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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aard en bydrae van maatskaplikewerk-dienslewering aan die dwelmafhanklike adolessent

Keith, Lucille Elaine 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Drug dependent adolescents do not display a clear understanding regarding the value of social work intervention during the process of rehabilation, causing them to not utilize the profession of social work effectively during drug rehabilitation. This study aimed to explore and describe the nature and contribution of social work service delivery to drug dependent adolescents from their own perspective. A qualitative research approach, an explorative research design, and a snowball sampling technique were implemented. The sample consisted of drug dependent adolescents from the Western Cape. Semi-structured interviews were executed determining the participant’s perception of the nature and contribution of social work service delivery. Amongst others, the findings indicate that: • social workers are not sufficiently prepared, trained or committed to render effective, professional services to drug dependent adolescents; • social workers need to continuously revisit their knowledge, skill and attitude regarding this specialised field of service rendering. / Social Work / M.A. (Maatskaplike Werk)

The experience and challenges of women living with HIV in the Pietermaritzburg region, Kwazulu-Natal province: perspectives of social workers

Tayo, Siphiwo Zandisile 24 February 2015 (has links)
A qualitative study was undertaken in Pietermaritzburg to unveil the experiences and challenges of WLWHIV as perceived by social workers as well as to explore and describe the experiences of social workers in rendering services to these women. Explorative, descriptive and contextual research designs were employed for the research process. Purposive and snowball sampling techniques were utilised to recruit participants who met the set criteria. Face-to-face semi-structured interviews were conducted with thirteen participants. Data obtained were transcribed and analysed applying Tesch‘s eight steps (Creswell, 2009). Data verification was guided by Guba‘s model (Krefting, 1991). The findings revealed the existence of strained relationships between WLWHIV and their partners and ineffective delivery of social work services to WLWHIV. Based on the findings, it is recommended that specialised training for social workers on issues related to death and dying and services for children of WLWHIV be incorporated in the guidelines for social work practice / Social Work / M.A. (social Work)

Investigating a transdisciplinary collaborative service delivery approach in addressing learners experiencing barriers to learning

Wehmeyer, Welma 11 1900 (has links)
Learners experiencing barriers to learning often require intervention and support from multiple professionals with different areas of expertise. Collaboration between professionals is important in avoiding fragmented and incoherent service delivery. Transdisciplinary service delivery allows for maximum integration among the various role players. Disciplinary boundaries are transcended through a process of skills transference and sharing of roles and provide child-centred, coordinated and collaborative support. This study investigates professionals in the Western Cape’s perceptions of a transdisciplinary service delivery approach for supporting learners experiencing barriers to learning. A sequential mixed method approach was utilized to gain an in depth understanding of professionals’ perceptions. Data were collected in two phases. During the first phase, a quantitative questionnaire was sent to various professional categories in the Western Cape who are expected to provide services to learners experiencing barriers to learning. The aim of the quantitative study was to provide background information for the second phase in which professionals’ perceptions of a transdisciplinary approach for supporting learners experiencing barriers to learning were obtained through eight focus group discussions. Four focus groups consisted of professionals who had not previously been exposed to a transdisciplinary approach. These professionals attended a two hour informative workshop on a transdisciplinary service delivery approach prior to the focus group. The remaining four focus groups consisted of professionals who had previously been exposed to transdisciplinary service delivery. Data were systematically analysed through a hybrid process of inductive and deductive analysis. Findings indicate that professionals providing services to learners experiencing barriers to learning perceive a transdisciplinary approach as useful and much needed for services provided both in schools and in private practice. Certain aspects of the transdisciplinary approach are perceived as more or less valuable, depending on the context and specific category of learning barrier. Although professionals acknowledge all aspects of the approach as valuable, multiskilling and role release are viewed as most needed. The transference of skills among therapists, teachers, parents and caregivers is perceived to contribute to effective and feasible service delivery. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

Psychosocial challenges and coping mechanisms of palliative care volunteer caregivers for people living with HIV and AIDS

Shirinda-Mthombeni, Keit 06 1900 (has links)
South African palliative care volunteer caregivers play a crucial role in caring for people living with HIV and Aids, but frequently do not receive the support and respect that they deserve. The current study explored the psychosocial challenges and coping mechanisms of palliative care volunteer caregivers for people living with HIV and Aids. The researcher conducted in-depth interviews with 24 participants who also filled in questionnaires. The aim was to explore their experiences, their challenges, and coping mechanisms. Although these volunteer caregivers shared many positive experiences, they also faced multiple challenges in the workplace, their personal lives, financial challenges as well as psychological and emotional ones. Despite these challenges, the caregivers showed only moderate levels of stress on the stress scale. Recommendations for overcoming these challenges were provided to caregivers, organisations and the Department of Health / Psychology / M. Sc. (Psychology)

Factors influencing the construction project success rates of Reconstruction Development Programme (RDP) housing projects in the Eastern Cape : a quality perspective : a census study

Gabula, Zandisile Herbert 19 November 2012 (has links)
Submitted in fulfilment of the requirements of the Masters of Technology: Quality, Durban University of Technology, 2012. / There were several problems facing Reconstruction and Development Programmes (RDP) housing projects caused by contractors using unskilled labour, misuse of funds, fraudulent claims, contractors asking for additional money or having left site. The overall scope of projects had no plan and no clear definition, poor project management and there was a lack of strategies to improve the quality of projects. This study recommends that it is imperative that project team members involved in the management of RDP housing projects have the necessary skills and level of education to execute their duties. Moreover, the Department of Housing and Local Government (DHLG) should draft a policy on Quality Management Systems (QMS)/good practices in respect of its project scope of works so that all stakeholders conform to the set standards. The people who are due to benefit from this housing are left in a state of despair, confusion and loss of hope from Government promises, with a subsequent increase in informal settlements. The aim of the study was to investigate factors influencing the success rate of RDP housing in the Eastern Cape. This case study employed a quantitative approach to collect data. Questionnaires were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics, namely, correlation t-test and Anova. The purposive sampling technique was used to select a sample size of 50 respondents from the Department of Housing and Local Government (DHLG) in the Eastern Cape Province. The advantage of this sampling technique is to reduce data to an intelligible and interpretable form so that the relationship between research problems can be studied and tested and conclusions drawn. The DHLG could significantly improve the quality management of low-cost homes if it adopts the Project Alignment Model. / National Research Foundation

Inclusive health promotion : Public health remedy for people with disabilities

Mabaso-Motlatla, Rebecca 06 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore the views of adults with disabilities and their care providers with regard to extent to which health promotion implementation was facilitated within Protective Workshops across several service areas in South Africa. Quantitative and Qualitative Data was collected via a combination of data collection approaches that included the use of a descriptive survey, a self-administered questionnaire and a semi-structured interview. Structured questionnaires and an interview schedule were used to generate data from both the patient and care provider participants in each of the selected facilities. Participants with disabilities and care providers working in the Protective Workshops were identified and sampled through a multi-stage sampling procedure. Participants from 48 facilities participated in the study. The findings revealed that health promotion in Protective Workshops was cursory and informal. Even though health education was provided whenever the need arose, it was neither individualized nor customized in accordance with reasonable accommodation of people with disabilities. There were provincial differences in terms of the levels of participation and organizational support for people with disabilities. In certain cases bureaucratic obstacles were identified during field work. Results show inconsistency regarding access to equal opportunities for people with disabilities, albeit some agreed to a lesser extent (30.5%), others moderately (21.5%) compared to only 22.6% who agreed, were exceeded by 25% of respondents who completely disagreed to the notion that equal opportunities existed for people with disabilities. The latter was confirmed by care providers. The study recommended an urgent need for the development of inclusive health promotion, the enforcement of the requirements for reasonable accommodation and adherence to policy and legal imperatives. / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)

Secondary victimisation in the court procedures of rape cases : an analysis of four court cases

Viljoen, Charmell S. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Violence against women is a serious offence. Emotional and physical abuse can happen to our daughters, sisters and wives. Rape is a form of violence against women. It violates a woman's privacy, dignity and it makes her feel as if she has lost control. The criminal justice system is there to protect the citizens of a country and this protection should extend to women when they have been violated. The criminal justice system has different structures, for example the courts, medical services and police services. The staff of the criminal justice process do not have an inherent duty to care about rape survivors but they can be trained to treat survivors with consideration and sympathy to counteract the effects of the rape and secondary victimization experienced by rape survivors. It is important that there are guidelines for the staff of the criminal justice system to assist them in rape cases. This thesis explores whether women experience secondary victimisation during court proceedings. To assess whether it occurs, court transcripts were analysed with a focus placed on the background of the court case and the verdicts of the judges. Findings indicate that secondary victimisation do occur during court cases. Rape survivors feel as if they are on trial and not the rapist. Survivors furthermore believe that they will have to live with the label that they had been raped and humiliated. The thesis recommends that officials of the criminal justice process should receive extensive training, and looks at the Sexual Offences Court in Wynberg as an example of an improved system for rape survivors. It is recommended that the procedures of the Sexual Offences Court should be evaluated on a regular basis to address secondary victimisation problems that may persist. Communication is very important during the rape trial. The rape survivor has to be informed about her case and about the location of the rapist at all times. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Geweld teen vroue is 'n ernstige oortreding wat plaasvind in ons samelewing. Emosionele en fisiese geweld kan gebeur met ons dogters, vroue en susters. Hierdie vorm van geweld laat vroue voel asof hulle beheer verloor oor hulle lewens en dit het ook 'n impak op hul self respek en selfbeeld. Die Kriminele Sisteem van Suid Afrika is daar om die belange van sy inwoners te beskerm. Dit het verskillende afdelings byvoorbeeld, die mediese dienste, die polisie en die hof verrigtinge. Die lede van die Kriminele Sisteem werk met verskillende individue wat voel dat die hof die uitweg sal wees wat geregtigheid sal laat geskied. Die lede van die Kriminele Sisteem het nie 'n persoonlike verantwoordelikheid teenoor die verkragtings oorlewendes nie, maar hulle moet sensitiwiteit en empatie betoon teenoor die dames wat verkrag was. Die gedrag van die personeel speel 'n groot rol in terme van hoe die vrou wat verkrag was die aangeleentheid verwerk. Die fokus van die studie is om te kyk of vroue wel sekondêre viktimisering ervaar wanneer hulle besluit om voort te gaan met die hofsake. Hof transkripsies was gebruik om te kyk of vroue wel benadeel word. Daar was gekyk na die uitsprake van die regters sowel as die agtergrond van die hofsaak. Daar was bevind dat sekondêre viktimisering wel plaasvind gedurende die hof verrigtinge. Vroue voel asof hulle verantwoordelik is vir die verkragting wat met hulle gebeur het. Die verkragter word nie gesien as die persoon wat oortree het nie. Hierdie gevoelens van self blamering vorm deel van sekondêre viktimisering wat veroorsaak dat vroue sommige kere voel om nie verder te gaan met die hof saak nie. Die verskillende lede van die Kriminele Sisteem moet gedurig opleiding verkry wat hulle in staat sal stel om die gevoelens van die slagoffers in ag te neem. Die howe wat spesiaal opgerig is om verkragting sake te verhoor moet geevalueer word sodat dit 'n sukses kan wees. Kommunikasie moet bevorder word tussen die verskillende departemente en nie -regerings organisasies wat 'n rol speel gedurende die hof sake.

The implementation of changed policies pertaining to child and youth care : views and experiences of team members

Rossouw, Lynette 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil (Social Work))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The changes in child and youth care policies over the last fifteen years have had profound consequences for the staff at Youth Care and Education Centres (hereafter referred to as YCECs). These changes included systemic changes, philosophical changes, and changes in the way services are rendered to children and youth in their care. It was thus expected of team members to not only change their behaviours but to also make mind shifts. The mandates were that they move from working in silos (educators, residential educators and support team) to working in teams; from rendering generic services to developing individualised plans for children and youth; from following a medical (deficit) approach in service delivery to following a strength based- and developmental approach. Whereas a punitive approach to discipline was followed in the past staff members now have to follow a restorative approach. In addition, the emphasis on children’s rights, in general, and the abolishment of corporal punishment, in particular, brought about changes in the nature of the adultchild relationship. It was required of the team members to learn to use alternatives to this form of punishment. The study explored how the members of the institutional level teams at the four YCECs in the Western Cape were experiencing the implementation of changed child and youth policies. A combined quantitative and qualitative research methodology was followed in obtaining the data from the residential educators, as well as the educators and the support team members comprising of psychologists, school social workers, occupational therapists, and school nurses. The points of departure were the organisational learning model and the phases of team development. Findings derived from the empirical study were that the difference between the way the participants embraced and implemented changed policies and legislation had much to do with the guidance that the principal and senior management provided for them. Where the principal set the tone and conveyed the message that the implementation of the policies were not negotiable and gave staff members the opportunity to thoroughly discuss these changes, they eventually shared the underlying principles of the changed policies. Where the principal provided direction, support and encouragement for the implementation of the changed policies the participants felt secure and empowered. Where this support was not present participants felt uncertain and to some extent let down. When a shared vision was articulated to them the participants were able to align their personal visions thereto, which further led to a greater understanding of their roles within the team. Where participants, however, were not clear on the shared vision they seemed to struggle with role division and status and power issues. When team members were left to their own devices a measure of personal mastery still took place due to the commitment of individuals but team learning was either limited or virtually nonexistent. Systems thinking remained a challenge due to the forming of subgroups within the YCEC and the limited or nonexistent services rendered by external social workers to the families of the children and youth. The most important recommendations resulting from the study indicate that provision must be made for frameworks for the implementation of changes in policy and guidelines for team processes. To ensure that new staff is informed about the policies that guide their services an orientation programme must be in place. Training for principals in effective introduction and implementation of change should also be provided. To ascertain what the staff complement should be to effectively implement changes in the policies, a work-study and a fast track pilot project should be conducted. From this, job descriptions should be developed that make provision for the incumbent’s role within the team. Consideration should also be given to the incentive system that currently only makes provision for individual performance and could hamper teamwork. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die veranderinge in kinder- en jeugsorgbeleide oor die laaste vyftien jaar het diepgaande gevolge ingehou vir personeel by Jeugsorg- en Onderwyssentrums (hierna verwys as JSOS). Hierdie veranderinge het sistemiese en filosofiese veranderings, asook verandering in die wyse waarop dienste gelewer word, aan kinders en jeug in hul sorg, meegebring. Dit word dus van die spanlede verwag om nie net hul gedrag nie, maar ook hul denkwyse te verander. Die mandate vervat in die beleide is dat personeel skuif van werk in silos (opvoeders, residensiële opvoeders en ondersteuningspan) na werk in spanne; van die lewer van generiese dienste tot die ontwikkeling van individuale planne vir kinders en jeug; van die volg van ‘n mediese benadering aangaande dienslewering tot ‘n sterkte-gebaseerde- en ontwikkelingsbenadering. Waar daar in die verlede ‘n strafgerigte benadering gevolg is moet daar nou beweeg word na ‘n helende benadering. Verder het die klem op kinderregte in die algemeen, en die afskaf van lyfstraf in besonder, veranderings meegebring in die aard van die volwasse-kind verhouding. Dit was verwag van die spanlede om te leer om alternatiewes tot die vorm van straf aan te leer. Die studie het ondersoek ingestel na hoe lede van die inrigtingsgebaseerde span by die vier JSOS in die Weskaap die implementering van veranderde kinder- en jeugbeleid ervaar. ‘n Gekombineerde kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiwe navorsing metodologie was gevolg in die insamel van data van die residensiële opvoeders, die opvoeders en die lede van die ondersteuningspan (sielkundiges, skool maatskaplike werkers, arbeidsterapeute en skool verpleegkundiges). Die vertrekpunt was the organisasieleer model en die fases van spanontwikkeling. Bevindings wat gemaak is uit die empiriese studie was dat die verskille tussen die wyse waarop die deelnemers die veranderde beleid aanvaar en implementeer het baie te doen gehad het met die mate van leiding wat die prinsipaal en senior bestuur vir hul gegee het. Waar die prinsipaal die toon aangegee het en die boodskap oorgedra het dat die implementering van die beleide nie onderhandelbaar was nie en personeellede die geleentheid gebied is om die veranderings deeglik te bespreek, het hul geleidelik ingekoop in die veranderde werkswyses. Waar die prinsipaal rigting en ondersteuning vir die implementering van die veranderde beleid gebied het, het die deelnemers veilig en bemagtig gevoel. Waar die ondersteuning egter ontbreek het, het die deelnemers onseker en, tot ’n mate, in die steek gelaat gevoel. Wanneer ‘n gedeelde visie oorgedra is aan hulle was die deelnemers in staat om hul persoonlike visies in lyn te bring daarmee. Dit het verder aanleiding gegee tot beter begrip vir hul rolle binne die span. Waar deelnemers egter nie duidelik was oor die gedeelde visie nie, het dit geblyk dat hulle probleme gehad het met rolverdeling, status en magaangeleenthede in die span. Wanneer spanlede oorgelaat is aan hul eie lot het ‘n mate van persoonlike bemeestering nog plaasgevind as gevolg van die persoonlike toewyding van individue, maar spanleer was óf beperk óf feitlik afwesig. Sisteem denke was steeds ‘n struikelblok as gevolg van die vorming van subgroepe binne die JSOS en die beperkte of afwesige dienslewering deur eksterne maatskaplike wekers aan gesinne van die kinders en jong mense. Die belangrikste aanbevelings, wat voortspruit uit die studie, dui aan dat voorsiening gemaak moet word vir raamwerke vir die implementering van beleidsveranderings en riglyne vir spanprosesse. Om te verseker dat nuwe personeel ingelig is omtrent die beleide wat hul dienslewering rig moet ‘n oriënteringsprogram in plek wees. Opleiding van prinsipale in die effektiewe bekendstelling en implementering van veranderings moet ook voorsien word. Om vas te stel wat die aanvulling vir personeel moet wees om die veranderings in die beleid te implementeer, behoort ‘n werkstudie en ‘n snel loodsprojek onderneem word. Hieruit kan pligstate opgestel word wat voorsiening maak vir die ampsdraer se rol in spanverband. Oorweging moet geskenk word aan die aansporingstelsel wat tans net voorsiening maak vir individuele werksverrigting en wat spanwerk kan strem.

Health care for intimate partner violence : current standard of care and development of protocol management

Joyner, Kate 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil (Sociology and Social Anthropology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The World Health Organisation recognises intimate partner violence (IPV) to be of major consequence to women’s mental and physical health, yet in South Africa it remains a neglected area of care. Within a professional action research framework, this study implemented a previously recommended South African protocol for the screening and holistic management of IPV in women in order to test its feasibility and to adapt it for use in the primary health care (PHC) sector of the Western Cape. It also aimed to identify the current nature of care offered to female survivors of IPV. Thirdly, it aimed to learn from the process of training and supporting (nurse) researchers who were new to the action research paradigm and methodology. Successfully implementing and evaluating a complex health intervention in the current PHC scenario required a flexible methodology which could enable real engagement with, and a creative response to, the issues as they emerged. Guided by the British Medical Research Council’s framework for development and evaluation of randomised controlled trials for complex health interventions (Medical Research Council, 2000, p.3), this study was positioned within the modelling phase. Professional action research used a co-operative inquiry group process as the overarching method with the usual cycles of action, observation, reflection and planning. Altogether five co-researchers were involved in implementing the protocol and were members of the inquiry group. A number of techniques were used to observe and reflect on experience, including participant interviews, key informant interviews, focus groups with health care providers at each site, quantitative data from the medical records and protocol, field notes and academic literature. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Wêreld Gesondheidsorganisasie erken dat geweldpleging in intieme verhoudings (“intimate partner violence”, of IPV) ‘n groot impak het op vroue se geestes- en fisiese gesondheid, terwyl dit ʼn verwaarloosde area van sorg in Suid-Afrika is. Binne ‘n professionele aksie-navorsingsraamwerk, implementeer hierdie studie ‘n voorheen aanbevole Suid-Afrikaanse protokol vir die sifting en holistiese hantering van IPV by vroue om die uitvoerbaarheid daarvan te toets en om dit aan te pas vir gebruik in die primêre gesondheidsorgsektor (PGS) van die Wes-Kaap. Die projek poog ook om die huidige aard van sorg wat aan vroulike oorlewendes van IPV beskikbaar is, te identifiseer. Derdens het dit ook ten doel om te leer van die proses van opleiding en ondersteuning van (verpleeg-) navorsers vir wie die aksie-navorsingsparadigma en methodologie nuut was. Suksesvolle implementering en evaluering van ‘n komplekse gesondheidsintervensie in die huidige PGS scenario vereis ‘n buigsame methodologie wat betrokkenheid met, en ‘n kreatiewe respons tot, kwessies soos wat dit ontwikkel, moontlik maak. Gelei deur die Britse Mediese Navorsingsraad se raamwerk vir die ontwikkeling en evaluering van ewekansige gekontroleerde proewe vir komplekse gesondheidsintervensies (Mediese Navorsingsraad, 2000, bl.3), was hierdie studie binne die modelleringsfase geposisioneer. Professionele aksienavorsing het ‘n gekoördineerde ondersoekgroep as die oorkoepelende metode - met die normale siklusse van aksie, waarneming, reflektering en beplanning - gebruik. Altesaam vyf mede-navorsers wat lede van die ondersoekgroep was, was betrokke in die implementering van die protokol. ‘n Aantal tegnieke is gebruik om waar te neem en te reflekteer op ervarings, insluitend deelnemersonderhoude, sleutel-informant onderhoude, fokusgroepe met gesondheidsorgverskaffers by elke fasiliteit, kwantitatiewe data van die mediese verslae en protokol, veldnotas en akademiese literatuur.

Poverty and dependency in Cape Town : a sociological study of 3,300 dependents receiving assistance from the Cape Town General Board of Aid

Wagner, O. J. M. (Oloff Jacobus Marais),1904- January 1936 (has links)
Thesis (D. Phil.)--University of Stellenbosch, 1936. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: no abstract available / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: geen opsomming beskikbaar nie

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