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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

: Inverkan av släntnära portryck på släntstabilitet : En känslighetsanalys av siltslänter längs Ångermanälven

Calming, Katia, Öttenius, Myrna January 2022 (has links)
The stability of natural slopes is goverened by many factors, one of which is the porewater pressure. In this study, a sensitivity analysis has been conducted in GeostudioSLOPE/W to investigate the impact of near-surface pore water pressure on thefactor of safety i silt slopes. The study includes five slopes along Ångermanälven,Sweden, which previously have been investigated within the framework of a slopefailure risk mapping of the area conducted by the Swedish Geotechnical Institute,SGI. The near-surface pore water pressure in the slopes has not successfullybeen measured in this area as the slopes are very high and steep. Calculations ofslope stability done previously by Tyréns instead assumed 1) that the pore waterpressure is zero 1m in from the slope face and 2) that it decreases hydrostatically(10 kPa/m) towards the slope face, and these are the parameters studied in thesensitivity analysis. When the pore water pressure is set to zero at the surface, thefactor of safety is reduced by an average of 7 %. Setting the pore water pressure tozero 2mfrom the surace increases the safety factor by 3%on average. A lower thanhydrostatic (7 kPa/m) pore pressure gradient increases the safety factor by on average2 %. A higher than hydrostatic pore water gradient decreases the safety factorby 16% on average. The results verifies that an increase in near-surface pore waterpressure gives a lower factor of safety and decrease in near-surface pore waterpressure leads to a higher factor of safety. The slopes are generally more sensitiveto destabilizing changes of the near-surface pore water pressure than of those stabilizing.Other factors such as vegetation, cohesion, dilatancy and erosion are notconsidered in this study but likely have a considerable effect on the stability. Whenmodelling the influence of near-surface pore water pressure and other parameters,it is recommended to use a FEM program.

Closure of Lilla Bredsjön Tailings Dam : an Evaluation of the Long-Term Dam Safety Measures

Bramsäter, Jenny January 2017 (has links)
The mining industry contributes to enormous amounts of waste all over the world, which places high demands on tailings dams. In Sweden, there are strict regulations regarding the management and treatment of tailings dams, but some dams that were built before these regulations existed still pose a threat to the environment. Lilla Bredsjön in Dalarna, Sweden, is an example of an old tailings dam that has not been treated properly. Boliden, which is the owner of the dam, and the county board of Dalarna are currently in meetings regarding the responsibilities of old polluted sites in Garpenberg, where Lilla Bredsjön is included. This study aims to investigate possible remediation measures of the dams at Lilla Bredsjön in order to achieve long- term stability upon closure of the facility. Lilla Bredsjön is 350 000 m2 large and contains three impoundments; dam 1 to the east, dam 2 to the south and dam 3 to the north. Dam 1 is seven meters at its highest point whereas dam 2 and 3 both are three meters high. All of the dams are classified to a consequence level of 3, meaning that the consequences in case of a failure would be negligible. They are built using the centerline method with impermeable cores of moraine. The tailings are partly covered with sludge mixed with biomass ash, but no proper closure method have been implemented. A geotechnical investigation was conducted to obtain more information about the geometry, construction and foundation of each dam. It could be observed that dam 1 consisted of a moraine core and support fill, both constructed using the Christmas tree principle. Dam 2 consisted of a coarse and fine filter in the upstream part of the dam, whereas the rest of the dam consisted of a moraine core. Dam 3 consisted of tailings and a moraine core, and was like dam 1 also constructed using the Christmas tree principle. The downstream slopes of all dams are moreover very steep with slope angles of approximately 34o. Seepage and stability calculations were therefore performed in the software GeoStudio. In GeoStudio, two different analysis tools were used; SEEP/W to calculate seepage and SLOPE/W to calculate slope stability. Four hydraulic load cases were analyzed in the calculations: present conditions, flooded conditions, potential maximum seepage and present conditions with lower permeability of the tailings. The result shows that all of the dams are unstable in their present con- ditions, both with original and lower permeability of the tailings, as well as at flooded conditions. The required safety factor is however fulfilled at potential maximum seepage. The stability highly depends on the pore pressure inside the dams, which in turn depends on the choice of closure method. Based on the result from the stability calculations it can be concluded that if a dry cover is chosen as the closure method, it will probably be enough to reinforce the existing dams to achieve long-term stability. If, on the other hand, a raised groundwater level is chosen, more extensive solutions in terms of for example completely new impoundments directly downstream of the existing ones are most likely needed. Before a decision regarding the closure method is taken, it is hence very difficult to come to a conclusion regarding suitable remediation measures of the dams. / Gruvindustrin bidrar med enorma mängder avfall över hela världen, vilket ställer höga krav på gruvdammar. I Sverige finns det strikta förordningar gällande hanteringen och efterbehandlingen av gruvdammar, men en del dammar som byggdes innan dessa förordningar existerade utgör fortfarande ett hot mot miljön. Lilla Bredsjön i Dalarna är ett exempel på en gammal gruvdamm som inte blivit efterbehandlad tillräckligt. Boliden, som äger dammen, har möten med Länsstyelssen Dalarna angående ansvarsförhållanden gällande gamla förorenade områden i Garpenberg där även Lilla Bredsjön ingår. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka möjliga efterbehandlingsmetoder av dammarna vid Lilla Bredsjön för att uppnå långtidsstabilitet i samband med nedläggning av anläggningen. Lilla Bredsjön är 350 000 m2 stor och består av tre uppdämningar; damm 1 i öst, damm 2 i söder och damm 3 i norr. Damm 1 är sju meter som högst medan damm 2 och 3 båda är tre meter höga. Samtliga dammar är klassificerade till konsekvensklass 3, vilket betyder att konsekvenserna i händelse av ett dammbrott är försumbara. Dammarna är byggda med uppåtmetoden och har tätkärnor av morän. Magasinet är delvis täckt med slam utblandat med biobränsleaska, men ingen riktig efterbehandling har utförts. En geoteknisk undersökning genomfördes för att erhålla mer information om geometrin, konstruktionen och grundläggningen av varje damm. Det observerades att damm 1 består av en tätkärna av morän samt stödfyllning som båda konstruerades med julgransprincipen. Damm 2 består av ett grov- och finfilter i uppströmsdelen av dammen medan resten av dammen består av en tätkärna av morän. Damm 3 består av anrikningssand och en tätkärna av morän, och var liksom damm 1 konstruerad med julgransprincipen. Nedströmsslänterna på alla dammar är väldigt branta med en vinkel på ungefär 34o. Genomströmnings- och stabilitetsberäkningar genomfördes därför i programmet GeoStudio. I GeoStudio användes två olika verktyg; SEEP/W för att beräkna genomströmning och SLOPE/W för att beräkna släntstabilitet. Fyra olika hydrauliska belastningsfall analyserades i beräkningarna: normalfallet, överdämning, dimensionerat läckage och normalfallet med lägre permeabilitet på anrikningssanden. Resultatet visar på att samtliga dammar är instabila i deras nuvarande skick, beräknat på normalfallet med både ursprunglig och lägre permeabilitet på anrikningssanden, samt vid överdämning. Den erforderliga säkerhetsfaktorn är däremot uppfylld vid dimensionerat läckage. Stabiliteten är starkt beroende av portrycket inuti dammarna, vilket i sin tur är beroende av vilken efterbehandlingsmetod som väljs för magasinet. Baserat på resultatet från stabilitetsberäkningarna kan det konstateras att om torrtäckning väljs som efterbehandlingsmetod så räcker det förmodligen med att förstärka nuvarande dammar för att uppnå långtidsstabilitet. Om, å andra sidan, en förhöjd grundvattennivå väljs behövs med största sannolikhet en mer omfattande lösning, till exempel helt nya dammar direkt nedströms de nuvarande. Innan ett beslut gällande efterbehandlingsmetod av magasinet har tagits är det alltså väldigt svårt att dra en slutsats gällande den mest lämpliga efterbehandlingsmetoden av dammarna.

Slope Stability Evaluation from a RiskManagement Perspective : Case Study: the Slussen project in Stockholm

Larsson, Louise January 2018 (has links)
Site characterization and the subsequent determination of soil strengthparameters constitute a significant part of slope stability assessment.Geotechnical engineering is always governed by great uncertainties sincethe soil properties are challenging to estimate for a large soil volume. Nostandardized method exists for evaluation of soil parameters, since eachcountry uses its own methods for evaluation and interpretation of soils.Uncertainties are common in geotechnical engineering and thereforequalitative and quantitative risk management is required for most projects.The evaluation of the shear strength is essential in slope stability, since ithas a great influence on the stability. This report investigates threedifferent methods regarding the estimation of the characteristic value ofthe undrained shear strength in clay for heterogeneous soils. The followingmethods are used: de 7 with the 5 % fractile, the Swedish applicationdocuments with 𝜂-factor regarding uncertainties and the subjectiveassessment of geotechnical engineers by a questionnaire. In the case studyfor this thesis work, three quayside slopes at Slussen in central Stockholmcontaining highly heterogeneous organic clay located beneath gravel filland esker material were analysed to estimate the stability of the slopes. Theresults show that the 𝜂-factor returned the lowest values, the questionnaireresulted in the second highest and 5 % fractile basted on the samplingdistribution on the mean gave the highest values. No correlation could befound connecting the subjective estimation of the shear strength and otherinfluencing parameter. A method with low subjective judgement, that takethe spatial variability and some degree of interpretation uncertainties witha factor would be to prefer. / Utvärdering av jordar med bedömning av dess egenskaper ochklassificering är en viktig del i släntstabilitetsutredningar. Utmaningenligger i att geoteknik styrs av stora osäkerheter eftersom markensegenskaper är omständliga att uppskatta för en hel jordvolym. Problemetär att det inte existerar någon standardiserad metod för bedömningen avjordparametrar då varje land har sina egna metoder för utvärderingen.Stora osäkerheter ett vanligt problem inom geoteknik och därför krävsbåda kvalitativa och kvantitativa riskhanteringar inom de flesta projekt.Utvärderingen av skjuvhållfasthet är en viktig del i släntstabilitetsutredningareftersom denna parameter har stort inflytande på stabiliteten,därmed även säkerheten. I denna rapport har tre olika metoder undersöktsmed avseende på bedömningen av det karakteristiska värdet förskjuvhållfasthet i lera för heterogena jordar. Dessa är: Eurokod 7 med 5 %fraktil, den svenska metoden med 𝜂-faktor för att beakta osäkerheter ochslutligen subjektiva bedömningen från geotekniker med hjälp av ettfrågeformulär. I denna fallstudie har tre slänter belägna vid kajer i Slusseni Stockholm analyserats. Jordprofilen innehåller heterogen organisk lerasom täcks av en grusig fyllning och överlagrar av årsmaterial. Resultat visaratt metoden med hänsyn till både osäkerheter med 𝜂-faktor samtsubjektiva bedömning gav lägst skjuvhållfasthet, frågeformuläretresulterade i det näst hösta värdena och metoden som gav högts resultatvar 5 % fraktilen baserad på medelvärden. Ingen korrelation kunde hittasangående den subjektiva bedömningen av odränerad skjuvhållfasthet ochinfluensen från andra faktorer. En metod med subjektiv bedömning, somtar rumslig variation samt inkluderar osäkerheter i en faktor skulle vara attföredra eftersom detta skulle medföra ett mer tillförlitligt resultat

Slope Stability Analysis Of Class I Landfills With Co Disposal Of Bios

Vajirkar, Mrutyunjay 01 January 2004 (has links)
Land filling provides a major, safe, and economical disposal route for biosolids and sludges. With an expanding world, the demand for larger and higher capacity landfills is rapidly increasing. Proper analysis and design on such fills have pushed the boundaries of geotechnical engineering practice, in terms of proper identification and assessment of strength and deformation characteristics of waste materials. The engineering properties of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) with co-disposal of biosolids and sludges with regards to moisture characteristics and geotechnical stability are of utmost importance. Significant changes in the composition and characteristics of landfill may take place with the addition of sludges and biosolids. In particular, the stability of waste slopes needs to be investigated, which involves the evaluation of the strength properties of the mixture of the waste and biosolids. This thesis deals with impact of the addition of biosolids on the geotechnical properties of class I landfill as determined from field investigations. The geotechnical properties are evaluated using an in-situ deep exploration test, called the Cone Penetration Test (CPT). CPT provides a continuous log of subsurface material properties using two measuring mechanisms, namely, tip resistance and side friction. The areas receiving biosolids are compared with areas without, to evaluate the effect of landfilling of biosolids. The required geotechnical shear strength parameters (angle of internal friction and cohesion) of MSW and biosolids mixture are determined by correlation with CPT results similar to the procedure followed in evaluating soil properties. The shear strength parameters obtained from the CPT data are then used to study the stability of different slope configurations of the landfill. The slope stability analysis is conducted on the various landfill models using the computer software SLOPE/W. This software was designed for soils but was found to be suitable for modeling landfills, as the waste is assumed to act similar to a cohesionless soil. Based on the field investigations, the angle of internal friction was found to be about 29° and the determination of any cohesion was not possible. It was concluded that the most suitable practical solution to adding biosolids into the landfill was in the form of trenches. From the slope stability study, it was found that the factor of safety reduces significantly with the introduction of biosolids due to a reduction in shear strength and increase in the overall moisture content. From a parametric study, the stability of a 1:2 side slope with an angle of friction lower than about 20° was found to be less than the safe limit of 1.5. In addition, the factors of safety for landfills with trenches extending close to the edges of the slopes were also found to be unsafe and this situation needs to be avoided in practice.

Adapted data collection in field utilizing RMR and the Q-system

Olsson, Amanda January 2024 (has links)
The focus on slope stability has increased rapidly in Norway over the last years due to several unwanted landslides. In Norway, the most used method today to classify the rock mass and to determine the required reinforcement, is the Q-system. In addition to that the RMR method is also a commonly used method. However, since both the RMR and the Q-system is created to be used for underground constructions, their slope adaptations (Q-slope and SMR) has been developed. These adaptations will also be evaluated in this thesis. They will be used to examine if there is a correlation between the classification systems and the installed support on site. This thesis will only focus on slopes and not tunnels, as a limit to the scope investigated.  The joints properties at the investigated sites are taken both from engineering geologist reports and field mapping. The mapped joints will be analyzed in Dips to determine the major joint sets and by using the kinematic analysis tool determine what failure mechanisms these joint sets may create. These joint sets will be further evaluated through numerical analysis (with e.g. RocPlane, Swedge or RocTopple) dependent on their failure mechanism. The rock and joint data for calculation is gathered from three different sites, which are all part of the same project where the traffic capacity of the European route E18 through Porsgrunn, outside of Oslo, is increased. In both Blåfjell and Bjønnås the rock mass is larvikite, but in Grenland the rock mass investigated is sandstone. However, the sandstone in the Grenland has undergone contact metamorphosis, which changes the characteristics of the rock mass and creating a much stronger sandstone.  Generally, the rock mass investigated is classified to be of similar quality which gives them the same strength. Consequently, it is difficult to determine any kind of correlation between the sites. The results do not indicate the expected relationship that a stronger rock mass would need less reinforcement. In addition, it is also observed that the classification systems generally recommend more shotcrete that what is installed on site. When comparing the different classification systems, it can be seen that the Q-system generally categorize the rock mass in a lower category, indicating a weaker rock mass, compared to RMR and SMR. This then results in that the rock masses investigated is classified to be ranging from Poor to Good, dependent on the classification method.   Keywords: Rock mass classification, Q-slope, SMR, Slope stability.

Temperature effects on unsaturated soils: constitutive relationships and emerging geotechnical applications

Thota, Sannith Kumar 25 November 2020 (has links)
There has been an increasing interest in fundamental and applied research on emerging geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering applications that pose multi-physics problems involving non-isothermal processes in unsaturated soils. Properly studying these problems requires the development of analytical models to describe the constitutive behavior of unsaturated soils under non-isothermal conditions. However, major gaps remain in the development of unified models that can properly represent the temperature dependency of unsaturated soil behavior. The effects of temperature on the stability of slopes, lateral earth pressure, and pile resistance in unsaturated soils are also not well understood. The main objective of this study is to provide new insight and robust tools to characterize and model the temperature-dependent behavior of unsaturated soils. For this purpose, novel unified models are developed for soil water retention curve, effective stress, thermal conductivity function, and small-strain shear modulus for unsaturated soils at elevated temperatures. The models are proposed by establishing or extending the unified model at isothermal conditions to nonisothermal conditions. The fundamental and main variable in all unified models is capillary pressure (also referred to as matric suction). The effect of temperature is considered on adsorption and capillarity as a function of water-air surface tension, soil-water contact angle, and enthalpy of immersion. The proposed models are verified by comparing them with experimental data reported in the literature and measurements made in this study. Overall results of the proposed models show an excellent predictive capability. Furthermore, the parametric study is conducted to understand the effect of different parameters such as soil type, temperature, drainage conditions, and among others on hydraulic and mechanical properties of unsaturated soil. Finally, the proposed models are incorporated into geotechnical applications such as slope stability, lateral earth pressure, and pile resistance involving unsaturated conditions and elevated temperatures. The variation of temperature in unsaturated soils for these applications can be notable and cannot be ignored in the design and analysis. The proposed formulations can also be readily incorporated into analytical solutions and numerical simulations of thermo-hydro-mechanical processes in unsaturated soils. The findings of the study can facilitate using numerical models to simulate various non-isothermal applications including geo-energy systems and soil-atmospheric interaction problems.

Use of Remote Sensing in the Collection of Discontinuity Data for the Analysis and Design of Cut Slopes

Fisher, James E. 08 April 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Strain Compatibility Analysis in Slope Stability Modeling

Howdyshell, James Robert 25 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Potential Utilization of FGD Gypsum for Reclamation of Abandoned Highwalls

Modi, Deepa 22 October 2010 (has links)
No description available.

The development of an interactive computer model for managing geologic hazard databases

VanDerHurst, Jeffrey J. 29 August 2008 (has links)
The development of an interactive computer model for managing geologic hazards databases is vital and long overdue. As highway rockslopes continue to age and become more unstable and earthen dams are subjected to ever increasing flood events, a more proactive management system is required in order to provide timely information to planners and emergency personnel on demand. In recent years, deaths have occurred associated with both highway rockslides and earthen dam failures in southwest Virginia. In February 1991, a rockfall event occurred on Route U.S. 11 in the City of Radford, VA, which resulted indirectly in a highway accident and fatality. The incident made all parties aware that rockfalls from aging highway roadcuts within the city limits pose some threat to the motoring public (Watts et al., 1996). Additionally, in June 1995, the Timberlake dam in Lynchburg, VA, failed due to flash flooding from intense summer storms. Two people died on highways downstream of the dam, even though emergency personnel were on the scene. The lack of organized critical information about the dam, its downstream flood inundation zone, and its emergency action plan contributed to the tragedy. The outcome of the ensuing litigation is pending. In the case of the City of Radford, a user-friendly interactive database containing structural stereonet analysis, digital images, hazardous slope conditions, and maintenance records would provide a proactive approach to rockslope maintenance by allowing the slopes to be ranked in terms of geologic and traffic conditions. Appropriate remediation measures can then be taken in the most cost-effective manner. In the case of the Timberlake dam failure, a database containing critical information about the dam, its upstream watershed characteristics, downstream flood inundation zones, and emergency action plan could have been accessed by state geologists and emergency dispatchers. Appropriate measures could have been taken to deal with the event as it was unfolding. / Master of Science

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