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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uncovered Faith : Examples of Sunni Muslim Beliefs in Adana, Turkey

Alphonce, Maria January 2006 (has links)
<p>This essay is about uncovered women's faith and worship in an urban setting in contemporary Turkey. It researches the possibility of any common factors for uncovered Sunni Muslims' faith and worship as well as what parts of classical Muslim faith they have found negotiable. The essay relates to current literature and research on the topic as well as provides an insider perspective based on interviews with Turkish women.</p>

Creating People and Places : How the journalistic narrative shapes our image of the world

Nylund, Jukka January 2006 (has links)
<p>Media is one of the most important gateways to the world beyond for most people. Every day we are presented with images of distant places and peoples and the events they are a part of. During the years the way these news events have been presented to the public has changed but still they create images within us of these distant places and peoples.</p><p>This paper discusses how the journalistic narrative is built up based on some theories describing media and how is used and/or uses the society it is a part of. The paper tries to answer questions on how the image of the distant places and peoples is built up, based on these theories and discussions within the journalistic community.</p><p>The process from source to print is complex. Several part takers have an interest in putting out their view of the world to the public. This creates a complex web of dependencies between the media and different groups in society. In the end the image presented is a side effect of how the journalistic text is built up, where the narrative has to be firmly rooted with individuals and places to gain acceptance with the public, and where people and places described often become artifacts, rooted in very specific events.</p>

Det modiga Skottland : Skotsk nationell identitet och klanväsende

Larsson, Alexandra January 2005 (has links)
This thesis in social anthropology is based on the essence of Scottishness i.e. Scottish identity and Scottish clans. The thesis intends to raise the meaning of Scottish history for the Scottish identity and to analyse the relation between Scots and Englishmen. It is also meant to study how Geertz and Lewellen’s theories work in the Scottish field. This thesis intends to contribute to a better understanding and deeper insight into the uniqueness of Scottish culture.

Ingen frågar varför : Två hjälpares upplevelser och känslor kring arbetet med utsatta människor

Johnsson, Maria January 2008 (has links)
In this essay the purpose is to show my readers some of the emotions that professional helpers may experience in their daily work. The result is based on interviews with two helpers who works with people that have a variety of problems. Problems that these helpers are facing can for instance be alcoholism/drug abuse/homelessness/psychic illness or a combination of some of these problems. The questions I´m seeking to answer is; How does these helpers look at their own role and the relationship to their clients, and how do they feel about the group of people they are working with? I will also display some experiences regarding the influence from the society and it´s responsibility towards these people. Some of the result show that these two helpers creates very different relations to their clients, and that it can be understood through their different sets of goals. We can also notice that both believes that some of the citizens reaction towards this group of people, could depend on fear and a lack of knowledge. / Den här uppsatsens syfte är att visa för läsarna några av de känslor som professionella hjälpare upplever i sitt dagliga arbete. De frågeställningar som jag arbetat efter är; Hur ser hjälpare på sin egen roll och deras relation till klienterna, och vilka tankar har de kring denna grupp av människor som de arbetar med? Jag vill även visa på några av de erfarenheter som dessa hjälpare har gällande samhällets påverkan och ansvar mot dessa människor. Denna uppsats baseras på intervjuer gjorda med två personer som båda arbetar med människor som har varierande problem. Sådana problem kan till exempel vara alkoholism/drogmissbruk/psykisk sjukdom eller en kombination av problem. En del av resultatet visar att de två hjälparna skapar mycket olika relationer till sina klienter och att detta skulle kunna förstås genom deras olika målsättningar i arbetet. Vi kan även se att båda informanterna tror att en del av allmänhetens reaktioner på denna grupp av människor skulle kunna bero på rädsla och brist på kunskap.

Trend eller Etik - Vad styr? : En studie om ekologisk medvetenhet och vilka som besitter den / Trend or Ethics -What rules? : A study on ecological consciousness and who posses it

Andersson, Karin January 2008 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka huruvida de informanter som intervjuades till studien anser att den ekologiska medvetenheten är en trend eller en bestående aspekt i klädbranschen. Vidare undersöks hur informanternas ekologiska tänkande yttrar sig i arbetslivet och i privatlivet. Intervjuerna berörde deras tankar kring miljömedvetenhet, etiska aspekter vid ekologisk produktion. Likaså analyseras om informanterna kan kategoriseras som en nyligen introducerad kulturell typ, BoBos. Den slutsats jag åstadkom var att informanterna besitter en ekologisk medvetenhet som yttrar sig i deras arbets- och privatliv. Deras åsikter och medvetenhet kan karakteriseras som boboitiska och anses vara tidsenliga för dagens samhälle. / The purpose of this study is to examine whether the informants interviewed for the study believe that ecological awareness is a trend or a permanent aspect of the clothing industry and whether ecological thinking manifests itself in the work and private life of the informants.  The interviews investigated their views on environmental issues and the ethical aspects of organic production. Similarly, analysis of informants can be categorized as an analysis of a newly introduced cultural type, Bobo. The conclusion I achieved was that the informants have an ecological awareness which manifests itself in their work and personal life. Their views and awareness can be characterized as boboitian and is considered to be timely for today's society.

"Bajen är en livsstil - ingen hobby." : Hur gestaltar sig Hammarby IF:s fotbollssupporterkultur / Bajen is a way of living not a hobby : How does the culture of Hammarby IF:s footballsupporters shows itself

Näslund, Moa January 2009 (has links)
Uppsatsen handlar om hur Hammarby IF:s fotbollssupporterkultur gestaltar sig. Jag har intervjuat åtta supportrar från olika delar av Sverige. Utifrån deras erfarenheter har jag undersökt fem olika teman som beskriver olika delar av deras supporterskap. Uppsatsen handlar i grunden om hur grupptillhörigheten ser ut och uppfattas av supportrarna. De olika temana behandlar; supportens roll, klubbens betydelse för supporten, symboler, klubbens historia, gemenskap, lojalitet, status och medias roll för supporten. De teoretiska perspektiv som använts i uppsatsen är socialantropologiska teorier kring grupptillhörighet, identitet, stigma, symboler och ritualer.  Uppsatsen visar att klubben ger supportrarna identitet och tillhörighet. De älskar sitt Hammarby. / This essay is about how the culture of Hammarby IF footballsupporter shows itself. I have interviewed 8 supporters from different parts of Sweden. I have, from their personal experience, examined five different themes that handle different parts of their life as supporters. The basis of the essay is about how their belongings to the group shows it self and how it is experienced by the supporter themselves. The different themes is about the roles of the supporters, the meaning of the football club, symbols, the history of the football club, fellowship, loyalty, status and the media’s role. The theoretical perspective that is used in the essay is about social anthropologist theories about the supporter group membership, identity, stigma, symbols and rituals. The essay shows that the football club is a place where the supporters belong to and shapes their identity. They love the team – Bajen.

Ingen frågar varför : Två hjälpares upplevelser och känslor kring arbetet med utsatta människor

Johnsson, Maria January 2008 (has links)
<p>In this essay the purpose is to show my readers some of the emotions that professional helpers may experience in their daily work. The result is based on interviews with two helpers who works with people that have a variety of problems. Problems that these helpers are facing can for instance be alcoholism/drug abuse/homelessness/psychic illness or a combination of some of these problems. The questions I´m seeking to answer is; How does these helpers look at their own role and the relationship to their clients, and how do they feel about the group of people they are working with? I will also display some experiences regarding the influence from the society and it´s responsibility towards these people. Some of the result show that these two helpers creates very different relations to their clients, and that it can be understood through their different sets of goals. We can also notice that both believes that some of the citizens reaction towards this group of people, could depend on fear and a lack of knowledge.</p> / <p>Den här uppsatsens syfte är att visa för läsarna några av de känslor som professionella hjälpare upplever i sitt dagliga arbete. De frågeställningar som jag arbetat efter är; Hur ser hjälpare på sin egen roll och deras relation till klienterna, och vilka tankar har de kring denna grupp av människor som de arbetar med? Jag vill även visa på några av de erfarenheter som dessa hjälpare har gällande samhällets påverkan och ansvar mot dessa människor. Denna uppsats baseras på intervjuer gjorda med två personer som båda arbetar med människor som har varierande problem. Sådana problem kan till exempel vara alkoholism/drogmissbruk/psykisk sjukdom eller en kombination av problem. En del av resultatet visar att de två hjälparna skapar mycket olika relationer till sina klienter och att detta skulle kunna förstås genom deras olika målsättningar i arbetet. Vi kan även se att båda informanterna tror att en del av allmänhetens reaktioner på denna grupp av människor skulle kunna bero på rädsla och brist på kunskap.</p>

Det självstyrande Skottland : Skotsk nationalism och regionalism

Larsson, Alexandra January 2005 (has links)
This thesis in social anthropology is based on the inner essence, manifestations and tendencies of Scottish nationalism and regionalism. The thesis intends to investigate how Scottish nationalism and regionalism are related to each other. It is meant to highlight the meaning of the Wallace-myth for maintenance of the Scottish national consciousness and to illuminate factors lying behind this myth. It is also meant to study how Turner, Lévi-Strauss, Anderson, Eriksen, Hobsbawm and Hettne’s theories work in the Scottish field. This thesis intends to contribute to a better understanding and deeper insight into Scottish nationalism.

Improving maternal healthcare : A fieldwork-based research of a collaborative project between Sweden and India / Förbättra mödrahälsovården : En fältstudiebaserad undersökning av ett samarbetsprojekt mellan Sverige och Indien

Brown, Nathalie January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis was to explore a collaborative project between Sweden and India, a project that is working with improving maternal health care in India. I focused on investigating how the project worked in practice, how they worked for improving the situation for Indian midwives and for pregnant women. This investigation was performed during a two month fieldwork in India where I got the opportunity to meet and interview several people connected to the project. The focus has been primarily on the “Master Trainers”, i.e. Indian midwives who have taken part in a training program in Sweden and in India, and who will function as teachers to other Indian midwives, regarding their perceptions about the project and its achievements. / Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka ett samarbetsprojekt mellan Sverige och Indien, ett projekt som arbetar med att förbättra mödrahälsovården i Indien. Jag fokuserade på att undersöka hur projektet fungerat i praktiken, hur de arbetar för att förbättra situationen för indiska barnmorskor och för gravida kvinnor. Denna undersökning utfördes under ett två månaders fältarbete i Indien där jag fick tillfället att träffa och intervjua flera personer knutna till projektet. Fokus har främst varit på "Master Trainers”, dvs indiska barnmorskor som har deltagit i ett utbildningsprogram i Sverige och i Indien och som kommer att fungera som lärare till andra indiska barnmorskor, om deras uppfattningar kring projektet och dess insatser.

Att bryta mot stereotypen : Fyra icke-stereotyper på arbetsplatsen berättar / How to break the stereotype : Four perspectives

Westman, Malin January 2010 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att utifrån kvalitativ data synliggöra perspektiv på genus och könsstereotyper, i kombination med organisation. Empirin utgår från fyra informanters perspektiv på dessa frågor, med utgångspunkt från deras egen arbetssituation. Grunden i intervjuerna har varit hur informanterna ställer sig till det faktum att de befinner sig i minoritet könsmässigt på arbetsplatsen och hur detta påverkar arbetssituationen, samt vad som gjort att de valt att bryta könsmönstret i ett annars segregerat arbetsliv. Teorin tar sin utgångspunkt i skapandet av kön och genus i kombination med organisation. Samt lyfts en diskussion kring avvikelse som utgår från Erving Goffmans begrepp stigma. Resultaten visar att informanterna varit medvetna om sin minoritetssituation, både i positiv och också i negativ bemärkelse. Mestadels anser de dock att de kunnat ingå som en del av gruppgemenskapen. De har dock alla vid olika tillfällen tvingats ta ställning till den könsstruktur som finns på arbetsplatsen. / The purpose of this paper, which is based on qualitative data, is to highlight the perspectives of gender and gender stereotypes, in combination to organization. The empirical data is based on four individuals’ perspectives on these issues, based on their work situation. The basis of the interviews has been to understand the informants' attitudes, to the fact that they are in gender minority at the workplace, and how this affects the work situation. And also what made them chose to break the gender pattern in an otherwise segregated working life. The theory is based on the creation of sex and gender in combination to organization. And also a discussion on difference is raised, based on Erving Goffman's definition of stigma. The results show that the informants have been aware of their gender minority position, both in positive and also in a negative sense. They have all at various times been forced to consider the gender structure at the workplace. Though, mostly they believe that they can be a part of the group, despite their minority situation.

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