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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cryptographie homomorphe et transcodage d’image/video dans le domaine chiffré / Homomorphic encryption and image/video transcoding in the encrypted domain

Nokam Kuaté, Donald 14 December 2018 (has links)
L'apparition de nouvelles technologies comme l'informatique en nuages (cloud computing) offre de nouvelles opportunités de traitement de l'information. Par exemple, il est désormais facile de stocker ses photos ou vidéos personnelles sur des serveurs distants. Il est également possible de partager ces contenus à travers ces mêmes serveurs, ou encore via les réseaux sociaux ou les plateformes de téléchargement. Cependant, ces données personnelles sont bien souvent accessibles par le fournisseur de service, essentiellement pour des raisons pratiques : par exemple adapter une vidéo pour qu'elle s'affiche au bon format quel que soit l'appareil utilisé pour la visionner, permettre le partage de ses contenus avec d’autres personnes, etc. Cela soulève cependant un problème de confidentialité de ces données personnelles, et de confiance dans le fournisseur du service. La cryptographie classique apporte des solutions à ce problème, mais soulève malheureusement celui de la maniabilité des données : il devient par exemple impossible d'adapter un contenu vidéo au bon format d'affichage puisque le fournisseur ne peut plus « voir » la vidéo. Une solution alternative réside toutefois dans le chiffrement homomorphe. Cet outil un peu magique de la cryptographie avancée apporte la même sécurité que les algorithmes de cryptographie classique, mais permet de plus de manipuler les données tout en conservant leur forme chiffrée. Il offre ainsi une nouvelle perspective pour les fournisseurs puisque ceux-ci peuvent continuer à traiter l'information sans être capable de la voir, et donc sans atteinte à la vie privée de leurs utilisateurs, se conformant ainsi au nouveau Règlement Général sur la Protection des Données (RGPD). Bien que le chiffrement homomorphe soit très souvent considéré comme insuffisamment mature, du fait de sa complexité algorithmique, cette thèse cherche à montrer son caractère prometteur, en s'intéressant à son usage pour le traitement d'images et de vidéos chiffrées à la source. Nous regardons ainsi les différents algorithmes qui constituent un encodeur d'image/vidéo (JPEG/H264 et HEVC) et les transformons en des circuits qui sont manipulables par des systèmes de chiffrement homomorphes. Nous proposons ainsi dans cette thèse le tout premier pipeline de compression d'images de type JPEG ("homomorphic-JPEG") sur des pixels qui sont chiffrés de bout-en-bout. Pour optimiser la gestion des données ainsi protégées, nous proposons également de nouveaux outils applicables à tous les schémas de chiffrement homomorphe sur les réseaux idéaux. Notre approche permet de maximiser le nombre de slots dans un chiffré et introduit de nouvelles fonctions pour manipuler ces différents slots de manière indépendante les uns des autres. Ces travaux de thèse ont abouti à la publication de deux articles dans des conférences internationales ainsi qu’à la soumission d'un article supplémentaire. / The emergence of new technologies like cloud computing brings new opportunities in information processing. For example it is easy today to send our personal pictures or videos to a remote server (Google Drive, OneDrive …). We can also share this content among the same servers or via social networks and streaming services. However, this personal data is often also available to the service provider, mainly for practical reasons e.g. to configure a video to have the right format regardless of the displayer (smartphone or computer), to share our data with other people, etc. This raises issues of privacy and trust into the service provider. Classical cryptography brings some answers to this kind of issues, yet leaving the problem of handling the encrypted data: e.g., it becomes impossible to reconfigure a video because the provider can no longer “see” it. An alternative solution is “homomorphic encryption”. It is a powerful tool of advanced cryptography which provides the same security as classical cryptography algorithms, but it still allows us to manipulate ciphertexts such their underlying plaintexts are modified. Consequently, it offers a new perspective to service providers since they can continue to process their clients’information without knowing what it contains. This allows them to provide privacy-preserving services and comply with the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Although it is considered that homomorphic encryption does not have enough maturity due to its large algorithmic complexity, in this thesis, we are trying to show its potential by using it in the context of image and video processing over the encrypted data. In this context, we look at the different algorithms in an image/video encoder (JPEG/H264 and HEVC) and transform them to circuits which can be manipulated by homomorphic encryption schemes. Our main contribution is to propose the first pipeline for an image compression of type JPEG (homomorphic-JPEG) running on end-to-end encrypted pixels. To optimize the management of the encrypted data, we also propose new tools applicable to existing homomorphic encryption schemes over the ring version of lattices. Our approach allows us to maximize the number of slots in some ciphertext and we introduce new functions allowing to handle these slots independently in the encrypted domain. This thesis work also lead to two publications to international conferences as well as the submission of an additional article.

Inverse Boundary Element/genetic Algorithm Method For Reconstruction O

Silieti, Mahmood 01 January 2004 (has links)
A methodology is formulated for the solution of the inverse problem concerned with the reconstruction of multi-dimensional heat fluxes for film cooling applications. The motivation for this study is the characterization of complex thermal conditions in industrial applications such as those encountered in film cooled turbomachinery components. The heat conduction problem in the metal endwall/shroud is solved using the boundary element method (bem), and the inverse problem is solved using a genetic algorithm (ga). Thermal conditions are overspecified at exposed surfaces amenable to measurement, while the temperature and surface heat flux distributions are unknown at the film cooling hole/slot walls. The latter are determined in an iterative process by developing two approaches. The first approach, developed for 2d applications, solves an inverse problem whose objective is to adjust the film cooling hole/slot wall temperatures and heat fluxes until the temperature and heat flux at the measurement surfaces are matched in an overall heat conduction solution. The second approach, developed for 2d and 3d applications, is to distribute a set of singularities (sinks) at the vicinity of the cooling slots/holes surface inside a fictitious extension of the physical domain or along cooling hole centerline with a given initial strength distribution. The inverse problem iteratively alters the strength distribution of the singularities (sinks) until the measuring surfaces heat fluxes are matched. The heat flux distributions are determined in a post-processing stage after the inverse problem is solved. The second approach provides a tremendous advantage in solving the inverse problem, particularly in 3d applications, and it is recommended as the method of choice for this class of problems. It can be noted that the ga reconstructed heat flux distributions are robust, yielding accurate results to both exact and error-laden inputs. In all cases in this study, results from experiments are simulated using a full conjugate heat transfer (cht) finite volume models which incorporate the interactions of the external convection in the hot turbulent gas, internal convection within the cooling plena, and the heat conduction in the metal endwall/shroud region. Extensive numerical investigations are undertaken to demonstrate the significant importance of conjugate heat transfer in film cooling applications and to identify the implications of various turbulence models in the prediction of accurate and more realistic surface temperatures and heat fluxes in the cht simulations. These, in turn, are used to provide numerical inputs to the inverse problem. Single and multiple cooling slots, cylindrical cooling holes, and fan-shaped cooling holes are considered in this study. The turbulence closure is modeled using several two-equation approach, the four-equation turbulence model, as well as five and seven moment reynolds stress models. The predicted results, by the different turbulence models, for the cases of adiabatic and conjugate models, are compared to experimental data reported in the open literature. Results show the significant effects of conjugate heat transfer on the temperature field in the film cooling hole region, and the additional heating up of the cooling jet itself. Moreover, results from the detailed numerical studies presented in this study validate the inverse problem approaches and reveal good agreement between the bem/ga reconstructed heat fluxes and the cht simulated heat fluxes along the inaccessible cooling slot/hole walls

Improved performance characteristics of induction machines with non-skewed symmetrical rotor slots

Chitroju, Rathna January 2009 (has links)
<p>Induction machines convert more than 55% of electrical energy into various other forms in industrial and domestic environments. Improved performance, especially by reduction of losses in induction machines hence can significantly reduce consumption of electricity. Many design and control methods are adopted to make induction machines work more efficiently, however certain design compromises are inevitable, such as skewing the rotor to improve the magnetic noise and torque characteristics increase the cross current losses considerably in a cage rotor, degrading the efficiency of the motor. Crosscurrent losses are the dominating stray losses which are dependent on several factors among them are percentage skew and the contact resistance between the rotor bars and laminations. It is shown in this thesis that implementing a design change which has non-skewed asymmetrical distribution of rotor slots can serve the same purpose as skewing i.e., reduction of the magnetic noise, thereby avoiding the negative effects of skewing the rotor slots especially by reducing the cross-current losses.</p><p>Two design ethodologies to introduce asymmetry in rotor slots are proposed and the key performance characteristics like torque ripple, radial air gap forces are computed both numerically and analytically. Radial forces obtained from the finite element method are coupled to the analytical tool forcalculating the magnetic noise. A spectral method to calculate and separate the radial forces into vibration modes and their respective frequencies is proposed and validated for a standard 4-pole induction motor. The influence of rotor slot number, eccentricity and skew on radial forces and magnetic noise are studied using finite element method in order to understand the vibrational and acoustic behavior of the machine, especially for identifying their sources. The validated methods on standard motors are applied for investigating the asymmetrical rotor slot machines.</p><p>Radial air gap forces and magnetic noise spectra are computed for the novel dual and sinusoidal symmetrical rotors and compared with the standard symmetrical rotor. The results obtained showed reduced radial forces and magnetic noise in asymmetrical rotors, both for the eccentric and noneccentric cases. Based on the results obtained some guide lines for designing  asymmetrical rotor slots are established. Magnitudes of the harmful modes of vibration observed in the eccentric rotors, which usually occur in reality, are considerably reduced in asymmetrical rotors showing lower sound intensity levels produced by asymmetrical rotors. The noise level from mode-2 vibration in a 4-pole standard 15 kW motor running with 25% static eccentricity is decreased by about 6 dB, compared to the standard rotors. Hence improved performance can be achieved by removing skew which reduces cross current losses and by employing asymmetrical rotor slots same noise level can be maintained or can be even lowered.</p><p> </p><p> </p>

Kraftabgabe thermoplastisch geformter Schienen mit inzisaler Schlitzung zur orthodontischen Zahnbewegung / Forces delivered by thermoplastic appliances with incisal slots for orthodontic tooth movement

Seiffert, Sarah-Alena 14 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Réseaux sans fil auto-adaptatifs: efficacité énergétique et réutilisation spatiale

Amdouni, Ichrak 14 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
La nécessité de maximiser la durée de vie du réseau sans fil dans les réseaux ad hoc et en particulier dans les réseaux de capteurs sans fil nécessite l'utilisation d'algorithmes d'efficacité énergétique. Motivée par le fait qu'un noeud consomme le moins d'énergie lorsqu'il est en veille, nous réalisons l'efficacité énergétique vi des algorithmes d'ordonnancement des activités des noeuds. Les noeuds reçoivent des slots temporels durant lesquels ils peuvent transmettre et ils peuvent éteindre leur radio quand ils ne sont ni en train de transmettre, ni en train de recevoir. Par rapport au TDMA classique, l'utilisation de la bande passante est optimisée: deux noeuds interférents ne partagent pas les mêmes slots. Dans notre travail sur l'ordonnancement, deux cas sont étudiés. Tout d'abord, lorsque les nœuds nécessitent le même temps d'accès au canal, nous utilisons le coloriage des nœuds. Deuxièmement, lorsque les nœuds requièrent des débits hétérogènes, nous utilisons une allocation de slots " traffic aware ". Contrairement à la majorité des travaux antérieurs, nous généralisons la définition du coloriage des noeuds et les problèmes d'attribution des slots. En effet, nous considérons que la distance maximale entre deux nœuds interférents est un paramètre de ces problèmes. Nous prouvons qu'ils sont NP-complets, ce qui rend inévitable l'utilisation des heuristiques dans la pratique. Une directive centrale de cette thèse est de concevoir des solutions auto-adaptatives. Cette adaptabilité concerne de nombreux aspects tels que la mission confiée par l'application, l'hétérogénéité des demandes de trafic de nœuds, la densité du réseau, de la régularité de la topologie du réseau, et la non fiabilité des liens sans fil.

Dielectric Resonator Antennas (DRA) for satellite and body area network applications

Alam, Muhammad Faiz, Alam, Muhammad Faiz 02 July 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Technologies such as direct broad cast satellite system (DBSS), Geosynchronous Earth Orbit (GEO) and Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite communications , global positioning system (GPS), high accuracy airborne navigation system and a large variety of radar systems demand for high level of antenna performance. Similar is the requirement for upcoming land based wireless systems such as cellular and indoor communication systems that is needed some more specific and additional features added to the antenna to compensate for the deficiencies encountered in system's performance. Though metallic antennas are capable enough to fulfil all the operational requirements, however at very high frequencies and under hostile temperature conditions they are constrained to face certain limitations. To avoid these constraints the performance of Dielectric Resonator Antennas (DRAs) is evaluated and their new applications are proposed. In the thesis, two types of antenna applications are sought :-First is for tracking and satellite applications that needs a larger aperture coverage in elevation plane. This coverage is realized with a good CP purity by proposing two ports dual linearly polarized DRA working at X-band. The DRA is excited by two orthogonal H-shaped aperture slots yielding two orthogonal polarizations in the broadside direction. A common impedance bandwidth of 5.9% and input port isolation of -35 dB are obtained. The broadside radiation patterns are found to be highly symmetric and stable with cross polarization levels -15dB or better over the entire matching frequency band. The maximum measured gain is found to be 2.5dBi at 8.4 GHz.- The 2nd type of antenna is a dual pattern diversity antenna to be used in the Body Area Network (BAN) context. This antenna combines a slot loop and DRA yielding broadside and end-fire radiation patterns respectively. Based upon the feeding techniques, the DG antenna is further divided into two categories one with planar feeds and the other with non-planar feeds (slot loop excited by planar CPW but DRA excited by vertical monopole) .Both types are successfully designed and measured upon body when configured into different propagation scenarios. The non-planar feeds antenna allows wider common impedance bandwidths than the planar feeds (4.95% vs 1.5%).In both cases, a maximum value of DG=9.5dB was achieved when diversity performance tests were carried out in rich fading environments. This value is close to the one (10 dB) theoretically reached in a pure Rayleigh environment and was obtained with efficiencies of 70% and 85% for the slot loop and the DRA respectively. Therefore, we conclude that these antennas could be used on the shoulders or the chest of professional clothes (firemen, policemen, soldier) where full planar integration is not a key issue but where the communication must be efficient in harsh environments and for various gestures, positions and scenarios

Reserva de cargos e empregos p?blicos a pessoas com defici?ncia: institui??es federais de ensino no RN

Maia, Deliany Vieira de Alencar 29 May 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:27:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DelianyVAM_DISSERT.pdf: 6741319 bytes, checksum: 48e0309e5b76ef9c64df5567da43287d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-05-29 / With a focus on the need for effectiveness of fundamental rights of persons with disabilities, this dissertation held a scientific research to analyze the degree of implementation of reservation of positions and public jobs to people with disabilities in the Brazilian State, because the 1988 Federal Constitution expressly determined such a reservation in your article 37, VIII. Highlight that this subject is enough evidence, given the large number of open public competition in recent years in Brazil, as well as recent proposals to grant equal rights to blacks (Bill n? 6,738/2013). In addition, the wording the constitutional device comes fomenting heated discussions on the subject, which are flowing on the doors of the judiciary and are spicy because such protection Microsystem vulnerable group has several gaps in the regulation of this policy. However, the research produced, unlike other related theme, does not address the problem of inefficiency in its constitutional theory, that is, abstractly, but also focuses on a specific analysis of this ineffectiveness within Brazilian society, so that research based on a bibliographical analysis, plus a study case law, at the national level, as well as in field research, while case study, focusing on the technique of the analysis of everyday life, because it was believed that the degree of realization of the constitutional norm debated is not yet a satisfactory degree of effectiveness. Soon, the methodological procedures chosen confirmed such a hypothesis and contributed to the study of realization of the fundamental right to work of people with disabilities in Brazil, the light of a Constitutional State, proposing a constitutionally appropriate model the greater effectiveness of the constitutional norm studied / Com foco na necessidade de efetiva??o dos direitos fundamentais das pessoas com defici?ncia, a presente disserta??o realizou uma pesquisa cient?fica para analisar o grau de concretiza??o da reserva de cargos e empregos p?blicos a pessoas com defici?ncia no Estado brasileiro, uma vez que a Constitui??o Federal de 1988 expressamente determinou tal reserva em seu art. 37, VIII. Ressalte-se que essa tem?tica encontra-se em bastante evid?ncia, haja vista o grande n?mero de concurso p?blicos abertos nos ?ltimos anos no Brasil, bem como as recentes propostas para conceder igual direito aos negros (Projeto de Lei n? 6.738/2013). Al?m disso, a reda??o dada ao dispositivo constitucional vem fomentando acirradas discuss?es sobre a mat?ria, que est?o desaguando nas portas do Poder Judici?rio e encontram-se apimentadas pelo fato do microssistema de prote??o a tal grupo vulner?vel possui v?rias lacunas na regulamenta??o dessa pol?tica. Todavia, a pesquisa produzida, diferentemente de outras de tema correlato, n?o aborda o problema da inefic?cia constitucional apenas em sua teoria, isto ?, abstratamente, mas tamb?m enfoca uma an?lise concreta desta inefic?cia no seio da sociedade brasileira, por isso a referida pesquisa se pauta numa an?lise bibliogr?fica, acrescida de um estudo jurisprudencial, em ?mbito nacional, assim como numa pesquisa de campo, enquanto estudo de caso, enfocando a t?cnica da an?lise do cotidiano, pois se acreditava que o grau de concretiza??o da norma constitucional debatida ainda n?o se encontra num grau satisfat?rio de efetiva??o. Logo, os procedimentos metodol?gicos escolhidos confirmaram tal hip?tese e contribuiu para o estudo da concretiza??o do direito fundamental ao trabalho das pessoas portadoras de defici?ncia no Brasil, a luz de um Estado Constitucional, propondo um modelo constitucionalmente adequado a maior efic?cia da norma constitucional estudada

Model víceotáčkového motoru a simulace v programu ANSYS Maxwell / FEM model and simulation of induction motor with pole-changing winding

Záškodný, Jiří January 2018 (has links)
This master thesis deals with calculations and simulations of multi-speed induction motors. In the first part, basic principle of these machines is described. Next, there are given three examples of pole-changing stator windings and their properties are analyzed (winding factors, magnetomotive force). Main part includes simulations and measuring of the specific motor, which is produced by company Siemens Mohelnice. This is the motor with 2/1 pole-changing in Y/YY connection. First, influence of skewed rotor slots on current and torque is analyzed. Next, parametres of motor from simulations are given and these results are compared to measured values.

Performance Analysis of Unskewed Asymmetrical Rotor for LV Induction Motors

Shaukat, Usman January 2012 (has links)
This master thesis presents a comparative analysis of the starting performance and losses at rated operation for a 15 kW, 4-pole industrial induction motor, mounted with standard skewed, unskewed and unskewed asymmetrical die-cast aluminium rotors through measurements and simulations. It is a well-known fact that rotor skewing suppresses the synchronous torques at low speeds and also reduces the audible noise of the machine. However, the casting process results in a low resistive path between the rotor bars and the iron laminations, for skewed rotors, this promotes the flow of inter-bar currents. These currents, flowing between the rotorbars, increase the harmonic torques during a start and create additional losses at rated operation. For standard unskewed rotors, these losses are ideally zero, but these rotors may produce high audible noise. Studies have shown that rotors with asymmetrical rotor slot pitch can reduce the audible noise level in unskewed machines. By removing the skew, the inter-bar current losses are suppressed to a negligible level; ultimately increased machine efficiency is obtained. In this work the electrical performance is verified through measurements on the built prototypes. Direct-on-line starts and rated performance for motors with different rotor slot arrangements is simulated using 2D FEM tool FCSmek. The three prototypes are tested in the laboratory according to IEC 60034-2-1 standard and the simulation results are in good agreement with the measured results. An additional test for the measurement of high frequency delta connected stator winding currents for each prototype machine is also performed, in order to study the losses induced in the stator winding. Results have shown that by introducing the proposed asymmetry in the rotor slots, the synchronous torques at low speeds are suppressed effectively, thus, improving the starting performance of the asymmetrical rotor compared to the standard unskewed rotor. Additionally, a higher pull-out torque is obtained for the unskewed rotor motor compared to the standard skewed rotor motor. However, the losses were more or less re-distributed in the unskewed rotor motor, resulting in similar efficiency as the standard skewed rotor motor. One important observation is that; to capture the inter-bar current losses which are estimated to be 5.5% of the total losses, requires more accurate methods of measurements than the existing. And sufficient repeatability must be achieved; alternatively one should rely on statistical data obtained from measurements on several number of motors.

Improving Airline Schedule Reliability Using A Strategic Multi-objective Runway Slot Assignment Search Heuristic

Hafner, Florian 01 January 2008 (has links)
Improving the predictability of airline schedules in the National Airspace System (NAS) has been a constant endeavor, particularly as system delays grow with ever-increasing demand. Airline schedules need to be resistant to perturbations in the system including Ground Delay Programs (GDPs) and inclement weather. The strategic search heuristic proposed in this dissertation significantly improves airline schedule reliability by assigning airport departure and arrival slots to each flight in the schedule across a network of airports. This is performed using a multi-objective optimization approach that is primarily based on historical flight and taxi times but also includes certain airline, airport, and FAA priorities. The intent of this algorithm is to produce a more reliable, robust schedule that operates in today's environment as well as tomorrow's 4-Dimensional Trajectory Controlled system as described the FAA's Next Generation ATM system (NextGen). This novel airline schedule optimization approach is implemented using a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm which is capable of incorporating limited airport capacities. The core of the fitness function is an extensive database of historic operating times for flight and ground operations collected over a two year period based on ASDI and BTS data. Empirical distributions based on this data reflect the probability that flights encounter various flight and taxi times. The fitness function also adds the ability to define priorities for certain flights based on aircraft size, flight time, and airline usage. The algorithm is applied to airline schedules for two primary US airports: Chicago O'Hare and Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson. The effects of this multi-objective schedule optimization are evaluated in a variety of scenarios including periods of high, medium, and low demand. The schedules generated by the optimization algorithm were evaluated using a simple queuing simulation model implemented in AnyLogic. The scenarios were simulated in AnyLogic using two basic setups: (1) using modes of flight and taxi times that reflect highly predictable 4-Dimensional Trajectory Control operations and (2) using full distributions of flight and taxi times reflecting current day operations. The simulation analysis showed significant improvements in reliability as measured by the mean square difference (MSD) of filed versus simulated flight arrival and departure times. Arrivals showed the most consistent improvements of up to 80% in on-time performance (OTP). Departures showed reduced overall improvements, particularly when the optimization was performed without the consideration of airport capacity. The 4-Dimensional Trajectory Control environment more than doubled the on-time performance of departures over the current day, more chaotic scenarios. This research shows that airline schedule reliability can be significantly improved over a network of airports using historical flight and taxi time data. It also provides for a mechanism to prioritize flights based on various airline, airport, and ATC goals. The algorithm is shown to work in today's environment as well as tomorrow's NextGen 4-Dimensional Trajectory Control setup.

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