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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

初探社會運動組織運作模式:以2013台灣同志遊行為例 / An Exploratory Research on the Operations of Social Movement Organizations: The Case Study of 2013 Taiwan LGBT Pride

張金煉, Cheong, Chin Rian Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要討論在社會運動組織內部如何維繫長期運作,並試圖透過內部行銷理論切入,探討組織如何留任志工以及達致內部共識。過去內部行銷與社會運動組織結合的討論較少,因此,本研究以亞洲地區最大規模同志遊行作為個案,試圖建構出社會運動組織內部行銷執行要點。 本研究採用深度訪談法,了解主辦單位「同志遊行聯盟」在2013年第11屆遊行中,採取了什麼管理策略,並從不同職務、參與經驗的志工分享中,找出尚未解決的問題。 研究發現,隨著組織規模擴大以及成員組成結構改變,造成內部面對志工流失以及溝通不良的問題。「溫和/激進」、「嘉年華/草根」的走向固然是同志運動當中出現的路線拉扯,但志工離開的主因還是因為新舊志工彼此關係疏離,加上組織認同及對運動脈絡認知產生落差,因此增加了摩擦機會。在衝突沒有辦法透過回饋機制反應的情況下,志工無法從活動參與中滿足其情感動機以及工作成就感,便中途離開或放棄留任。 志工是社會運動重要的資源。從內部行銷內涵來看,組織應設計出符合成員期待的「產品」。「認同」作為動員社會運動參與的要素,本研究提出在抗爭目標外,組織也應將如何加強成員「個人」以及「組織」之認同納入其營運策略考量 / This research explores how the social movement organization operates in order to form the internal agreement and to retain volunteers’ participation. As there is little research on internal marketing and social movement organizations, this research employs Taiwan LGBT Pride, the biggest LGBT movement in Asia, as a case to construct knowledge on how internal management is implemented. The study adopts both in-depth interviews and participation observations as the research methods to collect data. The volunteers of the 11st Taiwan LGBT Pride were interviewed; in addition, the researcher of this study also joined the organization as a participant, tried to identify problems and to understand how things were organized in the Taiwan LGBT Pride Organization. This research found out that, due to the changing organizational structure and organizational expansion, Taiwan LGBT Pride Organization has failed to retain its volunteers and to form an internal agreement. Orientation of “radical/temperate” or “carnival/grassroot” may be unavoidable in LGBT movements, but this research reveals that the difficulty to retain volunteers results from the aloof relationship between senior volunteers and new comers. Additionally, there is a gap between organizational identity and the understanding of the context in this social movement. From the perspective of internal marketing, organizations should view its members as internal customers; however, the findings of this research indicate the volunteers of Taiwan LGBT Pride Organization did not fulfill neither their needs of being loved nor participation achievement. Hence, there is no feedback mechanism to express the disappointment and this leads to the high volunteer turnover. Volunteers are seen as the major resources in social movements. ‘Identity’ becomes an important element for social movement participation. This research proposes that how to enhance individual and organizational identify must be taken into account as one of the operational strategies in the social movement organization.

Approche communicationelle de la construction du microcrédit comme cause internationale : pratiques, discours, figures / Microcredit as an international cause, a communicational approach : practices, discourses and figures

Vallée, Odile 29 September 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse interroge les processus de communication qui autorisent la construction du microcrédit - pratique de prêts à des personnes pauvres - comme cause internationale. Un réseau d’acteurs nommé « Campagne du Sommet du Microcrédit » milite activement pour sa reconnaissance en tant qu’outil de lutte contre la pauvreté. L’étude de ses pratiques et des formes de son discours éclaire les conditions de possibilité logistique et symbolique de la conversion d’une technique financière en cause louable, endossable et universalisable.L’approche communicationnelle de cet objet se formule au croisement de deux axes théoriques qui forment les deux niveaux d’analyse d’un matériau composite - documentaire et ethnographique.Le premier axe concerne la démarche stratégique d’« entrepreneurs de cause » qui défendent une thématique et en accompagnent la trajectoire publique. Il questionne les conditions de la visibilité de la cause et met, ainsi, en évidence les contraintes d’une exigence de visibilité et les normes d’action et de justification qu’elle impose aux acteurs.Le second axe s’attache aux médiations symboliques - formes intercalaires, rémanentes et circulantes - qui incarnent la cause en-Deçà et au-Delà des déclarations d’intention. Il interroge, alors, sa lisibilité en élucidant les régimes de construction de deux figures nécessaires et complémentaires - le micro et le macroentrepreneur - et leurs effets de sens paradoxaux.La thèse confronte donc les « arrière-Pensées » des formes aux intentions stratégiques des acteurs qui les mobilisent et éclaire ainsi la mécanique d’inscription d’une perspective contemporaine du traitement de la pauvreté dans son « ordre de discours ». / Microcredit is a widespread financial tool, originally designed to lend small amounts of money to very poor people.This thesis questions the communication processes that enabled its construction as an international cause. Microcredit Summit Campaign is a network of organizations that strongly advocates for the acknowledgement of microcredit as a tool to fight poverty . The study of its practices and the forms of its discourse highlights the logistic and symbolic conditions required for the conversion of a financial theory into a praiseworthy, endorsable and universal cause.Drawing on a discourse and semiotic analysis of documented and ethnographical sources, the communicational approach of this topic links together two theoretical perspectives.On the one hand, it focuses on Microcredit Summit Campaign as a social movement organization and discusses the symbolic constraints imposed by a requirement for visibility in the public sphere. It influences their eligibility as spokeperson, their standards of action and their modes of justification.On the other hand, the thesis questions the legibility of microcredit as a cause. In this perspective, it analyzes the symbolic mediations that allow it to be embodied. To support the analysis, two compatible actors – “microentrepreneur” and “macroentrepreneur” - are strategically used in the discourse. The study of their characteristics reveals a paradoxical symbolic meaning and effect.Thus, the thesis confronts the "ulterior motives" of the semiotic forms used to support the discourse with the strategic intentions. In doing so, it sheds light on how a contemporary perspective on treating poverty is symbolically integrated in its " orders of discourse ".

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