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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O que as professoras esperam dos bebês nas creches? Um estudo sobre a autonomia da criança a partir da psicanálise / What do teachers expect from babies in a day care center? A study about child autonomy based on psychoanalysis

Plothow, Sabrina Vicentin 07 December 2018 (has links)
A noção da autonomia é abordada por diversos campos, como a filosofia, pedagogia, psicologia e psicanálise, que concordam que a autonomia é algo conquistado pelo ser humano de modo gradativo. Para isso, é imprescindível que se conte com a ajuda de outro ser humano para tal. Porém, há uma corrente equivocada de pensamento que dispensa o adulto de sua participação ativa para apoiar as crianças desde cedo, o que pode ser prejudicial para a constituição subjetiva delas. Partindo, desta dissonância em relação à autonomia, esta pesquisa tem como objetivo problematizar a noção presente no discurso de professoras sobre a autonomia dos bebês em um berçário. Para tal, foi realizada uma revisão da literatura; intervenções trianguladas com um bebê e suas professoras na creche; o uso do protocolo IRDI para acompanhar este bebê na relação com estas professoras e uma reunião com a equipe da creche a fim de explicitar os indicadores do bebê que foi acompanhado. Utilizamos nesta pesquisa, com base na teoria psicanalítica, as noções de alienação e separação postuladas por Jacques Lacan, para explorar a relação entre bebê e professoras na creche, bem como na obra de Freud, sobre a relevância da participação de um adulto que realize ações necessárias para a constituição subjetiva. Fundamentos teóricos estes que nortearam as intervenções realizadas, justamente por destacar que os bebês nascem dependentes do outro. Os resultados obtidos a partir das intervenções na relação destas professoras com este bebê nos permitem discutir: as mudanças em relação ao bebê, inicialmente passivo; os giros nas posições discursivas de suas professoras; a reverberação dos efeitos obtidos na relação entre um bebê e suas professoras para os demais bebês da creche e a importância para a atenção à constituição psíquica dos bebês. Ao final deste trabalho, apresentamos as contribuições possíveis a partir da interface entre a psicanálise e a educação no sentido do olhar para o psiquismo dos bebês / The notion of autonomy is addressed by several fields of knowledge, such as philosophy, pedagogy, psychology and psychoanalysis, which they agree that autonomy is something gradually conquered by a human being. For that, a assistance from another human being help is necessary. However, there is a mistaken line of thought that do not consider the active position of a adult in supporting kids, since early days, what can be a damage to their subjective constitution. Assuming this dissonance related to the autonomy, this research aims to problematize it, the notion showed within teachers discourse about babies autonomy in a day care center. In order to achieve this, we accomplished: a review of the academic literature has been carried out; also triangulated interventions involving the baby and his day care center teachers; the IRDI protocol was applied to follow this baby in his relationship with his teachers; and a meeting with some professional of the day care center in order to present the indicators of this specific baby that was accompanied. In this research we used, based on the psychoanalysis theory, the notions of alienation e separation, as postulated by Jacques Lacan, in order to explore the relationship among the baby and his teachers. Freuds work was also a reference to the relevance of an adult participation with necessary actions promoting subjective constitution. The theoretical guidelines of theses authors was used to direct the interventions made, once they highlight exactly the dependent condition if the babies from the other human being. The findings of these interventions among teachers and the baby allow us to argue: the changes related to the baby, initially passive; the turns in these teachers discursive positions; the effects that reverberate on other babies of the day care center due to the interventions in the relationship of this singular baby and his teachers; and the importance of giving attention to babies psychic constitution. By the end of this paper, we present the possible contributions of the interface between psychoanalysis and education regarding the attention given to babies psychism

Isolation and characterization of components from whey

Xu, Yue, University of Western Sydney, Hawkesbury, Faculty of Science, Technology and Agriculture, School of Food Science January 1996 (has links)
The structure, functionality, isolation methods and applications of whey components, particularly the proteins and lactose, have been extensively studied. These studies have had a great impact on the food industry where whey components are increasingly being used as food ingredients. Two generations of whey protein product, namely Lactalbumin, produced by heat-induced precipitation, and Whey Protein Concentration/ Isloate, produced by ultrafiltration/ ion exchange chromatography, have been commercialised. Crystalline lactose in the food and pharmaceutical grades is also being produced. Recently, research activities in whey fractionation have shifted to the isolation of the minor components. This thesis is aimed at developing a Total Whey Utilization strategy by which the several components of the whey stream would be completely recovered by fractionation, resulting in little or no residue to be disposed of in the wastewater stream. Therefore, this study was initially dedicated to the development of novel separation methods which would be suitable for the Total Whey Utilization process. The development of those techniques revealed some previously unknown feature of whey components. The mechanisms of the separation methods have been also investigated. Although crystallization is an efficient method for fractionation or purification, its disadvantage is that the mother liquor is a wastewater containing high salt and BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand). The chromatographic method has been investigated in this work to separate the mother liquor or permeate into lactose and mineral fractions such that a goal of this thesis, namely a 'clean' water stream after processing whey, can be finally achieved. These studies have focused on the effect of resin type, salt form of the resin and the operating conditions on the separation of the lactose and mineral fraction. / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Silent Violence: Australia's White Stolen Children

Moor, Merryl, n/a January 2006 (has links)
This thesis makes a significant contribution to the existing knowledge on 'unmarried mothers'. Much of the literature on 'unmarried mothers' has been written by white, male, middle-class professionals who assume that unwed mothers are happy to place their babies for adoption so that they can be free to pursue other interests, meet other men and make a new life. However, after interviewing many of the mothers who gave up their babies in the 1950s, 1960s and early 1970s in Australia, I found this was not the case. Many of the mothers had wanted to keep their babies but were forced to relinquish them by their families and the wider society who seemed more intent on upholding nuclear family values than making available the resources needed to keep natural mothers and their babies together. My argument throughout this thesis is that given a choice - a viable economic and socially supported choice - many of the unmarried mothers, typified by those whom I interviewed, would not have parted with their babies. Most mothers interviewed, and presumably many of those in the community at large, have experienced much pain and grief as a result of the separation - a grief which is profound and lasts forever. Using Marxist feminist theories of the state and post-structural theories, my thesis highlights the perceptions and memories of birthmothers about the birthing experience and adoption as experience, process and life consequence. I also argue that the removal of white, working-class babies from their mothers compares in some small way with the removal of the indigenous 'stolen children' in the same period. The removal of Aboriginal children from their homes and cultures has been referred to by some scholars and activists as a form of cultural genocide. While the removal of babies from white, working-class, unwed mothers was different in that it had few racial implications, I argue that the system in place at the time was patriarchal and class-based and as such left the young, unwed women with no options but adoption. The thesis makes a very important and socially significant contribution to our understanding of unmarried mothers in that it presents a largely unwritten history of women. Rich in the voices of unmarried mothers, there are important conceptual, empirical and practical policy implications flowing from the research findings.

Design and verification of catalytic membrane reactor for H2 recovery from H2S

Chan, Pui Yik Peggy, Chemical Sciences & Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UNSW January 2007 (has links)
Hydrogen sulfide is toxic by-product of many petroleum, petrochemical and mineral treatment operations. Due to the increasing stringent environment regulations, toxic H2S must be completely removed from industrial waste gases before venting to the atmosphere. The H2S decomposition reaction is a well known thermodynamically limited reaction. Alumina membrane fixed bed catalytic reactors offer the potential for improved conversions at reduced operating temperature due to product separation and catalyst activity. A theoretical and experimental work dealing with a packed bed membrane reactor is the subject of this thesis. A tubular alumina membrane reactor possessing thermal and corrosion resistance has been developed. A multicomponent permeation study indicated that the fluxes of gases could be quantitatively described as a combination of Knudsen diffusion and viscous flow through the porous alumina membrane. The catalytic decomposition of hydrogen sulfide to hydrogen and sulfur was conducted in membrane reactor incorporating a commercial porous alumina membrane in combination with catalytic function of bimetallic RuMo sulfide catalyst. The obtained results demonstrate the possibility of achieving conversion above the equilibrium conversion. The reaction rate is equal to the intrinsic rate since both internal/external mass transfer and heat transfer resistance are negligible for the size of catalyst particles considered. Results obtained with this system have shown a maximum of 2.3 times the equilibrium conversion at the operating temperature 983K, which was equivalent to the conversion at operating temperature 1200K in a conventional fixed bed reactor. The conversion enhancement was significant for the operation with high sweep to feed molar ratio. The reactor configuration of membrane reactor appeared to have an influence on its performance. Comparative experimental and simulation study showed that the cocurrent mode gave slightly higher conversion over counter-current mode. Mathematical models were developed for the reactor, based on plug flow behavior. Simulation had been performed in order to validate the model against experimental data. Reactor optimization was carried out using the validated model. The simulation results from the non-isothermal model were in reasonable agreement with the experimental data. On the other hand, the isothermal model which neglected heat effects that took place in the reactor, has leaded to over-predicted conversion. This study also illustrated that predictive simulations could be used to explore the effects of recycle operation; the optimization study showed that the alumina membrane reactor permitting retentate recycle, could achieve up to 48.6% conversion, corresponding to 6 folded of the equilibrium conversion. The simulations provide a logical methodology for experimental planning and design. To further elucidate the effect of reactor configuration, operation conditions and permeation parameters on the performance of membrane reactors, a high permselective Pt-composite MR model was developed. Comparison of alumina MR and Pt-composite MR was carried out via computer simulation. Porous membrane reactor with higher permeability but lower Permselectivity can attain comparable conversion as the composite membrane reactor with higher permselectivity but lower permeability. Ptcomposite MR was more superior to alumina MR without recycle. Retentate recycle in alumina MR is shown to outperform the Pt-composite MR. Alumina MR was therefore considered as potential candidate for industrial H2S treatment.

Marital separation : an experimental investigation of the efficacy of a self-help guide

Jones, Rosemary, n/a January 1984 (has links)
The present study examined the efficacy of a self-help guide in the area of marital separation and divorce. The guide itself was written after an extensive series of interviews with people undergoing separation and professionals such as lawyers and counsellors who deal with separating people as part of their working day. The experiment demanded firstly a thorough investigation of two major areas viz.(a) the new Family Law Act and its effects, and (b) the current trend to self-help in many areas of our society. The particular style of self-help under investigation was help through reading-bibliotherapy. A factor analysis was performed in order to determine which facets of separation most required attention from those who have separated or are about to separate. Methodology involved using three groups matched for certain characteristics to test for changes after bibliotherapeutic interventions. The failure to find statistically significant results was discussed in terms of methodological problems. Socially significant results emerged as implications for welfare practice, and possible legal changes were examined.

An investigation into responses to separation prior to and following attending the "After Separation Program"

Reich, Jenny, n/a January 1996 (has links)
This study was a small survey of three single parent families with ten children who had experienced separation within the last six months. The sample was homogenous in so far as each family had been separated for under six months and the children were of a similar age range and each family was mother headed. The aims of the study were to explore the experience of separation for the adults and children by means of interviews both before and after attending the "After Separation Program" and to find out whether the experience of attending the Program had an effect upon intra- familial relationships. While the study could not be said to be large enough to be representative of all populations of single, newly separated families in general, some common themes emerged which correspond with other studies referred to in the literature. These include the sense of loss children feel with the absence of a parent, the breakdown in generational boundaries which often accompanies separation and a sense of loneliness and isolation. From the study identifiable themes emerged and it became clear that the group experience had made an impact. It would appear that following attendance of the program appropriate parenting is restored with mothers' more able to respond to the needs of the children. It was noticeable that better access arrangements were in place for the children. There was also an increased understanding of the feelings associated with the separation process.

Macromolecular fouling during membrane filtration of complex fluids

Ye, Yun, School of Chemical Engineering & Industrial Chemistry, UNSW January 2005 (has links)
Macromolecular components, including protein and polysaccharides, are viewed as one type of major foulants in the complex feed membrane filtration systems such as membrane bioreactor (MBR). In this thesis, the mechanisms of macromolecular fouling including protein and polysaccharide in the complex feed solution are explored by using Bovine serum albumin (BSA) and alginate as model solution. During the filtration of BSA and washed yeast with 0.22 ????m PVDF membrane, it was found that the critical flux of mixture solution was controlled by washed yeast concentration while the existence of BSA significantly changed the cake reversibility of much larger particles. The fouling mechanisms of alginate, as a model polysaccharide solution, were investigated both in dead end and crossflow membrane filtration. In the dead end experiments, it was found that the cake model appears to fit the entire range of the ultrafiltration data while the consecutive standard pore blocking model and cake model are more applicable to microfiltration membranes. The alginate was featured with high specific cake resistance and low compressibility despite some variations between different membranes. The specific cake resistance ( c ) is similar to c of BSA and actual extracellular polymer substance (EPS) in MBR systems reported in the literature, and higher than that of many colloidal particles. In a system contained alginate-particles mixture, it was found that the existence of alginate dramatically increased the cake specific resistance and decreased the cake compressibility. The fouling mechanism of alginate was also studied using long term cross flow filtration under subcritical flux. A two-stage TMP profile similar to that typically observed in MBR was obtained, confirming the important role of EPS during membrane fouling in MBR. In addition to adsorption, trace deposition of alginate also contributed to the initial slow TMP increase during the subcritical filtration. TMP increase during the long-term filtration was found not only due to the increase of the amount of deposition, but also the increase of specific cake resistance. A combined standard pore blocking and cake filtration model, using a critical pore size for the transition time determination, was developed and fit the experimental results well.

Design and modelling of novel absorption refrigeration cycles / by Stephen David White.

White, S. D. January 1993 (has links)
Nine pages of Addenda and eight pages of Errata in back pocket. / Includes bibliographical references. / vii, 192, [78] : ill. ; 30 cm. / Title page, contents and abstract only. The complete thesis in print form is available from the University Library. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Adelaide, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, 1994

Boundary Layer Separation in Hypersonic Ducted Flows

Andrew Dann Unknown Date (has links)
Experiments to generate multiple shock waves in an axisymmetric model at hypersonic speeds were conducted in a small reflected shock tunnel. Conical surfaces were used to generate shock waves inside a circular duct chosen to be representative of a scramjet combustor. These shock waves impinged on turbulent boundary layers to produce shock wave/boundary layer interactions (SWBLIs). In the process of observing this phenomenon, the commonly used empirical correlations of Korkegi were tested for accuracy, i.e. the combined pressure ratio across these shocks can be measured and compared to that predicted by these correlations. Korkegi correlates only with Mach number, and is independent of Reynolds number and on how the pressure is applied. A major contribution of this work is to examine how the details of the compression process effect separation. In this study, the history of applying the compression was varied. An analytical method was developed for theoretically estimating the onset of incipient separation using an integrated computation of the momentum flux contained in the boundary layer. By including the summed (negative) contribution of wall shear stress on the integrated momentum flux, the upstream history of the boundary layer was considered. The overall result has a form similar to the Korkegi correlations, plus an additional correction term relating to momentum loss through wall shear stress. The correction term was determined to be a second order effect, which explains why the Reynolds number independent Korkegi correlations work so well over such a large range of conditions. A hypersonic flow test condition conducive to the generation of high Reynolds number flows and turbulent boundary layer production was developed in a small reflected shock tunnel. The experimentally measured flow parameters were matched by numerical simulation using a number of in-house codes at The University of Queensland. This has allowed the unmeasured parameters which are numerically derived to be stated with greater confidence. An internal centre-body with a conical forebody was used to generate conditions of incipient separation. This provided benchmark data for comparison with subsequent experiments with multiple compressions. A semi-vertex angle of 15o was selected based on Large Eddy Simulation (LES) numerical results once the experimental and numerical static wall pressure and heat flux were matched. A two-cone experimental model, which provided for adjustment of the axial separation between the two shock systems, was tested at the same flow conditions as used in the single-cone experiments. A technique of incrementally moving the instrumentation (relative to the centre-body) and repeating the same condition to achieve high resolution in pressure and heat flux distributions with a limited number of transducers was successful. The results verified that it was possible to subject a hypersonic turbulent boundary layer to two quantified compression-expansion systems with an adjustable axial separation between them and capture the first reflected shock in a “shock trap” to remove it's influence from the second SWBLI. The data from this initial two-cone model provided non-separated pressure and heat flux data which was used as a reference to help interpret data from separated flows. The commercially available Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) numerical code, CFD-Fastran, was used to help design an experimental model which produces boundary layer separation. Algebraic and two-equation turbulence models were applied to a modified two-cone model to show greater pressure rises which would produce boundary layer separation. A modified two-cone model was tested and demonstrated boundary layer separation. Three configurations with varying axial separation between SWBLIs were tested which all produced separation. The configuration that produced the largest pressure ratio and largest separation region at the second SWBLI may represent a geometry whereby the distance from the hollow cylinder inlet and the second cone may represent a critical value. The amount of viscous interaction, generated from the leading edge of the shock trap, and the proximity of the two interactions may be coupled to produce higher than expected values. It is postulated that the boundary layer momentum recovery for the configuration where the second SWBLI was furthest downstream (30 mm configuration), prevented severe separation from occurring. An in-house RANS code, elmer3, was used to simulate the flow of the modified two-cone model. An algebraic turbulence model was applied to this model and comparisons of experimentally measured static wall pressure and heat flux have given good agreement. The wall shear stress was investigated to provide further information concerning the position and size of flow reversal regions. The use of the numerical codes utilised in this study has reinforced their effectiveness for model design and comparison of experimental results.

Adopterade barn i förskolan : En undersökning om hur förskolepersonal tänker om adopterade barns sociala utveckling / Adopted children in preschool

Johnsson, Catharina January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

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