχνικές που έχουν αναπτυχθεί για την επίλυση του προβλήματος της αυτόματης ανίχνευσης σεισμικών γεγονότων καθώς και τον αυτόματο προσδιορισμό του χρόνου άφιξης των P και S σεισμικών φάσεων. Συγκεκριμένα γίνεται κατηγοριοποίηση αυτών σε τεχνικές που στηρίζονται στην ανάλυση και επεξεργασία των σεισμικών καταγραφών στα πεδία του χρόνου και της συχνότητας, στη χρήση νευρωνικών δικτύων, στην ανάλυση χρονικών σειρών και αυτοπαλινδρόμησης, στην ανάλυση της πόλωσης των κυμάτων, στις στατιστικές υψηλότερης τάξης, μεθόδους ασαφούς λογικής, κυματιδιακές μεθόδους κτλ. Στο τρίτο κεφάλαιο, αναπτύσσεται νέα τεχνική για την επίλυση του προβλήματος της αυτόματης ανίχνευσης σεισμικών γεγονότων από μία καταγραφή, η οποία βασίζεται σε μία μη αυστηρή διαδικασία ελέγχου υποθέσεων. Η προτεινόμενη τεχνική πραγματοποιείται σε δύο στάδια. Κατά το πρώτο στάδιο εκτιμώνται οι εμπειρικές συναρτήσεις πυκνότητας πιθανότητας που προκύπτουν τόσο από τον εδαφικό θόρυβο όσο και από τα υπόλοιπα που προέκυψαν από την λεύκανση αυτού. Κατά το δεύτερο στάδιο προτείνεται στατιστικό τεστ τύπου κατωφλίωσης για την αυτόματη ανίχνευση μικροσεισμικών γεγονότων. Η προτεινόμενη τεχνική εφαρμόζεται σε συνθετικά και πραγματικά δεδομένα και συγκρίνεται με τον γνωστό αλγόριθμο του λόγου βραχυπρόθεσμου προς μακροπρόθεσμο μέσο (STA/LTA). Στο τέταρτο κεφάλαιο παρουσιάζεται μέθοδος για την επίλυση του προβλήματος του αυτόματου προσδιορισμό του χρόνου άφιξης της P φάσης κάνοντας χρήση στατιστικών ανώτερης τάξης. Συγκεκριμένα, γίνεται χρήση των ποσοτήτων της λοξότητας, της κύρτωσης και μίας εκτίμησης της αντιεντροπίας ως γραμμικός συνδυασμός των παραπάνω. Επιπλέον παρουσιάζονται τα αποτελέσματα από την εφαρμογή της συγκεκριμένης τεχνικής σε συνθετικά αλλά και πραγματικά δεδομένα μικροσεισμικού δικτύου, κατάλληλα για χρήση στην παθητική σεισμική τομογραφία υψηλής ευκρίνειας. Τα αποτελέσματα αυτά συγκρίνονται με γνωστές ενεργειακές μεθόδους. Στο πέμπτο κεφάλαιο, αναπτύσσεται νέα τεχνική για την επίλυση του προβλήματος της αυτόματης εκτίμησης του χρόνου άφιξης της S φάσης. Η προτεινόμενη τεχνική βασίζεται στην στατιστική επεξεργασία συγκεκριμένης χαρακτηριστικής συνάρτησης, η οποία προκύπτει από τις ιδιότητες πόλωσης των σεισμικών κυμάτων που έχουν καταγραφεί. Επιπλέον, για να ελαττωθεί η εξάρτηση του προτεινόμενου αλγορίθμου από το χρησιμοποιούμενο παράθυρο, ακολουθείται μια πολυ-παραθυρική προσέγγιση του προβλήματος σε συνδυασμό με χρήση συναρτήσεων βαρών οι οποίες εκτιμώνται αυτόματα και βασίζονται στις μεταβολές της ενέργειας του σήματος κατά τη S άφιξη. Τέλος, παρουσιάζονται τα αποτελέσματα της εφαρμογής της μεθόδου σε πραγματικά δεδομένα καθώς και η αξιολόγησή τους σε περιβάλλον θορύβου. Στο έκτο κεφάλαιο, παρουσιάζονται τα αποτελέσματα της εφαρμογής των προτεινόμενων τεχνικών σε δεδομένα μικροσεισμικού δικτύου και συγκεκριμένα σε δεδομένα που προέκυψαν από πειράματα παθητικής σεισμικής τομογραφίας και τεχνητής υδραυλικής διάρρηξης που έλαβαν χώρα στην περιοχή Δέλβινο της ΝΔ Αλβανίας. Επιπλέον, γίνεται ανάλυση των αποτελεσμάτων βάσεις των δεικτών αβεβαιότητας που επέλεξαν οι αναλυτές στις εκτιμήσεις τους, καθώς και βάσει των λόγων σήματος θορύβου των καταγραφών. Στο έβδομο κεφάλαιο παρατίθενται τα συμπεράσματα της παρούσας διδακτορικής διατριβής, καθώς και πιθανές μελλοντικές προεκτάσεις. / The problems of seismic event detection and P- and S-phase arrival time estimation constitute important and vital tasks for the geoscientists. The solution of the aforementioned problems provides with important geophysical and seismological information, that can be used in a number of problems such as the structure of the earth’s interior, geotectonic settings, hypocentric and epicentric coordinates of an earthquake, the seismicity of an area and seismic hazard assessment. Traditionally, human experts have carried out this task. Nevertheless, during the last three decades due to the progress in computer technology, several methods have been developed for the automatic seismic event detection and P- and S- phase identification. After the introduction of the first chapter, in the second chapter the majority of the existing methods that have been developed and applied up to now, are gathered and categorized. These methods involve energy criteria, the seismic wave polarity assumption, artificial neural networks, higher order statistics, maximum likelihood methods, fuzzy logic methods etc. In the third chapter, a new thresholding type technique is proposed, tailored to fit real world situations where our knowledge on the statistical characteristics of the background noise process are unknown and a strict hypothesis testing framework can not be followed. In such cases the replacement of the unknown probability density function under the null hypothesis by its empirical counterpart, constitutes a possibility. In this work, a two stage procedure is proposed. The first one concerns the estimation of the empirical functions of the noise process itself as well as its whitened counterpart. In the second stage, using the above empirical functions, a thresholding scheme is proposed in order to solve the problem of the detection of seismic events in a non strict hypothesis testing framework. The performance of the proposed technique is confirmed by its application in a series of experiments both in synthetic and real seismic datasets. In the fourth chapter, the problem of automatic P-phase identification is solved using higher order statistics. The first- and second-order statistics (such as mean value, variance, autocorrelation, and power spectrum) are extensively used in signal processing to describe linear and Gaussian processes. In practice, many processes deviate from linearity and Gaussianity. Higher order statistics can be used for the study of such processes. The P-phase arrival time is estimated using these HOS parameters and additionally, an estimation of the negentropy defined as a linear combination of skewness and kurtosis. According to the implemented algorithm a moving window “slides” on the recorded signal, estimating skewness, kurtosis, and negentropy. Skewness can be considered as a measure of symmetry of the distribution, while kurtosis is a measure of heaviness of the tails, so they are suitable for detecting parts of the signal that do not follow the amplitude distribution of ambient noise. Seismic events have higher amplitudes in comparison to the seismic noise, and these higher values occupy the tails of the distribution (high degree of asymmetry of distribution). In the case of seismic events, skewness and kurtosis obtain high values, presenting maxima in the transition from ambient noise to the seismic events (P-arrival). The proposed algorithms are applied on synthetic as well as real seismic data and compared to well known energy based methods. Algorithms that deal with the automatic S-onset time identification problem, is a topic of ongoing research. Modern dense seismic networks used for earthquake location, seismic tomography investigations, source studies, early warning etc., demand accurate automatic S-wave picking. Most of the techniques that have been proposed up to now are mainly based on the polarization features of the seismic waves. In the fifth chapter, a new time domain method for the automatic determination of the S-phase arrival onsets is proposed and its implementation on local earthquake data is presented. Eigevalue analysis is taking place over small time intervals, and the maximum eigenvalue which is obtained on each step is retained for further processing. In this way a time series of maximum eigenvalues is formed, which serves as a characteristic function. A first S-phase arrival time estimation is obtained by applying the kurtosis criterion on the derived characteristic function. Furthermore, a multi-window approach combined with an energy-based weighting scheme is also applied, in order to reduce the algorithm’s dependence on the moving window’s length and provide a weighted S phase onset. Automatic picks are compared against manual reference picks and moreover the proposed technique is subjected to a noise robustness test. In the sixth chapter, the results of the implementation of the proposed techniques on microseismic data are presented. Specifically, the proposed methods are applied on two real sets of data. One dataset was been recorded during a Passive Seismic Tomography (PST) experiment, while the second one during the seismic monitoring of fracking operations. Both experiments took place in a hydrocarbon field in Delvina, SW Albania. These results are also analyzed, based on the arrival times and their uncertainty as they were evaluated by human analysts as well as the corresponding signal to noise ratio of the seismic records. Finally, the seventh chapter concludes this work and possible future extensions are discussed.

Geophysical constraints on mantle viscosity and its influence on Antarctic glacial isostatic adjustment

Darlington, Andrea 29 May 2012 (has links)
Glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) is the process by which the solid Earth responds to past and present-day changes in glaciers, ice caps, and ice sheets. This thesis focuses on vertical crustal motion of the Earth caused by GIA, which is influenced by several factors including lithosphere thickness, mantle viscosity profile, and changes to the thickness and extent of surface ice. The viscosity of the mantle beneath Antarctica is a poorly constrained quantity due to the rarity of relative sea-level and heat flow observations. Other methods for obtaining a better-constrained mantle viscosity model must be investigated to obtain more accurate GIA model predictions. The first section of this study uses seismic wave tomography to determine mantle viscosity. By calculating the deviation of the P- and S-wave velocities relative to a reference Earth model (PREM), the viscosity can be determined. For Antarctica mantle viscosities obtained from S20A (Ekstrom and Dziewonski, 1998) seismic tomography in the asthenosphere range from 1016 Pa∙s to 1023 Pa∙s, with smaller viscosities beneath West Antarctica and higher viscosities beneath East Antarctica. This agrees with viscosity expectations based on findings from the Basin and Range area of North America, which is an analogue to the West Antarctic Rift System. Section two compares bedrock elevations in Antarctica to crustal thicknesses, to infer mantle temperatures and draw conclusions about mantle viscosity. Data from CRUST 2.0 (Bassin et al., 2000), BEDMAP (Lythe and Vaughan, 2001) and specific studies of crustal thickness in Antarctica were examined. It was found that the regions of Antarctica that are expected to have low viscosities agree with the hot mantle trend found by Hyndman (2010) while the regions expected to have high viscosity are in better agreement with the trend for cold mantle. Bevis et al. (2009) described new GPS observations of crustal uplift in Antarctica and compared the results to GIA model predictions, including IJ05 (Ivins and James, 2005). Here, we have generated IJ05 predictions for a three layered mantle (viscosities ranging over more than four orders of magnitude) and compared them to the GPS observations using a χ2 measure of goodness-of-fit. The IJ05 predictions that agree best with the Bevis et al. observations have a χ2 of 16, less than the null hypothesis value of 42. These large values for the best-fit model indicate the need for model revisions and/or that uncertainties are too optimistic. Equally important, the mantle viscosities of the best-fit models are much higher than expected for West Antarctica. The smallest χ2 values are found for an asthenosphere viscosity of 1021 Pa•s, transition zone viscosity of 1023 Pa∙s and lower mantle viscosity of 2 x 1023 Pa∙s, whereas the expected viscosity of the asthenosphere beneath West Antarctica is probably less than 1020 Pa∙s. This suggests that revisions to the IJ05 ice sheet history are required. Simulated annealing was performed on the ice sheet history and it was found that changes to the recent ice load history have the strongest effect on GIA predictions. / Graduate

P-wave velocity model for the southwest of the Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia and its relation to the local geology and seismicity

Galybin, Konstantin A January 2007 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] A number of controlled and natural seismic sources are utilised to model the Pwave velocity structure of the southwest of the Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia. The Yilgarn Craton is one of the largest pieces of Archaean crust in the world and is known for its gold and nickel deposits in the east and intraplate seismicity in the west. The aim of the project is to link 2D and 3D models of variations in seismic velocity with the local seismicity and geology. A new set of seismic refraction data, acquired in 25 overlapping deployments between 2002 and 2005, has been processed, picked and analysed using forward modelling. The data comprise two perpendicular traverses of three-component recordings of various delay-fired blasts from local commercial quarries. The data were processed using a variety of techniques. Tests were carried out on a number of data enhancement and picking procedures in order to determine the best method for enhancement of delay-fired data. A new method for automatic phase recognition is presented, where the maximum of the derivative of the rectilinearity of a trace is taken as the first break. Complete shot gathers with first break picks for each seismic source are compiled from the overlapping deployments. ... The starting 3D model was based on the models produced by 2D forward modelling. 14 iterations were carried out and the best-fit 3D model was achieved at the 10th iteration. It is 35% better then the current model used to locate earthquakes in this region. The resultant velocity block model was used to iii construct a density block model. A relative gravity map of the southwest of Yilgarn Craton was made. The results of 2D forward modelling, 3D tomography and forward gravity modelling have been compared and it was found that the HVZ is present in all models. Such a zone has been previously seen on a single seismic refraction profile, but it is the first time, this zone has been mapped in 3D. The gravity high produced by the zone coincides with the gravity high observed in reality. There is strong evidence that suggests that the HVZ forms part of the Archaean terrane boundary within the Yilgarn Craton. The distribution of the local seismicity was then discussed in the framework of the new 3D velocity model. A hypothesis, that the primary control on the seismicity in the study area is rotation of the major horizontal stress orientation, is presented. It is also argued that the secondary control on seismicity in the SWSZ is accommodation of movements along major faults.

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