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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ingen vill väl ha en gammal tant?! : Vikten av informationsflödet under organisationsförändringar / No one want´s an old lady?! : The Importance of the Information Flow under Organisational Changes

Svärdh, Eleonor January 2009 (has links)
<p>I den rådande lågkonjunkturen som drabbat Sverige är det inte ovanligt med organisationsförändringar. Med en organisationsförändring följer oftast konsekvenser och då exempelvis uppsägning av personal. När personal sägs upp eller framför allt får ett besked om varsel är det av stor vikt att det finns personalstrategier samt att ledningen agerar stöttepelare för sina anställda. Studien syftar på att få en förståelse över vad personalen upplevt i form av motivation samt omhändertagande efter ett besked om varsel fram till slutgiltigt besked.</p><p> </p><p>Studien är gjord utifrån en kvalitativ forskningsmetod med intervjuer vilket gjorde att det blev ett mer djup i beskrivningen av upplevelserna från intervjupersonerna. Studien lyfter upp vikten av information både innan, under och efter ett förändringsarbete i organisationer samt hur intervjupersonerna upplever att de motiveras.</p><p> </p><p>Det resultat som framkommit i studien av den varslade personalen är att det endast funnits fåtalet personalstrategier som organisationerna använt sig av samt att det i stort har upplevts en minskad arbetsmotivation. Det upplevda omhändertagandet var näst intill obefintligt och det var något som de intervjuade hade saknat.</p>

Fysisk aktivitet på fritiden hos barn i årskurs 5 och 6 : En kvantitativ jämförelse mellan innerstad och förort / Physical activity in the inner city & Physical activity in the suburb : A quantitative analysis of grade 5 & 6 students

Vinaccia, Andreas, Bolin, Samir January 2005 (has links)
<p>Syfte och frågeställningar: Syftet med studien har varit att studera skillnader på barns vanor av fysisk aktivitet utifrån tre skolor i Stockholmsområdet.</p><p>• Vilken typ av fysisk aktivitet förekommer hos eleverna i de här tre skolorna?</p><p>• Hur aktiva är dessa barn och vilka idrotter förekommer?</p><p>• Skiljer sig pojkarnas och flickornas aktiviteter åt i en jämförelse mellan dessa tre skolor?</p><p>Metod: Undersökningen är genomförd i form utav en kvantitativ studie där datainsamlingen bestod av en personlig enkät som utdelades i klasserna. Svarsalternativen är till största delen slutna. Undersökningsgruppen består av elever ur årskurs 5 och 6 från tre skolor i Stockholms län</p><p>I undersökningen ingick 52 pojkar och 65 flickor. Totalt deltog 117 elever.</p><p>Bortfallet uppgick till 11 stycken och största skälet till bortfall var elevfrånvaro vid undersökningstillfället.</p><p>Resultat: Tanken med vår undersökning var att ge övergripande kartläggning över den idrottsliga verksamheten på fritiden både i organiserad form och oorganiserad, i föreningsliv och utanför, samt ungdomarnas fysiska aktivitet i det dagliga livet. Målsättningen som också uppfylldes var att se om det fanns några skillnader i vanor av fysisk aktivitet hos eleverna i tre olika skolor i stockholmsområdet. Se hur aktiva barnen i dessa tre skolor var, samt vilka aktiviteter som förekom. Dessutom ville vi veta om pojkarnas och flickornas aktiviteter skiljer sig åt i en jämförelse mellan dessa tre skolor.</p><p>I en del fall ser man tydliga skillnader och i en del skiljer det sig inte nämnvärt mycket mellan de tre skolorna. Vi kan tydligt se att fritidsintressena hos både pojkar och flickor i alla tre skolorna allmänt kretsar kring kompisar, idrotta och lyssna på musik medan det på pojksidan i alla tre skolor finns ett begränsat intresse för djuraktiviteter och att vara hemma med föräldrar. På flicksidan fanns istället ett begränsat intresse för motor- och naturaktiviteter. I vår studie idrottar pojkarna mer än flickorna om man räknar till alla tre skolorna även om flickorna är mer aktiva inom föreningsverksamhet.</p> / <p>Aim: The purpose of this study has been to describe the possible differences in children’s habits of physical activity in three different schools in the Stockholm area.</p><p>• What types of physical activity occur with the students in these three schools?</p><p>• How active are the children in these three schools and what types of sports occur?</p><p>• Do the boys and girls activities differ in a comparison between these three schools?</p><p>Method: The research is accomplished by a quantitative study where the data has been collected from a poll which was handed out in the classes. The poll is made of own questions and formerly used poll questions. The answering alternatives are mostly closed. The selected group is based of students from class 5 and 6 from three schools in the Stockholm County. There were 52 boys and 65 girls included in the research. A total of 117 students participated. Eleven students dropped out and the reason was student absence the day of the poll.</p><p>Results: The purpose of our research was to give an overall mapping of the athletic activity in the spear time, both in organised form and unorganised, in organisations and outside of organisations, and the physical activity of these youths in their daily life. The goal which was fulfilled was too see if there was any difference in habits of physical activities with the students in three different schools in the Stockholm area. Too see how active the children were in these three schools and what activities occurred. Also we wanted to see if the boys and the girls’ activities differ in a comparison between these three schools.</p><p>In some cases you see clear differences and in some it doesn’t differentiate very much between the three schools. We can clearly see that the spear time interests with both boys and girls surrounds being with friends, doing sports activities and listening to music while on the boys side in all of the three schools there is a limited interest in animal activities and being at home with parents. On the girls side there is a limited interest in motor- and nature activities.</p>

Medarbetarskapets perspektiv och möjligheter ur ett hälsoperspektiv : en kvalitativ intervjustudie av medarbetare / Employeeship perspective and possibilities out of a health perspective : A qualitative interview analysis of employees

Andersson, Sophie January 2005 (has links)
<p>Syfte och frågeställningar</p><p>Syftet med studien är att problematisera individers syn på det egna medarbetarskapet ur ett hälsoperspektiv. Syftet med studien är också att se vad som frigör och förbrukar energi i det egna medarbetarskapet. Följande frågeställningar står i fokus i denna studie: vilken betydelse har följande faktorer för ett medarbetarskap; mål och måltydlighet, krav, kontroll, socialt stöd, trygghet, kreativitet, utvecklingsmöjligheter, lön och belöning, relationer. Vad är det som frigör energi i det egna medarbetarskapet? Vad är det som förbrukar energi i det egna medarbetarskapet?</p><p>Metod</p><p>Uppsatsen bygger på material insamlat med hjälp av djupintervjuer. Tre kvinnor samt tre män deltog i studien, samtliga yrkesverksamma. Ingen av dem befann sig i en exceptionell livssituation avseende familj, ekonomi eller arbete. Intervjupersonerna kontaktades via mail som följdes upp med telefonsamtal. Intervjuerna följde ett frågeschema med öppna frågor, kopplade till syfte och frågeställningar. Intervjuerna bandades för att därefter transkriberas ordagrant. Slutligen analyserades materialet utifrån för studien utvalda teorier.</p><p>Intervjuanalys och slutsatser</p><p>Trots individuella skillnader mellan de olika intervjuerna kan man se en röd tråd genom materialet vad gäller de frågeställningar som står i fokus. Samtliga har en medvetenhet om sitt medarbetarskap och om vad det är som påverkar det, positivt och negativt. Det finns en vilja att ta ett större ansvar för sitt arbete och som anställd. Det som skiljer dem åt är förutsättningarna för detta. Faktorerna mål och måltydlighet, krav, kontroll, socialt stöd, trygghet, kreativitet, utvecklingsmöjligheter, lön och belöning samt relationer har betydelse för ett medarbetarskap, men i olika grad. Något som tydligt framgår ur analysen är att kontroll är en av de mer viktiga faktorerna för att trivas på arbetet och i det egna medarbetarskapet. En annan faktor som lyfts fram är relationer, både med kollegor och chef. Ur dessa relationer och tillsammans med ett socialt stöd uppstår ett organisatoriskt samspel mellan individer. Det är svårt att hitta en gemensam nämnare för de två frågeställningarna vad som frigör energi samt vad som förbrukar energi i det egna medarbetarskapet. Svaren är lika många som de intervjuade. Här följer dock några ord hämtade från svaren: Frigör energi – uppnådda mål, realiserade idéer, kollegorna. Förbrukar energi – konflikter, nej på affärer, existentiella problem.</p> / <p>Aim</p><p>The aim of this essay is to study how individuals look upon their own employeeship out of a health perspective and to study what release energy and consumes energy in the own employeeship. Following questions are the focus of the study: what importance has the following factors for an employeeship; goals, demands, control, social support, security, creativity, development possibilities, salary and compensation, relations. What sets energy free in the own employeeship? What consumes energy in the own employeeship?</p><p>Method</p><p>The study is based on material that was collected from interviews. Three women and three men participated in the study, all of them active workers. None of the participants were in an exceptional situation regarding family, economy nor work. The persons interviewed were contacted through mail and an up following phone call. A question schedule with opened questions was used during the interviews. The questions were connected to the aim and the questions in focus of the study. The interviews were recorded to be transcript word for word to a written text. The material were then analysed accordingly to chosen theories.</p><p>Interview analysis and conclusions</p><p>Despite individual differences between the interviews there is possible to spot a red thread through out the material considering the questions asked in the study. All of the persons interviewed are aware of their own employeeship and what it is that affects it, both positive and negative. There is a will to take on more responsibility in the work and as an employee. What differentiate them are the conditions to accomplish this. Factors as goals, demands, control, social support, security, creativity, development possibilities, salary and compensation and relations are all important for employeeship, but in different extent. From the analysis control is shown to be one of the more important factors to enjoy work and feel good in the own employeeship. To be given mandate and eligibility. Another factor that is raised during the interviews is relations, with both colleagues and chief. These relations together with social support, can make it possible to create an organizational interaction between individuals. To summarize the answers given to the questions about what release energy and consumes energy in the own employeeship is hard. The answers are as different as the persons given them. Yet here are some words collected from the answers; Release energy – goal achievement, ideas realized, colleagues. Consumes energy – conflicts, rejected deals, existential problems.</p>

Social control and socialisation : the role of morality as a social mechanism in adolescent deviant behaviour

Svensson, Robert January 2004 (has links)
The object of this doctoral dissertation is to study the processes and mechanisms that restrain adolescents from committing deviant and criminal acts. The framework is that when the socialisation process functions well, and norms and values are internalised, an individual will develop a moral sense as to what is right and wrong. In line with this, morality is examined as a social mechanism that may assist us in understanding and explaining the relationship between socialisation and adolescent deviance and criminal offences. The dissertation also discusses what influence the peer group and structural conditions have on deviant and delinquent behaviour. The dissertation is based on three empirical studies. The first study examines gender differences in adolescent drug use in terms of parental monitoring and peer deviance. Females are found to be more highly monitored than males whilst males are more exposed to deviant peers than females. There is a significant interaction between parental monitoring and peer deviance for the sample as a whole. The effect of this interaction is greater among females, indicating that exposure to deviant peers is more important for the drug use of females in families where parental monitoring is poor. The second study examines the relationship between gender, parent-child relations, shame, and juvenile delinquency. The study proceeds from a social bonding theoretical framework and hypothesises that shame will act as an intervening mechanism through which poor parentchild relations impact upon delinquency. The present study addresses three key research questions. Are girls more strongly attached to and controlled by their parents than boys? Do girls feel more shame in the face of significant others than boys? And finally, does shame mediate the effect of parent-child relations in the explanation of delinquency? The findings show girls to be more strongly attached to parents, more controlled and to feel more shame than boys. Finally, the analyses show that feeling less shame in the face of significant others tended to mediate the effect of poor parent-child relations on delinquency for girls. For boys, both family interaction and shaming components are significantly related to delinquency. The third study examines the way attachment to parents and school bonds are linked to levels of self-esteem (measured as self-rejection) and morality (measured as pro-social values), and whether these factors are linked to associations with delinquent friends in the explanation of delinquency. The findings show that strong bonds to family and school correspond with low levels of self-rejection and high pro-social values. Poor bonding to school and low levels of pro-social values increase the risk for involvement in delinquent peer groups. Poor school bonds, low levels of pro-social values and associating with delinquent friends are related to delinquency for boys and girls. Levels of self-rejection have a more important effect on the delinquency of boys. The results show that the impact of attachment to parents and school bonds on delinquency is for the most part mediated by levels of pro-social values for both boys and girls. / <p>Härtill 3 uppsatser</p>

Gender dimensions in family life : a comparative study of structural constraints and power in Sweden and Japan

Takahashi, Mieko January 2003 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis is to analyze and compare women’s experiences, choices and practices in family life relative to men’s. The central questions addressed are: How does the gender structure in societies alter the gendered distribution of resources in society and the division of paid and unpaid work in families? What types of gender structures in societies allow women to exercise power in the family? Sweden and Japan are chosen as comparative cases since these two societies represent opposite ends of the spectrum of welfare regime typologies in terms of gender logics; one is based on equality and institutional individualization (Sweden), while the other is structured around gender difference, male breadwinner norms and policies to support them (Japan). The key concepts in the dissertation are “power” and “structural constraint”, which form the basis of the framework for analyzing gender and power from a comparative perspective. Building upon Paula England’s theorizing on the relationship between gender structures and subjective states, the thesis develops a framework that links micro- and macro-processes. The model I suggest allows for a comparative analysis of gendered processes and empowerment, incorporating the dimensions of the state, market and family relations. I assume that gender logics in a social-political system affect norms and shape individuals’ subjective states. The relationship between male breadwinner policy logics and egalitarian ideologies and norms for family life are reflected not only individual attitudes, but also in their sense of entitlement to make claims. The empirical analyses, based upon highly comparable data, suggest that differences in the gender structures of the countries are reflected in the variations in the organization of family life and negotiations around them. In Swedish families, resources such as time and money are more equally allocated between wives and husbands compared to Japanese families. Moreover, the egalitarian gender ideology does generate egalitarian gender attitudes, which appear to be crucial factors for women’s sources of empowerment. The Swedish women and men in this study express more support for gender equality in family and society compared to their Japanese counterparts. A central argument in the thesis is that the exercise of power in the family is linked to the power resources of women – encompassing both societal and individual resources – to make claims upon their husbands or partners. My findings suggest that women’s decision making power in the family increases as they accumulate more resources, and that increased decision making power leads to a more equal allocation of time, money and the division of paid work both in Sweden and Japan. The results also show that individual resources (wife’s income relative to husband’s) matter more for Japanese women’s ability to make claims upon husbands to alter the organization of paid and unpaid work than for Swedish women. The thesis treats processes and outcomes of power as analytically distinct. I employ two mechanisms of power (manifest and latent power), derived from Aafke Komter’s theorizing on power dimensions. The empirical analysis of negotiations among dual earner couples over the division of unpaid work suggests that Swedish women can exercise greater manifest power in the family compared to the Japanese women. However, there are similarities between the two countries in terms of latent power processes (conflict avoidance). As is true for their Japanese counterparts, a significant proportion of full-time working wives in Sweden are constrained from making claims in the family by the legitimated traditional norm to be the main caregivers. Comparing the two societies, I find that overall, Japanese women express greater constraints and feel less empowered to make claims upon their husbands in marriage and after divorce. Japanese lone mothers appeared to be the least empowered of the groups in the analysis. Based upon qualitative interviews, with a comparative interview instrument, the data show that Japanese lone mothers face poverty and discrimination on the job market and have difficulty finding housing. Because of laws, policies and practices they are unable to make claims upon their husbands for child support or equitable division of property. They also lack the state benefits and support that Swedish lone mothers enjoy.

Innviklet utvikling. En studie av en endringsprosess i Statoils anskaffelses- og forsyningsvirksomhet

Kongsvik, Trond Øystein January 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Ingen vill väl ha en gammal tant?! : Vikten av informationsflödet under organisationsförändringar / No one want´s an old lady?! : The Importance of the Information Flow under Organisational Changes

Svärdh, Eleonor January 2009 (has links)
I den rådande lågkonjunkturen som drabbat Sverige är det inte ovanligt med organisationsförändringar. Med en organisationsförändring följer oftast konsekvenser och då exempelvis uppsägning av personal. När personal sägs upp eller framför allt får ett besked om varsel är det av stor vikt att det finns personalstrategier samt att ledningen agerar stöttepelare för sina anställda. Studien syftar på att få en förståelse över vad personalen upplevt i form av motivation samt omhändertagande efter ett besked om varsel fram till slutgiltigt besked.   Studien är gjord utifrån en kvalitativ forskningsmetod med intervjuer vilket gjorde att det blev ett mer djup i beskrivningen av upplevelserna från intervjupersonerna. Studien lyfter upp vikten av information både innan, under och efter ett förändringsarbete i organisationer samt hur intervjupersonerna upplever att de motiveras.   Det resultat som framkommit i studien av den varslade personalen är att det endast funnits fåtalet personalstrategier som organisationerna använt sig av samt att det i stort har upplevts en minskad arbetsmotivation. Det upplevda omhändertagandet var näst intill obefintligt och det var något som de intervjuade hade saknat.

ICT Adoption and newly arrived Refugees in Falun, Sweden

Eyesan, Precious January 2010 (has links)
Sociologists are concerned with the social implications of technology; new social networks, virtual communities and ways of interaction that have arisen lately. The Internet which is the newest in a series of major information breakthroughs is of interest to sociologists in various ways for example: as a tool for research, for example, in using online questionnaires instead of paper ones, as a discussion platform, a communication tool and as a research topic. The sociology of the Internet in a formal sense is the study about the analysis of virtual worlds and social changes catalyzed through new media like the Internet. According to DiMaggio et al. (2001), research in sociology of the internet tends to focus on the Internet's implications in the issues of inequality of accessibility of Internet or the issues concerning the digital divide, (the haves and the have not) the adopters versus the non adopters among other issues. Author and sociologist like Manuel Castells (Castells, 1999, p27) have identified Refugees or new immigrants as a disadvantaged group in the digital society and also various researches including the Swedish Justice department (2002) had identified refugees as a risk group in terms of digital access in Sweden. This means there is a need to bridge the digital divide and promote the use and knowledge of ICT's among the marginalised or segregated groups of people that are found to be at risk, specifically refugees. And one way to bridge the digital divide among these groups will be to Identify the factors that influence their adoption and non adoption of ICT's, because identifying these factors and knowing the problems through the experience of the people affected will generate an opportunity to understand what is required to promote ICT's adoption among these groups. The results from this study have however shown that although majority of the respondents in this study lack concrete or advance IT skills, both adopter and non adopter have shown huge interest in Internet and share positive experience and perceptions about the Internet. Friends, families and in general the social environment respondents found themselves have played major role in influencing their decision to adopt ICT. The results have also shown that the functions of the internet was a big influence in adopting Internet and this functions displayed by the Internet had contributed to both Integration and facilitation of refugee resettlement in the host nation. Functions such as the use of the internet to communicate and maintain links with home country, use of the internet to access local information concerning host nation where shared by respondents as very valuable function that influence their adoption and continuous usage of the internet. The non adopters attributed largely their lack of IT skills, illiteracy and language as the main obstacles to their adoption of Internet, none of the non adopters perceived the Internet to be negative despite the setbacks in their adoption.


Salazar Atías, Camila January 2003 (has links)
The Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation, one of New York’s largest street gangs allowed me through the Street Organization Project to interview and conduct field research with their female members during the years of 1997-1999. This paper is a direct result of my research and it examines the processes leading Latinas to join the female branch of the Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation, show the changing nature of gang female participation and the motives for continuing within the gang. The New York State Latin Queens were founded in 1991 after a manifesto for the Latin Queens was penned by King Blood, the First President of the New York State Latin Kings. Until that time, there had been no organized group for women who wanted to join the Latin Kings. They were called the Naia Tribe. After 1996, the role of the Queens began to expand with the ascension of King Tone to the Inca position (First President) of the New York State. Under King Tone’s leadership, the rules of the Queens were amended. For the first time the Queens began to put forward their own demands, which challenged some of the discriminatory rules and male privileges of the group The Latin Queens I interviewed were from different areas in New York with a predominantly Puerto Rican and Dominican background. The respondents described their motives for joining either directly or indirectly under a multitude of different themes that spoke to the effects of systematic physical abuse, economic deprivation, health problems, emotional trauma, cultural denial and family disintegration. I will analyze these in greater depth by breaking them down and contrasting the findings to the four themes also identified in the literature as: issues of identity, family pressures, economic survival and family/community networks.

Barn och bredband : En uppsats om föräldrars syn på sina barns internetaktiviteter

Lundin, Max January 2010 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker hur dagens föräldrar ser på sina barns Internetvanor och hur föräldrars attityd har förändrats under de senaste åren. För att kunna göra denna jämförelse kommer en enkätundersökning i samma ämne genomförd 2002 att utgöra en stor del av uppsatsen. Jag konstruerar en egen enkät och genomför en egen enkätundersökning. Genom kontakt med en skola i Stockholm skickas enkäten ut till föräldrar med barn i aktuell ålder. Frågorna som ställs i enkäten handlar om hur föräldrarna upplever att Internet påverkar deras barn men även hur de själva anser att Internet bör regleras. Den ursprungliga enkäten innehåller många frågor och jag tar med de ämnen som jag anser är mest intressanta. Min enkät skiljer sig också ifrån den ursprungliga på så sätt att den inte innehåller några kryssfrågor, utan frågorna är istället öppna. För att läsaren lättare ska kunna ta till sig uppsatsens ämne finns två kapitel som ger en historisk bakgrund och presenterar tidigare forskning. Svaren från den egna enkätundersökningen behandlas genom tematisk analysmetod och presenteras i en resultatdel. I uppsatsens avslutande avsnitt diskuteras resultaten och återknyter dessa till uppsatsens avsnitt om syfte och problemställning. Enkäten, som skickas ut till föräldrarna, finns inlagd som bilaga i uppsatsens sista sidor.

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