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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uncovered Faith : Examples of Sunni Muslim Beliefs in Adana, Turkey

Alphonce, Maria January 2006 (has links)
This essay is about uncovered women's faith and worship in an urban setting in contemporary Turkey. It researches the possibility of any common factors for uncovered Sunni Muslims' faith and worship as well as what parts of classical Muslim faith they have found negotiable. The essay relates to current literature and research on the topic as well as provides an insider perspective based on interviews with Turkish women.

Creating People and Places : How the journalistic narrative shapes our image of the world

Nylund, Jukka January 2006 (has links)
Media is one of the most important gateways to the world beyond for most people. Every day we are presented with images of distant places and peoples and the events they are a part of. During the years the way these news events have been presented to the public has changed but still they create images within us of these distant places and peoples. This paper discusses how the journalistic narrative is built up based on some theories describing media and how is used and/or uses the society it is a part of. The paper tries to answer questions on how the image of the distant places and peoples is built up, based on these theories and discussions within the journalistic community. The process from source to print is complex. Several part takers have an interest in putting out their view of the world to the public. This creates a complex web of dependencies between the media and different groups in society. In the end the image presented is a side effect of how the journalistic text is built up, where the narrative has to be firmly rooted with individuals and places to gain acceptance with the public, and where people and places described often become artifacts, rooted in very specific events.

Punken 28 år senare : Vad innebär punken idag för några punkare i Linköping? / The punk movement 28 years later : What does punk mean today to a group of punks in the Swedish city of Linköping?

Molin, Torbjörn January 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to investigate what it means to be a punk in Linköping, Sweden today. This is done by interviewing four informants on a number of topics. The topics being discussed are appearance and values. The topics “values” contains a number of sub-topics, but the emphasis is put on D.I.Y-ideals and equality. D.I.Y-ideals (Do It Yourself-ideals) are important. The informants are more or less involved in the D.I.Y-networks in which record labels, bands, fanzines and other things are a part. This and other things being discussed shows an image of punks that is different from the traditional image. The informants are of the opinion that the general image of punks is wrong. / Syftet med denna uppsats är att utröna vad det innebär att vara punkare i Linköping, Sverige idag. Detta har gjorts med utgångspunkt i intervjuer med informanter om ett antal ämnen. De ämnen som behandlas är utseende och värderingar. Ämnet ”värderingar” är omfattande, men är främst inriktat på D.I.Y-ideal och tankar om jämställdhet. D.I.Y-idealen (dvs. gör det själv-idealen) är viktiga. Informanterna är mer eller mindre involverade i de nätverk i vilka skivbolag, band, publikationer i form av fanzines och annat ingår. Detta och annat som tas upp visar på en bild av punkare som inte överensstämmer med den traditionella bilden. Informanterna anser inte själva att de är och ser ut som de tror att andra anser att punkare ska vara och se ut. Den vanliga bilden av punkare är felaktig.

Äktenskap i Adana, Turkiet : Attraktion eller arrangemang?

Alphonce, Maria January 2006 (has links)
Uppsatsen handlar om arrangerade äktenskap och kärleksäktenskap i storstadsmiljö i dagens Turkiet. Den belyser främst hur ett äktenskapsarrangemang går till och huruvida inflyttningen från landsbygd till städer har påverkat dem. Jag använder mig av ett inifrånperspektiv genom att intervjua turkiska kvinnor men gör även kopplingar till artiklar som belyser just moderniseringens effekter på äktenskapsformer. / This essay is about marriages in an urban setting in contemporary Turkey. It exemplifies how a marriage arrangement is done and whether the migration into cities from the country has influenced them. I will mainly give an insider perspective by interviewing Turkish women but the essay also relates to articles about modernization’s effects on marriage forms.

The un/selfish leader : Changing notions in a Tamil Nadu village

Alm, Björn January 2006 (has links)
'The un/selfish' leader explores notions of selfishness, as they were perceived by people in the village of Ekkaraiyur, Tamil Nadu, India, at a time they associated with thorough changes in their lives. Discussing locally held notions about agrarian change, seen as causing the erosion of earlier village loyalties and leading to the emergence of a new type of leaders, the study focus on the censure of the alleged corruption of these leaders. Expressed in a rich repertoire of stories about the ideals of leadership and about the excellence of the past and foreign societies, the censure was routinely voiced in public debates and in everyday conversations. Set against a background an increasing role of the state for the people in Ekkaraiyur, the censure of leaders implied a critique of the contemporary society they were taken to represent. Moreover, the study argues that the critique was grounded in evaluations of individualism and selfishness in human nature. The study is based on fieldwork carried out in Ekkaraiyur between 1988 and 1990

“For better or worse” : domestic work and outsourced housecleaning services in Stellenbosch

Du Toit, David 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In the domestic work sector, the employment relationship between employer and domestic worker has undergone various transitions over the years. The first transition saw the transformation of a characteristically abusive master-servant employment relationship into a madam-maid employment relationship. During this transition, domestic servants moved out of masters’ houses and opt for live-out and part-time working arrangements. However, this transformation did not improve domestic work much, as the employment relationship was maternalistic in nature. Various authors documented how the personal maternalistic employment was not only emotionally draining to both maid and madam, but also that maids were still prone to exploitation by madams, as domestic work was not regulated by law. This resulted in a second transition, where outsourced housecleaning service companies transformed this personal maternalistic employment relationship into a triangular employment relationship between manager, domestic employee (former domestic servant/maid/domestic worker) and client (former master/madam/employer). The triangular employment relationship creates distance between clients and domestic employees as domestic employees are under the authority and supervision of a third person (the manager/owner of housecleaning service company). In this study, these general trends are analysed with reference to the evolution of domestic work in South Africa. While there have been many studies focusing on domestic work, few studies have documented whether this transition has transformed domestic work ‘for better or worse’ with reference to the growth in housecleaning service companies in South Africa. This study attempts to fill this void by analysing managers’, domestic employees’ and clients’ perspectives of two housecleaning service companies in the Stellenbosch area. Throughout this study, every transition is discussed in terms of nature of employment, employment relationship, working conditions and benefits for both client and domestic employee. The final chapter tries to answer the question whether housecleaning service companies are ‘for better or worse’ on both micro and macro level and the need for future research in this field of academic endeavour is spelt out. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die diensverhouding tussen werkgewer en huishulp het verskeie veranderinge oor die jare ondergaan. Die eerste oorgang sien die transformasie van 'n kenmerkende beledigende meester-dienaar in ʼn Mevrou-bediende diensverhouding. Gedurende hierdie oorgang, het bediendes uit die huise van die meesters beweeg na ʼn leef-uit en deeltydse werk reëling. Hierdie transformasie het egter nie huishoudelike werk verbeter nie, omdat die diensverhouding maternalisties in aard is. Verskeie outeurs dokumenteer hoe die persoonlike maternalistiese indiensneming nie slegs emosioneel dreineerend vir beide die Mevrou en bediende is nie, maar ook dat bediendes uitgebuit is deur hul werkgewers, omdat huishoudelike werk nie deur die wet gereguleer is nie. Dit het gelei tot 'n tweede oorgang, waar uitgekontrakteerde huisskoonmaakdienste die persoonlike maternalistiese diensverhouding in ʼn driehoekige diensverhouding tussen die bestuurder, werknemer (voormalige dienaar/bediende) en die kliënt (voormalige Meester/Mevrou/werkgewer) verander. Die driehoekige werksverhouding skep afstand tussen kliënte en werknemers, omdat werknemers onder die gesag en toesig van 'n derde persoon (die bestuurder) is. In hierdie studie, word hierdie algemene tendense met betrekking tot die evolusie van betaalde huiswerk in Suid-Afrika geanaliseer. Alhoewel daar ʼn aantal hoeveelheid studies oor betaalde huiswerk gedoen is, fokus min studies of hierdie oorgang, huishoudelike werk "vir beter of slegter" verander het in terme van die groei in huisskoonmaakdienste in Suid-Afrika. Hierdie studie poog om hierdie leemte te vul deur die ontleding van bestuurders, huishoudelike werknemers en kliënte se perspektiewe van twee huisskoonmaakdienste in die Stellenboschomgewing te analiseer. Deurgaans in hierdie studie, word elke oorgang bespreek in terme van die aard van indiensneming, die diensverhouding, die werksomstandighede en voordele vir beide die kliënt en die werknemer. Die finale hoofstuk probeer die vraag antwoord of huisskoonmaakdienste huishoudelike werk "vir beter of slegter” verander het op beide die mikro en makro-vlak en die noodsaaklikheid vir toekomstige navorsing in hierdie veld van akademiese strewe word uitgespel.

IBM Incorporated : an exploration of an Egyptian work ethic as constructed by South African expatriates working in Cairo

Van Wyk, Milandre Heidi 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Sociologists concern themselves with exploring, describing and explaining that which is different, unknown or misunderstood. I will endeavour to focus on the latter. International migration and the emergence of a global village have compelled one to embrace the “other” with insight and vigour. This thesis explores the experiences of South African expatriates living in Cairo, Egypt. The primary objective of this study is to explore and describe the constructed experiences of South African expatriates working in Cairo. The purpose of my study, however, is not to delineate an Egyptian work ethic as a typology or an ideal type, but rather to reflect on the experiences of tension and divergencies as constructed by South African. The methodological framework underlying this thesis is that of interpretivism. A qualitative study, which included semi-structured interviews and observations, provided the researcher with rich and nuanced data. Theoretical approaches of Max Weber, particularly The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism and Weber’s incomplete works on Islam, are used. In agreement with Weber’s works, the main argument of this thesis is that an Egyptian work ethic is not solely fashioned through Islamic tenets per se, but that social, political and economic factors in Egypt are significant contributors. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Dit is die moeilike taak van Sosioloë om die vreemde beide te verstaan en te beskryf ten einde sin te maak van ‘dit wat anders is’. Die fokus van hierdie tesis is juis ‘n poging tot die laasgenoemde. Die toenemende belangrikheid van internasionale migrasie vereis ‘n betekenisvolle interaksie met mense van ander kulture, geloof en waardestelsels. Hierdie tesis sal die ervaringe van Suid-Afrikaanse ekspatriote in ‘n Egiptiese werksomgewing ondersoek en die moontlike bronne van konflik identifiseer. Die primêre rol van die studie is om die subjektiewe konstruksies van ‘n Egiptiesewerksetiek, soos ervaar deur Suid-Afrikaners in Kairo, te identifiseer. Die doel is egter nie om ‘n spesifieke en akkurate werksetiek te beskryf as ‘n ‘ideale tipe’ nie, maar eerder om te besin oor die struwelinge wat Suid-Afrikaners in ‘n vreemde milieu ervaar in terme van hul Egiptiese kollegas en hoe hul hierdie struwelinge en verskille interpreteer. Eindelik word hierdie tesis geplaas in die globale wedywering tussen die Euro-Amerikaanse Weste en Islamietiese Ooste. ‘n Interpretatiewe metodologiese raamwerk word gebruik om data-insameling en -analise te benader. ‘n Kwalitatiewe studie, met behulp van semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude en gepaardgaande observasies is gebruik om data te versamel. Die teoretiese werke van Max Weber, meer spesifiek, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, asook sy onvoltooide werke oor Islam, is gebruik om die navorsingsvrae te beantwoord. Samehangend met Weber se werke, is die deurlopende argument van die studie dat ‘n Egiptiese werksetiek nie alleenlik deur Islam en geloofswette gevorm word nie, maar dat die sosiale-, politiese- en ekonomiese realiteite van Egipte geweldig invloedryk is.

Women of Steel : articulations of empowerment and livelihood practices in the Dwars River Valley, Western Cape

Van der Heijden, Ingrid 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Sociology and Social Anthropology))--Stellenbosch University, 2009. / ENGLISH SUMMARY: Women’s livelihoods are not only experienced differently, but are articulated in different ways. This dissertation begins from the understanding that women’s livelihoods are processual, complex and contextual. They are embedded in multifarious processes, structures, discourses and everyday practices, which are locally defined and globally linked. This thesis interrogates women’s articulations of empowerment and agency that were central to their community and entrepreneurial activities. Women’s social actions and responses to constraints and transformation they encountered in the valley were sites of struggle. Informed by local women’s perspectives and articulations of empowerment, this ethnography focuses on how women practiced their livelihoods: how they manoeuvred, negotiated and performed their livelihood tactics in response to local, national and global constraints. The study narrates how women in a rural valley in the Winelands of the Western Cape (South Africa) spoke of how they felt ‘empowered’ despite constraints. They claimed that they exhibited productive moments and harnessed opportunities to rise above constraints. They felt that in general men in their communities were passive in their response to crisis in the valley. Women’s narratives of empowerment in the Dwars River Valley invoked ideas of ‘women of steel’ and ‘moments’ of agency. These helped to re-fashion local gender orders and rehabilitate notions of ‘appropriate’ women’s work. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die bestaanswyses van vroue word nie slegs in die uitleef daarvan waargeneem nie, maar is dikwels ook ‘n fokus van gespreksvoering. Die uitgangspunt van hierdie tesis is dat vroue se bestaanswyses metodies, kompleks en kontekstueel is. Dit word begrond deur uiteenlopende prosesse, strukture, diskoerse, en alledaagse gebruike wat plaaslik gedefinieer word en globaal gebonde is. Hierdie tesis ondersoek vroue se artikulasie van bemagtiging en agentskap wat sentraal tot hul gemeenskap en entrepreneurskap aktiwiteite staan. Vroue se sosiale handelinge en reaksies tot struikelblokke en transformasie wat hulle in die vallei in die gesig gestaar het, is beduidend van ‘n plek van worsteling. Hierdie etnografie word toegelig deur plaaslike vroue se perspektiewe en artikulasie van bemagtiging en fokus op hoe hulle hul bestaanswyse beoefen het: hoe vroue bestaanswyse taktieke gemanipuleer, onderhandel en ook uitgevoer het as reaksie op plaaslike, nasionale en globale beperkinge. Hierdie studie vertel hoe vroue in ‘n landelike vallei van die Wynlande in die Wes-Kaap (Suid-Afrika) praat oor hoe hul ‘bemagtig’ voel, ten spyte van beperkinge. Hulle voer aan dat hul produktiewe oomblikke vertoon en gebruik maak van geleenthede om bo beperkinge uit te styg. Hulle voel dat mans oor die algemeen passief in hul reaksie op krisis is. Vroue se verhale van bemagtiging in die Dwars Rivier Vallei roep beelde op van ‘vroue van staal’ en ‘oomblikke’ van agentskap. Dit het bygedra tot die herskepping van plaaslike gender rolle en die hervestiging van idees oor ‘gepaste’ werk vir vroue.

The validity endeavour

James, Megan 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Sociology and Social Anthropology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Qualitative and quantitative research implies different meta-theoretical approaches to knowledge production. The former maintains a constructivist and interpretative perspective, as opposed to the latter, which exists within a realist and even positivist paradigm. Within the field of research methodology, the dominant conceptualisation of validity is based on a positivist discourse, which suggests that (social) scientific research should strive to attain an ultimate truth. This understanding of validity is difficult to achieve within a research paradigm that values the idiosyncratic world views of the participants under investigation. The introduction of CAQDAS (Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software), however, brought with it the hope that its application would confer upon qualitative research the rigour associated with validity in a mainly positivist interpretation of the research process. The ultimate goal of this thesis is to determine whether CAQDAS can make a significant contribution to efforts aimed at validating qualitative research. The research design employed in the present study is that of a descriptive content analysis, focussing on scientific articles that not only report qualitative studies, but also make explicit reference to the use of CAQDAS, and describe validation techniques applied during the research process. Purposive sampling was applied to select 108 articles, published from 1996 to 2009, that meet the sampling criteria and that were identified through online searches of various bibliographic databases and search engines. The study investigates three predominant research questions concerned with the following: (1) the most commonly used software programmes; (2) trends in CAQDAS use over time; as well as (3) the validation techniques reported in examined scientific articles, distinguishing between techniques that are performed with and without the use of CAQDAS. With regard to the first two research questions, it was found that the three most commonly used software programmes are QSR N programmes (including NUD.IST, NVivo, N4, N5 and N6), followed by Atlas.ti and MAXqda (including the earlier version winMAX), and that there has been a general increase over iv the past 13 years (1996-2009) in the number of qualitative research articles reporting CAQDAS use. The exploration of validation techniques utilised in qualitative research, as reported in the examined scientific articles, demonstrated that the techniques are in most cases performed manually. Although CAQDAS offers many benefits, the predominant validation techniques reported can be, and still are, performed without CAQDAS. Techniques that would have been impossible without CAQDAS are based on the data display features of CAQDAS, as well as on the accuracy and consistency offered by CAQDAS in the execution of certain actions. The findings generated by this study seem to support the hypothesis that CAQDAS per se does not enhance validity, since it is predominantly utilised as merely a research tool. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe navorsing is gegrond op verskillende meta-teoretiese benaderings tot die lewering van inligting. Eersgenoemde handhaaf ‘n konstruktivistiese en interpretatiewe perspektief, teenoor laasgenoemde, wat binne ‘n paradigma bestaan wat gegrond is op realisme en positivisme. Binne die veld van navorsingsmetodologie, is die oorwegende konseptualisering van geldigheid, gebaseer op ‘n positivistiese diskoers, wat voorstel dat (sosiale) wetenskaplike navorsing daarna moet streef om ‘n absolute waarheid te bereik. Hierdie begrip van geldigheid word moeilik verwesenlik binne ‘n navorsingsparadigma wat waarde heg aan die ideosinkratiese wêreldbeskouinge van die navorsingsdeelnemers. CAQDAS (Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software), is bekend gestel met die hoop dat die gebruik daarvan kwalitatiewe navorsing sal verleen met stiptheid wat met geldigheid geassosieer word, oorwegend binne ‘n positivistiese interpretasie van die navorsingsproses. Die oorkoepelende doelwit van hierdie tesis is om vas te stel of CAQDAS enige betekenisvolle bydrae kan maak tot pogings om die geldigheid van kwalitatiewe navorsing te verbeter. Die navorsingsontwerp van die huidige studie is die van ‘n beskrywende inhoudsanalise, wat fokus op wetenskaplike artikels wat nie net berig oor kwalitatiwe studies nie, maar ook verwys na die gebruik van CAQDAS, en die geldigheidstegnieke wat tydens die navorsingsproses toegepas is, bespreek. Doelgerigte steekproeftrekking is toegepas en 108 artikels, wat gepubliseer is vanaf 1996-2009, was geselekteer op grond van die feit dat hulle aan die seleksie kriteria voldoen. Die artikels was geïdentifiseer deur aanlyn soektogte van verskeie bibliografiese databasisse en soekenjins. Die studie ondersoek drie oorwegende navorsingsvrae met betrekking tot die volgende: (1) die sagteware programme wat die meeste gebruik word; (2) neigings in die gebruik van CAQDAS oor verloop van ‘n tydperk; sowel as (3) die geldigheidstegnieke wat in die ondersoekte wetenskaplike artikels vi gerapporteer word, deur onderskeid te tref tussen tegnieke wat met of sonder die gebruik van CAQDAS uitgevoer word. Met verwysing na die eerste twee navorsingsvrae, was dit gevind dat die drie algemeenste sagteware programme wat gebruik is, QSR N programme (insluitend NUD.IST, NVivo, N4, N5 en N6), gevolg deur Atlas.ti en MAXqda (insluitend die vroëere weergawe winMAX) is, en dat daar oor die algemeen ‘n toename is in die getal kwalitatiewe navorsingsartikels oor die afgelope 13 jaar (1996-2009), wat die gebruik van CAQDAS rapporteer. Die ondersoek na geldigheidstegnieke wat in kwalitatiewe navorsing gebruik word, soos berig in die ondersoekte wetenskaplike artikels, het getoon dat die tegnieke in die meeste gevalle sonder die gebruik van CAQDAS uitgevoer is. Ten spyte van die feit dat die gebruik van CAQDAS voordele inhou, word die meerderheid geldigheidstegnieke wat gerapporteeer word, steeds sonder die gebruik van CAQDAS uitgevoer. Tegnieke wat nie sonder die hulp van CAQDAS uitegevoer kon word nie, is gebaseer op die data vertoningsvermoë van CAQDAS, sowel as op die akkuraatheid en konsekwentheid waarmee CAQDAS sekere opdragte uitvoer. Die bevindinge wat gegenereer is deur hierdie studie blyk asof dit die hipotese ondersteun dat CAQDAS nie opsig self die geldigheid versterk nie, aangesien dit oorwegend bloot as ‘n navorsingsinstrument gebruik word.

Racial discourse among white Afrikaans-speaking youth : a Stellenbosch case study

Barnard, Jana 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Sociology and Social Anthropology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study seeks to present a picture of the racial discourses circulating among white Afrikaans-speaking youth in South Africa, with closer focus to students at the Stellenbosch University (SU). Fifteen years into democracy, Afrikaans-speaking whites find themselves in a position where their ‘Afrikaner’ identity does not enjoy the same government-supported security as under apartheid. The responsibility is thus shifted onto white Afrikaans-speakers themselves to negotiate and secure this identity in the light of new challenges brought on by the post-apartheid context. In this regard, the white Afrikaans-speaking youth, in particular, are faced with the ambivalence of being both exposed to a habitual scheme of normalised racial divisions, as well as to a context where ‘old’ frameworks need to be transcended in the name of survival in multi-racial South Africa. SU, a historically white, predominantly Afrikaans-medium university, is currently faced with the challenges of government-induced transformation and the attended ‘language debate’, the aims of which are to make the university more accessible to non-white sectors of society who, under apartheid, was excluded from this institution. Making use of interviews and participant observation among students on the SU campus, an attempt was made to shed light onto the types of discourses employed by white Afrikaans-speaking Stellenbosch students to negotiate their position in this setting, as well as to determine to what extent such discourses are racially based. With the help of a social anthropological approach to discourse analysis, the discourses encountered during fieldwork were considered within the context of macro-historical processes, and were conceptualised as complex sets of meanings produced within the context of interaction, appropriated and employed by individuals, strategically and artistically, in response to moment to moment situations. It is argued that these discursive processes are immensely complex, as it is influenced and shaped by a plethora of factors. These youth are, firstly, faced with a received framework in which dualistic and racial distinctions are subconsciously reproduced. Secondly, they take part in a rhetoric in which group boundaries manage to reproduce itself and, lastly, they are exposed to a popular discourse, reinforced by the media, that strongly relies on race-based sense-making. However, politically induced transformation ideals do call for a readjustment of priorities within white ‘Afrikaner’ discourse and students have been observed to respond to this in creative ways. Finally, it is argued that the heavy emotional baggage accompanying the race topic, exacerbated by media emphasis and the ‘racist taboo’, can lead to denial and indifference among white Afrikaans-speakers so that no space is created for constructive engagement with the topic. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie is om ‘n voorstelling van ‘ras-diskoers’ daar te stel soos wat dit onder die wit Afrikaanssprekende jeug in Suid-Afrika voorkom, met spesifieke verwysing na studente van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch (US). Tydens die skryf van hierdie tesis is dit reeds vyftien jaar in die ‘nuwe Suid-Afrika’. Waar Afrikaanssprekende blankes se ‘Afrikaner’ identiteit destyds deur die apartheidsregering beskerm en bevorder is, berus die verantwoordelikheid tans op hierdie groep self om hul identieitsbelange te beskerm en te onderhandel in die lig van nuwe uitdagings. In hierdie opsig is die fokus veral op die jeug aangesien die raamwerke wat dikwels tuis aan hul oorgedra is, nou moet plek maak vir ‘n nuwe manier van dink wat aanpas by blootstelling aan veelrassigheid op alle gebiede in Suid-Afrika, in hierdie geval op die universiteitskampus. Die US, ‘n histories wit, hoofsaaklik Afrikaans-medium universiteit, word tans in die gesig gestaar deur kwessies rondom ‘transformasie’ en die ‘taaldebat’, deurdat aan die regering se vereistes voldoen moet word om die instelling meer toeganklik te maak vir ‘n sektor van die samelewing wat onder apartheid toegang tot sulke universiteite geweier is. Met behulp van onderhoude en deelnemende waarneming by die US is gepoog om vas te stel hoe wit Afrikaanssprekende studente in hierdie konteks hul eie posisie verstaan en onderhandel, en tot watter mate die diskoers waarmee hul sin maak van hul omgewing, ras-gebaseerd is. Die studie maak gebruik van ‘n sosiaal-antropologiese benadering tot diskoers analise. In hierdie opsig word diskoers beskou binne die konteks van makro-historiese prosesse, en word dit verstaan as betekenis wat op komplekse wyse gegenereer word tydens interaksie, betekenisse wat op hul beurt strategies en op kreatiewe wyses toegeëien en aangewend word in reaksie op situasies. Daar word aangedui hoedat die diskursiewe praktyke wat hierdie diskoers ondelê, uiters kompleks is deurdat dit beïnvloed en gevorm word deur ‘n verkeidenheid van faktore. Eerstens is daar ‘n oorgeërfde raamwerk waarin dualistiese raamwerke wat ras-onderskeid reproduseer, onbewustelik seëvier. Tweedens is daar ‘n landwye kulturele retoriek wat die idee van grense tusen groepe as onoorbrugbaar voorstel, en laastens word ‘n populêre diskoers, wat sterk staatmaak op ‘n ras-gebaseerde verstaan van die Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing, dikwels deur die media versterk. Ten spyte van bogenoemde, is daar egter ook waargeneem hoedat studente grootliks bewus is van die polities-gemotiveerde transformasiedoelwitte wat vereis dat die prioriteite vervat in wit Afrikaanssprekende diskoers, daarby aanpas. Laastens word egter ook geredeneer dat die swaar emosionele bagasie wat met die ras-onderwerp gepaard gaan, onder andere die groot taboe rondom ‘rassisme’, op die ou end onder wit Afrikaasnsprekende student lei tot apatie en ignorering van die onderwerp, wat konstruktiewe bespreking daaroor kan belemmer.

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