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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Indigenous play as a psychotherapeutic technique with young adolescents experiencing socio-emotional and behavioural difficulties in Hawassa City, Ethiopia

Tarekegn Tadesse Gemeda 01 1900 (has links)
The study aimed to examine the extent of indigenous play or teret-teret, as a psychotherapeutic technique to assist young adolescents in their adjustment from socio-emotional and behavioural difficulties. Following a mixed-methods, the study was conducted in three phases. The qual then QUANT in the main study followed by QUANT - QUANT and finally qual was employed. Two hundred ninety-nine participants, with 13 in Phase 1; 221 in Phase 2, and 65 in Phase 3, were involved in the study. Thirteen participants were purposively selected based on their experiences and merits for Phase 1, while 221 were selected through multilevel probability sampling techniques for Phase 2. Among the 65 participants for Phase 3, five were selected randomly whereas 60 were selected purposely. Three data-gathering instruments, comprising in-depth interviews, archive analysis, and questionnaires were employed. This design explored the quality of 62 manifestations of indigenous teret-teret for use in psychotherapy. The qualitative phenomenological study confirmed teret-teret as a relevant psychotherapeutic technique, practised in Ethiopia for the adjustment of young adolescents who experience socio-emotional and behavioural difficulties. The intervention study revealed statistically significant differences between the participants who received teret-teret psychotherapy and those who did not receive teret-teret psychotherapy. It was found that teret-teret psychotherapy advanced the socio-emotional and behavioural competencies of the participants. The cross-sectional survey study verified a 43% prevalence rate of composite SEBD, with 50% being anxiety/depression, 45% somatic complaints, 44% attention problems, 43% delinquency, and 42% aggression, respectively. Implications were discussed about applying indigenous child-friendly stories, teret-teret, as psychotherapeutic techniques to help young adolescents who display socio-emotional and behavioural difficulties at schools and in community settings. / Inhloso yocwaningo kwabe kukuhlola izinga lomdlalo weshashalazi kumbe i-teret-teret, njengendlela yokusoconga ingqondo (psychotherapeutic technique)ukunceda abantu abasha abasesigabeni sobujongosi (adolescents) nokulawula isimo sabo ukusukela kwizinkinga zenhlalakahle yabantu ngokwemizwanangendlela yokuziphatha. Uma kulandelwa uhlelo lwezindlela ezivangene (mixed-methods design), ucwaningo lwenziwe ngokwehlukaniswa izigaba ezintathu: Isigaba soku-1: Uhlelo lwengxoxo (Qualitative)–idizayini yefenomenoloji (phenomenological design), Isigaba sesi-2: Uhlelo lwamanani (Quantitative) – idizayini yesaveyi (survey design) kanyeneSigaba sesi-3: Uhlelo lwamanani (Quantitative) – idizayini engenelelayo. Abadlalindima abangamakhulu amabili namashumi ayisishiyagalolunye, ngesigaba se 13 eSigabeni soku-1; 221 kuSigaba sesi-2 naku 65 eSigabeni sesi-3,zonke zazibandakanyekile ocwaningweni. Abadlalindima abayishumi nantathu babekhethwe ngenhloso ngenxa yolwazi lwabo kanye nomsebenzi wabo oncomekayo eSigabeni soku-1, kanti aba-221 babekhethwe ngokusebenzisa indlela yesampuli ebizwa nge-multilevel probability sampling techniques kwiSigaba sesi- 2.Hlangana nabadlalindima abangama 65 beSigaba sesi-3, abahlanu bakhethwe kuyo yinoma kuphi kanti aba60 bakhethwe ngenhloso. Amathuluzi amathathu okuqoqa idatha, aqukethe izinhlolovo ezijulile, ukuhlaziywa kwama-akhayivu, kanye nemibhalo equkethe imibuzo yizinto ezisetshenzisiwe. Le dizayini beyihlola izinga lemisebenzi engama 62 eveziwe yendabuko teret-teretngokusetshenziswa kuhlelo lokusocongwa kwengqondo. Ucwaningo olugxile kwifenomenoloji yengxoxo iqinisekise umdlalo we teret-teret njengendlela efanele yokusocongwa kwengqondo, okuyingqubo elandelwa ezweni lase-Ethiopia ngenhloso yokushintsha isimo sabantu abasha abasesigabeni sobujongosi abahlangabezana nobunzima kwinhlalakahle yabantu ngokwemizwa kanye nezinkinga ezimayelana nokuziphatha. Ucwaningo olungenelelayo luveze ngokwamanani imehluko egqamile phakathi kwabadlalindima abafumene ukusocongwa ngokomqondo ngomdlalo we teret-teret kanye nalabo abangakaze bathole ukusocongwa ngokomqondo ngeteret-teret. Kutholakele ukuthi ukusocongwa komqondo ngeteret-teret kuthuthukise inhlalakahle yabantu nangezimpawu ezikhombisa ukuziphatha kahle kwabadlalindima. Ucwaningo olubizwa nge-cross-sectional survey lufqinisekise 43% yezinga lokutholakala kwezinkinga zenhlalakahle yabantu ngokwemizwa nangokuziphatha (SEBD),okuyi-50% yezinga lentukuthelo/ingcindezi yengqondo, i-45% yezikhalo, i-44% yezinkinga ezidinga ukuxazululwa, i-43% yezinga lokuphambana nomthetho kanye ne-42% yokuba nolunya,kanjalo nje. Okuchazwayo lapha kuxoxiwe mayelana nokusebenzisa izindatshana zendabuko ezijabulisa izingane, teret-teret, zisebenza njengamasu okusoconga ingqondo ukunceda abantu abasha abasesigabeni sobujongosi abakhombisa izinkinga ezimayelana nenhlalakahle yabantu ngokwemizwa nangokuziphatha ezikoleni kanye nasezindaweni zemiphakathia. / Die doel van die studie was om ondersoek in te stel na die mate waarin inheemse spel of teret-teret, as ʼn psigoterapeutiese tegniek ingespan word om jong adolessente by te staan in hul aanpassing van sosio-emosionele en gedragsprobleme af. ʼn Gemengde-metodes-ontwerp is gebruik en die studie is in drie fases uitgevoer: Fase 1: Kwalitatief–fenomenologiese ontwerp, Fase 2: Kwantitatief – opname-ontwerp enFase 3: Kwantitatief – ʼn intervensie-ontwerp. Twee-honderd-nege-en-negentig deelnemers, met 13 in Fase 1; 221 in Fase 2 en 65 in Fase 3,is by die navorsing betrek. Dertien deelnemers is doelgerig gekies op grond van hul ervarings en meriete vir Fase 1, terwyl 221 deur meervlakkige waarskynlikheidsteek proefnemingstegniekegekies is vir Fase 2. Uit die 65 deelnemers vir Fase 3, is vyf ewekansig gekies, terwyl 60 doelbewus gekies is. Drie instrumente is ingespan vir data-insameling, naamlik diepte-onderhoude, argiefontleding, en vraelyste. Hierdie ontwerp het die gehalte van 62 manifestasies van inheemse teret-teret vir gebruik in psigoterapie ondersoek. Die kwalitatiewe fenomenologiese studie het bevestig dat teret-teretʼn relevante psigoterapeutiese tegniek is wat in Etiopië beoefen word vir die aanpassing van jong adolessente metsosio-emosionele en gedragsprobleme. Die intervensiestudie het statisties beduidende verskille getoon tussen die deelnemers wat teret-teret-psigoterapie ontvang het en dié wat nie teret-teret-psigoterapie ontvang het nie. Daar is bevind dat teret-teret-psigoterapie die sosio-emosionele en gedragsvaardighede van die deelnemers verbeter het. Die deursnee-opname het ʼn 43%-voorkomskoers van saamgestelde sosio-emosionele en gedragsprobleme (SEBD) getoon,met 50% daarvan angs/depressie, 45% somatieseklagtes, 44% aandagprobleme, 43% oortredings, en 42% aggressie,onderskeidelik. Implikasies is bespreek met betrekking tot die toepassing van inheemse, kinderviendelike stories, teret-teret, as psigoterapeutiese tegnieke om jong adolessente te help wat sosio-emosionele en gedrags probleme by skole en in gemeenskapsituasies toon. / Psychology of Education / Ph. D. (Psychology of Education)

Implementering van 'n skoolgebaseerde sosial-emosionele program as strategie teen misdaad en geweld

Van der Merwe, Petro 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / This study, which was undertaken within a qualitative and quantitative methodological framework, is a collaborative action research project that focuses on the impact of emotional intelligence (EI) teaching in the classroom as intervention to prevent the inappropriate behaviour of learners that could lead to violence and crime. The study also concentrates on how action research can enhance the educator’s teaching practices. The objective was to prevent learners from misbehaving by implementing EI as a teaching strategy in the classroom on the basis of various definitions and models of EI. This research project also explored the coordinated and integrated management of positive learner behaviour, overall school development and the management of a culture of positive behaviour. The empirical study concludes that there is a correlation between EI teaching methods and learners’ behaviour. In view of the fact that the use of EI in the classroom can prevent the inappropriate behaviour of learners it can therefore be regarded as preventative discipline. / Psychology / M.A. (Sielkunde)

Epigenetica comportamentale della prematurità: Come la metilazione del DNA media l'impatto di precoci esperienze avverse sullo sviluppo socio-emozionale in bambini nati fortemente pretermine / PRETERM BEHAVIORAL EPIGENETICS: HOW DNA METHYLATION CONTRIBUTES TO THE EMBEDDING OF EARLY ADVERSE EXPERIENCES INTO THE SOCIO-EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF VERY PRETERM INFANTS

PROVENZI, LIVIO 17 March 2016 (has links)
Nel presente lavoro di tesi sono riportati i risultati di un innovativo progetto di ricerca longitudinale nell'ambito della psicobiologia. I recenti progressi nel campo dell'epigenetica sono stati applicati allo studio delle conseguenze di esperienze avverse precoci sullo sviluppo socio-emozionale in bambini nati fortemente pretermine. La nascita pretermine costituisce un fattore di rischio per lo sviluppo socio-emozionale, in parte per l'esposizione ad eventi stressanti (es.: dolore neonatale) durante l'ospedalizzazione in terapia intensiva neonatale (TIN). L'epigenetica si riferisce a processi biochimici altamente sensibili alle esperienze ambientali e che alterano la funzione di trascrizione di specifici geni, senza modificare la struttura della sequenza di DNA. Il candidato ha sviluppato un razionale clinicamente rilevante per la ricerca epigenetica comportamentale della prematurità. Inoltre il progetto di ricerca ha dimostrato che il livello di esposizione a procedure dolorose si associa a esiti avversi sul piano temperamentale e della risposta allo stress a tre mesi e che tale associazione è mediata da alterazioni epigenetiche a livello del gene che codifica per il trasportatore della serotonina. Le implicazioni teoriche, cliniche ed etiche di questi risultati sono trattate nella sezione conclusiva. Il progetto di epigenetica comportamentale della prematurità fornisce una nuova prospettiva teorica ed empirica sul tema dell’interazione tra genetica ed ambiente. / In the present work, the candidate reports the results of an innovative longitudinal research project in the field of psychobiology. The recent epigenetic progresses have been applied to the study of the consequences of early adverse event exposures on the socio-emotional development of very preterm infants. Preterm birth is a major concern for socio-emotional development, partly due to the exposure to adverse stressful stimulations (i.e., skin-breaking procedures) during the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) stay. Epigenetics refers to biochemical processes which are sensitive to environmental cues and which alter the transcriptional activity of specific genes without changing the DNA structure. The candidate has developed a clinically relevant rationale for preterm behavioral epigenetics (PBE). The research project has demonstrated that the early exposure to high levels of skin-breaking procedures during NICU stay associate with non-optimal temperamental profile and stress regulation at 3 months of age. This association was mediated by epigenetic modifications (DNA methylation) of the stress-related gene encoding for serotonin transporter. The theoretical, clinical and ethical implications of these findings are discussed further in the final section of the thesis. The PBE project provides a new framework for the issue of the interconnections between nature and nurture.

Предшколски програм у Републици Српској као чинилац учења и развоја дјеце / Predškolski program u Republici Srpskoj kao činilac učenja i razvoja djece / Preschool program in the Republic of Srpska asa factor in the process of early learning anddevelopment of children

Cvijanović Nataša 02 July 2016 (has links)
<p>Рад је настао као резултат теоријског и ем-<br />пиријског истраживања ефекта похађања<br />предшколског програма у Републици Срп-<br />ској на учење и развој дјеце предшколског<br />узраста.<br />У теоријском дијелу разматрају се питања о<br />предшколском програму као основи инсти-<br />туционалног предшколског васпитања и об-<br />разовања, о појмовном разграничењу појмо-<br />ва програм и курикулум, (о одређењу) тради-<br />ционалног наспрам савременог предшкол-<br />ског програма/курикулума, систему пред-<br />школског васпитања и образовања у Репу-<br />блици Српској, као и о односу програма и<br />васпитне праксе. Такође, посматрана су и<br />питања која се односе на рано учење, почев<br />од тога шта је рано учење и како га дефини-<br />сати, преко схватања о раном учењу кроз<br />историју, карактеристика раног учења, одно-<br />са раног учења и васпитања, те друштвене<br />парадигме раног васпитања, као и питања<br />која се односе на везу дјечје активности,<br />игре и раног учења, па све до значаја и кори-<br />сти од раног учења за појединца и друштво.<br />У дијелу рада који се односи на емпиријски<br />приступ проблему истраживања приказани<br />су резултати истраживања и налази добијени<br />испитивањем међузависности похађања про-<br />грама предшколског васпитања и образова-<br />ња и развоја предшколске дјеце посматраног<br />кроз физички, социо-емоционални, интелек-<br />туални развој и развој говора, комуникације<br />и стваралаштва.<br />Истраживање се темељи на хипотези да из-<br />међу похађања предшколског програма и ра-<br />ног учења постоји значајна и изражена међу-<br />зависност. Другим ријечима, истраживањем<br />смо хтјели утврдити да ли похађање пред-<br />школског програма детерминише рано уче-<br />ње код дјеце. Постављени циљеви и задаци истраживања</p><p>реализовани су, како смо већ рекли, кроз те-<br />оријско истраживање, али и кроз емпиријско<br />неекспериментално истраживање, примје-<br />ном инструмената који су конструисани за<br />потребе овог рада. Први инструмент односи<br />се на утврђивање испољености развојних<br />аспеката дјеце, док се други инструмент од-<br />носи на прикупљање података о односу по-<br />родичних прилика и развојних аспеката дје-<br />це. Први инструмент био је намијењен учи-<br />тељима, а други родитељима.<br />Узорак је обухватио 1.439 дјеце која су кре-<br />нула у први разред (шест година), и то: дјецу<br />која су похађала неку предшколску установу<br />и дјецу која нису похађала предшколску<br />установу нити су била укључена у неки об-<br />лик предшколског васпитања и образовања.<br />Исто тако, у истраживању су учествовали и<br />родитељи испитиване дјеце, од којих смо до-<br />били податке о социјалном статусу породице<br />дјетета и њиховој посвећености родитељ-<br />ству.<br />Резултати које смо добили дијелом су потвр-<br />дили хипотезе које смо поставили, а тиме<br />нас и усмјерили на додатна размишљања о<br />ефектима похађања предшколског програма<br />на све аспекте развоја, понајвише на социо-<br />емоционални развој, јер је овај аспект разво-<br />ја високо развијен код обје групе дјеце: која<br />су похађала предшколски програм и која га<br />нису похађала.</p> / <p>Rad je nastao kao rezultat teorijskog i em-<br />pirijskog istraživanja efekta pohađanja<br />predškolskog programa u Republici Srp-<br />skoj na učenje i razvoj djece predškolskog<br />uzrasta.<br />U teorijskom dijelu razmatraju se pitanja o<br />predškolskom programu kao osnovi insti-<br />tucionalnog predškolskog vaspitanja i ob-<br />razovanja, o pojmovnom razgraničenju pojmo-<br />va program i kurikulum, (o određenju) tradi-<br />cionalnog naspram savremenog predškol-<br />skog programa/kurikuluma, sistemu pred-<br />školskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja u Repu-<br />blici Srpskoj, kao i o odnosu programa i<br />vaspitne prakse. Takođe, posmatrana su i<br />pitanja koja se odnose na rano učenje, počev<br />od toga šta je rano učenje i kako ga defini-<br />sati, preko shvatanja o ranom učenju kroz<br />istoriju, karakteristika ranog učenja, odno-<br />sa ranog učenja i vaspitanja, te društvene<br />paradigme ranog vaspitanja, kao i pitanja<br />koja se odnose na vezu dječje aktivnosti,<br />igre i ranog učenja, pa sve do značaja i kori-<br />sti od ranog učenja za pojedinca i društvo.<br />U dijelu rada koji se odnosi na empirijski<br />pristup problemu istraživanja prikazani<br />su rezultati istraživanja i nalazi dobijeni<br />ispitivanjem međuzavisnosti pohađanja pro-<br />grama predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazova-<br />nja i razvoja predškolske djece posmatranog<br />kroz fizički, socio-emocionalni, intelek-<br />tualni razvoj i razvoj govora, komunikacije<br />i stvaralaštva.<br />Istraživanje se temelji na hipotezi da iz-<br />među pohađanja predškolskog programa i ra-<br />nog učenja postoji značajna i izražena među-<br />zavisnost. Drugim riječima, istraživanjem<br />smo htjeli utvrditi da li pohađanje pred-<br />školskog programa determiniše rano uče-<br />nje kod djece. Postavljeni ciljevi i zadaci istraživanja</p><p>realizovani su, kako smo već rekli, kroz te-<br />orijsko istraživanje, ali i kroz empirijsko<br />neeksperimentalno istraživanje, primje-<br />nom instrumenata koji su konstruisani za<br />potrebe ovog rada. Prvi instrument odnosi<br />se na utvrđivanje ispoljenosti razvojnih<br />aspekata djece, dok se drugi instrument od-<br />nosi na prikupljanje podataka o odnosu po-<br />rodičnih prilika i razvojnih aspekata dje-<br />ce. Prvi instrument bio je namijenjen uči-<br />teljima, a drugi roditeljima.<br />Uzorak je obuhvatio 1.439 djece koja su kre-<br />nula u prvi razred (šest godina), i to: djecu<br />koja su pohađala neku predškolsku ustanovu<br />i djecu koja nisu pohađala predškolsku<br />ustanovu niti su bila uključena u neki ob-<br />lik predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja.<br />Isto tako, u istraživanju su učestvovali i<br />roditelji ispitivane djece, od kojih smo do-<br />bili podatke o socijalnom statusu porodice<br />djeteta i njihovoj posvećenosti roditelj-<br />stvu.<br />Rezultati koje smo dobili dijelom su potvr-<br />dili hipoteze koje smo postavili, a time<br />nas i usmjerili na dodatna razmišljanja o<br />efektima pohađanja predškolskog programa<br />na sve aspekte razvoja, ponajviše na socio-<br />emocionalni razvoj, jer je ovaj aspekt razvo-<br />ja visoko razvijen kod obje grupe djece: koja<br />su pohađala predškolski program i koja ga<br />nisu pohađala.</p> / <p>In search of the new answers to already known<br />questions concerned with discovering the causes<br />of different development of certain abilities in<br />children, this study ideas are focused on the interdependence<br />of stimulating learning environment<br />and early learning for children. This study<br />is a result of theoretical and empirical research<br />of the effect of attending preschool programme<br />in Republic of Srpska on learning and development<br />of children of preschool age.<br />The theoretical part investigates questions on<br />preschool programme as the foundation of institutional<br />preschool education, concept delimitation<br />of programme and curriculum, (definition<br />of) traditional versus contemporary preschool<br />programme/curriculum, system of preschool<br />education in Republic of Srpska, as well as questions<br />about relationship between children&rsquo;s activities,<br />play and early learning. Furthermore,<br />this paper investigates questions related to early<br />learning, starting from the notion of early learning<br />and how to define it, the understanding of<br />early learning throughout history, early learning<br />characteristics, the relationship of early learning<br />and education as well as social paradigm of<br />early education, questions related to the relationship<br />between children&rsquo;s activities, play and<br />early learning, to the importance and benefits of<br />early learning for an individual and a society.<br />A part of the study related to the empirical approach<br />to the research topic presents the research<br />results and findings obtained by examination<br />of the interdependence of attending the<br />preschool education and development of<br />preschool children, observed through physical<br />and socio-emotional development and development<br />of speech, communication and creativity.<br />This study is based on the hypothesis that there<br />is a significant and profound interdependence<br />between attending a preschool programme and<br />13<br />early learning. In other words, our intention was<br />to establish whether attending a preschool programme<br />determines early learning for children.<br />As mentioned before, the established research<br />goals and objectives have been accomplished<br />through theoretical research but also through<br />non-experimental empirical research, using instruments<br />constructed for this study. First instrument<br />refers to the expression of developmental<br />aspects of children while the second instrument<br />refers to data collection on relationship<br />between family context and developmental<br />aspects of children. First instrument was intended<br />for teachers and second one for parents.<br />The sample included 1 439 children who started<br />first grade (6 years) as follows: children who attended<br />a preschool institution and children who<br />did not attend preschool institutions nor were<br />involved in any form of preschool education.<br />Furthermore, the research included children&rsquo;s<br />parents who provided the information on child&rsquo;s<br />family social status and their own devotion to<br />parenthood.<br />The results obtained have partly confirmed the<br />hypothesis set and therefore directed us to further<br />reflection on the effects of attending a preschool<br />program on all aspects of development,<br />especially socio-emotional development since<br />this aspect is highly developed with both groups<br />of children: those who attended a preschoolprogramme and those who did not.</p>

Le nombre de symptômes de type autistique : quelle est leur place dans le processus de développement ?

Nguyen, Anh Kiet Danny 10 1900 (has links)
No description available.

The value of governance structures in private family organisations

Van der Westhuizen, Rolandi 04 1900 (has links)
Although private family organisations are prevalent role players in both the South African and international economies, limited research has been performed with regard to them. In terms of regulatory requirements, South African private organisations are neither legally required to comply with corporate governance principles, nor are they required to make their financial data available to the general public. Lack of available data, and limited available research, have resulted in an absence of clarity with regard to whether governance structures in private family organisations add any value to these organisations. This study therefore explores, through the use of a multiple-case study, how the individual private family organisations have structured their governance mechanisms, and the reasons as to why they chose to implement these structures. Both case studies revealed that governance structures, in general, add value. The implemented governance structures may even have contributed to the increase in financial performance over time. / Management Accounting / M. Phil. (Accounting Sciences)

Implementering van 'n skoolgebaseerde sosial-emosionele program as strategie teen misdaad en geweld

Van der Merwe, Petro 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / This study, which was undertaken within a qualitative and quantitative methodological framework, is a collaborative action research project that focuses on the impact of emotional intelligence (EI) teaching in the classroom as intervention to prevent the inappropriate behaviour of learners that could lead to violence and crime. The study also concentrates on how action research can enhance the educator’s teaching practices. The objective was to prevent learners from misbehaving by implementing EI as a teaching strategy in the classroom on the basis of various definitions and models of EI. This research project also explored the coordinated and integrated management of positive learner behaviour, overall school development and the management of a culture of positive behaviour. The empirical study concludes that there is a correlation between EI teaching methods and learners’ behaviour. In view of the fact that the use of EI in the classroom can prevent the inappropriate behaviour of learners it can therefore be regarded as preventative discipline. / Psychology / M.A. (Sielkunde)

‘n Maatskaplikewerkintervensieprogram vir die adolessente leerder met spesifieke leerhindernisse (Afrikaans)

Galloway, Helena Johanna 11 September 2007 (has links)
The adolescent with specific barriers to learning often exhibit socio-emotional problems. Conversely, adolescents experiencing socio-emotional upsets do not achieve academically. The exact nature of the relationship is difficult or nearly impossible to elucidate. The aim of this study was to establish the specific challenges that the adolescent learner with barriers to learning with an average or above average intelligence, experiences on socio-emotional level and to take these feelings, experiences and needs as a lancer basis to develop and implement a social work intervention programme. Also to evaluate the effect of this programme on the socio-emotional functioning and academic progress of the adolescents involved. The process of intervention research was followed during the empirical study. The combined, two-phase approach of Cresswell was used for data gathering. The one group pre-test post-test was utilized for the evaluation of the effectiveness of the social work intervention programme. The Child functioning inventory High School (CFI – High) was used to gather information during the quantitative phase. This study focused on the socio-emotional functioning and challenges of the adolescent learner with specific barriers to learning and used Gestalt play therapy within a group context to address these challenges. During the qualitative phase two focus group discussions were held where the experiences, emotions and challenges of adolescents with specific barriers to learning were discussed with a group of five girls and five boys. Based on data gathered from these discussions, and a literature study a social work intervention programme was developed and implemented. This programme consisted of play therapy techniques within the Gestalt therapy framework. The social work intervention programme consisted of ten group sessions of about 90 minutes each, with a group of five girls and a group of five boys. The respondents were between 14 to 16 years, of an average to above average intelligence, and were referred to the social worker of a branch of Child Welfare: South Africa, Mpumalanga because of socio-emotional problems. This study attempted to incorporate the essential elements of Gestalt therapy, various play therapy techniques and the dynamics of group work into a programme to address socio-emotional issues experienced by the adolescent learner with barriers to learning. Socio-emotional aspects that were conceptualised and specifically evaluated are: positive functioning elements, self perception, trauma dynamics, interpersonal relationships and decision making abilities. Based on the findings, the conclusion could be made that the social work intervention programme brought about an improvement in the socio-emotional functioning and the academic progress of the respondents. / Thesis (PhD (Social Work))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Social Work and Criminology / PhD / unrestricted

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