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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stockage thermique de protection à chaleur latente intégré à un récepteur solaire à air pressurisé / Thermal storage latent heat protection integrated solar receiver UN pressurized air

Verdier-Gorcias, David 29 January 2016 (has links)
Le récepteur d’une centrale solaire à tour est l’élément clé de la conversion du rayonnement en chaleur. Dans le cadre de la thèse, il s’agit d’un récepteur métallique dans une centrale de type HSGT (Turbine hybride solaire gaz) refroidi par air pressurisé. En condition normale de fonctionnement, le récepteur chauffe l’air de 350 à 750°C. La température de l’air en sortie chute à 400°C en moins de 15 minutes si le soleil est masqué, par un nuage par exemple. L’objectif est de maintenir la température de l’air en sortie supérieure à 600°C durant 15 minutes sans ensoleillement. Pour parvenir à cet objectif, un stockage thermique intégré au récepteur est envisagé. Parallèlement le stockage de chaleur doit prolonger la durée de vie du récepteur en lui évitant de subir d’intenses chocs thermiques. L’étude porte sur la zone la plus chaude du récepteur, atteignant 800°C. Lorsque le soleil brille (le récepteur est insolé), une partie de la chaleur est stockée dans un matériau qui passe de l’état solide à liquide. Cette chaleur est restituée au récepteur lors de la transformation inverse (liquide à solide) si le soleil est masqué. Les variations de la température du récepteur sont ainsi plus douces et le récepteur est épargné des chocs thermiques. L’utilisation d’un matériau à changement de phase tel que le carbonate de lithium (fusion à 723°C) réduit le volume et la masse du stockage installé directement à l’arrière du récepteur. Ce matériau stocke une grande quantité de chaleur sur une gamme de température peu étendue. Cependant les matériaux à changement de phase ne permettent pas de transférer la chaleur rapidement à cause de leur faible conductivité thermique. C’est la raison pour laquelle l’intensification de ces transferts est étudiée. La mise en place d’ailettes en cuivre à l’intérieur du stockage améliore les transferts de chaleur, grâce à la conductivité thermique élevée du métal. Un modèle numérique représentatif du comportement thermique du stockage est développé. Le travail de conception du stockage aboutit à la fabrication d’un banc expérimental. Les résultats obtenus sont comparés au modèle afin de le critiquer. Les conclusions permettent d’envisager la conception d’un stockage thermique de protection à l’échelle du récepteur. / The thesis deals with the problem of thermal inertia and life time of the solar receiver of a Concentrated Solar Power tower plant. A specific attention is paid to the situation of HSGT (Hybridized Solar Gas Turbine) systems using pressurized air as HTF (Heat Transfer Fluid). The intermittence of solar radiation, mainly resulting from cloudy events, causes important temperature fluctuations that contribute to the premature aging. Therefore, a Thermal Energy Storage (TES) is developed for the protection of the receiver. The design focuses on the high temperature section of the receiver. As a consequence of the elevation of temperature in this stage, the expected temperature of the receiver ranges between 600°C and 800°C. Once the receiver is no longer irradiated, the temperature of the outlet air of the receiver, which is 750°C at designed point, decreases below 400°C in less than 15 minutes. The objective is to integrate the TES into the solar receiver to maintain this air temperature higher than 600°C after 15 minutes of discharge. A low capacity TES is targeted. Besides, the storage should enhance the lifetime of the receiver during the operation, by avoiding temperature drops. A test bench is designed based on a technology using both Phase Change Material (PCM) and metallic fins in order to enhance charge and discharge power of the storage unit. The selected metal is copper, because of its great thermal conductivity. The thermal storage medium must operate in the range 600°C – 800°C. The lithium carbonate has been selected mainly because of its phase change temperature, 723°C. A numerical model is developed in order to help the design of the test bench and compare experimental results. The conclusions lead to one-scale design of the thermal storage integrated to the solar receiver.

Performance Calculations and Optimization of a Fresnel Direct Steam Generation CSP Plant with Heat Storage

Schlaifer, Perrine January 2013 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the performance calculations of a 9MW linear Fresnel CSP plant withdirect steam generation built by the Solar Division of the CNIM Company. The aim was to calculate theannual electricity production taking into account the weather conditions as well as some steam storage.At first, a steam accumulator model was developed with Excel, in order to estimate the pressureevolution in the tanks during the charging, storage and discharging processes. The data obtained withthis model was then integrated to the thermodynamic cycle model, programmed with Excel, whichcalculated the electrical power production knowing the thermal power available in the solar field. Theelectricity production calculations were made every 600 seconds during one year.To improve the results accuracy, the influence of the plant location slope was estimated, calculating theequivalent azimuth and elevation angles in a new spherical coordinates system. For an average slope of4.21° at the plant location, the annual thermal energy gain is 14.4% (with a gain up to 60% duringwinter days) and the annual electricity production is increased by 12.59%. The influence of frost on themirrors during cold and humid nights was also estimated with a simple model of the energy needed toheat up a constant layer of ice. Depending on the assumptions, the electricity production losses werebetween 1.27 and 2.84% of annual electricity production. The losses due to plant shutdowns set by theelectrical network manager RTE during the snowmelt months were also estimated. The annualelectricity production could decrease by 8.02 to 11.57 % because of the load management, dependingon the days during which the plant is shutdown.Finally, an economic optimisation was led with prices estimated by CNIM, which gave an optimal solarfield design with 31 lines and 5 steam accumulators. The payback time would then be 9.887 years.

Incentives for investing in solar plants : What motivations and obstacles does companies and housing cooperatives have to invest in a medium sized solar plant? / Investeringsincitament för solcellsanläggning : Vilka drivkrafter och hinder har företag och bostadsrättsföreningar för att investera i en medelstor solcellsanläggning?

Hultqvist, William, Strömberg, Eric January 2020 (has links)
The Swedish government has set a long-term goal which implies that Sweden's electrical production should be based on one hundred percent of renewable energy until the year of 2040, which among other things include solar cells. To involve more people into this process The Swedish Energy Agency has evaluated which different investment motivations there is. They mention that the motivations for housing cooperatives and various companies with the main purpose to produce solar energy for their own use, are hard to define. The main purpose of this thesis is to evaluate what the different motivations for investing in solar plants, for the housing cooperatives and various companies, might be. More specifically it will focus on companies and housing cooperatives as an empiric example of actors who invest in medium sized solar plants. The main purpose of the thesis leads to two different query formulations which is what are the different motivations for housing cooperatives and companies for investing in medium sized solar plants? And what might be an obstruction for housing cooperatives and companies for investing in medium sized solar plants? This thesis contributes to further evaluation of the different motivations and the obstructions there might be by interviewing companies which have installed one or more solar plants and a survey to various companies and housing cooperatives to gather the thoughts of a possible future investor. From the interviews and survey, we got the conclusion that the most important motivations are economy, technology interest and environmental awareness. Furthermore, we got to the conclusion that the time of the payback of the investment, which is a big part of the economical motivation, might be an obstruction because of the unclear preconditions for calculating the investment. Many of the involved respondents implies that this is caused by the lack of competence from the potential investors and uncertainty of the government's incentives. / Till år 2040 har regeringen satt upp ett mål som säger att Sveriges elproduktion ska vara hundra procent baserad på förnybara källor vilket bland annat innefattar solceller. För att få fler att investera har man från Energimyndighetens sida undersökt vilka drivkrafter som finns för att investera i en solcellsanläggning. De nämner att drivkrafterna hos bostadsrättsföreningar och företag med huvudsyfte att producera solenergi för egen användning är spretiga. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att utreda vilka underliggande drivkrafter företagen och bostadsrättsföreningarna har kring investering i solcellsanläggningar. Mer specifikt kommer detta arbete fokusera på företag och bostadsrättsföreningar som ett empiriskt exempel av aktörer som anlägger medelstora solcellsanläggningar. Syftet leder till två frågeformuleringar som rapporten utgår ifrån och dessa är vilka underliggande drivkrafter har företag och bostadsrättsföreningar i investering av medelstora solcellsanläggningar? Samt vilka eventuella hinder har företag och bostadsrättsföreningar i investering av medelstora solcellsanläggningar? Rapporten bidrar till att vidare undersöka drivkrafterna och eventuella hinder genom intervjuer av företag med en eller flera solcellsanläggningar installerade och en enkätundersökning till företag och bostadsrättsföreningar som eventuella framtida investerare. Dessa intervjuer och enkätfrågor har resulterat i att de största drivkrafterna verkar vara ekonomi, teknikintresse och miljömedvetenhet. Vidare tyder resultaten på att payback-tiden, som är en stor del av den ekonomiska drivkraften, kan vara ett hinder för att investera då förutsättningar för kalkylen inte är helt självklara. Många av de tillfrågade menar att det dels beror på kompetensbristen hos eventuella investerare samt otydligheter kring de politiska styrmedel som finns.

Techno-economic fesibility of a hybrid CSP (sCO2) - PV plant for hydrogen production

Perez De La Calle, Patricia January 2023 (has links)
The global need to eliminate CO2 emissions and its consequent reduction in the use of fossil fuels drives the ongoing energy transition that highly involves the research achievements of the scientific community to reach the goals of this purpose. Renewable sources like photovoltaic and wind energy, are central to this endeavor, however, the intermittency of natural resources makes it non-dispatchable and energy storage is fundamental. According to the European Roadmap [1] just a 60% of the CO2 emissions reduction goal can be achieved with available technologies and existing energy. However, the production, use and specially storage opportunities that hydrogen offers can drive non-dispatchable renewable sources to achieve its full potential by clearing up the intermittency problem as well as covering the remained 40% gap. This master's thesis aims to investigate the techno-economic feasibility of integrating a Solid Oxide Electrolyzer Cell (SOEC) into a hybrid PV-CSP(sCO2) plant. The study focuses on assessing various indicators related to electricity, energy, and hydrogen production prices. To achieve this, three different integration strategies within the hybrid PV-CSP(sCO2) plant were selected for analysis: Soec using heat from the particles coming from the receiver, soec using heat coming from the particles available in the thermal energy storage (TES) and soec recovering heat from the sCO2 power block. A sensitivity analysis was conducted on different PV sizes (MWp), battery capacities (MWh), and SOEC installed capacities (MWh) to investigate the technology's potential in the plant and determine optimal sizing of subsystems. However, the individual optimization of economic indicators presented technical and economic challenges. Scenarios allowing individual optimization of hydrogen production prices (€/kg H2) resulted in 10.9, 11.7, and 14.6 €/kg h2 for receiver, TES, and sCO2 integration strategy, respectively. These scenarios, however, require high SOEC installed capacities, leading to elevated electricity and energy production prices. On the other hand, the individual optimization of electricity and energy production prices led to better and lower results when no hydrogen production presence within the plant. However, this analysis also showed that soec capacities below 5MWh together with no installation of batteries and a new definition for calculating hydrogen production prices (LCOH) allows feasible integration of hydrogen production within the plant. LCOH(€/kg h2) results were 10.2€/kg h2, 7.6€/kg h2, and 9.4€/kg h2 for receiver, TES, and sCO2, respectively, for a soec installed capacity of 0.5MWh (119m2 size) along with energy production values not exceeding 101€/MWh. While the results present a favorable outlook for SOEC installations based on literature review data [2] [3] [4] they still face challenges when competing with the cost-efficient PEM technology, which offers 4.5-5.5€/kg H2 [5] without storage. Nonetheless, this research contributes valuable insights into the integration of SOEC technology within hybrid renewable energy systems and provides a comprehensive analysis of the techno-economic aspects related to hydrogen production following different integration strategies. The findings may inform decision-making processes and promote further advancements in sustainable energy solutions. / Det globala behovet av att eliminera CO2utsläpp och därmed minska användningen av fossila bränslen driver pågående energiomställning, som starkt involverar forskningsresultaten från vetenskapssamhället för att nå syftet med detta mål. Förnybara källor som solceller och vindkraft är centrala i detta arbete, men intermittensen hos naturliga resurser gör dem icke disponibla och energilagring är grundläggande. Enligt den europeiska vägkartan [1] kan endast 60% av målet att minska CO2-utsläppen uppnås med tillgängliga teknologier och befintlig energi. Produktionen, användningen och särskilt lagringsmöjligheterna som väte erbjuder kan emellertid driva icke-disponibla förnybara källor att nå sin fulla potential genom att lösa intermitt ensproblemet och täcka den återstående 40% klyftan. Detta examensarbete syftar till att undersöka den tekniskekonomiska genomförbarheten av att integrera en fastoxid elektrolysör (SOEC) i en hybrid PV CSP(sCO2)-anläggning. Studien fokuserar på att utvärde ra olika indikatorer relaterade till el-, energi- och vätgasproduktionspriser. För att uppnå detta har tre olika integrationsstrategier inom hybrid PV CSP(sCO2) anläggningen valts för analys: SOEC med hjälp av värme från partiklar som kommer från mottagaren, SOEC med hjälp av värme från partiklar som finns i termisk energilagring (TES) och SOEC som återvinner värme från sCO2-kraftblocket. En känslighetsanalys har genomförts för olika PVstorlekar (MWp), batterikapaciteter (MWh) och SOEC installerade kapacit eter (MWh) för att undersöka teknologins potential i anläggningen och bestämma optimal dimensionering av delsystem. Resultaten från individuell optimering av ekonomiska indikatorer ledde dock till flera tekniska och ekonomiska utmaningar. Scenarier som tillåter individuell optimering av vätgasproduktionspriser (€/kg H2) resulterade i 10, 9, 11, 7 respektive 14,6 €/kg H2 för mottagare, TES och sCO2 integrationsstrategi. Dessa scenarier kräver dock höga SOEC installerade kapaciteter, vilket leder till höga el och energipriser. Å andra sidan ledde individuell optimering av el och energiproduktionspriser till bättre och lägre resultat när ingen vätgasproduktion fanns i anläggningen. Denna analys visade också att SOEC kapaciteter under 5MWh tillsammans med ingen installation av batterier och en ny definition för beräkning av vätgasproduktionspriser (LCOH) möjliggör genomförbar integration av vätgasproduktion i anläggningen. LCOH (€/kg H2) resultaten var 10,2 €/kg h2 , 7 ,6 €/kg h2 respektive 9,4 €/kg h2 för mottagare, TES och sCO2, för en SOEC installerad kapacitet på 0,5 MWh (storlek 119m2) tillsammans med energiproduktionsvärden som inte överstiger 101 €/MWh. Medan resultaten visar en gynnsam utsikt för SOECinstallationer baserat på data från litteraturöversikter [2] [3] [4], står de ändå inför utmaningar när de konkurrerar med den kostnadseffektiva PEM teknologin, som erbjuder 4,5-5,5 €/kg H2 [5] utan lagring. Trots detta bidrar forskningen med värdefulla insikter i integrationen av SOEC teknologi i hybrid förnybara energisystem och ger en omfattande an alys av de teknisk-ekonomiska aspekterna relaterade till vätgasproduktion enligt olika integrationsstrategier. Resultaten kan informera beslutsprocesser och främja ytterligare framsteg inom hållbara energilösningar.

Ochrana zahraničních investic / Protection of Foreign Direct Investments

Savara, Zbyněk January 2011 (has links)
Key words: Foreign direct investment protection, the most favourite nation clause, international minimum standard, national treatment, renewable resource, solar plant, Energy Charter Treaty Protection of foreign investments The diploma thesis deals with the importance of foreign direct investments ("FDI") protection. In the first section of the thesis a brief description of FDI protection history is presented. This description is focused on the development of the law of FDI protection and the means of protection execution (diplomatic protection, arbitration, use of power) are described. The changes incurred in the 20th century in international relations are analysed as well. Further the thesis provides a description of different regimes applicable in the field of FDI protection. Regimes like international minimum standard, standard of national treatment and the most favoured nation clause are comprised. The third section is focused on the Czech Republic and FDI support and protection in here. This part deals with the historical development especially in last 20 years. The system of support and protection of FDI is described and the most important disputes in this field are analysed. Finally the last section of thesis is focused on a very actual topic i.e. solar energy and legislature changes in...

Avaliação do ponto de conexão de geração intermitente através de Aritmética Affine e solução da curva de carga

Altomar, Mariana Brinati 01 September 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Geandra Rodrigues (geandrar@gmail.com) on 2017-12-21T17:39:10Z No. of bitstreams: 1 marianabrinatialtomar.pdf: 5565205 bytes, checksum: aed1136ebbc66049baea19e7b7da34fb (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2017-12-22T12:17:48Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 marianabrinatialtomar.pdf: 5565205 bytes, checksum: aed1136ebbc66049baea19e7b7da34fb (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-12-22T12:17:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 marianabrinatialtomar.pdf: 5565205 bytes, checksum: aed1136ebbc66049baea19e7b7da34fb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-09-01 / A inserção de geração distribuída em sistemas de potência do mundo todo vem crescendo em ritmo acelerado nos últimos anos. Grandes investimentos em fontes limpas e renováveis, especialmente a eólica e solar, estão sendo feitos pelos países com o objetivo de minimizar os impactos ambientais causados pela geração de energia a partir de combustíveis fósseis. A conexão de uma geração distribuída utilizando fontes intermitentes pode trazer algumas vantagens para o funcionamento do sistema de distribuição, como melhora dos níveis de tensão, aumento da confiabilidade e redução de perdas elétricas. Porém, do ponto de vista do sistema de transmissão, a conexão desse tipo de geração em algumas áreas do sistema pode acabar tendo um impacto negativo em sua operação, causando variações de tensão que podem afetar alguns equipamentos da rede e aumentar a complexidade de sua operação. Além disso, deve ser avaliado seu impacto no controle de frequência de carga e controle de tensão entre outros aspectos. Desta forma, pode-se verificar que esse tipo de conexão deve ser estudado com um maior nível de profundidade. A partir deste contexto, neste trabalho serão analisados os impactos sistêmicos da conexão de uma geração solar em sistemas elétricos de potência, avaliando os níveis de perdas elétricas e variações nos níveis de tensão. Duas metodologias de solução do fluxo de potência na presença de incertezas são avaliadas. As incertezas consideradas estão nos dados de geração e também de carga do sistema. A primeira metodologia é baseada na solução do fluxo de carga determinístico sequencial ao longo da curva de carga. Para esta metodologia são consideradas curvas de carga e de geração, obtidas através do Sistema Teste de Confiabilidade IEEE24 barras e do Laboratório Solar da UFJF, respectivamente. São analisados os impactos nos níveis de perdas elétricas, assim como a variação dos níveis de tensão nas barras para diferentes situações de geração. A segunda metodologia avaliada é baseada na utilização de aritmética affine para determinação dos impactos destas incertezas. Os resultados de perdas obtidos serão tratados considerando-se o ponto médio dos intervalos para fins de comparação com outras metodologias. Os resultados das duas metodologias são comparados aos obtidos pelas Simulações de Monte Carlo, com o objetivo de serem validados. / The insertion of distributed generation into worldwide power systems has been increasing at a rapid pace in the last few years. Large investments in clean and renewable sources, especially wind and solar, are being made by countries to minimize the environmental impacts caused by fossil fuel power generation. Connecting a distributed generation using intermittent sources can bring some benefits for the operation of the distribution system, such as improved voltage levels, increased reliability and reduction of electrical losses. However, from the point of view of the transmission system, the connection of this type of generation in some areas of the system can end up having a negative impact on its operation, causing voltage variations which can affect network equipments and increase the operation complexity. In addition, impacts on the load frequency control and voltage control among other aspects must be evaluated. Thus, this type of connection must be studied with greater level of depth. In this context, the systemic impacts of the connection of a solar plant to electrical power systems, evaluating the levels of electrical losses and variations in voltage levels are analysed. Two methodologies for solving the power flow in the presence of uncertainties are evaluated. The uncertainties considered are the generation and system load data. The first methodology is based on sequential Newton power flow solutions along the load curve, in which load and generation curves obtained from the IEEE24 Bus Test System and from the UFJF Solar Laboratory, respectively. The impacts on the electrical losses are analyzed, as well as the variation on bus voltage levels in the bars for various generation conditions. The second methodology is based on the use of affine arithmetic to determine the impacts of these uncertainties. The results of losses obtained will be treated considering the average point of the intervals for comparisons with other methodologies. The results obtained from the two methods are compared with those obtained by the Monte Carlo Simulations, in order to validate them.

Tensions sur l'espace villageois contemporain : les mécanismes de prévention des conflits liés à l'implantation des parcs solaires en région Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur / Tensions into the village : mechanisms for preventing conflicts caused by the establishment of solar plants in Provence (France)

Baggioni, Vincent 06 November 2017 (has links)
Alors que la région Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (PACA) a connu des oppositions fortes à l’implantation de grandes infrastructures dans des espaces naturels au début des années 1990, le développement de parcs solaires depuis le milieu des années 2000 n’a pas suscité beaucoup de réactions conflictuelles. Pour expliquer ce contraste, l’auteur dresse un inventaire des projets et des acteurs impliqués dans la filière photovoltaïque, puis documente les processus d’élaboration de six projets particuliers en étant attentif à comment l’histoire politique de la commune, les transformations du peuplement et les expériences récentes d’aménagement du territoire viennent à être prises en compte par les acteurs impliqués dans la promotion des parcs solaires. L’analyse de ces matériaux met au jour un entrelacement de phénomènes localisés de réduction du risque conflictuel qui tiennent d’abord à la manière dont s’invente la déclinaison locale d’une politique publique nationale d’encadrement de ce secteur et aux phénomènes d’apprentissage qu’elle impose aux acteurs des entreprises solaires et des collectivités locales en quête de cadre réglementaire attractif et stable. Le fort développement des parcs solaires en PACA et la faible conflictualité qui l’accompagne expriment ainsi la façon par laquelle une injonction au développement durable vient à s’actualiser dans des territoires à faible densité de population : comme un compromis social conciliant le souci de patrimonialiser les espaces et le besoin d’équipements associés à l’expérience urbaine d’une partie de cette population. / While the Provence region experienced strong opposition to the installation of large infrastructures in natural areas in the early 1990s, the development of solar plants in the mid-2000s not aroused many conflicting reactions. To explain this contrast, the author draws up an inventory of the projects and actors involved in the photovoltaic sector. Then, he documents the processes of elaboration of six particular projects, looking at the political history of the commune, the transformations of the population and the recent experiences of spatial planning are taken into account by the actors involved in the promotion of solar plants. The analysis of these materials reveals an intertwining of local phenomena of reduction conflicting risks. In first, these are the result of the local invention of the application of a national public policy of supervision of this sector and learning that is required of the actors of solar companies and local authorities in search of an attractive and stable regulatory framework. Secondly, these phenomena refer to the discussion spaces that are activated at the municipal level to adjust projects to representations of populations, whether in the office of the mayor, before the municipal council or at a public meeting. The strong development of solar plants in Provence and the low level of conflictuality observed thus express the way in which the injunction to sustainable development is actualized in territories with a low population density: as a social compromise conciliating space heritage and need for equipment due to the urban experience of part of this population.

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