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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die meetbare effek van ’n elektroniese skryflaboratorium : ’n loodsprojek aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch

Loftie-Eaton, Eloise 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Afrikaans and Dutch))--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die geografiese ligging van enige bepaalde skryflaboratorium maak dit dikwels moeilik vir verafgeleë afstandonderrigstudente om ’n konsultasie te ontvang. ’n Veeleisende klasrooster kan dit vir residensiële studente enersyds problematiseer om ’n nabygeleë skryflaboratorium fisies te besoek vir hulp rakende ’n spesifieke skryfopdrag. Hierdie twee studentegroepe benodig gewoonlik addisionele skryfhulp om die tekskwaliteit van hulle geskrewe tekste te verbeter. In hierdie werkstuk het die navorser gevolglik ondersoek ingestel of ’n elektroniese skryflaboratorium, gegrond op die bestaande World Wide Writing (WWW)-model, ’n statisties beduidende effek gelewer het om studente se skryfvaardighede te verbeter. Die teoretiese raamwerk vir hierdie loodsprojek is verskaf deur Bereiter en Scardamalia (1987) se tweeledige skryfprosesmodel. Laasgenoemde model het ’n belangrike komponent van die ondersoek gevorm om die ontwikkeling van die hersieningsfase (waarmee ook herskrywing bedoel word) in die skryfproses te illustreer, nadat die proefpersone blootgestel is aan ’n skryfadvies oor paragrafering. Altesaam 67 tweedejaarproefpersone van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch het die opdrag ontvang om verbeterings aan die paragraafstruktuur van hulle oorspronklike teks aan te bring, ná verwysing van die elektroniese skryflaboratorium wat skryfhulp aangebied het in die vorm van web-advies. Hierna het die proefpersone ook ’n vraelys voltooi om hulle houding ten opsigte van die web-advies bloot te lê. ’n Geselekteerde ekspertpaneel het gevolglik die paragraafstruktuur van die tekste geëvalueer en sodoende aangedui of die tekskwaliteit verbeter het of nie. Hierdie resultate is uiteindelik gebruik om die effek te meet wat ’n elektroniese skryflaboratorium uitgeoefen het om die hersieningsfase van die skryfproses te beheer.

Evaluation of the youth development programme at Swartland Municipality

Sogwagwa, Manelisi 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA (Public Management and Planning))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Swartland Municipality is situated in the West Coast of the Western Cape Province as one of the thirty municipalities in the province. Swartland Municipality, like other municipalities, is faced with socio-economic challenges such as crime, unemployment and low levels of education. although the unemployment rate is not so high when compared with some of the municipalities in the province, Swartland amongst other challenges is faced with the problem of access to tertiary education. As a result the agricultural sector dominates as the main economic activity. As part of the effort to address some of its socio-economic challenges, Swartland Municipality’s Youth Development programme was established in partnership with Umsobomvu Youth Fund and named Youth Advisory Centre (YAC). It was established mainly to uplift the living conditions of youth in Swartland by assisting them with career guidance advice, CV writing, and to start own businesses. To achieve this two officials were employed, one as Career Guidance Advisor, and the other one as an Outreach Officer. These two officials had the same duties but the Outreach Officer was appointed mainly to bring services to Swartland areas which are far from where the Youth Advisory Centre is located. However, to ensure that the programme achieves its goals, programme evaluation has to be carried out. Programme evaluation assists in determining the programme’s shortcomings and the areas that need improvement. In this study programme evaluation has been carried out to determine if what is planned gets implemented, and the extent to which programme plans are achieved. In doing so, the researcher used the YAC’s plans, reports, Swartland Municipality annual reports and held semistructured interviews with two senior officials of Swartland Municipality who are involved in the YAC and with the two appointed YAC officials mentioned above. These data collection instruments provided the researcher with the information on what the YAC planned and what it achieved from July 2006 to April 2009. The researcher analysed this data and found that not all YAC plans and reports were available and some contradictions existed in targets between YAC plans, the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between Swartland Municipality and Umsobomvu, and Swartland Municipality’s Annual reports. Despite these findings, it was found that the YAC plans correspond with the YAC results reported; therefore the YAC has been implementing its plans. Although the YAC did not meet all of its targets, the difference between the planned outputs and achieve outputs was not big. On the basis of these findings, the researcher recommended that there should be an integrated planning process to set up YAC’s performance standards and the YAC has to improve its performance in most of its key outputs, especially in supporting the youth in business development and opportunities. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Swartland Munisipaliteit is aan die Weskus van die Wes-Kaap Provinsie as een van die dertig munisipaliteite in die provinsie. Soos ander munisipaliteite, staar Swartland Munisipaliteit sosio-ekonomiese uitdagings soos misdaad, werkloosheid en lae vlakke van opvoeding in die gesig. Swartland staar, onder andere, die uitdaging van toegang tot tersiêre opvoeding in die gesig, alhoewel die werkloosheidsyfer nie so hoog is as dit met dié van ander munisipaliteite in die provinsie vergelyk word nie. Gebrek aan toegang tot tersiêre opvoeding veroorsaak dat die landbousektor oorheers as die hoof ekonomiese aktiwiteit wat die meeste van die mense in die Swartland gebied in diens neem. Swartland munisipaliteit se Jeugontwikkelingsprogram is in samewerking met die Umsobomvu Jeugfonds as deel van die inisiatief om van die sosio-ekonomiese uitdagings aan te spreek gestig en die Jeug Raadgewende Sentrum (JRS) het tot stand gekom. Dit is hoofsaaklike gestig om die lewensomstandighede van die jeug in Swartland te verbeter deur hulle by te staan met loopbaanvoorligting, die skryf van CV’s en om hul eie besighede op die been te bring. Twee beamptes is aangestel om hierdie doelwit te bereik, een as Loopbaan Voorligting Raadgewer en die ander as Uitreikbeampte. Hierdie twee beamptes het dieselfde pligte, maar die uitreikbeampte is hoofsaaklik aangestel om dienste wat ver vanaf die Jeug Raadgewende Sentrum geleë is, nader aan die Swartland areas te bring. ’n Evaluasie moet uitgevoer word om te verseker dat die program sy doelwitte bereik. Programevaluering het ten doel om die program se tekortkominge en die areas vir verbetering te bepaal. Programevaluasie is in hierdie studie uitgevoer om te bepaal of dit wat beplan is, geïmplementeer word, en in watter mate die program planne verwesenlik word. Die navorser het gebruik gemaak van JRS planne, verslae en Swartland Munisipaliteit se jaarverslae. Semi-gestruktureede onderhoude is met twee senior beamptes van die Swartland Munisipaliteit wat by die JRS betrokke is, en die bogenoemde aangestelde JRS beamptes gevoer. Hierdie data insameling instrumente het aan die navorser die inligting gegee oor wat die JRS beplan en wat dit vanaf July 2006 Tot April 2009 vermag het. Die navorser het hierdie data ontleed en gevind dat nie alle JRS planne en verslae beskikbaar was nie. Daar was ook teenstrydighede in doelwitte tussen JRS planne, die Oorenkoms Memorandum tussen Swartland Munisipaliteit en Umsobomvu en Swartland Munisipaliteit se Jaarverslae. Ten spyte van hierdie bevindings is daar bevind dat die JRS planne met die JRS resultate soos gerapporteer in die verslae ooreenstem, dus het die JRS hul planne geïmplementeer. Die JRS het egter nie al die doelwitte bereik nie, maar die verskil tussne die beplande en werklike uitsette was nie groot nie. In die lig van hierdie bevindings stel die navorser voor dat daar geïntegreerde beplanning moet wees om die JRS se prestasie standaarde op te trek, en die JRS moet hul prestasie in die meeste van die sleutel uitsette verbeter, veral in die ondersteuning van die jeug in besigheidsontwikkeling en geleenthede.

An assessment of the effectiveness of primary health care services in addressing HIV/AIDS by providing anti-retroviral treatment : the case of Du Noon clinic in the Western health sub-district of the city of Cape Town

Sifanelo, Gloria Monica 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA (Public Management and Planning))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The accessibility of anti-retroviral drugs to patients and families affected by HIV and AIDS, and the affordability of these drugs, have been challenges to the Du Noon community in the Cape Peninsula. The aim of the study was to assess the effectiveness of primary health care services in addressing HIV/AIDS in the light of these challenges. The focus was on patients registered on the ARV programme and who were receiving treatment at Du Noon Clinic. Interviews were conducted with 15 groups of 10 patients each using a patient questionnaire. During these interviews qualitative and quantitative data were gathered and secondary data was used for quantitative analysis. The results that the data analysis yielded are in keeping with the hypothesis that the HIV/AIDS programme is effective in meeting the needs of the HIV/AIDS patients of Du Noon. After content analysis of qualitative data, two themes related to patient satisfaction emerged: positive and negative feelings that were categorised as satisfied and not satisfied with the service. Most often noted was the feeling of satisfaction with the services rendered at the clinic and that the staff were helpful. The staff rendering the service were also satisfied with the kind of service offered to the patients, but were dissatisfied with the allocation of resources. An increase in enrolment figures of patients was noted in the statistical analysis for the period 2004-2008 with 1,018 patients registered. The statistics illustrate the linear tendency in the enrolment of patients, which indicated the accessibility and affordability of the service. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Geredelike toegang tot en die bekostigbaarheid van anti-retrivorale middels (ARM’s) vir pasiënte en families wat deur MIV en VIGS aangetas is, is ‘n uitdaging vir die Du Noon-gemeenskap in die Kaapse Skiereiland. Die doel van die studie was om die doeltreffendheid van primêre gesondheidsorgdienste te bepaal wanneer MIV/VIGS aangespreek word. Die fokus is op geregistreerde pasiënte wat die ARM-program volg en behandeling by die Du Noon Kliniek ontvang. Met behulp van ‘n pasiëntevraelys was onderhoude met 15 groepe van 10 pasiënte elk gevoer. Tydens hierdie onderhoude is kwalitatiewe data versamel en vir kwantitatiewe analise was sekondêre data aangewend. Die resultate wat uit die data analise verkry was, strook met die hipotese dat die MIV/VIGS-program doeltreffend is om die behoeftes van die pasiënte en die gemeenskap van Du Noon aan te spreek. Nadat ‘n inhoudsanalise van die kwalitatiewe data onderneem was, het twee temas rakende positiewe en negatiewe gevoelens – gekategoriseer as tevrede en nie tevrede nie – ten opsigte van die gelewerde diens na vore getree. Veral die gevoel van tevredenheid teenoor die diens gelewer by die kliniek en die personeel as behulpsaam, is opgemerk. Die personeel wat die diens lewer, was ook tevrede met die diens wat aan die pasiënte gelewer word, maar was ontevrede oor die toekenning van hulpbronne. By die statistiese analise is ‘n toename in die inskrywingsgetalle deur pasiënte waargeneem. Toename in inskrywingsgetalle deur pasiënte is gemerk in statistiese analise van 2004 - 2008, met 1,018 pasiënte geregistreer. Die statistiek het die lineêre tendens toegelig ten aansien van die inskrywing van pasiënte wat die toeganklikheid en bekostigbaarheid van die diens uitbeeld.

Super sizing service delivery with a side order of innovation building a social franchising governance model to accelerate local government service delivery for ECD provisioning in partnerships beyond PPP's

Mseme, Laura 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: There is a rising groundswell of citizens globally questioning the equity, integrity and sustainability of the philosophies, values and institutions inherited from the 20th century. The continuum of civil disobedience has increased over time; sit ins, community unrest, uprisings and finally revolutions have marked this first decade of this new age. People are voicing their disillusionment with increased frequently, impatience and violence globally calling for the creation of a world which, in Freire’s words, is “menos feio, menos malvado, menos desumano [less ugly, less cruel, less inhumane] (Mayo, 2003:42). President Jacob Zuma at the 14th Nedlac Annual Summit in September 2009 called for a “stronger social dialogue underpinned by a sense of cooperation, and responsibility will also be important if we are to avoid a situation where the recovery ends up being business as usual. We need to find new way of doing things” (Zuma, 2009a:1). Social Franchising is a relatively new concept in the service delivery discourse having recently emerged as a sub-sector of social enterprise. Social franchising is a derivative of the long established commercial franchise model with a dual purpose of generating sustainable economic returns and advancing social good by encouraging profit making not profit taking (Mseme, 2010a:1). Social franchising has been mainly operating in the NGO sector, on the Indian sub continent, accommodated in larger private or public health institution, providing women related health services into poor communities. Recent research undertaken by Mseme (2010a) has shown social franchising should be considered as a strategic option in the delivery of public service to improve citizens development, promoting new venture creation and strengthen the developmental state at local level This study seeks to make a contribution to the limited local government body of knowledge by developing an appropriate social franchising governance model. This model aims to accelerate accessible and sustainable public community development services generally and early childhood development in particular at local level by delivering on the two primary national priorities of poverty alleviation and quality education provisioning. This study merges a number of key issues that are substantive in determining the future well being of South Africa and all of her citizens namely; affordable, universal and comprehensive service delivery, equitable quality education and cognitive development of young children and increased economic participation and wealth generation especially in marginalised and vulnerable communities within the context of the developmental state. This study is guided by a postmodernist philosophy and stems from a transformative and emancipatory approach applying Paulo Freire’s pedagogy and politics of hope that is not meant to consolidate “what is” but is driven by a vision of “what should and can be” (Mayo, 2003:42).This research has applied both empirical and non – empirical design with a mixed qualitative and quantitative component. The areas of non –empirical study were determined by the theoretical framework which focuses on developmental state, developmental local government, public service management, partnership service delivery mechanisms, early childhood development and small enterprise development. The research findings arising out of the empirical ECD needs assessment survey and case study were further explored and tested in semi structured interviews with political decision makers, policy makers, policy drafters and policy experts. This study has designed a social franchise governance model for the delivery of ECD at local government level. Its implementation however is premised on a shift of public administration mindset from bureaucracy to innovation, a shift of public policy from government as sole provide to facilitator of services, a shift from survival partnerships to delivery partnerships by desire and a change of citizens attitude from dependency to self development. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Wereldwyd bevraagteken inwoners toenemend die billikheid, integriteit and volhoubaarheid van filosofiee, waardes en wette vanuit die 20ste eeu. Wetteloosheid het toegeneem oor ‘n tydperk. Opstand en eintlik revolusies is kenmerkend in die eerste dekade van die nuwe era. Mense spreek hulle ontnugtering toenemend op ‘n gereelde basis uit, wat uiteindelik aanleiding gee tot ongeduld en geweld. Wereldwyd is mense op soek na ‘n samelewing wat soos Freire dit beskryf “menos feio, menos malvado, menos desumano (minder haatlik en onmenslik) (Mayo, 2003:42). Tydens die 14de NEDLAC Jaarlikse Konferensie gedurende September 2009 het President Jacob Zuma die balangrikheid van sterker sosiale dialoog gegrond op samewerking en verantwoordlikheid beklemtoon ten einde ‘n situasie van besigheid soos gewoonlik te voorkom. Hy het mense aangemoedig om vorendag te kom met nuwe manier om dinge te doen.(Zuma, 2009a:1) Sosiale agentskap is ‘n relatiewe nuwe konsep in die lewering van dienste wat ontstaan het vanuit die sub-sektor sosiale ondernemings. Sosiale agentskap het voortgespruit vanuit die kommersiele agentskaps model met ‘n tweeledige doel naamlik die skepping van volhoubare ekonomiese inkomste en die bevordering van sosiale goedere deur die aanmoediging van die maak van winste en nie die neem van winste nie (Mseme, 2010a:1) . Sosiale agentskappe het primer voorgekom in nie-regerings organisasies, groot privaat of publieke gesondheids instansies en die verskaffing van gesondheids dienste aan vroue in die armer gemeenskappe. Huidige navorsing deur Mseme (2010a) bewys dat sosiale agentskappe oorweeg moet word as ‘n strategiese opsie in die lewering van openbare dienste om die onwikkeling van inwoners te verbeter, om die skepping van nuwe projekte te bevorder sowel as die versterking van die ontwikkelende staat op plaaslike regeringsvlak. Deur die ontwikkeling van ‘n toepaslike sosiale agentskaps bestuurs model beoog die studie om ‘n bydrae te maak tot die beperkte beskikbare inligting oor plaaslike regering. Die model streef daarna om toeganklike volhoubare openbare gemeenskaps onwikkelende dienste in die algemeen te lewer sowel as spesifiek dienste rondom vroee kinder ontwikkeling op plaaslike regerings vlak. Hierdie oogmerk van die model is gebaseer op die nasionale prioriteite van werkskepping en die voorsiening van kwaliteit onderrig. Die studie kombineer ‘n aantal belangrike sleutel dimensies in die bepaling van die voortbestaan van inwoners van Suid-Afrika, naamlik bekostigbaarheid, universele en omvattende dienslewering, gelyke kwaliteit onderrig, die kognitiewe ontwikkeling van jong kinders, toenemende ekonomies deelname, en die ontwikkeling van rykom spesifiek in marginale kwesbare gemeenskappe binne die konteks van ‘n ontwikkelende staat. Die studie is gebaseer op ‘n post-moderne filisofie and spruit voort vanuit ‘n transformerende en moderne benadering deur die toepassing van Paulo Freire’s opvoedkundige aard sowel as politieke hoop wat nie bedoel is om “die wat is” te konsolideer nie, maar wat voort gedryf word vanuit ‘n visie “wat moet en kan gedoen word” (Mayo, 2003:42). Die nie-empiriese studie is gabaseer op ‘n teoretiese raamwerk wat focus op die ontwikkelende staat, ontwikkelende plaaslike regareings, staatsdiens bestuur, ‘n vennootskap dienslewrings meganisme, vroee kinder ontwikkeling and klein sake ondernemings ontwikkeling. Beide empiriese en nie-empiriese ontwerpe is gebruik met ‘n kombinasie van kwalitatiewe and kwantitatiewe komponent. Die bevindinge vanuit die navorsing spruit voort uit die empiriese vroee kinder ontwikkelings behoefte bepalings studie. ‘n Gevalle studie is ook verder gebruik en getoets deur semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude met beleidmakers, en beleids deskundiges. Die studie het ‘n sosiale agentskaps bestuurs model ontwikkel vir die lewering van vroee kinder ontwikkeling op plaaslige regerings vlak. Die implementering van die model is gabaseer op ‘n aantal veranderinge van denkwyses naamlike vanaf publieke administrasie opinie van burokrasie na innovasie, vanaf openbare beleid dat die regering die enigste verskaffer van dienste is na die fasilitering van dienste, vanaf oorlewings vennootskappe na vennootskappe wat gehalte dienste lewer en laaste ‘n verandering van ‘n aghanklikheids houding na self ontwikkeling.

Social welfare services offered at shelters to female victims of domestic violence

Van Zyl, Ann-Marie 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Social Work (Social Work))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / An exploratory and descriptive research design was selected together with a combination of both a quantitative and qualitative research approach to obtain the necessary information, insight and knowledge regarding the social welfare services offered to female victims of domestic violence in shelters. The motivation for this investigation stemmed from the lack of information on social welfare services offered to these female victims. The researcher became aware of this lack of information due to the fact that only limited studies and investigations had been done into the social welfare services offered to female victims of domestic violence within South Africa. The goal of this study is therefore to gain a better understanding of the social welfare services offered to female victims of domestic violence in shelters in order to provide recommendations to social service practitioners for the improvement of social welfare services in such circumstances. The literature study firstly focused on the theories, conceptualisation and dimensions of domestic violence in order to gain an understanding and knowledge base of the theories that describe domestic violence, concepts that provide an understanding of the phenomenon of domestic violence as well the dimensions of domestic violence. Furthermore, the literature study focuses on the policies, legislations and the government’s commitment to address domestic violence in South Africa. The primary focus of the literature study was to investigate the social welfare services that are offered to female victims of domestic violence in shelters. The researcher contacted the Department of Social Development of the Western Cape in order to identify the shelter organisations that offer social welfare services to female victims of domestic violence and finally a purposive sampling was done of ten shelters in the Western Cape Metropole area which offer social welfare services to female victims of domestic violence. A qualitative and quantitative investigation was performed by means of conducting semi-structured interviews with the aid of an interview guide. The results of the investigation mainly confirmed the findings of the literature study that domestic violence is an inherent part of the life in South Africa, also that domestic violence has a variety of causes and consequences and that social welfare services offered to female victims of domestic violence are an important part of the process of empowerment in shelters. The recommendations were aimed at services in shelters and professional persons involved in the rehabilitation and empowerment of abused women during their accommodation in the shelters. The recommendations also included further research to explore the impact of these social welfare services on female residents, and to address the areas where social welfare services fall short in order to provide insight into the development of other social welfare services that are needed by female residents when entering a shelter.

Management of volunteers at the Cape Town association for the physically disabled

Damon, Michelle Lynette 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Social Work (Social Work))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / An exploratory-descriptive research design together with a qualitative approach was chosen with the purpose of obtaining knowledge of and insight into volunteer management as a function of social work management, using the Cape Town Association for the Physically Disabled as a case study. The motivation for the study stemmed from personal experience of the researcher being employed at the aforementioned organization. The Cape Town Association for the Physically Disabled is a non-government organization which utilizes volunteers for both direct and indirect volunteer work. The goal of the study is to provide a framework to the social workers of the Cape Town Association for the Physically Disabled for the management of volunteers, to enhance developmental social service delivery. The literature review covered the conceptualization, history and nature of volunteer work in social work focusing on the development of volunteerism internationally and in South Africa. This allowed the researcher to conceptualize volunteerism and also get a better understanding of what happens on an international, national and domestic level. The theoretical framework was social development focusing on the ecosystems perspective. The literature review specifically focused on the history of volunteerism, the management of volunteers including the different models of, as well as guidelines for, managing a volunteer programme. The researcher chose to involve social workers at the Cape Town Association for the Physically Disabled since the social workers utilize volunteers, and in so doing also manage these volunteers. The results of the investigation largely confirmed that the Cape Town Association for the Physically Disabled should refine their volunteer programme policy. Furthermore, the results confirmed that the social workers were not all aware of the process of management of volunteers. The research study also recommends the human resources model of management for volunteers to be utilized at the Association. The recommendations were aimed at the management of volunteers in terms of recruitment, selection, training, orientation and supervision of volunteers according to the human resources model of management.

Home at last' : die storie van Freedom Park en sy inwoners

Losch, Ashley Peter 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The escalation in the growing upsurge of informal settlements seems to create a few problems for local municipalities in the Cape Metropolitan Area (CMA). At the beginning of 1998 the capacity of the City Of Cape Town Municipality (CCT) was fully tested with the coming into being of a new informal settlement in the Tafelsig, Mitchell's Plain area. During the Easter weekend of that year homeless people started to invade a piece of vacant land, which belongs to this municipality, illegally. With the establishing of Freedom Park many of the homeless felt that the time was ripe for this municipality to address their problems and grievances. However up till now this has not materialised, as this municipality is refusing to make any service delivery and infrastructure available to them. Despite this, the people are still reluctant to submit to the demand of the municipality to evacuate the piece of land. Hitherto many had asked questions about the settlement and its people. With the asking of these questions, people had shown their ignorance about the Freedom Park issue. This ignorance led people to make certain assumptions, which are clearly far from the truth. The aim of this study is thus to present more clear-cut answers to the most common questions people had asked and still are asking. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die groeiende toename in informele nedersettings in die Kaapse Metropolitaanse Gebied blyk toenemend om 'n probleem vir plaaslike owerhede te wees. Aan die begin van 1998 was die kapasiteit van die Kaapse Munisipaliteit om sulke situasies te hanteer ten volle getoets. In hierdie tydperk het haweloses van die Tafelsig, Mitchell's Plain, area die reg in eie hande geneem deur 'n stuk grond wat aan hierdie munisipaliteit behoort onwettig te beset. Met die vestiging van Freedom Park het baie van hierdie mense gedink dat hulle frustrasies en probleme deur hierdie munisipaliteit aangehoor sou word. Dit het egter tot op hede nog nie 'n werklikheid geword, deurdat dié munisipaliteit huiwer om tydelike en korttermyn infrastrukture aan hierdie mense beskikbaar te stel. Ten spyte hiervan is die inwoners van hierdie nedersetting egter vasbeslote om nie in te gee aan die versoek van die munisipaliteit om die grond te ontruim nie. Tot op hede was daar baie vra gevra rondom hierdie nedersetting en sy inwoners. Met hierdie vrae het sulkes hulonkunde om die Freedom Park kwessie suksesvol te hanteer en te verstaan bewys. Dit is dus in hierdie lig dat hierdie studie onderneem was. Die sentrale doelwit van dié studie is dus om meer duidelikheid te werp op vrae soos: Wie is hierdie mense? Waarvandaan kom hulle? Hoekom het hulle tot so 'n drastiese stap oorgegaan?

Students with disabilities' experiences of support and barriers to their development at Stellenbosch University

Greyling, Elsabe C. P. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEdPsych (Educational Psychology)--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / Since 1994 the South African government has been committed to the transformation of the education system, including higher education. Higher education institutions have been encouraged to include individuals representing groups that had been excluded on the grounds of age, race, gender and, more specifically, students with disabilities. Within this transformation process, some of the biggest challenges higher education institutions face are policy changes, flexible curriculum delivery, alternative assessment procedures, the physical accessibility of the campus and the provision of support services for students with disabilities or special needs. Although policy development is an important stepping-stone, the reality is that proper practice, adequate awareness, and positive attitudes are required to effectively support and accommodate the diverse needs of students with disabilities. The primary objective of this study was to obtain an in-depth understanding of how students with disabilities experience support and barriers to their development at Stellenbosch University. The study was also based upon the assumption that it is important to hear the voices of students with disabilities before any recommendations in terms of the existing strategy can be suggested. This study was conducted by means of qualitative research, and the methods of data collection consisted of individual and focus group interviews as well as a literature review. The research findings may be described as follows: · Students with disabilities experienced both internal and external support and barrier factors and processes that impacted on their development. · Internal support and barrier factors and processes include emotional, behavioural, beliefs, physical and cognitive aspects. · External support and barrier factors and processes include peers, the faculty and department, university accommodation, the classroom and the university. · Four overarching themes that emerged from the data of the participants, namely attitudes and awareness, communication, level of inclusion, and advocacy, were outlined. The findings of the study have important implications for the support practices and training of academic staff and all role players at Stellenbosch University. Recommendations are also made to improve support services and the campus climate at Stellenbosch University to ultimately embrace diversity in order to offer an inclusive environment where the principles of equal opportunities, full participation and non-discrimination are dear to the heart of all the relevant role players involved in teaching, learning, service provision and policy making at Stellenbosch University.

Raising a child with autism : exploring family support structures

Hoffman, Elaine 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis(MEdPsych)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Autism or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a condition that, at present, affects approximately one out of every 100 children globally and indications are that the prevalence thereof is steadily on the rise. ASD is a complex neurological condition that impairs social interaction, communication and behaviour. Research on the wide-ranging effects of ASD and its unique characteristics in each child with ASD is widely available. Several studies refer to the fact that ASD has an impact on the family unit, but very few researchers have investigated the support that families from different cultural groups in South Africa are enjoying whilst raising a child with autism. The current situation being what it is means that professionals and families have very little data on the subject and inadequate support is available to address the specific needs of families who are raising a child with autism. The aim of this study was to investigate the support structures of three families from three different cultural groups in South Africa who were raising a child with autism. The central issue that was researched was the support structures available to parents raising a child with autism, and how parents access that support. This is a qualitative study within an interpretive research paradigm. In this case study, the methods of data collection comprised semi-structured interviews, observations and reflective journals. This design embraced qualitative research methods that could expose the uniqueness of each family’s experience and allowed participants the freedom to express this. The three families, who were purposefully selected for this study, were from different cultural backgrounds. One of the children in each family met the criteria published in the Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, fourth edition, text revision (American Psychiatric Association, 2000) for Autism or Pervasive Developmental Disorder not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS). The study found that the parents in the three families received support from their spouses and the neuro-typical siblings. The families also enjoyed physical support, financial support and emotional support from different sources. Parents reported feeling supported when others show acceptance and understanding of their children’s deficits and when such others are prepared to ‘go the extra mile’. The three families also perceived information and guidance as a valuable source of support. Even though they had firm support structures in place, they also reported on the lack of support available to them. All three families enjoyed these forms of support, but it was interesting to find out that the families received the support from different sources. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Outisme of outisme spektrum versteuring (OSV) is 'n toestand wat tans ongeveer een uit elke 100 kinders wêreldwyd affekteer en daar is aanduidings dat die voorkoms daarvan steeds toeneem. OSV is 'n komplekse neurologiese toestand wat swak sosiale interaksie, kommunikasie en gedrag tot gevolg het. Navorsingsresultate oor die breë gevolge van OSV en die unieke eienskappe daarvan in elke kind met OSV is algemeen beskikbaar. Verskeie studies verwys na die feit dat OSV 'n impak het op die gesinseenheid, maar tot dusver het baie min navorsers die ondersteuning ondersoek wat gesinne uit verskillende kulturele groepe in Suid-Afrika tydens die opvoeding van 'n kind met outisme geniet . Die huidige situasie voorsien professionele mense en gesinne van baie min data oor die onderwerp en onvoldoende ondersteuning is beskikbaar om die spesifieke behoeftes van gesinne met 'n kind met outisme aan te spreek. Die doel van hierdie studie was om ondersoek in te stel na die ondersteuning wat gesinne in verskillende kultuurgroepe in Suid-Afrika tydens die opvoeding van ‘n kind met outisme geniet. Die sentrale ondersoekvraag het betrekking gehad op ondersteuningstrukture vir gesinne met ‘n kind met outisme binne hul kultuurgroep, sowel as die wyse waarop die gesinne toegang tot die ondersteuning verkry. Die studie was kwalitatief van aard binne 'n interpretatiewe navorsingsparadigma en ’n gevallestudie is as navorsingsontwerp gekies. Data is deur middel van semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude, waarnemings en reflektiewe joernale ingesamel. Die kwalitatiewe navorsingsmetodes omvat die uniekheid van elke gesin se ervaring en laat deelnemers die vryheid om uitdrukking daaraan te gee. Drie gesinne is doelbewus vir hierdie studie gekies. Die gesinne moes oor die volgende kenmerke beskik: Hulle moes uit verskillende kulturele agtergronde (Afrikaan, Wit en Indiër) kom. Hul kind moes voldoen aan die kriteria in die Diagnostiese en Statistiese Handleiding van geestesversteurings, vierde uitgawe, teks hersiening (2000) vir Outisme of pervasieve ontwikkelingsstoornis nie anders gespesifiseer nie (PDD-NOS). Verskeie etiese beginsels is vir hierdie studie nagekom om te verseker dat die navorsing eties was. Die studie het bevind dat die ouers in die drie gesinne ondersteuning van hul gades en die neurotipiese broers en susters van die kind met outisme ontvang het. Die gesinne het ook fisiese ondersteuning, finansiële steun en emosionele ondersteuning vanuit verskillende bronne geniet. Die gesinne het aangedui dat hul ondersteun voel wanneer hul kinders se afwykings aanvaar word, begrip daarvoor getoon word en andere bereid was om die ‘ekstra myl te loop’. Die drie gesinne het ook inligting en leiding as waardevolle bronne van ondersteuning ervaar. Selfs al het die families sterk ondersteuningstrukture in plek gehad, het hulle ook die gebrek aan ondersteuning uitgelig. Al drie gesinne geniet die bogenoemde vorme van ondersteuning, maar dit was interessant om uit te vind dat die families hierdie ondersteuning vanuit verskillende bronne ontvang het.

The implementation of the rehabilitation service package in the Metropole Health District, Western Cape Province, South Africa

Misbach, Sadia January 2004 (has links)
This research investigated the availability and nature of the rehabilitation service at primary health care level rendered by rehabilitation staff in the Metropole district health services. The aim of the study was to determine the extent to which selected elements of the rehabilitation components of the primary health care service package are currently being implemented. In doing so, the study aimed to identify obstacles within the district management as perceived by rehabilitation therapists that hinder the implementation of the rehabilitation programme, so as to make recommendations for future planning.

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