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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudio del rol de los agregados minerales en la formación, envejecimiento y conservación de películas pictóricas al óleo

Aguado Guardiola, Elena 06 November 2017 (has links)
Very few stone sculptures conserve their original polychromy nowadays so the exceptional condition presented by the oil paint film of the Tomb of Chancellor Villaespesa in the Cathedral of Tudela (Spain) here presented as case study suggested that both the chemical-mineral composition of the oil paint films and of the lithotypes chosen for the artists to be in contact with the polichromy, could be responsible for their unexpected durability. When the mechanisms governing these painted structures stability are not understood properly, conservation materials and methods and even environmental conditions can have a dramatic effect in their performance and compromise their stability in the long term. In this study, mock-ups simulating different oil paint layers on the sandstone of the case study have been prepared. Mock-ups with the same oil paint films on other substrates have been made for comparison purpose. After four years of natural ageing, the aggregation of lead and calcium carboxylates have been identified and characterized on some mock-ups by means of the combined use of UV-VIS light microscopy, SEM-EDX and micro FT-IR spectroscopy. pH and conductivity have been measured and monitorized both in the mock-ups and the case study. Saponification reactions, ionomer formation and carboxylate aggregation in lead white or minium oil paint films contributed to make them less acidic, less ionized, less hydrolyzed and less soluble after ageing sandstone or on pine wood at room environmental conditions for four years. The same given paint films became more acid and more ionized after ageing on a glass slide. Understanding the properties of such films, the chemical-physical mechanisms governing their adhesive and cohesive forces, and their surface pH is not easy. Mineral assemblages as well as the availability of ions in the substrate of a given oil paint film containing lead white or minium play a fundamental role in the eventual formation, migration and aggregation of lead and calcium carboxylates not only at their surface but also within the substrate-film interface. Furthermore, monitoring surface pH and conductivity as well as understanding solubility issues and the adhesion forces existing between soils, the paint layer and the substrate is needed when designing any conservation strategy to minimize risks and to preserve the balance acquired by these artworks in time. / Muy pocas esculturas pétreas conservan su policromía original. El excepcional estado en el se mantienen las películas pictóricas al óleo del caso de estudio de esta tesis doctoral (el Sepulcro de Villaespesa de la catedral de Tudela, Navarra, España) sugiere que tanto la composición químico-mineral de la roca seleccionada por sus escultores como la composición de las películas pictóricas al óleo con las que se policromó dicha piedra, podrían ser responsables de su inesperada durabilidad. En el transcurso de esta tesis doctoral se prepararon probetas con distintas películas pictóricas al óleo sobre la arenisca del caso de estudio. Para hacer un análisis comparativo también se prepararon probetas con las mismas películas sobre otros soportes. Se monitorizó el pH y la conductividad el caso de estudio así como de todas probetas. A través del uso combinado de microscopía óptica, SEM-EDX y micro espectroscopía FT-IR se estudió la formación y envejecimiento de las películas al óleo identificó y se caracterizó la agregación de carboxilatos de calcio y plomo en algunas de las películas pictóricas al óleo con pigmentos de plomo. En aquellas películas al óleo con albayalde o minio que envejecieron durante cuatro años sobre substratos de arenisca y madera de pino, las reacciones de saponificación, la formación de ionómeros y la agregación de carboxilatos contribuyeron a generar estratos pictóricos menos ácidos, menos ionizados, menos hidrolizados y menos solubles. Dichas películas pictóricas se tornaron más ácidas e ionizadas tras envejecer, en las mismas condiciones medioambientales, sobre vidrio de microscopio. La comprensión de los mecanismos físico-químicos que gobiernan no solo el pH y la conductividad sino también las fuerzas adhesivas y cohesivas de estas películas a lo largo del tiempo, no es sencilla. Tanto los agregados minerales como la disponibilidad de iones que presentan sus substratos juegan un papel fundamental en la eventual formación, migración y agregación de carboxilatos de calcio y plomo no solo en su superficie, sino también en la interfase substrato-película pictórica. Cuando los mecanismos que gobiernan los equilibrios físico-químicos de estos sistemas pictóricos no se comprenden adecuadamente, los materiales y métodos empleados en su conservación así como las condiciones medioambientales en las que se mantienen pueden tener un efecto dramático en el comportamiento de estos sistemas pictóricos y comprometer su estabilidad a largo plazo. / Molt poques escultures pètries conserven la seua policromia original. L'excepcional estat de conservación en que es conserven les policromies del cas d'estudi d'aquesta Tesi Doctoral (el Sepulcre de Villaespesa de la catedral de Tudela, Navarra, Espanya) sugereix que tant la composició química-mineral i la porositat de les roques seleccionades pels artistes com la composició de les pel·lícules pictòriques a l'oli que van preparar per a policromar la pedra, podrien ser responsables de la seua inesperada durabilitat. Quan els mecanismes que governen els seus equilibris fisicoquímics no han estat compresos adequadament, els materials i mètodes emprats en la seua conservació així com les condicions mediambientals en què es mantenen poden tinder un efecte dramatic al comportament d'aquests sistemes pictòrics i comprometre la seua estabilitat a llarg termini. En aquesta tesi es van preparar provetes amb diferents pel·lícules pictòriques a l'oli sobre l'arenisca emprada en el cas d'estudi. També es van preparar provetes amb les mateixes pel·lícules sobre altres suports per fer una anàlisi comparatiu. Després de quatre anys d'envelliment natural, es va identificar i caracteritzar l'agregació de carboxilats de calci i plom en algunes de les provetes a través de l'ús combinat de microscòpia òptica, SEM-EDX i micro espectroscòpia FT-IR. També es monitarizaren el pH i la conductivitat de les provetes així com del cas d'estudi. En aquelles pel·lícules a l'oli amb blanc de plom o mini que van envellir durant quatre anys sobre substrats de gres i fusta de pi, les reaccions de saponificació, la formació de ionómeros i l'agregació de carboxilats van contribuir a generar estrats pictòrics menys àcids, menys ionitzats, menys hidrolitzats i menys solubles. Aquestes pel·lícules pictòriques es van tornar més àcides i ionitzades després envellir, en les mateixes condicions mediambientals, sobre vidre de microscopi. La comprensió dels mecanismes fisicoquímics que governen el seu pH i la seua conductivitat així com les forces adhesives i cohesives d'aquestes pel·lícules al llarg del temps no és senzilla. Tant els agregats minerals com la disponibilitat de ions que presenten els seus substrats juguen un paper fonamental en l'eventual formació, migració i agregació de carboxilats de calci i plom no només en la seua superfície, sinó també en la interfase substrat-pel·lícula pictòrica. / Aguado Guardiola, E. (2017). Estudio del rol de los agregados minerales en la formación, envejecimiento y conservación de películas pictóricas al óleo [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/90462

Random Variate Generation Web Service

Sabah, Mohammad 12 September 2003 (has links)
Simulation and statistical applications often mimic the behavior of a random phenomenon by way of generating random observations that form a known or empirical probability distribution with estimated parameter values. Generation of such random observations is called Random Variate Generation (RVG). The number of simulation and statistical applications provided on the World Wide Web (Web) is on the rise. To facilitate the development of simulation and statistical applications on the Web by way of reuse, there is a need for providing RVG as a Web service. This research involves the development of such a Web service for RVG, which can be invoked programmatically over the Web by using SOAP over the HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) running on top of the Internet. To provide the RVG Web service, an RVG Web application is developed based on the Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) architecture. The RVG Web application is engineered by using the IBM WebSphere Studio Application Developer and runs on the IBM WebSphere Application Server. A client simulation and statistical application may call the RVG Web service and request the generation of random variates from 27 probability distributions. In addition, the RVG Web service also provides general statistics, scatter plot, and histogram of the requested random variates. The plots and histograms are created in Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG). The RVG Web service: (a) accepts requests in the Extensible Markup Language (XML) format, which is specified according to a request schema, and (b) sends the results to the client application also in the XML format specified according to a reply schema. The interface specification and access information needed to invoke the RVG Web service are provided in the Web Service Description Language (WSDL) document. Any Web-based simulation or statistical application that needs generation of random variates, their scatter plots and histograms, can invoke the RVG Web service programmatically at http://sunfish.cs.vt.edu/RVGWebService . / Master of Science

Analyse et amélioration de la qualité de services WEB multimédia et leurs mises en oeuvre sur ordinateur et sur FPGA

Al-Canaan, Amer January 2014 (has links)
Résumé : Les services Web, issus de l’avancée technologique dans le domaine des réseaux informatiques et des dispositifs de télécommunications portables et fixes, occupent une place primordiale dans la vie quotidienne des gens. La demande croissante sur des services Web multimédia (SWM), en particulier, augmente la charge sur les réseaux d’Internet, les fournisseurs de services et les serveurs Web. Cette charge est essentiellement due au fait que les SWM de haute qualité nécessitent des débits de transfert et des tailles de paquets importants. La qualité de service (par définition, telle que vue par l’utilisateur) est influencée par plusieurs facteurs de performance, comme le temps de traitement, le délai de propagation, le temps de réponse, la résolution d’images et l’efficacité de compression. Le travail décrit dans cette thèse est motivé par la demande continuellement croissante de nouveaux SWM et le besoin de maintenir et d’améliorer la qualité de ces services. Nous nous intéressons tout d’abord à la qualité de services (QdS) des SWM lorsqu’ils sont mis en œuvre sur des ordinateurs, tels que les ordinateurs de bureau ou les portables. Nous commençons par étudier les aspects de compatibilité afin d’obtenir des SWM fonctionnant de manière satisfaisante sur différentes plate-formes. Nous étudions ensuite la QdS des SWM lorsqu’ils sont mis en œuvre selon deux approches différentes, soit le protocole SOAP et le style RESTful. Nous étudions plus particulièrement le taux de compression qui est un des facteurs influençant la QdS. Après avoir considéré sous différents angles les SWM avec mise en œuvre sur des ordinateurs, nous nous intéressons à la QdS des SWM lorsqu’ils sont mis en œuvre sur FPGA. Nous effectuons alors une étude et une mise en œuvre qui permet d’identifier les avantages à mettre en œuvre des SWM sur FPGA. Les contributions se définissent en cinq volets comme suit : 1. Nous introduisons des méthodes de création, c’est-à-dire conception et mise en œuvre, de SWM sur des plate-formes logicielles hétérogènes dans différents environnements tels que Windows, OS X et Solaris. Un objectif que nous visons est de proposer une approche permettant d’ajouter de nouveaux SWM tout en garantissant la compatibilité entre les plate-formes, dans le sens où nous identifions les options nous permettant d’offrir un ensemble riche et varié de SWM pouvant fonctionner sur les différentes plate-formes. 2. Nous identifions une liste de paramètres pertinents influençant la QdS des SWM mis en œuvre selon le protocole SOAP et selon le style REST. 3. Nous développons un environnement d’analyse pour quantifier les impacts de chaque paramètre identifié sur la QdS de SWM. Pour cela, nous considérons les SWM mis en œuvre selon le protocole SOAP et aussi selon style REST. Les QdS obtenues avec SOAP et REST sont comparées objectivement. Pour faciliter la comparaison, la même gamme d’images (dans l’analyse de SWM SOAP) a été réutilisée et les mêmes plate-formes logicielles. 4. Nous développons une procédure d’analyse qui permet de déterminer une corrélation entre la dimension d’une image et le taux de compression adéquat. Les résultats obtenus confirment cette contribution propre à cette thèse qui confirme que le taux de compression peut être optimisé lorsque les dimensions de l’image ont la propriété suivante : le rapport entre la longueur et la largeur est égal au nombre d’or connu dans la nature. Trois libraires ont été utilisées à savoir JPEG, JPEG2000 et DjVu. 5. Dans un volet complémentaire aux quatre volets précédents, qui concernent les SWM sur ordinateurs, nous étudions ainsi la conception et la mise en œuvre de SWM sur FPGA. Nous justifions l’option de FPGA en identifiant ses avantages par rapport à deux autres options : ordinateurs et ASICs. Afin de confirmer plusieurs avantages identifiés, un SWM de QdS élevée et de haute performance est créé sur FPGA, en utilisant des outils de conception gratuits, du code ouvert (open-source) et une méthode fondée uniquement sur HDL. Notre approche facilitera l’ajout d’autres modules de gestions et d’orchestration de SWM. 6. La mise à jour et l’adaptation du code open-source et de la documentation du module Ethernet IP Core pour la communication entre le FPGA et le port Ethernet sur la carte Nexys3. Ceci a pour effet de faciliter la mise en œuvre de SWM sur la carte Nexys3. // Abstract : Web services, which are the outcome of the technological advancements in IT networks and hand-held mobile devices for telecommunications, occupy an important role in our daily life. The increasing demand on multimedia Web services (MWS), in particular, augments the load on the Internet, on service providers and Web servers. This load is mainly due to the fact that the high-quality multimedia Web services necessitate high data transfer rates and considerable payload sizes. The quality of service (QoS, by definition as it is perceived by the user) is influenced by several factors, such as processing time, propagation delay, response time, image resolution and compression efficacy. The research work in this thesis is motivated by the persistent demand on new MWS, and the need to maintain and improve the QoS. Firstly, we focus on the QoS of MWS when they are implemented on desktop and laptop computers. We start with studying the compatibility aspects in order to obtain MWS functioning satisfactorily on different platforms. Secondly, we study the QoS for MWS implemented according to the SOAP protocol and the RESTful style. In particular, we study the compression rate, which is one of the pertinent factors influencing the QoS. Thirdly, after the study of MWS when implemented on computers, we proceed with the study of QoS of MWS when implemented on hardware, in particular on FPGAs. We achieved thus comprehensive study and implementations that show and compare the advantages of MWS on FPGAs. The contributions of this thesis can be resumed as follows: 1. We introduce methods of design and implementation of MWS on heterogeneous platforms, such as Windows, OS X and Solaris. One of our objectives is to propose an approach that facilitates the integration of new MWS while assuring the compatibility amongst involved platforms. This means that we identify the options that enable offering a set of rich and various MWS that can run on different platforms. 2. We determine a list of relevant parameters that influence the QoS of MWS. 3. We build an analysis environment that quantifies the impact of each parameter on the QoS of MWS implemented on both SOAP protocol and RESTful style. Both QoS for SOAP and REST are objectively compared. The analysis has been held on a large scale of different images, which produces a realistic point of view describing the behaviour of real MWS. 4. We develop an analysis procedure to determine the correlation between the aspect ratio of an image and its compression ratio. Our results confirm that the compression ratio can be improved and optimised when the aspect ratio of iiiiv an image is close to the golden ratio, which exists in nature. Three libraries of compression schemes have been used, namely: JPEG, JPEG2000 and DjVu. 5. Complementary to the four contributions mentioned above, which concern the MWS on computers, we study also the design and implementation of MWS on FPGA. This is justified by the numerous advantages that are offered by FPGAs, compared to the other technologies such as computers and ASICs. In order to highlight the advantages of implementing MWS on FPGA, we developed on FPGA a MWS of high performance and high level of QoS. To achieve our goal, we utilised freely available design utilities, open-source code and a method based only on HDL. This approach is adequate for future extensions and add-on modules for MWS orchestration.

Arquitetura para interconex?o de redes de sensores sem fio e a internet atrav?s de Web Services e o Protocolo HTTP

Gomes, Daniel Adorno 26 June 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:31:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DANIEL ADORNO GOMES-2.pdf: 6264883 bytes, checksum: cca792dc8793e5981e4202615260916c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-06-26 / This paper presents a proposal for architecture for interconnection of wireless sensor networks and the Internet using only the application layer, without the need to change the protocol stack of both networks. The architecture is based on the HTTP protocol, proposing the use of web services technology to interconnect the two network standards. From the installation of a wireless sensor network in a closed environment, its interconnection was performed with the Internet based on the proposed architecture using open standard technologies, the protocol for REST web services and cloud computing structure of the company Amazon Web Services. Information was collected to evaluate the functionality, reliability and system efficiency, accordingly to the ABNT standard, ISO / IEC 9126. The results showed the feasibility of implementing this proposal because it was shown that the interconnection is possible between these network standards using the application layer, reliably, efficiently and with the use of low cost resources. This study might encourage proposals to extend the accessibility of sensor networks to mobile devices. / Este trabalho apresenta uma proposta de arquitetura para interconex?o de redes de sensores sem fio e a Internet utilizando somente a camada de aplica??o, sem que haja a necessidade de altera??o da pilha de protocolos de ambas as redes. A arquitetura baseia-se no protocolo HTTP, propondo a utiliza??o da tecnologia de web services para interconectar os dois padr?es de rede. A partir da instala??o de uma rede de sensores sem fio num ambiente fechado, foi realizada a sua interconex?o com a Internet com base na arquitetura proposta, utilizando tecnologias de padr?o aberto, o protocolo para web services REST e uma estrutura de computa??o em nuvem da empresa Amazon Web Services. Foram coletadas informa??es para que se pudesse avaliar a funcionalidade, a confiabilidade e a efici?ncia do sistema, de acordo com a norma da ABNT, NBR ISO/IEC 9126. Os resultados apontaram para a viabilidade de implementa??o dessa proposta, pois, demonstrou-se que ? poss?vel a interconex?o entre esses padr?es de rede utilizando a camada de aplica??o, de forma confi?vel, eficiente e com a utiliza??o de recursos de baixo custo. Este estudo pode embasar propostas para estender a acessibilidade das redes de sensores aos dispositivos m?veis.

Um serviço de transações atômicas para Web services / An Atomic Transaction Service for Web Services

Silva Neto, Ivan Bittencourt de Araujo e 21 September 2007 (has links)
Sistemas computacionais são constituídos por componentes de hardware e software que podem eventualmente falhar. Por esse motivo, o mecanismo de transação sempre foi imprescindível para a construção de sistemas robustos. O suporte transacional para a tecnologia Web services foi definido em agosto de 2005, num conjunto de três especificações denominadas WS-Coordination, WS-AtomicTransaction e WS-BusinessActivity. Juntas, essas especificações definem um alicerce sobre o qual aplicações robustas baseadas em Web services podem ser construídas. Nesta dissertação realizamos um estudo sobre transações atômicas em ambientes Web services. Em particular, estendemos o gerenciador de transações presente no servidor de aplicações JBoss, de modo que ele passasse a comportar transações distribuídas envolvendo Web services. Além disso, avaliamos o desempenho desse gerenciador de transações quando ele emprega cada um dos seguintes mecanismos de chamada remota: Web services/SOAP, CORBA/IIOP e JBoss Remoting. Finalmente, realizamos experimentos de escalabilidade e interoperabilidade. / Computing systems consist of a multitude of hardware and software components that may fail. For this reason, the transaction mechanism has always been essential for the development of robust systems. Transactional support for the Web services technology was defined in August 2005, in a set of three specifications, namely WS-Coordination, WS-AtomicTransaction, and WS-BusinessActivity. Together, such specifications enable the development of robust Web services applications. In this dissertation we studied atomic transactions in the Web services realm. Particularly, we added Web services atomic transaction support to the existing JBoss application server transaction manager. Furthermore, we evaluated the performance of this transaction manager when it employs each of the following remote method invocation mechanisms: Web services/SOAP, CORBA/IIOP and JBoss Remoting. Finally, we performed scalability and interoperability experiments.

Orchestrierung von Geo Web Services

Kallbach, Maria 10 February 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Das Ziel der Diplomarbeit bestand darin eine Testumgebung zur Orchestrierung von Geo Web Services aufzubauen. Dabei diente die Diplomarbeit "Orchestrierung von Web Services" von Jäger/Weidenhagen als Grundlage. Um ein Verständnis für dieses Gebiet zu bekommen, werden zu Beginn die Grundlagen betrachtet. Rechtliche Aspekte zum Thema Orchestrierung werden angegeben, um die Wichtigkeit des Themas zu unterstreichen. Eingängige Standards wie SOAP und WSDL werden in ihren Kernpunkten erläutert. Insbesondere bei SOAP wird näher darauf eingegangen. Neben den OWS besteht auch die Möglichkeit Geo-Datenbanken in Diensteketten einfließen zu lassen. Dafür werden exemplarisch Dienste aufgesetzt, die dies ermöglichen. Weiterhin werden die Benutzerschnittstellen von Web Services (und auch Diensteketten) untersucht. Die Option eines Clients mittels Scriptsprachen wird beschrieben. Dabei erwies sich PHP am geeignetsten. Auf diese Weise kann für jede Dienstekette eine dynamische Webseite gestaltet werden, die eine graphische Schnittstelle für den Nutzer bietet.


謝佳凌 Unknown Date (has links)
文本的意義不僅是在觀看時協商,同時在對話中決定。本文目的在於了解電視劇迷在網路社群中談論電視劇的互動型態,以及如何實踐身為劇迷的身份。這個電視劇迷集結的網路空間,同時是虛擬社群、觀眾社群、也是迷的實踐社群的集合體。 研究過程以中情局BBS站中三個電視劇討論區以及奇摩家族中二個電視劇討論區為觀察主體,對討論區的文章作歸納分析、訪問討論區管理者以及進行迷們的電子問卷調查。研究發現,電視劇討論區受訪者認可其社群的存在,並感受尊敬、友善、溫馨、互助氣氛,但電視劇的播出壽命會主導著電視劇迷社群的興盛。這並非指該社群會消失,而是這群迷會轉往其它地方繼續存在。電視劇迷看電視劇原因以「喜愛該劇演員」為主,而電視劇討論區聚集了不同演員的支持者,因此電視劇討論區的凝聚力比起劇中演員的專門討論區來得小。 對電視劇迷群而言,電視劇觀看過程延攬至和朋友、同學、父母每日的對話,並融入網路這新興的口語書寫文化中。他╱她們從消化電視劇所提供的素材再生產出網路討論的文本,藉由對文本的共同詮釋來獲得歸屬感和友誼。 電視劇迷是具生產性的一群,不僅由書寫談論賦與媒體文本意義、創作同題材的網路小說,更聚集迷群力量,抗議製作體系拖戲及希望修改故事線。在討論區互動中,迷們接合現實空間和網際空間的分界,實踐、交換迷身份展現的論述。

Um serviço de transações atômicas para Web services / An Atomic Transaction Service for Web Services

Ivan Bittencourt de Araujo e Silva Neto 21 September 2007 (has links)
Sistemas computacionais são constituídos por componentes de hardware e software que podem eventualmente falhar. Por esse motivo, o mecanismo de transação sempre foi imprescindível para a construção de sistemas robustos. O suporte transacional para a tecnologia Web services foi definido em agosto de 2005, num conjunto de três especificações denominadas WS-Coordination, WS-AtomicTransaction e WS-BusinessActivity. Juntas, essas especificações definem um alicerce sobre o qual aplicações robustas baseadas em Web services podem ser construídas. Nesta dissertação realizamos um estudo sobre transações atômicas em ambientes Web services. Em particular, estendemos o gerenciador de transações presente no servidor de aplicações JBoss, de modo que ele passasse a comportar transações distribuídas envolvendo Web services. Além disso, avaliamos o desempenho desse gerenciador de transações quando ele emprega cada um dos seguintes mecanismos de chamada remota: Web services/SOAP, CORBA/IIOP e JBoss Remoting. Finalmente, realizamos experimentos de escalabilidade e interoperabilidade. / Computing systems consist of a multitude of hardware and software components that may fail. For this reason, the transaction mechanism has always been essential for the development of robust systems. Transactional support for the Web services technology was defined in August 2005, in a set of three specifications, namely WS-Coordination, WS-AtomicTransaction, and WS-BusinessActivity. Together, such specifications enable the development of robust Web services applications. In this dissertation we studied atomic transactions in the Web services realm. Particularly, we added Web services atomic transaction support to the existing JBoss application server transaction manager. Furthermore, we evaluated the performance of this transaction manager when it employs each of the following remote method invocation mechanisms: Web services/SOAP, CORBA/IIOP and JBoss Remoting. Finally, we performed scalability and interoperability experiments.

Orchestrierung von Geo Web Services

Kallbach, Maria 31 August 2009 (has links)
Das Ziel der Diplomarbeit bestand darin eine Testumgebung zur Orchestrierung von Geo Web Services aufzubauen. Dabei diente die Diplomarbeit "Orchestrierung von Web Services" von Jäger/Weidenhagen als Grundlage. Um ein Verständnis für dieses Gebiet zu bekommen, werden zu Beginn die Grundlagen betrachtet. Rechtliche Aspekte zum Thema Orchestrierung werden angegeben, um die Wichtigkeit des Themas zu unterstreichen. Eingängige Standards wie SOAP und WSDL werden in ihren Kernpunkten erläutert. Insbesondere bei SOAP wird näher darauf eingegangen. Neben den OWS besteht auch die Möglichkeit Geo-Datenbanken in Diensteketten einfließen zu lassen. Dafür werden exemplarisch Dienste aufgesetzt, die dies ermöglichen. Weiterhin werden die Benutzerschnittstellen von Web Services (und auch Diensteketten) untersucht. Die Option eines Clients mittels Scriptsprachen wird beschrieben. Dabei erwies sich PHP am geeignetsten. Auf diese Weise kann für jede Dienstekette eine dynamische Webseite gestaltet werden, die eine graphische Schnittstelle für den Nutzer bietet.

The role of South African Broadcasting Corporation television soap operas in sustaining African traditional culture : a case study of Muvhango

Maseeme, Tricia January 2021 (has links)
Thesis (M. A. (Media Studies)) -- University of Limpopo, 2021 / Culture gives identity to the people, that which should run from one generation to another. In this information age, media are expected to be carriers of culture to help sustain its transmission through generations. This case study explored the role of the South African public broadcaster in sustaining African traditional culture concerning SABC 2 soap opera named Muvhango. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews with a sample of 25 participants from Tshakhuma village in Vhembe District. The study hypothesised that there is a misrepresentation of reality in soap opera. However, the findings of the study prove that media representations about tradition are a true reflection of the culture impersonated. The results have shown that there is a good relationship between the media and culture, which the media as transmitters of culture are fulfilling. The findings of the study have proven sustainability of culture. However, thorough research is encouraged for content producers to have more accurate and truthful representation.

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