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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Language-Based Approach for Web Service Composition / Approche langage pour la composition de services web

Ben hadj yahia, Elyas 28 November 2017 (has links)
Au vu des dernières avancées dans le domaine de l’ingénierie web, ainsi qu’avec la baisse de coût du cloud computing, les architectures orientées services sont rapidement devenues la solution prépondérante pour fournir des services à valeur ajoutée aux clients. Suite à cette tendance, la composition de services tiers est devenue un paradigme de référence pour le développement d’applications robustes et riches, ou encore pour l’automatisation de processus métiers. Avec la disponibilité de centaines de milliers de services et APIs web, la réalisation de telles intégrations devient lourde et fastidieuse quand effectuée manuellement. Par ailleurs, chaque client peut exiger des besoins et politiques d’intégration différentes, ce qui complexifie davantage la tâche. De plus, fournir une telle solution qui soit à la fois robuste et scalable est une tâche non-triviale. Il est donc primordial d’étudier comment coordonner de manière efficace les interactions entre les services web existants. Ainsi, cette thèse vise à étudier les problématiques liées à la composition de services web dans le contexte des pratiques de développement web modernes. Nous présentons un cadre architectural permettant la spécification de compositions de services web grâce à une approche orientée langage, et montrons comment supporter leur exécution de manière scalable grâce à MEDLEY, une plateforme légère et orientée événements. / In light of the recent advances in the field of web engineering, along with the decrease of cost of cloud computing, service-oriented architectures rapidly became the leading solution in providing valuable services to clients. Following this trend, the composition of third-party services has become a successful paradigm for the development of robust and rich distributed applications, as well as automating business processes. With the availability of hundreds of thousands of web services and APIs, such integrations become cumbersome and tedious when performed manually. Furthermore, different clients may require different integration requirements and policies, which further complexifies the task. Moreover, providing such a solution that is both robust and scalable is a non-trivial task. Therefore, it becomes crucial to investigate how to efficiently coordinate the interactions between existing web services. As such, this thesis aims at investigating the underlying challenges in web service composition in the context of modern web development practices. We present an architectural framework to support the specification of web service compositions using a language-based approach, and show how we support their execution in a scalable manner using MEDLEY, a lightweight, event-driven platform.

Um middleware para coreografias de serviços web escaláveis em ambientes de computação em nuvem / A middleware for scalable web services choreographies in the cloud

Thiago Furtado de Mendonça 08 July 2015 (has links)
Composição de serviços é um tópico que tem atraído cada vez mais o interesse por parte de pesquisadores na área de sistemas distribuídos. Além disso, o interesse por ambientes baseados em nuvem tem crescido significativamente conforme o seu uso aumenta e se firma como um importante modelo de negócios. Coreografias são formas de composições de serviços em que não há pontos centrais de falha; a responsabilidade da sua execução é distribuída entre os vários serviços componentes. Devido à natureza distribuída do fluxo de informações e dados de controle, o cumprimento de \\textit{Service Level Agreements} (SLAs) depende estritamente do monitoramento da Qualidade de Serviços (QoS), recursos virtuais da nuvem e mecanismos de reconfiguração dinâmica, capazes de automaticamente adaptar composições a mudanças de estado no sistema. Nesta dissertação, abordamos o estudo do gerenciamento de QoS em coreografias de serviços. Para isso desenvolvemos um sistema de middleware capaz de implantar e gerenciar o QoS de composições. Este teve seu desempenho avaliado utilizando o serviço Amazon EC2. Os resultados da avaliação mostram que com pouco esforço por parte dos desenvolvedores de composições, é possível cumprir o SLA de composições dentro do esperado utilizando escalabilidade horizontal ou vertical provida pelo middleware automaticamente. Adicionalmente, a nossa proposta traz economias em relação ao custo de implantação pois diminui a quantidade de recursos subutilizados. / Service composition has been a hot topic that has attracted the interesting of researchers in the distributed system area. Moreover, the interesting in cloud computing based environment has grown significantly. Its use has grown and it became to be a important business model. Choreographies are an specific kind of service composition that has no single point of failure; the responsibility of execution is distributed among the services. Due to the distributed nature of the these systems, the fulfilment of Service Level Agreements (SLAs) depends strictly on and automatic way to monitoring Quality of Service (QoS) and virtual computional resources as well as dinamic reconfiguration mechanisms, to be capable of automatically adapting compositions to changing environment. In this work, we studied QoS management in service choreographies. In order, we devised a middleware system capable of deploy service compositions and manage QoS of them. The middleware was evaluated using the Amazon EC2 cloud provider. The results shows that with less effort from the composition providers, it is possible to fulfil SLAs using horizontal or vertical scalability provided by the middleware automatically. Additionaly, our proposal brings up a cost reduction of deploy by decreasing the amount of underused resources.

End-user service composition from a social networks analysis perspective / La composition de service pour les utilisateurs finaux, basée sur l'analyse des réseaux sociaux

Maaradji, Abderrahmane 02 December 2011 (has links)
Le paradigme de service dans les nouvelles technologies de l’information et de communication est omniprésent, si bien qu’on parle de science des services. Les services Web sont définis dans le cadre des architectures orientées services (SOA) qui permet de distinguer le fournisseur de service, le répertoire de services, et enfin le consommateur du service. Cette distinction permet de créer de nouveaux services en composant des services déjà existants. Cependant, la composition de services est principalement bénéfique aux utilisateurs expérimentés comme les développeurs de logiciels car elle requiert un niveau technique élevé. Par opposition, la tendance actuelle traduite par l’émergence du Web2.0, vise à permettre aux utilisateurs du Web de créer leurs propres services à travers les environnements de Mashup, ou de collaborer et de capitaliser des connaissances à travers les réseaux et les médias sociaux. Nous croyons qu’il existe un grand potentiel pour “démocratiser” la composition de services dans de tels contextes. L’émergence du Web 2.0, basé sur des paradigmes tels que le contenu généré par l’utilisateur (UGC, Mashups) et le web social, constitue, une opportunité intéressante pour améliorer la productivité de services par l’utilisateur final et accélérer son processus créatif en capitalisant les connaissances générées par tous les utilisateurs. Dans ce contexte, cette thèse vise à soutenir l'évolution du concept de composition de services par le biais de contributions significatives. La principale contribution de cette thèse est en effet l'introduction de la dimension sociale dans le processus de construction d'un service composite à travers les environnements dédiés aux utilisateurs finaux. Ce concept considère l'activité de composition de services (création d'un Mashup) comme une activité sociale. Cette activité révèle les liens sociaux entre les utilisateurs en fonction de leur similitude dans le choix et la combinaison des services. Ces liens permettent de diffuser d'expertise de composition de services. En d'autres termes, sur la base des schémas fréquents de composition, et la similitude entre les utilisateurs, lorsqu’un utilisateur est en train d’éditer un Mashup, des recommandations dynamiques lui sont proposées. Ces recommandations visent à compléter la première partie de Mashup déjà mis en place par l'utilisateur. Ce concept a été exploré à travers (i) la complétion de Mashup étape par étape en recommandant à chaque étape un service unique, et (ii) la complétion totale de Mashup en recommandant la séquence complète de services qui pourraient le compléter. Au-delà de l’introduction de la dimension sociale dans le processus de composition de services, cette thèse a adressé une contrainte particulière du système de recommandation liée aux exigences des systèmes interactifs en termes de temps de réponse. À cet égard, nous avons développé des algorithmes robustes et adaptées aux spécificités de notre problème. Alors qu’un service composite est considéré comme une séquence de service, la recherche de similarités entre les utilisateurs revient d'abord à trouver des modèles fréquents, puis de les représenter dans une structure de données avantageuse pour l'algorithme de recommandation. L’algorithme proposé FESMA répond à ces exigences en se basant sur la structure FSTREE et offrant des résultats intéressants par rapport à l'art antérieur. Enfin, pour mettre en œuvre les algorithmes et les méthodes proposées, nous avons développé un environnement de création de Mashup, appelé ‘Social Composer’ (SoCo). Cet environnement, dédié aux utilisateurs finaux, respecte les critères d'utilisation en se basant sur le workflow graphique. En outre, il met en œuvre tous les mécanismes nécessaires pour déployer le service composé à partir d'une description abstraite introduite par l'utilisateur. De plus, SoCo a été augmentée en y incluant la fonctionnalité de recommandation dynamique, démontrant la faisabilité de ce concept / Service composition has risen from the need to make information systems more flexible and open. The Service Oriented Architecture has become the reference architecture model for applications carried by the impetus of Internet (Web). In fact, information systems are able to expose interfaces through the Web which has increased the number of available Web services. On the other hand, with the emergence of the Web 2.0, service composition has evolved toward web users with limited technical skills. Those end-users, named Y generation, are participating, creating, sharing and commenting content through the Web. This evolution in service composition is translated by the reference paradigm of Mashup and Mashup editors such as Yahoo Pipes! This paradigm has established the service composition within end users community enabling them to meet their own needs, for instance by creating applications that do not exist. Additionally, Web 2.0 has brought also its social dimension, allowing users to interact, either directly through the online social networks or indirectly by sharing, modifying content, or adding metadata. In this context, this thesis aims to support the evolving concept of service composition through meaningful contributions. The main contribution of this thesis is indeed the introduction of the social dimension within the process of building a composite service through end users’ dedicated environments. In fact, this concept of social dimension considers the activity of compositing services (creating a Mashup) as a social activity. This activity reveals social links between users based on their similarity in selecting and combining services. These links could be an interesting dissemination means of expertise, accumulated by users when compositing services. In other terms, based on frequent composition patterns, and similarity between users, when a user is editing a Mashup, dynamic recommendations are proposed. These recommendations aim to complete the initial part of Mashup already introduced by the user. This concept has been explored through (i) a step-by-step Mashup completion by recommending a single service at each step, and (ii) a full Mashup completion approaches by recommending the whole sequence of services that could complete the Mashup. Beyond pushing a vision for integrating the social dimension in the service composition process, this thesis has addressed a particular constraint for this recommendation system which conditions the interactive systems requirements in terms of response time. In this regard, we have developed robust algorithms adapted to the specificities of our problem. Whereas a composite service is considered as a sequence of basic service, finding similarities between users comes first to find frequent patterns (subsequences) and then represent them in an advantageous data structure for the recommendation algorithm. The proposed algorithm FESMA, provide exactly those requirements based on the FSTREE structure with interesting results compared to the prior art. Finally, to implement the proposed algorithms and methods, we have developed a Mashup creation framework, called Social Composer (SoCo). This framework, dedicated to end users, firstly implements abstraction and usability requirements through a workflow-based graphic environment. As well, it implements all the mechanisms needed to deploy composed service starting from an abstract description entered by the user. More importantly, SoCo has been augmented by including the dynamic recommendation functionality, demonstrating by the way the feasibility of this concept.

Service composition in converged service environment / Composition de service dans un environnement de service convergé

Huang, Cuiting 02 May 2012 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est de fournir des mécanismes améliorés pour déployer des services compétitifs par des manières rapides et rentables. Nous proposons un modèle de composition de service basé sur un environnement IMS/Web convergent. Ce modèle permet aux utilisateurs non professionnels de réutiliser les services existants pour créer de nouveaux services facilement. Pour améliorer la fonctionnalité de composition automatique, trois stratégies, y compris mise à jour passive, mise à jour active et mise à jour hybride sont proposées et analysées. Nous introduisons ensuite une plateforme centralisée d'exposition de service pour une variété de services, y compris services de Télécom / Web / appareil / services générés par les utilisateurs. Cette plateforme vise à renforcer les caractéristiques de centrée-sur-utilisateur et convergence, et fournir l'accès unifié à différents services. Par la suite, deux modèles basés sur le P2P sont conçus pour compléter le modèle centralisé: i) Un modèle hiérarchique basé sur Chord pour garantir l'efficacité de la découverte de services. Il adopte le concept de publication et découverte de service abstrait pour permettre à la recherche de service ambiguë. ii) Un modèle de superposition-triplex et P2P basé, qui cible principalement des services offerts par les appareils. Dans ce modèle, nous utilisons des passerelles pour déléguer des appareils résidant en eux pour l'exposition globale de services, et utilisons une architecture basée sur une superposition triplex, qui comprend une couche P2P non structurée, une couche de réseau sémantique (SON), et une couche de dépendance de service, pour la partage de l'information de service et la découverte de services / The goal of this thesis is to provide enhanced mechanisms to deploy competitive services in a rapid and cost-effective manner. To achieve this goal, we first propose an automatic service composition model relying on an IMS/Web converged environment. This service composition model is intended to be one in which even non-professional users can easily reuse existing services to create new services. To further improve the automatic service composition feature, three strategies including passive update, active update and hybrid update are proposed and analyzed. We then propose a centralized service exposure framework for a variey of services, including Telecom / Web / Device / user-generated services. This framework aims at enhancing the user-centric and convergence features, and providing the unified access to diverse services.Subsequently, two P2P based service information sharing models are designed to complement the centralized service exposure model : i) A hierarchical P2P based model, which reuses Chord for guaranteeing the service discovery efficiency, meanwhile adopts the concept of abstract service publication and discovery for enabling the ambiguous services searching. ii) A triplex P2P overlay based model, which mainly targets the devices offered services. In this model, we use the gateways to delegate the devices residing in them for the global service exposure, and use a triplex overlay based architecture, which includes an underlying unstructured P2P layer, a Semantic Overlay Network (SON) based overlay and a service dependency overlay, for the service information sharing and discovery

Sélection contextuelle de services continus pour la robotique ambiante / Contextual selection of continuous services applied to ambient robotics

Cogrel, Benjamin 18 November 2013 (has links)
La robotique ambiante s'intéresse à l'introduction de robots mobiles au sein d'environnements actifs où ces derniers fournissent des fonctionnalités alternatives ou complémentaires à celles embarquées par les robots mobiles. Cette thèse étudie la mise en concurrence des fonctionnalités internes et externes aux robots, qu'elle pose comme un problème de sélection de services logiciels. La sélection de services consiste à choisir un service ou une combinaison de services parmi un ensemble de candidats capables de réaliser une tâche requise. Pour cela, elle doit prédire et évaluer la performance des candidats. Ces performances reposent sur des critères non-fonctionnels comme la durée d'exécution, le coût ou le bruit. Ce domaine applicatif a pour particularité de nécessiter une coordination étroite entre certaines de ses fonctionnalités. Cette coordination se traduit par l'échange de flots de données entre les fonctionnalités durant leurs exécutions. Les fonctionnalités productrices de ces flots sont modélisées comme des services continus. Cette nouvelle catégorie de services logiciels impose que les compositions de services soient hiérarchiques et introduit des contraintes supplémentaires pour la sélection de services. Cette thèse met en évidence la présence d'un important couplage non-fonctionnel entre les performances des instances de services de différents niveaux, même lorsque les flots de données sont unidirectionnels. L'approche proposée se concentre sur la prédiction de la performance d'une instance de haut-niveau sachant son organigramme à l'issue de la sélection. Un organigramme regroupe l'ensemble des instances de services sollicitées pour réaliser une tâche de haut-niveau. L'étude s'appuie sur un scénario impliquant la sélection d'un service de positionnement en vue de permettre le déplacement d'un robot vers une destination requise. Pour un organigramme considéré, la prédiction de performance d'une instance de haut-niveau de ce scénario introduit les exigences suivantes : elle doit (i)être contextuelle en tenant compte, par exemple, du chemin suivi pour atteindre la destination requise, (ii) prendre en charge le remplacement d'une instance de sous-service suite à un échec ou, par extension, de façon opportuniste. En conséquence, cette sélection de services est posée comme un problème de prise de décision séquentielle formalisé à l'aide de processus de décision markoviens à horizon fini. La dimensionnalité importante du contexte en comparaison à la fréquence des déplacements du robot rend inadaptées les méthodes consistant à apprendre directement une fonction de valeur ou une fonction de transition. L'approche proposée repose sur des modèles de dynamique locaux et exploite le chemin de déplacement calculé par un sous-service pour estimer en ligne les valeurs des organigrammes disponibles dans l'état courant. Cette estimation est effectuée par l'intermédiaire d'une méthode de fouille stochastique d'arbre, Upper Confidence bounds applied to Trees / Ambient robotics aims at introducing mobile robots in active environments where the latter provide new or alternative functionalities to those shipped by mobile robots. This thesis studies the competition between robot and external functionalities, which is set as a service selection problem. Service selection consists in choosing a service or a combination of services among a set of candidates able to fulfil a given request. To do this, it has to predict and evaluate candidate performances. These performances are based on non-functional requirements such as execution time, cost or noise. This application domain requires tight coordination between some of its functionalities. Tight coordination involves setting data streams between functionalities during their execution. In this proposal, functionalities producing data streams are modelled as continuous services. This new service category requires hierarchical service composition and adds some constraints to the service selection problem. This thesis shows that an important non-functional coupling appears between service instances at different levels, even when data streams are unidirectional. The proposed approach focuses on performance prediction of an high-level service instance given its organigram. This organigram gathers service instances involved in the high-level task processing. The scenario included in this study is the selection of a positioning service involved in a robot navigation high-level service. For a given organigram, performance prediction of an high-level service instance of this scenario has to: (i) be contextual by, for instance, considering moving path towards the required destination, (ii) support service instance replacement after a failure or in an opportunist manner. Consequently, this service selection is set as a sequential decision problem and is formalized as a finite-horizon Markov decision process. Its high contextual dimensionality with respect to robot moving frequency makes direct learning of Q-value functions or transition functions inadequate. The proposed approachre lies on local dynamic models and uses the planned moving path to estimate Q-values of organigrams available in the initial state. This estimation is done using a Monte-Carlo tree search method, Upper Confidence bounds applied to Trees

Performance Engineering of Software Web Services and Distributed Software Systems

Lin, Chia-en 05 1900 (has links)
The promise of service oriented computing, and the availability of Web services promote the delivery and creation of new services based on existing services, in order to meet new demands and new markets. As Web and internet based services move into Clouds, inter-dependency of services and their complexity will increase substantially. There are standards and frameworks for specifying and composing Web Services based on functional properties. However, mechanisms to individually address non-functional properties of services and their compositions have not been well established. Furthermore, the Cloud ontology depicts service layers from a high-level, such as Application and Software, to a low-level, such as Infrastructure and Platform. Each component that resides in one layer can be useful to another layer as a service. It hints at the amount of complexity resulting from not only horizontal but also vertical integrations in building and deploying a composite service. To meet the requirements and facilitate using Web services, we first propose a WSDL extension to permit specification of non-functional or Quality of Service (QoS) properties. On top of the foundation, the QoS-aware framework is established to adapt publicly available tools for Web services, augmented by ontology management tools, along with tools for performance modeling to exemplify how the non-functional properties such as response time, throughput, or utilization of services can be addressed in the service acquisition and composition process. To facilitate Web service composition standards, in this work we extended the framework with additional qualitative information to the service descriptions using Business Process Execution Language (BPEL). Engineers can use BPEL to explore design options, and have the QoS properties analyzed for the composite service. The main issue in our research is performance evaluation in software system and engineering. We researched the Web service computation as the first half of this dissertation, and performance antipattern detection and elimination in the second part. Performance analysis of software system is complex due to large number of components and the interactions among them. Without the knowledge of experienced experts, it is difficult to diagnose performance anomalies and attempt to pinpoint the root causes of the problems. Software performance antipatterns are similar to design patterns in that they provide what to avoid and how to fix performance problems when they appear. Although the idea of applying antipatterns is promising, there are gaps in matching the symptoms and generating feedback solution for redesign. In this work, we analyze performance antipatterns to extract detectable features, influential factors, and resource involvements so that we can lay the foundation to detect their presence. We propose system abstract layering model and suggestive profiling methods for performance antipattern detection and elimination. Solutions proposed can be used during the refactoring phase, and can be included in the software development life cycle. Proposed tools and utilities are implemented and their use is demonstrated with RUBiS benchmark.

Web services oriented approach for privacy-preserving data sharing / Une approche orientée service pour la préservation des données confidentielles dans les compositions de services Web

Tbahriti, Salah Eddine 03 December 2012 (has links)
Bien que la technologie de composition de services Web soit considérée comme l’une des technologies les plus prometteuses pour l’intégration des sources de données hétérogènes et multiples ainsi que pour la réalisation d’opérations complexes, la question de la protection des données personnelles demeure l’une des préoccupation majeure liés à cette technologie. Ainsi, lors d’un processus de composition, l’échange de données entre toutes les entités – tels que, les services Web recueillant et fournissant des données, les individus dont les données peuvent être fournies et gérées par les services Web, les systèmes qui composent les services Web et les clients finaux des services – est une étape nécessaire et indispensable pour répondre à des requêtes complexes. En conséquence, des données personnelles sont échangées et manipulées entre toutes les entités du système. Notre objectif dans cette thèse est la conception et le développement d’un cadre permettant d’améliorer la composition des services Web avec des mécanismes de protection des données personnelles. Pour atteindre cet objectif, nous avons proposé une approche générale composée de trois éléments. Premièrement, nous avons proposé un modèle formel de confidentialité pour permettre aux services Web de décrire leurs contraintes de confidentialité liées aux données personnelles. Notre modèle permet une spécification des contraintes de confidentialité relative non seulement au niveau des données manipulées, mais aussi au niveau des opérations invoquées par les services. Deuxièmement, nous développons un algorithme de compatibilité qui permet de vérifier formellement la compatibilité entre les exigences et les politiques de confidentialité de tous les services lors d’un processus de composition. Troisièmement, dans le cas où certains services dans la composition sont incompatibles par rapport à leur spécification de confidentialité, nous avons introduit une nouvelle approche basée sur un modèle de négociation dans la perspective de trouver une composition compatible (c’est-à-dire, d’obtenir la compatibilité de toutes les spécifications de confidentialité des services impliqués dans la composition). Enfin, nous avons mis en œuvre les techniques présentées dans cette thèse au sein du prototype PAIRSE et mené une étude de performance sur les algorithmes proposés / While Web service composition technologies have been beneficial to the integration of a wealth of information sources and the realization of complex and personalized operations, the issue of privacy is considered by many as a major concern in services computing. Central to the development of the composition process is the exchange of sensitive and private data between all parties: Web services collecting and providing data, individuals whose data may be provided and managed by Web services, systems composing Web service to answer complex queries, and requesters. As a consequence, managing privacy between all parties of the system is far from being an easy task. Our goal in this thesis is to build the foundations of an integrated framework to enhance Web service composition with privacy protection capabilities. To this aim, we firstly propose a formal privacy model to allow Web services to describe their privacy specifications. Our privacy model goes beyond traditional data-oriented models by dealing with privacy not only at the data level but also service level. Secondly, we develop a compatibility-matching algorithm to check privacy compatibility between privacy requirements and policies within a composition. Thirdly, in the case where some services in the composition are incompatible regarding their privacy specifications, we introduce a novel approach based on a negotiation model to reach compatibility of concerned services (i.e. services that participate in a composition which are incompatible). Finally, we conduct an extensive performance study of the proposed algorithms. The techniques presented in this dissertation are implemented in PAIRSE prototype

Suporte ao desenvolvimento e à composição de serviços web semânticos para a análise de expressão gênica / Support to the development and composition of semantic web services for gene expression analysis

Guardia, Gabriela Der Agopian 12 August 2016 (has links)
Estudos de expressão gênica geralmente envolvem a realização de processos de análise integrados para a obtenção de respostas biológicas de interesse. A realização destes processos frequentemente requer o uso combinado de uma série de ferramentas de software. No entanto, o processo de integração manual de ferramentas pode ser demorado e propenso a erros devido ao crescente número de ferramentas e formatos de dados disponíveis no domínio. De modo a automatizar o processo de integração, algumas abordagens têm sido propostas tanto para a adaptação das ferramentas de análise existentes como serviços web semânticos, quanto para o desenvolvimento de ambientes de suporte à integração (composição) de serviços web semânticos. Embora estas abordagens representem avanços, nenhuma solução adequada para o desenvolvimento e composição de serviços foi especificamente definida para o domínio de genômica funcional. Neste contexto, o principal objetivo deste projeto foi investigar uma solução completa para o desenvolvimento e composição de serviços web semânticos para a análise de expressão gênica. Como parte da solução proposta, definimos uma metodologia integrada para a implementação de serviços web semânticos criados a partir de ferramentas de software existentes e para a anotação semântica destes serviços. Nossa metodologia fornece diretrizes concretas para o desenvolvimento sistemático de serviços, considerando também os principais aspectos técnicos associados ao processo de desenvolvimento. Esta metodologia foi aplicada a um conjunto representativo de serviços que fornecem suporte às principais atividades de análise realizadas em diferentes tipos de dados de expressão gênica. De forma complementar, definimos uma solução completa para a composição semântica de serviços no domínio de análise de expressão gênica. A solução proposta foi implementada em uma plataforma de suporte semi-automático à composição de serviços web semânticos, chamada SemanticSCo. Esta plataforma fornece suporte flexível a todas as atividades envolvidas no processo de composição de serviços, incluindo a criação, publicação, requisição, descoberta, seleção, composição e execução de serviços. Além disto, a plataforma SemanticSCo foi projetada para prover suporte adequado a diferentes tipos de usuários, incluindo biologistas e bioinformatas. Neste sentido, a plataforma fornece aos usuários um alto nível de abstração para a definição de seus processos de análise, permitindo que os mesmos se concentrem mais nas questões de pesquisa biológicas do que nos aspectos subjacentes do processo de composição. Adicionalmente, a plataforma SemanticSCo suporta a definição e incorporação não apenas de serviços simples, definidos em termos de uma única operação, mas também de serviços complexos, definidos em termos de um conjunto de condições que restringem a ordem de invocação de suas operações. Finalmente, de modo a avaliar a plataforma de suporte desenvolvida, definimos diferentes cenários de composição para a análise (integrada) de dados de expressão gênica. O uso da plataforma SemanticSCo facilitou a definição destes cenários, permitindo assim a reprodução dos resultados obtidos a partir de diferentes estudos de expressão gênica previamente documentados na literatura / Gene expression studies usually involve the creation of integrated analysis processes for obtaining responses for a biological question. The creation of such processes often require the combined use of a number of software tools. However, the manual integration of tools can be cumbersome and error prone due to the increasing number of tools and data formats available in the domain. In order to automate the integration process, some approaches have been proposed for the adaptation of existing analysis tools as semantic web services as well as for the development of software environments to support the integration (composition) of semantic web services. Although these approaches present advances, to the best of our knowledge, no suitable solution has been proposed for the development and composition of web services in the functional genomics domain. In this context, this project aimed at investigating a complete solution for the development and composition of semantic web services to support gene expression analysis. As part of the proposed solution, we have defined an integrated methodology for the implementation of semantic web services created from existing software tools and the semantic annotation of such services. Our methodology provides concrete guidelines for the systematic development of services, also taking into account the main technical aspects associated with the development process. This methodology has been applied in the development of a representative set of services that support the main analysis activities performed on different types of gene expression data. Complementary to our methodology, we have defined a complete solution for the semantic composition of web services in the gene expression analysis domain. The proposed solution has been implemented in a software platform to support the semi-automatic composition of semantic web services, named SemanticSCo. This platform provides flexible support to all activities involved in the service composition process including service creation, publication, request, discovery, selection, composition and execution. Additionally, the SemanticSCo platform has been designed to support different types of users, including biologists and bioinformaticians. In this sense, the platform provides users with a high level of abstraction in the definition of their analysis processes, thus allowing them to focus more on biological research issues rather than on underlying details of the composition process. In addition, the SemanticSCo platform supports not only the definition and incorporation of (simple) services defined in terms of a single operation, but also (complex) services defined in terms of a set of conditions that constrain the order in which service operations should be invoked. Finally, in order to evaluate the developed support platform, we have defined a number of composition scenarios for the (integrated) analysis of gene expression data. The use of the SemanticSCo platform has facilitated the definition of these scenarios, thus allowing the reproduction of the results obtained from different gene expression studies previously documented in the literature.

Résolution des interférences pour la composition dynamique de services en informatique ambiante / Interference resolution for dynamic service composition in ubiquitous computing

Fathallah, Sana 19 December 2013 (has links)
Comme dans de nombreux autres domaines, la construction des applications en Informatique Ambiantes (IAm) se fait par réutilisation d’entités logicielles disponibles. Pour des raisons de conductivités, de pannes, de charge de batterie mais aussi de nombreuses autres, la disponibilité de ces entités est imprévisible ce qui implique que l’auto-adaptation dynamique des applications est une nécessité. Cela passe par la spécification en parallèle des adaptations par des experts de divers domaines. Ce parallélisme de construction, peut amener des problèmes d’interférences lors de la composition dynamique de plusieurs adaptations. Dans cette thèse, par l’utilisation de graphes, nous contribuons à la définition d’un cadre formel pour la détection et la résolution de ces interférences. L’assemblage des entités logicielles repose sur des connecteurs d’assemblage qui sont utilisés dans la spécification des adaptations. Des règles de réécriture de graphe permettront de résoudre les interférences détectées, cette résolution étant guidée par la connaissance de connecteurs définis. De plus, pour pouvoir étendre dynamiquement et automatiquement notre mécanisme de gestion des interférences, nous proposons la modélisation comportementale de ces connecteurs. Ceci permet de ne pas reposer sur une connaissance à priori des connecteurs et autorise par la même d’étendre dynamiquement l’ensemble des connecteurs disponibles pour la spécification des adaptations. / Like many other fields, application construction in ubiquitous computing is done by reuse of available software entities. For reasons of conductivity, breakdown, battery charge, but also many others reasons, the availability of these entities is unpredictable. As consequence, the self-adaptation of applications becomes necessary. This requires the specification of parallel adaptations by experts from various fields. This parallel specification can cause interference problems when several adaptations are composed. In this thesis, using graph formalism, we contribute to the definition of a formal approach for the detection and the resolution of interferences. The specification of adaptation uses connectors in order to assemble software entities. Graph rewriting rules are defined to solve the detected interferences. This resolution is guided by the knowledge of defined connectors. In addition, in order to extend dynamically and automatically our interference management mechanism, we propose behavioral modeling of these connectors. This allows us extending our mechanism without an a priori knowledge of connectors and allows afterwards to extend the set of available connectors used for adaptations' specifications.

Konzeption und Umsetzung eines Werkzeugs zur Definition von Navigationsflüssen mittels Dienstannotationen

Martens, Felix 25 October 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Die Diplomarbeit stellt einen innovativen und leichtgewichtigen Modellierungsansatz zur Beschreibung interaktiver, dienstbasierter Anwendungen auf Basis von Dienstannotationen vor.

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