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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Knowledge base and perception on sustainability in the long-haul transport sector in Brazil

Alf Svensson, Joel January 2018 (has links)
demand for truck transportation is increasing and in the shadow the CO2 (carbon dioxide) emissions. In many parts of the world the majority of the transportation of goods is done by long-haulage trucks. More than 60% of all goods transported in Brazil are made by trucks (André Luiz Cunhaa, 2011). Therefore, it is critical to find solutions and actions on how to reduce the CO2 footprint.This thesis presents an evaluation of the knowledge and perceptions of sustainability among truck drivers and long-haulage freight transport companies in Brazil. For this, surveys to drivers and with a combination of surveys and interviews to logistics companies were done. The surveys and interviews covered energy and environmental related questions such as eco-driving, alternative fuels, fuel reductions actions, emissions, engine efficiency and the EU emissions standards.It has been found that only slightly more than half of the truck drivers have education in eco-driving despite that eco-driving is considered as the strongest action for reducing fuel consumption. In addition, many drivers do not know the benefits with eco-driving. However, this lack of knowledge among the drivers is in contrast known by the logistic companies. All logistics companies stated that eco-driving can decrease the fuel consumption by 10%, based on experience. The results are also an indication that there is a connection between companies with profit and eco-driving education. For companies with profit, 70% of the truck drivers have been educated in eco-driving, whereas companies with economic loss only 50% of the truck drivers are educated eco-driving . Another finding is that around half of the driver does not know the difference between the European emissions standards, again in contrast to the logistic companies management were all contacted knew the difference, i.e. emissions. This potentially indicates a lack of knowledge exchange between the management in logistic companies and the truck drivers.In addition to eco-driving, the drivers and logistics companies consider driving outside peak hours and the use of connectivity as strong actions for reducing their fuel consumption. Increasing the load capacity and custom made truck was not a frequent answer when asking how the drivers think they can reduce their fuel consumption. A result is also that one third of the logistic companies have been considering switching from petroleum diesel to alternative fuels.Both the truck drivers and the logistic companies know that the currently used trucks are not a sustainable transportation mode. They see the lack of economic incentives as the highest barrier for a more environment friendly transportation system and not the technology needed.In order to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions from the long-haulage sector, more drivers must be educated in eco-driving and the knowledge has to be increased regarding among other the benefits with eco-driving and the difference between the Euro standards. Decreasing the amount of empty trips is also an approach that should receive more attention. / Efterfrågan på lastbilstransporter ökar och därmed utsläppen av koldioxid. I många delar av världen görs majoriteten av godstransporter av lastbilar. Mer än 60% av alla gods som transporteras i Brasilien utförs av lastbilar (André Luiz Cunhaa, 2011). Därför är det viktigt att hitta lösningar och åtgärder för att minska koldioxidavtrycket från sektorn.Denna uppsats presenterar en utvärdering av kunskapen och uppfattningarna om hållbarhet hos de lastbilsförare och godstransportföretag i Brasilien. För detta genomfördes enkätutdelning till förare och med en kombination av enkätutdelning och intervjuer hos logistikföretagen. Undersökningarna och intervjuerna omfattade energi- och miljörelaterade frågor som eco-driving, alternativa bränslen, bränslereducerande åtgärder, CO2 utsläpp, motor effektivitet och EU: s utsläppsnormer (Euro 1-5).Det har visat sig att endast drygt hälften av lastbilschaufförerna har utbildning i eco-driving trots att eco-driving anses vara den starkaste åtgärden för att minska bränsleförbrukningen. Däremot vet många förare inte fördelarna med eco-driving. Denna brist på kunskap bland förarna är däremot känd av de logistiskföretagen ledning. Samtliga logistikföretag uppgav att eco-drivning kan minska bränsleförbrukningen med 10%, baserat på erfarenheter. Enkätresultaten visar också en indikation på att det finns en koppling mellan företag med vinst och eco-driving. För företag med vinst har 70% av lastbilschaufförerna utbildats i eco-driving, medan företag med ekonomisk förlust där endast 50% av lastbilschaufförerna är utbildade eco-driving. Ett annat resultat är att ungefär hälften av föraren inte känner till skillnaden mellan de europeiska utsläppsnormerna, i motsats till logistiskföretagens ledning där alla kontaktade visste skillnaden, det vill säga utsläpphalten. Detta indikerar en brist på kunskapsutbyte mellan ledningen i logistikföretag och lastbilsförarna.Förutom eco-driving ser både lastbilschafförerna och logistikbolagen körning utanför rusningstraffiken samt användning av connectivity som starka åtgärder för att minska bränsleförbrukningen. Att öka lastkapaciteten och custom made trucks var inte ett vanligt svar när enkäten frågade hur förarna tror att de kan minska sin bränsleförbrukning. Ett resultat är också att en tredjedel av de logistiskbolagen har övervägt att byta från petroleumdiesel till alternativa bränslen.Både lastbilsförarna och logistikföretagen vet att de för nuvarande använda lastbilarna inte är hållbart ur ett miljöperspektiv. De ser bristen på ekonomiska incitament som det högsta hinderet för ett miljövänligare transportsystem och inte brist på teknik.För att minska utsläppen av växthusgaser från långdistanssektorn måste fler förare utbildas i eco-driving och kunskapen måste ökas, bland annat med fördelarna med eco-driving och skillnaden mellan Euro-normerna. Att minska antalet tomma resor är också ett tillvägagångssätt som bör uppmärksammas mer.

Deciding on Using Application Service Provision in SMEs

Johansson, Björn January 2004 (has links)
The use of external providers for the provision of information and communication technology (ICT) in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is expected to increase. At the end of the 1990s the concept of Application Service Provision (ASP) and Application Service Providers (ASPs) was introduced. This is described as one way for SMEs to provide themselves with software applications. However, it can be stated that the concept has not taken off. This study examines what reasons influence the decision-making when deciding to use or not use ASP. The research question is: How do SMEs decide on using an Application Service Provider for the provision and maintenance of ICT? In order to answer the question decision-making processes in SMEs have been investigated in an interpretive case study. This study consisted of mainly semi-structured interviews that were done with three different ASPs and customers related to them. It also consisted of a questionnaire to the customers of one of the service providers. The analysis was then made as a withincase analysis, consisting of detailed write-ups for each site. The interviews and a literature survey of the ASP concept and theories that have been used to explain the ASP decision-making process generated seven constructs. From the presented and discussed theories, models and proposed constructs seven propositions were formulated. These propositions were used for the analysis and presentation of the findings in the study. The main conclusion of the study is the disparate view of what affects the adoption or non-adoption of the ASP concept. The service providers express the decision as a wish from the prospective customer to decrease costs and increase the predictability of costs. The customers on the other hand express it as a wish to increase accessibility; the cost perspective is found to be secondary.


Hassan, Farha January 2020 (has links)
Examining service providers’ perspectives of barriers and facilitators for immigrant women seeking employment / There are multi-faceted barriers that shape the employment trajectories and economic outcomes of immigrant women in the Canadian labour market. In response to the barriers that immigrant women experience, the Federal government, Immigration, Refugee, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), have initiated funding towards employment programs for immigrant women. This critical ethnographic study examines the perspectives of ten service providers in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), in order to identify the barriers and facilitators immigrant women experience within employment services when trying to obtain secure well-paid employment. The data analysis revealed three major themes: the role of funding for employment programs and settlement services, the categorization of immigrant women by skills; and the application of individualized services to meet the needs of immigrant women. Using an intersectional lens, my research highlights that immigrant women experience various challenges to finding, obtaining, and maintaining employment due to the intersection of their social location (e.g. race, gender, immigration status, language, culture, and religion). Service providers mitigate some of these barriers to secure well-paying employment by providing individualized services to meet differential needs of immigrant women. While this approach has led to success in matching some immigrant women to jobs that align with their field of expertise and career goals, service providers are restricted in their ability to meet the full needs of immigrant women due to underfunding and structural barriers. My research reveals that employment services, immigration processes, and labour market practices can (re)produce and maintain the marginalization of immigrant women in the labour market. This paper concludes with some policy recommendations for immigrant-serving employment services and social work practice. / Thesis / Master of Social Work (MSW)

Modelo de seguridad de la información para contribuir en la gestión de entidades de servicios de saneamiento del norte peruano

Navarro Reyes, Alejandro Javier January 2024 (has links)
El trabajo de investigación realizado, se focaliza en la exigencia de gestionar adecuadamente la Seguridad de la Información (en adelante SI) en las Entidades Prestadoras de Servicios de Saneamiento (EPS) del norte peruano, detectada luego del diagnóstico aplicado a una muestra de cuatro entidades del sector, donde se demostró que carecen de instrumentos para su gestión con el fin de asegurar la disponibilidad, integridad y confidencialidad de sus activos de información, además de no contar con estructuras (roles y áreas) que den soporte a la gestión de la SI. El objetivo general planteado fue proponer un modelo de SI basado en marcos de trabajo y estándares relacionados con la SI, para contribuir en la gestión de las EPS del norte peruano. El trabajo de investigación realizado es de tipo propositiva y descriptiva, de diseño no experimental. El contenido del modelo de SI propuesto se validó por juicio de expertos, logrando su aceptación, lo cual le permite ser aplicado en otras EPS del norte peruano. Asimismo, se comprobó la validez de la pertinencia del modelo de SI propuesto al aplicarse como caso de estudio en la Entidad Prestadora de Servicios de Saneamiento de Lambayeque (EPSEL S.A.), logrando identificar 165 riesgos, de los cuales se observó que existen 31 riesgos de magnitud extrema y 30 riesgos de magnitud alta, a los que se aplicaron 15 controles de seguridad, que fueron monitoreados para estimar su grado de cumplimiento, estableciéndose un plan de mejora continua con los 10 controles que cumplen parcialmente su desempeño. / The research work carried out focuses on the requirement to adequately manage Information Security (hereinafter SI) in the Sanitation Service Providing Entities (EPS) in northern Peru, detected after the diagnosis applied to a sample of four entities. of the sector, where it was demonstrated that they lack instruments for their management in order to ensure the availability, integrity and confidentiality of their information assets, in addition to not having structures (roles and areas) that support the management of the IS. . The general objective set was to propose an IS model based on frameworks and standards related to the IS, to contribute to the management of the EPS in northern Peru. The research work carried out is of a purposeful and descriptive type, with a non-experimental design. The content of the proposed IS model was validated by expert judgment, achieving its acceptance, which allows it to be applied in other EPSs in northern Peru. Likewise, the validity of the relevance of the proposed IS model was verified when applied as a case study in the Lambayeque Sanitation Services Provider Entity (EPSEL S.A.), managing to identify 165 risks, of which it was observed that there are 31 risks of extreme magnitude and 30 high magnitude risks, to which 15 security controls were applied, which were monitored to estimate their degree of compliance, establishing a continuous improvement plan with the 10 controls that partially comply with their performance.

Aspekte van regsbeheer in die konteks van die Internet / Aspects of legal regulation in the context of the Internet

Gordon, Barrie James 06 1900 (has links)
Die wêreld soos dit vandag bestaan, is gebaseer op die Internasionaalregtelike konsep van soewereiniteit. State het die bevoegdheid om hulle eie sake te reël, maar die ontwikkeling van die Internet as ’n netwerk wat globaal verspreid is, het hierdie beginsel verontagsaam. Dit wou voorkom asof die Internet die einde van soewereiniteit en staatskap sou beteken. ’n Geskiedkundige oorsig toon dat reguleerders aanvanklik onseker was oor hoe hierdie nuwe medium hanteer moes word. Dit het geblyk dat nuwe tegnologieë wat fragmentasie van die Internet bewerkstellig, gebruik kon word om staatsgebonde regsreëls af te dwing. Verskeie state van die wêreld het uiteenlopende metodologieë gevolg om die Internet op staatsvlak te probeer reguleer, en dit het tot die lukraak-wyse waarop die Internet tans gereguleer word, aanleiding gegee. Hierdie studie bespreek verskeie aspekte van regsbeheer in die konteks van die Internet, en bepaal daardeur hoe die Internet tans gereguleer word. Toepaslike wetgewing van verskeie state word regdeur die studie bespreek. Vier prominente state, wat verskeie belangrike ingrepe ten aansien van Internetregulering gemaak het, word verder uitgelig. Dit is die Verenigde State van Amerika, die Volksrepubliek van Sjina, die Europese Unie as verteenwoordiger van Europese state, en Suid-Afrika. Aspekte wat op Internasionaalregtelike vlak aangespreek moet word, soos internasionale organisasies en internasionale regsteorieë ten aansien van die regulering van die Internet, word ook onder die loep geneem. Die bevindings wat uit die studie volg, word gebruik om verskeie aanbevelings te maak, en die aanbevelings word uiteindelik in ’n nuwe model saamgevoegom’n sinvoller wyse van regulering van die Internet voor te stel. Aangesien die huidige studie in die konteks van die Internasionale reg onderneem word, word die studie afgesluit met ’n bespreking van kubersoewereiniteit, wat ’n uiteensetting is van hoe soewereiniteit ten aansien van die Internet toegepas behoort te word. Die gevolgtrekking is insiggewend — die ontwikkeling van die Internet het nie die einde van soewereiniteit beteken nie, maar het dit juis bevestig. / The world is currently structured in different states, and this is premised on the International law concept of sovereignty. States have the capacity to structure their own affairs, but the development of the Internet as a globally distributed network has violated this principle. It would seem that the development of the Internet would mean the end of sovereignty and statehood. A historical overview shows that regulators were initially unsure of how this new medium should be dealt with. It appeared that new technologies that could fragment the Internet, could be used to enforce state bound law. Several states of the world have used different methodologies trying to regulate the Internet at state level, and this led to the random way in which the Internet is currently regulated. This study examines various aspects of legal regulation in the context of the Internet, and determines how the Internet is currently regulated. Appropriate legislation of several states are discussed throughout the study. Four prominent states, which made several important interventions regarding the regulation of the Internet, are highlighted further. It is the United States, the People’s Republic of China, the European Union as the representative of European countries, and South Africa. Aspects that need to be addressed on International law level, such as international organizations and international legal theories regarding the regulation of the Internet, are also discussed. The findings that follow from this study are used to make several recommendations, which in turn are used to construct a new model for a more meaningful way in which the Internet could be regulated. Since the present study is undertaken in the context of the International law, the study is concluded with a discussion of cyber sovereignty, which is a discussion of how sovereignty should be applied with regards to the Internet. The conclusion is enlightening—the development of the Internet does not indicate the end of sovereignty, but rather confirms it. / Criminal and Procedural Law / LLD

An analysis of the economic performance of the Johannesburg's small internet service providers from 2002 - 2006

Tenene, Sime Gabriel 03 1900 (has links)
The following study about the economic performance of the Johannesburg’s small Internet service providers investigates the economic performance of the small Internet providers against the backdrop of regulatory conditions. The study departs from the view point that reports about previous studies have not given particular attention to the economic performance of the small Internet service providers and other impacting factors. The study employed the qualitative research approach with an aim of obtaining deeper understanding and internal view as reiterated by the respondents. The analysis presented follows a guide by Neuman (2006) which departs from the premises of themes or concepts. The results of this study provide a perspective of respondents and the conclusions drawn by the researcher. The study ends by providing suggestions and recommendations for future studies. Suggestions and recommendations provided at the end have been prompted by the results and experiences encountered during the study. / M.A. (Communication Science)

Emergency contraception in Addis Ababa : practice of service providers

Lemma, Dawit Assefa 06 1900 (has links)
A quantitative, descriptive, explorative, contextual study was conducted to determine pharmacists and drug vendors' level of knowledge, attitude towards and practice on Emergency Contraceptive (ECl in Addis Ababa. Forty licensed service providers in Addis Ababa were randomly selected during 2008 and interviewed using a structured interview schedule. Data were analysed using a computer software package. The findings revealed that although these service providers were knowledgeable on the purpose and dOSing schedule of EC, they lacked knowledge on side-effects, contra-indications, and types of ECs. Most respondents portrayed a subjective attitude towards easy EC access of especially adolescent girls, since they believed that it will encourage promiscuity and unprotected intercourse. Their knowledge and practice need to be improved, as it has a direct effect on potential users and reducing unwanted pregnancies among young. / Health Studies / M.P.H. (Health Sudies)

Factors contributing to the foster care backlog : service providers’ perspectives and suggestions

Ngwenya, P. M. (Phindile M.) 01 1900 (has links)
The backlog in foster care applications has been an issue in the Department of Health and Social Development, Johannesburg office, for the last number of years, resulting in foster care placement applications accumulating and families’ quality of life being affected and compromised. The service providers are inundated with high caseloads. Foster care applications could take up to a year or longer before they are processed and finalised at the Children’s Court. The aim of the study was to explore and describe the factors contributing to the foster care backlog from the service providers’ perspective and to provide suggestions to address this continuing backlog. The researcher employed a qualitative research approach and an explorative, descriptive and contextual research design. Factors such as high caseloads, lack of resources and lack of support and training from management were identified as contributing to the backlog. Recommendations made are the immediate filling of vacant posts, induction of new social workers, provision of adequate resources and infrastructure as well as the division of foster care services. / Social Work / M.A. (Mental Health)

A study exploring the socio-demographic and service related factors influencing the utilization of intra uterine contraceptive device among family planning users in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Berhanu Tamir Tirfe 04 July 2014 (has links)
This study aimed at identifying the socio-demographic and service related factors influencing intra uterine contraceptive device (IUD) utilization among family planning clients in Addis Ababa. With a quantitative, cross sectional descriptive design approach, data was collected using structured questionnaires administered by healthcare supervisors. A total of 366 family planning clients and 35 family planning service providers were interviewed. The findings indicated that the level of education, occupation, parity and fertility plan have significant (p<0.05) association with utilization of IUD. Healthcare service provider’s knowledge and skills for provision of intra uterine contraceptive device services were low. Community members lack awareness and knowledge of the benefit and side effects of the device. Therefore, community members need education to promote adherence and effective use of IUD. Similarly, healthcare service providers need skill training and education to ensure quality provision of IUD service / Health Studies / M.A. (Public Health)

Krav som är betydelsefulla vid inköp av logistiktjänster : Utifrån corporate social responsibility

Omar Salim, Lava, Ilia, Daniel January 2016 (has links)
Background: In a larger picture, companies are hiring third party logistics operators who have the task to manage all or part of logistics operations such as storage, transport and packaging. The case company strives to constantly improve in order to get a better understanding of the requirements in connection with procurement. More and more demands are placed on the corporates responsibility along with the procurement. Corporate social responsibility describes a company’s responsibility judging by three dimensions: Ecologic, economic and social. Purpose: The purpose is to decide from a corporate social responsibility perspective which demands are meaningful while purchasing logistic services from a third party logistics operator. Method: This study is a case study at a third party logistics operator. The study is built upon an abductive research approach and the results are collected through semi- structured interviews with the company along with the three potential customers. This theoretical referencing is built from scientific article, books and websites. Conclusion: The amount of requirements put on a third party logistics operator from an economical responsibility perspective is twice as much with ecological responsibility perspective. The least demands is required by social responsibility. The operator’s price and quality on the service, correctly maintained goods, withholding of vehicles, ability to communicate electronically and localizing are the requirements that are made from the economical responsibilities perspective. Fuel usage and environmental class vehicles and that the operator has an environmental goal are required by ecological responsibilities perspective. The social responsibilities perspective requires long-term collaboration and fair working conditions. This study has contributed knowledge about the requirements by corporate social responsibilities three dimensions and how they affect third party logistics operator. / Bakgrund: I en allt större utsträckning anlitar företag tredjepartslogistik-aktörer som har till uppgift att sköta hela eller delar av logistikverksamheten som lagring, transportering och paketering. Fallföretaget, som är en tredjepartslogistik-aktör, strävar efter att ständigt förbättras för att få en ökad förståelse för de krav som ställs i samband med upphandling. Allt fler krav ställs på företags ansvarstagande i samband med upphandling. Corporate social responsibility beskriver ett företags ansvarstagande utifrån tre dimensioner: ekologiskt, ekonomiskt och socialt. Syfte: Syftet är att utifrån corporate social responsibility utforska vilka krav som är betydelsefulla vid inköp av logistiktjänster från en tredjepartslogistik-aktör. Metod: Denna studie är en fallstudie hos en tredjepartslogistik-aktör. Studien bygger på en abduktiv forskningsansats och resultatet är insamlat genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med fallföretaget samt tre potentiella kunderna. Den teoretiska referensramen är uppbyggd utifrån vetenskapliga artiklar, böcker och hemsidor. Slutsats: Antalet ställda krav på en tredjepartslogistik-aktör utifrån ekonomiskt ansvarstagande är dubbelt så många jämfört med ekologiskt ansvarstagande. Minst krav ställs utifrån socialt ansvarstagande. Aktörens pris och kvalitet på tjänsten, korrekt hantering av gods, underhåll av fordon, förmåga att kommunicera elektroniskt och lokalisering är krav som ställs utifrån ett ekonomiskt ansvarstagande. Bränsleval och miljöklass på fordon samt att aktören har ett miljömål är krav som ställs utifrån ett ekologiskt ansvarstagande. Långsiktigt samarbete och rättvisa arbetsvillkor är krav som ställs utifrån socialt ansvarstagande. Denna studie har bidragit med kunskap angående ställda krav utifrån corporate social responsibility:s tre dimensioner och hur de påverkar valet av tredjepartslogistik-aktör.

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