Spelling suggestions: "subject:"akills gap"" "subject:"iskills gap""
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A critical review of graduate employability skills : lessons from the Maltese experienceThake, Anne Marie January 2017 (has links)
This study examines how institutional actors interpret, influence and respond to skills availability in the labour market for graduates. It researches and draws lessons from the Maltese experience of managing graduate employability over three decades, focusing on the three fastest-growing economic sectors, namely, Accountancy, Pharmachem and ICT, each of which is the subject of a case study. The study investigates the interaction of governments, firms, higher education institutions and professional associations in identifying skills shortages and gaps, as well as in devising policy frameworks and skills regimes at national, sectoral and corporate levels. Drawing upon theories of employability and employee skills, first, there is development of an analytical framework to examine how these institutional actors affect the labour market, which informs the analysis of the three case studies. The qualitative research involved an interpretative analysis of key policy documents related to graduate employability and seventy in-depth interviews with interlocutors positioned in strategic policy making, senior management, academic, expert and professional leadership roles within government, regulators, major corporations, higher education institutions, training providers and professional associations. The data was thematically analysed. Twelve key themes emerged from the in-depth interviews, which included the following: use of different language; the meaning of employability; the value of credentials; the role of the University; perceptions; expectations; competitiveness; modes of training provision; labour mobility; placements and incentives; collaboration and skills gap. The institutional actors across the three focal sectors, namely, accountancy, pharmachem and ICT tended to emphasise some themes more than others, these having previously been identified in scholarly literature (Appendix 1). Both patterns and inconsistencies emerged from a comparison of the accountancy, pharmachem and ICT sectors. In so far as the labour market is concerned, the study revealed a lack of technical skills and major non-technical graduate skills gaps, specifically, in the aspects of communication, teamwork and problem-solving. A number of professional characteristics or behaviours were also identified as lacking with Accountancy, Pharmachem and ICT graduates, namely, attitude, confidence, drive, professional outlook, independent working, personality fit and a ‘can do’ approach. The study revealed the absence of permanent systemic connections between the formulation of national and sectoral economic strategies on the one hand, and higher education and training policies on the other. Consequently, state higher education institutions have been responding reactively to labour market needs, which could explain the endemic skills gap which the study found. The study concludes by discussing limitations and limits to this research as well as recommending policy initiatives and further research that could contribute to the science and practice of public policy in this field.
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Digital Skills And Education In The Cultural Heritage Sector : Post-COVID Digital Transformation of Galleries, Libraries, Archives and MuseumsGradin, Alison January 2022 (has links)
According to UNESCO (2021) 43% of museums faced closure in the first quarter of 2021 due to an ongoing pandemic. Those that could, offered digital experiences to maintain links with their visitors, and for those institutions without the skills or resources to reach out to their visitors, their very existence remained in a state of flux. The situation in Sweden was no different and, prior to UNESCO’s published figures of 2021, the Swedish Government (2020) instigated an inquiry to establish the necessary interventions required to reignite the heritage sector post pandemic. The inquiry found a history of challenging problems for the sector. One problem recognised was the need for a digitalised sector to sustain heritage, and secondly, the motivation for this research, the lack of skills and resources in the sector. The aims of this research therefore were twofold. Firstly, to identify what digital skills andeducation are needed in galleries, libraries, archives, and museums, (GLAM) and secondly, to test the hypothesis that Higher Education curricula in Sweden requires a programme of analysis and restructure. Notwithstanding a review of past literature review to reflect on previous research of skills and education in the sector, an in-depth analysis of the Governmental inquiry also took place. As a secondary research activity, a sample of respondents were selected to represent small and large institutions across the sector. Comments, experiences, and opinions regarding lack of resources and skills, were extrapolated from recorded interviews, surveys and responses to the Governmental Inquiry which were noted and logged. Secondly, an analysis of skills required in current job vacancies in the sector took place. Additionally, perspectives from sector unions were sought, and finally, a limited survey of employee thoughts on current skills and what skills they believed they needed for the future was completed. The results indicated that discourse of skills and the digital vision in the sector have been ongoing for many years and that a global pandemic had to be the instigator for governmental intervention. There is also a traditional approach to the education of graduates in galleries, archives, and museums, unlike those educated to work inlibraries. archives and researchers via digital humanities programs. For those entering the profession in museums and galleries, there is little, if any exposure to digital practices. Barriers to change included financing, infrastructures, and a lack of leadership development in the sector. Digital transformations it was felt, requires a top-down approach and leadership is currently not in situ.
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Detecting, Defining and Developing Soft Skills in Business and ICT ContextsSchleutker, Kai Eugen Johannes 10 January 2022 (has links)
[ES] La motivación de este proyecto de investigación surgió de fuentes tanto personales como profesionales. En el campo de los negocios, así como en muchos otros campos, la definición de competencia profesional ha experimentado una importante evolución en los últimos 20 años. A medida que los entornos de trabajo se vuelven cada vez más digitales, pero también basados en equipos y redes, el papel de las habilidades individuales crece. Los empleadores de las empresas y las organizaciones de TIC buscan "habilidades técnicas", pero cada vez más buscan graduados capaces de administrarse por sí mismos, trabajar en equipos y redes y resolver problemas. La necesidad de estas "habilidades blandas" ha sido expresada por parte de organizaciones y empleadores, y se cree que su función crecerá adicionalmente en el futuro.
Sin embargo, hay muchas razones por las que las instituciones educativas han tenido dificultades para captar este desafío. Como resultado, se informa que el mercado laboral sufre de "brechas de habilidades", lo que causa problemas tanto a los empleadores como a los graduados, e indirectamente también a los educadores. Una de las principales razones de esto es que los educadores carecen de la conciencia de las habilidades necesarias en las organizaciones. Además, no están seguros de si se pueden promover las habilidades blandas y cómo se debe llevar a cabo.
En esta investigación, aclaro la "brecha de habilidades" y las posibles soluciones para reducirla. Empiezo por definir el carácter y el rol de Soft Skills. Posteriormente, inspecciono el proceso de adquisición de habilidades desde el aspecto de las partes mencionadas, llamadas "partes interesadas". Mi objetivo es crear un método que pueda considerar las Soft Skills de forma sistemática, con respecto a su rol para los diferentes stakeholders. Para lograrlo, se compone un marco de las Soft Skills esenciales, viable para Universidades y Organizaciones. A continuación, se presenta un modelo tridimensional del proceso de adquisición de Soft Skills. Luego se sugiere el indicador Method Soft Skills Status (3Si), operacionalizando los elementos del modelo en tres dimensiones estadísticas, "Significación", "Capacidad de aprendizaje" y "Nivel". Posteriormente se experimenta el Método propuesto mediante el lanzamiento de una encuesta a 381 profesionales de las TIC y empresas en cuatro países europeos.
En la sección Resultados, se presentan y discuten los resultados de la encuesta. A continuación, se aplican los resultados para probar el Método, lo que permite una clasificación en ocho clases de Soft Skills. Estas clases proporcionan descripciones específicas para cada una de las Soft Skills, aplicables a los educadores y formadores que trabajan en Soft Skills. Los resultados afirman la hipótesis planteada a la investigación. / [CA] La motivació d'aquest projecte d'investigació va sorgir de fonts tant personals com professionals. En el camp dels negocis, així com en molts altres camps, la definició de competència professional ha experimentat una important evolució en els últims 20 anys. A mesura que els entorns de treball es tornen cada vegada més digitals, però també basats en equips i xarxes, el paper de les habilitats individuals creix. Els ocupadors de les empreses i les organitzacions de TIC busquen "habilitats tècniques", però cada vegada més busquen graduats capaços d'administrar-se per si mateixos, treballar en equips i xarxes i resoldre problemes. La necessitat d'aquestes habilitats transversals ha sigut expressada per part d'organitzacions i ocupadors, i es creu que la seua funció creixerà addicionalment en el futur.
No obstant això, hi ha moltes raons per les quals les institucions educatives han tingut dificultats per a captar aquest desafiament. Com a resultat, s'informa que el mercat laboral pateix de "bretxes d'habilitats", la qual cosa causa problemes tant als ocupadors com als graduats, i indirectament també als educadors. Una de les principals raons d'això és que els educadors manquen de la consciència de les habilitats necessàries en les organitzacions. A més, no estan segurs de si es poden promoure les habilitats blanes i com s'ha de dur a terme.
En aquesta investigació, aclarisc la "bretxa d'habilitats" i les possibles solucions per a reduir-la. Comence per definir el caràcter i el rol de Soft Skills. Posteriorment, inspeccione el procés d'adquisició d'habilitats des de l'aspecte de les parts esmentades, anomenades "parts interessades". El meu objectiu és crear un mètode que puga considerar les Soft Skills de manera sistemàtica, respecte al seu rol per als diferents stakeholders. Per a aconseguir-ho, es compon un marc de les Soft Skills essencials, viable per a Universitats i Organitzacions. A continuació, es presenta un model tridimensional del procés d'adquisició de Soft Skills. Després se suggereix l'indicador "Method Soft Skills Status (3Si), transformant en operacions els elements del model en tres dimensions estadístiques, "Significació", "Capacitat d'aprenentatge" i "Nivell". Posteriorment s'experimenta el Mètode proposat mitjançant el llançament d'una enquesta a 381 professionals de les TIC i empreses en quatre països europeus.
En la secció Resultats, es presenten i discuteixen els resultats de l'enquesta. A continuació, s'apliquen els resultats per a provar el Mètode, la qual cosa permet una classificació en huit classes de Soft Skills. Aquestes classes proporcionen descripcions específiques per a cadascuna de les Soft Skills, aplicables als educadors i formadors que treballen en Soft Skills. Els resultats afirmen la hipòtesi plantejada a la investigació. / [EN] The motivation to this research project emerged from both personal and professional sources. In the field of business, as well as many other fields, the definition of professional competence has undergone a major evolution over the past 20 years. As working environments become increasingly digital, but also based on teams and networks, the role of individual skills grow. Employers in business and ICT organizations seek for technical 'hard skills', yet they increasingly look for graduates able to manage themselves, work in teams and networks and solve problems. The need for these 'Soft Skills' has been expressed from the part of Organizations and employers, and their role is believed to grow additionally in the future.
However, there are many reasons why educational institutions have found it difficult to capture this challenge. As a result, the labour market is reported to suffer from 'skills gaps', which cause problems for the employers as well as the graduates, and indirectly also to the educators. A main reason for this is that educators lack the awareness of the skills needed in Organizations. In addition, they feel unsure about whether Soft Skills can be promoted, and how this should be conducted.
In this research, I elucidate the 'skills gap' and possible solutions to reduce it. I start by defining the character and role of Soft Skills. Subsequently, I inspect the skills acquisition process from the aspect of the mentioned parts, called 'stakeholders'. My objective is to create a method that can consider Soft Skills in a systematic way, in respect to their role for the different stakeholders. To achieve this, a framework of the essential Soft Skills, viable for HEIs and Organizations is composed. Next, a three-dimensional model of the Soft Skills acquisition process is presented. The Method Soft Skills Status indicator (3Si) is then suggested, by operationalizing the elements of the model into three statistical dimensions, 'Significance', 'Learnability' and 'Level'. The proposed Method is subsequently experimented, by launching a survey to 381 business and ICT professionals in four European countries.
In the Results section, the outcomes of the survey are presented and discussed. Next, the results are applied to test the Method, which allows a classification in eight classes of Soft Skills. These classes provide specific descriptions for each of the Soft Skills, applicable for educators and trainers working on Soft Skills. The results affirm the hypothesis set to the research. / Schleutker, KEJ. (2021). Detecting, Defining and Developing Soft Skills in Business and ICT Contexts [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/179407
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Work-Integrated Learning in Closing Skills Gap in Public Procurement: A Qualitative Phenomenological StudyCulver, Allen Lea 08 December 2021 (has links)
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