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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Praxis pietatis as dieptedimensie van kommunikatiewe geloofshandelinge

Pienaar, Jan Adriaan 04 1900 (has links)
In hierdie studie word gepoog om 'n spiritualiteit te omskryf wat as die intensie en motivering vir kommunikatiewe geloofshandelinge kan dien. Die handelingswetenskaplike benadering in die Praktiese Teologie word kortliks beskryf. Daar word aangetoon dat handelinge nie net eksistensiele gedrag is nie; handelinge het 'n onderliggende spiritualiteit as intensie en motivering. Verskillende perspektiewe op spiritualiteit word ondersoek. Die terme praxis pietatis word gekies om spiritualiteit te beskryf. Die skepping-herskepping tema word gebruik om 'n teologiese basis van praxis pietatis te omskryf. Die praxis is kommunikatiewe geloofshandelinge wat as intensionele konkretisering van die imperatief moontlik gemaak is deur die indikatief van God se openbaring van Homself aan die mens. Deur die pietatis word die werklikheid van God se verlossing as eksistensiele kennis, deur die geloofsinoefening van die gelowige as nuwe mens - met die hoop op die opstanding - integrerend in die daaglikse lewe toegepas. / This study intends to describe a spirituality that can function as intention and motivation for communicative faith acts. The operational scientific approach to Practical Theology is discussed briefly. It is shown that acts are not only existential behaviour but has an underlying spirituality as intention and motivation. Different perspectives on spirituality are explored and the term praxis pietatis is chosen describe spirituality. The creation-recreation theme is used to define a theological basis for praxis pietatis. The praxis is intentional communicative acts that stem from the imperative. It is made possible by the indicative of the self-revelation of God to mankind. The redemption of God as existential knowledge is made possible by the exercising of faith by the new man. Through the pietatis this knowledge is integrated into the daily life - with the eye upon the resurrection. / Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Praktiese Teologie)

Praxis pietatis as dieptedimensie van kommunikatiewe geloofshandelinge

Pienaar, Jan Adriaan 04 1900 (has links)
In hierdie studie word gepoog om 'n spiritualiteit te omskryf wat as die intensie en motivering vir kommunikatiewe geloofshandelinge kan dien. Die handelingswetenskaplike benadering in die Praktiese Teologie word kortliks beskryf. Daar word aangetoon dat handelinge nie net eksistensiele gedrag is nie; handelinge het 'n onderliggende spiritualiteit as intensie en motivering. Verskillende perspektiewe op spiritualiteit word ondersoek. Die terme praxis pietatis word gekies om spiritualiteit te beskryf. Die skepping-herskepping tema word gebruik om 'n teologiese basis van praxis pietatis te omskryf. Die praxis is kommunikatiewe geloofshandelinge wat as intensionele konkretisering van die imperatief moontlik gemaak is deur die indikatief van God se openbaring van Homself aan die mens. Deur die pietatis word die werklikheid van God se verlossing as eksistensiele kennis, deur die geloofsinoefening van die gelowige as nuwe mens - met die hoop op die opstanding - integrerend in die daaglikse lewe toegepas. / This study intends to describe a spirituality that can function as intention and motivation for communicative faith acts. The operational scientific approach to Practical Theology is discussed briefly. It is shown that acts are not only existential behaviour but has an underlying spirituality as intention and motivation. Different perspectives on spirituality are explored and the term praxis pietatis is chosen describe spirituality. The creation-recreation theme is used to define a theological basis for praxis pietatis. The praxis is intentional communicative acts that stem from the imperative. It is made possible by the indicative of the self-revelation of God to mankind. The redemption of God as existential knowledge is made possible by the exercising of faith by the new man. Through the pietatis this knowledge is integrated into the daily life - with the eye upon the resurrection. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Praktiese Teologie)

God, skepping en verlossing : 'n eksegetiese verkenning van Kolossense 1:13-20 (Afrikaans)

Boonzaaier, Jacobus 27 March 2003 (has links)
An underlying theme of creation can be found in the text of Colossians 1:13-20. Certain words and expressions in the passage can be directly linked with the first act of creation. These words and expressions can corporately be described as "creation language". From this it follows that "creation language" is the way in which the work and Person of Jesus Christ is described in relation to the Old Testament (Genesis) creation accounts. In Collossians 1:13-20 we find a focus on the Creator. The message of redemption is cast within the framework of the continuing creation activities of God. It is an actual fact that God (the Father and Creator) takes initiative in the redemptive process. It is He who redeems believers by transferring them from the hostility of the darkness to a new Lordship. The Son - being the image of the invisible God - is the Instrument of redemption. It is the Creator though that is the "acting Person" behind the redemptive process. The power of the Creator is a strong underlying motive in Colossians 1:13-20. His power is shown in the act of the first creation and reiterated in the resurrection of the Son. The focus is on God's - and his alone - power to create life out of death. Something comparable to the creation of "life out of nothing" during the first creation. Being the Image of the invisible (Creator) God, the Son is the perfect Representative of the powerful God. He represents God's presence, but more specifically his power. Christ's Lordship over everthing in the creation is therefore repeatedly mentioned in Colossians 1:13-20. By describing the church as the body of Christ, believers are reminded that they are drawn into the powerful presence of their Creator's power. They are reminded of the impact of their redemption by referring to the process by which they were redeemed and their identity under the headship of Christ. On an ethical level they are urged to live accordingly - to be transformed to the likeness of their Creator. The content of Colossians 1:13-20 represents a confession from antiquity about the nucleus of the ancient believers' faith. Along with this it creates a "stencil of interpretation" for the message of the whole letter. The fact that the passage is written in "creation language" reminds us of the importance of this motive for New Testament studies in general. In conclusion, it can be noted that the writer of Colossians 1:13-20 employs "creation language" as a vehicle to describe the work and Person of Jesus Christ while focusing on the active involvement of the Creator. In a unique and uncomplicated manner it is shown that the redemptive work of Christ is to be understood within the framework of the active creation process of the Creator as it is described in the Old Testament creation reports. / Dissertation (PhD (New Testament Studies))--University of Pretoria, 2004. / New Testament Studies / unrestricted

Mens en natuur - 'n bronnestudie oor die Bybelse en na-Bybelse perspektiewe (Afrikaans)

Smit, Gerrit Daniel Stephanus 10 March 2004 (has links)
White (1967:1203-1207) places the blame for the current raping of our environment on the Christians’ interpretation of Genesis 1:28 (“God blessed them and said to them: ‘Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground”). White believes that the Christian interpretation of this verse teaches man to be arrogant toward nature and that God gives man the green light to exploit nature as man pleases. White has leveled serious accusations against the early Christians. This study interprets the Old Testament, New Testament and ancient theologians’ attitude towards creation and God. It deals with the accusations in accordance with the relevant Biblical and post-Biblical writers, to find the basis for the environmental crisis not in Christianity, but in animism. It is true that the ancient Christian writers were indeed more concerned about the hereafter than about the world as it is now. Yet, when one scrutinizes ancient writings, one soon realizes that in ancient biblical- and post-biblical time, earth stewardship has a profundity undreamed of by even the most speculative ecological philosophers. / Dissertation (MA (Greek))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Ancient Languages / unrestricted

Bybel as problematiese teks: ’n kritiese ontleding aan die hand van polemieke in die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk: van Johannes du Plessis tot Ferdinand Deist en Willem Vorster (1920–2000) / The Bible as a problematic text: a critical analysis based on controversies in the Dutch Reformed Church: from Johannes du Plessis to Ferdinand Deist and Willem Vorster (1920–2000)

Conradie, A. F. 05 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans, with summaries in Afrikaans and English / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 383-403) / Die woordestryd oor goddelike inspirasie van alles wat in die Bybel staan, as gevolg van die uitgesproke stellings van Johannes Du Plessis, het tot ‘n krisis gelei wat as baken in die annale van die Ned. Geref. Kerk beskou word. Die meeste van sy standpunte word vandag as waarheid aanvaar en hy het bygedra tot die intellektuele debat oor die Bybel as Woord van God wat vandag nog aangaan. Du Plessis se herkoms, opleiding en verdienste as predikant en saakgelastigde van die Kerk word kortliks bespreek. Hy was die talentvolle seun en enigste kind van 'n Afrikaanse predikant en 'n Engelse vrou, die dogter van 'n sendeling van die LMS. Hy word professor aan die Kweekskool en met kennis opgedoen tydens verdere studie oorsee, het hy gewys op dele van die Bybel wat nie aan goddelike inspirasie toegeskryf kan word nie. Hy het dit ook duidelik gestel dat hy as teoloog en leermeester nie kon glo sonder om te probeer verstaan nie. Hy het sy bevindinge bekend gemaak in Het Zoeklicht, 'n maandblad wat bedoel was om as soeklig te dien om verskillende vorms van “duisternis” in beide godsdiens en die politiek, betref, aan die lig te bring. Oortuig van die waarde van die Hoër Kritiek, het hy dit as sy plig geag om wat hy deur wye leeswerk en kritiese ondersoek rakende die oorsprong, vorm en inhoud van die Ou Testamentiese boeke bekom het, bekend te maak. Artikels van dié aard, eers in De Kerkbode en daarna in Het Zoeklicht, het gelei tot beroering onder behoudende lesers wat gekant was teen enige veranderinge in die prediking. Hulle was veral ontstoke oor sy siening dat die belydenisskrifte wat spruit uit die dae van die Hervorming 500 jaar tevore, oop was vir herformulering. Klagtes dat Du Plessis op 'n gevaarlike pad was, was die begin van wat gelei het tot 'n krisis in die Kerk, en uiteindelik tot 'n buitengewone sinode in 1930 toe hy van sy pos onthef is. Die behoudende reaksie van die meerderheid was dat die Bybel die onfeilbare Woord van God is. Die gevolg was dat 'n groot aantal van die leiers van die Kerk, aanhangers van die Nasionale Party wat in 1948 aan bewind gekom het, tekste uit die Bybel gebruik het om die beleid van Apartheid Skriftuurlik te begrond. Ná byna veertig jaar van 'n onkritiese benadering tot die Bybel, is die geloof in 'n foutlose Bybel weer bevraagteken. Tussen die eerlike teoloë wat dit gewaag het om te wys op foute en inkonsekwenthede, was Ferdinand Deist en Willem Vorster. Albei het hulle opleiding as predikante voltooi maar het hulle nie beroepbaar gestel nie omdat hulle met verdere studie voortgegaan het en hulle openlik uitgespreek het teen die misbruik van Bybelse gegewens om apartheid te regverdig. Geskool aan die Kweekskool in Stellenbosch, het Deist hom onderskei as geleerde wat sy drang na dieper ondersoek gepaar het met 'n piëtisme waarop hy uiting gegee het in 'n stortvloed van akademiese en populêre geskrifte ― wat nie altyd gestrook het met sy stelling dat die Woord van God nie met 'n gelyk-aan-teken aan mekaar verbind kan word nie. Vorster, wat sy opleiding aan die Universiteit van Pretoria ontvang het, het ewe bekend geraak en het internasionale erkenning geniet vir sy toepassing van die semantiek op studies van die Nuwe Testament. Daarby het hy sy kennis van die Nabye Oosterse tale toepaslik gevind in sy bydrae tot The New Quest om meer te wete te kom oor die historiese Jesus, 'n Jood en Galileër wat vir 'n kort periode opgetree het as leermeester en eskatologiese profeet. In die studie van bydraes van die drie geleerdes tot ons verstaan van die Bybel, is ook aandag geskenk aan 'n ander aspek van die Bybel as problematiese teks: Die nadruk wat skrywers en redaktors van die Bybelse gebeure, geplaas het op mans as vaders en seuns ten koste van vroue, moeders en dogters. Die gevolg was dat meeste van die sogenaamde Kerkvaders genoeg in die Bybel kon vind om hulle te identifiseer met die neerhalende beeld wat in Die Openbaring (14:3-4) geskep word van vroue, opvallend in stryd met die inhoud van Genesis 1:26-31. / The controversy started by Johannes Du Plessis over the question whether everything in the Bible was inspired by God, caused a crisis in the Dutch Reformed Church, which is listed as a beacon in its history. Most of the points he raised are accepted as truth today, and started an intellectual debate that is still going on. Information relating to Du Plessis’ origins, training, and achievements as a minister and church official is briefly noted. He was the talented son, and only child of an Afrikaner father and minister of religion, and an English mother, the daughter of an LMS missionary. He became a professor at the Seminary in Stellenbosch, after his studies overseas had caused him to question parts of the Old Testament text that could not be regarded as divinely inspired. He also made it quite clear that believing without trying to understand was not possible for him as a theologian and teacher. He proclaimed his findings in Het Zoeklicht, a monthly magazine intended to serve as a searchlight and an organ to reveal the “darkness” that was still prevalent in both religion and politics. Aware of the value of Higher Criticism of the Old Testament, he regarded it his duty to make known what he had found in reading widely and in critical research on the origins, form and content of the books of the Bible. Articles to this effect published first in De Kerkbode and then in Het Zoeklicht, caused an outcry from conservative readers who were opposed to any changes in the teaching of the church. They were especially enraged by his view that the confessions drawn up by Reformers 500 years earlier, were open for review. Complaints that Du Plessis was on a dangerous path, marked the beginning of what was regarded as a crisis in the Church, and in the end led to Du Plessis being relieved of his post by a special Synod convened in 1930. The views of the conservative majority, however, prevailed. As a result, a large number of leading ministers and theologians, who openly supported the Nationalist government that came into power in 1948, provided assurance that the concept of separation of racial groups was in accordance with Scripture. After nearly forty years of an uncritical approach to the Bible, the belief in in-errancy was again questioned. Among the few theologians who dared to point out errors and inconsistencies in various texts, were Ferdinand Deist and Willem Vorster. Both trained as ministers, they chose to continue their studies and openly expressed themselves against the abuse of Biblical texts to support the ideology of apartheid. Trained at the Seminary in Stellenbosch, Deist turned out to be a noted scholar who combined his urge for honest critical study with a pietism expressed in a flood of academic and popular publications ― which were not always consistent with his own statement that The Word of God could not be connected to Scripture with an is-equal-to symbol. Vorster, who received his education at the University of Pretoria, became equally well known as a scholar and gained international recognition for his application of semantics in the study of the Gospels. He also applied his knowledge of languages in what came to be known as The New Quest for the historical Jesus who, as a Jew and a Galilean, distinguished himself during a brief period as a teacher and eschatological prophet. In the study of the contributions of these three outstanding men to our understanding of the Bible, another major aspect of the Bible as problematic text is addressed: The emphasis the authors and redactors of the Scriptures placed on the roles of men, fathers and sons, patently to the exclusion of women, mothers and daughters. As a result many of the so-called Church Fathers found in the Bible sufficient material to look down upon women ― the verdict expressed in Revelations 14:3-4 being one of numerous texts pointing to women as objects of derision in glaring contradiction to the contents of Genesis 1:26-31. / Biblical and Ancient Studies / D. Phil. (Biblical Studies)

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