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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

On Non-Classical Stochastic Shortest Path Problems

Piribauer, Jakob 13 October 2021 (has links)
The stochastic shortest path problem lies at the heart of many questions in the formal verification of probabilistic systems. It asks to find a scheduler resolving the non-deterministic choices in a weighted Markov decision process (MDP) that minimizes or maximizes the expected accumulated weight before a goal state is reached. In the classical setting, it is required that the scheduler ensures that a goal state is reached almost surely. For the analysis of systems without guarantees on the occurrence of an event of interest (reaching a goal state), however, schedulers that miss the goal with positive probability are of interest as well. We study two non-classical variants of the stochastic shortest path problem that drop the restriction that the goal has to be reached almost surely. These variants ask for the optimal partial expectation, obtained by assigning weight 0 to paths not reaching the goal, and the optimal conditional expectation under the condition that the goal is reached, respectively. Both variants have only been studied in structures with non-negative weights. We prove that the decision versions of these non-classical stochastic shortest path problems in MDPs with arbitrary integer weights are at least as hard as the Positivity problem for linear recurrence sequences. This Positivity problem is an outstanding open number-theoretic problem, closely related to the famous Skolem problem. A decid- ability result for the Positivity problem would imply a major breakthrough in analytic number theory. The proof technique we develop can be applied to a series of further problems. In this way, we obtain Positivity-hardness results for problems addressing the termination of one-counter MDPs, the satisfaction of energy objectives, the satisfaction of cost constraints and the computation of quantiles, the conditional value-at-risk – an important risk measure – for accumulated weights, and the model-checking problem of frequency-LTL. Despite these Positivity-hardness results, we show that the optimal values for the non-classical stochastic shortest path problems can be achieved by weight-based deter- ministic schedulers and that the optimal values can be approximated in exponential time. In MDPs with non-negative weights, it is known that optimal partial and conditional expectations can be computed in exponential time. These results rely on the existence of a saturation point, a bound on the accumulated weight above which optimal schedulers can behave memorylessly. We improve the result for partial expectations by showing that the least possible saturation point can be computed efficiently. Further, we show that a simple saturation point also allows us to compute the optimal conditional value-at-risk for the accumulated weight in MDPs with non-negative weights. Moreover, we introduce the notions of long-run probability and long-run expectation addressing the long-run behavior of a system. These notions quantify the long-run average probability that a path property is satisfied on a suffix of a run and the long-run average expected amount of weight accumulated before the next visit to a target state, respectively. We establish considerable similarities of the corresponding optimization problems with non-classical stochastic shortest path problems. On the one hand, we show that the threshold problem for optimal long-run probabilities of regular co-safety properties is Positivity-hard via the Positivity-hardness of non-classical stochastic shortest path problems. On the other hand, we show that optimal long-run expectations in MDPs with arbitrary integer weights and long-run probabilities of constrained reachability properties (a U b) can be computed in exponential time using the existence of a saturation point.

Aplikace neuronových sítí v telekomunikacích / Application of neural networks in telecommunications

Šulák, Michal January 2008 (has links)
This Master’s Thesis consists of description of current routing protocols and routers, basic principles of neural networks and their interpretation in connection with the use for routing in data networks and telecommunications networks. In the thesis I focused on neural networks, which use energetic functions to find solution stabled states and their use for data routing. I produced the application software to test and find suitable variables for each function. This application counts the shortest path and is able to change variables to reach the best solution of stabled state of neural network. These solutions are compared with other functions that are usually used in nowadays systems for data network routing.

Modelování rizik v dopravě / Risk modelling in transportation

Lipovský, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with theoretical basics of risk modelling in transportation and optimization using aggregated traffic data. In this thesis is suggested the procedure and implemented the application solving network problem of shortest path between geographical points. The thesis includes method for special paths evaluation depending on the frequency of traffic incidents based on real historical data. The thesis also includes a~graphical interface for presentation of the achieved results.

Système de planification de chemins aériens en 3D : préparation de missions et replanification en cas d'urgence / System for 3D flight planning : mission preparation and emergency replanning

Baklouti, Zeineb 13 September 2018 (has links)
L’enjeu de planification de vol à bord d’un hélicoptère en tenant compte des différents paramètres environnementaux constitue un facteur clé dans le secteur aéronautique afin d’assurer une mission en toute sécurité avec un coût réduit. Ce défi concerne à la fois la phase de préparation de la mission sur une station au sol mais aussi en cours de vol pour faire face à un évènement imprévu. Nous citons un premier exemple de mission de type recherche et sauvetage qui dispose d’un temps limité pour localiser et rechercher des personnes en danger. Pour ce faire, le plan de vol généré doit suivre le relief du terrain à des altitudes relativement basses entre des points de passage désignés. L’objectif est de permettre au pilote de localiser une victime dans une durée bornée. Un deuxième type de mission comme l’assistance médicale a la particularité d’assurer un vol qui favorise le confort du passager ainsi qu’une route qui minimise le temps de vol selon la criticité de la situation. Pendant la phase dynamique, lorsqu’il s’agit d’un événement complexe telle qu’une panne moteur, une replanification de la mission devient nécessaire afin de trouver un chemin aérien qui permet d’atterrir en toute sécurité dans les plus brefs délais. Dans un autre exemple comme l’évitement d’obstacle dynamique ou de zone dangereuse, il s’agit de calculer un autre plan de vol pour atteindre la destination. Cependant à ce jour, les pilotes ne bénéficient pas de système d’autoroutage 3D permettant la replanification dynamique de mission face à une situation d’urgence. Face au défi de génération d’un plan de vol optimal, nos réflexions profondes ont abouti à la proposition d’un nouveau système de planification de chemin, pour des aéronefs, dédié à la préparation de mission avant le vol ainsi qu’à la replanification dynamique en cours de vol face à une situation d’urgence. Le système de planification peut être déployé sur une station au sol ou bien intégré comme fonction avionique au sein de l’aéronef. Les résultats obtenus ont abouti à un brevet déposé devant l’INPI et à plusieurs actions de transfert technologique au sein d’Airbus Hélicoptères. Le système s’appuie sur des techniques de discrétisation de l’espace et de calcul du plus court chemin afin de générer automatiquement des solutions flexibles en terme de profil de chemin en respectant plusieurs contraintes liées à l’appareil, le terrain et l’environnement. La solution proposée est générique et capable de s’adapter selon le type de l’aéronef, le type de la mission et la fonction objectif à minimiser. Le système de planification peut offrir des solutions avec différents compromis entre le temps d’exécution et la qualité du chemin selon le temps disponible qui peut être corrélé avec la criticité de la situation. Le fonctionnement du système de planification de chemin se compose principalement de deux phases : le prétraitement et le routage. La phase de prétraitement permet une discrétisation multi-altitude de l’espace 3D selon une précision donnée et la génération automatique d’un graphe de navigation avec une connexité paramétrable. La phase de routage 3D calcule le chemin en prenant en considération un ensemble de contraintes telles que les limitations angulaires en horizontal et en vertical et une fonction objectif à minimiser tels que la distance, le carburant, le temps, etc. Lors de la phase d’exploration du graphe, le système de planification peut communiquer avec le modèle de performance de l’appareil afin de minimiser une fonction coût liée à la performance et de s’assurer au fur et à mesure de la faisabilité de la mission. La génération automatique des plans de vol et la replanification dynamique représentent une brique essentielle pour concevoir des systèmes d’assistance au pilote ainsi que des aéronefs autonomes. / Helicopter flight planning is a key factor in the aeronautics domain in order to ensure a safe mission at a reduced cost taking into consideration different environmental parameters like terrain, weather, emergency situations, etc. This challenge concerns both the mission preparation phase using a ground station and also during the flight to cope with a complex event (mechanical failure, dynamic obstacle, bad weather conditions, etc.). We quote as a first example a Search and Rescue mission that should be performed in limited time to locate persons in danger. To achieve that, the generated flight path must follow the terrain profile at relatively low altitudes crossing the predefined waypoints. The objective is to allow the pilot to locate a victim in a short time. Another example for a mission of medical assistance where the helicopter should ensure the comfort of patients as well as minimizing the flight time to respect critical situations. During the flight, when a complex event occurs such as engine failure, re-planning the mission becomes necessary in order to find a new path that could guarantee safe landing. Unfortunately, pilots do not benefit from an embedded 3D path planning system that enables dynamic mission re-planning in case of emergency. To tackle the challenge of generating an optimal flight plan, we proposed new path planning system dedicated to mission preparation and dynamic path re-planning during critical situations. The planning system can be deployed on a ground station or embedded as an avionic function in the aircraft. The achieved results are registered as a patent at National Institute of Intellectual Property and deployed inside Airbus Helicopters through several technology transfers. The system relies on 3D space discretization and shortest path planning techniques to generate automatically flexible path profiles that respect several. The proposed solution is generic and is able to adapt to the aircraft model, mission and the objective function to be minimized. The path planning system can offer solutions with different tradeoffs between timing and path quality within the available runtime depending on the criticality of the situation. The functioning of the path planning system consists mainly of two phases : preprocessing and routing phase. The preprocessing allows a multi-altitude discretization of the 3D space according to a given precision and generate automatically a navigation graph with a configurable density. The 3D routing phase calculates the path by considering a set of constraints such as horizontal and vertical angular limitations and the objective function such as distance, fuel, time, etc. During the graph exploration phase, the path planning system can communicate with the aircraft performance model to evaluate a given criterion. Automatic flight path generation is an essential building block for designing pilot assistance systems and autonomous aircraft. In summary, we succeeded to reach the industrial expectations namely : the evaluation of mission feasibility, performances improvement, navigation workload reduction, as well as improving the flight safety. In order to realize the proposed solution, we designed a new tool for automatic 3D flight path planning. We named our tool DTANAV : Demonstration Tool for Aircraft NAVigation. It allows to apply the proposed planning process on real scenarios. Through the tool interface, the user has the possibility to set the parameters related to the mission (starting point, end point, aircraft model, navigation ceiling, etc.). Other algorithmic parameters are defined in order to control the quality and the profile of the generated solution.

Congestion Identification in a Radio Access Transport Network

Montojo Villasanta, Javier, Maqueda Viñas, Manuel January 2014 (has links)
The convergence of mobile services and Internet has brought a radical change in mobile networks. An all IP network architecture, an evolution of the radio access transport network, is required to support new high-bandwidth services. Unfortunately, existing control mechanisms are insufficient to guarantee end users a high quality of experience. However, coordinating radio and transport network resources is expected to yield a more efficient solution. This thesis project investigates the interactions between the congestion avoidance protocols, explicit congestion notification, and the traffic engineering metrics for latency and bandwidth, when using Open Shortest Path First with traffic engineering (OSPF-TE) as a routing protocol. Using knowledge of these interactions, it is possible to identify the appearance of bottlenecks and to control the congestion in the transport links within a radio access transport network. Augmenting a topology map with the network’s current characteristics and reacting to evidence of potential congestion, further actions, such as handovers can be taken to ensure the users experience their expected quality of experience. The proposed method has been validated in a test bed. The results obtained from experiments and measurements in this test bed provide a clear picture of how the traffic flows in the network. Furthermore, the behavior of the network observed in these experiments, in terms of real-time performance and statistical analysis of metrics over a period of time, shows the efficiency of this proposed solution. / Tjänstekonvergensen av Internet- och mobila tjänster har medfört en radikal förändring i mobilnäten. En ”All IP” nätverksarkitektur, en utveckling av radios transportnät. Utvecklingen krävs för att stödja de nya bredbandiga tjänsterna. Tyvärr är befintliga kontrollmekanismer otillräckliga för att garantera användarens kvalitetsupplevelse. Med att samordna radio- och transportnätverkets resurser förväntar man sig en effektivare lösning. Detta examensarbete undersöker samspelet mellan protokoll för att undvika överlast, direkt indikation av överlast och trafikal statistik för fördröjning och bandbredd med trafikstyrning baserat på fördröjning och bandbredd , vid användning av Open Shortest Path First ( OSPF - TE ) som routingprotokoll. Med hjälp av information om dessa interaktioner, är det möjligt att identifiera uppkomsten av flaskhalsar och för att styra trafikstockningar i transportförbindelser inom ett radioaccess transportnät. En utökad topologikarta med nätverkets aktuella egenskaper kommer att reagera på en potentiell överbelastning. Ytterligare åtgärder, till exempel överlämningar, vidtas i mobilnätet för att säkerställa användarens upplevda kvalitet. Den föreslagna metoden har validerats i en testmiljö. Resultaten från experiment och mätningar i denna testmiljö ger en tydlig bild av hur trafikflödena framskrider i nätverket. Beteendet hos nätverket som observeras i dessa experiment, i termer av realtidsprestanda och statistisk analys av mätvärden över en tidsperiod, visar effektiviteten av denna föreslagna lösning.

Deep Learning Models for Route Planning in Road Networks

Zhou, Tianyu January 2018 (has links)
Traditional shortest path algorithms can efficiently find the optimal paths in graphs using simple heuristics. However, formulating a simple heuristic is challenging under the road network setting since there are multiple factors to consider, such as road segment length, edge centrality, and speed limit. This study investigates how a neural network can learn to take these factors as inputs and yield a path given a pair of origin and destination. The research question is formulated as: Are neural networks applicable to real-time route planning tasks in a roadnetwork?. The proposed metric to evaluate the effectiveness of the neural network is arrival rate. The quality of generated paths is evaluated by time efficiency. The real-time performance of the model is also compared between pathfinding in dynamic and static graphs, using theabove metrics. A staggered approach is applied in progressing this investigation. The first step is to generate random graphs, which allows us to monitor the size and properties of the training graph without caring too many details in a road network. The next step is to determine, as a proof of concept, if a neural network can learn to traverse simple graphs with multiple strategies, given that road networks are in effect complex graphs. Finally, we scale up by including factors that might affect the pathfinding in real road networks. Overall, the training data is optimal paths in a graph generated by a shortest path algorithm. The model is then applied to new graphs to generate a path given a pair of origin and destination. The arrival rate and time efficiency are calculated and compared with that of the corresponding optimal path. Experimental results show that the effectiveness, i.e., arrival rate ofthe model is 90% and the path quality, i.e., time efficiency has a medianof 0.88 and a large variance. The experiment shows that the model has better performance in dynamic graphs than in static graphs. Overall, the answer to the research question is positive. However, there is still room to improve the effectiveness of the model and the paths generated by the model. This work shows that a neural network trained to make locally optimal choices can hardly give a globally optimal solution. We also show that our method, only making locally optimal choices, can adapt to dynamic graphs with little performance overhead. / Traditionella algoritmer för att hitta den kortaste vägen kan effektivt hitta de optimala vägarna i grafer med enkel heuristik. Att formulera en enkel heuristik är dock utmanande för vägnätverk eftersom det finns flera faktorer att överväga, såsom vägsegmentlängd, kantcentralitet och hastighetsbegränsningar. Denna studie undersöker hur ett neuralt nätverk kan lära sig att ta dessa faktorer som indata och finna en väg utifrån start- och slutpunkt. Forskningsfrågan är formulerad som: Är neuronnätverket tillämpliga på realtidsplaneringsuppgifter i ett vägnät?. Det föreslagna måttet för att utvärdera effektiviteten hos det neuronnätverket är ankomstgrad. Kvaliteten på genererade vägar utvärderas av tidseffektivitet. Prestandan hos modellen jämförs också mellan sökningen i dynamiska och statiska grafer, med hjälp av ovanstående mätvärden. Undersökningen bedrivs i flera steg. Det första steget är att generera slumpmässiga grafer, vilket gör det möjligt för oss att övervaka träningsdiagrammets storlek och egenskaper utan att ta hand om för många detaljer i ett vägnät. Nästa steg är att, som ett bevis på konceptet, undersöka om ett neuronnätverk kan lära sig att korsa enkla grafer med flera strategier, eftersom vägnätverk är i praktiken komplexa grafer. Slutligen skalas studien upp genom att inkludera faktorer som kan påverka sökningen i riktiga vägnät. Träningsdata utgörs av optimala vägar i en graf som genereras av en algoritm för att finna den kortaste vägen. Modellen appliceras sedan i nya grafer för att hitta en väg mellan start och slutpunkt. Ankomstgrad och tidseffektivitet beräknas och jämförs med den motsvarande optimala sökvägen. De experimentella resultaten visar att effektiviteten, dvs ankomstgraden av modellen är 90% och vägkvaliteten dvs tidseffektiviteten har en median på 0,88 och en stor varians. Experimentet visar att modellen har bättre prestanda i dynamiska grafer än i statiska grafer. Sammantaget är svaret på forskningsfrågan positivt. Det finns dock fortfarande utrymme att förbättra modellens effektivitet och de vägar som genereras av modellen. Detta arbete visar att ett neuronnätverk tränat för att göra lokalt optimala val knappast kan ge globalt optimal lösning. Vi visar också att vår metod, som bara gör lokalt optimala val, kan anpassa sig till dynamiska grafer med begränsad prestandaförlust.

Topographic Maps: Image Processing and Path-Finding

Washington, Calin 01 June 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Topographic maps are an invaluable tool for planning routes through unfamiliar terrain. However, accurately planning routes on topographic maps is a time- consuming and error-prone task. One factor is the difficulty of interpreting the map itself, which requires prior knowledge and practice. Another factor is the difficulty of making choices between possible routes that have different trade-offs between length and the terrain they traverse. To alleviate these difficulties, this thesis presents a system to automate the process of finding routes on scanned images of topographic maps. The system allows users to select any two points on a topographic map and identify their specific preferences for their route. This system extracts terrain and contour line data from topographic map images using image processing techniques and then uses the A* Search algorithm to find a route between the specified points. This system can be used as a starting point for hand-drawn routes, as a means of considering alternative routes, or to entirely replace drawing routes by hand. This thesis also presents a user study which shows that this system produces routes in a significantly shorter time than hand-drawn routes, and with a similar level of accuracy.

Evaluating the Performance of the Freight Transportation System of the Great Lakes Region: An Intermodal Approach to Routing and Forecasting

Wang, Qifeng January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Dynamic Routing and Load Balancing Techniques for Integrated Access and Backhaul Network / Dynamisk Dirigering och Lastbalansering Tekniker för Integrerad Åtkomst och Backhaul Nätverk

Liang, Yung-Chin January 2020 (has links)
Mobile networks have rapidly evolved over decades, and have arrived at the fifth generation (5G) system in recent years. From 2019, companies started to bring 5G networks into business, providing higher data rates, lower latency, and larger network capacity to the world. One of the main advancements in 5G network systems is the use of millimetre waves for wireless transmission. This not only grants higher throughput with wide bandwidth but also introduces new challenges to the radio access networks in 5G systems. To tackle the challenges, a new type of network, which is called the Integrated Access and Backhaul (IAB) network, has been proposed as a deployment solution for 5G cellular networks. In this work, we investigate the routing mechanism of an IAB network and propose a novel load balancing algorithm that can be applied to the IAB network for improvement in throughput as well as load distribution. We extend the work from previous studies on IAB networks and evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm in comparison to previous work. Through radio network simulations, we find that the shortest path routing outperforms a greedy algorithm in terms of path selection in the network and that the proposed algorithm achieves load balancing among the network, combined with an improvement in the user throughput. Finally, we conclude our work and suggest directions for future work in the study of IAB networks. / Mobilnäten har utvecklats snabbt de senaste decennierna och är nu framme vid femte generationens system (5G). Under 2019 började telekomföretag lansera 5G-nätverk, med högre datahastigheter, lägre fördröjningar och högre nätverkskapacitet. Ett av de största framstegen inom 5G-nätverkssystem är användningen av millimetervågor för trådlös överföring. Detta ger högre datahastigheter och större bandbredd, men leder också till nya utmaningar för radioaccessnätverket. För att hantera några av dessa har en ny typ av nätverk, kallat Integrated Access and Backhaul (IAB) föreslagits. I det här arbetet undersöker vi routingmekanismer för ett IAB-nätverk och föreslår en ny lastbalanseringsalgoritm som kan användas för att förbättra såväl genomströmning som lastfördelning. Arbetet är en utvidgning av tidigare studier av IAB-nätverk och jämför prestanda för den nya algoritmen med tidigare förslag. Genom simuleringar har vi funnit att shortest path routing överträffar en ”greedy” algoritm när det gäller vägval i nätverket och att den föreslagna algoritmen uppnår såväl lastbalansering som förbättrad genomströmning. Avslutningsvis ges förlag till fortsatt arbete inom studiet av IAB-nätverk.

Geospatial Optimisation Methods for Mini-grid Distribution Networks : MSc Sustainable Energy Engineering (SEE)

La Costa, Jessica January 2022 (has links)
In 2019, 770 million people worldwide lived without electricity. As many as 490 million people could be electrified with 210,000 mini-grids by 2030. Obtaining information for decision-making is crucial to determine the viability of such a project. Currently, it is a major challenge for mini-grid developers to gather this information at the speed and scale necessary to make effective investment choices. Village Data Analytics (VIDA) is a decision-making tool used for mini-grid project planning and site selection. This paper presents a method to estimate the cost of a mini-grid distribution network on a site-by-site basis. This method can estimate the total demand, potential connections, distribution infrastructure components and corresponding costs for each site. The model can make predictions for 50 sites within two hours so the tool is especially useful for preliminary estimates in the planning phase. A more detailed study of the individual sites is recommended. Comparison with a benchmark has shown that on-site conditions often reveal activities that can only be captured by a survey. However, collecting on-site data is time-consuming and costly. Therefore, GIS and modelling tools can serve as a good approximation of the on-ground reality and are relevant to accelerate planning and support timely decision-making. / 2019 levde 770 miljoner människor världen över utan elektricitet. Så många som 490 miljoner människor skulle kunna elektrifieras med 210 000 mininät till 2030. Att få information för beslutsfattande är avgörande för att avgöra om ett sådant projekt är lönsamt. För närvarande är det en stor utmaning för utvecklare av mininät att samla in denna information i den hastighet och skala som krävs för att göra effektiva investeringsval. Village Data Analytics (VIDA) är ett beslutsfattande verktyg som används för projektering av mininät och platsval. Det här dokumentet presenterar en metod för att uppskatta kostnaden för ett distributionsnät för mininät på plats för plats. Denna metod kan uppskatta den totala efterfrågan, potentiella anslutningar, komponenter för distribution sinfrastruktur och motsvarande kostnader för varje plats. Modellen kan göra förutsägelser för 50 platser inom två timmar, så verktyget är särskilt användbart för preliminära uppskattningar i planeringsfasen. En mer detaljerad studie av de enskilda platserna rekommenderas. Jämförelse med ett riktmärke har visat att förhållanden på plats ofta avslöjar aktiviteter som bara kan fångas genom en undersökning. Men att samla in data på plats är tidskrävande och kostsamt. Därför kan GIS- och modelleringsverktyg fungera som en bra approximation av verkligheten på marken och är relevanta för att påskynda planering och stödja beslutsfattande i rätt tid.

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