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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Critical Reappraisal of Self-learning in Health Professions Education: Directed Self-guided Learning Using Simulation Modalities

Brydges, Ryan 01 March 2010 (has links)
Context: Self-learning (i.e., students learning independently) and clinical simulation are essential components in contemporary health professions education (HPE). Self-learning is discussed often, yet the concept is seldom the target of rigorous study. Likewise, simulation modalities are abundant, though educational theory that guides their use in HPE remains elusive. Objectives: This dissertation investigates the effects of directed self-guided learning (DSGL) on novice health professions students’ skill acquisition, retention, and transfer in the context of simulation-based education. The objective is to explore how the combination of external direction and student self-guidance influences: students’ cognitive and metacognitive processes, students’ interactions with the learning environment and available resources, and how students learn in different DSGL contexts. Methods: Three research studies used randomized, controlled experimental designs to address five hypotheses. All studies included a performance assessment one-week after the initial practice session that evaluated skill retention and/or skill transfer. Data analysis employed univariate and multivariate analyses of variance and correlational techniques. Results: Regarding students’ cognitive and metacognitive processes, the data show a relation between DSGL and goal-setting. The results suggest that self-guided students benefit when they are directed to set goals related to performance processes, rather than performance outcomes. Regarding the learning environment, when students are directed to practice on simulators that increase progressively in fidelity (i.e., realism) they self-guide their advancement between those simulators effectively and display successful skill transfer. Finally, self-guided students that controlled their learning progression and learning sequence selected the theoretically most appropriate practice schedule (i.e., progressive learning). Students in this latter group seemed able, surprisingly, to direct their own self-guidance. Conclusions: This dissertation adds support to the hypothesis that self-guided students benefit due to their autonomy in controlling practice conditions to meet their own learning needs. Thus, the question of whether or not DSGL is effective, becomes how best to augment the DSGL experience. The instructional design of elements such as goals lists and task structuring (e.g., progressive increases in simulator fidelity) represent techniques that an educator can use to fulfill the role of director in a student’s SGL.

The Effects of Goal Setting in a Developmental Algebra Course

Hunt, Richard 01 May 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to study the effects of goal setting on students in a developmental algebra course. This study examined the effects on test scores for students that were prescribed a test score goal, students that created their own test score goal, and then compared to a control group. Three classes of developmental algebra were chosen with a total of 25 participants with reported results. Results showed that students with a goal on a test did not score significantly better than students without a goal, but did score significantly better on a test after the goal than tests before the goal.

The effects of using direct instruction and the equal additions algorithm to promote subtraction with regrouping skills of students with emotional and behavioral disorders with mathematics difficulties

Fain, Angela C 13 August 2013 (has links)
Students with emotional and behavioral disorders (E/BD) display severe social and academic deficits that can adversely affect their academic performance in mathematics and result in higher rates of failure throughout their schooling compared to other students with disabilities (U.S. Department of Education, 2005; Webber & Plotts, 2008). Furthermore, students with E/BD are at a greater risk of being served in more exclusionary and restrictive settings compared to their peers as a result of their poor social skills and chronic disruptive behaviors (Gagnon & Leone, 2005; Furney, Hasazi, Clark-Keefe, & Hartnett, 2003; U.S. Department of Education, 2005; Whorton, Siders, Fowler, & Naylor, 2000). This is of great concern as students with E/BD often receive lower grades, fail more classes, have higher drop-out rates, have fewer employment opportunities, and have increased involvement in the legal system (Bullock & Gable, 2006; Cullinan & Sabornie, 2004; Jolivette, Stichter, Nelson, Scott, & Liaupsin, 2000; Kauffman, 2001). The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of the equal additions algorithm on subtraction with regrouping on the subtraction performance of fourth-grade students with E/BD and mathematics difficulties. The equal additions algorithm was taught using a direct instruction technique. This study investigated 3 participants at the fourth grade level in a residential treatment facility which serves students with E/BD. A multiprobe multiple baseline across participants design was used for this study. Assessments used for this study included (a) Woodcock Johnson III (WJIII), (b) the ENRIGHT, (c) a student questionnaire, (d) baseline probes, and (e) an error analysis student profile. Data was analyzed by visual analysis. The results suggest that when the equal additions algorithm was systematically implemented students were able to successfully complete subtraction with regrouping problems and errors dramatically decreased. Limitations and future for research directions are discussed.

To Yell @ the Wind: The Everyday Making of Citizen Journalism on Twitter

Chichifoi, Diana January 2013 (has links)
Manifestations of citizen journalism on Twitter have been mainly analyzed around trending stories, associated with public campaigns or breaking news. Microbloggers' everyday attempts to contribute to professional media coverage, however, have been scarcely addressed in the literature. This research analyzes the practice of tweeting at influential news outlets by using a mixed-method approach. Content analysis anddirected queries about users' own motivation to tweet at media explore the interactionbetween regular users and professional news networks. Results show that there is apredisposition towards negative media commentary followed closely by newsworthy topics generated by the users, which replicate to a large extent mainstream media's agenda. When asked directly in the feed 'why do you tweet at media?', users explain their motivations to address news outlets in diverging ways, from explicit citizen journalism mission, to visibility claims and coincidental tagging. The study contributesto the study of citizen journalism on social media platforms and elaborates a mixed-method approach suited for this type of online data.

Värmländska kommuner globala aktörer? : En jämförande studie av fyra värmländska kommuner / Värmländska municipalities global players? : A comparative study of four municipalities in Värmland

Jonsson, Stefan January 2013 (has links)
This study is mostly based on previous research, which includes Sub-national actor’s attitudes and regional action towards the European Union. The purpose of the study is to investigate if four Swedish municipalities in Värmland operate internationally towards the European Union and deepen an understanding of their actions. The main research question is:   - How can we increase our understanding of municipal action against the European Union?   The research questions of this study are answered through qualitative method and semi-structured interviews were conducted. Eight key informants in position either as politicians or official workers were selected for interviews whose position is either politicians or official workers. The results were then analysed based on theories such as Fusion and regional action. The study shows that the four Swedish municipalities in Sweden operate internationally in varied form. The actions of smaller municipalities seem to be dictated to large extend by the available resources.

A Rude Awakening to Sounds : A Study of the Soundscape in Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness

Klavebäck, Kerstin January 2013 (has links)
This study examines the significance of sounds and silence in Joseph Conrad’s novella Heart of Darkness (1902). The importance of visual effects has repeatedly been analyzed and therefore, it is high time to explore the text from an auditory perspective. By comparing and contrasting Victorian city sounds to sounds in the wilderness, I show that the urban and rural worlds have a great deal in common. Furthermore, by deconstructing the seemingly stable binary opposition of sound and silence as well as that of civilization and wilderness, it becomes evident that they are related and depend on one another. This paper also examines noise and how it is used as a means of power. Moreover, it deals with Thomas Edison’s invention, the phonograph, as an implicit discursive device in the text. In conclusion, it is argued that the sonic environment is of high significance and should therefore not be ignored and readers must try to close their eyes in order to hear what is said.

Ending corporal punishment of children in the home: Rwanda as a case study

Rushema, Chantal January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Horticultural Landscapes in Middle English Romance

DeRushie, Nicole 04 August 2008 (has links)
Gardens played a significant role in the lives of European peoples living in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. By producing texts in which gardens and other cultivated landscapes are used as symbol and setting, medieval writers provide us with the opportunity to gain insight into the sociocultural conventions associated with these spaces in the late medieval period. By building our understanding of medieval horticulture through an examination of historical texts, we position ourselves to achieve a greater understanding into the formation of contemporary cultivated literary landscapes and their attendant conventional codes. This study provides a map of current medieval garden interpretation, assessing the shape and validity of recent literary criticism of this field. With a focus on the hortus conclusus (the walled pleasure garden) and arboricultural spaces (including hunting and pleasure parks), this study provides an historicist reinterpretation of horticultural landscapes in Chaucer’s Troilus and Criseyde, Sir Orfeo, and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, furthering our understanding of the authors’ use of such conventionally-coded spaces in these canonical romances.

Emerging adulthood: A comparative analysis across vocational settings

2012 June 1900 (has links)
The current study employed a mixed methodology to investigate whether emerging adulthood differs based on vocational setting. Quantitative questionnaires were completed by 18-29 year-olds from university, vocational college/trade school, and the labour force (without post-secondary) to examine conceptions of what marks adulthood, perceptions of having reached adulthood, perceptions of having reached markers of adulthood, identity development, identification with themes of emerging adulthood, and the importance of vocational setting in shaping emerging adulthood. Qualitative interviews exploring the same areas were undertaken with a subset of participants. Results revealed few associations between vocational setting and conceptions of adulthood or perceptions of having reached adulthood, with most emerging adults feeling ambiguous about their adult status and viewing independence as the most important marker of adulthood. Those from the labour force did perceive reaching independence, role transitions, and family capacities to the greatest degree; earlier adverse circumstances seemed relevant in reaching these markers. Fewer than expected from the labour force had achieved identities, yet identity development appeared to be a gradual process for all. Participants generally identified with themes of emerging adulthood, although university students did so to a greater degree in some ways. Emerging adulthood was identified as a time of fewer possibilities and diminished agency for those from the labour force. Unique life experiences and social interactions were also deemed important factors in emerging adulthood. Together, findings largely support emerging adulthood as a valid theory of development, while also suggesting some diversity in its full expression across vocational settings.

Agenda setting 2.0 : En studie av nya medier och dagordning

Andersson, Jessica January 2011 (has links)
Mitt syfte med uppsatsen är att studera hur ett blogginlägg på en blogg vid namn Klamydiabrevet, som uppmärksammades i samband med valet 2010, påverkade dagordningen i de traditionella medierna. Mina frågeställningar rör hur blogginlägget påverkade de traditionella mediernas agenda, hur och varför den uppmärksammades samt hur denna uppmärksamhet kan tolkas utifrån dagordningsteorin samt om det går att utläsa hur giltig är denna teori är idag? Jag har genomfört kvalitativa intervjuer med representanter från olika medier samt med en mediestrateg som är insatt i sociala medier. Jag har haft min teoretiska utgångspunkt i “agenda setting”-teorin och “gatekeeping”-teorin samt i en utveckling av den senare som kallas “gatewatching”. Jag har även studerat blogginläggets uppmärksamhet kopplat till nyhetskriterier. Genom att intervjua de olika medierepresentanterna har jag kommit fram till att alla de medier som representeras i uppsatsen har valt att rapportera om blogginlägget och låtit det vara en del av deras agenda. En anledning till detta kan vara att detta fall var starkt knutet till en politisk kontext. Klamydiabrevet kan ses som ett exempel på hur de nya nätoffentligheterna kan påverka vad som sätter dagordningen i den stora medieoffentligheten. När det gäller mediernas dagordning har jag funnit tecken på att man kanske snarare bör tala om “intermedia agenda setting” då det kan vara svårt att urskilja vem det är som sätter agendan. Detta då nya och traditionella medier använder varandra som källor i en så kallad källcykel och på så sätt influerar varandras agenda.

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