Spelling suggestions: "subject:"dervice 0riented 1rchitecture"" "subject:"dervice 0riented 1architecture""
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Towards a resilient service oriented computing based on ad-hoc web service compositions in dynamic environments / Vers un paradigme service résilient basé sur ad-hoc compositions des services web dans des environnements dynamiquesLi, Wenbin 27 March 2014 (has links)
Le processus de composition des services Web joue un rôle important dans la réalisation des architectures orientées services (SOA). Dans les environnements dynamiques dans lesquels des informations con-textuelles changent souvent, le processus de composition est souvent affec-té pendant les phases de conception et d’exécution. Ce processus devrait par conséquence être en mesure de s'adapter aux changements en temps de conception et exécution. A présent, les architectures orientées services et les mécanismes automatiques de composition de services Web ne parviennent pas à faire face aux changements continus et imprévisibles. Construire des architectures orientées services qui s'adaptent aux changements dans des environnements dynamiques révèle un défi pour les processus de com-position de services Web. En outre, les processus de composition actuelles offrent un support limité pour les utilisateurs professionnels de spécifier leurs exigences métier afin générer automatiquement les processus métiers (services Web composites). Par cela, l'écart entre les exigences fonction-nelles et non-fonctionnelles au niveau métier et les exigences techniques liées aux mécanismes de composition de services Web augmentent la com-plexité du développement d'applications ou de processus métier adaptés aux environnements dynamiques. Pour remédier à ces défis, nous introduisons le concept de rési-lience appliqué à l'informatique orientée services (nommé SOC résilient) afin de construire des applications et processus métier dynamiques en res-pectant les exigences métier dans des environnements dynamiques. La SOA résilient est conçue comme un ensemble de modèles qui affectent, et sont affectées par, d’autres modèles. Dans cette thèse, nos contributions, qui se concentrent en particulier sur le modèle d’exigence de composition et le modèle de composition des services Web, composent trois parties princi-pales: tout d'abord le modèle de d’exigence est modélisé aux trois niveaux, i.e., métier, capacité, et règle. Particulièrement, le modèle de d’exigence métier offre aux utilisateurs un langage structuré à base de langage naturelle pour spécifier les processus métier; d'autre part, un processus de trans-formation dérive par transformation un modèle d’exigence de composition à base de règles. Chaque règle représente un ensemble de contraintes multi-objectives concernant différentes variables liées au processus de composi-tion et à son environnement dynamique. Troisièmement, une approche ad-hoc de composition des services Web a été développée pour construire de services composites sans plans de composition prédéfinis dans des environ-nements dynamiques. L’approche de transformation de modèle-à-modèle génère les règles qui sont récursivement utilisées pour modifier ces modèles et ensuite replanifiés une composition ad-hoc de services Web. / Due to the distributed and asynchronous nature of Web services, the Web service composition process plays an important role in achieving SOC. In dynamic environments by which contextual information such as Web service properties and composition requirements often change, the composition process is thus affected and, consequently, should be able to adapt composite applications to changes at design time and runtime. Un-fortunately, current Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Web service composition approaches lack of the ability to deal with continuous and un-predictable changes. Building resilient service-oriented architectures that are adaptable to endogenous and exogenous changes in dynamic environments reveal a drastic challenge to current composition processes. In addition, current composition processes provide a limited support for business users to specify their requirements in business languages to automatically compose business processes (i.e., composite services). By such, the gap be-tween business requirements and composition requirements related to Web services increases the complexity of developing adaptable SOA-based ap-plications and processes in dynamic environments. To overcome these challenges, we introduce the concept of Resili-ent Service-Oriented Computing (rSOC) to construct resilient SOA-based applications driven by business requirements in dynamic environments. To this end, the resilient SOA is defined as a set of models that affect and are affected by each other, and relies on a model-to-model transformation ap-proach to ensure SOA adaptability and evolution. In this thesis, we particu-larly focus on two models: a three-level composition requirement model and a Web service composition model, to establish the foundation for a re-silient SOA as follows: firstly, composition requirements are modeled in three levels, i.e., business-centric, capability-focused and rule-driven. Par-ticularly the business-centric requirement model provides business users with a structured natural language to specify requirements; secondly, a two-phase requirement transformation process builds the rule-driven Web ser-vice composition requirement model from the business-centric requirement model as set of composition rules, expressing multi-objective constraints that affect the composition process and its dynamic environment; thirdly, an ad-hoc Web service composition approach is introduced to flexibly con-struct composite services without predefined composition plans. Particularly, composition rules generated in composition process may affect other model(s) in the resilient SOA, such as composition requirement model, and recursively invoke the model-to-model transformation approach to replan the ad-hoc Web service composition approach.
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Proposta de governança SOA utilizando capacidades dinâmicas: uma aplicação em centro de comunicação digital universitário. / SOA governance proposition using dynamic capabilities: an application at university digital communication center.Onoe, Alberto Yoshinobu 03 November 2010 (has links)
A Arquitetura Orientada a Serviço SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) firmou-se como paradigma de desenvolvimento de sistemas de tecnologia da informação e comunicação TIC, pelas suas características que proporcionam flexibilidade, agilidade, reuso e escalabilidade. Porém, para que uma aplicação SOA seja bem-sucedida é imperativo que seja embasada por uma governança eficaz. Como desenvolver e manter esta governança atualizada em um ambiente com rápidas e imprevisíveis mudanças é um grande desafio. Este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar uma metodologia para que uma organização com infra-estrutura modesta de TI possa manter esta governança SOA (governança de sistemas baseados na Arquitetura Orientada a Serviço), utilizando as capacidades dinâmicas constituídas por habilidades e rotinas peculiares da organização. A contribuição do trabalho reside na ligação, praticamente inexistente, das linhas de pesquisa de governança SOA e de capacidades dinâmicas. Para isto, o trabalho identifica o que precisa ser feito (framework), quem são os responsáveis pelo desenvolvimento e manutenção (atores) e como atuar na governança SOA (plataforma). O desenvolvimento foi embasado por uma extensa pesquisa dos conceitos envolvidos, seguido pela inferência das capacidades dinâmicas necessárias para a governança SOA e, finalmente, a implementação de uma plataforma que permite ao analista de processos mudar a governança SOA de forma interativa. O trabalho teve como resultados a elaboração de uma metodologia e um sistema de manutenção da governança operacional de sistemas baseados em SOA. A metodologia compreende os requisitos e a forma de análise das mudanças dos elementos que compõem a governança SOA. O sistema é constituído por um framework e uma plataforma de implantação ágil e eficaz, para aplicar capacidades dinâmicas na governança SOA. / SOA Service Oriented Architecture has been established as the paradigm for IT Information Technology systems development, due to its features that promotes flexibility, agility, reuse and scalability. However, an SOA application to be successful must be supported by effective governance. How to develop and maintain this governance up to date in a fast and unpredictable environment is a great challenge. This work aims to present a methodology that allows a modest IT infrastructure to be able to cope with SOA governance, using dynamic capabilities (particular abilities and routines of an organization). The contribution of this work is the link (practically inexistent) between lines of research in SOA governance and dynamic capabilities. To accomplish this purpose, this work sought to what must be done (framework), who is the responsible for the development and maintenance (owner), and how to perform the SOA governance (platform). The development has been founded by an extensive research of involved concepts, inference of required dynamic capabilities to maintain the SOA governance and the development of a platform that allows a process analyst to change SOA governance interactively. The results were a methodology and a maintenance system of SOA operational governance. The methodology comprises the requirements and changes in the analysis procedure of the elements of the SOA governance. The system is composed of an agile and effective implementation framework and platform that enable how to apply dynamic capabilities into the SOA governance. The Introduction presents examples of practical application (motivation), the goal, the justification, and the scope. Chapter 2 presents an extensive literature review about SOA, SOA governance, and dynamic capabilities, from both academic and commercial literature. Chapter 3 presents the methodology and a brief history of the development. Chapter 4 presents the development of the proposed system. Chapter 5 discusses some topics related to the proposition. Chapter 6 presents the conclusion and proposals for future developments.
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Model based testing of service oriented applications / Teste baseado em modelo de aplicações orientadas a serviçoEndo, André Takeshi 19 April 2013 (has links)
SERVICE oriented architecture (SOA) is an architectural style to structure software systems, fostering loose coupling and dynamic integration among the applications. The use of SOA and Web services to develop complex and large business processes demands more formal and systematic testing. In addition, characteristics of this type of software limit the straightforward application of traditional testing techniques. Model-based testing (MBT) is a promising approach to deal with these problems. This dissertation investigates how two modeling techniques, namely Finite State Machine (FSM) and Event Sequence Graph (ESG), can be used to support MBT of service-oriented applications. Both techniques model different aspects and can be applied in a complementary way. Initially, we define an MBT process for service-oriented applications that employs FSMs. Based on previous experience, we propose a model-based approach to test composite services using ESGs. This approach is holistic, once test suites are generated to cover both desired situations (positive testing) and unexpected behaviors (negative testing). Three experimental studies evaluate the proposed approach: (i) a case study, (ii) a cost analysis, and (iii) a study in industry. Testing tools are also presented to support its practical use / A Arquitetura orientada a serviço (SOA) é um estilo arquitetural para estruturar sistemas de software de modo que exista um baixo grau de acoplamento entre as aplicações e essas possam ser facilmente integradas de forma dinâmica. A incorporação de SOA e serviços Web em sistemas que modelam processos de negócios grandes e complexos contribui para a necessidade de testes mais formais e sistemáticos. Além disso, características próprias dessa nova classe de software fazem com que técnicas de teste tradicionais não possam ser diretamente aplicadas. O teste baseado em modelo (TBM) apresenta-se como uma abordagem promissora que busca a resolução desses problemas. Esta tese investiga como duas técnicas de modelagem, Máquina de Estados Finitos (MEF) e Grafo de Sequência de Eventos (GSE), podem ser utilizadas para apoiar o TBM de aplicações orientadas a serviço. Essas técnicas modelam diferentes aspectos e podem ser aplicadas de forma complementar. Inicialmente, é definido um processo de TBM para aplicações orientadas a serviço que emprega MEFs. Com base na experiência adquirida, é proposta uma abordagem baseada em modelo para o teste de serviços compostos usando GSEs. Essa abordagem é holística uma vez que conjuntos de teste são gerados para cobrir tanto situações desejadas (teste positivo) quanto comportamentos inesperados (teste negativo). Três estudos experimentais avaliam a abordagem proposta: (i) um estudo de caso, (ii) uma análise de custo e (ii) um estudo na indústria. Ferramentas de teste também são apresentadas para apoiar o uso prático da abordagem proposta
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Controller-Synthese für Services mit DatenBathelt-Tok, Franziska 12 December 2017 (has links)
Die steigende Nachfrage an immer komplexeren Systemen in verschiedensten wirtschaftlichen Bereichen, erfordert Strategien, die Wartbarkeit und Wiederverwendbarkeit unterstützen. An diesem Punkt setzen service-orientierte Architekturen (SOAn) an. Dieses Paradigma fordert die Aufspaltung von Funktionalität in Services, die komponiert werden können, um eine gewünschte, komplexe Funktionalität zu erreichen. Besonders in sicherheitskritischen Bereichen, kann eine fehlerbehaftete Komposition jedoch zu hohen finanziellen Einbußen oder sogar zu lebensbedrohlichen Situationen führen. Um die Korrektheit sicherzustellen, müssen Kompositionsmethoden im Vorfeld definierte Eigenschaften garantieren und die, durch die unabhängige Entwicklung auftretenden, Interface-Inkompatibilitäten behandeln. Existierende Ansätze zur automatisierten Service-Komposition durch Controller-Synthese beinhalten jedoch keine formale Datenbehandlung und können daher nicht mit datenabhängigem Verhalten umgehen.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit, löse ich dieses Problem durch die Bereitstellung eines Ansatzes zur automatisierten Synthese datenabhängiger, korrekter Service-Controller. Dabei wird ein Controller direkt aus den spezifizierten Anforderungen und dem Verhalten der Services erzeugt.
Basierend auf den Annahmen, dass die Anforderungen in RCTL, einer Untermenge der Computational Tree Logic (CTL), spezifiziert und die Services als Algebraische Petrinetze (APNe) gegeben sind, vereinigt mein neuartiger Ansatz die beiden Formalismen und unterstützt eine zuverlässige Extraktion des Controller-Verhaltens. Durch die Nutzung der APNe, erlaubt der Ansatz eine formale Datenbehandlung und somit eine Betrachtung datenabhängigen Verhaltens.
Die Anwendbarkeit meines Ansatzes habe ich an drei Fallstudien aus dem medizinischen Bereich gezeigt, wo Geräte sicher miteinander kommunizieren müssen. / The continuously increasing demand for more complex systems in various economical domains requires a strategy that supports maintainability and reusability. This is addressed by the service-oriented architecture (SOA)}-paradigm that encourages the encapsulation of functionality into services. To achieve a specific functionality, services can be composed. Especially in safety-critical systems, an incorrect composition of various components can lead to high financial losses or even life threatening situations. To ensure the correctness, composition methods must particularly be able to guarantee pre-specified requirements and to overcome interface incompatibilities, which result from the independent development of the single services. However, current approaches for automated service composition via controller synthesis do not support a formal data-treatment and do not cope with data-dependent behavior.
In this thesis, we overcome this problem by providing an approach for the automated synthesis of data-dependent service controllers that are correct-by-construction. The core idea is to synthesize such a controller directly from given requirements and the behavior of the services. Based on the assumptions that the requirements are specified using a subset of Computational Tree Logic (CTL), called RCTL, and that the services are given as algebraic Petri Nets (APNs), our novel synthesis process unifies the two formalisms and enables a reliable extraction of the controller behavior. Especially due to the use of APNs, our approach supports a formal data-treatment and enables a consideration of data-dependent behavior.
With our synthesis process, which is based on a successive combination of requirements and services, we provide a practical applicable approach that works fully automatically. We show the applicability of our approach using three case studies in which medical devices interact with each other.
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Proposta de governança SOA utilizando capacidades dinâmicas: uma aplicação em centro de comunicação digital universitário. / SOA governance proposition using dynamic capabilities: an application at university digital communication center.Alberto Yoshinobu Onoe 03 November 2010 (has links)
A Arquitetura Orientada a Serviço SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) firmou-se como paradigma de desenvolvimento de sistemas de tecnologia da informação e comunicação TIC, pelas suas características que proporcionam flexibilidade, agilidade, reuso e escalabilidade. Porém, para que uma aplicação SOA seja bem-sucedida é imperativo que seja embasada por uma governança eficaz. Como desenvolver e manter esta governança atualizada em um ambiente com rápidas e imprevisíveis mudanças é um grande desafio. Este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar uma metodologia para que uma organização com infra-estrutura modesta de TI possa manter esta governança SOA (governança de sistemas baseados na Arquitetura Orientada a Serviço), utilizando as capacidades dinâmicas constituídas por habilidades e rotinas peculiares da organização. A contribuição do trabalho reside na ligação, praticamente inexistente, das linhas de pesquisa de governança SOA e de capacidades dinâmicas. Para isto, o trabalho identifica o que precisa ser feito (framework), quem são os responsáveis pelo desenvolvimento e manutenção (atores) e como atuar na governança SOA (plataforma). O desenvolvimento foi embasado por uma extensa pesquisa dos conceitos envolvidos, seguido pela inferência das capacidades dinâmicas necessárias para a governança SOA e, finalmente, a implementação de uma plataforma que permite ao analista de processos mudar a governança SOA de forma interativa. O trabalho teve como resultados a elaboração de uma metodologia e um sistema de manutenção da governança operacional de sistemas baseados em SOA. A metodologia compreende os requisitos e a forma de análise das mudanças dos elementos que compõem a governança SOA. O sistema é constituído por um framework e uma plataforma de implantação ágil e eficaz, para aplicar capacidades dinâmicas na governança SOA. / SOA Service Oriented Architecture has been established as the paradigm for IT Information Technology systems development, due to its features that promotes flexibility, agility, reuse and scalability. However, an SOA application to be successful must be supported by effective governance. How to develop and maintain this governance up to date in a fast and unpredictable environment is a great challenge. This work aims to present a methodology that allows a modest IT infrastructure to be able to cope with SOA governance, using dynamic capabilities (particular abilities and routines of an organization). The contribution of this work is the link (practically inexistent) between lines of research in SOA governance and dynamic capabilities. To accomplish this purpose, this work sought to what must be done (framework), who is the responsible for the development and maintenance (owner), and how to perform the SOA governance (platform). The development has been founded by an extensive research of involved concepts, inference of required dynamic capabilities to maintain the SOA governance and the development of a platform that allows a process analyst to change SOA governance interactively. The results were a methodology and a maintenance system of SOA operational governance. The methodology comprises the requirements and changes in the analysis procedure of the elements of the SOA governance. The system is composed of an agile and effective implementation framework and platform that enable how to apply dynamic capabilities into the SOA governance. The Introduction presents examples of practical application (motivation), the goal, the justification, and the scope. Chapter 2 presents an extensive literature review about SOA, SOA governance, and dynamic capabilities, from both academic and commercial literature. Chapter 3 presents the methodology and a brief history of the development. Chapter 4 presents the development of the proposed system. Chapter 5 discusses some topics related to the proposition. Chapter 6 presents the conclusion and proposals for future developments.
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Middleware and programming models for multi-robot systems / Intergicielles et modèles de programmation pour les systèmes multi-robotsChitic, Stefan-Gabriel 15 March 2018 (has links)
Malgré de nombreuses années de travail en robotique, il existe toujours un manque d’architecture logicielle et de middleware stables pour les systèmes multi-robot. Un intergiciel robotique devrait être conçu pour faire abstraction de l’architecture matérielle de bas niveau, faciliter la communication et l’intégration de nouveaux logiciels. Cette thèse se concentre sur le middleware pour systèmes multi-robot et sur la façon dont nous pouvons améliorer les frameworks existantes dans un contexte multi-robot en ajoutant des services de coordination multi-robot, des outils de développement et de déploiement massif. Nous nous attendons à ce que les robots soient de plus en plus utiles car ils peuvent tirer profit des données provenant d’autres périphériques externes dans leur prise de décision au lieu de simplement réagir à leur environnement local (capteurs, robots coopérant dans une flotte, etc.). Cette thèse évalue d’abord l’un des intergiciels les plus récents pour robot(s) mobile(s), Robot operating system (ROS), suivi par la suite d’un état de l’art sur les middlewares couramment utilisés en robotique. Basé sur les conclusions, nous proposons une contribution originale dans le contexte multi-robots, appelé SDfR (Service discovery for Robots), un mécanisme de découverte des services pour les robots. L’objectif principal est de proposer un mécanisme permettant aux robots de garder une trace des pairs accessibles à l’intérieur d’une flotte tout en utilisant une infrastructure ad-hoc. A cause de la mobilité des robots, les techniques classiques de configuration de réseau pair à pair ne conviennent pas. SDfR est un protocole hautement dynamique, adaptatif et évolutif adapté du protocole SSDP (Simple Service Discovery Protocol). Nous conduisons un ensemble d’expériences, en utilisant une flotte de robots Turtlebot, pour mesurer et montrer que le surdébit de SDfR est limité. La dernière partie de la thèse se concentre sur un modèle de programmation basé sur un automate temporisé. Ce type de programmation a l’avantage d’avoir un modèle qui peut être vérifié et simulé avant de déployer l’application sur de vrais robots. Afin d’enrichir et de faciliter le développement d’applications robotiques, un nouveau modèle de programmation basé sur des automates à états temporisés est proposé, appelé ROSMDB (Robot Operating system Model Driven Behaviour). Il fournit une vérification de modèle lors de la phase de développement et lors de l’exécution. Cette contribution est composée de plusieurs composants : une interface graphique pour créer des modèles basés sur un automate temporisé, un vérificateur de modèle intégré basé sur UPPAAL et un générateur de squelette de code. Enfin, nous avons effectué deux expériences : une avec une flotte de drones Parrot et l’autre avec des Turtlebots afin d’illustre le modèle proposé et sa capacité à vérifier les propriétés. / Despite many years of work in robotics, there is still a lack of established software architecture and middleware for multi-robot systems. A robotic middleware should be designed to abstract the low-level hardware architecture, facilitate communication and integration of new software. This PhD thesis is focusing on middleware for multi-robot system and how we can improve existing frameworks for fleet purposes by adding multi-robot coordination services, development and massive deployment tools. We expect robots to be increasingly useful as they can take advantage of data pushed from other external devices in their decision making instead of just reacting to their local environment (sensors, cooperating robots in a fleet, etc). This thesis first evaluates one of the most recent middleware for mobile robot(s), Robot operating system (ROS) and continues with a state of the art about the commonly used middlewares in robotics. Based on the conclusions, we propose an original contribution in the multi-robot context, called SDfR (Service discovery for Robots), a service discovery mechanism for Robots. The main goal is to propose a mechanism that allows highly mobile robots to keep track of the reachable peers inside a fleet while using an ad-hoc infrastructure. Another objective is to propose a network configuration negotiation protocol. Due to the mobility of robots, classical peer to peer network configuration techniques are not suitable. SDfR is a highly dynamic, adaptive and scalable protocol adapted from Simple Service Discovery Protocol (SSDP). We conduced a set of experiments, using a fleet of Turtlebot robots, to measure and show that the overhead of SDfR is limited. The last part of the thesis focuses on programming model based on timed automata. This type of programming has the benefits of having a model that can be verified and simulated before deploying the application on real robots. In order to enrich and facilitate the development of robotic applications, a new programming model based on timed automata state machines is proposed, called ROSMDB (Robot Operating system Model Driven Behaviour). It provides model checking at development phase and at runtime. This contribution is composed of several components: a graphical interface to create models based on timed automata, an integrated model checker based on UPPAAL and a code skeleton generator. Moreover, a ROS specific framework is proposed to verify the correctness of the execution of the models and to trigger alerts. Finally, we conduct two experiments: one with a fleet of Parrot drones and second with Turtlebots in order to illustrates the proposed model and its ability to check properties.
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Approche orientée modèles pour la vérification et l'évaluation de performances de l'interopérabilité et l'interaction des services / Model-oriented appraoch for verification and performance evaluation of service interoperability and interactionAit-Cheik-Bihi, Wafaa 21 June 2012 (has links)
De nos jours, les services Web sont très utilisés notamment par les entreprises pour rendre accessibles leurs métiers, leurs données et leurs savoir-faire via le Web. L'émergence des services Web a permis aux applications d'être présentées comme un ensemble de services métiers bien structurés et correctement décrits, plutôt que comme un ensemble d'objets et de méthodes. La composition automatique de services est une tâche complexe mais qui rend les services interopérables, ainsi leur interaction permet d’offrir une valeur ajoutée dans le traitement des requêtes des utilisateurs en prenant en compte des critères fonctionnels et non fonctionnels de la qualité de service. Dans ce travail de thèse, nous nous intéressons plus précisément aux services à base de localisation (LBS) qui permettent d'intégrer des informations géographiques, et de fournir des informations accessibles depuis des appareils mobiles via, les réseaux mobiles en faisant usage des positions géographiques de ces appareils. L'objectif de ce travail est de proposer une approche orientée modèles pour spécifier, valider et mettre en œuvre des processus de composition automatique de services à des fins de sécurité routière dans les transports. Cette approche est basée sur deux outils formels à savoir les Réseaux de Petri (RdP) et l'algèbre (max,+). Pour cela, nous préconisons l'utilisation des workflow patterns dans la composition, où chaque pattern est traduit par un modèle RdP et ensuite par une équation mathématique dans l'algèbre (max,+). Les modèles formels développés ont conduits, d'une part, à la description graphique et analytique des processus considérés, et d'autre part, à l'évaluation et la vérification quantitatives et qualitatives de ces processus. Une plateforme, appelée TransportML, pour la collaboration et l'interopérabilité de services à base de positionnement a été implémentée. Les résultats obtenus par la simulation des modèles formels sont comparés à ceux issus des simulations du fonctionnement de la plateforme et des expérimentations sur le terrain.Cette thèse est effectuée dans le cadre des projets Européens FP7 ASSET (2008-2011) et TeleFOT (2008-2012). / Web services are widely used by organizations to share their knowledge over the network and facilitate business-to-business collaboration. The emergence of Web services enabled applications to be presented as a set of business services well structured and correctly described. However, combining Web services and making them interoperable, to satisfy user requests taking into account functional and non-functional quality criteria, is a complex process. In this work, we focus specifically on location-based services (LBS) that integrate geographic information and provide information reachable from mobile devices, through wireless network by making use of the geographical positions of the devices. The aim of this work is to develop a model driven approach to specify, validate and implement service composition process in an automatic fashion for road security. This approach is based on two formal tools namely Petri nets (PN) and (max, +) algebra used to model, to verify and to evaluate the performance of service composition process. Workflow patterns are used to represent service composition processes. The behavior of each pattern is modeled by a PN model and then by a (max,+) state equation. The developed formal models allow the graphical and analytical description of the considered processes. Also, these models enable to evaluate some quantitative and qualitative properties of the considered processes. A platform, called TransportML, has been developed for collaboration and interoperability of different LBS. The obtained simulation results from the formal models are compared, on one hand, to those obtained from trials of the platform, and on the other hand, to those obtained from the real experimentations on the field.This work is a part of the FP7 European projects ASSET (2008-2011) and TeleFOT (2008-2012).
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An Approach For Including Business Requirements To Soa DesignOcakturk, Murat 01 February 2010 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, a service oriented decomposition approach: Use case Driven Service Oriented Architecture (UDSOA), is introduced to close the gap between business requirements and SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) design by including business use cases and system use cases into decomposition process. The approach is constructed upon Service Oriented Software Engineering (SOSE) modeling technique and aims to fill the deficits of it at the decomposition phase. Further, it aims to involve both business vision and Information Technologies concerns in the decomposition process. This approach starts with functional top-down decomposition of the domain. Then, business use cases are used for further decomposition because of their high-level view. This connects the business requirements and our SOA design. Also it raises the level of abstraction which allows us to focus on business services. Second step of the SOA approach uses system use cases to continue decomposition. System use cases help discovering technical web services and allocating them on the decomposition tree. Service oriented analysis also helps separating business and technical services in tightly coupled architecture conditions. Those two steps together bring quality in to both problem and solution domains.
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Integrierte und hybride Konstruktion von Software-ProduktlinienDinger, Ulrich 10 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Die Konzepte zur Erstellung von Software-Produktlinien dienen der ingenieurmäßigen, unternehmensinternen Wiederverwendung existierender Software-Artefakte. Existierende Ansätze nutzen von Hand erstellte und gewartete Kompositionsprogramme zum Assemblieren der Produkte entsprechend einer Variantenauswahl. Der Einsatz einer automatischen Planungskomponente sowie eines einfachen, erweiterbaren Komponenten-Meta-Modells hilft dabei, die dabei anfallenden Daten computergestützt zu verarbeiten. Die Integration beider Konzepte zu einem hybriden Ansatz ermöglicht die Neuerstellung von Produkten, die nicht von Anfang an als Produktlinie konzipiert sind, ohne eine spätere Umarbeitung unter Nutzung der automatischen Planungskomponente unnötig zu erschweren.
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Orchestrierung von Geo Web ServicesKallbach, Maria 10 February 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Das Ziel der Diplomarbeit bestand darin eine Testumgebung zur Orchestrierung von Geo Web Services aufzubauen. Dabei diente die Diplomarbeit "Orchestrierung von Web Services" von Jäger/Weidenhagen als Grundlage. Um ein Verständnis für dieses Gebiet zu bekommen, werden zu Beginn die Grundlagen betrachtet. Rechtliche Aspekte zum Thema Orchestrierung werden angegeben, um die Wichtigkeit des Themas zu unterstreichen. Eingängige Standards wie SOAP und WSDL werden in ihren Kernpunkten erläutert. Insbesondere bei SOAP wird näher darauf eingegangen. Neben den OWS besteht auch die Möglichkeit Geo-Datenbanken in Diensteketten einfließen zu lassen. Dafür werden exemplarisch Dienste aufgesetzt, die dies ermöglichen.
Weiterhin werden die Benutzerschnittstellen von Web Services (und auch Diensteketten) untersucht. Die Option eines Clients mittels Scriptsprachen wird beschrieben. Dabei erwies sich PHP am geeignetsten. Auf diese Weise kann für jede Dienstekette eine dynamische Webseite gestaltet werden, die eine graphische Schnittstelle für den Nutzer bietet.
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