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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

SCORM based learning management system for online training

Garg, Anubha January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Computing and Information Sciences / Mitchell Neilsen / The Biosecurity Research Institute (BRI) facility at Kansas State University is a huge biocontainment facility to conduct research on infectious diseases that pose a threat to plant, animal and human health. The BRI Training and Education Program is currently offline; i.e., classroom sessions are taken to provide this training and education. The objective behind taking up this project was to move the entire training and education module of Biosecurity Research Institute online, instead of having a classroom session for each training course, with an subject matter expert (SME) to come and take the training session. The aim is to develop an online training system which is synchronized with the information in the BRI Research Project Database. The employees will only have to login to the website, scroll through the list of courses they are enrolled in, take the courses, write the assignments/quizzes assigned to the course and then submit the quizzes. They can also self-enroll themselves into courses, if they are given the permission to do so. The SME’s of the courses can create new courses, upload the course materials, enroll users into the courses, and assign deadlines to course completion. Once the student submits the course quiz or assignments, the SME’s can grade the quiz, assign a final grade to the students, and give feedback on their performance. They can even reassign the course in case of poor performance by the student. The administrators of the website can assign roles to different personnel, give permissions according to need and requirement, add/delete courses, and change the appearance of the website. The project is to be done using a Learning Management System called Moodle. Moodle (Modular Object Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) is an online learning management system designed to allow interaction between teachers and students. The back-end database used is SQL Server 2008 R2 and additional tools used are Adobe Presenter (with Microsoft Power Point 2010) to create the courses in SCORM format.

A shareable city : an analysis of shareable land use approaches in Austin and San Francisco

Christensen, Aubrie May 03 October 2014 (has links)
Inspired by the recent rise in interest surrounding the Sharing Economy, this report seeks to provide insight into the potential for sharing in cities. I focus my attention on land; as one of the scarcest resources in urban areas land holds some of the greatest potential for sharing. I strive to develop an awareness of the challenges against and opportunities for shareable approaches to land use and development of city-owned land. Through interviews and archival research I explore a variety of projects, programs and initiatives in Austin, TX and San Francisco, CA. Based on my findings I provide suggestions for the City of Austin in developing a more shareable approach to land use and development. / text

D’une anthropologie partagée à une anthropologie partageable : documentaires halieutiques et pêche artisanale au lac Atitlán (Guatemala) / From a shared anthropology to a shareable anthropology : halieutic documentaries and small-scale fishing on the lake Atitlán (Guatemala)

Boukala, Mouloud 09 December 2009 (has links)
La présente étude s’intéresse, dans une perspective anthropologique, à lier acteurs et chercheurs à la gestion halieutique d’une ressource dont la visibilité économique et sociale est en pleine expansion. L’observation et l’analyse de la pêche artisanale telle qu’elle est pratiquée par les Indiens Tzutuj’iil au lac Atitlán (Guatemala) constitue une activité clef où se donne à voir la configuration croisée des subjectivités et du collectif, un lieu privilégié où se tissent des filets de relations entre les pêcheurs, entre les pêcheurs et le lac, entre les pêcheurs et le chercheur. En vue d’apprécier ce qui est en train de se passer collectivement, des relations ont été élaborées entre les champs cinématographiques et anthropologiques. Cette recherche mène conjointement une approche sensible - le cinéma - et une approche sociale et culturelle en vue de rendre compte des liens empreints de contingence et non univoques entre les représentations collectives et les pratiques. À l’inverse d’une anthropologie partagée où prime le nom d’un réalisateur, ce travail suscite une anthropologie partageable au sein de laquelle le pluriel, ce mode grammatical de la relativité, s’avère propice à une science du divers. Ainsi, à partir d’une scène halieutique où se déploient des gestes traditionnels, cette recherche privilégie grâce aux nouvelles technologies les rapports sociaux sous un angle interactif. Elle s’inscrit dans le cadre d’une recherche participative et promeut une « ethnographie en réseau » où les maillages sont représentatifs de la manière dont les acteurs se rattachent les uns aux autres de manière horizontale. / Summary: the present study is concerned, in an anthropological perspective, with connecting actors and researchers to the halieutic management of a resource of which the economic and social visibility is rapidly growing.The observation and the analysis of the small-scale fishing such as it is practised by the Indians Tzutuj' iil on the lake Atitlán (Guatemala) constitutes a key activity in which the crossed configuration of the subjectivity and the collective appears, a privileged environment where relations nets are woven between the fishermen, between the fishermen and the lake, between the fishermen and the researcher.To appreciate what is taking place collectively; links were set up between cinematographic and anthropological fields. This research leads jointly a sensitive approach - the cinema - and a social and cultural approach to report links stamped with contingency and not unequivocal between the collective representations and the practices. Contrary to a shared anthropology where the name of a director predominates, this work creates a shareable anthropology within which the plural, this grammatical mode of the relativity, turns out to be convenient for a science of the diversity. So, from a halieutic stage where traditional movements are unfold, this study favours, thanks to new technologies, the social connections under an interactive angle. It is part of the structure of a participative research and promotes “an ethnography in network” where meshing are representative of the way the actors are connected with one another in a horizontal way.

Optimizing Bike Sharing System Flows using Graph Mining, Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks

Ljubenkov, Davor January 2019 (has links)
A Bicycle-sharing system (BSS) is a popular service scheme deployed in cities of different sizes around the world. Although docked bike systems are its most popular model used, it still experiences a number of weaknesses that could be optimized by investigating bike sharing network properties and evolution of obtained patterns.Efficiently keeping bicycle-sharing system as balanced as possible is the main problem and thus, predicting or minimizing the manual transportation of bikes across the city is the prime objective in order to save logistic costs for operating companies.The purpose of this thesis is two-fold; Firstly, it is to visualize bike flow using data exploration methods and statistical analysis to better understand mobility characteristics with respect to distance, duration, time of the day, spatial distribution, weather circumstances, and other attributes. Secondly, by obtaining flow visualizations, it is possible to focus on specific directed sub-graphs containing only those pairs of stations whose mutual flow difference is the most asymmetric. By doing so, we are able to use graph mining and machine learning techniques on these unbalanced stations.Identification of spatial structures and their structural change can be captured using Convolutional neural network (CNN) that takes adjacency matrix snapshots of unbalanced sub-graphs. A generated structure from the previous method is then used in the Long short-term memory artificial recurrent neural network (RNN LSTM) in order to find and predict its dynamic patterns.As a result, we are predicting bike flows for each node in the possible future sub-graph configuration, which in turn informs bicycle-sharing system owners in advance to plan accordingly. This combination of methods notifies them which prospective areas they should focus on more and how many bike relocation phases are to be expected. Methods are evaluated using Cross validation (CV), Root mean square error (RMSE) and Mean average error (MAE) metrics. Benefits are identified both for urban city planning and for bike sharing companies by saving time and minimizing their cost. / Lånecykel avser ett system för uthyrning eller utlåning av cyklar. Systemet används främst i större städer och bekostas huvudsakligen genom tecknande av ett abonnemang.Effektivt hålla cykel andelssystem som balanseras som möjligt huvud problemand därmed förutsäga eller minimera manuell transport av cyklar över staden isthe främsta mål för att spara logistikkostnaderna för drift companies.Syftet med denna avhandling är tvåfaldigt.För det första är det att visualisera cykelflödet med hjälp av datautforskningsmetoder och statistisk analys för att bättre förstå rörlighetskarakteristika med avseende på avstånd, varaktighet, tid på dagen, rumsfördelning, väderförhållanden och andra attribut.För det andra är det vid möjliga flödesvisualiseringar möjligt att fokusera på specifika riktade grafer som endast innehåller de par eller stationer vars ömsesidiga flödesskillnad är den mest asymmetriska.Genom att göra det kan vi anvnda grafmining och maskininlärningsteknik på dessa obalanserade stationer, och använda konjunktionsnurala nätverk (CNN) som tar adjacency matrix snapshots eller obalanserade subgrafer.En genererad struktur från den tidigare metoden används i det långa kortvariga minnet artificiella återkommande neurala nätverket (RNN LSTM) för att hitta och förutsäga dess dynamiska mönster.Som ett resultat förutsäger vi cykelflden för varje nod i den eventuella framtida underkonfigurationen, vilket i sin tur informerar cykeldelningsägare om att planera i enlighet med detta.Denna kombination av metoder meddelar dem vilka framtida områden som bör inriktas på mer och hur många cykelflyttningsfaser som kan förväntas.Metoder utvärderas med hjälp av cross validation (CV), Root mean square error (RMSE) och Mean average error (MAE) metrics.Fördelar identifieras både för stadsplanering och för cykeldelningsföretag genom att spara tid och minimera kostnaderna.

Um modelo conceitual para aprendizagem colaborativa baseada na execução de projetos pela Web. / A conceptual model for collaborative e-learning based on the execution of projects.

Luisa Aleyda Garcia González 20 December 2005 (has links)
O ensino da Engenharia por meios eletrônicos de aprendizagem demanda a implementação de métodos práticos que facilitem ao aluno aprender conteúdos do tipo procedimentos e atitudes, por meio da ação, da interação dos participantes, e da integração de conhecimentos de diferentes áreas. Esta aprendizagem só pode ser efetiva em contextos significativos e a partir de situações específicas, que são estimulados com a utilização do método de projeto. A eficácia deste método é alcançada quando utilizado em grupos, onde um membro aprende na integração com outro, compartilhando recursos e conhecimentos, e adquirindo ou exercitando um conjunto de habilidades pessoais, atualmente muito necessárias no trabalho profissional do Engenheiro. Embora conhecida a importância do método de projeto no estilo de aprendizagem colaborativa, não existem orientações para sua utilização no modelo de ensino-aprendizagem a distância. Este cenário representou a principal motivação para propor, neste trabalho, um modelo conceitual para aprendizagem colaborativa baseada na execução de projetos pela Web (MAC-BP). O modelo é organizado em três submodelos relacionados entre si, que caracterizam a criação, a execução e o suporte das atividades instrucionais colaborativas utilizadas no ensino da Engenharia. Um modelo para planejar as atividades e responsabilidades do especialista, encarregado pela criação do conteúdo e das atividades de grupo baseados no método de projeto; um modelo de colaboração que formaliza a coordenação das interações dos membros do grupo, através de um autômato finito; e um modelo para o ambiente de suporte às atividades instrucionais colaborativas, que busca integrar as funcionalidades requeridas pelos ambientes CSCL (Computer Supported Cooperative Learning), algumas presentes, porém dispersas, entre os sistemas disponíveis de suporte à colaboração. Por outro lado, a concepção das atividades instrucionais para grupos, além de representar uma tarefa que consome muito tempo, constitui um processo trabalhoso. Em geral, neste processo, a criação dos recursos envolvidos numa ação de aprendizagem específica está estreitamente relacionada ao formato da ferramenta utilizada para sua criação e gerenciamento, dificultando assim a reutilização dos elementos educacionais por novas aplicações. Este novo cenário converteu-se numa outra motivação para colaborar nesta área. Neste trabalho identificam-se os elementos (objetos e ações) compartilháveis de aprendizagem colaborativa envolvidos no modelo MAC-BP e propõe-se um conjunto de especificações técnicas para a criação e utilização destes elementos, segundo as especificações ADL-SCORM e IMS-LD divulgadas para o modelo de EAD orientado à aprendizagem individual. Assim, as duas propostas apresentadas neste trabalho pretendem contribuir com os esforços de padronização dos recursos e procedimentos de suporte ao ensino-aprendizagem, em sistemas eletrônicos de suporte à aprendizagem colaborativa na área de pesquisa dos sistemas CSCL. Especificamente, as propostas indicam caminhos para a inovação do processo pedagógico, e se constituem em guias para os instrutores na criação das aplicações de aprendizagem colaborativa baseadas em projeto e na criação dos elementos instrucionais envolvidos nelas, além de oferecer uma solução para a coordenação das interações colaborativas do grupo durante a execução de projetos, o que representa um suporte à aprendizagem em grupo na área de Engenharia. / Engineering Education in e-learning environments demands the implementation of practical methods that facilitates learning of contents of the type: procedures and attitudes by means of action, of the interaction among participants and the integration of knowledge of different fields. This learning can only be effective in significant contexts and from specific situations that are stimulated by using the project method. The effectiveness of this method is reached when used of preference in groups; in such a way that a participant learns with another by sharing resources and knowledge and acquiring or exercising a set of personal abilities, which are necessary for the professional work of the engineer. In spite of the well-recognized importance of the project method for collaborative e-learning, no comprehensive guidelines have yet been set out for distance education. This scenario represented the main motivation to propose a conceptual Model for Collaborative e-Learning Based on the execution of Web supported Projects (MAC-BP). This model is organized in three sub models related among them representing the creation, the execution, and the support of the collaborative instructional activities used in Engineering Teaching. One model is devoted to plan the activities and responsibilities of the specialist, the person in charge of the elaboration of contents and planning the activities of the group based on the project method. The second is a collaborative model aiming to formalize the coordination of the interactions among the members of the group, through a finite automaton. The last model is conceived as a supporting environment to the collaborative instructional activities aiming to integrate the functionalities required by CSCL (Computer Supported Cooperative Learning) environments, some of them already existing, however highly scattered among the available systems for supporting collaboration. On the other hand, the conception of instructional activities for groups is a time-consuming task and constitutes a laborious process. In general, the creation of the involved resources in a specific learning action is intimately related to the format of the tool used for its creation and management, making difficult to reuse the educational elements in new applications. This is a additional motivation to intend to make some contribution to this field. In this work, the shareable elements of collaborative learning (objects and actions) involved in the model MAC-BP are identified. In addition, a set of technical specifications is suggested for the elaboration and use of these elements, according to ADL-SCORM and IMS-LD specifications previously reported for the EAD model focused on individual learning. In summary, the two proposals showed in this work intend to contribute to the efforts of standardization of resources and procedures in order to support the teaching-learning process by means of electronic systems conceived to support the collaborative learning in the investigation of CSCL systems. These proposals indicate ways to innovate the pedagogical process, and constitute guides for instructors to develop new applications of project-based collaborative learning and the elaboration of the involved instructional elements. In addition, the proposals give a solution to the coordination of group collaborative interactions during the execution of projects and represent a support to collaborative learning in Engineering.

Um modelo conceitual para aprendizagem colaborativa baseada na execução de projetos pela Web. / A conceptual model for collaborative e-learning based on the execution of projects.

Garcia González, Luisa Aleyda 20 December 2005 (has links)
O ensino da Engenharia por meios eletrônicos de aprendizagem demanda a implementação de métodos práticos que facilitem ao aluno aprender conteúdos do tipo procedimentos e atitudes, por meio da ação, da interação dos participantes, e da integração de conhecimentos de diferentes áreas. Esta aprendizagem só pode ser efetiva em contextos significativos e a partir de situações específicas, que são estimulados com a utilização do método de projeto. A eficácia deste método é alcançada quando utilizado em grupos, onde um membro aprende na integração com outro, compartilhando recursos e conhecimentos, e adquirindo ou exercitando um conjunto de habilidades pessoais, atualmente muito necessárias no trabalho profissional do Engenheiro. Embora conhecida a importância do método de projeto no estilo de aprendizagem colaborativa, não existem orientações para sua utilização no modelo de ensino-aprendizagem a distância. Este cenário representou a principal motivação para propor, neste trabalho, um modelo conceitual para aprendizagem colaborativa baseada na execução de projetos pela Web (MAC-BP). O modelo é organizado em três submodelos relacionados entre si, que caracterizam a criação, a execução e o suporte das atividades instrucionais colaborativas utilizadas no ensino da Engenharia. Um modelo para planejar as atividades e responsabilidades do especialista, encarregado pela criação do conteúdo e das atividades de grupo baseados no método de projeto; um modelo de colaboração que formaliza a coordenação das interações dos membros do grupo, através de um autômato finito; e um modelo para o ambiente de suporte às atividades instrucionais colaborativas, que busca integrar as funcionalidades requeridas pelos ambientes CSCL (Computer Supported Cooperative Learning), algumas presentes, porém dispersas, entre os sistemas disponíveis de suporte à colaboração. Por outro lado, a concepção das atividades instrucionais para grupos, além de representar uma tarefa que consome muito tempo, constitui um processo trabalhoso. Em geral, neste processo, a criação dos recursos envolvidos numa ação de aprendizagem específica está estreitamente relacionada ao formato da ferramenta utilizada para sua criação e gerenciamento, dificultando assim a reutilização dos elementos educacionais por novas aplicações. Este novo cenário converteu-se numa outra motivação para colaborar nesta área. Neste trabalho identificam-se os elementos (objetos e ações) compartilháveis de aprendizagem colaborativa envolvidos no modelo MAC-BP e propõe-se um conjunto de especificações técnicas para a criação e utilização destes elementos, segundo as especificações ADL-SCORM e IMS-LD divulgadas para o modelo de EAD orientado à aprendizagem individual. Assim, as duas propostas apresentadas neste trabalho pretendem contribuir com os esforços de padronização dos recursos e procedimentos de suporte ao ensino-aprendizagem, em sistemas eletrônicos de suporte à aprendizagem colaborativa na área de pesquisa dos sistemas CSCL. Especificamente, as propostas indicam caminhos para a inovação do processo pedagógico, e se constituem em guias para os instrutores na criação das aplicações de aprendizagem colaborativa baseadas em projeto e na criação dos elementos instrucionais envolvidos nelas, além de oferecer uma solução para a coordenação das interações colaborativas do grupo durante a execução de projetos, o que representa um suporte à aprendizagem em grupo na área de Engenharia. / Engineering Education in e-learning environments demands the implementation of practical methods that facilitates learning of contents of the type: procedures and attitudes by means of action, of the interaction among participants and the integration of knowledge of different fields. This learning can only be effective in significant contexts and from specific situations that are stimulated by using the project method. The effectiveness of this method is reached when used of preference in groups; in such a way that a participant learns with another by sharing resources and knowledge and acquiring or exercising a set of personal abilities, which are necessary for the professional work of the engineer. In spite of the well-recognized importance of the project method for collaborative e-learning, no comprehensive guidelines have yet been set out for distance education. This scenario represented the main motivation to propose a conceptual Model for Collaborative e-Learning Based on the execution of Web supported Projects (MAC-BP). This model is organized in three sub models related among them representing the creation, the execution, and the support of the collaborative instructional activities used in Engineering Teaching. One model is devoted to plan the activities and responsibilities of the specialist, the person in charge of the elaboration of contents and planning the activities of the group based on the project method. The second is a collaborative model aiming to formalize the coordination of the interactions among the members of the group, through a finite automaton. The last model is conceived as a supporting environment to the collaborative instructional activities aiming to integrate the functionalities required by CSCL (Computer Supported Cooperative Learning) environments, some of them already existing, however highly scattered among the available systems for supporting collaboration. On the other hand, the conception of instructional activities for groups is a time-consuming task and constitutes a laborious process. In general, the creation of the involved resources in a specific learning action is intimately related to the format of the tool used for its creation and management, making difficult to reuse the educational elements in new applications. This is a additional motivation to intend to make some contribution to this field. In this work, the shareable elements of collaborative learning (objects and actions) involved in the model MAC-BP are identified. In addition, a set of technical specifications is suggested for the elaboration and use of these elements, according to ADL-SCORM and IMS-LD specifications previously reported for the EAD model focused on individual learning. In summary, the two proposals showed in this work intend to contribute to the efforts of standardization of resources and procedures in order to support the teaching-learning process by means of electronic systems conceived to support the collaborative learning in the investigation of CSCL systems. These proposals indicate ways to innovate the pedagogical process, and constitute guides for instructors to develop new applications of project-based collaborative learning and the elaboration of the involved instructional elements. In addition, the proposals give a solution to the coordination of group collaborative interactions during the execution of projects and represent a support to collaborative learning in Engineering.

Violence à l'adolescence et maillage transdisciplinaire : enjeux, effets, logiques et perspectives / Violence in adolescence and transdisciplinary mesh

Dobrzynski, Anne Claire 21 November 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse émerge de la clinique des agirs violents à l’adolescence à la Protection Judicaire de la Jeunesse et nous conduit au cœur de la clinique du conflit narcissique. Une large excursion sur le fil de huit accompagnements d’adolescents dans un cadre Pénal illustre cette clinique, support à la modélisation. L’enjeu inaugural de ces travaux de recherche est de modéliser un dispositif d’accompagnement de ces adolescents dont on dit fréquemment qu’ils n’ont pas de demande de soin psychique. La perspective est d’accueillir et de transformer le commettage, langage subjectif de l’agir violent, effet d’une détresse infantile, tissée à l’héritage transgénérationnel et aux remaniements psychiques propres à l’adolescence. Les racines, intrapsychique et intersubjective, du commettage sont envisagées sous trois prismes de lecture théorique : le paradoxe et les enjeux narcissiques ; la faillite de la fonction contenante ; le traumatisme et la dépression latente. Le focus théorique est ensuite mis sur les effets de la violence fondamentale (Bergeret) dans les liens adolescents-professionnels ; sur la professionnalité et les groupes institués. Les fragments bruts de la subjectivité de ces adolescents sont expulsés par et dans l’agir violent, sur et dans la scène psychique externe de l’accompagnement. Ils circulent dans un mouvement transféro-contre-transférentiel. On peut parler aussi d’identification projective, d’alliances inconscientes et de fonction phorique pour éclairer le processus de circulation des pans de subjectivité brute dans les trois espaces psychiques (Kaës). L’approche transdisciplinaire constitue l’essence du dispositif. Cette posture soutient l’éthique, la démocratie et l’humour, vecteur démocratique qui préserve le narcissisme. Cet état d’esprit et méthodologie est adossé aux trois opérateurs de reliance de la pensée complexe définie par le sociologue Edgar Morin : dialogique, boucle récursive et principe hologrammatique. Le dispositif de rencontre transdisciplinaire en tout petit groupe (RTPG) réunit l’adolescent, son éducateur référent et le psychologue de l’unité : les frontières se décloisonnent, au cœur de relations non hiérarchisées, tout en préservant notre singularité subjective. Cette posture prend en compte l’effet de la dilution des frontières intersubjectives et disciplinaires. Cette dilution correspond à la part trans-subjective (Wainrib) du lien, particulièrement dilatée dans les cliniques de l’agir violent et du conflit narcissique. Ces rencontres, co-construites avec l’adolescent (durée, fréquence), se déploient sous forme de conversations ordinaires (Winnicott). L’enjeu est de rassembler hic et nunc les pans de subjectivité brute que l’adolescent expulse hic et ubique sur la scène interinstitutionnelle. Soutenant l’idée que si l’adolescent est absent physiquement, il ne l’est pas subjectivement, la rencontre transdisciplinaire se déroule en présence ou l’absence de l’adolescent. Ce travail en l’absence répond au défaut de portage psychique dans les liens primaires de ces adolescents et impulse un travail de l’absence. La groupalité transdisciplinaire qui émerge au fil des rencontres a des effets de contenance externe, puis interne par introjection du lien au dispositif et finalement, d’apaisement des agirs violents et de relance du processus de subjectivation. Au cœur de ce dispositif, l’accompagnement de ces adolescents conduit à exporter l’esprit transdisciplinaire de la rencontre sur la scène interinstitutionnelle. La modélisation de la clinique permet de définir cette scène comme une scène psychique singulière et plurielle, propre à chaque adolescent, avec des groupes internes, des espaces interstitiels et une enveloppe. Les groupes internes interinstitutionnels (GII) constituent des organisateurs de la groupalité de la scène psychique interinstitutionnelle. Les GII sont des modalités de rencontre groupale qui émergent de l’intérieur de l’accompagnement des adolescents... / This thesis emerges from violent acts clinical situations to Youth Judicial Protection Service, and leads us to narcissistic conflict clinical situations. A broader excursion into eight clinical supports of adolescents in penal framework illustrates this clinical situation, support of modelling.The inaugural issue on this research studies is to model a clinical support consultation for these adolescents, as are frequently heard that they haven’t a demand for mental care. The prospect is to receive and transform “commettage”, subjective langage of violent act, resulting of infant distress, weaved with transgenerational heritage and psychic readjustments characteristic of adolescence.Intrapsychic and intersubjective roots of “commettage” are looked at it from three perspectives : paradox and narcissistic issues ; disorder of containing function ; traumatism and latent depression.The theorical focus informs of the fundamental violence (Bergeret) effects to adolescents-professionals intersubjective links ; to professionalism and established groups.Subjectivity raw fragments of these adolescents are expelled through and in violent act, into extern psychic extern scene of clinical support. They move in a transferential and countertransferential movement. Projective identification, unconscious alliances and phoric function give an understanding of circulation process of subjectivity raw fragments into three psychic spaces (Kaës).Transdisciplinary approach constitutes a substance of clinical support. This clinical posture maintains ethic, democracy and humor, democratic factor that protect narcissism. This state of mind and methodology is couples to three reliance operators of complex thinking (Morin) : dialogic, recursive loop, hologram principle.Small group of transdisciplinary meeting (SGTM) gathers adolescent, educator and service psychologist : borders are decompartmentalized into not hierarchical relationships, but preserving subjective singularity. This clinical posture receives the effect of intersubjective and disciplinary borders dilution. This dilution ties with trans-subjective (Wainrib) share of link, particularly expanded into clinical situations of violent act and narcissistic conflict.These meetings, co-thought with adolescent (duration, frequency), unfold themselves in form of ordinary conversations (Winnicott). The issue is to bring together hic et nunc subjectivity raw fragments, expelled by the adolescent hic et ubique into interinstitutional scene.Supporting the idea that if the adolescent is absent physically, he isn’t subjectively, the transdisciplinary meeting takes place in the presence of or without the adolescent. This clinical support in the absence replies to psychic portage disorder into primary links, and drives a work of absence.Transdisplinary groupality, which emerges over meetings, has effects of extern containing, then intern containing through support link introjection. Finally, violent acts are appeased and subjectivation process can restart.Into this consultation, the clinical support of these adolescents can get to export of transdisciplinary state of mind into interinstitutional scene. Clinical modelling defines this scene as a psychic singular and plural scene, characteristic at each adolescent, with intern groups, interstitial scenes and envelope. The intern interinstitutionals groups (IIG) constitute the organizers of groupality of interinstitutional psychic scene. These IIG are groupal meetings that emerge inside clinical support. The SGTM is one of them. These IIG have articular function between interinstitutional, institutional et intrapsychic scenes and, function of metapsychic and metasocial guarantor (Kaës)....

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