Spelling suggestions: "subject:"sieve."" "subject:"nieve.""
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Calibration and quality assessment of DESCARTES : grabsampler for stratospheric tracersArvelius, Johan January 2005 (has links)
<p>DESCARTES is a light-weight, balloon-borne grab sampler for stratospheric long-lived tracers developed at the University of Cambridge. 33 flights have been performed with two versions of the instrument at northern latitudes by the DESCARTES team at the Swedish Institute of Space Physics (IRF) in Kiruna during the years 1997-2000.</p><p>The general interest in long-lived stratospheric tracers is to study the general global circulation of air in the stratosphere and the exchange between the stratosphere and troposphere. In the study of chemical ozone depletion in the stratosphere, long-lived tracers serve as an important reference to distinguish between the variations in ozone of dynamical and chemical origin.</p><p>This thesis focuses on calibrations and quality assessment of the measurements made with the third version of the DESCARTES instrument based at IRF. Two different general approaches to make calibrations are discussed. Uncertainty estimations for both of these methods are made and the results are tested by laboratory methods and by comparisons to other instruments, including comparisons between two versions of DESCARTES. Analyzed and calibrated flight data for all successful flights are presented.</p><p>The basic principle of the instrument is to chemically adsorb a number of tracers (in practice only CFC-11 is measured) in an adsorption bed of Carboxen in a micro trap through which the sampled air is driven by a pump. After recovery the adsorbed species in the trap is desorbed by electrical heating of the trap and analysed by gas chromatography.</p><p>The resulting estimated mixing ratios from the instrument are directly dependent on the adsorption of the sampled species being quantitative in the traps. Laboratory experiments are described using two traps in series, where the performance of the first is tested by sampling the breakthrough by the second. A model is developed to recreate these tests in order to be able to compensate for breakthrough during flights. The model showed that the adsorption in the traps is not explained by simple chromatographic theory and the results allow us only to give an estimation of the uncertainty due to breakthrough.</p> / <p>DESCARTES är ett lätt ballongburet provtagningsinstrument för stratosfäriska spårgaser. Det är utvecklat vid universitetet i Cambridge. DESCARTES-teamet vid Institutet för rymdfysik (IRF) i Kiruna har under åren 1997-2000 genomfört 33 flygningar med två olika versioner av instrumentet från nordliga latituder.</p><p>Det generella intresset av långlivade stratosfäriska spårgaser är att studera den globala cirkulationen i stratosfären och utbytet av luft mellan stratosfären och troposfären. För studier av den kemiska ozonnedbrytningen i stratosfären spelar långlivade spårgaser en avgörande roll som referens för att skilja mellan variation i ozonkoncentrationen av kemiskt och dynamiskt ursprung.</p><p>Denna avhandling fokuserar på kalibrering och kvalitetssäkring av mätningar gjorda med den tredje versionen av DESCARTES-instrumentet hemmahörande vid IRF. Två i grunden olika kalibreringsförfaranden för instrumentet behandlas. Osäkerhetsuppskattningar är gjorda för båda dessa metoder och resultaten är prövade i laboratorietester. Dessutom jämförs resultaten från två versioner av DESCARTES och andra instrument. Analyserade data från samtliga lyckade flygningar presenteras.</p><p>Den grundläggande principen för instrumentet är att pumpa luftprover genom en fälla som innehåller en bädd av det kemiska adsorptionsmaterialet Carboxen, som adsorberar ett antal spårgaser. När instrumentet hämtats tillbaka efter en flygning gasas de adsorberade ämnena i fällan ut genom att fällan upphettas på elektrisk väg. De utgasade ämnena analyseras med gaskromatografi. I praktiken kan endast CFC-11 analyseras.</p><p>Den slutgiltiga bestämningen av blandningsförhållandet från instrumentet är direkt beroende av att adsorptionen i fällorna för de ämnen man vill undersöka är fullständig. En serie laboratorieexperiment har genomförts där två likadana fällor kopplats efter varandra. På så sätt har tillförlitligheten av den första fällan kunnat studeras genom att uppmäta hur mycket som bryter igenom till den andra fällan. En modell har utvecklats för att förstå resultatet av dessa tester och kunna kompensera för eventuella genombrott vid provtagning under flygningar. Modellen visade att adsorptionen i fällorna inte kan förklaras med enkel kromatografisk teori. Resultaten ger endast möjlighet att bedöma osäkerheten i mätningarna till följd av risken för genombrott.</p>
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Calibration and quality assessment of DESCARTES : grabsampler for stratospheric tracersArvelius, Johan January 2005 (has links)
DESCARTES is a light-weight, balloon-borne grab sampler for stratospheric long-lived tracers developed at the University of Cambridge. 33 flights have been performed with two versions of the instrument at northern latitudes by the DESCARTES team at the Swedish Institute of Space Physics (IRF) in Kiruna during the years 1997-2000. The general interest in long-lived stratospheric tracers is to study the general global circulation of air in the stratosphere and the exchange between the stratosphere and troposphere. In the study of chemical ozone depletion in the stratosphere, long-lived tracers serve as an important reference to distinguish between the variations in ozone of dynamical and chemical origin. This thesis focuses on calibrations and quality assessment of the measurements made with the third version of the DESCARTES instrument based at IRF. Two different general approaches to make calibrations are discussed. Uncertainty estimations for both of these methods are made and the results are tested by laboratory methods and by comparisons to other instruments, including comparisons between two versions of DESCARTES. Analyzed and calibrated flight data for all successful flights are presented. The basic principle of the instrument is to chemically adsorb a number of tracers (in practice only CFC-11 is measured) in an adsorption bed of Carboxen in a micro trap through which the sampled air is driven by a pump. After recovery the adsorbed species in the trap is desorbed by electrical heating of the trap and analysed by gas chromatography. The resulting estimated mixing ratios from the instrument are directly dependent on the adsorption of the sampled species being quantitative in the traps. Laboratory experiments are described using two traps in series, where the performance of the first is tested by sampling the breakthrough by the second. A model is developed to recreate these tests in order to be able to compensate for breakthrough during flights. The model showed that the adsorption in the traps is not explained by simple chromatographic theory and the results allow us only to give an estimation of the uncertainty due to breakthrough. / DESCARTES är ett lätt ballongburet provtagningsinstrument för stratosfäriska spårgaser. Det är utvecklat vid universitetet i Cambridge. DESCARTES-teamet vid Institutet för rymdfysik (IRF) i Kiruna har under åren 1997-2000 genomfört 33 flygningar med två olika versioner av instrumentet från nordliga latituder. Det generella intresset av långlivade stratosfäriska spårgaser är att studera den globala cirkulationen i stratosfären och utbytet av luft mellan stratosfären och troposfären. För studier av den kemiska ozonnedbrytningen i stratosfären spelar långlivade spårgaser en avgörande roll som referens för att skilja mellan variation i ozonkoncentrationen av kemiskt och dynamiskt ursprung. Denna avhandling fokuserar på kalibrering och kvalitetssäkring av mätningar gjorda med den tredje versionen av DESCARTES-instrumentet hemmahörande vid IRF. Två i grunden olika kalibreringsförfaranden för instrumentet behandlas. Osäkerhetsuppskattningar är gjorda för båda dessa metoder och resultaten är prövade i laboratorietester. Dessutom jämförs resultaten från två versioner av DESCARTES och andra instrument. Analyserade data från samtliga lyckade flygningar presenteras. Den grundläggande principen för instrumentet är att pumpa luftprover genom en fälla som innehåller en bädd av det kemiska adsorptionsmaterialet Carboxen, som adsorberar ett antal spårgaser. När instrumentet hämtats tillbaka efter en flygning gasas de adsorberade ämnena i fällan ut genom att fällan upphettas på elektrisk väg. De utgasade ämnena analyseras med gaskromatografi. I praktiken kan endast CFC-11 analyseras. Den slutgiltiga bestämningen av blandningsförhållandet från instrumentet är direkt beroende av att adsorptionen i fällorna för de ämnen man vill undersöka är fullständig. En serie laboratorieexperiment har genomförts där två likadana fällor kopplats efter varandra. På så sätt har tillförlitligheten av den första fällan kunnat studeras genom att uppmäta hur mycket som bryter igenom till den andra fällan. En modell har utvecklats för att förstå resultatet av dessa tester och kunna kompensera för eventuella genombrott vid provtagning under flygningar. Modellen visade att adsorptionen i fällorna inte kan förklaras med enkel kromatografisk teori. Resultaten ger endast möjlighet att bedöma osäkerheten i mätningarna till följd av risken för genombrott.
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過濾靴帶反覆抽樣與一般動差估計式 / Sieve Bootstrap Inference Based on GMM Estimators of Time Series Data劉祝安, Liu, Chu-An Unknown Date (has links)
In this paper, we propose two types of sieve bootstrap, univariate and multivariate approach, for the generalized method of moments estimators of time series data. Compared with the nonparametric block bootstrap, the sieve bootstrap is in essence parametric, which helps fitting data better when researchers have prior information about the time series properties of the variables of interested. Our Monte Carlo experiments show that the performances of these two types of sieve bootstrap are comparable to the performance of the block bootstrap. Furthermore, unlike the block bootstrap, which is sensitive to the choice of block length, these two types of sieve bootstrap are less sensitive to the choice of lag length.
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S?ntese e impregna??o de peneiras moleculares Fe MCM-41 derivada de s?lica da casca do arrozMiranda, Auristela Carla de 28 November 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:07:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2011-11-28 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / The mesoporous molecular sieves of the MCM-41 and FeMCM-41 type are considered
promissory as support for metals used as catalysts in oil-based materials refine processes and
as adsorbents for environmental protection proposes. In this work MCM-41 and FeMCM41
were synthesized using rice husk ash - RHA as alternative to the conventional silica source.
Hydrothermal synthesis was the method chosen to prepare the materials. Pre-defined
synthesis parameters were 100?C for 168 hours, later the precursor was calcinated at 550?C
for 2 hours under nitrogen and air flow. The sieves containing different proportions of iron
were produced by two routes: introduction of iron salt direct synthesis; and a modification
post synthesis consisting in iron salt 1 % and 5% impregnation in the material followed by
thermal decomposition. The molecular sieves were characterized by X ray diffraction XRD,
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy FT-IR, X ray fluorescence spectroscopy XFR,
scanning electronic microscopy SEM, specific surface area using the BET method,
Termogravimetry TG. The kinetic model of Flynn Wall was used with the aim of
determining the apparent activation energy of the surfactant remove (CTMABr) in the MCM-
41 porous. The analysis made possible the morphology characterization, identifying the
presence of hexagonal structure typical for mesoporous materials, as well as observation of
the MCM41 and iron of characteristic bands. / As peneiras moleculares mesoporosas do tipo MCM-41 e FeMCM-41, s?o
consideradas promissoras como suporte para metais, usadas como catalisadores em processos
de refino de materiais a base de petr?leo e como adsorventes com o prop?sito de prote??o
ambiental. Neste trabalho MCM-41 e FeMCM-41 foram sintetizadas utilizando a cinza da
casca de arroz CCA, como alternativa para a fonte de s?lica. O m?todo escolhido foi a
s?ntese hidrotermal para o preparo dos materiais, a temperatura de 100 ?C por 168 horas em
estufa, posteriormente foi calcinado a 550 ?C por 2 horas sob fluxo de nitrog?nio e ar. As
peneiras moleculares contendo diferentes propor??es de ferro foram produzidas por duas
rotas: introdu??o do sal de ferro no gel de s?ntese e impregna??o de 1% e 5% de ferro no
MCM-41 sintetizado. As peneiras moleculares foram caracterizadas por difra??o de raios X
DRX, espectroscopia no infravermelho por transformada de Fourier (Fourier transform
infrared spectroscopy FT-IR), espectroscopia de fluoresc?ncia de raios X FRX,
microscopia eletr?nica de varredura MEV, ?rea superficial espec?fica atrav?s do m?todo
BET e Termogravimetria TG. O modelo cin?tico de Flynn Wall foi utilizado com o objetivo
de determinar a energia de ativa??o aparente da remo??o do surfactante (CTMABr) nos poros
do MCM-41. As an?lises possibilitaram a caracteriza??o morfol?gica, identificando a
presen?a da estrutura hexagonal t?pica dos materiais mesoporosos, assim como das bandas
caracter?sticas do MCM41 e do ferro.
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Produção de biodiesel a partir da transesterificação do óleo de soja utilizando o catalisador MOO3/CEO2/MCM-41.BARROS, Thiago Rodrigo Barbosa. 23 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Emanuel Varela Cardoso (emanuel.varela@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-08-23T19:44:24Z
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THIAGO RODRIGO BARBOSA BARROS – DISSERTAÇÃO (PPGEQ) 2017.pdf: 2174476 bytes, checksum: 3268fd475d20f6eff1be072f2e7fa4e3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-23T19:44:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
THIAGO RODRIGO BARBOSA BARROS – DISSERTAÇÃO (PPGEQ) 2017.pdf: 2174476 bytes, checksum: 3268fd475d20f6eff1be072f2e7fa4e3 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017-02-20 / Capes / Biodiesel, que é produzido a partir de óleos vegetais ou gorduras animais através da reação de transesterificação com álcool é um excelente substituto para o diesel de petróleo por ser um combustível biodegradável derivado de fontes renováveis. A peneira molecular MCM-41 apresenta potencial para processamento de ácidos graxos visando a produção de biodiesel, por controle da composição química e por tratamentos químicos posterior a sua síntese. A inserção de óxidos metálicos pode proporcionar um aumento no desempenho catalítico da peneira molecular, possibilitando a preparação de catalisadores com maior atividade, seletividade e estabilidade térmica. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo principal a obtenção de biodiesel a partir da reação de transesterificação do óleo de soja utilizando o catalisador MoO3/25CeO2/MCM-41. Para tal afinidade, a peneira molecular foi preparada partindo-se de um gel com a seguinte composição molar da mistura reacional: 1SiO2 : 0,30 CTABr : 11 NH3 : 144 H2O. A incorporação do cério e molibdênio (em peso) no suporte MCM-41 foi por via seca. Através dos difratogramas foi possível identificar os picos característicos da peneira molecular MCM-41, como também as fases dos óxidos de cério e molibdênio na estrutura da peneira molecular, confirmando os processos de impregnação. Por meio da isoterma de adsorção de nitrogênio a peneira molecular apresentou uma área superficial SBET de 1072 m2/g e isoterma do tipo IV característica de materiais mesoporosos. O catalisador contendo 15% em peso de molibdênio e 25% em peso de cério atingiu a maior conversão em éster metílico em torno de 93% como também densidade de 0.8832 g/cm3, viscosidade cinemática 4,044 mm2/s e acidez de 0,49 mg KOH/g. / Biodiesel, which is produced from vegetable oils or animal fats by transesterification
reaction with alcohol, is an excellent substitute for diesel oil being a biodegradable fuel
derived from renewable. The molecular sieve MCM-41 has the potential to process fatty
acids aiming biodiesel production, by controlling the chemical composition and
subsequent chemical treatments to their synthesis. The inclusion of metallic oxides can
provide an increase in catalytic performance of the molecular sieve, allowing th e
preparation of catalysts with higher activity, selectivity and thermal stability. This study
aims to obtain biodiesel from the transesterification reaction of soybean oil using the catalyst MoO3/25CeO2/MCM-41. To this affinity, the molecular sieve was prepared
starting with a gel with the following molar composition of the reaction mixture: 1SiO2
: 0,30 CTABr : 11 NH3 : 144 H2O. The incorporation of cerium and molybdenum (by
weight) in the MCM-41 was supported by dry. Through the XRD patterns it was
possible to identify the peaks characteristic of MCM-41 molecular sieve, as well as
phases of cerium and molybdenum oxides in the molecular sieve structure, confirming
the impregnation process. By means of the nitrogen adsorption isotherm molecular
sieve had a surface area SBET de 1072 m2/g and isotherm type IV characteristic of mesoporous materials. The catalyst containing 15% by weight molybdenum and 25%
by weight cerium reached the highest methyl ester conversion around 93% as well as
density of 0.8832 g/cm3, kinematic viscosity 4,044 mm2/s and acidity of 0,49 mg
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Matemática discreta: aplicações do Princípio de Inclusão e ExclusãoBezerra Neto, Sebastião Alves 17 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by ANA KARLA PEREIRA RODRIGUES (anakarla_@hotmail.com) on 2017-09-05T16:47:02Z
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arquivototal.pdf: 1153647 bytes, checksum: a384e4d5e2acf05cec52ece972237c23 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Viviane Lima da Cunha (viviane@biblioteca.ufpb.br) on 2017-09-06T10:49:22Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
arquivototal.pdf: 1153647 bytes, checksum: a384e4d5e2acf05cec52ece972237c23 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-06T10:49:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
arquivototal.pdf: 1153647 bytes, checksum: a384e4d5e2acf05cec52ece972237c23 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-08-17 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The process of teaching and learning of mathematics is closely related to the resolution
of theoretical and practical problems, which often involve situations of everyday
life in our society. This work aims to present the Inclusion and Exclusion Principle
as a tool for solving many problems involving counting elements, especially those
that appear double, triple counting, among others. It also seeks to relate it with the
determination of prime numbers of a number and the Sieve of Eratosthenes, use it to
systematize the Formula of the function Fi ( Phi) Euler, as well as for determining
the number of permutations Chaotic and number of Sobrejetoras functions. / O processo de ensino aprendizagem da Matemática está intimamente relacionado
com a resolução de problemas teóricos e práticos, os quais geralmente envolvem
situações do cotidiano de nossa sociedade. Esse trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar
o Princípio da Inclusão e Exclusão como ferramenta para resolução de vá-
rios modelos de problemas que envolvem a contagem de elementos, principalmente
aquelas que aparecem contagem duplas, triplas, dentre outras. Além disso, busca
relacioná-lo com a determinação de números primos de um número e com o Crivo
de Eratóstenes, utilizá-lo para sistematizar a Fórmula da Função Fi ( ) de Euler,
bem como para a determinação do Número de Permutações Caóticas e do Número
de Funções Sobrejetoras.
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Segregace směsí do vozovek pozemních komunikací / The segragation of mixtures to pavementTrávníček, Dušan January 2014 (has links)
The work deals with the examination of repression and segregation in asphalt mixtures. The theoretical part is monitoring the current situation about the problem of segregation, which mainly refers to the practical adjustments during laying „risking“ asphalt mixtures on the formation of segregated places in the shelter layers of roads. The practical parts of the thesis are summarised measurements on six samples of the most commonly used asphalt mixtures to determine the segregation depending on the selected parameters. The work is describing and valorising a test for determining segregation according to ČSN EN 12697-15.
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Paralelizace faktorizace celých čísel z pohledu lámání RSA / Parallelization of Integer Factorization from the View of RSA BreakingBreitenbacher, Dominik January 2015 (has links)
This paper follows up the factorization of integers. Factorization is the most popular and used method for RSA cryptoanalysis. The SIQS was chosen as a factorization method that will be used in this paper. Although SIQS is the fastest method (up to 100 digits), it can't be effectively computed at polynomial time, so it's needed to look up for options, how to speed up the method as much as possible. One of the possible ways is paralelization. In this case OpenMP was used. Other possible way is optimalization. The goal of this paper is also to show, how easily is possible to use paralelizion and thanks to detailed analyzation the source codes one can reach relatively large speed up. Used method of iterative optimalization showed itself as a very effective tool. Using this method the implementation of SIQS achieved almost 100 multiplied speed up and at some parts of the code even more.
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Un théorème de Gallagher pour la fonction de Möbius / A Gallagher theorem for the Moebius functionBetah, Mohamed Haye 29 November 2018 (has links)
La fonction de Möbius est définie par$$\mu(n)= \begin{cases} 1 & \textit{si $n=1$},\\ (-1)^k& \textit{si n est le produit de k nombres premiers distincts,}\\ 0 & \textit{si n contient un facteur carré. } \end{cases}$$Nous avons démontré que pour $x \ge \exp( 10^9) $ et $h=x^{1-\frac{1}{16000}}$, il existe dans chaque intervalle $[x-h,x]$ des entiers $n_1$ avec $\mu(n_1)=1$ et des entiers $n_2$ avec $\mu(n_2)=-1$.\\Ce résultat est une conséquence d'un résultat plus général.\\Pour $x \ge \exp(4\times 10^6)$, $\frac{1}{\sqrt{\log x}} \le \theta \le \frac{1}{2000}$, $h=x^{1-\theta}$ et $Q=(x/h)^{\frac{1}{20}}$, nous avons \\$$\sum_{q \leq Q} \log(Q/q)\sum_{\chi mod q}^*\left| \sum_{x.-h\le n \le x} \mu(n) \chi(n) \right| \leq 10^{20} h \theta \log(x) \exp( \frac{-1}{300 \theta}); $$la somme $\sum^*$ portant sur les caractères primitifs sauf l'éventuel caractère exceptionnel.\\Et en particulier pour $x \ge \exp( 10^9)$,$$ \left | \sum_{x.-x^{1-\frac{1}{16000}}\le n \le x} \mu(n) \right | \le \frac{1}{100} x^{1-\frac{1}{16000}}.\\$$ / The Möbius function is defined by$$\mu(n)= \begin{cases} 1 & \textit{if $n=1$},\\ (-1)^k& \textit{if n is a product of k distinct prime numbers,}\\ 0 & \textit{if n contains a square factor. } \end{cases}$$We demonstrate that for $x \ge \exp( 10^9) $ and $h=x^{1-\frac{1}{16000}}$, it exists in each interval $[x-h,x]$ integers $n_1$ with $\mu(n_1)=1$ and integers $n_2$ with $\mu(n_2)=-1$.\\This result is a consequence of a more general result. \\For $x \ge \exp(4\times 10^6)$, $\frac{1}{\sqrt{\log x}} \le \theta \le \frac{1}{2000}$, $h=x^{1-\theta}$ et $Q=(x/h)^{\frac{1}{20}}$, we have \\ $$\sum_{q \leq Q} \log(Q/q)\sum_{\chi mod q}^*\left| \sum_{x-h \le n \le x} \mu(n) \chi(n) \right| \leq 10^{20} h \theta \log(x) \exp( \frac{-1}{300 \theta}); $$the sum $\sum^*$ relating to primitive characters except for possible exceptional character.\\And in particular for $x \ge \exp( 10^9)$,$$\left | \sum_{x-.x^{1-\frac{1}{16000}}\le n \le x} \mu(n) \right | \le \frac{1}{100} x^{1-\frac{1}{16000}}.$$
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Square Forms Factoring with SievesClinton W Bradford (10732485) 05 May 2021 (has links)
Square Form Factoring is an <i>O</i>(<i>N</i><sup>1/4</sup>) factoring algorithm developed by D. Shanks using certain properties of quadratic forms. Central to the original algorithm is an iterative search for a square form. We propose a new subexponential-time algorithm called SQUFOF2, based on ideas of D. Shanks and R. de Vogelaire, which replaces the iterative search with a sieve, similar to the Quadratic Sieve.
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