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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Standing Processes in Service-Oriented Environments

Lehner, Wolfgang, Habich, Dirk, Preißler, Steffen 01 November 2022 (has links)
Current realization techniques for service-oriented architectures (SOA) and business process management (BPM) cannot be efficiently applied to any kind of application scenario. For example, an important requirement in the finance sector is the continuous evaluation of stock prices to automatically trigger business processes--e.g. the buying or selling of stocks--with regard to several strategies. In this paper, we address the continuous evaluation of message streams within BPM to establish a common environment for stream-based message processing and traditional business processes. In detail, we propose the notion of standing processes as (i) a process-centric concept for the interpretation of message streams, and (ii) a trigger element for subsequent business processes. The demonstration system focuses on the execution of standing processes and the smooth interaction with the traditional business process environment.

Semantically-enriched and semi-Autonomous collaboration framework for the Web of Things. Design, implementation and evaluation of a multi-party collaboration framework with semantic annotation and representation of sensors in the Web of Things and a case study on disaster management

Amir, Mohammad January 2015 (has links)
This thesis proposes a collaboration framework for the Web of Things based on the concepts of Service-oriented Architecture and integrated with semantic web technologies to offer new possibilities in terms of efficient asset management during operations requiring multi-actor collaboration. The motivation for the project comes from the rise in disasters where effective cross-organisation collaboration can increase the efficiency of critical information dissemination. Organisational boundaries of participants as well as their IT capability and trust issues hinders the deployment of a multi-party collaboration framework, thereby preventing timely dissemination of critical data. In order to tackle some of these issues, this thesis proposes a new collaboration framework consisting of a resource-based data model, resource-oriented access control mechanism and semantic technologies utilising the Semantic Sensor Network Ontology that can be used simultaneously by multiple actors without impacting each other’s networks and thus increase the efficiency of disaster management and relief operations. The generic design of the framework enables future extensions, thus enabling its exploitation across many application domains. The performance of the framework is evaluated in two areas: the capability of the access control mechanism to scale with increasing number of devices, and the capability of the semantic annotation process to increase in efficiency as more information is provided. The results demonstrate that the proposed framework is fit for purpose.

Dynamic Analysis of Levee Infrastructure Failure Risk: A Framework for Enhanced Critical Infrastructure Management

Lam, Juan Carlos 18 June 2012 (has links)
Current models that assess infrastructure failure risk are "linear," and therefore, only consider the direct influence attributed to each factor that defines risk. These models do not consider the undeniable relationships that exist among these parameters. In reality, factors that define risk are interdependent and influence each other in a "non-linear" fashion through feedback effects. Current infrastructure failure risk assessment models are also static, and do not allow infrastructure managers and decision makers to evaluate the impacts over time, especially the long-term impact of risk mitigation actions. Factors that define infrastructure failure risk are in constant change. In a strategic manner, this research proposes a new risk-based infrastructure management framework and supporting system, Risk-Based Dynamic Infrastructure Management System (RiskDIMS), which moves from linear to non-linear risk assessment by applying systems engineering methods and analogs developed to address non-linear complex problems. The approach suggests dynamically integrating principal factors that define infrastructure failure risk using a unique platform that leverages Geospatial Information System services and extensions in an unprecedented manner. RiskDIMS is expected to produce results that are often counterintuitive and unexpected, but aligned to our complex reality, suggesting that the combination of geospatial and temporal analyses is required for sustainable risk-based decision making. To better illustrate the value added of temporal analysis in risk assessment, this study also develops and implements a non-linear dynamic model to simulate the behavior over time of infrastructure failure risk associated with an existing network of levees in New Orleans due to diverse infrastructure management investments. Although, the framework and RiskDIMS are discussed here in the context of levees, the concept applies to other critical infrastructure assets and systems. This research aims to become the foundation for future risk analysis system implementation. / Master of Science

Propuesta de uso del paradigma de coreografía de procesos para crear sistemas de eSalud en entornos heterogéneos

Bayo Montón, José Luis 18 April 2023 (has links)
[ES] Los sistemas de salud actuales están viendo cómo la cantidad de pacientes a atender y de servicios diferentes que han de prestar, es cada vez mayor, por lo que se cuestiona si serán sostenibles a largo plazo. Uno de los factores importantes de este aumento es el envejecimiento de la población, lo que implica un mayor número de pacientes crónicos y de personas dependientes. Al mismo tiempo, se genera la necesidad de abordar soluciones de prevención sobre la población general. Para hacer frente a estos problemas, se está recurriendo a la aplicación de las TIC en el ámbito de la salud, son los llamados sistemas de eSalud. En el desarrollo de sistemas de eSalud es necesario tener en cuenta que deben trabajar en entornos altamente heterogéneos y cambiantes. Además, han de ser capaces de adaptarse a las nuevas necesidades demandadas por la población, todo ello sin reducir la calidad de los servicios ya prestados y sin disparar los costes del sistema. Al desarrollar un sistema software, el modelo de arquitectura elegido marca qué características se van a potenciar. El paradigma de Arquitectura Orientada a Servicios (SOA) presenta entre sus principales beneficios una alta flexibilidad, reducción de costes y desarrollo rápido, así como permite la escalabilidad de sistemas. Por lo que puede ser un buen candidato a la hora de crear sistemas de eSalud. Existen diferentes formas de construir una arquitectura SOA, atendiendo a cómo se componen sus servicios y a cómo se aplican las directrices SOA. En esta tesis se propone el uso del paradigma de coreografía de procesos, siendo éste un modelo en el que se busca construir la arquitectura del sistema desde el punto de vista de los procesos de negocio de la organización. Este paradigma trabaja desde el concepto de un proceso único definido de forma distribuida, empleando coreografía de servicios para la composición. Es decir, no existe un elemento que centralice la toma de decisiones, donde cada servicio es consciente de qué debe realizar y cómo interactuar con el resto. En la coreografía de procesos se prioriza la eficiencia del sistema, aumentando el acoplamiento entre servicios, lo que puede reducir la flexibilidad del sistema SOA. Pero genera un sistema con mayor rendimiento y con una mejor alineación con los procesos de negocio. Además, la coreografía es más robusta que otros mecanismos de composición y ayuda con la integración de sistemas entre empresas. El objetivo de esta tesis es validar si el paradigma de coreografía de procesos es aplicable al desarrollo de sistemas de eSalud. Para ello se ha realizado la aplicación de este paradigma en tres escenarios de eSalud diferentes. En el primero de los escenarios, se creó un sistema para integrar y evaluar un dispositivo tecnológico puntero, las Google Glass. Esto demostró que se puede crear un sistema de eSalud basado en coreografía de procesos que integre dispositivos tecnológicos complejos. En el segundo de los escenarios, se validó el paradigma en un entorno real, creando un sistema distribuido de ejecución de modelos híbridos para la predicción y detección de diabetes tipo 2. El sistema permitió construir servicios para la ejecución de los modelos híbridos, integrando motores estadísticos externos y sistemas de terceros de acceso a datos clínicos. De esta forma se validó que la coreografía de procesos ayuda a la integración con sistemas externos, permitiendo un desarrollo rápido y la creación de sistemas distribuidos. En el tercero de los escenarios, se aplica el paradigma orientado al modelo de IoT integrando sensores portables para crear un sistema de eSalud. El sistema desarrollado integra un kit de sensores de eSalud para el seguimiento y monitorización remota de pacientes, comparando su rendimiento en un ordenador y en una Raspberry Pi. El resultado refrenda la hipótesis de que la coreografía de procesos permite aplicarse para crear fácilmente sistemas de eSalud orientados a IoT e integrar sensores portables de este ámbito. / [CA] Els sistemes de salut actuals estan veient com la quantitat de pacients a atendre i de servicis diferents que han de prestar, és cada vegada major, per la qual cosa es qüestiona si seran sostenibles a llarg termini. Un dels factors importants d'aquest augment és l'envelliment de la població, la qual cosa implica un major nombre de pacients crònics i de persones dependents. Al mateix temps, es genera la necessitat d'abordar solucions de prevenció sobre la població general. Per a fer front a aquests problemes, s'està recorrent a l'aplicació de les TIC en l'àmbit de la salut, són els cridats sistemes d'eSalut. En el desenvolupament de sistemes d'eSalut és necessari tindre en compte que han de treballar en entorns altament heterogenis i canviants. A més, han de ser capaços d'adaptar-se a les noves necessitats demandades per la població, tot això sense reduir la qualitat dels servicis ja prestats i sense disparar els costos del sistema. En desenvolupar un sistema programari, el model d'arquitectura triat marca quines característiques es potenciaran. El paradigma d'Arquitectura Orientada a Servicis (SOA) presenta entre els seus principals beneficis una alta flexibilitat, reducció de costos i desenrotllament ràpid, així com permet l'escalabilitat de sistemes. Pel que pot ser un bon candidat a l'hora de crear sistemes d'eSalut. Hi ha diferents formes de construir una arquitectura SOA, atenent a com es componen els seus servicis i a com s'apliquen les directrius SOA. En esta tesi es proposa l'ús del paradigma de coreografia de processos, sent aquest un model en el qual es busca construir l'arquitectura del sistema des del punt de vista dels processos de negoci de l'organització. Este paradigma treballa des del concepte d'un procés únic definit de forma distribuïda, emprant coreografia de servicis per a la composició. És a dir, no hi ha un element que centralitze la presa de decisions, on cada servici és conscient de què ha de realitzar i com interactuar amb la resta. En la coreografia de processos es prioritza l'eficiència del sistema, augmentant l'adaptament entre servicis, la qual cosa pot reduir la flexibilitat del sistema SOA. Però genera un sistema amb major rendiment i amb una millor alineació amb els processos de negoci. A més, la coreografia és més robusta que altres mecanismes de composició i ajuda amb la integració de sistemes entre empreses. L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és validar si el paradigma de coreografia de processos és aplicable al desenrotllament de sistemes d'eSalut. Per a això s'ha realitzat l'aplicació d'aquest paradigma en tres escenaris d'eSalut diferents. En el primer dels escenaris, es va crear un sistema per a integrar i avaluar un dispositiu tecnològic punter, les Google Glass. Açò va demostrar que es pot crear un sistema d'eSalut basat en coreografia de processos que integre dispositius tecnològics complexos. En el segon dels escenaris, es va validar el paradigma en un entorn real, creant un sistema distribuït d'execució de models híbrids per a la predicció i detecció de diabetis tipus 2. El sistema va permetre construir servicis per a l'execució dels models híbrids, integrant motors estadístics externs i sistemes de tercers d'accés a dades clíniques. D'aquesta manera es va validar que la coreografia de processos ajuda amb la integració amb sistemes externs, permetent un desenrotllament ràpid i la creació de sistemes distribuïts. En el tercer dels escenaris, s'aplica el paradigma orientat al model d'IoT integrant sensors portables per a crear un sistema d'eSalut. El sistema desenrotllat integra un kit de sensors d'eSalut per al seguiment i monitorització remota de pacients, comparant el seu rendiment en un ordinador i en una Raspberry Pi. El resultat referenda la hipòtesi que la coreografia de processos permet aplicar-se per a crear fàcilment sistemes d'eSalut orientats a IoT i integrar sensors portables d'este àmbit. / [EN] Today's health systems are seeing an increasing number of patients to be cared for, as well as different services to be provided, raising questions as to whether they will be sustainable in the long term. One of the critical factors in this increase is the ageing of the population, which implies a more significant number of chronic patients and dependents. At the same time, there is a need to address prevention solutions in the general population. To address these problems, the application of ICTs in the health field, the so-called eHealth systems, is being used. In the development of eHealth systems, it is necessary to consider that they have to work in highly heterogeneous and changing environments. Moreover, they must be able to adapt to the new needs demanded by the population, without reducing the quality of the services already provided and without increasing the costs of the system. When developing a software system, the architecture model chosen determines which characteristics are to be enhanced. The Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) paradigm has among its main benefits high flexibility, cost reduction and rapid development, as well as allowing the scalability of systems. Therefore, it can be a good candidate when creating eHealth systems. There are different ways to build an SOA architecture, depending on how its services are composed and how SOA guidelines are applied. This thesis proposes the use of the process choreography paradigm, which is a model that seeks to build the architecture of the system from the point of view of the organisation's business processes. This paradigm works from the concept of a single process defined in a distributed way, using service choreography for the composition. In other words, there is no centralised decision-making element, where each service is aware of what it must do and how to interact with the rest. Process choreography prioritises system efficiency by increasing coupling between services, which can reduce the flexibility of the SOA system. But it generates a system with higher performance and better alignment with business processes. In addition, choreography is more robust than other composition mechanisms and helps with cross-company system integration. The aim of this thesis is to validate whether the process choreography paradigm is applicable to the development of eHealth systems. To this end, the application of this paradigm has been carried out in three different eHealth scenarios. In the first scenario, a system was created to integrate and evaluate a cutting-edge technological device, Google Glass. This demonstrated that it is possible to create an eHealth system based on process choreography that integrates complex technological devices. In the second scenario, the paradigm was validated in a real environment, creating a distributed hybrid model execution system for the prediction and detection of type 2 diabetes. The system allowed building services for hybrid model execution, integrating external statistical engines and third-party services to access clinical data. This scenario validated that the process choreography aids integration with external systems, enabling rapid development and the creation of distributed systems. In the third scenario, the paradigm is applied to the IoT model by integrating wearable sensors to create an eHealth system. The developed system integrates an eHealth sensor kit for remote patient tracking and monitoring, comparing its performance on a computer and a Raspberry Pi. The result supports the hypothesis that process choreography can be applied to easily create IoT-oriented eHealth systems and integrate IoT wearable sensors. / Bayo Montón, JL. (2023). Propuesta de uso del paradigma de coreografía de procesos para crear sistemas de eSalud en entornos heterogéneos [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/192822


黃明發 Unknown Date (has links)
企業電子化的概念在過去幾年已被大多數企業所接受,但對台灣佔多數的中小企業而言,因為系統開發非其核心競爭力且IT資源有限,如何尋求一個解決方案,能夠讓這些為數眾多的中小企業取得所需的資訊應用能力,是當前的一個重要課題。 服務導向架構概念的提出,提供了許多企業一個進行系統整合的解決方案。但我們不應僅從系統整合來看服務導向架構;反而應該從企業本身的策略來看這個解決方案,必須去思考企業要提出怎麼樣的服務或產品才能滿足消費者,再由這些服務或產品去思考應該如何去整合企業內部或外部的資源。 本研究將服務導向架構運用在產業交易金融之服務,從企業內部擴展到企業外部,並提出一個跨組織服務導向架構的整合平台,中小企業可透過企業服務總管充份並輕易的取得平台業者端服務庫上所提供的資訊服務,讓中小企業一方面可以專注於其本身的核心競爭力;另一方面又能取得企業電子化的優勢。而平台業者可運用其系統開發能力,服務為數眾多但對軟體開發能力較小的中小企業,以少量多銷的服務模式來提昇其獲利。 最後,本研究根據上述結論,對金融服務業者與企業提出相關建議,以及未來進一步研究之議題。 / Most enterprises adopt the concept of electronic business in the recent years. Since the system development is neither the competitiveness of core business nor the capacity for IT resources, seeking for a solution of on-demand IT application is a very important topic for most small-medium enterprises (SME). The emergence of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) provides a solution of system integration for many enterprises. However, we should not view the system integration only as the aspect of Service-Oriented Architecture. We should think that how enterprises offer better services or products in order to satisfy customer demands. Then, based on these services or products, we go further to think about the system integration of the internal and external resources for the enterprise. In sum, the solution of SOA should be based on the enterprise strategy. This research will apply SOA in the section of enterprise transaction and finance services. From the internal to external corporations, this research proposes an integrated platform of SOA “cross organization and business process management”. For small-medium enterprises, they could fully and easily utilize the IT services in the service warehouse from IT service providers. As a result, SME could concentrate on the competitiveness of core business. On the other hand, enterprise could obtain the advantage of electronic business. For IT service providers, they could make use of their capacity of system development to service many SME who have less ability of software development. Moreover, IT service providers could increase profit of the model for less production but more sales. In the end, this research will recommend some solutions for financial service providers and enterprises based on above mentioned conclusion, and also address further research topics in the future.

Personalised wearable cardiac sensor services for pervasive self-care / Conception de services personnalisés pour la capture ubiquitaire de signes vitaux en Santé

Krupaviciute, Asta 20 December 2011 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est de concevoir une architecture de services Web pour la dé-termination automatique d’un système de capteurs personnalisé, embarqué sous forme de vêtement intelligent dédié au self-care, afin de permettre à tout utilisateur profane d'enregistrer lui-même son propre électrocardiogramme (ECG), à tout moment et n’importe où. Le défi principal réside dans l'orchestration intelligente et dynamique de services métiers en fonction du contexte, pour qu’ils fournissent à l'utilisateur une solution personnalisée optimale tout en maîtrisant la complexité inhérente à la dépendance au contexte des interactions homme-machine, à l'extraction des connaissances des signes vitaux spécifiques à un sujet, et à l'automatisation de la reconfiguration des services. Une solution à ce défi est de créer une intelligence ambiante qui étend la notion d'informatique ubiquitaire et est capable d’offrir à l’instar d’un expert du domaine, une assistance intelligente personnalisée à tout citoyen. Nous proposons une méthodologie de construction d'une architecture DM-SOA orientée-services, dirigée à la fois par les données et par des modèles, pour la production de services métiers intelligents et tenant compte du contexte. Cette architecture permet l’automatisation d’activités sophistiquées et personnalisées qu’un expert mettrait en œuvre pour le traitement d’un cas individuel, à partir de ses connaissances professionnelles. La solution proposée est basée sur une nouvelle approche de modélisation dynamique de processus métiers, et l’implémentation de services reconfigurables automatiquement. Elle consiste à mettre en œuvre un environnement intelligent fondé sur une ontologie de processus métiers des concepts du domaine et de son contexte, et sur une base de règles pour l'orchestration contextuelle des services. Pour valider le bien-fondé de notre approche, nous avons proposé une ontologie pour l’automatisation de processus d’aide à la décision et nous l’avons évaluée dans le domaine de la cardiologie, en l’appliquant au problème de la sélection la plus adéquate possible d’un système de positionnement d’électrodes, spécifique à chaque individu, et capable de fournir un signal ECG de contenu diagnostique similaire à celui d'un ECG standard à 12 dérivations. Pour répondre aux besoins en situation de self-care tout en préservant la qualité diagnostique des signaux enregistrés à la demande, nous proposons la réalisation d’un nouveau système prototype de capture ECG-3D à trois modalités. Ce prototype a été testé sur huit jeunes adultes volontaires sains (4 hommes et 4 femmes) présentant diverses caractéristiques morphologiques. L'intelligence ambiante est fournie par un ensemble de services de qualité professionnelle, prêts à l’emploi par des utilisateurs profanes. Ces services peuvent être accessibles au travail, n’importe où, via des moyens classiquement utilisés chaque jour, et fournissent une aide appropriée aux utilisateurs non-compétents. / The aim of the thesis is to design a web services architecture that shall support the automatic determination of a personalised sensor-system, which is embedded in smart garments, and which shall be used in self-care in order to allow a profane user to record himself a personal electrocardiogram (ECG), at anytime and anywhere. The main challenge consists in the intelligent and dynamic orchestration of context-aware business services that supply the user with an optimal personalised solution, while mastering the system’s complexity: context dependent user and system interactions, knowledge extraction from subject-specific vital signs, services reconfiguration automation. The solution to this challenge is to create an Ambient Intelligence which goes beyond Ubiquitous Computing and is capable to replace an expert by proposing an Intelligent Assistance to any citizen. We propose a methodology expressed in terms of Data and Model driven Service Oriented Architecture (DM-SOA), which provides a framework for the production of context-aware intelligent business services. This architecture supports the automation of sophisticated and personalised expert activities, which apply professional knowledge to process an individual case. The proposed solution is based on a new dynamic business process modelling approach and in its implementation via automatically reconfigurable services. It consists in setting-up an intelligent environment based on a business process ontology of context-aware concepts and on related context handling rules for services orchestration. A core-ontology has been designed to support the automation of expert activities related to decision-making. The soundness of the method and of the underlying decision-making techniques has been demonstrated in the cardiology domain for selecting the most adequate subject-specific sensor-system, characterised by its ability to yield for an ECG signal of similar diagnostic content than a standard 12-lead ECG. We propose the design of a new three modalities sensor-system prototype as a response to the need of sensor-systems used on demand in self-care situations and ensuring diagnostic quality signals recordings. This prototype has been tested on a set of healthy volunteers presenting various characteristics in age, sex and morphology. In this context, Ambient Intelligence is demonstrated as an ensemble of professional quality services ready to use by profane users. These services are accessible pervasively, trough the objects people work with / wear on / use each day, and provide an appropriate guidance to the non-competent users. Such an Ambient Intelligence approach strongly supports the vision of an Information Society which corresponds to the long-term goal of the EU Information Society Technologies Research Programme that aims to ease knowledge access. The future healthcare will benefit from this approach and will significantly improve patient care.

Interprétation automatique de données hétérogènes pour la modélisation de situations collaboratives : application à la gestion de crise / Automatic interpretation of heterogeneous data to model collaborative situations : application to crisis management

Fertier, Audrey 29 November 2018 (has links)
Les travaux présentés dans ce manuscrit s’appliquent au domaine de la gestion de crise française, et notamment à la phase de réponse qui suit un évènement majeur, comme une crue ou un accident industriel. Suite à l’évènement, des cellules de crise sont activées pour prévenir et traiter les conséquences de la crise. Elles font face, dans l’urgence, à de nombreuses difficultés. Les parties-prenantes sont nombreuses, autonomes et hétérogènes, la coexistence de plans d’urgence engendre des contradictions et des effets en cascade se nourrissent des interconnexions entre réseaux. Ces constats arrivent alors que les données disponibles sur les réseaux informatiques ne cessent de se multiplier. Elles sont, par exemple, émises par des capteurs de mesures, sur des réseaux sociaux, ou par des bénévoles. Ces données sont l’occasion de concevoir un système d’information capable de les collecter pour les interpréter en un ensemble d’information formalisé, utilisable en cellule de crise. Pour réussir, les défis liés aux 4Vs du Big data doivent être relevés en limitant le Volume, unifiant (la Variété) et améliorant la Véracité des données et des informations manipulées, tout en suivant la dynamique (Vélocité) de la crise en cours. Nos états de l’art sur les différentes parties de l’architecture recherchée nous ont permis de définir un tel système d’information. Ce dernier est aujourd’hui capable de (i) recevoir plusieurs types d’évènements émis de sources de données connues ou inconnues, (ii) d’utiliser des règles d’interprétations directement déduites de règles métiers réelles et (iii) de formaliser l’ensemble des informations utiles aux parties-prenantes. Son architecture fait partie des architectures orientées évènements, et coexiste avec l’architecture orientée services du logiciel développé par le laboratoire Centre de Génie Industriel (CGI). Le système d’information ainsi implémenté a pu être éprouvé sur un scénario de crue majeure en Loire Moyenne, élaboré par deux Services de Prévision des Crues (SPC) français. Le modèle décrivant la situation de crise courante, obtenu par le système d’information proposé, peut être utilisé pour (i) déduire un processus de réponse à la crise, (ii) détecter des imprévus ou (iii) mettre à jour une représentation de la situation en cellule de crise. / The present work is applied to the field of French crisis management, and specifically to the crisis response phase which follows a major event, like a flood or an industrial accident. In the aftermath of the event, crisis cells are activated to prevent and deal with the consequences of the crisis. They face, in a hurry, many difficulties. The stakeholders are numerous, autonomous and heterogeneous, the coexistence of contingency plans favours contradictions and the interconnections of networks promotes cascading effects. These observations arise as the volume of data available continues to grow. They come, for example, from sensors, social media or volunteers on the crisis theatre. It is an occasion to design an information system able to collect the available data to interpret them and obtain information suited to the crisis cells. To succeed, it will have to manage the 4Vs of Big Data: the Volume, the Variety and Veracity of data and information, while following the dynamic (velocity) of the current crisis. Our literature review on the different parts of this architecture enables us to define such an information system able to (i) receive different types of events emitted from data sources both known and unknown, (ii) to use interpretation rules directly deduced from official business rules and (iii) to structure the information that will be used by the stake-holders. Its architecture is event-driven and coexists with the service oriented architecture of the software developed by the CGI laboratory. The implemented system has been tested on the scenario of a 1/100 per year flood elaborated by two French forecasting centres. The model describing the current crisis situation, deduced by the proposed information system, can be used to (i) deduce a crisis response process, (ii) to detect unexpected situations, and (iii) to update a COP suited to the decision-makers.

Seleção adaptativa e interativa de serviços móveis em ambientes convergentes heterogêneos. / Adaptive and interactive mobile service selection in convergent and heterogeneous environments.

Dutra, Rogério Garcia 19 January 2012 (has links)
A crescente mobilidade de pessoas e recursos materiais exige um esforço constante na exploração das capacidades oferecidas pelas diferentes tecnologias disponíveis, que convergem para o fornecimento de informações e serviços em qualquer lugar com movimento, a qualquer tempo, e por meio de qualquer dispositivo, objetivos da rede mundial de cooperação e comunicação, conhecida como Internet. Em resposta a essa crescente demanda, a atual Internet está evoluindo do modelo de compartilhamento de informações para o modelo de contribuição e em um futuro próximo, para o modelo de colaboração entre provedores e consumidores, denominada de Internet do Futuro. Embora a atual Internet seja extraordinariamente bem sucedida, como um meio ubíquo de comunicação, sua atual arquitetura impõe limites para o provisionamento de serviços em ambientes heterogêneos e convergentes, demandando novas soluções que superem os desafios tecnológicos necessários ao estabelecimento da Internet do Futuro. Estas novas soluções basear-se-ão nos princípios da computação orientada a serviços, formando os componentes de um novo arcabouço de serviços para a Internet do Futuro, denominada de Internet de Serviços. Na Internet de Serviços, redes de comunicação móveis, convergentes e heterogêneas serão criadas sob demanda, disponibilizando um elevado número de serviços, funcionalmente similares, porém distintos sob o ponto de vista não funcional, dificultando a seleção dos serviços que melhor atendem o nível qualidade de serviço acordado entre provedores e consumidores. Este trabalho propõe uma nova solução para o problema de seleção de serviços, combinando algoritmos, usualmente empregados para prospecção de dados, para selecionar serviços de forma dinâmica e interativa, com base em atributos não funcionais, visando suprir as necessidades de mobilidade e colaboração em ambientes convergentes e heterogêneos, como a Internet de Serviços. Desta forma, este trabalho contribui para o projeto de pesquisa da Internet de Serviços, um dos pilares fundamentais para a elaboração da nova arquitetura orientada a serviços, que servirá de arcabouço à construção da Internet do Futuro, possibilitando inúmeras aplicações como Serviços Baseados em Localização e Computação em Nuvem. / The increasing mobility of people and resources demands additional efforts in exploring new capacities, offered by different technologies, which allows the supply of information and services in any place, any time and through any device, objective of the worldwide collaboration and communication web, known as Internet. Face to this increasing demand, current Internet is evolving from sharing to contribution model and in the near future, to collaboration model between providers and consumers. Although the current Internet has been extraordinarily successful, as a ubiquitous and universal means for communication, its architecture imposes limits for services deployment in heterogeneous and convergent environments, demanding new solutions to overcome the technological issues for Internet of Future achievement. These new solutions will be based on service oriented computing principles, providing the components of the new service framework for Internet of Future, called Internet of Services. In Internet of Services, convergent and heterogeneous mobile communication networks will be created on demand, providing a huge numbers of services, similar from functional point of view, but very different from the nonfunctional point of view, creating challenges for service selection which fits the service level agreement between providers and consumers. This work proposes a new solution for service selection process, combining algorithms commonly used for data mining, to perform dynamic and interactive service selection, fulfilling the mobility and collaborative requirements in a convergent and heterogeneous environment, such as Internet of Services. Therefore, this work contributes to Internet of Services research project, one of fundamental pillars to build the service oriented architecture, which will be used as framework for Internet of Future building, allowing many applications such as Location Based Services and Cloud Computing.

Seleção adaptativa e interativa de serviços móveis em ambientes convergentes heterogêneos. / Adaptive and interactive mobile service selection in convergent and heterogeneous environments.

Rogério Garcia Dutra 19 January 2012 (has links)
A crescente mobilidade de pessoas e recursos materiais exige um esforço constante na exploração das capacidades oferecidas pelas diferentes tecnologias disponíveis, que convergem para o fornecimento de informações e serviços em qualquer lugar com movimento, a qualquer tempo, e por meio de qualquer dispositivo, objetivos da rede mundial de cooperação e comunicação, conhecida como Internet. Em resposta a essa crescente demanda, a atual Internet está evoluindo do modelo de compartilhamento de informações para o modelo de contribuição e em um futuro próximo, para o modelo de colaboração entre provedores e consumidores, denominada de Internet do Futuro. Embora a atual Internet seja extraordinariamente bem sucedida, como um meio ubíquo de comunicação, sua atual arquitetura impõe limites para o provisionamento de serviços em ambientes heterogêneos e convergentes, demandando novas soluções que superem os desafios tecnológicos necessários ao estabelecimento da Internet do Futuro. Estas novas soluções basear-se-ão nos princípios da computação orientada a serviços, formando os componentes de um novo arcabouço de serviços para a Internet do Futuro, denominada de Internet de Serviços. Na Internet de Serviços, redes de comunicação móveis, convergentes e heterogêneas serão criadas sob demanda, disponibilizando um elevado número de serviços, funcionalmente similares, porém distintos sob o ponto de vista não funcional, dificultando a seleção dos serviços que melhor atendem o nível qualidade de serviço acordado entre provedores e consumidores. Este trabalho propõe uma nova solução para o problema de seleção de serviços, combinando algoritmos, usualmente empregados para prospecção de dados, para selecionar serviços de forma dinâmica e interativa, com base em atributos não funcionais, visando suprir as necessidades de mobilidade e colaboração em ambientes convergentes e heterogêneos, como a Internet de Serviços. Desta forma, este trabalho contribui para o projeto de pesquisa da Internet de Serviços, um dos pilares fundamentais para a elaboração da nova arquitetura orientada a serviços, que servirá de arcabouço à construção da Internet do Futuro, possibilitando inúmeras aplicações como Serviços Baseados em Localização e Computação em Nuvem. / The increasing mobility of people and resources demands additional efforts in exploring new capacities, offered by different technologies, which allows the supply of information and services in any place, any time and through any device, objective of the worldwide collaboration and communication web, known as Internet. Face to this increasing demand, current Internet is evolving from sharing to contribution model and in the near future, to collaboration model between providers and consumers. Although the current Internet has been extraordinarily successful, as a ubiquitous and universal means for communication, its architecture imposes limits for services deployment in heterogeneous and convergent environments, demanding new solutions to overcome the technological issues for Internet of Future achievement. These new solutions will be based on service oriented computing principles, providing the components of the new service framework for Internet of Future, called Internet of Services. In Internet of Services, convergent and heterogeneous mobile communication networks will be created on demand, providing a huge numbers of services, similar from functional point of view, but very different from the nonfunctional point of view, creating challenges for service selection which fits the service level agreement between providers and consumers. This work proposes a new solution for service selection process, combining algorithms commonly used for data mining, to perform dynamic and interactive service selection, fulfilling the mobility and collaborative requirements in a convergent and heterogeneous environment, such as Internet of Services. Therefore, this work contributes to Internet of Services research project, one of fundamental pillars to build the service oriented architecture, which will be used as framework for Internet of Future building, allowing many applications such as Location Based Services and Cloud Computing.

第四方物流中協同作業之研究-深化SOA方法論 / A Study of Collaboration in Fourth Party Logistics - Exploiting SOA Methodology

陳鐘源, Chen, Bell Unknown Date (has links)
全球性的產業面對國際化的競爭,企業為求生存發展,對於資源的需求必須尋求國內外最佳發展與佈局。隨著運輸系統及通信技術的進步,全球供應鏈的興盛已是必然的趨勢。這些跨國企業專注於自己的核心事業,對於非主軸業務皆採以外包方式委外執行。其中以國際物流運作因涵蓋業務範圍廣且複雜非一般產業所能承擔,採外包方式是一種正確的決策。 物流產業居於專業分工及委外需求日盛的市場中,因此物流產業的市場不斷的擴大,而且對物流需求的服務項目變得多樣且複雜,尤其是國際物流及全球供應鏈。但相對的物流業者間的競爭更形激烈,誰能提供更完整、更準確、更快速及更低廉的服務,誰就能主宰市場。 本研究首先就物流定義、國際物流、第三方物流及第四方物流等活動深入探討,以我國國際物流業者的體質來看,惟有物流業界的水平整合或垂直整合,加上資訊科技化,才能滿足趨勢需求,才能有競爭力。整合的組織方式及解決方案為何,由誰來整合最有機會與條件,本論文將以第四方物流為目標,分析國內物流業者可以採行的整合方式,在業務整合之同時探討資訊整合之可能性及整合方式。並且提出一個以SOA為核心之電子化企業協同合作架構,運用服務導向的開放式及模組化優點來架構第四方物流系統。 倉儲/物流中心及海空運承攬業者是有能力發展成第四方物流業者,因此這兩者在價值鏈中是很好的雁行領導者。透過此領導者本身之條件,再以策略聯盟的方式擴充至其他上下游物流業者,串聯成完整的價值鏈,可快速構成第四方物流組織。 第四方物流組織以策略聯盟的方式構成,目標是串聯成完整的價值鏈,但策略聯盟組織是鬆散的組織,要使價值鏈發揮效益須要藉助協同商務,尤其是資訊的協同作業。要發展協同商務,就需要有共通的標準與可用的技術。。SOA分析架構是一種新的觀念,目前沒有明確的方法可參考,經本研究驗證,使用Zachman framework的原則,使得在SOA\Web service實作較為簡單可行。 / Facing international competition, global enterprises are developing the international optimal resource allocation. Global supply chain is necessary due to the progress in transportation and communication technique. These enterprises focus in core business and outsource others. Global logistics is first priority in outsourcing, because its coverage is wide and it is very complex. The global logistics market grows bigger and bigger, because the global market are progressing towards specialization and outsourcing. The global logistics and supply chain need varied and integrated services. In the violent competitive environment, the one who can provide complete, precise, quick, and integrated service will dominate the market. This research will first discuss the definition and characteristics of global logistics, then discuss 3PL and 4PL activities and core competence. Since the service and business scope of logistics industry is very wide; and given the constitution of Taiwanese global logistics service providers, the only solution to improve the competitiveness of Taiwan local logistics industry is to integrate the logistics industry both vertically and horizontally with the support of the information technology. This paper will discuss the integration solution and the best candidate to integrate the logistics industry, followed by the discussion to build collaboration commerce system by SOA. Warehouse/logistics centers and freight forwarders are best candidates to develop 4PL. These two businesses are best leaders in logistics value chain. Base on these leaders’ capacity to extend to upstream and downstream partners by strategic alliances, they can build full logistics value chain easily and quickly. But the organization structure of strategic alliance is loose. If they want to run the 4PL organization efficiently, they must use collaboration commerce, especially, by information technique. The research confers to develop collaboration commerce using SOA. SOA is a new concept. Right now, there is no full methodology to refer. From the results of the research, we prove that using Zachman framework principle can make SOA or Web service implementation simple and feasible.

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