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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

From Algorithmic Computing to Autonomic Computing

Furrer, Frank J., Püschel, Georg 13 February 2018 (has links)
In algorithmic computing, the program follows a predefined set of rules – the algorithm. The analyst/designer of the program analyzes the intended tasks of the program, defines the rules for its expected behaviour and programs the implementation. The creators of algorithmic software must therefore foresee, identify and implement all possible cases for its behaviour in the future application! However, what if the problem is not fully defined? Or the environment is uncertain? What if situations are too complex to be predicted? Or the environment is changing dynamically? In many such cases algorithmic computing fails. In such situations, the software needs an additional degree of freedom: Autonomy! Autonomy allows software to adapt to partially defined problems, to uncertain or dynamically changing environments and to situations that are too complex to be predicted. As more and more applications – such as autonomous cars and planes, adaptive power grid management, survivable networks, and many more – fall into this category, a gradual switch from algorithmic computing to autonomic computing takes place. Autonomic computing has become an important software engineering discipline with a rich literature, an active research community, and a growing number of applications.:Introduction 5 1 A Process Data Based Autonomic Optimization of Energy Efficiency in Manufacturing Processes, Daniel Höschele 9 2 Eine autonome Optimierung der Stabilität von Produktionsprozessen auf Basis von Prozessdaten, Richard Horn 25 3 Assuring Safety in Autonomous Systems, Christian Rose 41 4 MAPE-K in der Praxis - Grundlage für eine mögliche automatische Ressourcenzuweisung, in der Cloud Michael Schneider 59


01 February 2017 (has links)
[pt] O advento da Internet coloca grandes desafios para o projeto de sistemas de submissão abertos, uma vez que elimina barreiras físicas e geográficas. A redução de custos, associada a passagem de mídias analógicas para digitais, dificultou a projeção de capacidades e recursos necessários para a construção de tais sistemas. Neste trabalho propomos uma arquitetura de software, baseada em computação na nuvem, que provê a escalabilidade necessária para a construção de sistemas de submissão abertos. Estes sistemas são caracterizados pela geração de grandes volumes de dados. Um caso real de uso é analisado utilizando o processamento de vídeos. / [en] The advent of the Internet poses great challenges to the design of public submission systems as it eliminates traditional barriers, such as geographical location and cost. With open global access, it is very hard to estimate storage space and processing power required by this class of applications. In this thesis we explore cloud computing technology as an alternative solution. The main contribution of this work is a general architecture in which to built open access, data intensive, public submission systems. A real world scenario is analyzed using this architecture for video processing.

Towards Engineering Trustworthy Distributed Reputation Systems Over The Blockchain

Grankvist, Georg, Moustakas, Paul January 2022 (has links)
Peer-to-peer (P2P) reputation systems, such as those used by eBay and Amazon, servean important role on the web, especially in E-commerce, as online reputation serves asa primary guiding factor for consumers in making informed decisions. The importanceof these systems, and also the increasing popularity of P2P and distributed systems, theissue of how to prevent and resist sybil and re-entry attacks becomes an important area ofresearch as they can impinge the integrity of those systems. To address this issue, in thisthesis, we propose an approach that encompasses a software architecture and processeswhich serves as a proof-of-concept of how to mitigate sybil and re-entry attacks on review based P2P distributed reputation systems. The architecture uses novel technologiessuch as blockchain, smart contracts, and non-fungible tokens (NFT) in conjunction withSwedish E-id provider BankID to build a sybil and re-entry attack resistant reputationsystem. To validate the feasibility of our approach, we developed a prototype and used itto run experiments to evaluate the functional correctness of the architecture as a mitigation solution

Reference Architectures as Means to Aid in System Development

Zeito, Maurice January 2013 (has links)
In comparison with the ever increasing development of enterprise architectures and frameworks, reference architectures has yet to reach the same maturity level. This brings questions regarding definition, implementation and governance of reference architectures at different levels; Business, System, Technical. In this report, an in-depth analysis of the concept of reference architctures is made, focusing on the abovementioned attributes. The purpose of the report is to provide the reader with an insight on how reference architectures can be implemented in order to aid in the work of system development.

Adaptive Middleware for Self-Configurable Embedded Real-Time Systems : Experiences from the DySCAS Project and Remaining Challenges

Persson, Magnus January 2009 (has links)
Development of software for embedded real-time systems poses severalchallenges. Hard and soft constraints on timing, and usually considerableresource limitations, put important constraints on the development. Thetraditional way of coping with these issues is to produce a fully static design,i.e. one that is fully fixed already during design time.Current trends in the area of embedded systems, including the emergingopenness in these types of systems, are providing new challenges for theirdesigners – e.g. integration of new software during runtime, software upgradeor run-time adaptation of application behavior to facilitate better performancecombined with more ecient resource usage. One way to reach these goals is tobuild self-configurable systems, i.e. systems that can resolve such issues withouthuman intervention. Such mechanisms may be used to promote increasedsystem openness.This thesis covers some of the challenges involved in that development.An overview of the current situation is given, with a extensive review ofdi erent concepts that are applicable to the problem, including adaptivitymechanisms (incluing QoS and load balancing), middleware and relevantdesign approaches (component-based, model-based and architectural design).A middleware is a software layer that can be used in distributed systems,with the purpose of abstracting away distribution, and possibly other aspects,for the application developers. The DySCAS project had as a major goaldevelopment of middleware for self-configurable systems in the automotivesector. Such development is complicated by the special requirements thatapply to these platforms.Work on the implementation of an adaptive middleware, DyLite, providingself-configurability to small-scale microcontrollers, is described andcovered in detail. DyLite is a partial implementation of the concepts developedin DySCAS.Another area given significant focus is formal modeling of QoS andresource management. Currently, applications in these types of systems arenot given a fully formal definition, at least not one also covering real-timeaspects. Using formal modeling would extend the possibilities for verificationof not only system functionality, but also of resource usage, timing and otherextra-functional requirements. This thesis includes a proposal of a formalismto be used for these purposes.Several challenges in providing methodology and tools that are usablein a production development still remain. Several key issues in this areaare described, e.g. version/configuration management, access control, andintegration between di erent tools, together with proposals for future workin the other areas covered by the thesis. / Utveckling av mjukvara för inbyggda realtidssystem innebär flera utmaningar.Hårda och mjuka tidskrav, och vanligtvis betydande resursbegränsningar,innebär viktiga inskränkningar på utvecklingen. Det traditionellasättet att hantera dessa utmaningar är att skapa en helt statisk design, d.v.s.en som är helt fix efter utvecklingsskedet.Dagens trender i området inbyggda system, inräknat trenden mot systemöppenhet,skapar nya utmaningar för systemens konstruktörer – exempelvisintegration av ny mjukvara under körskedet, uppgradering av mjukvaraeller anpassning av applikationsbeteende under körskedet för att nå bättreprestanda kombinerat med e ektivare resursutnyttjande. Ett sätt att nå dessamål är att bygga självkonfigurerande system, d.v.s. system som kan lösa sådanautmaningar utan mänsklig inblandning. Sådana mekanismer kan användas föratt öka systemens öppenhet.Denna avhandling täcker några av utmaningarna i denna utveckling. Enöversikt av den nuvarande situationen ges, med en omfattande genomgångav olika koncept som är relevanta för problemet, inklusive anpassningsmekanismer(inklusive QoS och lastbalansering), mellanprogramvara och relevantadesignansatser (komponentbaserad, modellbaserad och arkitekturell design).En mellanprogramvara är ett mjukvarulager som kan användas i distribueradesystem, med syfte att abstrahera bort fördelning av en applikation överett nätverk, och möjligtvis även andra aspekter, för applikationsutvecklarna.DySCAS-projektet hade utveckling av mellanprogramvara för självkonfigurerbarasystem i bilbranschen som ett huvudmål. Sådan utveckling försvåras avde särskilda krav som ställs på dessa plattformarArbete på implementeringen av en adaptiv mellanprogramvara, DyLite,som tillhandahåller självkonfigurerbarhet till småskaliga mikrokontroller,beskrivs och täcks i detalj. DyLite är en delvis implementering av konceptensom utvecklats i DySCAS.Ett annat område som får särskild fokus är formell modellering av QoSoch resurshantering. Idag beskrivs applikationer i dessa områden inte heltformellt, i varje fall inte i den mån att realtidsaspekter täcks in. Att användaformell modellering skulle utöka möjligheterna för verifiering av inte barasystemfunktionalitet, men även resursutnyttjande, tidsaspekter och andraicke-funktionella krav. Denna avhandling innehåller ett förslag på en formalismsom kan användas för dessa syften.Det återstår många utmaningar innan metodik och verktyg som är användbarai en produktionsmiljö kan erbjudas. Många nyckelproblem i områdetbeskrivs, t.ex. versions- och konfigurationshantering, åtkomststyrning ochintegration av olika verktyg, tillsammans med förslag på framtida arbete iövriga områden som täcks av avhandlingen. / DySCAS

Mejora de proceso de planificar el año escolar de una Institución de Educación Básica de Lima / Improvement of the School Year Planning Process of a Basic Education Institution in Lima

Cabrera Luna, Sara Belen, Montañez Cárdenas, Melissa Verónica 14 May 2021 (has links)
Actualmente, el uso de tecnología ha crecido en las instituciones de educación básica; a causa de la pandemia estas instituciones se han visto en el deber de brindar sus servicios lo más parecido posible como si fuera en la modalidad presencial. Por ello, para dar el paso a la transformación digital que se ha estado dando en nuestro país en el ámbito educativo de manera progresiva, se ha reformulado la manera de ejecutar los procesos mas importantes y claves de esta entidad de educación básica. Por lo mencionado anteriormente, la propuesta de este proyecto es brindar una solución tecnológica que contribuya en la ejecución en el proceso de planificación del año escolar, con la finalidad de que se optimicen los tiempos y el resultado supere las expectativas de toda la comunidad educativa. Ello llevará a que los estándares de calidad educativa de esta institución sean un referente para la mejora continua de la educación en nuestra comunidad. En el capítulo 1, se plantea el problema, se plantean los objetivos del proyecto, asimismo, cuáles son los indicadores de éxito y el impacto en la institución, por último, se realiza el análisis de factibilidad tanto económica como técnica. En el capítulo 2, se analiza y se evidencia en que parte del proyecto se ha aplicado los Student Outcomes. En el capítulo 3, se da a conocer la situación actual de la institución de educación básica y se establece el Marco Teórico a desarrollar en el presente proyecto de tesis. En el capítulo 4, se desarrolla la propuesta de solución del proyecto donde se propone un sistema de gestión educativa. En el capítulo 5, se evidencia los resultados de las etapas del presente proyecto de tesis. En el capítulo 6, donde se muestra la estructura la gestión de proyecto, el cual nos brinda lineamientos para el desarrollo de este. / Nowadays, the use of technology has been growing in the basic education institutions; because to the pandemic this institutions had have seen themselves into the duty of giving their services most posible equal like it’s been the presencial modalilty. For that reason, in order to give the first step into the digital transformation which it has been openned in the educational environment in our country in a progressive way. Accordingly, the proposal in this project is give a tecnological solutions and also contribute in the execution of the school year planning process, for the purpose to optimize the time and the result overcome the expectation of all the education comunity. This will led that the educational quality standars of this institution became a referent for the education continuous improvement in our comunity. In the first chapter, it proposed the project problem and targets, also, which are the success indicators and the impact of the institution, at last, it is made the tehnical and economic viability. In the second chapter, it is made known in which part of the project it has applied the Student Outcomes. In the third chapter, it is made known the current situation of the basic education institution and it established the theoretical framework to develope in this thesis project. In the fourth chapter, it develope the project solution proposal where is proposed an educational management system. In the fifth chapter, it is made known the Outcomes from the stages of the thesis project. In the sixth chapter, where it is shown the management project structure, which it gives us the guidelines for its develpment. / Tesis

Sistema de Control del Impacto en el Negocio de los Incrementos de Producto del Área de TI / Control system for the business impact of product increments from IT

Fuchs Cerdeña, Juan Jose, Laredo Gómez, Rodolfo 05 May 2021 (has links)
En nuestra experiencia en tecnologías de la información, hemos notado que se tiene un sesgo muy grande hacia la ejecución, es decir, construir cosas con la calidad adecuada y lanzarlas rápido a producción. Sin embargo, toda esta ejecución sin validación nos lleva a lanzar productos geniales pero que nadie necesita. En un estudio de 1997, Stevens & Burley sugieren que se requieren al menos 3,000 ideas para producir un producto comercialmente exitoso; En otro estudio de 2010, The Standish Group encuentra que solo el 7% de funcionalidades de un producto de software son siempre usadas, otro 48% se algunas veces y 45% nunca son usadas. Consecuentemente, cuando los grandes proyectos no tienen el gran impacto deseado, las empresas recién caen en cuenta de la inversión desperdiciada. El presente proyecto de tesis tiene como objetivo evaluar los procesos de gestión de productos de una empresa de desarrollo de productos de software para plantear mejoras a este proceso que permitan realizar la validación de ideas de manera temprana e iterativa. Adicionalmente, el proyecto comprende diseñar una solución tecnológica que permita a la empresa medir de manera oportuna el impacto que tiene cada incremento y funcionalidad nueva de los productos de software que desarrolla en los indicadores de negocio; permitiendo definir experimentos controlados donde se aíslen las variables que se desean medir objetivamente, para así poder tomar decisiones informadas sobre los ajustes a realizar a la visión y estrategia de los distintos productos de software de manera temprana, continua e iterativa. / In our experience in information technology, we have noticed there is an oversized bias for execution, namely, building things with the right quality and launching them to production fast. However, all this execution and no validation takes us to launch great products no one needs. In a study from 1997, Stevens & Burley suggest that one needs at least 3,000 ideas to produce a commercially successful product; In another study from 2010, The Standish group finds that only 7% of features are always used, another 48% is sometimes used and 45% never used. Consequently, when big projects do not have the big impact everyone expected them to have, companies realize of their wasted investment. The objective of this thesis project is to evaluate the product management processes from a product development company to propose improvements to this process to allow the early and iterative validation of ideas. Additionally, the project comprises the design of a technological solution to allow the company the timely measurement of the impact each product increment and developed functionality has on the business indicators; allowing the definition of controlled experiments where the target variables are isolated so they can be objectively measured, to allow informed decisions over the vision and strategy of the different software products in an early, continuous, and iterative manner. / Tesis

Diseño de un sistema de gestión de programación de servicio técnico de campo para una empresa de mantenimiento de equipos electrodomésticos / System Design for managing on-site technical service scheduling for household appliance maintenance company

Querevalú Purizaca, Manuel Jesús, Valdiviezo Alvarado, Diego 03 December 2020 (has links)
El contexto actual en el que se desarrollan las empresas los ha impulsado a replantear sus estrategias y enfocarse en ofrecer servicios de calidad a los clientes, quienes necesitan se les proporcione de mecanismos que les permita realizar procesos de manera automatizada y segura, así como también dentro de las organizaciones, de manera que los tiempos de respuesta y atención ante las necesidades que surjan en el mercado, permitan atender una creciente demanda. El uso de tecnologías de la información tales como portales web, la georreferenciación y tecnologías emergentes como cloud computing que brindan seguridad y confidencialidad de los datos ya no es necesario contar con infraestructura de gran escala para automatizar los procesos de una determinada organización. El presente proyecto tiene como finalidad realizar el análisis y diseño de un sistema para la gestión de programación de servicio técnico de campo en la empresa SERFAC S.A.C. La solución que se propone contempla el uso de Amazon Web Service como propuesta de arquitectura y la georreferenciación para calcular rutas de aproximación de manera que se programen las solicitudes de manera automática. Para desarrollar el presente proyecto se ha hecho uso del framework Zachman para el análisis del negocio, notación del lenguaje BPMN 2.0 para el análisis del proceso seleccionado y arquitectura basada en el modelo 4C para el diseño de la arquitectura de la solución. / The current context in which companies are developing has prompted them to rethink their strategies and focus on offering quality services to customers, who need to be provided with mechanisms that allow them to carry out processes in an automated and safe way, and also within their organizations. The purpose is that the response and attention times to the needs that arise in the market meet the growing demand. The use of information technologies such as web portals, georeferencing and emerging technologies, such as cloud computing, that provide security and confidentiality of data should no longer need to have a large-scale infrastructure to automate the processes of a certain organization. The purpose of this project is to carry out an analysis and design of a system for the management of field technical service programming in the company SERFAC S.A.C. The proposed solution contemplates the use of Amazon Web Service as an architecture proposal and georeferencing to calculate approach routes in order to schedule the requests automatically. For developing this project, the Zachman framework has been used for business analysis, BPMN 2.0 language notation has been used for the analysis of the selected process and architecture based on the 4C model has also been used for the design of the solution architecture. / Tesis

Automatización en el transporte, clasificación y disposición final de residuos peligrosos mediante la utilización de IoT / Automation in the transport, classification and final disposal of hazardous waste through the use of IoT

Anaya Avila, Pedro Antonio, Cornejo Acosta, Jose Felix 12 May 2021 (has links)
El presente proyecto profesional tiene como meta mostrar la posibilidad de poder automatizar y optimizar el proceso de Recolección, Transporte y Disposición Final de Residuos Peligrosos de PETRAMAS mediante la implementación de IoT (Internet of Things). En la actualidad, en el campo de la tecnología de información se han desarrollado diversos servicios y dispositivos que permiten automatizar procesos que hasta hace un par de años no era factible. Es en este escenario, que se busca la utilización de una solución Web basada en IoT que pueda ser utilizada por los operadores de la organización con la finalidad de poder gestionar los contenedores de residuos y utilizar los datos para generar información relevante para la mejora del proceso. Para lograr el desarrollo del proyecto se han generado diferentes etapas que han permitido realizar un levantamiento de información y generar una propuesta de solución para la organización. En primer lugar, mediante el framework de Zachman se puede conocer la arquitectura empresarial de PETRAMAS que a su vez ayuda a identificar los procesos críticos, definición de objetivos e indicadores que permitirán conocer la aplicación de las mejoras a implementar. En segundo lugar, se tuvo que trabajar sobre un marco teórico que ayuda a entender las herramientas, framework, teorías, etc., que brindan sustento conceptual de lo que se busca como objetivo del proyecto. En tercer lugar, se aplicaron conocimientos de ingeniería para poder hacer un levantamiento de requerimientos e identificar los requisitos del sistema que permiten darle forma y fundamento a las decisiones de diseño, drivers, tácticas y estilos de arquitectura tomadas. Finalmente, para llevar una adecuada gestión de proyectos, se ha seguido la guía de buenas prácticas del PMBOK en su sexta Edición. Esta guía permite visualizar el avance que ha tenido el proyecto y deja en evidencia los pasos a seguir para la implementación del mismo. / The aim of this professional project is to show, through the implementation of the Internet of Things, the possibility of being able to automate and optimize the process of Collection, Transport and Final Disposal of Hazardous Waste in PETRAMAS. At present, in the field of information technology, various services and devices have been developed that cause automation to be generated at various levels, allowing data to be captured in real time that was not taken into account until now. In this case, the use of a solution on the Web is sought that can be used by the operators of the organization in order to be able to manage the waste containers and use the data to generate relevant information for the improvement of the process. To achieve the development of the project, different stages have been generated that have made it possible to collect information and generate a solution proposal for the organization. In the first place, through the Zachman framework, it is possible to know the PETRAMAS business architecture, which in turn helps to identify critical processes, definition of objectives and indicators that will allow knowing the application of the improvements to be implemented. Second, it was necessary to work on a theoretical framework that helps to understand the tools, frameworks, theories, etc., that provide conceptual support for what is sought as the objective of the project. Third, engineering knowledge was applied to be able to make a requirements survey and identify the system requirements that allow giving shape and foundation to the design decisions, drivers, tactics and architectural styles taken. Finally, in order to carry out adequate project management, the PMBOK good practice guide in its sixth Edition has been followed. This guide allows you to visualize the progress that the project has had and highlights the steps to follow for its implementation. / Tesis

A Models@run.time Approach for Multi-objective Self-optimizing Software

Götz, Sebastian, Kühn, Thomas, Piechnick, Christian, Püschel, Georg, Aßmann, Uwe 05 July 2021 (has links)
This paper presents an approach to operate multi-objective self-optimizing software systems based on the models@run.time paradigm. In contrast to existing approaches, which are usually specific to a single or selected set of objectives (e.g., performance and/or reliability), the presented approach is generic in that it allows the software architect to model the relevant concerns of interest to self-optimization. At runtime, these models are interpreted and used to generate optimization problems. To evaluate the applicability of the approach, a scalability analysis is provided, showing the approach’s feasibility for at least two objectives.

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