Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cocial cynamic"" "subject:"cocial clynamic""
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Promoção da saúde e dinâmica social: o lugar dos sujeitos / Health promotion and social dynamic: the place of the subjectsFernandez, Juan Carlos Aneiros 14 March 2011 (has links)
RESUMO Há uma polêmica em torno da produção de conhecimentos em promoção da saúde, seja quanto a sua natureza, sua finalidade ou seu alcance, que expressa sintomas de um problema cuja etiologia ainda está por ser mais bem apreendida. O objeto desta pesquisa foi a identificação das bases teóricas e filosóficas dessa produção, as relações que esta estabelece com a experiência social contemporânea e, por fim, o lugar que reserva aos sujeitos na produção de saúde. Um estudo do pormenor epistemológico explorou as noções de dinâmica social presentes no material de pesquisa composto de uma amostra de Teses de Doutorado e Dissertações de Mestrado sobre promoção da saúde. Verificase que existem modelos de compreensão da dinâmica social elaborados há mais de um século que influenciam no momento presente a produção de conhecimentos na área da promoção da saúde. Existem também modelos elaborados contemporaneamente que aproveitam os desenvolvimentos científicos mais recentes, tanto quanto as críticas ao cientificismo. Em todos os casos, a noção de dinâmica social revela paradigmas, sendo sensível às variações das racionalidades empregadas na produção de conhecimentos e às variações dos quadros mentais das culturas no que diz respeito ao projeto da modernidade. Realizou-se uma análise objetiva das razões e progressão dos argumentos apresentados nas teses e dissertações o seu tempo lógico , que foi sobreposta por uma análise genetico-etiológica que apreende as implicações contextuais dessas argumentações o seu tempo histórico. Tais análises permitiram a elaboração de perfis epistemológicos da noção de dinâmica social, em uma adaptação ao modelo proposto por Gaston Bachelard, que sugerem a existência de um processo em curso de tensão e transição paradigmáticas na produção de conhecimentos dessa área. Permitiram também verificar que as racionalidades empregadas e as visões da contemporaneidade condicionam a noção de dinâmica social e esta, por sua vez, condiciona o entendimento a respeito do lugar que ocupam ou devem ocupar os sujeitos na produção de saúde. Tais análises permitiram, por fim, constatar que nessa amostra prevalece o entendimento acerca de uma hipossuficiência do sujeito, o que parece um problema a ser enfrentado pela promoção da saúde / ABSTRACT There is a controversy surrounding the production of knowledge in health promotion, be around nature, its purpose or scope, which expressed symptoms of a problem whose etiology is still to be better understood. The object of this research was to identify the theoretical and philosophical bases of production, the relations it establishes with the contemporary social experience and, finally, the place reserved for subjects in the production of health. A study of the \"epistemological detail\" explored the notions of social dynamics present in the research material consists of a sample of Thesis and Masters Dissertations. It appears that there are models of understanding of social dynamics developed over a century that currently influence the production of knowledge in the area of health promotion. There are also models developed contemporaneously that leverage the latest scientific developments as far as the criticism of scientism. In all cases, the notion of social dynamics reveals paradigms, being sensitive to variations of the rationalities used to produce knowledge and to changes in mindsets of cultures in relation to the project of modernity. We carried out an \"objective\" analysis of reasons and progression of the arguments presented in the theses and dissertations - their \"logical time\" - which has been superimposed by a genetic-etiological analysis that captures the contextual implications of these arguments - their \"historical time. Such analysis allowed the development of \"epistemological profiles\" of the concept of social dynamic in adapting the model proposed by Gaston Bachelard, suggesting the existence of an ongoing process of tension and paradigmatic transition in the production of knowledge in this area. They also check that the rationalities employed and the visions of the contemporary condition the notion of social dynamics and this in turn affects the understanding about the role does or should take the subjects in the production of health. Such analysis allowed finally, note that this sample the prevailing understanding of a subject\'s hypo-sufficiency, therefore, a problem be faced by health promotion. Keywords: Health Promotion. Social Dynamic. Rationalities. Epistemology
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Promoção da saúde e dinâmica social: o lugar dos sujeitos / Health promotion and social dynamic: the place of the subjectsJuan Carlos Aneiros Fernandez 14 March 2011 (has links)
RESUMO Há uma polêmica em torno da produção de conhecimentos em promoção da saúde, seja quanto a sua natureza, sua finalidade ou seu alcance, que expressa sintomas de um problema cuja etiologia ainda está por ser mais bem apreendida. O objeto desta pesquisa foi a identificação das bases teóricas e filosóficas dessa produção, as relações que esta estabelece com a experiência social contemporânea e, por fim, o lugar que reserva aos sujeitos na produção de saúde. Um estudo do pormenor epistemológico explorou as noções de dinâmica social presentes no material de pesquisa composto de uma amostra de Teses de Doutorado e Dissertações de Mestrado sobre promoção da saúde. Verificase que existem modelos de compreensão da dinâmica social elaborados há mais de um século que influenciam no momento presente a produção de conhecimentos na área da promoção da saúde. Existem também modelos elaborados contemporaneamente que aproveitam os desenvolvimentos científicos mais recentes, tanto quanto as críticas ao cientificismo. Em todos os casos, a noção de dinâmica social revela paradigmas, sendo sensível às variações das racionalidades empregadas na produção de conhecimentos e às variações dos quadros mentais das culturas no que diz respeito ao projeto da modernidade. Realizou-se uma análise objetiva das razões e progressão dos argumentos apresentados nas teses e dissertações o seu tempo lógico , que foi sobreposta por uma análise genetico-etiológica que apreende as implicações contextuais dessas argumentações o seu tempo histórico. Tais análises permitiram a elaboração de perfis epistemológicos da noção de dinâmica social, em uma adaptação ao modelo proposto por Gaston Bachelard, que sugerem a existência de um processo em curso de tensão e transição paradigmáticas na produção de conhecimentos dessa área. Permitiram também verificar que as racionalidades empregadas e as visões da contemporaneidade condicionam a noção de dinâmica social e esta, por sua vez, condiciona o entendimento a respeito do lugar que ocupam ou devem ocupar os sujeitos na produção de saúde. Tais análises permitiram, por fim, constatar que nessa amostra prevalece o entendimento acerca de uma hipossuficiência do sujeito, o que parece um problema a ser enfrentado pela promoção da saúde / ABSTRACT There is a controversy surrounding the production of knowledge in health promotion, be around nature, its purpose or scope, which expressed symptoms of a problem whose etiology is still to be better understood. The object of this research was to identify the theoretical and philosophical bases of production, the relations it establishes with the contemporary social experience and, finally, the place reserved for subjects in the production of health. A study of the \"epistemological detail\" explored the notions of social dynamics present in the research material consists of a sample of Thesis and Masters Dissertations. It appears that there are models of understanding of social dynamics developed over a century that currently influence the production of knowledge in the area of health promotion. There are also models developed contemporaneously that leverage the latest scientific developments as far as the criticism of scientism. In all cases, the notion of social dynamics reveals paradigms, being sensitive to variations of the rationalities used to produce knowledge and to changes in mindsets of cultures in relation to the project of modernity. We carried out an \"objective\" analysis of reasons and progression of the arguments presented in the theses and dissertations - their \"logical time\" - which has been superimposed by a genetic-etiological analysis that captures the contextual implications of these arguments - their \"historical time. Such analysis allowed the development of \"epistemological profiles\" of the concept of social dynamic in adapting the model proposed by Gaston Bachelard, suggesting the existence of an ongoing process of tension and paradigmatic transition in the production of knowledge in this area. They also check that the rationalities employed and the visions of the contemporary condition the notion of social dynamics and this in turn affects the understanding about the role does or should take the subjects in the production of health. Such analysis allowed finally, note that this sample the prevailing understanding of a subject\'s hypo-sufficiency, therefore, a problem be faced by health promotion. Keywords: Health Promotion. Social Dynamic. Rationalities. Epistemology
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Les initiatives de transition comme facteur de développement des capacités territoriales d'adaptation aux effets des changements climatiques / Transition initiatives as a factor for developing territorial capacities to adapt to the effects of climate changeGerome, Camille 20 June 2019 (has links)
Afin de répondre aux enjeux sociaux d'adaptations aux effets des changements climatiques, cette thèse participe à la compréhension des processus de développement de capacité d'adaptation. L'objet d'étude principal porte sur les dynamiques citoyennes spontanées de transition. Il s'agit de groupe de citoyen souhaitant agir localement pour le développement de leur territoire de manière cohérente autour de valeurs partagées.Cette thèse contribue à démontrer l'émergence et le développement de pratiques sociales innovantes, assimilable à des innovations sociales dans des arènes de transition reproduisant les caractéristiques des niches, espace protégé et restreint encourageant l'incubation. Ces innovations sociales, favorisé par la mise en réseau, la cohésion et le partage de valeurs contribuent au développement de capacité d'adaptation à travers une volonté de transmission, des pratiques d'essaimage et une dynamique globale d'inclusion.Concrètement, cette étude porte sur deux initiatives de transition semblable dans leurs intentions et différentes par leur histoire. Elles participent à considérer une nouvelle dynamique de société à la fois spontanée, autonome et inclusive. En se positionnant ni "contre" le territoire et ses institutions, ni "sans" eux, ces initiatives de transition représentent des alternatives remarquables pour conduire vers des sociétés plus coopératives et davantage capables de s'adapter aux effets des changements climatiques. / To respond to social issues of adaptation to the effects of climate change, this thesis contributes to the understanding of adaptation capacity development processes. The main subject is the spontaneous transitional citizens dynamics. It is about a group of citizens wishing act locally for the development of their territory in a coherent way around shared values.This thesis helps to demonstrate the emergence and the development of innovative social practices. This is comparable to social innovations in transition arenas who reproduce characteristics of niches: protected and restricted space encouraging incubation. These social innovations, fostered by networking, cohesion and the sharing of values, contribute to the development of adaptability through a desire for transmission and a global dynamic of inclusion.Concretely, this study focuses on two transition initiatives similar in their intentions and different in their history. They participate in considering a new dynamic of society that is both spontaneous, autonomous and inclusive.By positioning itself neither "against" the territory and its institutions, nor "without" them, these transition initiatives represent remarkable alternatives to lead to more cooperative societies and more able to adapt to the effects of climate change.
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Problématique de l'articulation de la modernisation à la tradition chez les communautés paysannes du Pays-Bwa dans le cercle de Tominian dans le Sud-Est malienCoulibaly, Denis 13 November 2006 (has links)
Einheimischer des Bwa-Landes, beabsichtige ich in dieser Doktorsarbeit, eine lokale Studie der Problematik der Sozialdynamik in dieser Zone durchzuführen. Diese im Sahel gelegte gilt als Gebiet der Bwa im Südosten Mali. Mit der Mehrheit von Bwa leben Dafings, Fulbe, Dogon, Minianka Minderheitsethnien im Gebiet. Diese Gruppe, außer den Fulbe (Viehzüchter), betreiben Ackerbau und andere Nebentätigkeiten. Die Bwa gelten als konservativ, sind wenig beforscht, in der Minderheit und in Mali administrativ vernachlässigt.Daher unsere Arbeitsziele bestehen im Folgenden: eine Visionsanschaffung der unvermeidbaren Vermischung der lokalen Praktiken und Modernisierungsfaktoren im Gebiet; Erklärung der Co-Existenz der Nicht-Änderungswillen (Traditionsanhalten) und der Änderungstendenz in den Dorfgemeinden; Bestimmen der Rolle der Innovationen und Verhaltensentwicklung der Bauern gegenüber diesen Faktoren; Bemessen der Integrationsprozess des Bwa-Landes in der Entwicklung Malis. Dafür wurde eine Forschung im Bwa-land durchgeführt, die eine Kombination der Methoden und Instrumente der empirischen Sozialforschung erfordert hat: Befragungsverfahren, Beobachtung, Literaturrecherche, Interpretation der Daten mittels des Programms WinMax-QDA. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, dass auch das Bwa-Land dem Gesetz der natürlichen (endogenen) Dynamik und der Innovationeneffekt nicht entgeht. Es hat eine Autonomie, eigene Strategien und Zielsetzungen, die sich inter-aktiv mit seinem sozialen und natürlichen Umfeld offen entwickeln. Ausdrücklich wurden die Entwicklungsphasen der internen Sozialdynamik der Bauern und ihr unterschiedliches Verhalten gegenüber der Invasion beobachtet. Die Bauern leben, wie überall, seit langer in einem dialektischen Verhältnis mit ihrem Umfeld, ohne den widersprüchlichen/vorteilhaften Verhältnissen, die sie mit dem natürlichen, sozialen, lokalen und nationalen Umfeld haben, zu entgehen. In Bezug auf diese Arbeitsergebnisse, ist die interne Veränderung innerhalb der Gesamtheit der nationalen Veränderung universal, überall präsent nur stellt sie eine lokale, kulturelle und wirtschaftliche Diversität dar. Das Verständnis dieser Phänomene stellt die Grundlage für Einsatzerfolg auf dem Land dar und daher sollte jeder Einsatz dort vorgehen. / Native of the Bwa-Land in Mali, I undertook a study to understand the social dynamics among people living in this geographical zone. The Bwa-Land is located in the Sahelian region of Mali. There live together Bwa, the major ethnic group, and some other minor ethnic groups such as Dafing, Peulh, Dogon and Manianka. Except the Peulhs (stockbreeders), all other ethnic groups practice crop farming and off-farm activities. Bwa people are considered conservative, are administratively marginalised in Mali and not much studied. The objectives of the doctoral studies were to: present the links between indigenous socio-agricultural practices and factors of rural modernisation in the Bwa-Land; explain the coexistence of lack of change and of trends towards evolution; define the role of the factors of modernisation and evolution in the attitudes of the peasants Bwa and Dafing vis-à-vis these factors; measure the evolution of integration of the Bwa-land to the dynamics of democratic progress occurring at national level in Mali. Therefore, we combined methods and instruments used in empirical social sciences research that include: questionnaires, participant observation, analyse of published documents. The data were collected during a seven-months field survey realised in two phases. Data evaluation and analysis were performed using the computer-based programme WinMax-QDA.The results showed that the Bwa locality, like any other, do not escape the law of the natural (endogenous) and induced (innovations) dynamics. It has inherited certain autonomy and is equipped with strategies and objectives and evolutes in very open interaction with its agricultural, social and political environment. Our results also reveal the trends in the indigenous social dynamics and the behaviour of the communities vis-à-vis exogenous factors of change. Peasants have always lived in dialectical relationship with their social and natural environment. We conclude that, local change as part of change occurring at national level is worldwide omnipresent with some local, cultural and economic specificities. The comprehension of this logic is the key of the success of any collaboration with the rural populations and should precede any intervention in rural areas.
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