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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Implementing a sex education, STDs and HIVAIDS prevention program in a child welfare setting : implications for service delivery

Di Sessa, Anna Maria. January 2000 (has links)
Child welfare agencies are currently being challenged to develop and implement educational and prevention programs that address sex education, STDs and HIV/AIDS. Based on two staff interviews, six adolescent and seven staff focus group discussions at Batshaw Youth and Family Centres, three main themes are addressed: first, that along with Batshaw Youth and Family Centres' mandate and initiatives, additional measures must be taken to translate policy into social work practice. Initiatives to educate staff and youth about sexuality, STDs and HIV/AIDS lacked consistency and continuity consequently, staffs and youth's experience and attitudes toward sex education, STDs and HIV/AIDS are affected. Implications for social work are also discussed.

Implementing a sex education, STDs and HIV/AIDS prevention program in a child welfare setting : implications for service delivery

Di Sessa, Anna Maria. January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

Ondersoek na die samestelling van 'n seksopvoedingsprogram vir Suid-Afrikaanse skole

Bosman, Elizabeth Alberta 11 1900 (has links)
Hierdie studie is toegespits op die samestelling van 'n seksopvoedingsprogram vir skole in Suid-Afrika. Snelle verandering binne sosiale strukture in die samelewing en die blootstelling van die jeug aan kultuur- en godsdiensvreemde seksopvoeding. idees noodsaak die dringendheid van Seksopvoeding word vanuit verskillende waardestelsels aangebied. Die gevolgtrekking is dat beproefde waardes 'n integrale deel van die seksopvoedingsprogram moet uitmaak. Die kind moet begelei word tot seksuele volwassenheid deur gebruik te maak van opvoedkundig-verantwoordbare beginsels en metodes sodat die kind effektief weerstand kan bied teen bederwende invloede uit die samelewing. Die ouers is die aangewese bran van seksopvoeding aan hulle kinders maar weens hulle onbetrokkenheid neem die skoal die verantwoordelikheid op hom. Dit is egter belangrik dat die skoal die ouers as vennote aanvaar. Ten slotte word riglyne verskaf vir die samestelling van 'n seksopvoedingsprogram. / This dissertation considers the composition of a sex education program for schools in South Africa. Rapidly changing social structure within society and the exposure of the youth to foreign cultural and religious ideas necessitate the urgency of sex education. Sex education is presented from different value systems. The conclusion reached is that values must be an integral part of the sex education program. The child must be accompanied to responsible sexual adulthood by means of educationally accountable principles in order that he/she may be able to withstand the demoralizing influences from society effectively. The parents are the appropriate sex educators of their children but, due to their being unconcerned the school accepted this responsibility. It is however of importance that the school accepts the parents as partners. In conclusion guidelines are presented for the compiling of a sex education program. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Voorligting)

Ondersoek na die samestelling van 'n seksopvoedingsprogram vir Suid-Afrikaanse skole

Bosman, Elizabeth Alberta 11 1900 (has links)
Hierdie studie is toegespits op die samestelling van 'n seksopvoedingsprogram vir skole in Suid-Afrika. Snelle verandering binne sosiale strukture in die samelewing en die blootstelling van die jeug aan kultuur- en godsdiensvreemde seksopvoeding. idees noodsaak die dringendheid van Seksopvoeding word vanuit verskillende waardestelsels aangebied. Die gevolgtrekking is dat beproefde waardes 'n integrale deel van die seksopvoedingsprogram moet uitmaak. Die kind moet begelei word tot seksuele volwassenheid deur gebruik te maak van opvoedkundig-verantwoordbare beginsels en metodes sodat die kind effektief weerstand kan bied teen bederwende invloede uit die samelewing. Die ouers is die aangewese bran van seksopvoeding aan hulle kinders maar weens hulle onbetrokkenheid neem die skoal die verantwoordelikheid op hom. Dit is egter belangrik dat die skoal die ouers as vennote aanvaar. Ten slotte word riglyne verskaf vir die samestelling van 'n seksopvoedingsprogram. / This dissertation considers the composition of a sex education program for schools in South Africa. Rapidly changing social structure within society and the exposure of the youth to foreign cultural and religious ideas necessitate the urgency of sex education. Sex education is presented from different value systems. The conclusion reached is that values must be an integral part of the sex education program. The child must be accompanied to responsible sexual adulthood by means of educationally accountable principles in order that he/she may be able to withstand the demoralizing influences from society effectively. The parents are the appropriate sex educators of their children but, due to their being unconcerned the school accepted this responsibility. It is however of importance that the school accepts the parents as partners. In conclusion guidelines are presented for the compiling of a sex education program. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Voorligting)

Accessibility and uptake of reproductive health education during earlier youth according to 18 and 19 year old college students in the Cape Town metropolitan area

McMillan, Lauren 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MCur (Interdisciplinary Health Sciences. Nursing Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Reproductive health is the right of every person. The new Children’s Act (Act 38 of 2005) gives to children 12 years and older rights to reproductive health, which includes contraceptive access as well as information on sexuality and reproduction. They have the right to HIV/AIDS testing and treatment with only their own consent. The aim of the study was to investigate the personal and contextual factors which influence the accessibility and uptake of reproductive health education during early youth (13 to 18 years). The study also aimed to identify contextually appropriate recommendations toward improved reproductive health provision for these youths. A descriptive, non-experimental, research design was employed with a primarily quantitative approach. A sample of 270 participants, constituting 20% of the study population (N=1373) was randomly selected from Northlink FET Colleges, Cape Town. A self-completion structured questionnaire was used to collect the data. Ethical approval was obtained from the Health Research Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Stellenbosch University. Permission to conduct the research was obtained from the management of Northlink FET College. A group of 30 participants, who met the inclusion criteria, constituting 11% of the sample, participated in a pilot study. Reliability and validity were assured by means of a pilot study and the use of experts in the field, nursing research and statistics. Data was collected personally by the Principal Investigator. The data analysis was primarily descriptive in nature and presented in frequency tables, proportions and measures of relationships, using where indicated Chi-square (x2) and Mann-Whitney U tests. A thematic approach was used to analyze the qualitative data yielded from the open-ended question. Subsequently, in order to strengthen the investigation, the qualitative data, within the identified themes, was quantified based on a validated analytical approach. The results show that 74.1% (n=195) of participants were sexually experienced by the time of the study. Of the participants who reported having already had sexual intercourse, 60.5% (n=115) indicated having made their sexual début by the age of 16. A third of participants (33.2%,n=77) received their first reproductive health education by age 13. Only half of the participants (50.4%,n=116) indicated that the reproductive health education they received always influenced them to make safer sex choices. Of the participants, 21.9% (n=59) stated that they felt that they were in some way hindered in accessing contraceptives during age 13 to 18 years. The vast majority of the participants (94.4%, n=255) indicated that they would prefer reproductive health education to be provided by a professional healthcare provider at a clinic (61.5%, n=166) or by a nurse at school (33%; n=89). Increased reproductive health education within the schooling systems was requested by 52 (19.3%) participants, with more than 30% (n=84) indicating their home as the preferred source of such education. Several recommendations, grounded in the study findings, were identified, including the provision of reproductive health care and accessibility to contraceptives for youths as young as 12 years within a school setting. This care should be provided by healthcare professionals, such as nurses, on a similar operating basis as that which is provided in primary health clinics. The findings reveal to the pressing need for the development, implementation and evaluation of an alternative model for reproductive health care provision in order to assure the complete deliverance of the rights and care to youths as stipulated in the new Child Act (Act 38 of 2005). / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Voortplantings gesondheid is die reg van elke persoon. Die nuwe Kinderwet (Wet 38 van 2005) gee aan elke kind 12 jaar en ouer die reg tot voortplantings gesondheid, wat insluit toegang tot swangerskap voorbehoeding en informasie aangaande seksualiteit en voortplanting. Die jeug het ook die reg tot HIV/AIDS toetsing en behandeling met net hulle eie toestemming. Die doelwitte daargestel is om te bepaal watter persoonlike en kontekstuele faktore die toegang en gebruik van voortplantings gesondheidsonderrig bevorder en/of benadeel by jonger tieners (13 tot 18 jaar). Die studie sou ook vasstel wat die voorwaardes is vir n toeganklike voortplantings gesondheidsorg diens vir hierdie tieners. !n Beskrywende, nie-eksperimentele navorsingsontwerp was gebruik met n primer kwantitatiewe benadering. !n Steekproef van 270 deelnemers, insluitende 20% van die studie populasie (N=1373) was vanuit die Northlink Verdere Onderrig en Opleidings Kolleges (Kaapstad) by die studie betrek. Die vraelys gebruik was gestruktueerd en is self deur deelnemers voltooi. Etiese Komitee van die Mediese Fakulteit te Universiteit Stellenbosch verkry asook die Bestuur van Northlink Kollege. ’n Loodstudie was gebruik, waarby 30 deelnemers wat inpas by die insluitings kriteria (11% van die studie populasie) betrek is. Die betroubaarheid en geldigheid van die studie is deur die loodstudie, die gebruik van ‘n statistikus, verpleegdeskundiges en die navorser-metodoloog versterk. Die finale data is persoonlik deur die navorser ingevorder. Data was geannaliseer met die bystand van ’n statistikus en is as frekwensie tabelle uitgebeeld met die gebruik van Chi-hoek (x2) en Mann-Whitney U toetse. ’n Tema benadering is geneem om die kwalitatiewe data te annaliseer. Gevolgens is die data van die kwalitatiewe studie gekwantifiseer. Die bevindings van die studie het getoon dat 74.1% (n=195) van deelnemers seksuele ondervinding voor die studie gehad het. Van die deelnemers het 60.5% (n=115) hulle eerste seksuele ondervinding gehad voor die ouderdom van 16 jaar. Van die deelnemers het 33.2% (n=77) hulle voortplantings onderrig teen 13 jarige ouderdom ontvang. Net 50.4% (n=116) van deelnemers het bekend gemaak dat die onderrig wat hulle ontvang het, hulle altyd gelei het tot veiliger seksuele keuses. Van die deelnemers het 21.9% (n=59) het gevoel dat hulle op een of ander manier verhoed was om voorbehoeding te bekom. Van die deelnemers, sou 94.4% (n=255) verkies het om alternatiewe voortplantings gesondheidsonderrig van ’n professionele gesondheidsorg voorsiener te ontvang, 61.5% (n=166) in klinieke en 33% (n=89) deur ’n verpleegster by ’n skool. ’n Toename in voortplantings onderrig binne die skoolsisteem is versoek deur 52 (19.3%) van die deelnemers, met 30% (n=84) van die deelnemers wat voortplantings onderrig van die huis af sou verkies het. Die hoop word dus uitgespreek dat die voorsiening van voortplantings gesondheidsorg aan kinders so jonk as 12 jaar binne die skool sisteem voorsien kan word, deur ’n professionele gesondheidsorg verpleegster op ’n soortgelyke basis as in publieke gesondheids klinieke. Die studie se bevindinge lei die navorser tot die voorstel om n alternatiewe model te ontwikkel en beplan. Hierdeur moet die voorsiening van voortplantings gesondheidsorg geskied wat sou verseker dat die volledige regte en sorgvoorwaardes aan die heug toegestaan deur die nuwe Kinder Wet (Wet 38 van 2005), aan voldoen word.

An Investigation of Certain Factors Related to Self-Concept, Sexual Knowledge, and Attitude toward Sex Education of a Group of Elementary Teachers

Hobbs, George W. (George William), 1932- 06 1900 (has links)
The problem of this study was to determine the relationship between self-concept, expressed sexual knowledge, and attitude toward sex education of a group of experienced elementary teachers. A second dimension of the problem was to investigate the relationship of the three variables above with certain other factors that could possibly influence the effectiveness of the elementary teacher of sex education. These factors were age of the teacher, sex of the teacher ,grade level of teaching, educational level of the teacher, teaching experience, marital status of the teacher, number of siblings of the teacher, and church preference or affiliation of the teacher.

Gender differences in the preferred and actual sources of sexual education amongst senior secondary school learners.

Jimmyns, Candice Alexis. January 2010 (has links)
This study investigated whether the current provision of sex education made available through the Life Orientation Curriculum in South African Secondary Schools is directly applicable and relevant to the sexual developmental and identity formation needs of learners at a senior secondary school level. This study resulted from the desire to point out that students at this stage in their lives require more than the precautionary biological information that is often readily available to them through the curriculum as well as other parental and health care sources. A survey was carried out at two single gender schools on the Bluff in Durban and an attempt was made to gather data on the gender differences that arose between the two samples in terms of the sources of sex education from which they are drawing. The sample size was 179 learners with 89 female learners and 90 male learners. The preferred source of sex education by both girls and boys were parents accounting for 34,5% of the girls and 18,6% of the boys. The second highest rated source for boys was their teachers with a frequency of 17,5%. However, girls indicated a greater preference for professional sex educators than teachers with 7,3% and 5,1% respectively. This was different from the sources that the students were actually receiving their sex education from, with boys and girls regarding teachers as their best source with a frequency of 16,5% for boys and 13,6% for girls. The next best rated source for boys with a frequency of 14,2% were male and female friends with a very similar distribution of the boys indicating a preference for male or female friends with a frequency of 7,4% and 6,8% respectively. Girls had a higher satisfaction level than boys with current knowledge of sex however had lower satisfaction level than boys on finding out about things to do with sex. The mean score for girls (M=5,35) is significantly lower than for boys (M=5,44), t=0.386, df172, p<.005 on the topic of satisfaction about finding out about things to do with sex. The mean score for boys for the topic of satisfaction with current knowledge of sex (M=5.60) is significantly lower than the mean score for girls (M=5,77), t=0,925, df171, p<.005. Both boys and girls indicated that parents were not an adequate source of sex education and fathers were less likely than mothers to be involved in communication on the topic of sex with them. Boys were more likely than girls to engage in sexual behavior and activities and be sexually active as indicated by the regression where gender contributed 22,4% to the model (The Sexual Activities Scale) at 0.003 level of significance. It seems that girls are more comfortable to share information iv amongst themselves than boys are. Boys seem more willing to communicate and learn from both genders in their peer groups. The Life Orientation Curriculum has been efficient in informing students on precautionary biological information however boys and girls are interested in learning about sex and sexuality and are not receiving this information from their scholarly source but rather from a number of different sources. There is also evidence that gender differences exist when it comes to learning about sex and thus may suggest that the Life Orientation Curriculum’s sex education component should be segmentable on the basis of gender i.e. the messages about sex should be sculpted in a different manner for boys as compared to girls. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2010.

School-going youth, sexuality and HIV prevention in Northern KwaZulu-Natal : a gender perspective.

Majeke, Sisana Janet. January 2011 (has links)
The incidence of HIV cannot be separated from social relationships. Therefore different forms of social relationships are bound to have different impacts; different identities may result in varied degrees of spread of HIV (Kirumira, 2004:158). Gender issues are increasingly being recognised as having a critical influence on the HIV epidemic in southern Africa. Gender inequalities fuel the HIV and AIDS pandemic, rendering females more vulnerable to HIV infection than males. This is shown clearly by HIV prevalence which is reported to be higher among young females than young males (Human Science Research Council, 2005:33). This thesis concerns a three-phase study that I conducted amongst a group of school-going boys and girls in Northern KwaZulu-Natal. The purpose of the study was to conduct a gender-based life building skills programme to expose and sensitise school-going youth to the complexities of gender, sexuality and cultural issues, sex education, the language of sex, rights issues, gender equality and mutual respect, sexual decision-making and HIV prevention. I conducted the first or orientation phase, using a quantitative approach, to determine baseline data prior to conducting the intervention phase of this study. Phase Two was the intervention phase, conducted to collect data during the gender-based skills building intervention programme. Action research is the qualitative research method that guided the intervention programme, involving the youth in a process of gradual change. Phase Three was undertaken using a quantitative approach, to collect data from all the leaners who participated in this study. This phase aimed to evaluate the impact of the intervention programme. The baseline study found that boys demonstrate their manhood by becoming sexually experienced. They do so at an earlier age than females, thus making them more vulnerable to sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including HIV infection. The results of this multi-phased study confirmed existing knowledge about gender, sexual risk-taking and HIV transmission and generated some surprising findings. There was an increase in condom use of more than 90% of learners who reported they were sexually active after the intervention. There was an increase in one-partner relationships. After the intervention, girls better understood their sexual rights and were better able to negotiate for condom use with their partners. Gender power imbalances remained but boys understood better that girls had rights. They continued to believe in the importance of being heterosexually active as a key constituent of their masculinity but it appears that they will be more mindful of girls' desires and rights. Recommendations for various stakeholders, collaboration programmes, curriculum issues and for further research have been highlighted. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2011.

Evaluating HIV/AIDS life skills programme : the case of Umbumbulu schools in KwaZulu-Natal.

Mbatha, Nelisiwe Joyce. January 2005 (has links)
No abstract available. / Thesis (LL.M.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2005.

Sexing the subject : the politics of sex education in South Australian State Schools, 1900-1990 / Jim Jose.

Jose, Jim January 1995 (has links)
Bibliography: leaves 436-478. / vi, 478 leaves ; 30 cm. / Title page, contents and abstract only. The complete thesis in print form is available from the University Library. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Adelaide, Dept. of Politics, 1996

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