Spelling suggestions: "subject:"sociology, amedical"" "subject:"sociology, comedical""
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"A interface entre a homeopatia e a biomedicina: o ponto de vista dos profissionais de saúde não homeopatas" / The interface between homeopathy and biomedicine: the point of view of the non homeopathic professionalsSalles, Sandra Abrahão Chaim 09 August 2006 (has links)
Esse estudo tem como objetivo conhecer as características da relação entre a medicina Homepática e a Biomédica enqua nto partícipes de um campo institucional comum, identificando o movimento de aproximação e afastamento entre homeopatas e médicos da biomedicina e identificando os elementos de caráter ideológico, cultural e técnico-cientifico que fazem parte desse processo, segundo o ponto de vista dos profissionais não homeopatas. Por meio de levantamento da atual situação da Homeopatia no campo da saúde no Brasil, identificam-se os municípios com serviços de homeopatia na rede SUS e as faculdades de medicina que desenvolvem atividades relacionadas à homeopatia. Foram selecionados para a pesquisa os municípios com maior produção ambulatorial de consultas homeopáticas de janeiro a novembro de 2003 (Datasus) e entre as faculdades aquelas de reconhecida relevância na formação médica. Foram entrevistados 48 profissionais de saúde (apenas dois não médicos), sendo 20 docentes/pesquisadores de 11 faculdades de medicina, 16 gestores e 12 médicos que trabalham na rede publica em 6 municípios de cinco estados e do Distrito Federal. As análises foram feitas tendo como categorias de referência as concepções de campo social e cientifico de Bourdieu, as concepções de racionalidades médicas de Madel Luz e os conceitos de modelos ou arranjos tecnológicos do trabalho em saúde de Mendes-Gonçalves, de formação de identidade profissional de médico e ideologia ocupacional de Donnangelo e Schraiber. Foram descritos e analisados através dos depoimentos dos entrevistados: os aspectos considerados facilitadores da aproximação entre as duas medicinas, os que dificultam a ampliação da presença da Homeopatia no campo da saúde, as diferentes formas de apresentação das resistências e as suas concepções sobre a Homeopatia. Entre outros, os resultados apontaram que a 6 legitimação profissional, a construção do SUS e a crise da biomedicina são condições favorecedoras da presença da Homeopatia nas instituições. Mas essas condições não garantem espaços de ensino ou assistência, e as iniciativas dos homeopatas ainda dependem de simpatias locais. Os entrevistados valorizam aspectos da pratica homeopática que recuperam a ideologia ocupacional associada ao ideal de boa prática médica: abordagem integral do paciente, a recuperação da dimensão humanística da medicina e os resultados que obtém ao resolver agravos para os quais os recursos da biomedicina são inadequados ou insuficientes. Facilitam a aproximação com a Academia o interesse no desafio cientifico que representa encontrar novos modelos de pesquisa para explicar, comprovar ou medir a ação da homeopatia e a inclusão de ambientes extrahospitalares como locais de ensino. Dificultam essa aproximação as resistências ao desconhecido e as dificuldades de compreender, com a visão da racionalidade cientifica moderna, a lógica em que a homeopatia opera. Uma outra forma de resistência é considerar a Homeopatia uma medicina apenas para agravos simples e banais, caracterizando-a como uma medicina insegura. O isolamento dos homeopatas e a falta de divulgação da sua cultura foram referidos como razões que mantém o desconhecimento sobre a Homeopatia. Os entrevistados defendem que aceitar os limites de cada medicina e buscar a complementaridade pode levar ao respeito à pluralidade das medicinas, necessária para dar conta de responder à complexidade presente no campo da saúde. / The objective of this study is to access the characteristics of the relationship between homeopathic medicine and biomedicine as both participants of an interinstitucional common field, identifying the approximation and distance movements between homeopathic physicians and biomedicine physicians and identifying the elements of an ideological, cultural and technical-scientific features that are part of this process, according to the non homeopathic professionals point of view. The municipalities with homeopathic assistance in the public network of services (SUS) and the medical schools that develop activities related to homeopathy are identified through a survey focusing the current situation of homeopathy in the health field in Brazil. The municipalities with greater clinic production of homeopathic consultations from January to November 2003 (Datasus) and the most recognized schools, as being of major relevance to the medical education, were selected. Forty eight health professionals were interviewed (only two were not physicians), of whom 20 professors of 11 medical schools, 16 managers and 12 physicians that work in the public assistance network in 6 municipalities of five states and the Federal District. The analysis was carried out using as reference categories Bourdieus conceptions of social and scientific field, Madel Luzs conception of medical rationality, Mendes-Gonçalves concepts of models or technological arrangements of the health work, Donnangelo and Schraibers conceptions of professionals identity formation and occupational ideology. The discourses of the interviewed professionals were described and analyzed taking 8 into consideration: the aspects considered facilitators of the approximation between the two medicines; the ones that make difficult the expansion of the homeopathy presence in the health field; presentation forms of resistance; and the professionals conceptions of homeopathy. Among others, the results of the study pointed out, as facilitating conditions for the presence of Homeopathy in institutions, he professional legitimation, the construction of the Universal Health System (SUS) and the biomedicine crises. However, these conditions do not guarantee teaching or assistance spaces, and the homeopathy related initiatives still depend on local sympathies. The interviewed professionals valorize aspects of the homeopathic practice that recover the occupational ideology associated to the ideal of good medical practice: integral approach of the patient, the recovering of the humanistic dimension of medicine and the results that are obtained when solving a health problem in occasions when biomedicines resources are inadequate or insufficient. The approximation with the academic field is facilitated by the interest in the scientific challenge that represents the encounter of new research models to explain, proof or measure homeopathys actions and the inclusion of extra hospital ambiences as teaching places. This approximation is made difficult by the resistance to the unknown and the difficulties of comprehension of the logic in witch homeopathy operates, difficulties related to modern sciences view on rationality. Another form of resistance is to considerate homeopathy as a medicine directed only to simple and minor health problems, characterizing it as an insecure medicine. The isolation of homeopathic professionals and the little divulgation of their culture were mentioned as reasons that sustain the lack of knowledge on Homeopathy. The interviewed professionals defend the acceptation of each medicines limits and the searching for complementarities that can lead to respecting the plurality of medicines, conditions that are necessary to formulate an answer to the present state of complexity in the health field.
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Doadores de granulócitos, plaquetas e sangue total. O real perfil altruístico e seu capital social / Granulocyte donors, platelets and whole blood donors: the real altruistic profile and their social capitalRocha, Pedro Capuani 29 May 2013 (has links)
O concentrado de granulócitos é um importante componente para o tratamento de pacientes oncológicos. A doação deste componente é mais complexa do que outras doações de sangue ou hemocomponentes, porque necessita de maiores esforços e assumção de riscos por parte do doador e, também, o uso de equipamento automatizado de aférese. O presente estudo tem o objetivo de aumentar o conhecimento sobre a população de doadores de granulócitos e avaliar a diferença entre suas motivações para realizarem as doações e seu capital social geral comparando com doadores de plaquetas e doadores altruistas de sangue total. Com esses resultados os hemocentros que realizam a coleta de granulócitos não só poderão ter informações mais objetivas que tornem mais eficaz o recrutamento deste tipo de doador e, consequentemente, aumentar a disponibilidade deste componente como também, identificando um perfil semelhante dos doadores de granulócitos na população geral de doadores o banco de sangue poderá fidelizar estes indivíduos e promover doações de sangue mais seguras. O perfil dos doadores de granulócitos foi avaliado a partir de um estudo caso-controle, sendo o grupo casos formado por estes doadores (n=64) e, os controles por doadores de plaquetas (n-64) e de sangue total (n=68), na razão de um caso para dois controles. Doadores de granulócitos são principalmente do sexo masculino e com idade mais avançada do que os controles. Com referência às motivações para doarem, doadores de granulócitos não se diferem substancialmente dos doadores de plaquetas, mas em relação aos doadores de primeira vez de sangue total há diferenças consideráveis principalmente no que diz respeito ao interesse nos resultados dos testes sorológicos. Doadores de sangue total são quase duas vezes mais motivados a doarem pelo recebimento dos resultados comparados aos doadores de granulócitos, bem como também se motivam mais a doarem para tirar o dia de folga do trabalho o que indica um gesto de menor altruísmo destes daodores. O perfil sócio determinante entre os grupos de doadores também se difere, doadores de granulócitos são pessoas efetivamente mais engajadas socialmente comparados aos controles e têm de uma rede comunitária mais coesa e confiável, concordando cerca de duas vezes mais do que doadores de plaquetas que têm vizinhos conhecidos que os ajudaria financeiramente (OR=2,49) ou concordando quatro vezes mais que doadores de sangue total que têm vizinhos conhecidos que estariam sempre prontos a ajudar outros vizinhos (OR=4,02). Concluimos que os resultados indicam que há a necessidade dos bancos de sangue utilizarem novas estratégias de recrutamento para aumentar a conversão de doadores, passando a utilizar, além do recrutamento interno, comunicações mais efetivas que, consigam atingir a população foco com maior eficiência, em locais onde a probabilidade de encontrar doadores mais engajados socialmente é aumentada, como clubes, centros comunitários ou associações / The concentrate of granulocytes is an important component for oncologic patient\'s treatment. Donation of this component is more complex than other blood components donations, because it claims more efforts and risks assumptions by the donor, and also the use of automated apheresis equipment. The present study is aimed to increase knowledge about the granulocyte donors´ population and evaluate differences among their motivations to accomplish donations and their general social capital, comparing with platelets apheresis donors and altruistic whole blood donors. These results may help blood centers, which carry granulocyte collection, not just to achieve much more objective information about these donors, but also to identify similar granulocyte donors´ profile within the general population. Blood banks may be able to achieve fidelity among these individuals and to promote safer blood donations. Granulocyte donors´ profile was evaluated in a case-control study. Cases were formed by granulocytes donors (n=64) and controls by platelet apheresis donors (n-64) and first time whole blood donors (n=68), in a ratio of one case per two controls. Granulocyte donors are mainly male and older than controls. Regarding the motivation to donate, granulocyte donors are not essentially different from platelets donors, but regarding first time whole blood donors, there are considerable differences, especially in respect to test seeking. Moreover, whole blood donors are almost twice more motivated to donate to take a day off at work, which shows a minor altruistic gesture. The determinant social profile among donors´ groups is also different. Granulocyte donors are effectively more social engaged people when compared to controls, and have a much more coherent and trustful community net, assenting about twice more than platelets donors, which have acquainted neighbors that would be ever ready to help other neighbors (OR=4.02). In conclusion, these findings indicate that is necessary to blood centers to use new recruitment strategies to increase donor´s retention. More effective communications procedures, besides internal recruitment, that achieves the target with more efficiency in locals where the probability to find donors more social engaged is increased, as clubs, community centers or associations must be warranted
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Doadores de granulócitos, plaquetas e sangue total. O real perfil altruístico e seu capital social / Granulocyte donors, platelets and whole blood donors: the real altruistic profile and their social capitalPedro Capuani Rocha 29 May 2013 (has links)
O concentrado de granulócitos é um importante componente para o tratamento de pacientes oncológicos. A doação deste componente é mais complexa do que outras doações de sangue ou hemocomponentes, porque necessita de maiores esforços e assumção de riscos por parte do doador e, também, o uso de equipamento automatizado de aférese. O presente estudo tem o objetivo de aumentar o conhecimento sobre a população de doadores de granulócitos e avaliar a diferença entre suas motivações para realizarem as doações e seu capital social geral comparando com doadores de plaquetas e doadores altruistas de sangue total. Com esses resultados os hemocentros que realizam a coleta de granulócitos não só poderão ter informações mais objetivas que tornem mais eficaz o recrutamento deste tipo de doador e, consequentemente, aumentar a disponibilidade deste componente como também, identificando um perfil semelhante dos doadores de granulócitos na população geral de doadores o banco de sangue poderá fidelizar estes indivíduos e promover doações de sangue mais seguras. O perfil dos doadores de granulócitos foi avaliado a partir de um estudo caso-controle, sendo o grupo casos formado por estes doadores (n=64) e, os controles por doadores de plaquetas (n-64) e de sangue total (n=68), na razão de um caso para dois controles. Doadores de granulócitos são principalmente do sexo masculino e com idade mais avançada do que os controles. Com referência às motivações para doarem, doadores de granulócitos não se diferem substancialmente dos doadores de plaquetas, mas em relação aos doadores de primeira vez de sangue total há diferenças consideráveis principalmente no que diz respeito ao interesse nos resultados dos testes sorológicos. Doadores de sangue total são quase duas vezes mais motivados a doarem pelo recebimento dos resultados comparados aos doadores de granulócitos, bem como também se motivam mais a doarem para tirar o dia de folga do trabalho o que indica um gesto de menor altruísmo destes daodores. O perfil sócio determinante entre os grupos de doadores também se difere, doadores de granulócitos são pessoas efetivamente mais engajadas socialmente comparados aos controles e têm de uma rede comunitária mais coesa e confiável, concordando cerca de duas vezes mais do que doadores de plaquetas que têm vizinhos conhecidos que os ajudaria financeiramente (OR=2,49) ou concordando quatro vezes mais que doadores de sangue total que têm vizinhos conhecidos que estariam sempre prontos a ajudar outros vizinhos (OR=4,02). Concluimos que os resultados indicam que há a necessidade dos bancos de sangue utilizarem novas estratégias de recrutamento para aumentar a conversão de doadores, passando a utilizar, além do recrutamento interno, comunicações mais efetivas que, consigam atingir a população foco com maior eficiência, em locais onde a probabilidade de encontrar doadores mais engajados socialmente é aumentada, como clubes, centros comunitários ou associações / The concentrate of granulocytes is an important component for oncologic patient\'s treatment. Donation of this component is more complex than other blood components donations, because it claims more efforts and risks assumptions by the donor, and also the use of automated apheresis equipment. The present study is aimed to increase knowledge about the granulocyte donors´ population and evaluate differences among their motivations to accomplish donations and their general social capital, comparing with platelets apheresis donors and altruistic whole blood donors. These results may help blood centers, which carry granulocyte collection, not just to achieve much more objective information about these donors, but also to identify similar granulocyte donors´ profile within the general population. Blood banks may be able to achieve fidelity among these individuals and to promote safer blood donations. Granulocyte donors´ profile was evaluated in a case-control study. Cases were formed by granulocytes donors (n=64) and controls by platelet apheresis donors (n-64) and first time whole blood donors (n=68), in a ratio of one case per two controls. Granulocyte donors are mainly male and older than controls. Regarding the motivation to donate, granulocyte donors are not essentially different from platelets donors, but regarding first time whole blood donors, there are considerable differences, especially in respect to test seeking. Moreover, whole blood donors are almost twice more motivated to donate to take a day off at work, which shows a minor altruistic gesture. The determinant social profile among donors´ groups is also different. Granulocyte donors are effectively more social engaged people when compared to controls, and have a much more coherent and trustful community net, assenting about twice more than platelets donors, which have acquainted neighbors that would be ever ready to help other neighbors (OR=4.02). In conclusion, these findings indicate that is necessary to blood centers to use new recruitment strategies to increase donor´s retention. More effective communications procedures, besides internal recruitment, that achieves the target with more efficiency in locals where the probability to find donors more social engaged is increased, as clubs, community centers or associations must be warranted
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"A interface entre a homeopatia e a biomedicina: o ponto de vista dos profissionais de saúde não homeopatas" / The interface between homeopathy and biomedicine: the point of view of the non homeopathic professionalsSandra Abrahão Chaim Salles 09 August 2006 (has links)
Esse estudo tem como objetivo conhecer as características da relação entre a medicina Homepática e a Biomédica enqua nto partícipes de um campo institucional comum, identificando o movimento de aproximação e afastamento entre homeopatas e médicos da biomedicina e identificando os elementos de caráter ideológico, cultural e técnico-cientifico que fazem parte desse processo, segundo o ponto de vista dos profissionais não homeopatas. Por meio de levantamento da atual situação da Homeopatia no campo da saúde no Brasil, identificam-se os municípios com serviços de homeopatia na rede SUS e as faculdades de medicina que desenvolvem atividades relacionadas à homeopatia. Foram selecionados para a pesquisa os municípios com maior produção ambulatorial de consultas homeopáticas de janeiro a novembro de 2003 (Datasus) e entre as faculdades aquelas de reconhecida relevância na formação médica. Foram entrevistados 48 profissionais de saúde (apenas dois não médicos), sendo 20 docentes/pesquisadores de 11 faculdades de medicina, 16 gestores e 12 médicos que trabalham na rede publica em 6 municípios de cinco estados e do Distrito Federal. As análises foram feitas tendo como categorias de referência as concepções de campo social e cientifico de Bourdieu, as concepções de racionalidades médicas de Madel Luz e os conceitos de modelos ou arranjos tecnológicos do trabalho em saúde de Mendes-Gonçalves, de formação de identidade profissional de médico e ideologia ocupacional de Donnangelo e Schraiber. Foram descritos e analisados através dos depoimentos dos entrevistados: os aspectos considerados facilitadores da aproximação entre as duas medicinas, os que dificultam a ampliação da presença da Homeopatia no campo da saúde, as diferentes formas de apresentação das resistências e as suas concepções sobre a Homeopatia. Entre outros, os resultados apontaram que a 6 legitimação profissional, a construção do SUS e a crise da biomedicina são condições favorecedoras da presença da Homeopatia nas instituições. Mas essas condições não garantem espaços de ensino ou assistência, e as iniciativas dos homeopatas ainda dependem de simpatias locais. Os entrevistados valorizam aspectos da pratica homeopática que recuperam a ideologia ocupacional associada ao ideal de boa prática médica: abordagem integral do paciente, a recuperação da dimensão humanística da medicina e os resultados que obtém ao resolver agravos para os quais os recursos da biomedicina são inadequados ou insuficientes. Facilitam a aproximação com a Academia o interesse no desafio cientifico que representa encontrar novos modelos de pesquisa para explicar, comprovar ou medir a ação da homeopatia e a inclusão de ambientes extrahospitalares como locais de ensino. Dificultam essa aproximação as resistências ao desconhecido e as dificuldades de compreender, com a visão da racionalidade cientifica moderna, a lógica em que a homeopatia opera. Uma outra forma de resistência é considerar a Homeopatia uma medicina apenas para agravos simples e banais, caracterizando-a como uma medicina insegura. O isolamento dos homeopatas e a falta de divulgação da sua cultura foram referidos como razões que mantém o desconhecimento sobre a Homeopatia. Os entrevistados defendem que aceitar os limites de cada medicina e buscar a complementaridade pode levar ao respeito à pluralidade das medicinas, necessária para dar conta de responder à complexidade presente no campo da saúde. / The objective of this study is to access the characteristics of the relationship between homeopathic medicine and biomedicine as both participants of an interinstitucional common field, identifying the approximation and distance movements between homeopathic physicians and biomedicine physicians and identifying the elements of an ideological, cultural and technical-scientific features that are part of this process, according to the non homeopathic professionals point of view. The municipalities with homeopathic assistance in the public network of services (SUS) and the medical schools that develop activities related to homeopathy are identified through a survey focusing the current situation of homeopathy in the health field in Brazil. The municipalities with greater clinic production of homeopathic consultations from January to November 2003 (Datasus) and the most recognized schools, as being of major relevance to the medical education, were selected. Forty eight health professionals were interviewed (only two were not physicians), of whom 20 professors of 11 medical schools, 16 managers and 12 physicians that work in the public assistance network in 6 municipalities of five states and the Federal District. The analysis was carried out using as reference categories Bourdieus conceptions of social and scientific field, Madel Luzs conception of medical rationality, Mendes-Gonçalves concepts of models or technological arrangements of the health work, Donnangelo and Schraibers conceptions of professionals identity formation and occupational ideology. The discourses of the interviewed professionals were described and analyzed taking 8 into consideration: the aspects considered facilitators of the approximation between the two medicines; the ones that make difficult the expansion of the homeopathy presence in the health field; presentation forms of resistance; and the professionals conceptions of homeopathy. Among others, the results of the study pointed out, as facilitating conditions for the presence of Homeopathy in institutions, he professional legitimation, the construction of the Universal Health System (SUS) and the biomedicine crises. However, these conditions do not guarantee teaching or assistance spaces, and the homeopathy related initiatives still depend on local sympathies. The interviewed professionals valorize aspects of the homeopathic practice that recover the occupational ideology associated to the ideal of good medical practice: integral approach of the patient, the recovering of the humanistic dimension of medicine and the results that are obtained when solving a health problem in occasions when biomedicines resources are inadequate or insufficient. The approximation with the academic field is facilitated by the interest in the scientific challenge that represents the encounter of new research models to explain, proof or measure homeopathys actions and the inclusion of extra hospital ambiences as teaching places. This approximation is made difficult by the resistance to the unknown and the difficulties of comprehension of the logic in witch homeopathy operates, difficulties related to modern sciences view on rationality. Another form of resistance is to considerate homeopathy as a medicine directed only to simple and minor health problems, characterizing it as an insecure medicine. The isolation of homeopathic professionals and the little divulgation of their culture were mentioned as reasons that sustain the lack of knowledge on Homeopathy. The interviewed professionals defend the acceptation of each medicines limits and the searching for complementarities that can lead to respecting the plurality of medicines, conditions that are necessary to formulate an answer to the present state of complexity in the health field.
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元明儒醫思想與實踐的社會史: 以朱震亨及「丹溪學派」為中心. / 以朱震亨及丹溪學派為中心 / Social history of the medical thoughts and practice of Confucian physicians in the Yuan and Ming dynasties: Zhu Zhenheng and the Danxi school / Zhu Zhenheng and the Danxi School / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Yuan Ming ru yi si xiang yu shi jian de she hui shi: yi Zhu Zhenheng ji "Dan xi xue pai" wei zhong xin. / Yi Zhu Zhenheng ji Dan xi xue pai wei zhong xinJanuary 2012 (has links)
儒醫是宋以後經過醫學文本訓練的,男性醫者的,文化認同/角色/定位。道醫、巫醫和女性醫者等其他醫者漸成為邊緣他者。儒醫宣稱比其他醫療實踐者更加深諳醫學經典、更加理性。儒醫攀附儒自居,模仿理學門戶互相攻訐,有學派之分。元代婺州朱震亨,「丹溪學派」的創始者,是明代儒醫的典範。本文將以朱震亨和「丹溪學派」為個案,一方面探討儒醫如何建構醫學身體、疾病觀念及其實踐,另一方面探討「丹溪學派」的思想和社會史。 / 第一、二、三章分別從三個角度探討元明儒醫的身體觀。首先,在強烈的「南人」認同之下,元代江浙的士人強調「南/北」身體的差異,「北醫」的療法不適合「南人」的身體,朱震亨被塑造為「南醫」的典範。其次,自劉完素以後,「火」不是日常生活中的火熱之氣,也不是推算運氣的術語,成為元明醫家對身體疾病的想像。據此,朱震亨提出「陽有餘而陰不足」的身體觀,是明代「丹溪學派」遵守的教條。第三,鬼神病因漸漸從儒醫的身體觀中淡出。道教醫學中的「傳尸勞瘵」,混雜了鬼邪和血氣病因,宋元儒醫卻劃分血氣「虛勞」和鬼邪「勞瘵」的界線。朱震亨將「勞瘵」解釋為「陰不足」病。追隨丹溪之後,虞摶病人見鬼實際上是「心神不寧」,清醫吳瑭認為「祝由科」是巫術,儒醫無法容忍鬼邪病因和儀式療法。 / 第四、五章討論儒醫多樣化的實踐。在臨床實踐中如何治療「陰不足」病,「丹溪學派」並不一致,王綸提倡的「補陰丸」在明代江浙醫者的實踐中廣受歡迎,但來自學派內部嚴厲的批評聲同時存在。明代醫家認為唐宋方書治「勞瘵」的天靈蓋「殘忍」,但紫河車卻是明代常用的治療「勞瘵」藥物。儒醫反對儀式療法,但某些驅除鬼邪的針灸療法,改頭換面依然留存在醫學實踐中,比如「秦承祖灸鬼法」。 / 第六、七章指出,從朱震亨到「丹溪學派」,是元代婺州地方士人建設宗族組織、講習理學、建構地方認同背景之下的社會史,也是蘇州城市醫者專業化、組織化的結果。元明政權更迭之後,「丹溪」弟子進入太醫院,依靠政治權威提升「丹溪」的醫學地位。1450年代以後「丹溪」成為商業書坊的暢銷本,注重師承關係的學派逐漸消解,「丹溪」成為大眾通俗的醫學入門文本作者。清代,考據醫學「丹溪」為通俗庸醫,「丹溪」不再是醫者撰寫醫書、醫療實踐的必引權威。 / This thesis aims to explain how Confucian physicians (儒醫) constructed the medical thoughts and practice. A Confucian physician is supposed to be a well-educated gentleman (儒) and a master of the medical classics. From the 12th century on, Confucian physicians gradually became a new identity of the orthodox doctors, while the Taoists, shamans, midwives and surgical practitioners all became the “others. At the same time, among the Confucian Physicians, different schools appeared. The Danxi School (丹溪學派) was a group of disciples following Zhu Zhenheng (朱震亨1282-1358) from the 14th to 15th centuries in Jiangnan (江南) . Zhu was a gentleman from Wuzhou, who was treated as an ideal model of “Confucian physicians through the whole Ming dynasty. / The first three chapters focus on the medical thoughts of Confucian phycians. Chapter One studies on the body of the “Southerners (南人). People living in the territory of Southern Song identified themselves as the “Southerners. This identity was strengthened by the unequal racial policy under the Mongol reign. It motivated the Jiangnan literati to appeal for a medical knowledge body specifically for the “Southerners, which would focus on treating the ailments caused by the “southern environment and dietary habits. Chapter Two explores the concept of “fire. In the Song dynasty, “fire is an element of the prevalent cosmological theory of “the five circulatory phases and the six seasonal influences (五運六氣) . However, in Liu Wansu (劉完素1132-1208) ’s innovative interpretation, the concept of “fire was internalized into the body structure. Zhu Zhenheng inherited this concept of bodily “fire and developed the theory of “yang is always in excess, yin is always deficient (陽有餘而陰不足) , which was later strictly followed by the Danxi School. Chapter Three investigates the disease of “laozhai (勞瘵) . According to the Taoist interpretation, the disease of “laozhai was due to the ancestor’s sin. However, Confucian physicians developed a new meaning in the context of Danxi’s “yin is deficient body. Demons were gradually excluded from the etiology of the Danxi School. / Chapter Four and Five study on the practice of Confucian physicians. The Danxi School didn’t have consensus on how to treat the “yin is deficient disease. Therefore, the therapy of “nourishing yin (滋陰) was quite differential in individual practices. However, it is certain that Confucian physicians tended to use herbs to treat patients who declared themselves suffering from demons. Religious rituals of expelling demons were excluded from their clinical practice. However, Confucian physicians didn’t refuse to use some unusual herbal remedies such as the placenta, or moxibustion that might function as Taoist rituals of expelling demons. / Chapter Six and Seven analyze the rise and fall of the Danxi School. The reason why Zhu became a powerful medical master lies not only in his medical thoughts or skills but in his social activities. He was very active in the lineage organization and local administration. In the local society, Zhu gained the power and fame as an authoritative Confucian gentleman, though he had never received any governmental position. After the death of Zhu, his disciples achieved successful careers as professional doctors in Suzhou (蘇州) . Later when the Ming Empire was established in Nanjing, most of Danxi’s disciples went into the Imperial Medical Service (太醫院) . After the 1450s, Zhu Zhenheng became a best-selling author and a symbol of the popular medicine. The popularity of his works eventually destroyed the structure of the master-disciple relationship in the Danxi School. The Danxi School gradually disappeared. In the end, because the mid-Qing physicians preferred ancient masters such as Zhang Zhongjing (張仲景 fl. 168-196) to the modern, vulgar Danxi, the Danxi School and their medical master faded away from the mainstream medicine. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 張學謙. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2012. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 197-217). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / Zhang Xueqian. / 導論 --- p.1 / Chapter 一、 --- 儒醫:宋元明清醫者的身份認同 --- p.2 / Chapter 二、 --- 儒醫的理性與實踐 --- p.6 / Chapter 三、 --- 丹溪學派:醫學思想的社會史 --- p.11 / Chapter 四、 --- 研究說明 --- p.16 / Chapter 第一章 --- 元代醫學的「南/北」身體觀 --- p.18 / Chapter 一、 --- 南宋和元:「南人」認同的多層含義 --- p.18 / Chapter 二、 --- 「南/北」身體觀論述 --- p.24 / Chapter 三、 --- 製造「南醫」/「北醫」 --- p.32 / Chapter 四、 --- 結論 --- p.38 / Chapter 第二章 --- 丹溪學派的口號:「陽有餘而陰不足」的身體觀 --- p.40 / Chapter 一、 --- 五運六氣與宋人的身體觀 --- p.40 / Chapter 二、 --- 內丹對醫學身體觀的影響 --- p.46 / Chapter 三、 --- 朱震亨的相火論 --- p.50 / Chapter 四、 --- 結論 --- p.59 / Chapter 第三章 --- 宋明儒醫的「理性化」:以「勞瘵」為中心 --- p.60 / Chapter 一、 --- 《道藏》文本中「勞瘵」的界定 --- p.62 / Chapter 二、 --- 儒醫文本中「勞瘵」的界定 --- p.68 / Chapter 三、 --- 儒醫「勞瘵」與明代社會身體 --- p.73 / Chapter 四、 --- 明代儒醫對「祝由」的困惑 --- p.77 / Chapter 五、 --- 結論 --- p.85 / Chapter 第四章 --- 「陰虛」病與療法 --- p.87 / Chapter 一、 --- 丹溪「陰虛」病及療法 --- p.87 / Chapter 二、 --- 補陰丸與人參之爭 --- p.93 / Chapter 三、 --- 薛己、趙獻可:從補陰血到補陰精 --- p.99 / Chapter 四、 --- 結論 --- p.103 / Chapter 第五章 --- 儒醫的實踐 --- p.105 / Chapter 一、 --- 道醫「追蟲」儀式 --- p.105 / Chapter 二、 --- 儒醫勞瘵療法 --- p.108 / Chapter 三、 --- 天靈蓋與紫河車在明代醫學中的不同遭遇 --- p.113 / Chapter 四、 --- 從「秦承祖灸鬼法」到「灸鬼哭穴」 --- p.121 / Chapter 五、 --- 結論 --- p.125 / Chapter 第六章 --- 從朱震亨到「丹溪學派」的社會史 --- p.126 / Chapter 一、 --- 朱震亨的出身與赤岸朱氏宗族的建構 --- p.129 / Chapter 二、 --- 「儒醫」朱震亨與地方社會 --- p.136 / Chapter (一) --- 朱震亨之行醫 --- p.137 / Chapter (二) --- 朱震亨之醫療產業 --- p.140 / Chapter (三) --- 朱震亨在地方社會的角色 --- p.142 / Chapter 三、 --- 元代婺州的「丹溪」門徒 --- p.147 / Chapter (一) --- 地方醫療資源與組織 --- p.147 / Chapter (二) --- 婺州地方士族的網絡 --- p.151 / Chapter 四、 --- 元末蘇州的「丹溪」門徒 --- p.155 / Chapter 五、 --- 明代太醫院的「丹溪」門徒(1368-1450) --- p.162 / Chapter 六、 --- 結論: --- p.166 / Chapter 第七章 --- 「丹溪」的大眾化與清代醫學的轉折 --- p.167 / Chapter 一、 --- 「丹溪」文本的製造與流傳 --- p.168 / Chapter (一) --- 「丹溪」文本的製造 --- p.168 / Chapter (二) --- 「丹溪」文本的印刷與晚明私人的商業書坊 --- p.178 / Chapter 二、 --- 「丹溪」權威的下降 --- p.183 / Chapter (一) --- 明清醫者對「南/北」身體觀、療法的不同意見 --- p.184 / Chapter (二) --- 「陰不足」到「命門火衰」 --- p.186 / Chapter (三) --- 考據醫學之批評「丹溪」 --- p.188 / Chapter 三、 --- 結論 --- p.192 / 結論 --- p.193 / 參考書目 --- p.197 / Chapter 一、 --- 一手文獻 --- p.197 / Chapter (一) --- 醫書 --- p.197 / Chapter (二) --- 正史 --- p.200 / Chapter (三) --- 文集 --- p.201 / Chapter (四) --- 地方志和家譜 --- p.203 / Chapter (五) --- 筆記和其他: --- p.204 / Chapter 二、 --- 工具書: --- p.206 / Chapter 三、 --- 近人研究: --- p.207 / Chapter (一) --- 中文專書 --- p.207 / Chapter (二) --- 英文專書 --- p.209 / Chapter (三) --- 中文論文 --- p.212 / Chapter (四) --- 英文論文 --- p.214
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