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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Degrees of Blending in Educational Buildings, Primary School for Children with Autism

Gupta, Riya 17 June 2021 (has links)
Designing a school for children with Autism was a very enriching experience for me. Being a kid in a school is already a very challenging experience but for an autistic kid it can be very overwhelming. Our building codes does not even include someone on the Autism spectrum and hence it is our responsibly as an architect to help create architecture which does not ignore kids with any kind of disability as they have been ignored enough by our society. I wanted to create a safe haven for autistic kids where they could develop their potential to the maximum. The vision for the project was to create an environment that both shelters and challenges these children. Shelter being at the heart of human need for safety and challenge being key to a child's development. This thesis explores how there could be various degrees of blending experienced in an educational institution with relation to its surrounding environment. This connection with nature and its surroundings could be an important source of inspiration that promotes well-being, health, and emotional comfort for the children. / Master of Architecture / This thesis explores how there could be various degrees of blending experienced in an educational institution with relation to its surrounding environment. This connection with nature and its surroundings could be an important source of inspiration that promotes well-being, health, and emotional comfort for the children.

Sensory Design in Educational Buildings: Elementary School Inclusive for Children with ASD

Hariri, Leen Nazih 23 June 2020 (has links)
Designing a school turned out to be far more enriching for me as an architect and as a person; it is a process that investigates the deep connection with one's childhood memories and helps in realizing how much impact the school environment has had on shaping the people we become. (In his book The Child, The City, The Artist) Aldo Van Eyck says: " In my beginning is my end … In my end is my beginning." The design of a school should be addressed as a place where childhood memories are created, where our understanding of play, social interaction, independence and awareness of ourselves and our architectural surrounding starts. It adds responsibility on the architect to make that space a perfect platform for learning, curiosity and creativity. As a child, going to school is a long process that may hold many obstacles. We can't imagine what it is like for someone on the Autism Spectrum. One to every 160 children in the world and one in every 59 children in the US are diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder ASD. This high rise in the number of ASD diagnosis should urge architects to think of providing the infrastructure for those children to grow and adequately engage in their communities. This group of schoolchildren have the ability to blend with other neuro-typical children if the school was supportive of this merge both administratively and architecturally. Coming from a country that does not have enough support for such children was a big motivation for my thesis. I felt that we as architects can play a major role in supporting them and even raising awareness about ASD. In my thesis I have designed a school encouraging the inclusivity of students with ASD where the architecture facilitates the co-existence of two groups of children that have different yet complementary capabilities. It is my firm belief that an architecture that can embrace the challenges of such a group of children enriches the social and intellectual growth of both groups simultaneously. / Master of Architecture / This project tackles the question of how architecture can help children on the Autism Spectrum interact with their social and built environment. The project is an elementary school that is designed taking into consideration sensory aspects like color, light, textures and sound. In my thesis I have designed a school encouraging the inclusivity of students with ASD where the architecture facilitates the co-existence of two groups of children that have different yet complementary capabilities. It is my firm belief that an architecture that can embrace the challenges of such a group of children enriches the social and intellectual growth of both groups simultaneously.

Child-centred Communities : Architectural Intervention as Catalyst for Early Childhood Development

Oberholster, Jason January 2018 (has links)
Early childhood development (ECD) is a critical stage of development that forms the foundation for the future welfare and edification of children (UNICEF 2017:1). A key principle in this development is the notion that everything which surrounds the child, both visible and invisible, has an impact on the child (Cook & Cook 2009; Steiner Waldorf Education 2014). In this dissertation the impact of the architectural environment on early childhood development is addressed, bringing together the fields of pedagogy and architecture. The research determined the development of a set of design principles and guidelines that acts as a catalyst to generate architectural design solutions that can improve early childhood development, allowing children to engage in their spatial environments through active play and everyday use. Therefore, their early childhood development is enhanced as a result of reconfigured experiential built environments and spatial arrangements, where the environment acts as a third teacher and gives a heightened role to architecture as a medium for child development. / Vroeë kinderontwikkeling is ‘n kritieke stadium van ontwikkeling wat die fondament vir die toekomstige welsyn en opbou van ‘n kind vorm. ‘n Sleutelbeginsel in hierdie ontwikkeling is die begrip dat alles wat ‘n kind omring, beide sigbaar en onsigbaar, ‘n inslag op die kind het (Cook & Cook 2009; Steiner Waldorf Education 2014). In hierdie dissertasie word die inslag van die argitektoniese omgewing op vroeë kinderontwikkeling aangespreek, en sodoende word die velde van pedagogie en argitektuur saamgevoeg. Die navorsing het die ontwerp van ‘n stel ontwerpbesginsels en riglyne bepaal wast as katalisators optree om argitektoniese ontwerpoplossings te genereer. Hierdie oplossings kan vroeë kinderontwikkeling verbeter, en kinders toelaat om deur middel van aktiewe spel en alledaagse gebruik by hul ruimtelike omgewings betrokke te raak. So word hulle vroeë kinderontwikkeling versterk deur middel van ‘n hersaamgestelde proefondervindelike bou-omgewing en ruimtelike ordening, waarin die omgewing as ‘n derde onderwyser funksioneer, en ‘n verhoogde rol aan argitektuur as medium vir kinderontwikkeling toegeken word. / Mini Dissertation MArch(Prof)--University of Pretoria, 2018. / Architecture / MArch (Prof) / Unrestricted

Multi-sensory Design

Bui, Kim-Kim January 2022 (has links)
Packaging design has historically relied on visual properties to engage the customers and to communicate the product. However, such an approach is non-inclusive and vulnerable to data loss. The current paper supports the notion of a multi-sensory design that integrates multiple communicative properties (visual, auditory, tactual, olfactory and gustatory), in order to make the experience available to everyone, to redu-ce data loss and to contribute to happiness. A decade of studies has proven that a multi-sensory design (MSD) approach, can impact at a cognitive level by contributing to the mental well-being through senso-ry activation and product engagement. Thus, MSD has both an economic and an ecological value. As the United Nations are continuing their efforts to achieve the sustainable development goals, an MSD approach could help reach these goals; mainly Goal 3 Good health and well-being, Goal 12 Responsible consumptions and Goal 13 Climate actions.  The purpose of the current study is to understand how sensory elements are applied, and in what way they are manifested in packaging design today. To achieve the objectives, the current study has applied a quantitative content analysis in order to understand how MSD is applied in packaging design. Moreover, the analysis aimed to understand how sensory properties are used for marketing communication, and to find possible correlations between the level of applied MSD, the product materials and the price. For the analysis, 13 chocolate products from different price ranges were selected; as chocolate consumption is associated with evoking emotions. The content analysis revealed that all sensory properties, with the exception of olfactory, were present on all packages. Although olfactory was found on the packages that used a combination of card-board and plastic materials, the result was non-conclusive. Additionally, the analysis found that visual properties were dominant in marketing communication and that plastic materials emitted most sound. Fur- thermore, the analysis did not find that the higher-price products had more sensory elements.

Sensory Reflective Framework for Product Design Ideation: A Design Case Study

Prabhakar, Pratiksha January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Immersive experience between neurodivergence and neurotypicality Community Center for and by Autistic adults

Sangani, Devanshi Alpeshbhai 17 June 2024 (has links)
This thesis explores the design of a community center tailored for autistic adults, aiming to foster inclusivity and blur boundaries between neurodiverse and non-neurodiverse individuals. Through interdisciplinary approaches, it investigates spatial and sensory elements to create an immersive experience where everyone can perceive the world through an autistic person's perspective. By prioritizing sensory inclusivity and participatory design, the center aims to provide a supportive environment for exploration and interaction. Additionally, it explores how immersive experiences can cultivate empathy, bridging gaps and fostering genuine connections. Ultimately, this thesis advocates for a paradigm shift in community space design, celebrating neurodiversity and promoting unity. / Master of Architecture / This thesis explores the design of a community center tailored for autistic adults, aiming to foster inclusivity and blur boundaries between neurodiverse and non-neurodiverse individuals. Through interdisciplinary approaches, it investigates spatial and sensory elements to create an immersive experience where everyone can perceive the world through an autistic person's perspective. By prioritizing sensory inclusivity and participatory design, the center aims to provide a supportive environment for exploration and interaction. Additionally, it explores how immersive experiences can cultivate empathy, bridging gaps and fostering genuine connections. Ultimately, this thesis advocates for a paradigm shift in community space design, celebrating neurodiversity and promoting unity.

Centro de Alto Rendimiento de Fútbol en Cusco / High Performance Soccer Center in Cusco

Altamirano Espinoza, Eduardo Antonio 16 July 2020 (has links)
El Centro de Alto Rendimiento de Fútbol en Cusco (CARF), es un proyecto que nace a partir de mi pasión y gusto por dicho deporte. Este centro deportivo está diseñado para albergar a jóvenes futbolistas de alto nivel de toda la región sur del Perú. El objetivo principal se centra en el uso de la Arquitectura Sensorial (colores, texturas, patrones de diseño) para lograr el diseño de espacios que generen estímulos y sensaciones positivas en el atleta. A su vez este albergue deportivo busca cubrir las necesidades básicas de los atletas (entrenamiento, atención médica, alimentación, hospedaje y apoyo educacional) para que estos puedan rendir adecuadamente y explotar su máximo potencial. Como objetivo secundario, este proyecto busca fortalecer la identidad cultural de los usuarios y habitantes de la zona. Además de contener todas los espacios necesarios de un CARF, se añadió algunos espacios comunitarios para uso de la población. Este centro deportivo se ubica en una ambiente tranquilo y natural, a las afueras de la zona urbana de la ciudad, para una mayor concentración del atleta. Además, las condiciones climáticas de la zona son favorables para el desarrollo físico del deportista. El proyecto colinda hacia el norte con la zona urbana, ubicando los ambientes más públicos en esa zona. Hacia el sur, el proyecto colinda con un ambiente más natural (río, vegetación, montañas), por lo que los espacios deportivos, habitaciones y estar general se ubican de cara a estas áreas. / The High-Performance Soccer Center in Cusco is a project that was born from my passion and love for this sport. This sports center is designed to house high-level young soccer players from the entire southern region of Peru. The main objective is focused on the use of Sensory Design (colors, textures, design patterns) to achieve the design of spaces that generate stimuli and positive feelings in the athlete. This sports hostel seeks to cover the basic needs of athletes (training, medical care, food, lodging and educational support) so that they can perform adequately and exploit their full potential. As a secondary objective, this project seeks to strengthen the cultural identity of the users and inhabitants of the area. In addition to containing all the necessary spaces of a CARF, some community spaces were added for the use of the population. This sports center is located in a calm and natural environment, on the outskirts of the urban area of ​​the city, for a greater concentration of the athlete. In addition, the climatic conditions of the area are favourable for the physical development of the athlete. The project borders to the north with the urban area, locating the most public environments in that area. Towards the south, the project adjoins a more natural environment (river, vegetation, mountains), so that the sports spaces, rooms, and general living are located facing these areas. / Trabajo de investigación

Contribution de l’analyse sensorielle à l’optimisation d’un signal vibratoire dans le véhicule autonome / Contribution of sensory science to the optimization of a vibrotactile feedback within the autonomous vehicle

Duthoit-Saint Georges Chaumet, Valérie 24 April 2017 (has links)
Les premiers véhicules autonomes ne seront capables de gérer la conduite que sur certaines portions de trajet. Le conducteur, qui pourra être engagé dans une tâche non relative à la conduite, doit être prévenu de reprendre la main avant la fin de disponibilité du mode autonome. L’objectif de cette thèse est de proposer et d’optimiser un signal vibratoire de rappel à la conduite qui soit détectable par tous, et jugé satisfaisant par les conducteurs, ou au moins acceptable étant donné sa signification et le contexte. Le contexte de roulage, la concentration du sujet sur une tâche non relative à la conduite et la diversité interindividuelle doivent être pris en compte. Un prototype de siège à retours vibratoires et un protocole de test en conditions de conduite autonome ont été mis au point, grâce à des expériences préliminaires. Les paramètres de construction d’un signal ont été formalisés et sélectionnés pour permettre la construction d’un plan d’expérience. Une évaluation quantitative de la détection et de la satisfaction pour les 16 signaux issus du plan d’expérience a été réalisée sur 80 sujets en conditions de conduite autonome. L’analyse par modélisation a permis d’identifier les paramètres du signal les plus influents sur les deux critères d’intérêt, et les valeurs de paramètres garantissant la meilleure satisfaction et une haute détection. Enfin, une étude en simulateur a permis de montrer l’intérêt de la modalité sensorielle tactile en complément de l’auditif lors du rappel à la conduite. / In the early steps of developments, autonomous vehicles carry out the driving only on determined road section. The driver, who may be focused in a non-related to driving task, must be warned before the end of the autonomous mode to take over the driving. This PhD work aims at offer and optimize a vibrotactile take-over notification (TON). This TON must be detected by any drivers and evaluated as satisfying, or at least acceptable considering its meaning and the context. The driving environment, the concentration of the subject in a non-related to driving task, as well as the diversity of the drivers have to be considered. A seat prototype and a protocol of evaluation in autonomous driving conditions were developed. The design parameters of a signal were established and selected to build a Design of Experiments (DoE). A quantitative evaluation of the detection and the satisfaction of the 16 signals from the DoE was performed based on 80 subjects in autonomous driving conditions. The influents parameters of the signals on the two evaluated criteria, and the settings optimizing the satisfaction and insuring a high detection level were identified by modelling. Finally, a simulator study showed the interest of tactile modality in addition to auditory modality during take-over request.

Translating the Inclusive Museum: Multi-Sensory Learning Inside Retirement Communities

Fabe, Charlotte 16 June 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Soil : Cultivating connection / Soil : Cultivating connection

Laskey-Downs, Autumn January 2023 (has links)
An investigation exploring how individuals can form a greater connection with soil through changing the context in which they engage with it. This project  focuses on inspiring individuals to feel a sense of responsibility and care towards the soil, empowering them to take tangible action to facilitate local small scale change. This report doccuments the investigation of using visual communicastion, sensory engagement and interactive experiences, to nurture individuals to develop a meaningful connection with soil. The project is in collaboration with +change design students as well as an ongoing collaboration with Under Ekarna specifically linked with their Experiment 2000m2 project.

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