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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Chantraine, Jean-Luc. Reitel, François. January 1997 (has links) (PDF)
Thèse de doctorat : Géographie : Metz : 1997. / 1997METZ014L. 85 ref.

La constructibilité des propriétés foncières : entre la règle et le contrat / Constructability of land properties : between regulation and agreement

Lamy-Willing, Sébastien 14 November 2016 (has links)
Le droit de l’urbanisme s’articule principalement autour de l’acte de construire. Se pose alors la question fondamentale de la nature juridique du droit de construire. Bien qu’attaché au droit de propriété, celui-ci n’en demeure pas moins défini par des règles d’urbanisme, et s’exerce dans les limites des servitudes administratives et contractuelles. Selon la structure foncière sur lequel est envisagé un projet de construction et le mode opérationnel adopté pour ce faire, le droit de construire, quantifié en surface de plancher, peut être modulé, majoré, ou privatisé. Alors que les pouvoirs publics ont engagé depuis une quinzaine d’années une politique en faveur de la densification, ayant donné lieu à d’importantes réformes du code de l’urbanisme, une réflexion de fond s’impose afin de donner davantage de cohérence et de simplicité à un droit initialement conçu comme une police spéciale de l'occupation et de l'utilisation du sol, et qui ne cesse de se complexifier / Urban planning law mainly revolves around the action of building. This leads us to fundamentally question the legal nature/ status of the right to build. Even though the right to build is a property one, it is also defined by urban planning regulations and is subject to administrative and contractual limitations of easements. According to the land property structure, the right to build, quantified in floor area, can be modified, increased or privatized.While public authorities have engaged in the last 15 years into policies favoring densification, that resulted in major reforms of the urban planning code, a more in depth reflection remains necessary to bring more coherence and simplicity to the code, that had been initially conceived as a “special police” for land cover and use, and that is growing to become more and more complex

Pozemkové služebnosti a jejich zápis do katastru nemovitostí / Land Servitudes and Their Recording in the Land Register

Rybář, Robin January 2019 (has links)
LAND SERVITUDES AND THEIR RECORDING IN THE LAND REGISTER - ABSTRACT The diploma thesis focuses on land servitudes, a type of property rights that bears the utmost importance. The essence of land servitudes is an obligation of an owner of land to ab- stain from doing something or to tolerate certain activities performed by an owner of other land. Land servitudes are an ancient legal institute dating as far back as the law of Ancient Rome. The essence of the institute has remained the same, but the legislation has undergone several changes over the centuries. Individual aspects of this legal institute are examined in the thesis, starting with the cre- ation of land servitudes, leading on to their content and ending with their extinction. The clas- sification of servitudes as rights in rem is taken into account and the legal consequences of this placements are deduced. Attention is primarily paid to the content and scope of servitudes, to individual means of acquiring a servitude and their creation, to legal relations arising from ser- vitudes, to the protection of servitudes and to the extinction of servitudes. A significant part of the thesis deals with particular types of land servitudes listed by the Civil Code. The subject of land servitudes is completed by the issue of recording land servitudes in the...

Relocation of a specified servitude of right of way

Kiewitz, Leigh-Ann 12 1900 (has links)
Bibliography / Thesis (LLM (Public Law))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Traditionally, the common law rule as interpreted by South African case law required that mutual consent be obtained in order to relocate a specified servitude of right of way. Since the Linvestment judgment, the legal position pertaining to the unilateral relocation of a specified servitude of right of way is that the location of an existing specified servitude of right of way may be altered unilaterally by the owner of the servient tenement. Unilateral relocation of a specified servitude of right of way will only be allowed if strict requirements are met, namely that the servient owner will be materially inconvenienced in the use of his property if the status quo is maintained; that the relocation will not prejudice the owner of the dominant tenement; and that the servient owner pays all costs incurred in the relocation of the servitude. In order to justify the departure from the common law, the court in Linvestment relied on historical argument, comparative law, and policy arguments to reach the conclusion that a servitude may be relocated unilaterally if it is in the interest of fairness, equity and justice. The court relied on section 173 of the Constitution, which entitles the courts to develop the common law. This decision of the Supreme Court of Appeal has far-reaching implications. A servitude is a limited real right to the property of another person which grants the holder of that right specific entitlements. South African law requires that registration in the deeds registry take place in terms of section 63(1) of the Deeds Registries Act 47 of 1937 as soon as a limited real right in immovable property is created or transferred. Once the servitude is registered, it will be enforceable against the owner of the servient tenement and all his successors in title. When the servient owner is allowed to relocate the servitude unilaterally, it will have the effect of undermining the limited real right that the dominant owner holds in the property in question. This thesis evaluates the extent to which the courts may change common law principles on the basis of fairness, justice and equity. The conclusion is that the policy grounds on which the court based its decision are convincing, as the law cannot remain rigid and needs to be continually changed in order to meet changing conditions. However, the comparative and historical reasons provided for the decision are insubstantial and unconvincing. The thesis points out that there are no historical grounds for the decision, but that more extensive and contextual comparative research does support the decision. This thesis considers the constitutional implications of a flexible legal approach to the unilateral relocation of a specified servitude of right of way and concludes that an approach that allows for unilateral relocation will not amount to an expropriation and will not establish an arbitrary deprivation either, provided that the requirements set out in the decision are applied strictly and that a court order is required for the relocation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die tradisionele gemeenregtiglike beginsel rakende die verlegging van 'n gespesifiseerde reg van weg het vereis dat wannneer 'n roete eers vasgestel is, die eienaar van die dienende erf dit nie mag verander nie tensy hy toestemming verkry het van die eienaar van die heersende erf. Sedert die uitspraak in Linvestment, is die regsposisie dat die eienaar van die dienende erf wel die ligging van 'n serwituut eensydig mag verander. Die eienaar van die dienende erf sal slegs gemagtig wees om die servituut te verskuif onder omstandighede waar die huidige ligging van die serwituut wesenlike materiële nadeel vir hom meebring, die verskuiwing van die serwituut geen nadeel vir die eienaar van die heersende erf sal veroorsaak nie en mits die eienaar van die dienende erf die kostes wat verband hou met die verskuiwing van die serwituut sal dra. Die hof het op historiese, regsvergelykende en beleidsoorwegings gesteun om die gevolgtrekking te staaf dat 'n serwituut verkuif kan word, selfs al is dit teen die wens van die eienaar van die heersende erf. Die hof het ook beslis dat die howe die inherente bevoegdheid het om die gemenereg te ontwikkel ingevolge artikel 173 van die Grondwet. Die beslissing het verreikende implikasies. 'n Serwituut is 'n beperkte saaklike reg op die saak van iemand anders wat aan die reghebbende bepaalde genots- en gebruiksbevoegdhede ten aansien van daardie saak verleen. Artikel 63(1) van die Registrasie van Aktes Wet 47 van 1937 vereis dat 'n beperkte saaklike reg ten aansien van onroerende goedere geregistreer moet word sodra 'n beperkte saaklike reg gevestig word. Indien die serwituut geregistreer word, sal dit afdwingbaar wees teen die eienaar van die dienende erf asook sy regsopvolgers. Indien die genoemde eienaar gemagtig is om die serwituut eensydiglik te verskuif, sal dit inbreuk maak op die eienaar van die heersende erf se beperkte saaklike regte ten aansien van die dienende erf. Die doel van hierdie tesis is om te evalueer tot watter mate howe daartoe in staat is om die gemenereg te verander op grond van billikheid en geregtigheid. Die gevolgtrekking is dat die hof se beleidsargumente oortuigend is aangesien die reg voortdurend moet verander ten einde te voldoen aan die veranderende omstandighede. Die regsvergelykende en historiese gronde vir die hof se gevolgtrekking is egter onoortuigend. Die tesis illustreer dat daar geen historiese gronde bestaan vir die beslissing nie asook dat meer ekstensiewe en kontekstuele regsvergelykende navorsing wel die hof se beslissing staaf. Hierdie tesis evalueer ook die grondwetlike implikasies van die nuwe reël en kom tot die gevolgtrekking dat die toepassing van 'n benadering ingevolge waarvan die eienaar van „n dienende erf gemagtig word om 'n serwituut eensydig te verskuif, nie 'n onteiening of 'n arbitrêre ontneming teweegbring nie op voorwaarde dat die vereistes soos uiteengesit in die uitspraak aan voldoen word en dat die verkryging van 'n hofbevel 'n moontlike voorvereiste is vir die verskuiwing van 'n serwituut.

"Pactionibus et stipulationibus". Contribución al estudio de la constitución de servidumbres prediales en el Derecho Romano clásico

Carreño Sánchez, Rosa M. 11 July 2011 (has links)
Aquesta tesi doctoral té per objecte l'estudi de les "pactiones et stipulationes" com a mode de constitució inter vivos de les servituds predials, en el dret romà clàssic. La principal font que ens informa de la seva existència és Gai. 2, 31, segons la qual les pactiones et stipulationes serien el mecanisme generalment emprat per a la constitució de servituds i d'usdefruit a les províncies romanes. Aquest treball intenta ser una contribució a l'estudi d'aquest negoci constitutiu de drets reals, a partir d'una revisió de les fonts que s'allunyi de la tendència a considerar-les interpolades i ens permeti observar la intervenció del pretor en aquest camp, així com la precisa resposta dela jurisprudència clàssica, davant problemes com ara la trasnformació de les servituds en res incorporales i la progressiva decadència de la mancipatio i de la in iure cessio —agreujada per la impossibilitat d'adquisició d'aquests drets a través d'usucapio (lex Scribonia). / The goal of this doctoral thesis is to study the pactiones et stipulationes as a method to constitute servitudes inter vivos, in Roman classical law. The main source, which informs us about its existance, is Gai. 2, 31, according to it, the pactiones et stipulationes would be the method generally used to constitute such rights in the Roman provinces. This work wants to be a contribution to the study of this method to constitute real rights, with a review of the sources that goes beyond the tendency to consider most of the sources as interpolated; that allows us to observe the praetor's intervention in this area and also the answer of the jurisprudence in front of such problems as the transformation of servitudes into res incorporales and the progressive decay of the mancipatio and the in iure cessio —with the further difficulty of the impossibility to acquire these real rights by means of the usucapio (lex Scribonia).

Vormen van accessoriëteit : een romanistische studie over het verschijnsel accessoriëteit bij het goederenrechtelijke zekerheidsrecht /

Out, Johanna Cornelia, January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Universiteit Leiden, 2005. / "Stellingen" inserted. Includes bibliographical references (p. xiii-xxiii) and index.

La division de l'immeuble : contribution à une théorie de la propriété / The division in the building : contribution to a theory of property

Lotz, Johanne 03 June 2014 (has links)
La nature du droit du copropriétaire immobilier et du droit du propriétaire d’un volume immobilier est généralement présentée en termes d’opposition. L’opposition entre ces deux droits est la résultante de la définition classique de la propriété comme une somme d’attributs sur la chose. La nature de droit réel de la propriété a pareillement exclu une lecture commune de ces droits. Pourtant, en présence d’une copropriété des immeubles bâtis comme d’un volume immobilier, une chose complexe identique existe : une chose-lot, laquelle est dotée d’un statut juridique. Seule une lecture nouvelle de la propriété permet de mettre en lumière cette identité de nature juridique. S’en suit une évolution possible des régimes de la copropriété des immeubles bâtis et de la division en volumes. Parce que la nature de ces droits est semblable, les domaines d’application respectifs de ces structures de division de l’immeuble peuvent être repensés. Des concepts communs aux divisions de l’immeuble peuvent être dessinés. Une nouvelle catégorie juridique pourra alors être proposée : celle d’une propriété insérée dans une division de l’immeuble. / The legal nature of the co-ownership of built property and division by volumes is generally presented in terms of opposition. The opposition between these two rights is the result of the traditional definition of property as a sum of attributes over the property. The right in rem nature of ownership has similarly excluded a reading of these two rights as complex properties. However, in the presence of co-ownership of built property or a volume within a property, an identical complex property exists : a lot property, which is endowed with legal status. Only a new reading of ownership can shed light on the legal nature of this identity. This entails a possible change to their legal systems. Because the nature of these rights is similar, a fresh look can be taken at their respective scope. Concepts common to the divisions in the building can be sketched out. A new legal category could then be proposed : that of a property inserted into a division in the building.

Le mythe des conventions constitutives et translatives de droits réels / The myth of the agreements establishing and transfering real rights

Goût, Edouard Umberto 06 March 2015 (has links)
Dans les Droits antérieurs à la codification de 1804, les conventions ne suffisaient pas, en principe, à constituer et à transférer les droits réels : pour atteindre ce résultat, un mode acquisitif, comme la tradition de la chose, était nécessaire. Quand ce n’était exceptionnellement pas le cas, le droit réel, qui était constitué ou transféré par la seule convention, était néanmoins constitué et transféré erga omnes. Or, à partir du code civil et des réformes législatives postérieures, il n’en va plus ainsi : le principe adopté est celui de la constitution et de la translation des droits réels sola conventione.Mais l’étude des textes législatifs et réglementaires ainsi que des opinions doctrinales du XIXe siècle révèle que le changement initié en 1804 est bien plus profond : si la convention suffit à constituer et à transférer les droits réels, ces droits ne sont constitués et transférés qu’à l’égard des parties.Ainsi, en Droit français actuel, la vente d’un bateau en transfère la propriété à l’égard du vendeur, mais non à l’égard des tiers et, en particulier, des créanciers chirographaires du vendeur ou de l’État. Tant que l’inscription de l’acte de vente n’est pas accomplie, ces tiers peuvent ignorer le transfert de la propriété causé par la vente. Dès lors, certaines questions se posent inévitablement : la vente a-t-elle réellement transféré la propriété ? Une propriété à l’égard du seul vendeur est-elle encore réellement une propriété ? De même, en Droit français actuel, une convention peut constituer une hypothèque, mais ce droit n’est pas opposable aux tiers tant que cet acte n’a pas été inscrit. Ainsi, les créanciers chirographaires du constituant peuvent ignorer le droit du créancier hypothécaire. Mais une hypothèque qui n’est pas un droit de préférence n’est-elle pas un concept absurde ? Cette thèse explique comment le législateur et la doctrine du XIXe siècle, en réduisant le mode acquisitif au titre acquisitif et en distinguant entre effet inter partes et effet extra partes, ont construit un mythe : celui des conventions constitutives et translatives de droits réels. Contrairement aux formules généralement retenues par la loi et les manuels, en Droit français actuel, les droits réels sont constitués et transférés par la convention et la tradition ou l’inscription. / The Law prior to the 1804 codification is ruled by the principle that agreements are not sufficient to establish and transfer real rights: in order to reach this result, an additional modus of acquisition, like the delivery of the thing, is required. When it is not the case, the real right, established or transferred by mere agreement, is nevertheless established and transferred erga omnes. However, since the civil code and the successive legislative reforms, the situation is no longer the same: the principle adopted is the establishment and the transference of real rights sola conventione. Nonetheless, the study of laws and regulations as well as the nineteenth century scholars’ opinions reveals that the change initiated in 1804 is much deeper: if the agreement is sufficient to establish and transfer real rights, these rights are established and transferred to the parties only. For example, in current French Law, the sale of a boat transfers its property regarding to the seller, but not towards to third parties and, in particular, not regarding to the seller’s unsecured creditors or to the State. As long as the registration of the deed of sale is not completed, these third parties may ignore the transfer of property resulting from the sale. A lot of questions can be raised: has the sale really settled a transfer of property? Is a property regarding only to the seller still really a property? Similarly, in current French Law, an agreement may establish a mortgage, but this right is not enforceable against third parties as long as this act has not been registered. Thus, the unsecured creditors of the settlor may ignore the right of the mortgagee. But does it make sense to consider a mortgage without a preference right?This thesis describes how the legislator and nineteenth century scholars, in reducing the acquisitive modus into the acquisitive titulus and in distinguishing between inter partes effect and extra partes effect, have built a myth : the one of the agreements establishing and transferring real rights. Unlike formulas generally used by law and textbooks, in current French Law, real rights are established and transferred by agreement and delivery or registration.

Posouzení obvyklé ceny věcného břemene na trase vedení splaškové kanalizační sítě / Assessment of Market Value of the Easement on the Route of the Sewage Pipelines

Konečná, Jana January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation deals wtih a problematice of easements of real estates in Czech Republic.The main goal of the dissertation is to estimate the value of considered easement and value of the family house burdened with the easements, consider and give reasons for possible devaluation of the real estate by making the easements. In the theoretical part are defined the terms connected with the real estate business, methods of valuation of the real estates and terms from land registry. Legislation of easements, methods and proceduresof valuation of easementsand valuationof real estates with easements follows. Practical part is about valuation of easements. Municipakl authority in Vyškov reallized construction of sewers in local parts Lhota and Rychtářov. The sewers goes through lands thats why the easements are established for the land owners. The easements are provided with conrtracts. The final part of the dissertation includes the summary and comparison of easements in 2011 and 2014, example of valuation of family house in local part Rychtářov and valuation of the influence of easement on the real estate.

Systematika a charakteristika věcných práv - komparace Česká republika, Francie / Classification and characterization of real rights - comparison Czech republic, France

Milotová, Martina January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to compare legal regulations of real rights in Czech and French legal order. With respect to current situation, when starting the 1th january of 2014, the new civil code becomes effective, this thesis deals as well with the novelties in real rights' regulation established by the law nř89/2013 of Collection of Laws, civil code. This thesis consists of seven chapters. In the first chapter, I mention the aim of the thesis, its brief content and elaboration process. In the second to sixth chapter, the thesis deals in concrete with the real rights and its institutes. In each of these chapters, the Czech legal regulation according to the current civil code is mentioned first. Then, a discourse about French regulation follows. If both regulations are same, similar or slightly or absolutely different. Finally, a comparison with the new civil code is attached to practically all chapters. If it holds the current regulation or if it establishes new notions, institutes or conception or regime of the current institutes. And provided it brings novelties if it tends by them towards the French regulation or if it choses absolutely new solutions. The second chapter deals with real rights in general terms. With their conception and systematics. The thesis deals with the question how the...

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