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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Technical, Microbial, and Economic Study on Thermophilic Solid-state Anaerobic Digestion of Lignocellulosic Biomass

Lin, Long January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Diseño de trituradora 10 ton/día alimentada por energía solar fotovoltaica para reducir el tamaño de residuos sólidos de PET

Jara Tapia, Fidel Brallan January 2023 (has links)
Actualmente el Perú registra un valor de aproximadamente siete millones de toneladas por año de residuos sólidos, pero solo 683 991 toneladas son de plástico. Esto genera un gran daño al ambiente debido que este material tarda alrededor entre cien a mil años en degradarse. Por lo general, gran cantidad de toneladas son desechadas en rellenos sanitarios, calles, basurales, entre otros. Sin embargo, pueden ser aprovechadas puliendo el proceso de reciclaje de este material contaminante por medio del proceso de trituración. La presente tesis tuvo como finalidad diseñar una trituradora de 10 Ton/Día alimentada por energía solar fotovoltaica para reducir el tamaño de residuos sólidos de PET. Para evaluar la irradiación solar en el norte del Perú se usó el software RETScreen, por otra parte, el diseño de la máquina trituradora se realizó mediante una matriz morfológica y de ponderados, también se usó el software SolidWorks para el realizar el CAD y CAE. Los resultados obtenidos fueron: una irradiación igual a 5.38 kWh/m 2, flakes de PET en un intervalo de dos a treinta milímetros, el diámetro del eje igual a 65 mm con material AISI 1045 Acero estirado en frío, un motor con una potencia de 4 hp, una capacidad de trituración de 3.15 ton/h, 22 cuchillas de tres puntas a 60 grados de apertura con material AISI 1035 Acero, y un sistema fotovoltaico compuesto por 18 paneles de 330 W y 20 baterías con capacidad de 300 Ah. / Peru currently registers a value of approximately seven million tons per year of solid waste, but only 683 991 tons are plastic. This generates great damage to the environment because this material takes around a hundred to a thousand years to degrade. In general, many tons are disposed of in landfills, streets, dumps, among others. However, they can be used by polishing the recycling process of this polluting material through the grinding process. The purpose of this thesis was to design a 10 Ton/Day shredder powered by photovoltaic solar energy to reduce the size of PET solid waste. To evaluate the solar irradiation in the north of Peru, the RETScreen software was used, on the other hand, the design of the crushing machine was carried out through a morphological and weighted matrix, the SolidWorks software was also used to perform the CAD and CAE. The results obtained were: irradiation equal to 5.38 kWh/m2, PET flakes in a range from two to thirty millimeters, shaft diameter equal to 65 mm with material AISI 1045 colddrawn steel, a motor with a power of 4 hp, a shredding capacity of 3.15 ton/h, 22 threepoint blades at 60 degrees opening with AISI 1035 Steel material, and a photovoltaic system made up of 18 panels of 330 W and 20 batteries with a capacity of 300 Ah.

Propuesta metodológica basada en redes neuronales artificiales para la determinación de la gestión óptima de residuos sólidos urbanos: aplicación en las localidades de Suba y Engativá de la ciudad de Bogotá (Colombia)

Solano Meza, Johanna Karina 18 June 2021 (has links)
[ES] Dentro de las temáticas asociadas al campo de acción de la Ingeniería Ambiental se encuentra la referente a la gestión adecuada de los residuos sólidos que son generados por las comunidades. Los residuos sólidos urbanos (RSU) se han constituido en una de las problemáticas que debe ser atendida por los países de forma prioritaria, dadas las tendencias crecientes en su aumento y para los cuales se requiere la adopción de estrategias que permitan su aprovechamiento y disposición adecuada. Por tanto, las administraciones locales, regionales y nacionales deben tomar decisiones de forma eficiente para que se realice una gestión correcta de estos residuos que tenga presente las particularidades de su región. Dentro de estas particularidades se encuentra, entre otros elementos, la caracterización de la población, la cantidad de RSU generados, el clima, las mejores técnicas y tecnologías disponibles, las tendencias y políticas nacionales, la disponibilidad de recursos económicos, los planes de ordenamiento territorial, la legislación vigente y las características del servicio público de limpieza. Todos estos aspectos pueden influir dentro de la toma de decisiones para cada una de las etapas definidas dentro del proceso de gestión de este tipo de residuos. En este marco de trabajo, en esta investigación se presenta una metodología para la toma de decisiones relacionada con la gestión de residuos sólidos en grandes ciudades. La investigación se ha desarrollado tomando como referencia la ciudad de Bogotá (Colombia) y, particularmente, dos zonas de esta ciudad llamadas Engativá y Suba (denominadas "localidades" según la división administrativa de la ciudad). En estos emplazamientos se han desarrollado alternativas para la selección de estrategias que permitan la gestión de RSU más adecuada. La investigación se ha desarrollado en tres fases. En primera instancia, se han analiza-do las características de la generación de residuos en la ciudad mediante una ruta analítica que integra el análisis espacial junto con el tratamiento estadístico de datos, para evaluar y predecir su comportamiento en cada una de las zonas de Bogotá. En la segunda parte de la investigación, se realizó el análisis predictivo de la generación de estos residuos a través de tres herramientas de inteligencia artificial: árboles de decisión (Decision trees), redes neuronales artificiales (RNA) y máquinas de soporte vectorial (Support Vector Machines, MSV). Como etapa final, se realizó el planteamiento y desarrollo del modelo metodológico, incorporando tanto aspectos predictivos como variables económicas, y se analizó el comportamiento del modelo a través de redes neuronales artificiales de tipo Long Short Term Memory (LSTM), foco principal del presente trabajo. De igual forma, dentro de esta última fase se presenta también la revisión del comportamiento del modelo a través de la implementación de máquinas de soporte vectorial, como estrategia comparativa del rendimiento de las RNA frente a otros posibles modelos que pueden implementarse a este tipo de procesos. Como principal resultado obtenido de la investigación realizada, se concluye que las redes neuronales artificiales constituyen una alternativa viable para el planteamiento de modelos que incluyan todas las etapas de la gestión de los RSU de una ciudad. Por otra parte, se ha comprobado que el modelo diseñado se encuentra estructurado de forma que permite la modificación, inclusión, precisión y optimización de la informa-ción de forma permanente. Todo ello constituye una gran ventaja, ya que mejora de forma continua la eficiencia de la metodología propuesta. De este modo, la metodología propuesta puede ser aplicada en zonas determinadas de ciudades con características similares, en la medida que los países vayan estableciendo y fortaleciendo sus sistemas de información de forma confiable para así obtener datos más precisos, lo cual es un proc / [CA] Dins de les temàtiques associades al camp d'acció de l'Enginyeria Ambiental es troba la referent a la gestió adequada dels residus sòlids que són generats per les comunitats. Els residus sòlids urbans (RSU) s'han constituït en una de les problemàtiques que ha de ser atesa pels països de forma prioritària, donades les tendències creixents en el seu augment i per als quals es requereix l'adopció d'estratègies que permeten el seu aprofitament i disposició adequada . És així que les administracions locals, regionals i nacionals han de prendre decisions de manera eficient perqué es realitze una gestió correcta d'aquests residus tenint present les particularitats de la seva regió, dins de les que es poden trobar la caracterització de la població, la quantitat de RSU generats, el clima, les millors tècniques i tecnologies disponibles, les tendències i polítiques nacionals, la disponibilitat de recursos econòmics, els plans d'ordenament territorial, la legislació vigent, les característiques del servei públic de neteja, entre altres elements, els quals poden influir dins de la presa de decisions per a cadascuna de les etapes definides dins el procés de gestió d'aquest tipus de residus. És així com es presenta en aquesta investigació una metodologia per a la presa de decisions relacionada amb la gestió de residus sòlids en grans ciutats, prenent com a referència la ciutat de Bogotà (Colòmbia), i particularment dues zones d'aquesta ciutat anomenades Engativá i Suba (denominades "localitats" segons la divisió administrativa de la ciutat), com una alternativa per a la selecció de la millor estratègia que permeta l'adequada gestió de RSU d'aquesta regió. En primera instancia, s'analitza el comportament de la generació de residus de la ciutat a través d'una ruta analítica que integra l'anàlisi espacial juntament amb el tractament estadístic de dades, per avaluar i predir el comportament de la generació dels RSU a cadascuna de les zones de Bogotà. Com a segona part de la investigación, es va realitzar l'anàlisi predictiva de la generació d'aquests residus a través de tres eines d'intel·ligència artificial, per a això es va incorporar l'aplicació d'arbres de decisió (Deci-sion trees), xarxes neuronals artificials (RNA) i màquines de suport vectorial (Support Vector Machines, MSV). Com a principal resultat obtingut de la investigació realitzada, es conclou que les xarxes neuronals constitueixen una alternativa viable per al plantejament de models que incloguen totes les etapes de la gestió dels RSU d'una ciutat. D'altra banda, s'ha comprovat que el model dissenyat es troba estructurat de manera que permet la modificació, inclusió, precisió i optimització de la informació de forma permanent, la qual cosa constitueix en un avantatge, ja que permet de forma contínua millorar la eficiència de la metodologia proposada i aplicarla en una zona determinada d'una ciutat amb característiques similars en la mesura que els països van establint i enfortint els seus sistemes d'informació de forma fiable per així obtenir dades més precises, la qual cosa és un procés que Colòmbia té com a meta de curt termini. Com a etapa final, es va realitzar el plantejament del model metodològic incorporant aspectes predictius així com variables econòmiques, i es va analitzar el comportament d'aquest a través de xarxes neuronals artificials de tipus Long Short Term Memory (LSTM), focus principal del present treball. De la mateixa manera, dins d'aquesta última fase es presenta el mateix model, però en aquesta ocasió es va realitzar la revisió del seu comportament a través de la implementació de màquines de suport vectorial, com a estratègia comparativa del rendiment de les RNA enfront d'altres possibles models que poden implementarse a aquesta mena de processos. / [EN] Ensuring the proper management of solid waste generated by communities is included among the topics associated within the scope of environmental engineering. Municipal solid waste (MSW) has become one of the problems that countries must place a priority on addressing, given the trends of its increasing generation. Strategies must be adopted that facilitate MSW use and its proper disposal. Therefore, local, regional and national governments must make decisions in an efficient manner, taking into account the particularities of their region, in order to correctly manage this waste. These particularities include the characterization of their population, amount of MSW generated, climate, best available techniques and technologies, national guidelines and policies, availability of economic resources, land use plans, current legislation, characteristics of the public sanitation service, among other components. These factors can influence decision-making in each defined stage in the process of MSW management. Accordingly, this research study presents a methodology for decision-making regarding solid waste management in large cities. The city of Bogotá (Colombia) is used as a reference, specifically, two areas of the city named Engativá and Suba Bogotá (called "localities", which are based on the administrative division of the city). The goal of the methodology is to determine an alternative to select the best strategy to facilitate proper MSW management in the region. First, the behavior of waste generation in the city was analyzed through an analytical approach that integrates spatial analysis with statistical data processing to evaluate and forecast the behavior of MSW generation in each area of Bogotá. The second part of the study was a predictive analysis of MSW generation which employed the following three artificial intelligence tools: decision trees, artificial neural networks (ANN), and support-vector machines (MSV). Lastly, the methodological model was proposed, which incorporated predictive aspects as well as economic variables. The model was analyzed by Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) artificial neuronal networks, the primary focus of this research. Similarly, within this last phase, the same model is presented, but a review of its behavior was conducted by implementing support-vector machines, as a comparative strategy of ANN performance with respect to other possible models that can be implemented in these types of processes. The primary conclusion of this research is that neural networks are a viable alternative to develop models that include all stages of MSW management in a city. While these mathematical models require a large amount of data to minimize the results' margin of error, with the data obtained for the modelling the ANNs were properly adapted and showed satisfactory performance according to the proposed methodology. Moreover, the study demonstrated that the designed model is structured in such a manner that it allows for continuous modification, inclusion, precision and optimization of the information. This is an advantage as it enables the proposed methodology's efficiency to be improved on an ongoing basis, in order for it to be applied to a specific area in a city with similar characteristics. The above is dependent on countries establishing and strengthening their information systems in a reliable manner, in order to obtain more precise data, which is a short-term goal for Colombia. / Solano Meza, JK. (2021). Propuesta metodológica basada en redes neuronales artificiales para la determinación de la gestión óptima de residuos sólidos urbanos: aplicación en las localidades de Suba y Engativá de la ciudad de Bogotá (Colombia) [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/168119

Characterisation and management of non-formal solid waste management disposal sites in Harare, Zimbabwe

Mahamba, Caston 02 1900 (has links)
Text in English / The study focused on the characterisation and management of non-formal solid waste disposal sites in Harare, the capital city of the Republic of Zimbabwe. In many developing countries, increasing urbanisation surpasses the development of urban infrastructure and this has led to the proliferation of informal settlements, illegal dumping sites and uncontrolled vending in cities like Harare. The researcher investigated the prevalence of non-formal dumping sites in Harare, including the composition, locational attributes and internal linkages of solid waste. Practices regarding the management of non-formal solid waste disposal sites were examined and areas of good practice and conformity to international standards were complemented while recommendations and suggestions were made on areas that were found wanting. An integrated management system was recommended for the sustainable management of solid waste. To support this recommendation, management window of responsibilities (EMWR) model was created so that the Harare City Council can enhance stakeholder participation. The research results show that most residents used non-conventional ways to store waste, like mealie-meal bags and sacks, and this posed a danger to human health. It also emerged that the city of Harare has not updated some of its by-laws, some of which were enacted about 33 years ago while others remained drafts for decades. This made it difficult for the city to effectively implement them. / Environmental Sciences / M.Sc. (Environmental Management)

Characterisation and management of non-formal solid waste management disposal sites in Harare, Zimbabwe

Mahamba, Caston 02 1900 (has links)
Text in English / The study focused on the characterisation and management of non-formal solid waste disposal sites in Harare, the capital city of the Republic of Zimbabwe. In many developing countries, increasing urbanisation surpasses the development of urban infrastructure and this has led to the proliferation of informal settlements, illegal dumping sites and uncontrolled vending in cities like Harare. The researcher investigated the prevalence of non-formal dumping sites in Harare, including the composition, locational attributes and internal linkages of solid waste. Practices regarding the management of non-formal solid waste disposal sites were examined and areas of good practice and conformity to international standards were complemented while recommendations and suggestions were made on areas that were found wanting. An integrated management system was recommended for the sustainable management of solid waste. To support this recommendation, management window of responsibilities (EMWR) model was created so that the Harare City Council can enhance stakeholder participation. The research results show that most residents used non-conventional ways to store waste, like mealie-meal bags and sacks, and this posed a danger to human health. It also emerged that the city of Harare has not updated some of its by-laws, some of which were enacted about 33 years ago while others remained drafts for decades. This made it difficult for the city to effectively implement them. / Environmental Sciences / M.Sc. (Environmental Management)

Evaluation of environmental compliance with solid waste management practices from mining activities : a case study of Marula Platinum Mine

Manyekwane, Dikeledi, Lethabo January 2019 (has links)
Thesis (M. Sc.(Geography)) -- University of Limpopo, 2019 / Global production of Platinum Group Metals (PGMs) is dominated by South Africa due to its large economic resources base in the Bushveld Igneous Complex (BIC). PGMs are used in a wide range of high technology applications worldwide including medicinal, industrial and commercial purposes, and its contribution to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and creating jobs for many. In an area where mining activities dominate, there are likely to be problems that need effective environmental management approaches, which can be facilitated through legislations. Marula Platinum Mine (MPM) is located in Limpopo province BIC which has the second largest number of mining productivity in South Africa. Environmental legislations have been put in place by the South African government in order to avoid or minimise the footprints caused by PGM mining. This study looked at environmental compliance with solid waste management practices by Marula Platinum Mine (MPM) as guided by Mineral and Petroleum and Resource Development Act (MPRDA) and National Environmental Management Act (NEMA) as well as the environmental impacts of MPM in the surrounding communities. Both primary (questionnaires, field observations and key informant interviews) and secondary (NEMA, MPRDA, journals, reports, pamphlets, internet and books) data was used to address the objectives of the study. Descriptive method and Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25 were used for the analysis of data. The key research results revealed that MPM was compliant with 65% and 21% partially compliant with solid waste management practices. Only 14% of information on solid waste management practices could not be accessed because MPM is still operational. MPM had also had negative footprints on the surrounding villages such as dust generation and cracks on walls and floors on houses of community members, strikes and increase in the usage of substance abuse. Recommendations of the study are that MPM should address challenges that hinder environmental compliance so as to be 100% compliant with MPRDA and NEMA regulations. MPM should also provide other mitigation measures for blasting of explosives to reduce dust generation and problems of cracks on houses of surrounding village members.

Assessment of the performance of a PPP arrangement in financing municipal infrastructure and services : a case of a solid waste management project in Windhoek municipality

Amaambo, Ruben 03 1900 (has links)
Theses (MDF)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) capitalise on the distinctive advantage of the private sector’s capacity and experience in providing public infrastructure and services. This collaborative arrangement pools the resources and strengths of each partner in order to attain the anticipated project objectives. Municipalities are faced with a number of challenges; among them the consistent increase in urban population growth and resource constraints. This then inhibits infrastructure provision and puts pressure on the public institution to deliver basic services such as water and sanitation, and solid waste disposal. In light of this, private sector participation can enhance urban development through capacity building and delivery of the necessary infrastructure and services. This study examined the performance of an operation and maintenance PPP project in the area of solid waste management in the Municipality of Windhoek. More specifically, it assessed the extent to which this particular project has contributed to infrastructure development and service delivery at the municipal level, the factors that contributed to the success of the PPP arrangement, the lessons that can be learnt from, and the challenges associated with such an undertaking. By applying a case study methodology and utilising typical performance indicators of a PPP, the author attempted to determine the effectiveness of this PPP project. The study revealed that engaging a competent private sector partner can be an effective way of delivering critical services needed for attaining the desired goal. On the other hand, the study found that a lack of explicit quantitative targets and/or deliverables incorporated in the contract agreement makes it difficult to assess and measure the performance of the project. Furthermore, the study discovered the importance of clearly identifying, prioritising and apportioning all risks associated with the project at the time of contract formulation to avoid any undesirable consequences such as non-compliance, which can lead to penalties for the contracted partner. The study observed that the factors contributing to the success of the project were the keen interest of both partners in the long-term sustainability of the project, the presence of an experienced contractor, and having clear monitoring mechanisms in place.

Solid waste management based on cost-benefit analysis using the WAMED model

Mutavchi, Viacheslav January 2012 (has links)
Efficient waste management enables the protection of human health, reducing environmental pollution, saving of natural resources, and achieving sustainable and profitable management of energy. In many countries, the general guidelines for waste management are set by national or local waste management plans. Various models provide local authorities with decision-making tools in planning long-term waste management scenarios.This study aims at providing a special model framework for the evaluation of ecological–economic efficiency (ECO-EE) of waste management. This will serve as an information support tool for decision making by actors of a solid waste management (SWM) scheme, primarily at the municipal and regional levels. The objective of this study is to apply the waste management’s efficient decision (WAMED) model along with the company statistical business tool for environmental recovery indicator (COSTBUSTER) model to SWM and municipal solid waste (MSW) schemes in general in order to evaluate and improve their ECO-EE. COSTBUSTER is a mathematical indicator for the size and extent of implementation costs of a certain SWM scheme, compared with the total size of the average financial budget of a SWM actor of a certain kind. In particular, WAMED is proposed for evaluating the suitability to invest in baling technology. Baling of solid waste is an emerging technology which is extensively used worldwide to temporarily store waste for either incineration or recovery of raw materials. The model for efficient use of resources for optimal production economy (the EUROPE model) is for the first time applied to emissions from baling facilities. It has been analysed how cost-benefit analysis (CBA) and full cost accounting (FCA) can facilitate environmental optimisation of SWM schemes. The effort in this work represents a continuation of such ambitions as an enlargement of the research area of CBA based modelling within SWM. In the thesis, certain theoretical and economic aspects of SWM were analysed as case studies. A shift of viewpoints within the field of waste management is presented. This shift is in accordance with the prevailing concept of sustainable development, as commonly understood. It is concluded that in the practical SWM context, the findings of the study point at the possibilities to modify the common CBA- and FCA-based methods by WAMED, COSTBUSTER, and EUROPE. Therefore, it can be said that estimations in a SWM scheme can be carried out by using certain economic model, if properly modified in a logical and plausible way. New principles for cost allocation to SWM residual products are presented in the current work. They imply strong industrial cost saving incentives through promoting the introduction of new and improved processing technologies for rest-waste. Such incentives then strongly promote investments that are likely to improve both the environment and the corporate profitability. Thereby, the occurrence of non-commercialised, and hence not utilized, wastes is reduced. This improves the short term corporate economy through saving raw materials such as solid waste fuel, spending less time for administrating waste flows, and less wear and tear of the plant machinery. Additional environmental advantages which affect the balance sheets in a favourable way are related to the long-term business economy and extended environmental goodwill. This is due to the recently introduced way of considering solid waste as regular goods in financial terms - the equality principle. If waste is seen as goods, and not wasted in landfills, the environment will improve. This, in turn, leads to an improved quality of life. Based on the current study, it is recommended to apply WAMED to SWM schemes in order to evaluate their ECO–EE to justify decision making and investments. Also, it is recommended to apply COSTBUSTER, based on the current WAMED outcome, to SWM schemes to determine their relative size and extent. It is recommended to apply EUROPE to the emissions in case of accidental burning, treatment of leachate, andabatement with odours at any SWM scheme, based on the induced economic incentives, in order to reduce unwanted substances and phenomena.

Estudo da gestão municipal dos resíduos de construção e demolição na bacia hidrográfica do Turvo Grande (UGRHI-15) / Study on municipal management of construction and demolition wastes in the Turvo Grande watersheed (URGHI-15)

Marques Neto, José da Costa 04 September 2009 (has links)
Os principais problemas enfrentados pelas cidades em relação aos resíduos de construção e demolição (RCD) estão associados à disposição irregular das enormes quantidades produzidas. O descarte clandestino dos RCD pode provocar a degradação dos ecossistemas água, ar e solo. O acúmulo de resíduos espalhados em diferentes locais das cidades leva à proliferação de vetores de doenças com danos à saúde pública. Além disso, provocam problemas nos sistemas de drenagem urbana. Do ponto de vista econômico, os custos de limpeza pública para remoção dos resíduos demonstram a não sustentabilidade do modelo corretivo. Essa situação pode ser explicada pela ausência de políticas específicas de gestão. Com a introdução do marco regulatório nacional para os RCD, vários municípios têm procurado implantar um modelo mais sustentável, mas as dificuldades para operação e manutenção têm inviabilizado sua continuidade. Assim, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar os modelos de gestão dos resíduos de construção e demolição na Bacia Hidrográfica do Turvo Grande (BH-TG) pertencente a 15ª Unidade de Gerenciamento de Recursos Hídricos (UGRHI-15) do Estado de São Paulo, bem como desenvolver um software para apoio à gestão municipal dos RCD - SISRCD. Ainda dentro da proposta do estudo, também são apresentados a situação dos RCD em Portugal e os resultados da experiência realizada em uma obra predial na cidade de Guimarães. Para estudo na UGHRI-15, foram coletados dados da situação dos entulhos nos 64 municípios integrantes, que permitiram fundamentar e sistematizar a metodologia. Os dados foram levantados nos anos de 2008 e 2009 com aplicação de questionário aos gestores e por meio de visitas aos municípios para levantamentos in loco das áreas de disposição final. Os principais itens avaliados foram os sistemas de manejo em operação, a produção de RCD, os custos com gestão, formas de tratamento e descarte. Com base nos resultados obtidos, dos municípios que fizeram parte desta pesquisa, foi possível concluir que apenas São José do Rio Preto possui um plano integrado de Gerenciamento de Resíduos da Construção Civil, conforme diretrizes da resolução n.º 307 do Conselho Nacional do Meio Ambiente. Por esta razão, a implantação do sistema de apoio à gestão municipal dos resíduos da construção civil - SISRCD - pode ser transformada em excelente ferramenta para orientação e auxílio no controle municipal dessas atividades. O SISRCD é uma proposta original de uma ferramenta computacional cuja principal característica é a simplicidade de utilização pelos usuários a qual, após validação poderá ter ampla aplicação nos mais diferentes municípios do país. / The main problems faced by the cities related to construction and demolition wastes (CDW) are associated to the illegal disposal of huge quantities produced. The illegal CDW discharge may cause water and soil degradation problems. The accumulation of wastes scattered in different city locations leads to diseases caused by vectors proliferation with damage to public health. Moreover, they cause problems in urban drainage systems. From an economic perspective, the costs of public cleaning services for waste removal have indicated the nosustainability of the corrective model. This can be explained by the absence of specific policies for CDW management. By introduction of the national regulatory framework for the CDW, several municipalities have attempted to implement a more sustainable model, however difficulties related tosystem operation and maintenance have not allowed its continuance. So, the purpose of this study was to evaluate models for the management of construction and demolition wastes in Turvo Grande Watershed (RTG) which is included in the 15th Water Water Resources Unit Management (UGRHI-15) of São Paulo State, as well as to develop a prototype system to support municipal management of CDW - SISRCD. The work also includes and overview of Portugal CDW situation and the results of an experience carried out on a building location at Guimarães city - Portugal. Information and data related to construction and demolition wastes from 64 municipalities members of UGRHI-15 were collected in order to support and optimize the methodology. The data were collected for the years 2008 and 2009 based on a questionnaire applied to municipal managers and also technical visits to municipalities along with surveys of final disposal areas. The main evaluated issues encompassed management systems in operation, production of the CDW, management costs, and treatment and disposal models. Based on the results, it appears that only Sao Jose do Rio Preto has an Integrated Waste Management of Construction Plan, in accordance to guidelines of in the resolution 307 of the National Environmental Council. Thus, the implementation of a prototype system to support the management of municipal construction waste - SISRCD - may become an important tool for guidance and assistance to the control of municipal activities. The SISRCD is an original proposal for a computer tool based on a simple user interface. The system after is validation may have a broad application at different municipalities around the country.

Cooperativas de reciclagem na capital paulista: um estudo multicasos sobre a inclusão socioeconômica dos catadores de material reciclável

Peçanha, Reynaldo Schirmer 26 March 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T16:44:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Reynaldo Schirmer Pecanha.pdf: 2933588 bytes, checksum: bc2897331b9c0249d58bc515d2a06db9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-26 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This study aimed to verify if the recycling cooperatives implant the collectors of recyclable material, socioeconomically or not. The research was based on bibliographical and documentary review on the subject and also the comparative analysis of multi-case study in three recycling cooperatives located in São Paulo. We used to collect data from semi-structured interviews with cooperative members of these organizations and direct non-participant observation. The chosen approach was the analysis of qualitative data with the support of Atlas.ti software. The results will offer suggestions with proposals to managers, companies and policy makers so that the socio-economic inclusion is more effective. The main results of the study showed that the inclusion of collectors of recyclable material is processed with greater emphasis by the economic dimension in which the generation of employment and income become important factors to promote citizenship of these workers. It was observed in the cooperatives eager, but little effectiveness in implementing programs aimed at the social dimension as inclusion factor, in which the categories 'education' and 'health' could have priority in their management. It's worth mentioning that the analyzed recycling cooperatives comply with their proposals to provide access to work and therefore income. However, gaps in the social dimension could be minimized by the most action of public authorities and companies, in partnership with these collective social enterprises, in drafting of strategic plans that seek to actions aimed at increasing access to health and education programs and professional training of collectors / Este trabalho teve como objetivo verificar se as cooperativas de reciclagem inserem socioeconomicamente ou não os catadores de material reciclável. A pesquisa baseou-se na revisão bibliográfica e documental sobre o tema e também na análise comparativa de estudo multicasos em três cooperativas de reciclagem localizadas na capital paulista. Utilizou-se a coleta de dados a partir de entrevistas semiestruturadas com os cooperados dessas organizações e da observação direta não participante. O enfoque escolhido foi a análise de dados qualitativos com o apoio do software Atlas.ti. Os resultados permitirão oferecer sugestões com propostas aos gestores, empresas e formuladores de políticas públicas a fim de que a inclusão socioeconômica seja mais efetiva. Os principais resultados da pesquisa apontaram que a inclusão dos catadores e catadoras de material reciclável se processa com maior ênfase pela dimensão econômica, na qual a geração de trabalho e renda tornam-se fatores preponderantes para promover a cidadania desses trabalhadores. Observou-se por parte das cooperativas muita vontade, mas pouca efetividade na implementação de programas que visem à dimensão social como fator de inclusão, na qual as categorias educação e saúde poderiam ter prioridade em suas gestões. Vale destacar que as cooperativas de reciclagem analisadas cumprem com suas propostas de prover acesso a trabalho e, consequentemente, renda. No entanto, as lacunas encontradas na dimensão social poderiam ser minimizadas pela maior ação do poder público e das empresas, em parcerias com esses empreendimentos sociais coletivos, na elaboração de planos estratégicos que busquem ações direcionadas para maior acesso à saúde e aos programas de educação e capacitação profissional dos catadores de material reciclável

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