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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Využití bypassových diod ve fotovoltaických panelech / Usage of bypass diodes for photovoltaics modules

Chocholáč, Jan January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with usage of bypass diodes in photovoltaic panels. Familiarize us with principles of photovoltaic modules and functions, their electrical characteristics and features. The central objective of this work is description of influence of bypass diodes on particularly shading photovoltaic panels and its volt-ampere characteristics. By the help of created software in Agilent VEE 8.0 simulate the shading panel and compare with real measurement.

Vliv vnitřního stínění na tepelnou stabilitu místnosti / The impact of inner shielding on the thermal stability of room

Kantor, Robert January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with internal shading devices and their influence on the thermal stability of the room. Furthermore, compares the differences in the behavior of different materials. Finally, compares the measured values with the computational models.

Nefotorealistické zobrazování / Non-Photorealistic Rendering

Mágr, Martin January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this diploma thesis is to analyze possibilities of non-photorealistic rendering focused on area of image transformation and afterwards design algorithm for video postprocessing to it's cartoon representation. The thesis describes problem analysis, design of the algorithm and it's implementation.

Multi Sub-Pass & Multi Render-Target Shading In Vulkan : Performance Based Comparison In Real-time

Danliden, Alexander, Cederrand, Steven January 2020 (has links)
Background. Games today are becoming more complex in computational andgraphical areas. Companies today want to develop games with state of the artgraphics while also having complicated and complex game logic. The vast majorityof users rarely meet the computer requirements. This creates an issue which lim-its the target demographic that a company wants to meet. This thesis will focuson two different methods that achieves deferred shading in Vulkan and how the en-vironment is affecting both methods as-well as the number of lights and attachments. Objectives. In Vulkan there are two ways of implementing deferred shading, one isthe traditional way of doing it which is by conducting multiple render-targets. Thesecond way is by utilizing a feature unique to Vulkan known as sub-passes. Our aimis to conduct experiments with these two ways of implementing deferred shading todetermine which one is the most optimal for a given situation. These situations willvary depending on the number of visible objects and number of lights in the scene. Methods. The experiments are conducted by a rendering system that have beenimplemented by us. By implementing both suggested deviations of the renderingtechnique ’deferred shading’ the data collected will suffer less from unexpected andunknown variables than it would if the implementations were taken from a separatesource. The experiments that will be conducted intend to measure performance met-rics in the form of average frames per second as well as average render frame time(inseconds). To measure the time performance metric, the system shall utilize Vulkan’ssupport for gpu-timestamping[7]. To provide reliable measurements without any un-warranted errors each rendering deviation will utilize pre-recorded command buffers. Conclusions. This thesis has shown that using multiple sub-passes within a singlerender-target performs faster write operations to the attached render attachments.This result in less memory bandwidth which leads to a faster geometry pass. Theperformance gain from a faster geometry pass can be used somewhere else to en-hance different aspects of the game or graphical application. Having less memorybandwidth would result in a longer battery life on mobile phones and laptops.

Energy Performance of Dynamic Windows in Different Climates / Energiprestanda för dynamiska fönster under olika klimatförhållanden

Reynisson, Hannes January 2015 (has links)
The European Union (EU) has expressed determination of reducing its energy consumption and the EU’s 2010 Energy Performance of Buildings Directive states that all new buildings must be nearly zero energy by the end of the year 2020. Dynamic or “smart” windows have been shown to be able to reduce HVAC energy consumption, lighting energy and peek cooling loads in hot climates in the US but it is difficult to find any work concerned with colder climates. This study is intended to capture the performance of dynamic windows in a variety of European climates to explore potential contributions to reaching the EU’s energy goals. The building energy simulations of this study have been conducted in IDA ICE for an office section with a large window. Three model variants are compared: without a window shading, with an external window blind and with a dynamic window. This comparison is repeated for six different locations; Kiruna, Reykjavik, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Paris and Madrid. The results of this study show that the dynamic window can reduce the total consumed energy for lighting, heating and cooling in the range of 10%-30% more than the external blind, depending on location. The reduction is 50%-75% when compared to the unshaded window. This level of performance can move Europe a step closer to zero energy buildings.

Development of a methodology to simulate simple mismatching in photovoltaic systems

Frid, Gustav January 2015 (has links)
The currently available tools to simulate solar photovoltaic (PV) systems do not offer a reliable solution to simulate string or module level inverter systems with partial shading and modules with mismatching electrical characteristics. The available methodologies to simulate this satisfying require computational power that is not commonly available. To make it possible to simulate these kinds of systems a methodology based around the software “System Advisory Model” (SAM) is proposed. The methodology assumes that shading is binary, meaning a module can either be fully shaded or not shaded at all. Two different global IV curve models are presented and evaluated in comparison with a more detailed Matlab global IV model based on the one diode equivalent circuit. All these methodologies disregards the impact of the bypass diodes in the PV module and this is considered a significant error, which has to be quantified. It is proposed that this should be done by using the two-diode equivalent circuit instead of the one diode model. Finally the methodology is not concluded to be reliable until verified in comparison with real world data. / De för närvarande tillgängliga simuleringsverktygen för solcellssystem erbjuder inte en tillförlitlig metod för simulering av delvis skuggade system eller system med moduler med olika elektriska egenskaper. De metoder som är tillgängliga för att simulera detta tillförlitligt kräver datorkraft som inte är allmäntillgänglig. För att göra det möjligt att simulera dessa typer av system föreslås en metod baserad kring programvaran "System Advisory Model" (SAM). Metoden utgår från antagandet att skuggning är binärt, vilket innebär att en modul kan antingen vara helt skuggad eller inte skuggad alls. Två olika globala IV-modeller presenteras och utvärderas i jämförelse med en detaljerad Matlab global IV-modell baserad på enkel-diods ekvivalenta kretsen. Denna metod bortser dock från effekterna av bypass-dioderna i PV-modulen och detta antas medföra betydande fel som måste kvantifieras, detta bör då göras med hjälp av två-diods ekvivalenta kretsen. Slutligen så kan metoden inte anses pålitlig förrän den har blivit verifierad med verkliga data.

Utvärdering av prestanda på variabel hastighetsskuggning

Carrera Iseland, Jonathan, Grolleman, Leonard January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund . Moderna spel blir mer krävande på hårdvaran och för att motverka detta utvecklas nya tekniker för att lätta på dessa krav. En sådan optimeringsteknik är Variable Rate Shading (VRS), som ingår i DirectX 12 API. Det tillåter utvecklare att variera kvaliteten på delar av ramen för att förbättra prestanda. Hur effektiv VRS är, verkar variera eftersom olika benchmark-testare får olika resultat. Detta beror med största sannolikhet på de olika scenmiljöer som används i testerna. Mål . För att ytterligare utöka de miljöer som används VRS bench-tester kommer denna studie att fokusera på att mäta och utvärdera hos VRS i en lätt miljö som skiljer sig från andra. Metoder . Metoden består av att utveckla en lättviktig Direct3D 12-applikation, implementera VRS-tekniken och mäta prestanda. För en tydlig utvärdering genomförs flera tester som mäter bildrutetid, bildhastighet och ritar samtalshastighet vid de olika inställningarna med hjälp av VRS-tekniken vid olika upplösningar över 1000 iterationer. Resultat . Genom att mäta bildrutetid, bildfrekvens och dragsamtalshastighet med VRS var det möjligt att samla in prestationsdata som visa i denna studie. Studien visar den genomsnittliga prestandan med 1x1, 2x2 och 4x4 skugghastigheter vid 480p, 1080p och 2160p upplösning. Medeldata jämfördes mellan skuggningshastigheter och upplösningar för att undersöka korrelationen och avvikelsen. Som förväntat visas generella prestandaförbättringar vid användning av VRS. Vissa inställningar visade dock inkonsekvens i avvikelser mellan skuggningshastigheter, och andra visade försämrad prestanda. Slutsatser . Slutsatsen från denna studie tider på att VRS förbättrar prestanda även i lätta applikationer, inom rimliga gränser. Prestandavinsten var dock av lägre grad vid jämförelse med andra benchmarktester. Detta tyder på att VRS är mer användbar i mer krävande miljöer.

Minimalistický objektově orientovaný "ray tracer" / Minimalistic Object-Oriented Ray Tracer

Roženský, Mário January 2008 (has links)
This thesis brings an overview about scene rendering using the ray tracing method. It describes aspects used when creating the application which uses this method such as intersection computation, lighting and shading models etc. It also describes the basic algorithm used for rendering one frame. Each class of the object oriented design is described. There is also detail explanation what is the purpose of the each class in the model and what are the most important used methods. The work also contains demonstration application showing the usage of model in practice.

Development of a Parametric Data-Driven Fixed Shading Device Design Workflow

Landis, Mark J. 11 July 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Analysis of the efficiency and performance of half-cell solar modules

Hernandez, Diego January 2023 (has links)
Solar photovoltaic energy has gained great importance in the last couple of years, as its costs getlower and the total installed capacity increases. As a result of this, new technologies are arisingwithin the field, with the objective of increasing performance and reducing costs. One of themis the half-cell solar modules which, among other advantages, are said to perform better undershaded conditions compared to standard modules.This project checks the veracity of this statement. For that, a Matlab/Simulink model capable ofrepresenting the behavior of the JAM60S21-365-MR solar module has been created, andexperimentally calibrated with measurements performed in an actual panel. After the modelaccuracy has been checked, it has been used to simulate various shaded scenarios for standardand half-cell modules, to carry out an equivalent comparison between the two.The results for the model show a maximum error of 0.62% for the reference case, and of 6.06%for the worst 4-module-string simulation. This has been found to be an acceptable error, whichis created mainly as a result of temperature measuring inaccuracies and the rough estimation ofsolar cell model parameters. To reduce it, it is recommended that these issues are addressed.Which module does better under shading has been found to be dependent on multiple factors:The temperature and irradiance at which the module operates, its constructive parameters, thenumber of series or parallel connected devices and the shape and size of the shadow. This lastone is the one with the biggest impact in electrical power output. Because of it, the most usualcases for shadowing in PV facilities have been compared. For equivalent modules, shading in thedirection of the string of a single cell is less detrimental in half-cell modules; however, if thatshadow covers a whole row, it is equally damaging. If a full cell is 50% shaded in this scenario, a20% less power is lost in the half cell module compared to the normal one. On the other hand,shadowing in the direction on the bypass-diode line tends to slightly benefit standard modulesfor equal cell parameters if the shadowed full-cell percentage is below 50%, for both cell androw shading. However, as this value increases, half-cell modules tend to gain an advantage overstandard ones.

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