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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Contribution au développement d'une nouvelle technologie de séchage solaire: application à la mangue

Heilporn, Caroline 20 June 2013 (has links)
Le séchage de denrées alimentaires est une filière clé de la transformation des aliments, tant dans nos pays que dans les pays en voie de développement. Cette opération, largement utilisée dans l’industrie agro-alimentaire, permet d’augmenter significativement la durée et la diversité d’utilisation de nombreux aliments. Néanmoins, au cours d’une opération de séchage, l’élévation de la température et l’exposition à des débits d’air importants peuvent entraîner des altérations biologiques, chimiques et mécaniques du produit. La méthode, les conditions et le temps de séchage sont donc des facteurs influençant directement la qualité des produits séchés et doivent donc être bien contrôlés.<p><p>Dans ce travail de thèse, nous nous intéressons au séchage de tranches de mangues. L’ob- jectif principal est de contribuer au développement d’une nouvelle technologie de séchage, adaptée aux pays en voie de développement et fonctionnant entièrement à l’énergie solaire. Cette nouvelle technologie a pour but d’améliorer la qualité du séchage et la productivité des séchoirs.<p><p>D’après les techniques traditionnelles de séchage présentées dans la littérature, nous choi- sissons la structure générale qu’aura la nouvelle technologie de séchage :un capteur solaire couplé à une tour de séchage, alimentée en air par des ventilateurs placés à l’entrée du capteur solaire et reliés à un panneau photovoltaïque. Cette technologie fonctionne en mode indirect :les zones de chauffe de l’air et de séchage sont différentes. Les tranches de mangues à sécher sont placées sur des plateaux dans la tour de séchage et l’écoulement de l’air se fait perpen- diculairement à ces plateaux. Nous avons l’idée originale d’ajouter des éponges et un grillage métalliques afin d’augmenter les transferts de chaleur à l’intérieur du capteur solaire.<p><p>Un premier prototype de cette nouvelle technologie est dimensionné, sur base de l’expres- sion de bilans de matière et d’énergie. Un cahier des charges doit être rempli, notamment en termes de temps de séchage, de température de l’air sortant du capteur, d’humidité finale des mangues séchées et de masse de mangues fraîches à sécher.<p><p>D’après l’étude de ce prototype, imaginé et construit en collaboration avec la société Solvay, nous développons, pour la nouvelle technologie de séchage, un modèle du capteur solaire et un modèle de l’écoulement de l’air au sein de cette technologie. Le modèle du capteur solaire est utilisé pour déterminer le coefficient de transfert de chaleur par convection entre l’air au sein du capteur et ses parois. Nous montrons que ce coefficient est très élevé, à tel point qu’il est indissociable de celui qu’aurait un capteur idéal. Les performances du capteur solaire sont donc très bonnes. Nous montrons qu’elles sont particulièrement améliorées par l’ajout des éponges et du grillage métalliques dans le capteur. Le modèle de l’écoulement de l’air décrit le lien entre la puissance fournie à l’air et le débit d’air qui circule dans le séchoir. Nous l’utilisons pour déterminer le coefficient de perte de charges d’un plateau chargé de mangues.<p><p>A plus petite échelle, nous étudions la vitesse de séchage d’une tranche de mangue, au sein d’un petit séchoir disponible au laboratoire TIPs de l’ULB. Plusieurs expériences de séchage y sont réalisées dans des conditions bien contrôlées. D’après ces essais, nous développons un modèle mathématique original de la vitesse de séchage d’une tranche de mangue qui nous permet de prédire la vitesse de séchage de tranches de mangues dans des conditions opératoires données. Une très bonne correspondance est obtenue entre les simulations du modèle et les résultats expérimentaux. Il peut donc être utilisé pour prédire la vitesse de séchage de tranches de mangues pour une large gamme de conditions opératoires.<p><p>Ce modèle est couplé à des bilans de matière et d’énergie, relatifs à la tour de séchage. Nous obtenons dès lors un modèle de fonctionnement de la tour de séchage de la nouvelle technologie.<p><p>L’ensemble des modèles développés pour caractériser le fonctionnement du capteur solaire, l’écoulement de l’air dans la technologie de séchage et le fonctionnement de la tour de séchage sont alors combinés pour obtenir un modèle complet de fonctionnement de la nouvelle tech- nologie de séchage. Ce modèle est validé et le fonctionnement de cette nouvelle technologie est optimisé par l’ajout d’une phase de permutation des plateaux après la moitié du temps de séchage. Ce modèle complet de la technologie de séchage est alors utilisé pour dimensionner des séchoirs de terrain pour une période donnée de l’année, en un endroit donné.<p><p>Nous terminons ce travail de thèse en présentant une comparaison entre un séchoir de terrain de la nouvelle technologie et un séchoir Atesta, qui est la technologie traditionnelle de séchage de mangues la plus répandue en Afrique de l’Ouest. Nous concluons que la quantité d’eau évaporée par unité de temps est bien supérieure pour le séchoir de terrain que pour l’Atesta. Le coût de fonctionnement d’un séchoir de terrain est plus faible que celui d’un séchoir Atesta car le séchoir de terrain fonctionne entièrement à l’énergie solaire et non pas au gaz, comme c’est le cas pour le séchoir Atesta. La qualité des mangues séchées obtenues dans un séchoir de terrain est supérieure à celle obtenue dans un séchoir Atesta car il n’y a pas de contact avec les gaz brûlés et la convection de l’air y est forcée. Néanmoins, l’encombrement au sol des séchoirs de terrain reste un point négatif en comparaison avec le séchoir Atesta du fait de la grande taille du capteur solaire. / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Contribution au séchage solaire des produits carnés : Modélisation et réalisation d'un séchoir adapté aux pays tropicaux. / Contribution to solar drying of meat products : Modeling and manufacturing of a solar dryer suitable for tropical countries.

Tom, Ahmat 10 July 2015 (has links)
La présente étude porte sur la modélisation à l'échelle du produit, puis à l'échelle du procédé, des transferts de chaleur et de matière, au cours du séchage solaire de viande de bœuf, et entre ce produit et son environnement. A l'échelle du produit, les isothermes de désorption et cinétiques de séchage de la viande de bœuf sont déterminées expérimentalement, puis modélisées afin de caractériser la viande sur le plan hygroscopique et de prédire son comportement au cours du séchage. L'étude et la modélisation du comportement hygroscopique permet de passer à une échelle du procédé par la mise en place d'un modèle de séchage solaire de la viande de bœuf adapté à un séchoir solaire, conçu et réalisé pour le séchage des produits carnés dans un contexte tropical (séchoir solaire de Kilichi). Le modèle est validé par des essais expérimentaux menés dans un contexte tropical (N'Gaoundéré-Cameroun). L'impact du séchage solaire sur la qualité du produit est étudié à travers des analyses microbiologiques et biochimiques effectuées sur des échantillons de viande de bœuf séchés, à l'échelle du laboratoire, dans un séchoir solaire conçu et réalisé pour une bonne maitrise des paramètres de séchage solaire. Les analyses microbiologiques montrent que l'impact du rayonnement solaire sur la destruction des microorganismes est plus significatif que celui de la température de séchage. Les analyses biochimiques montrent que le séchage induit une forte oxydation des lipides mais n'a pas d'impact sur la teneur en lipide de la viande. / This study deals with the modeling of heat and mass transfers during solar drying of beef, and between this product and its environment, at the scale of the product and thereafter at the scale of the process. At the scale of the product, desorption isotherm and drying kinetics of fresh beef were determined and modeled to characterize and predict the hygroscopic behavior of the beef during its drying. At the scale of the process, we proposed a model of solar drying of beef, adapted to a solar dryer that was designed and manufactured for the solar drying of beef in tropical environment (Solar dryer of Kilichi). This model was validated by experimental tests conducted in situ, in a tropical country (Cameroon- N'gaoundéré). The impact of solar drying on the quality of the product was investigated through microbiological and biochemical analyzes conducted on beef samples, dried at the laboratory with a solar dryer that was designed and manufactured to obtain a good control of solar drying parameters. These analyzes showed that the impact of solar radiation on the destruction of microorganisms is more significant than that of the drying temperature. Biochemical analysis showed that drying induces a severe lipid oxidation but has no impact on the lipid content of the meat.

Produção de passas de talo de abacaxi pérola por processo osmo-solar

Falcao Filho, Ronaldo dos Santos 27 September 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-17T14:49:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 1368291 bytes, checksum: c9504d31896cd49c514d45cee104f03b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-09-27 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The objective of the present work was to produce pineapple stem raisin by means of osmo-solar drying. The raw material was selected taking into account parameters such as: color of the rind and level of soluble solids from the fruits. A type 23 factorial design was preceded with 4 repetitions at the central point, for further optimization of the osmotic dehydration using the methodology of surface responses. The partially dry product obtained from the osmotic dehydration, utilizing as conditions the ones from the planning, passed through complementary sun drying by means of a solar drier, build with assessable materials such as joined wood, aluminum plates, glass boards, matte black paint, Styrofoam and coal. The raw material, the product partially dehydrated and the final product had their compositions analyzed. The evaluation of the dimensions of the pineapples showed little variation, with a CV < 10%, an important factor for the standardization and control of the industrial processes. The raw material also presented a high level of soluble solids and low level of acidity, proving the analyzed pineapple useful for in natura consumption and for the industrial processing of several products, among them alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. Furthermore, the raw material has proven to be an excellent source of vitamin C, with a concentration of such nutrient higher than what is daily recommend according to legislation. The adopted linear factors have presented themselves to be adequate, they were fairly adjusted and predictive for the loss of (PA) and weight loss (PP) and fairly adjusted and predictive to gain of solids and gain of solid-loss of water ratio (GS:PA). Analyzing the level curves and surface of answer of the optimization parameters GS:PA, built from the statistical models, it was determined the ideal conditions of osmotic dehydration which were: T = 50 ºC, C = 40 g 100 g-1 and F:SO= 3:20. In evaluation, the Sun dryer presented and average temperature of 41.2 ºC against 35.7 ºC of natural air and maximum temperature of 46 ºC, besides the minimal relative air humidity of 37%. The product obtained after the draught presented humidity of 13.70 g 100 g-1 obeying the legislation concerning the maximum levels of humidity for dehydrated fruit. / O objetivo deste trabalho foi produzir passas de talo de abacaxi pérola por processo de secagem combinado osmo-solar. Selecionou-se a matéria-prima levando em consideração parâmetros como: cor da casca e teor de sólidos solúveis da fruta. Procedeu-se um planejamento fatorial do tipo 23 com 4 repetições no ponto central, para posterior otimização de desidratação osmótica usando a metodologia de superfícies de resposta. O produto parcialmente seco obtido a partir da desidratação osmótica, utilizando-se como condições às obtidas no planejamento, passou por secagem solar complementar em secador solar, construído com materiais acessíveis, tais como: madeira compensada, folhas de alumínio, placas de vidro, esmalte sintético preto fosco, isopor e carvão. A matéria-prima, o produto parcialmente desidratação e o produto final, tiveram a sua composição analisada. A avaliação das dimensões dos abacaxis mostrou pequena variação, com CV < 10%, fator importante para a padronização e controle de processos industriais. A matériaprima ainda apresentou alto teor de sólidos solúveis e baixo teor de acidez, fazendo o abacaxi analisado propício para o consumo in natura e para o processamento industrial de diversos produtos, entre eles: bebidas alcoólicas e não-alcoólicas. Além disso, a matéria-prima mostrou-se excelente fonte de vitamina C, com concentração deste nutriente superior à sua recomendação diária, preconizada pela legislação. Os modelos lineares adotados apresentaram-se adequados, sendo bastante ajustados e preditivos para a perda de água (PA) e perda de peso (PP) e razoavelmente ajustados e preditivos para o ganho de sólidos e razão ganho de sólidos-perda de água (GS:PA). Analisando-se as curvas de nível e superfície de resposta do parâmetro de otimização GS:PA, construídos a partir dos modelos estatísticos, determinaram-se as condições ideais de desidratação osmótica que foram: T = 50 ºC, C = 40 g 100 g-1 e F:SO= 3:20. Em avaliação, o secador solar apresentou temperatura média de 41,2 ºC contra 35,7 ºC do ar ambiente e temperatura máxima de 46 ºC, além de umidade relativa mínima do ar secagem de 37%. O produto obtido após a secagem apresentou umidade de 13,70 g 100 g-1 atendendo o a legislação quanto ao teor máximo de umidade para fruta desidratada.


Stangerlin, Diego Martins 06 March 2009 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This study aimed at evaluating the use of solar kiln for the drying of woods of Eucalyptus tereticornis, Eucalyptus saligna and Corymbia citriodora, as well as comparing the methodology to the air drying. In order to do so, it was built a solar kiln composed basically of wood structures, roofing with a double layer of PVC plastic, sunlight internal collector system and hot air circulation system. The efficiency of the solar kiln was compared to the air drying in the following aspects: time and drying tax, variation of the environmental conditions and wood quality resulting from the drying. The three eucalyptus species used in this experiment were obtained from homogeneous stands, and the cutting of logs into planks was tangential. In the same period of drying, each species was submitted to the two drying methods, being used a load with 60 boards in each method. Results indicated that the solar kiln had been more efficient as for time and drying tax. The time of drying in solar kiln was around 2 to 5 times faster than the air drying. Although the experiments were carried out in the winter, in low insolation and solar radiation, the drying in solar kiln presented satisfactory drying taxes, similar to those ones observed in more sophisticated solar kiln all over the world. Even when the conditions were not favorable to the air drying, the solar kiln presented higher temperatures and smaller indexes of moisture content and of equilibrium. The dried wood, in solar kiln and air drying, presented good quality, and no incidences like cup or collapse were verified. Furthermore, the correct piling up and drying process provided minimization of defects like bow. Despite the major occurrences of pieces with crook in solar kiln drying, the differences among the crook arrows, in the two drying methods, were insignificant. The incidence of end checking occurred from the drying in solar kiln was smaller in relation to the air drying only for woods of Eucalyptus tereticornis. On the other hand, the incidence of surface checks followed from the drying in solar kiln was inferior in comparison to the air drying process for the wood of Corymbia citriodora and Eucalyptus saligna. / O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar o uso da estufa solar para secagem das madeiras de Eucalyptus tereticornis, Eucalyptus saligna e Corymbia citriodora, bem como comparar a metodologia com a secagem ao ar livre. Para tanto, foi desenvolvido um secador solar composto basicamente de estruturas de madeira, cobertura com dupla camada de plástico PVC, sistema coletor interno de luz solar e sistema de circulação do ar aquecido. A avaliação da eficiência do secador solar foi comparada à secagem ao ar livre nos seguintes aspectos: tempo e taxa de secagem, variação das condições ambientais e qualidade da madeira resultante da secagem. As três espécies de eucalipto utilizadas nesse experimento foram obtidas em povoamentos homogêneos, sendo o desdobro realizado por meio de cortes tangenciais. Cada espécie foi submetida, no mesmo período, aos dois métodos de secagem, utilizando-se uma carga com 60 tábuas em cada método. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que a estufa solar foi mais eficiente quanto ao tempo e à taxa de secagem. Os tempos de secagem em estufa solar foram em torno de 2 a 5 vezes menores que a secagem ao ar livre. Apesar dos ensaios terem sido realizados durante o inverno, com baixa insolação e radiação solar, a secagem em estufa solar apresentou taxas de secagem satisfatórias, semelhantes às observadas em secadores solares mais sofisticados espalhados pelo mundo. Mesmo quando as condições não eram propícias à secagem ao ar livre, a estufa solar apresentou maiores temperaturas e menores índices de umidade relativa do ar e de equilíbrio. A madeira seca, tanto na estufa solar quanto ao ar livre, apresentou boa qualidade, não sendo verificada a incidência de defeitos como encanoamento e colapso. Além disso, o adequado processo de empilhamento e secagem proporcionou minimização dos defeitos do tipo encurvamento. Apesar da maior ocorrência de peças arqueadas na secagem em estufa solar, a diferença entre as flechas de arqueamento, nos dois métodos de secagem, foi mínima. A incidência de rachaduras de topo resultantes da secagem em estufa solar foi inferior em relação ao ar livre apenas para a madeira de Eucalyptus tereticornis. Já a incidência de rachaduras superficiais resultantes da secagem em estufa solar foi inferior em comparação ao processo ao ar livre para as madeiras de Corymbia citriodora e Eucalyptus saligna.

Desenvolvimento de um sistema automatizado para medir a variação de massa na câmara de secagem de um secador solar de frutas. / Development of an automated system to measure the mass variation in the drying chamber of a solar fruit dryer.

TRAJANO, Tarcisio Oliveira. 10 April 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Lucienne Costa (lucienneferreira@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-04-10T19:01:23Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TARCISIO OLIVEIRA TRAJANO – DISSERTAÇÃO (PPGEM) 2017.pdf: 2697792 bytes, checksum: 3b2e76dd99d5771faa121f9c71b64ab6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-10T19:01:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TARCISIO OLIVEIRA TRAJANO – DISSERTAÇÃO (PPGEM) 2017.pdf: 2697792 bytes, checksum: 3b2e76dd99d5771faa121f9c71b64ab6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-09-01 / Automatizar o processo de medição da variação de massa do produto em um secador solar é um avanço em relação ao procedimento atualmente utilizado que é manual. O objetivo deste trabalho é desenvolver essa automatização utilizando tecnologia apropriada para ser incorporada ao secador solar em desenvolvimento na Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG). Esses secadores precisam ser simples e de baixo custo para serem utilizados pelo ambiente da agricultura familiar. O processo utilizado consistiu na construção e teste de um protótipo de uma câmara de secagem com forma retangular, de dimensões 32,2 x 43,0 x 34,0 cm, acoplado ao coletor solar. No sistema de medição automatizado foi utilizado uma balança com bandeja em tela de alumínio, de dimensões 37,0 x 21,0 x 6,0 cm, fixada por uma haste de madeira a uma célula de carga, tipo extensômetro de folha, que envia sinais de tensão, proporcionais à variação de massa do produto que esta sendo seco, a uma plataforma de aquisição de dados com Arduino UNO integrada ao equipamento. A célula de carga fixada a bandeja foi instalada dentro e, num experimento seguinte, fora da câmara de secagem. O sistema de aquisição e tratamento de dados também foi instalado na parte externa da câmara de secagem. Foram realizados testes preliminares de medição com a utilização de lâmpadas halógenas, e os resultados obtidos mostraram temperaturas, no interior da câmara, de aproximadamente 45°C ±5ºC, utilizando um peso padrão de 100g. Os resultados obtidos durante a secagem da banana prata (Musa spp), permitiram a construção das curvas de variação de massa de banana e a curva de cinética de secagem. Também foram obtidas as curvas que mostram a variação da temperatura do ar de secagem no interior da câmara. Essa temperatura ficou na faixa de 30ºC a 40ºC, abaixo do esperado que era de 50°C ±10ºC. Por isso a banana atingiu apenas o valor de 44% de teor de umidade em base úmida, acima dos 25% que noBrasil é o máximo para que a banana seca seja considerada banana passa. Foram observadas interferências indesejáveis durante o processo de medição automatizada, as estratégias utilizadas (filtros) para reduzir as interferências não foram suficientes para reduzi-las totalmente e seguirão sendo estudadas em trabalhos futuros. / Automating the process of measuring the mass variation of the product in a solar dryer is an advance over the currently used procedure which is manual. The objective of this work is to develop this automation using appropriate technology to be incorporated into the developing solar dryer at the Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG). These dryers need to be simple and inexpensive to be used by the family farming environment. The process used consisted in the construction and testing of a prototype of a drying chamber with rectangular shape, dimensions 32.2 x 43.0 x 34.0 cm, coupled to the solar collector. In the automated measurement system, a scale was used with aluminum tray, measuring 37.0 x 21.0 x 6.0 cm, fixed by a wooden rod to a load cell, type extensometer of sheet, which sends voltage signals, proportional to the mass variation of the product being dried, to a data acquisition platform with Arduino UNO integrated to the equipment. The loading cell attached to the tray was installed inside and, in a subsequent experiment, outside the drying chamber. The data acquisition and processing system was also installed on the outside of the drying chamber. Preliminary measurement tests were carried out with the use of halogen lamps, and the results obtained showed temperatures within the chamber of approximately 45°C ± 5°C, using a standard weight of 100 g. The results obtained during the drying of the silver banana (Musa spp) allowed the construction of the banana mass variation curves and the drying kinetic curve. Curves showing the temperature of the drying air inside the chamber were also obtained. This temperature was in the range of 30°C to 40°C, below that expected to be 50°C ± 10°C as a consequence of the low intensity of solar radiation on the days of experiment. Therefore the banana reached only the value of 44% moisture content on wet basis, above the desirable 25%. Undesirable interferences were observed during the automated measurement process, the strategies used (filters) to reduce interferences were not enough to reduce them completely and will continue to be studied in future works.

Estudo da viabilidade de uso de secadores solares fabricados com sucatas de lumin?rias

Barbosa, Jos? Rui Peres 12 August 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:58:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JoseRPB_DISSERT.pdf: 3992412 bytes, checksum: 03a06a20a80d78d9333251f67d7e1218 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-08-12 / It presents a direct exposure to solar dryer for drying of food, built from a scrap of luminaire. The dryer works under direct exposure to natural circulation. Will be presented their methods of construction and assembly of that dryer that allows the reuse of materials, constituting a environmentally correct recycling dryer main features proposed are its low cost and simple manufacturing processes and assembly. Test results will be presented for the drying of foods that prove the feasibility and cost of thermal solar drying alternative system proposed. It is worth emphasizing the social importance that such application is for the most excluded since the value-added fruits, vegetables, legumes and other foods in relation to fresh may represent an option of income generation. It will also study the transformation of some of dry food meal and demonstrated that the drying times for the foods tested are competitive and sometimes pointed in the solar literature / Apresenta-se um secador solar de exposi??o direta para a secagem de alimentos, constru?do a partir de uma sucata de lumin?ria. O secador de exposi??o direta trabalha em regime de circula??o natural. Ser?o apresentados seus processos de constru??o e montagem desse secador que permite a reutiliza??o de materiais, constituindo-se numa op??o ambientalmente correta de reciclagem As principais caracter?sticas do secador proposto s?o seu baixo custo e simples processos de fabrica??o e montagem. Ser?o apresentados resultados de testes para a secagem de alimentos que atestam as viabilidades t?rmica e econ?mica do sistema alternativo de secagem solar proposto. Ressalte-se a import?ncia social que tal aplica??o representa para a popula??o mais exclu?da uma vez que o valor agregado a frutas, verduras, leguminosas e outros tipos de alimentos em rela??o ao in natura pode representar uma op??o de gera??o de renda. Ser? tamb?m estudado o processo de transforma??o de alguns dos alimentos secos em farinhas e demonstrado que os tempos de secagem para os alimentos testados s?o competitivos e ?s vezes com os apontados pela literatura solar

Contribution à l'étude des performances d'un séchoir serre avec stockage de chaleur dans des matériaux à changement de phase. / A study on thermal performance of a solar greenhouse dryer with heat storage in phase change materials

Aumporn, Orawan 07 December 2017 (has links)
Ce travail concerne une étude numérique des performances thermiques d’un séchoir- serre équipé d’une unité de stockage de chaleur solaire dans des matériaux à changement de phase (MCPs). L'unité de stockage de chaleur solaire, placée sous le sol de la serre, est composée d’une couche de MCPs (paraffine) disposée entre une plaque en acier et une couche de béton. L'écoulement de l'air asséchant se déroule par convection forcée et le produit disposé sur les claies du séchoir est la banane (Bananas Musa ABB CV. Kluai "Namwa"). Les équations de transfert de chaleur dans la serre, basées sur la méthode nodale, sont déduites d'un bilan thermique établi pour les différents composants du séchoir-serre. Les transferts de chaleur dans les couches de MCPs et de béton sont décrits respectivement par le modèle enthalpique et l'équation de la conduction. Le modèle de cinétique de séchage de la banane est celui d’Oswin modifié. Les équations de transferts sont résolues par une méthode implicite aux différences finies et les algorithmes de Gauss et de Thomas. Nous analysons l'influence du débit d'air asséchant et de l’irradiation solaire sur les distributions spatio-temporelles des températures des composants de la serre et de l'unité de stockage, la durée de séchage, les efficacités thermiques du séchoir-serre et de l'unité de stockage d'énergie. Cette modélisation est complétée par des simulations du fonctionnement du séchoir serre-unité de stockage de chaleur en utilisant la notion de journée type et les données météorologiques de Nakorn Pathom (Thaïlande) et par une analyse de faisabilité technico-économique. Les résultats montrent notamment que l’unité de stockage de chaleur contribue à la réduction de la durée de séchage et augmente les performances thermiques du séchoir et l’unité de stockage. / This work is about a numerical study of the thermal behavior of a solar greenhouse dryer and a heat storage unit in phase change materials (PCMs). The heat storage unit containing of PCMs (paraffin) is disposed between a metal plate and a concrete layer and placed under the floor of the greenhouse. The air drying flows along the greenhouse by forced convection and the products placed on the dryer's rack is bananas (Bananas Musa ABB CV Kluai "Namwa"). The heat transfer equations in the greenhouse are based on the nodal method and deduced from a thermal balance on the different components of the solar greenhouse dryer. The heat transfers in the PCMs and the concrete slab are described by the enthalpy method and the conduction equation, respectively. The banana drying kinetic is described by the model modified of Oswin. Transfer equations are solved using an implicit finite difference method associated to Gauss and Thomas algorithms. We analyze the effects of the air drying volumetric flow rate and the solar irradiance on the temperature distribution of the greenhouse dryer and the heat storage unit, the drying time, the solar greenhouse dryer and heat storage unit efficiencies. This modeling is complemented by simulations of the solar greenhouse dryer with the heat storage unit using the day type and the meteorological data of Nakorn Pathom (Thailand) and by an economic analysis. The results show that the heat storage unit provides the reduction of the drying time and increases the thermal performances of the solar greenhouse dryer and the heat storage unit.


Diana M Ramirez Gutierrez (8158146) 20 December 2019 (has links)
<div>The overall goal of this thesis was to study the performance of two related portable multipurpose solar dryers, DehytrayTM and DehymeleonTM, in comparison to open-air sun drying by drying tomatoes, apples and mint under West Lafayette, Indiana weather conditions. Thin layer drying tests were conducted on tomato slices, apples slices and mint leaves, with three temperatures [24°C (75°F), 35°C (95°F) and 54 °C (130°F)], and an airflow velocity of 1 m/s to determine the drying kinetics of these products during diurnal drying cycles typical for solar and/or open-air sun drying. Subsequently, field drying tests were conducted for tomatoes slices, apples slices and mint leaves with the two solar drying technologies (DehymeleonTM and DehytrayTM) and open-air sun drying using uncovered Dehytrays as the control. The average temperatures achieved for these technologies were 45°C (113°F), 60°C (140 °F) and 27°C (80.6 °F) for the DehymeleonTM, DehytrayTM and open-air sun drying, respectively. Moisture diffusivity were in the order of 10-4 to 10-9 (m2/s) for the different methods, depending directly on the product, temperatures and air flow inside the drying chamber.</div><div><br></div><div>Quality attributes (color, vitamin C and microbial growth) were measured before and after the field drying tests. Color difference (ΔE) for DehymeleonTM solar dryer showed the least variation compared with the fresh products. However, for the DehytrayTM ΔE increased due to the impact of its higher temperature and direct sunlight exposure that led to Maillard reactions and caramelization in the case of tomatoes and apples slices. Additionally, vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) content for tomatoes and apples slices was affected for the high ranges of temperatures reached inside the Dehytray™. Denaturing of vitamin C was less observed for DehymeleonTM, maintaining values of 166 mg/100 g dm for tomatoes, and 104.2mg/100g for apples slices. There was no significant difference (α = 0.05) in the microbial growth for the DehytrayTM and open-air drying compared to the fresh product, however, there was significant difference for the DehymeleonTM when drying tomatoes and apples slices, without up one log reduction on the original microbial population. In the case of mint, DehymeleonTM had a 2.3 log reduction, which is similar to L-lactic acid sanitizer achieved by another study in the literature, compared with 0.4 log obtained by the DehytrayTM and 0.47 log obtained by open-air sun drying. The differences in microbial growth were observed because the temperatures inside the drying chamber of the DehymeleonTM was low and product moisture content was above the safe equilibrium moisture content (EMC) for both tomatoes and apples during the early critical hours at the onset of the drying process, which was favorable to mold growth. The lack of a fan to intermittently or constantly flush out humid air released from the crop dried in the DehytrayTM negatively affected its performance. The insufficient airflow in the drying chamber of the DehymeleonTM and its inability to achieve the high temperatures observed in the DehytrayTM negatively affected its performance. Both solar dryers, DehymeleonTM and DehytrayTM achieved high hygienic condition during drying due to their enclosed chambers than protected the crop from contaminant in the environments. Their portability and design for large-scale manufacturing and deployment are a positive development that would be helpful to small and mid-size growers, as well as households (home gardens). Areas for further research were highlighted.</div><div><br></div><div><br></div>

Sušení čistírenských kalů solární energií / Drying of sewage sludge using solar energy

Prášek, Dalibor January 2011 (has links)
This Master’s Thesis deals with a question of the current methods of treatment of sewage sludge. The main objective is to compare the financial cost of conventional drying with solar drying. In the first part is described process of the treatment sludge and its disposal options. The Thesis also describes different methods of drying sewage sludge.

Obten??o e caracteriza??o de farinha de frutas e vegetais atrav?s do uso de um sistema de secagem solar de baixo custo

Costa, Jo?o Batista Sousa 27 August 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:58:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JoaoBSC_DISSERT_1-40.pdf: 4020421 bytes, checksum: 0d899aaf278ef09b1ceedc1d8064ebc4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-08-27 / In this work a solar drying system for food dehydration was developed. It is a direct exposition drying apparatus that uses solar energy to heat the circulating air. First, the construction and assembly of this apparatus was described, in which was used scrap wraps of used tires for thermal insulation, allowing the reuse of solid waste, being an ecologically correct recycling option. After, the results obtained in experiments for cashew drying showed the thermal and economical feasibility of the proposed solar drying system, focusing on the process of flour production and in its chemical characterization. It was also demonstrated the social importance of this production for socially excluded people, since the value added to this fruit, in relation to its in nature form, may represent an option for job and income generation. The main features of the proposed dryer are its low cost and its easy fabrication and assembly process. After cashew drying, the obtained product was processed into flour by using a knife mill and it was added crushed rapadura to reduce the rancid taste caused by tannin / Apresenta-se um sistema de secagem solar para a desidrata??o de alimentos utilizando um secador de exposi??o direta que trabalha em regime de circula??o natural. Abordam-se os processos de constru??o e montagem desse secador que utiliza isolante t?rmico de raspa de pneu, permitindo a reutiliza??o de materiais, constituindo-se numa op??o ambientalmente correta de reciclagem. O trabalho apresenta resultados de testes realizados para a secagem do caju que atestam as viabilidades t?rmicas e econ?micas do sistema de secagem solar proposto enfocando o processo de produ??o da farinha e an?lises qu?micas para caracteriz?-la. Ser? tamb?m demonstrada a import?ncia social que essa produ??o representa para a popula??o mais exclu?da uma vez que o valor agregado a essa fruta, em rela??o ao in natura, pode representar uma op??o de gera??o de emprego e renda. As principais caracter?sticas do secador proposto s?o seu baixo custo e simples processo de fabrica??o e montagem. Ap?s seco o caju foi transformado em farinha por meio de um moinho de faca, e posteriormente, foi adicionada rapadura triturada para amenizar o sabor ran?oso provocado pelo tanino

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