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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Learning Styles and Reading

Olsson, Elin January 2009 (has links)
Learning styles have been the subject of educational discussion since 1967. The Dunn and Dunn model has been world leading ever since. The Dunn and Dunn theory states that each individual learns differently and that school can help the students’ results by adapting the teaching to each student’s learning style and perceptual preference. This study focuses on learning styles and especially its connection to reading. When, where and why a student chooses to read is of importance and can affect the reading outcome. To get insight into how students read, this study looks at what type of setting students choose to read in when they do not read in school. It also examines students’ attitudes. The study also discusses how learning style-based learning can help teachers in their work.

Demokrati- Folkets styre eller Mediernas makt? : - en kvantitativ studie av DN: s nyhetsrapportering kring riksdagsvalet år 2006.

Vallin, Carolina January 2007 (has links)
A B S T R A C T Title: Democracy- Choice of the people or the voice of media? (Demokrati- Folkets styre eller Mediernas Makt?) Number of pages: 36 Author: Carolina Vallin Tutor: Else Nygren Course: Media and Communication Studies C Period: Autumn term 2006 University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University Purpose/Aim: The purpose with this essay is to discuss which influence media has on the democracy. Material/Method: Qualitative explorative research method is used to see how much space the newspaper Dagens Nyheter gave to the parties represented in the parliament, and compare the results with the numbers the parties received in the general election 2006. Main results: This research showed similar results in the survey made of DN and the numbers the parties received in the general election 2006. Media can’t decide how people should vote in a election, but they can influence what citizens think and talk about by having the power to choose which information that shows on the agenda. Key Words: Dagens Nyheter, Agenda setting, Media, Power and Democracy.

Proffs eller nördar : En kvalitativ studie om samhällets syn på e-sport / Pro’s or geeks : a qualitative study of the views of e-sports

Edqvist, Patrick January 2013 (has links)
Despite the vast research on the effects of gaming, little is know how the phenomenon of e-sports and it’s followers is portrayed. While media can have significant impact on what and how e-sport is portrayed, no studies have been done in a Swedish context. This thesis aims at filling that gap with investigations of the two major Swedish newspapers. Six articles was analyzed with critical discourse analysis with a theoretical base of journalism.The result of which indicated that between the period of 2005 and 2012 e-sport and players was considered to be professional, committed and more in a sense that reminded much of the view on more traditional sport such as soccer and hockey. However the players was often treated as minor kids or teenagers, for e-sports seems only to be held by these groups according to the journalist’s. The implications of this finding should be viewed as a socially critical perspective on a phenomenon that is more than often the subject of leisure.

"What's new from North Korea?" : Hur rapporterar media om den senaste utvecklingen i Koreakonflikten

Tillman, Isa January 2013 (has links)
This paper aims to find out how media in different countries in the same part of a continent portray the latest development in the Korean conflict. To achieve this, the articles published by two newspapers, The Japan Times and The Korea Times, in the last five months have been analysed. The theory used to analyse the published articles is the agenda setting theory. This paper has found that geography, in the sense of proximity to the conflict, do affect what stories the newspapers publish and how they portray the story.

Hovjournalistik på nyhetsplats : Hur kungahuset bevakas i Svenska dagbladet, Dagens nyheter, Aftonbladet och Expressen

Rådne, Jessica, Andersson, Freja January 2012 (has links)
Denna uppsats beskriver hur Expressen, Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter och Svenska Dagbladet bevakar det svenska kungahuset under tre strategiskt valda perioder. Syftet är att ge en ökad förståelse för hur rapporteringen om kungahuset ser ut på nyhetsplats vid skandal likt lanseringen av boken Den motvillige monarken av Thomas Sjöberg med flera, samt vid en glädjande nyhet likt födseln av prinsessan Estelle. För att ge en bild av hur den mer alldagliga bevakningen ser ut undersöks även en slumpmässigt vald vecka. För att besvara syftet utgår undersökningen från tre frågeställningar rörande undersökta artiklars källor, tidningarnas nyhetsvärdering och hovets mediestrategier. I undersökningen har en kvantitativ och en kvalitativ metod använts. Som teoretisk utgångspunkt har teorin om agenda setting samt medieforskaren Kristina Widestedts forskning om hovjournalistik legat till grund. Studiens resultat visar på en obalans i bevakningen av kungahuset. Det finns en tydlig skillnad på morgon- och kvällspressens prioritering av nyheter om kungafamiljen, där den senare är de som skriver mest. Obalansen kan förklaras med ett rivalitetsförhållande mellan kvälls- och morgonpress. Om kvällspressen väljer att fokusera på kungafamiljen som privatpersoner försöker morgonpressen hålla sig till information kring kungafamiljens yrkesroller. Förhållandet leder till att båda tidningsgenrerna förblir trogna de förväntningar som sätts på dem, kvällspressen som tabloid och morgonpressen som faktabaserad. Resultatet blir att kungahuset får en särställning i de fyra tidningarna där granskning lyser med sin frånvaro. I uppsatsens analyserande del ges förslag till en alternativ hovjournalistik samt till vidare forskning i ämnet.

Perception on Support Provided to Orphan Children in Foster Care Placement in an Urban City of Windhoek (Namibia)

Nshimyimana, Brigitte January 2008 (has links)
The overall aim of this study is to investigate the perception of support provided to orphan children in foster care placement in terms of education, care and support as well as protection by orphan children themselves, foster parents and social workers. Due to HIV/AIDS many children are being orphaned and are left behind without any visible means of support. HIV/AIDS remains undoubtedly one of the greatest challenges of the world today, as there is no part of the world that has not felt the devastating impact of the pandemic. This is already evidenced by the increase in number of orphans, child headed households and other vulnerable children affected by HIV/AIDS and the inability of the extended family system to provide such children with basic requirements such as shelter, food, medical care, education, love and support. The first chapter is focusing on the Magnitude of OVC in general and Namibia in particular. According to the National Plan of Action for OVC in Namibia, the total number of orphans and vulnerable children was estimated at 128 000 in 2007 (MGECW, 2007). According to 2001 Population and Housing Census the whole Khomas region had 6674 OVC, while Khomas urban had 5708 OVC, which means that in the Khomas region more OVC in an Urban areas while rural areas had less number which was 389 OVC (NPC, 2005). Chapter two presents a literature review and focuses on the phenomena of foster care placement. It includes the definition of terms such as an orphan child, a vulnerable child and foster care placement. It gives background details of foster care placement in general and foster care placement in the Namibia context. Also the support (care and support, education and protection) being offered to children in foster care placement are discussed. Chapter three focuses on the research methods and data collection of this study. The following elements are described in this chapter: Setting and samples, procedure, methods and methodological consideration, the role of the researcher, the limitations of the study and the ethnographic situation. Chapter four is devoted to the foster care placement legal framework in Namibia where the current foster care placement processes to access government grant to support foster families are discussed as well as foster care placement policy implications in Namibia. The conclusion of the findings on foster care placement processes is included. Chapter five consists of the analysis of the study. It provides the background information of the samples, questions, responses and interpretations of the main views of the respondents on the support provided to children in foster care placement in terms of care and support, education, protection as well as foster care placement process are provided in this chapter. Chapter six is focuses on discussions and conclusion. It includes major views of the respondents and the understanding of different voices of orphan children in foster care placement, foster parents and social workers who are professionals in this matter.

Priority Setting and Policy Advocacy for Community Environmental Health: A Comparative Case Study of Three Canadian Nursing Associations

MacDonald, Jo-Anne Thérèse 18 October 2012 (has links)
This thesis examined factors that influence three Canadian Nursing Associations’ priority setting and policy advocacy for community environmental health (CEH). The research questions that guided the study were: (a) how do the nature and scope of nursing organizations’ engagement for CEH policies differ according to provincial and federal contexts? and (b) how do nursing organizational factors and external system factors influence the priority-setting and policy advocacy choices for CEH policy? To answer these questions I undertook a qualitative comparative case study. The research was guided by epistemological and methodological principles of interpretative description and informed by whole-systems socio-ecological theory and institutional theory. Data were collected through participant interviews (n=41) and document review. Guided by framework analysis and the use of descriptive and conceptually-oriented matrices, cases were analyzed using an iterative and inductive approach to identify case patterns. These case patterns were then compared to identify cross-cutting factors that influence the Nursing Associations’ priority setting and policy advocacy for CEH. Key findings are represented in an integrated conceptual framework. Nursing Associations’ priority setting and policy advocacy are embedded in a dynamic policy field whereby structures and institutional pressure both create opportunities and narrow the Nursing Associations’ options for engaged CEH advocacy. The findings lead to recommendations for practice, policy, and research that have relevance for the profession, nursing associations, and policy decision-makers.

A Critical Reappraisal of Self-learning in Health Professions Education: Directed Self-guided Learning Using Simulation Modalities

Brydges, Ryan 01 March 2010 (has links)
Context: Self-learning (i.e., students learning independently) and clinical simulation are essential components in contemporary health professions education (HPE). Self-learning is discussed often, yet the concept is seldom the target of rigorous study. Likewise, simulation modalities are abundant, though educational theory that guides their use in HPE remains elusive. Objectives: This dissertation investigates the effects of directed self-guided learning (DSGL) on novice health professions students’ skill acquisition, retention, and transfer in the context of simulation-based education. The objective is to explore how the combination of external direction and student self-guidance influences: students’ cognitive and metacognitive processes, students’ interactions with the learning environment and available resources, and how students learn in different DSGL contexts. Methods: Three research studies used randomized, controlled experimental designs to address five hypotheses. All studies included a performance assessment one-week after the initial practice session that evaluated skill retention and/or skill transfer. Data analysis employed univariate and multivariate analyses of variance and correlational techniques. Results: Regarding students’ cognitive and metacognitive processes, the data show a relation between DSGL and goal-setting. The results suggest that self-guided students benefit when they are directed to set goals related to performance processes, rather than performance outcomes. Regarding the learning environment, when students are directed to practice on simulators that increase progressively in fidelity (i.e., realism) they self-guide their advancement between those simulators effectively and display successful skill transfer. Finally, self-guided students that controlled their learning progression and learning sequence selected the theoretically most appropriate practice schedule (i.e., progressive learning). Students in this latter group seemed able, surprisingly, to direct their own self-guidance. Conclusions: This dissertation adds support to the hypothesis that self-guided students benefit due to their autonomy in controlling practice conditions to meet their own learning needs. Thus, the question of whether or not DSGL is effective, becomes how best to augment the DSGL experience. The instructional design of elements such as goals lists and task structuring (e.g., progressive increases in simulator fidelity) represent techniques that an educator can use to fulfill the role of director in a student’s SGL.

Framing Autism Causes and Prevelance: A Content Analysis of Television Evening News Coverage--1994 Through April 2010

Colson, Angela S 30 August 2010 (has links)
Autism has been declared an urgent public health concern by the U.S. government and an epidemic by some advocacy groups. Determining autism’s diagnostic criteria, prevalence, and causes have been challenging. It is important to examine how the U.S. media have contributed to the public’s understanding of autism. Previous research found that British media coverage of the theory that vaccines cause autism was shown to contribute to the decline of vaccination rates in Britain (Lewis & Speers, 2003). This study examined U.S. television news media coverage using an agenda-setting theory and media framing perspective. A content analysis was conducted of national television evening news broadcasts airing on ABC, CBS, and NBC from 1994, when autism was first recognized as a spectrum disorder through April 2010, the time of this study. Specifically, this study examined the saliency of autism stories and how autism was framed in terms of prevalence and causes.

Undergraduate nurses' experience of the family health assessment as a learning opportunity

Willemse, Juliana Joan January 2008 (has links)
<p>This phenomenological study explored the lived experiences of undergraduate community health nursing students at the University of the Western Cape&nbsp / who conducted a family health assessment learning task in communities during their clinical fieldwork placement.The population included the 2008&nbsp / semester two, third year undergraduate baccalaureus nursing students. These students completed their community health nursing modules at the end of the first semester. A total of nine (9) out of the eighty- nine (89) semester two students participated in this qualitative research study. The purposive and&nbsp / convenient sample consisted of those students who agreed to voluntarily participate in the research study. In-depth interviews were conducted with seven&nbsp / (7) female and two (2) male students to collect data. Field notes were taken and utilized to capture non-verbal communication of the participants. The focus&nbsp / f the researcher was to explore the lived experiences of students and not that of the family whom they interviewed. All interviews were audio recorded&nbsp / nd validated by participants after transcription, before any of the data was used for the data analysis process. The data collected was categorized into themes as guided by the systematic data analyses process according to Tesch&rsquo / s (1990) method, as cited in Creswell (2003). Saturation was tested&nbsp / after nine interviews and the researcher found that no new data emerged. The importance of the research study was to reflect on the exploration of the&nbsp / self-reported lived experiences of the third year community&nbsp / ealth nursing students while conducting the family health assessment learning task.&nbsp / </p>

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