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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Adoption of voluntary CSR initiatives : tales of the UN Global Compact

Pérez-Rocha, Bertha Guadalupe January 2018 (has links)
This thesis consists of three empirical studies investigating, from various perspectives, the corporate motivations to join one of the largest voluntary initiatives promoting sustainability: the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC). I employ three different statistical techniques, logistic regression analysis, event history analysis and structural equation modelling. The first study provides evidence from a field experiment on shareholder engagement effectiveness in general and on which tactics are more effective in engaging publicly traded firms. The experiment consists of an invitation letter sent by the Principles for Responsible Investment Clearinghouse, one of the largest worldwide coalition of investors, to encourage companies to sign up the United Nations Global Compact. I use a theoretical model for investor salience in order to understand the impact of the engagement. To the best of my knowledge, this is the first large-scale research on engagement using randomized controlled trials in the academic literature and in practice. The aim of the second study is three fold. First, most academic literature focuses on how the adoption of the UNGC impacts on the implementation of environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) performance; this study addresses how ESG performance shapes the CSR strategy, namely, the UNGC. Next, I explore to what extent the ESG performance of firms adopting the UNGC change over time. Finally, this paper investigates whether the existence of controversies is a determinant for joining the initiative. Results show that, in all cases, ESG performance is significant and positively related to the adoption of the Ten Principles. Furthermore, results show that ESG performance differs across different points in time. Contrary to my expectations, controversies have no influence on UNGC membership. The third and final study examines the effect of the characteristics of the board of directors on the adoption of the UNGC/GRI by US-based firms. I investigate whether and how a CSR oriented board chooses the UNGC/GRI as part of their firms reporting strategy. I also consider the level of environmental and social performance as a mediator for such a decision. Results show that there is a positive and significant relationship between the board and environmental and social performance, and between environmental and social performance and the adoption of voluntary CSR initiatives. This relationship is stronger for social performance and for the GRI. Overall, this thesis provides further evidence about motivations to join the UNGC. The outcomes of this thesis are of relevance for shareholders and investor coalitions, policy makers, and other groups of stakeholders. Theoretically, this thesis adds to the literature on shareholder engagement, strategy and corporate governance.

Socially responsible investments and shareholder engagement in the Swedish pension fund system : A case study on the Swedish AP funds

Skol, Adam January 2019 (has links)
In recent years, institutional shareholders have more frequently engaged themselves in dialogue with corporations on corporate social and environmental factors (ESG factors) through a new investment strategy often referred to as socially responsible investments. The Swedish public pension funds work with socially responsible investments and shareholder engagement are based on their mandate to serve the Swedish people and to manage their retirement capital in a desirable way. Since 2019, the AP funds are also legally obliged by the AP Funds Act (2000:192) to contribute to sustainable development by their investments. The findings of this thesis suggest that shareholders can positively influence the social and environmental performance of a corporation. It suggests that shareholder engagement dialogue is an effective influence instrument to generate positive social and environmental outcomes, with an open and constructive dialogue between the shareholder and the corporation. In order to build a successful long-term relationship between the shareholder and investee, it is important for the engager to enhance the preparation and try to stay fully informed on the matters being raised to the investee. This can be achieved by the shareholder by letting the engager focus the engagement on a manageable number of corporations and sectors and by having a dialogue with several different stakeholders throughout the network such as local union trade organisations or other NGOs.

Bang for the Buck : Achieving effective shareholder engagement through dialogues / Aktieägarens inflytande : Hur blir påverkansdialoger effektiva?

Busch, Ylvali January 2020 (has links)
The consolidation of corporate ownership into the hands of large institutional investors has resulted in growing expectations that actors in the financial system should leverage their positions of ownership to improve corporate sustainability. In other words, institutional investors are expected to take a greater responsibility for the transition towards a greener economy by becoming active owners. However, active ownership is not a uniform concept. Instead, the term can imply many different strategies and tools, raising questions of how investors become active owners in a way that yields maximum influence while economizing their resources. Among all the tools investors have available, shareholder engagement through dialogues is suggested to have many advantages. However, previous research has not provided a clear-cut account of the mechanisms by which shareholder engagement through dialogues unfold successfully. Therefore, this thesis aims to contribute to the understanding of when and how engagement dialogue becomes a powerful tool for shareholders in order to improve corporate sustainability. The study is performed in the context of actively managed equity funds, with interviews from both funds and companies. In order to understand how actively managed equity funds can effectively leverage their ownership through engagement dialogues, the focus of this study has been twofold. First, the research has focused on understanding how the internal structures within funds should be designed to support the engagement process. Second, the research has focused on pinpointing the mechanisms that make engagement dialogue between Swedish equity funds and their portfolio companies successful. This has resulted in the development of three frameworks, aiming to facilitate funds to make conscious decisions regarding how they work with shareholder dialogues. / Aktieägare har en nyckelroll när det kommer till att påverka bolag till att ställa om till en mer hållbar verksamhet genom att praktisera ett aktivt ägandeskap. Att vara en aktiv ägare kan dock betyda många olika saker, och investerare kan använda sig av en uppsjö av olika strategier och verktyg. Därmed väcks frågan hur investerare praktiserar ett aktivt ägandeskap så effektivt som möjligt. Bland de verktyg som investerare har tillgängliga för att bedriva aktivt ägande så föreslås påverkansarbete genom dialog ha många fördelar. Tidigare forskning har dock inte fullgott redogjort för de mekanismer som gör att investerares påverkansarbete genom dialog blir framgångsrikt. Mot den bakgrunden så är syftet med den här uppsatsen att fördjupa förståelsen för hur påverkansdialog blir ett kraftfullt verktyg för investerare när de försöker påverka företag till att bli mer hållbara. Studien har genomförts i den svenska kontexten med fokus på aktivt förvaltade aktiefonder. Genom intervjuer på både investerar- och företagssidan har studien rörts sig i interaktionen mellan fonder och dess portföljbolag. För att förstå hur aktivt förvaltade aktiefonder kan få inflytande genom påverkansdialoger har studien haft ett tudelat fokus. Fokus har legat på att försöka förstå dels hur interna strukturer bör utformas för att stötta påverkansdialoger på bästa sätt, och dels på vilka mekanismer och kritiska faktorer som behövs för att påverkansdialoger ska bli framgångsrika. Detta har mynnat ut i tre ramverk som alla syftar till att underlätta för fonder att göra medvetna val kring hur de arbetar genom påverkansdialoger

Utvecklingen av etiska fonder : Från etik till hållbarhet / The development of ethical funds : From ethics to sustainability

Thulin, Johanna, Gogoska, Mirjana Mimmi January 2015 (has links)
Hållbarhet och etik är ett högst aktuellt ämne i dagens samhälle som även påverkar den finansiella sektorn. Ämnen som CSR och hållbarhetsfrågor har tidigare haft fokus på företagsvärlden men under de senaste åren har även finansvärlden uppmärksammat ämnet, i och med uppkomsten av sociala och etiska investeringar.Tidigare forskning inom området etiska fonder har framförallt handlat om avkastningen och urvalsprocessen av bolag, få studier har gjorts av fondernas etiska prestanda. Den här studien syftar till att fördjupa diskussionen kring de etiska fonderna. Detta görs genom att studera hur fondbolagen bedriver urvalsprocessen och förvaltningen av dessa fonder.I studien används en abduktiv ansats. Det har inneburit att vi har fått komplettera den ursprungliga teoridelen utifrån de svar vi fick under den empiriska insamlingen. Studien är kvalitativ och empirin samlades in genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer. Vi valde att kontakta de fyra storbankernas fondbolag, två AP-fonder samt ytterligare ett fondbolag. Respondenterna som intervjuades bestod av fondförvaltare eller specialister inom hållbarhetsområdet.Resultatet av studien visar att benämningen etiska fonder är på väg bort. Branschen vill inte definiera etik istället talar man om efterträdarna, hållbara och ansvarsfulla fonder. Trots förnekelsen av etiska fonder används en liknande urvalprocess för de hållbara fonderna, därmed kvarstår den problematiken som funnits för de etiska fonderna. Den stora skillnaden idag är att fondbolagen vill agera hållbart och ansvarsfullt på alla plan, både gällande sociala- och miljömässiga aspekter.Studies resultat skiljer sig från tidigare forskning genom att den fokuserar på den etiska prestandan. Undersökningen konstaterar att etikfonderna håller på att försvinna, men ur dem har hållbara fonder fötts. Den här studien har gett ökad kunskap inom ett område som är relativt outforskat. Studien kan därför lämpligtvis användas för framtida forskning. / Sustainability and ethics are discussed all over the world. Subjects as CSR and sustainability related questions were earlier only highlighted by companies. Nowadays even the financial industry has started to focus on those questions, with the emergence of social and ethical investments.Previous research have focused on return or the selection process, very few have studied the ethical performance. This study aims to deepen the discussion about ethical funds. This is done by studying how the fund companies conduct the management of ethical funds.This study is using an abductive approach, which means that we have completed the original theory with more theory after we had done the research on the field. We have used a qualitative method and collected the empirical data by semi-structured interviews. The four largest banks fund companies of Sweden, two pension funds and one additional fund company were interviewed. The respondents were either fund managers or specialists in the area of sustainability.The results of the study show that the term ethical fund is slowly disappearing. No one of the respondents were willing to define ethics, they would rather discuss the successors sustainable- and responsible funds. Despite the denial of ethical funds, similar selection processes for sustainable funds are used as for ethical funds. The problems that have existed for the ethical funds are moving to the sustainable funds. The big difference today is that fund companies have a vision of acting responsible and sustainable at all levels, both in terms of social and environmental aspects.The results differ from previous research, since it focuses on the ethical performance. The study finds that ethical funds are disappearing as time goes by, but out of them have sustainable funds developed. This research has provided increased knowledge in an area that is relatively unexplored. The study can therefore be suitable for future research.

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