Spelling suggestions: "subject:"asexual assault"" "subject:"asexual ssault""
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Trauma, Personality, and Behavior: A Longitudinal Study Predicting Adverse Outcomes After Sexual Assault from Personality Prior to the AssaultCombs, Jessica L 01 January 2014 (has links)
Exposure to sexual assault results in ongoing harms for women. After an assault, some women engage higher levels of externalizing behaviors, such as drinking problems and drug use, and others experience higher levels of internalizing dysfunction, such as clinical anxiety and clinical depression. In a longitudinal sample of 1929 freshman college women assessed across three time points, I found the following. Pre-assault negative urgency (the tendency to act rashly when distressed) interacted with assault exposure to predict increased subsequent drinking and initiation of drug use. Pre-assault trait anxiety/depression interacted with assault exposure to predict increased subsequent clinical anxiety and depression. There was also the surprising finding that the interaction between assault and trait anxiety/ depression was a protective factor against drinking and drug use. Finally, mean levels of trait negative urgency were significantly higher after an assault, though the same was not true for trait anxiety/depression. Women with different personalities tend to experience different forms of post-assault distress. These results support the development of targeted treatment protocols for trauma specific to personality types.
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Att överleva skammen : en litteraturstudie om sexuellt utnyttjade kvinnors upplevelserHagman, Paulina, Johansson, Lotta January 2011 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sexuellt utnyttjade kvinnors fysiska och psykiska hälsa påverkas både kort- och långsiktigt av det sexuella övergreppet. Bland annat uppges problematik som ofrivillig barnlöshet, skador i underlivet, samt känslor av utsatthet, hjälplöshet, ångest och skuld. I studier framkommer att endast en mindre andel sexuellt utnyttjade kvinnor söker vård direkt efter övergreppet. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva sexuellt utnyttjade kvinnors upplevelser av övergreppet, bearbetningsprocessen och vården. Metod: En allmänt beskrivande litteraturstudie grundad på nio kvalitativa artiklar, som behandlade sexuellt utnyttjade kvinnors upplevelser. Resultat: Litteraturstudien visade att kvinnor upplevde sig vara bräckliga emotionellt efter ett sexuellt övergrepp, samt att bearbetningsprocessen inkluderade ett sökande efter förståelse för det inträffade. Vidare att det var viktigt att kvinnorna fick stöd och bekräftelse på att de inte var skyldiga till händelsen. Studien fann även att restriktivitet i hjälpsökandet kunde bero på skamkänslor, misstro till vården, samt otillräcklig tillgång på service. Slutsats: Sexuellt utnyttjade kvinnors livsvärld påverkas långsiktigt av övergreppet och de upplever ofta ett bristande stöd från andra, inte minst vården. Följande omvårdnadsåtgärder föreslås därför, för att förbättra vården av sexuellt utnyttjade kvinnor: Enskilda samtal, Gruppsamtal och Information och utbildning till anhöriga. / Background: Sexually assaulted women's physical and mental health is affected both in short and long term after the assault. Some of the reported problems are infertility, injuries in the genital area, and feelings of vulnerability, helplessness, shame and guilt. It has been shown that only a small proportion of sexually assaulted women seek care immediately after the rape. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe sexually assaulted women's experiences of the assault itself, the healing process and the health care. Method: This general descriptive literature review was based on nine qualitative articles, which dealt with sexually assaulted women's experiences. Results: This literature review showed that women felt to be emotionally fragile after a sexual assault, and the healing process included a search for understanding of the assault. Furthermore, it was important that the women received support and confirmation that they were not to blame for the assault. This study also found that restraint in the help-seeking could be due to feelings of shame, mistrust to the health care and inadequate access to services. Conclusion: Sexually assaulted women's life is affected in long-term because of the assault and they often experience a lack of support from others, especially the health care. Therefore the authors of this review suggest the following nursing interventions to improve the care of sexually assaulted women: Private conversation, Group discussions and Information and education to families.
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Du får nog skylla dig själv, tror jag : En litteraturstudie om hur stereotyper och myter påverkar attityderna hos studenter till ett offer för våldtäkt / I would say you have yourself to blame, I think : A literary review about how stereotypes and myths affect student’s attitudes towards a victim of rapeAlbèr, Bjarne, Jonsson, Leonard January 2013 (has links)
Bakgrund: På senare år har män som våldtäktsoffer fått en ökad uppmärksamhet, men fortfarande fokuseras majoriteten av forskningen på kvinnor. Det finns många olika myter och fördomar som tilldelas våldtäktsoffer. Ett offer för våldtäkt drabbas av både fysiska och psykiska men. Vårdpersonal måste kunna se förbi sina fördomar för att ge adekvat och lika vård till alla individer. Syfte: Att belysa skillnader och likheter rörande studenters attityder/föreställningar gentemot män respektive kvinnor som blivit utsatta för våldtäkt. Metod: En litteraturöversikt gjordes på nio vetenskapliga artiklar med kvantitativ ansats. Resultat: Resultatet visade att manliga studenter generellt har högre acceptans för våldtäktsmyter gällande både kvinnor och män. Männen visade upp mer negativa attityder mot offren, tilldelade mer skuld och mindre sympati mot offren än de kvinnliga studenterna. Både kön och sexualitet påverkar attityder mot offret, kvinnor och homosexuella män skuldbeläggs generellt mer än heterosexuella män och homosexuella kvinnor. Mäns och kvinnors föreställningar/uppfattningar om våldtäkt skiljer sig även åt och det visade sig att män och kvinnor föreställer sig olika olägenheter vid våldtäkt. Utbildning visade sig vara en faktor som påverkar attityder, där högre utbildning indikerar på mer positiva attityder mot offret. Slutsats: En rad olika myter förekommer och kan kopplas till negativa attityder mot våldtäktsoffer. En skillnad mellan män och kvinnor finns när det kommer till myt-acceptans. Beroende på ett offers sexuella läggning, kön och karaktär förändras synen på den. Klinisk betydelse: Kännedom om dessa myter och attityder kan ligga till grund för framtida utbildning hos personal som arbetar inom detta område och hjälpa till att motverka en sekundär traumatisering för våldtäktsoffer. / Background: In recent years, male victims of rape have gained increased attention, but the majority of the research still focuses on women. There are many myths and prejudices that affect our attitudes toward victims of rape. A victim suffers from both physical and psychological injuries. Health care personnel have to see beyond their prejudices to give a good and equal care towards all individuals. Aim: The aim of this study was to highlight the similarities and differences regarding students’ attitudes/beliefs towards male and female rape victims. Method: A literature review was written based on nine scientific articles with quantitative approach. Results: The results indicated that men generally have a higher acceptance of rape myths regarding both women and men. Men showed more negative attitudes towards victims, allocated more blame and less sympathy toward victims than women. Both gender and sexuality affect attitudes towards victims, women and homosexual men generally received more blame than heterosexual men and homosexual women. Male and female beliefs/perceptions of rape are also different and it turned out men and women produce various nuisances regarding rape. Education were proven to be a factors influencing attitudes, higher education indicates more positive attitudes towards the victim. Conclusion: Different kinds of myths exist and can be connected to negative attitudes towards a victim of rape. A difference between men and women exists when it comes to myth acceptance. Depending on the victims sexual orientation, sex and character the view upon it changes. Clinical implication: Knowledge about these myths and attitudes can be used for future education for personnel working within this area and to help preventing a secondary victimization for the victim.
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Va inte så vrång : Temporala anspråk, ”verklighet”, aktualiserings- och realiseringsprocesser i två av Statens Offentliga Utredningar gällande våldtäkter och andra sexuella övergreppSkilström, Erika January 2013 (has links)
This essay examine how temporal claims (past, present and future) are used in two Official Government Reports (SOU) in Sweden considering rape and sexual assault. The Official Government Reports constitute an important and particular system for long-term planning, and the reports are used as an instrument to achieve desirable changes within the nation. The temporal pretensions in SOU 1976:9 Sexual offences: proposed new wording of Penal provisions against virtue, and SOU 1982:61 Rape and other sexual assaults, are analyzed in relation to the concepts realization of the possible and actualization of the virtual, in order to see how the concepts correspond to the process of desirable change in the reports. The temporal claims are used in a spatially sense where space is assimilated to the concept of time which in return create notions of spatio-temporal images of the past, the present and the future. This is partly a problem for the reports in their aspiration to transform old norms and create innovatory values and ideals.
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Breastfeeding and maternal touch after childhood sexual assaultColes, Jan Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
Introduction: The study is a qualitative exploration of breastfeeding and maternal touch with new mothers who are survivors of childhood sexual assault (CSA) by a family member. / Objectives: The objective of this study is to explore the experience of breastfeeding in mothers with a past history of CSA perpetrated by a family member. / Methods: Using an interpretive framework, eleven women were interviewed with an in-depth semi-structured method and the transcripts coded and analysed by themes. All participants were new mothers who volunteered in response to a community based advertisement. Each woman self-identified as being sexually abused as a child by a family member. / Results: Significant themes that emerged about breastfeeding were the importance of breastfeeding to the maternal-infant relationship and infant development. Other more challenging themes included detachment and dissociation, exposure and control, lack of pleasure, and splitting of the roles of the breasts into maternal or sexual objects.During the course of the study maternal-infant touch was raised as an important theme associated with body boundaries between the mother and her child and related to the mother’s past CSA experience. Baths and nappy changes were two areas in which some mothers encountered difficulties associated directly with their CSA. Some participants encountered difficulties associated with their healthcare. These were largely associated with the participants’ lack of control in the professional encounter and intimate examinations. Baby examination was also problematic with women reporting being concerned about their ability to protect their children within the professional encounter. / Conclusion: Many participants described breastfeeding as a positive experience which enhanced their bonding to their babies. They faced challenges as CSA survivors due to the duality of the breasts as sexual and maternal objects. Touch and maternal-infant boundaries emerged as important themes after CSA
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Relational sexual assertiveness an exploration of the R-SAA! with respect to variables associated with sexual assault /Calobrisi, Jamie Christine. January 2009 (has links)
Title from first page of PDF document. Includes bibliographical references (p. 31-36).
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"I don't know why I did that because that doesn't make complete sense" how understanding is prevented by the privileging of rationality /Koelsch, Lori E. January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Miami University, Dept. of Psychology, 2004. / Title from first page of PDF document. Includes bibliographical references (p. 98-100).
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One in FourZwiener, Nicole V 01 January 2016 (has links)
One in Four is an ad campaign targeted at raising awareness of on-campus sexual assault and the effects that assault has on survivors. This ad campaign will include testimonies of survivors of sexual assault within the Claremont Colleges and will be shared through social media and printed on physical flyers. This thesis will explore how marketing strategies, such as, social norms marketing, has the potential to change the audiences behavior in relation to their peers’ behavior. It will also explore the work of the Guerrilla Girls and how anonymity was crucial to their success. In addition, One in Four will examine the work of Barbara Kruger and her use of graphics and red text. Through the use of various marketing strategies and influence of the work of the Guerrilla Girls and Barbara Kruger, One In Four will be successful in it's goal of raising awareness, destigmatizing sexual assault and have survivors feel that their stories are important and they are not alone.
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Kvinnor som har blivit utsatta för sexuella övergrepp – upplevelser av vårdenEriksson, Sara, Tunc, Evin January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sexuella övergrepp är ett stort folkhälsoproblem och antalet sexuella övergrepp på kvinnor fortsätter att öka. Sexuella övergrepp kan leda till ohälsosamma konsekvenser och ett lidande för de utsatta. Syfte: Beskriva hur kvinnor upplever vården efter att ha blivit utsatta för sexuella övergrepp och beskriva undersökningsgrupperna i de inkluderade artiklarna. Metod: Designen till denna litteraturstudie är deskriptiv design och 10 vetenskapliga artiklar av både kvalitativ och kvantitativ ansats har använts i studien. Huvudresultat: Kvinnor som blivit utsatta för sexuella övergrepp upplever både positiva och negativa erfarenheter av vården. Flera kvinnor upplevde att vårdpersonalen var närvarande, respektfulla och förklarade utförligt hur alla moment i undersökningen skulle ske. Vissa kvinnor tyckte att undersökningen var väldigt jobbig och traumatiserande. Brist på information från personalen resulterade i förvirring och känslan av att inte ha någon kontroll över situationen, samtidigt som tydliga förklaringar av undersökningen ledde till trygghetskänslor. Många kvinnor beskrev vikten av sjuksköterskans närvaro under vårdkontakten och hur betydelsefull den var för deras tillfrisknande. Vid granskning av undersökningsgrupperna i artiklarna redovisades åldern på deltagarna genom medelålder och åldersintervaller, samt att kvinnorna hade blivit utsatta för olika sexuella övergrepp som våldtäkter och våld. Slutsats: Sexuella övergrepp leder ofta till känslor av rädsla, ångest och isolering och andra ohälsosamma konsekvenser. Sjuksköterskans närvaro och stöd är av stor betydelse för kvinnorna och deras välbefinnande. Det är viktigt att sjuksköterskan möter dessa kvinnor med respekt och empati. I omvårdnaden av de utsatta kvinnorna bör sjuksköterskan arbeta med ett professionellt förhållningssätt och anpassa vården för varje individ. / Background: Sexual assault is a major public health problem and the rate of sexual assault on women continues to increase. Sexual assault can lead to unhealthy consequences and suffering for those involved. Aim: To describe how women experience the healthcare after sexual assault and to describe the study groups in the included studies. Method: The study´s design is a descriptive design and 10 scientific articles with both qualitative and quantitative approach have been used. Main Results: Women who have survived sexual assault, experience both positive and negative experiences of healthcare. Several women perceived that healthcare staff were present, respectful and explained in detail all the procedures of the medical forensic examination. Some women thought that the examination was very hurtful and traumatizing. Lack of information from staff members lead to confusion and feelings of having no control over the situation, and well-informed and clear explanations of the examination lead to feelings of safety. Many women described the importance of the nurse’s attendance during care and how significant it was for their recovery. In the study groups the ages of the participants are demonstrated as average age and age range. The women had been exposed to different types of sexual assault, like rape and violence. Conclusion: Sexual assault often leads to feelings of fear, anxiety and isolation and other unhealthy consequences. The presence of the nurse and their support are of great importance to the women and their well-being. It's important that the nurse meets these women with respect and empathy. In care of these women who have been sexually assaulted, the nurse should work with a professional approach and adapt the care of each individual.
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She eats applesBrownell, Stephanie K. 12 March 2016 (has links)
Please note: creative writing theses are permanently embargoed in OpenBU. No public access is forecasted for these. To request private access, please click on the locked Download file link and fill out the appropriate web form. / Abstract not applicable for Creative Writing. / 2031-01-01
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