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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vertical-flow constructed wetlands for the treatment of wastewater and stormwater from combined sewer systems / Traitement des eaux résiduaires de temps sec et temps de pluie en réseau unitaire par filtres plantés de roseaux

Arias Lopez, José Luis 30 September 2013 (has links)
Les filtres plantés de roseaux à écoulement vertical (FPR-V) pour le traitement des eaux usées domestiques sont relativement bien développés en France et permettent de réaliser un traitement poussé de la matière carbonée et la nitrification. La robustesse de cette filière réside également dans sa capacité à accepter des surcharges hydrauliques en temps de pluie. Cependant ces limites d’acceptation hydraulique ne sont pas bien définies et demandent à être optimisées. La conception des FPR-V pour accepter des surcharges hydrauliques est un travail complexe car le contexte local affecte fortement les débits d’eau entrants dans la station lors d’un événement pluvieux. Dans de tels cas, la conception de filtres demande l’utilisation de modèles dynamiques. Ces modèles s’appuient le plus souvent sur une approche mécanistique et sont à l'origine conçus et utilisés pour la recherche. Cependant, si ces modèles sont des outils puissants pour décrire en détail la dynamique du FPR-V, ils sont généralement trop complexes à manipuler pour des utilisateurs non experts. Choisir entre une description détaillée et une manipulation facile dépendra des objectifs de modélisation. Quand des objectifs de dimensionnement global sont visés par les concepteurs, l'utilisation de modèles simplifiés semble une bonne alternative. Les modèles simplifiés sont faciles à utiliser pour la conception de FPR-V mais ils sont peu nombreux. Cependant ils sont adaptés à des configurations spécifiques liées au traitement des surverses de déversoirs d’orage, ce qui n’est pas le cas pour les FPR-V traitant des eaux usées domestiques. En effet, pour ce type de FPR-V les vitesses d’infiltration du système varient considérablement. En conséquence, ce travail de thèse a pour objectif de développer un modèle hydraulique simplifié des FPR-V qui permettra de guider les concepteurs dans le processus d’adaptation des FPR-V pour traiter les eaux usées domestiques des périodes de temps sec et de temps de pluie. Le modèle simplifié permet de relier (i) l’hydraulique du filtre, en simulant le temps de noyage à la surface, et (ii) les performances biologiques, en établissant des «alertes de dysfonctionnement », basées sur l'évaluation des performances épuratoires et sur les variations des formes azotées à la sortie du filtre mesurées en continu. Les «alertes de dysfonctionnement» représentent la charge hydraulique maximale qu'un filtre peut accepter sans compromettre son activité biologique. Le modèle simplifié a été utilisé pour la modélisation hydraulique du FPR-V à long terme (i) pour analyser l’impact du contexte local et la conception du filtre dans l’acceptation de surcharges hydrauliques. Grâce à cet analyse, (ii) on peut proposer les dimensionnements de FPR-V qui arrivent à mieux gérer l’acceptation des surcharges hydrauliques. / French vertical-flow constructed wetlands (VFCW) directly treating raw wastewater are known to perform well on for SS, COD and nitrification. They are also known to robustly cope with hydraulic overloads during rainfall events. Although numerous systems have been installed in areas equipped with a combined sewer, the limits of stormwater acceptance remain ill-defined and need to be improved. Looking at the various VFCW designs and usages reported in the literature, it is difficult to draw any consensus on their hydraulic limits. Consequently, designing VFCW to accept hydraulic overloads is a complex task, as local context strongly impacts inlet flows produced during rainfall events. Dynamic models appear a requisite for filter design in such cases. Numerical CW models have essentially focused on horizontal flow, with few attempting to study VFCW dynamics which are more commonly tackled via mechanistic models. Although mechanistic models are powerful tools for describing processes within the VFCW, they are generally too complicated to be readily used by designers. The choice between detailed description and easy handling will depend on the modelling aims. If the aim is a global design tool, simplified models offer a good alternative. However, the simplified models geared to studying VFCW dynamics are extremely reduced. They are easy-handling for design and well-adapted to specific purposes (combined sewer overflow -CSO- treatment) but not necessarily to VFCW treating combined sewer wastewater, where long-term infiltration rates vary significantly. Consequently, this PhD thesis work focused on developing a simplified hydraulic model of VFCW to guide designers through the process of adapting VFCW systems to treat domestic wastewater in both dry and rain events. The simplified model makes it possible to link (i) hydraulics, by simulation of ponding time variations, (ii) biological performances, by establishing “dysfunction alerts” based on treatment performance assessment and variations in online N forms effluent from the young VFCW. These “dysfunction alerts” plot the maximal hydraulic load that a filter can accept without compromising its biological activity. The simplified model was used to model long-term hydraulics in the VFCW (i) to analyze the impact of local context and filter design on hydraulic overload acceptance (using “dysfunction alerts” and bypass discharges) and (ii) to propose VFCW designs for accepting hydraulic overload in different contexts. The modelling demonstrates that VFCW can limit days with bypass discharges to less than 20 times per year without jeopardizing filter performances. Moreover, the most problematic scenario on stormwater treatment remains a watershed with high imperviousness coefficient and low slope under a Bretagne-type climate, demonstrating that the filter is more sensitive to periodicity and duration than to intensity of rainfall events.

Porovnání cen okrasných rostlin zjištěných zjednodušeným a nákladovým způsobem s různou charakteristikou typu zeleně / Compare prices for ornamental plants found cost and simplified way with different characteristic type of vegetation

Hůlová, Martina January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to compare prices of ornamental plants founded by simplified and cost method of valuation. Comparison was made on a sample of garden situated in the functional unit with a terraced house and the land built over by this building. Based on the obtained results the influence of different location and age of the trees on their price is evaluated. The thesis also defines basic terms and explains issues which are closely related with valuation of ornamental plants.

Porovnání cen smíšených trvalých porostů zjištěných zjednodušeným způsobem a způsobem výnosovým nebo nákladovým / Compare prices for mixed perennial crops found simplified way and way of yield or cost

Hamouz, Vladimír January 2013 (has links)
The thesis deals compare prices mixed permanent crops that are established for the property transfer tax or gift tax from prices established for other purposes. For the determination of the prices is used method of simplified and in a yield or cost method.

Smyková únosnost spřažených plechobetonových desek. / Shear bearing capacity of composite slabs

Holomek, Josef January 2016 (has links)
The subject of the submitted work is the experimental and theoretical investigation of composite slabs. The work also deals with creation of numerical models of composite slabs. The design of a new type of steel sheeting for composite slab according to nowadays standards requires full scale laboratory bending tests. An alternative to the bending tests are the small scale shear tests. The small scale shear tests as well as corresponding design methods have already been investigated by many researchers. Therefore several test arrangements and corresponding design methods can be found in literature but none of them is included in standards yet. The submitted thesis describes three of the alternative design methods: Slip- Block Test, Simplified Method and Built-up Bars. The test arrangement is proposed to be usable in all these methods. The small scale shear test have been performed in laboratory in several modifications. The results were used to calculate the bending resistance of the slab by the alternative design methods. The calculated bending resistances were mutually compared, compared with the performed bending tests resistances and the resistances by the methods described in Eurocode: m-k method and partial connection method. A sensitivity studies of the input parameters in alternative design methods are presented as well. The optimal design method for use in practice was searched and recommended based on the performed studies, accuracy and laboriousness of the methods. The shear tests were used also to measure longitudinal shear resistance of the additional shear anchors. The alternative design methods were used to predict bending resistance of the slab using these anchors and the results were compared. The numerical simulation of the composite action of the slab by the finite element methods is modelled in Atena software. The models serves to perform parametrical studies and to better understand of the behaviour of the slab in partial composite action.

Návrh otopné soustavy a nuceného větrání pro dvougenerační vilu / Space heating and ventilation in a two-generation house

Kazda, Jan January 2018 (has links)
This Master's thesis deals with the evaluation of a current state of two-generation villa and its following proposal of the optimization. Evaluation includes calculation of heat loss of a current state. Optimization is based on the reduction of heat loss in the building, pressure balance of the system, change of heat source and installation of balanced ventilation. Chapter describing regulation of technology follows and in conclusion indicative price for the whole suggested technology is calculated.

Desarrollo de un modelo semiempírico para el dimensionado de pilares rectangulares de hormigón armado en situación accidental de incendio

Peña Mansilla, David Leonardo 24 February 2023 (has links)
[ES] El hormigón es un material excelente para usar en proyectos estructurales por varias razones, siendo una de ellas su buen comportamiento en caso de incendio, debido a su incombustibilidad y baja difusividad térmica. Pero, aunque el hormigón tenga un muy buen desempeño frente a un incendio, no lo hace inmune al calor, ya que sus propiedades se ven reducidas como cualquier otro material incombustible frente al fuego, solo que, a un ritmo mucho menor en comparación, por ejemplo, con el acero estructural. Por lo tanto, los elementos estructurales de hormigón armado (HA) también deben diseñarse para cumplir determinados criterios de seguridad en una situación de incendio, siendo estos fijados generalmente por las normativas de cada país o región en particular. Esta tesis doctoral se enfoca en la evaluación de la resistencia al fuego de elementos estructurales de HA aislados. Específicamente se estudian las columnas de HA sometidas a cargas axiales con doble excentricidad y expuestas a una curva normalizada tiempo - temperatura (modelo de incendio nominal). Para ello, se han confeccionado dos modelos de cálculo: un modelo de cálculo avanzado en base a un modelo numérico de fibras (MF) y un modelo de cálculo simplificado (MS). El MF consta de un acoplamiento de dos modelos, un modelo de diferencias finitas para el análisis térmico seccional y un modelo numérico de fibras para el cálculo mecánico seccional. El MF desarrollado se ha basado en las propiedades de los materiales a altas temperaturas estipuladas en las normativas española y europea, y se ha validado con resultados de ensayos experimentales y numéricos disponibles en la bibliografía. En cuanto al MS, este se ha elaborado en base a un estudio paramétrico realizado con el MF, con el cual se construyó una batería de 835200 casos en los que se han considerado variables tales como las dimensiones de la sección transversal, la resistencia a compresión del hormigón, el recubrimiento de hormigón de las armaduras, la disposición de la armadura, el tiempo de exposición al fuego, los niveles de carga axial y los ángulos de rotación del eje neutro. Esta propuesta de MS se basó en la definición analítica de la superficie de falla, tomando como referencia las curvas de generatriz y directriz, método aplicado inicialmente a temperatura ambiente por Bonet et al. (2004). Así también, aplicando el MF se realizó un segundo estudio paramétrico con el fin de evaluar la influencia del spalling de esquina (324 secciones de HA) y del spalling de superficie (162 secciones de HA) sobre la capacidad resistente de secciones de HA. Este estudio paramétrico ha permitido correlacionar la pérdida de resistencia mecánica de secciones de HA debida al spalling, con la pérdida de resistencia mecánica derivada de exponer la sección un tiempo adicional al fuego. Además, se han propuesto expresiones analíticas que permiten determinar el tiempo adicional de exposición al fuego, necesarias para diseñar secciones de HA con mayor sencillez y seguridad. / [CA] El formigó és un material excel·lent per a usar en projectes estructurals per diverses raons, sent una d'elles el seu bon comportament en cas d'incendi, a causa de la seua incombustibilitat i baixa difusivitat tèrmica. Però, encara que el formigó tinga un molt bon acompliment enfront d'un incendi, no el fa immune a la calor, ja que les seues propietats es veuen reduïdes com qualsevol altre material incombustible enfront del foc, només que, a un ritme molt de menor en comparació, per exemple, amb l'acer estructural. Per tant, els elements estructurals de formigó armat (FA) també han de dissenyar-se per a complir determinats criteris de seguretat en una situació d'incendi, sent aquests fixats generalment per les normatives de cada país o regió en particular. Aquesta tesi doctoral s'enfoca en l'avaluació de la resistència al foc d'elements estructurals de FA aïllats. Específicament s'estudien les columnes de FA sotmeses a càrregues axials amb doble excentricitat i exposades a una corba normalitzada temps - temperatura (model d'incendi nominal). Per a això, s'han confeccionat dos models de càlcul: un model de càlcul avançat sobre la base d'un model numèric de fibres (MF) i un model de càlcul simplificat (MS). El MF consta d'un acoblament de dos models, un model de diferències finites per a l'anàlisi tèrmica de la secció i un model numèric de fibres per al càlcul mecànic de la secció. El MF desenvolupat s'ha basat en les propietats dels materials a altes temperatures estipulades en les normatives espanyola i europea, i s'ha validat amb resultats d'assajos experimentals i numèrics disponibles en la bibliografia. Quant al MS, aquest s'ha elaborat sobre la base d'un estudi paramètric realitzat amb el MF, amb el qual es va construir una bateria de 835200 casos en els quals s'han considerat variables com ara les dimensions de la secció transversal, la resistència a compressió del formigó, el recobriment de formigó de les armadures, la disposició de l'armadura, el temps d'exposició al foc, els nivells de càrrega axial i els angles de rotació de l'eix neutre. Aquesta proposta de MS es va basar en la definició analítica de la superfície de falla, prenent com a referència les corbes de generatriu i directriu, mètode aplicat inicialment a temperatura ambient per Bonet et al. (2004). Així també, aplicant el MF es va realitzar un segon estudi paramètric amb la finalitat d'avaluar la influència del spalling de cantonada (324 seccions de FA) i del spalling de superfície (162 seccions de FA) sobre la capacitat resistent de seccions de FA. Aquest estudi paramètric ha permés correlacionar la pèrdua de resistència mecànica de seccions de FA deguda al spalling, amb la pèrdua de resistència mecànica derivada d'exposar la secció un temps addicional al foc. A més, s'han proposat expressions analítiques que permeten determinar el temps addicional d'exposició al foc, necessàries per a dissenyar seccions de FA amb major senzillesa i seguretat. / [EN] Concrete is an excellent material to use in structural projects for several reasons, one of them being its exceptional fire behavior, due to its incombustibility and low thermal diffusivity. But, although concrete has particularly superior performance against fire, it does not make it immune to heat, as its properties are reduced like any other non-combustible material in a fire, but a slower rate when compared to, for example, structural steel. Therefore, structural elements composed of reinforced concrete (RC) must also be designed to meet certain safety criteria in a fire, criteria that are generally set by the codes of each country or region. This PhD thesis focuses on the evaluation of the fire resistance of reinforced concrete isolated structural elements. Specifically, RC columns subjected to axial loads with double eccentricity and exposed to a standard fire curve (nominal fire model) are studied. For this purpose, two calculation models have been developed: an advanced calculation model based on a numerical fiber model (FM) and a simplified calculation model (SM). The FM consists of coupling two models, a finite difference model for sectional thermal analysis, and a numerical fiber model for the sectional mechanical calculation. The FM developed has been based on the properties of materials at elevated temperatures stipulated in the Spanish and European codes and has been validated with the results of experimental and numerical tests available in the literature. The SM here presented has been developed based on a parametric study carried out with the FM, in total 835200 cases, in which variables such as cross - sectional dimensions, concrete compressive strength, concrete cover, reinforcement ratio, reinforcement arrangement ratio, fire exposure time, axial load levels and rotation angles of the neutral axis have been considered. This SM proposal is based on the analytical definition of the failure surface taking as reference the generatrix and directrix curves, a method initially applied at room temperature by Bonet et al. (2004). Similarly, applying the FM, a second parametric study was carried out to evaluate the influence of corner spalling (324 RC sections) and surface spalling (162 RC sections) on the resistant capacity of RC sections. This parametric study has allowed correlating the loss of mechanical strength of RC sections due to the occurrence of spalling with the loss of mechanical strength derived from exposing the section to fire for an additional time. In addition, analytical expressions have been proposed to determine the additional time of exposure to fire, necessary to design RC sections with greater simplicity and safety. / Agradecer los fondos recibidos por el Chilean Doctoral Fellowship Programme: CONICYT PFCHA/DOCTORADO BECAS CHILE/2018– 72190104, los cuales han financiado mis estudios doctorales. / Peña Mansilla, DL. (2023). Desarrollo de un modelo semiempírico para el dimensionado de pilares rectangulares de hormigón armado en situación accidental de incendio [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/192064

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