Spelling suggestions: "subject:"solid waste landfill"" "subject:"polid waste landfill""
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An evaluation of potential benefits from the redevelopment of landfills into parks in Houston, TexasTaylor, Michael Lawrence 21 November 2013 (has links)
This report examines the potential benefits from the redevelopment of landfills into parks in Houston, Texas. Many Park and Recreation (P&R) Departments are unable to acquire and develop parkland at a rate on par with new residential construction. Parks provide economic, environmental, public health and aesthetic benefits. Despite these benefits, P&R Departments are often the target of budget cuts when city governments grapple with funding shortfalls. P&R Departments must pursue low value lands to meet parkland needs.
Closed Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) landfills are a source of low value land in, and surrounding urban areas. New regulatory framework in the form of the U.S. EPA’s Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Criteria ensures closed landfills may be safely and cost effectively redeveloped for recreational use with limited liability concerns for the P&R Department. This regulatory framework is discussed and Best Management Practices (BMPs) are outlined. These BMPs focus on accommodating the dynamic nature of landfills to minimize park development and Operation and Maintenance (O&M) costs.
The substantial parkland deficit in the City of Houston is quantified. The findings of the needs assessment in the City’s Parks Master Plan are presented. A multi-tiered Geographic Information Systems (GIS) based analysis is utilized to evaluate the potential benefits from the redevelopment of existing landfills in the City into parks. The GIS analysis identified 8 landfills that, if redeveloped, will increase the distributional equity of City parkland holdings. Of these 8, the 4 landfills with the lowest expected total development costs and the highest expected savings over traditional greenfield development were identified. It is recommended the City adopt a thorough site characterization and planning process and pursue landfill redevelopment as a cost effective and beneficial way to increase parkland holdings. / text
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Nivoi koncentracija i upravljanje perzistentnim organskim polutantima u heterogenom sistemu deponija komunalnog otpada / Concentration levels of persistent organic pollutants and management of POP inheterogeneous system of municipal waste landfillsĐogo Maja 21 September 2017 (has links)
<p>Istraživanje u okviru doktorkse disertacije obuhvata reprezentativan izbor tačaka uzorkovanja na deponijskim lokalitetima Bečej, Subotica, Sombor, Zrenjanin, Pančevo, Bačka Palanka, Vrbas, Temerin, Novi Sad i Ruma, primenu savremenih metodologija uzorkovanja, pripremu i analizu uzoraka najnovijim metodama determinacije organskih polutanata, statističku obradu podataka, procenu uticaja na humanu populaciju i ključne kompartimente životne sredine i razvoj metodologije kreiranja budućeg istraživačkog i kontrolnog monitoring programa. Dobijeni rezultati obrađeni su primenom metode analiza glavnih komponenti i hijerarhijske klaster analize. Procena uticaja kontaminanata i statusa životne sredine sprovedena je primenom jedne od metodologija evropske komisije za procenu i predikciju različitih efekata na humanu populaciju i životnu sredinu dejstvom toksičnih hemijskih supstanci. Na osnovu eksperimentalnih rezultata i stečenih tehničko-inženjerskih iskustava razvijena je Metodologija kreiranja budućeg istraživačkog i kontrolnog monitoring programa heterogenog medijuma deponijskih tela sa ciljem unapređenja upravljanja frakcijama komunalnog otpada koji generiše POP.</p> / <p>The selection of representative municipal solid waste landfill locations (Bečej, Subotica,<br />Sombor, Zrenjanin, Pančevo, Bačka Palanka, Vrbas, Temerin, Novi Sad and Ruma),<br />the application of contemporary sampling methodologies, preparation, extraction and<br />analyses of samples using modern analitical methods and techiques, statistical data<br />evaluation, human and environment risk assessment, HERA, and the development of<br />methodology for designig of future research and control monitoring programmes have<br />been conducted within doctoral dissertation. Obtained results for POPs and PAHs were<br />evaluated applying principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster<br />analysis (CA). HERA was conducted using recommended EPA methodolgy for<br />assessment and prediction of hazard effectes of toxic chemical substances on human<br />population and environment. On the basis of experimental results and the levels of<br />obtained technico-engineering experience Methodology for designig of future research<br />and control monitoring programmes for landfilld heterogeneous system was developed<br />in order to improve the POP waste management practice.</p>
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Assessment of Leachate Characteristics and Geotechnical Properties of Municipal Solid Waste LandfillNaveen, B P January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Solid Waste Management is one of the essential services provided by local bodies to keep the urban areas clean. Often it is poorly rendered as it is unscientific, out-dated and inefficient. With the rapid increase in population, livening standards, the generation rates of solid waste are increasing drastically. The landfill waste includes both organic and inorganic wastes as it is not often effectively segregated before disposal. The problem is acute in developing countries such as India. Bangalore city, with a population of about 10.18 million and more than 2000 industries, generates about 4,500 TPD of municipal solid waste. Of this Presently, various municipal solid waste processing units in Bangalore can handle only about 2100 TPD of waste. Mavallipura landfill developed and operated by M/s. Ramky Environmental Engineers, located 40 km away from Bangalore, is being used for disposing of about 1000 TPD, the installed capacity being only 600 TPD of waste. There are also a few dumps in around Bangalore due to historical reasons and insufficient capacity of various designated landfills.
To reclaim the old dump sites/closed landfill sites for infrastructural development, it is necessary to know their geotechnical characteristics. Within the Landfill, the characteristics of the waste may change with depth due to degraded wastes as it has been dumped over a period of time. The physical parameters, chemical properties as well as the geotechnical behaviour of the waste change with depth. MSW is known to be a heterogeneous material of varying constituent types and dimensions, containing elements that degrade with time. To consider MSW as a geo-material to support the foundation of structures such as buildings and pavement, an analysis of the bearing capacity of the foundation and further long-term settlement of MSW is essential. The MSW samples are retrieved from a Mavallipura landfill site, Bangalore and analysed for important geotechnical properties such as compaction characteristics, shear strength, permeability, compressibility behaviour and dynamic properties of MSW using ultrasonic and cyclic triaxial tests. This research thus aims to provide valuable information about landfill sites for reclamation, closure and infrastructural development after the closure of landfills. Scanty data are available on the geotechnical properties of waste from landfill sites with varying degrees of degradation. This landfill site is selected as there is a huge environmental concern regarding the soil and groundwater contamination in the area and also can represent a typical landfill scenario in tropical regions.
Quantification, quality assessment, consequent treatment and management of leachate have become a monstrous problem world over. In this context, the present study envisages to study the physicochemical and biological characterization of representative urban municipal landfill leachate and nearby water bodies and attempts to figure out relationships between the various parameters together with understanding the various processes for chemical transformations. The analysis shows intermediate leachate age (5-10 years) with higher nutrient levels i.e. 10,000 - 12,000 mg/l and ~2,000 - 3,000 mg/l of carbon (COD) and nitrogen (TKN) respectively. Elemental analysis and underlying mechanisms reveal chemical precipitation and co-precipitation as the vital processes in leachate pond systems resulting in accumulation of trace metals in these systems. The microbial analysis also correlated with specific factors relevant to redox environments that show a gradient in nature and the abundance of biotic diversity with a change in leachate environment. Finally, the quality and the contamination potential of the sampled leachate were performed with the help of potential leachate index (LPI) analysis and water quality index (WQI) analysis for surrounding water bodies (namely surface pond and open well) of Mavallipura landfill site.
A geotechnical testing program has been drawn to evaluate the engineering properties of municipal solid waste samples retrieved from a landfill at Mavallipura at various depths through augur within the landfill dumped area. Laboratory studies included are composition, moisture content, particle size analysis, compaction, permeability, direct shear test, consolidation, triaxial compression test. For the laboratory tests, we had considered maximum particle sizes of less than 4.75 mm only. Standard Proctor Compaction tests
yielded a maximum dry density of 7.0kN/m3 at 50% optimum moisture content. The permeability of MSW results shows in the range of 4x10-4 cm/sec. Compression index of MSW is 0.46980 and recompression index of MSW is 0.09454. Results obtained from the rectangular hyperbola method are compared with Casagrande and Taylor methods to prove that this method is reliable equally, and results are reasonably accurate. Based on direct shear tests, the MSW sample exhibited continuous strength gain with an increase in shear strain (16%) to define strength. The cohesion of MSW was 10kPa and friction angle is 34°. Based on the elastic constants results obtained from the direct shear test found to be very soft material. In the triaxial test, the MSW sample exhibited continuous strength gain with an increase in axial strain. The frictional component is increased due to sliding and rolling of fibrous particles over one another resulting in the development of apparent cohesion due to antiparticle bonds within the MSW material.
Landfills are an integral part of waste management, and disastrous consequences can happen if seismic vulnerability of these landfills is not considered. Dynamic properties of MSW are required to perform seismic response analysis of MSW landfills, but there is no good understanding of the dynamic shear strength of MSW in literature. A comprehensive laboratory cyclic triaxial testing program has been taken up to determine the properties at different densities, confining pressures and shear strains. MSW degrades with time, and its shear modulus and damping are expected to vary with time and degradation. For the density of 6 kN/m3 the dynamic shear modulus values for MSW varied from 0.68 MPa to 5.38 MPa and damping ratio varied from 20% to 40% for MSW. For the density of 7 kN/m3 the dynamic shear modulus values for MSW varied from 1.8 MPa to 7.5 MPa and Damping ratio
varied from 23% to 40% for MSW. For the density of 8kN/m3 dynamic shear modulus values for MSW varied from 2.46 MPa to 8.00MPa and damping ratio varied from 16% to 33% for MSW. Also, the ultrasonic testing method was used for determining the dynamic properties at low strains. The Ultrasonic test results indicated that with an increase in density of the sample and with decreased void ratio, the pulse propagation velocity (Vp) increases. With an increase in the density, the shear wave velocity and elastic constants (elastic modulus and shear modulus) increase. The elastic constant values obtained from the ultrasonic test are higher compared to values obtained from unconsolidated-undrained triaxial tests. Also, the carbon stored in the buried organic matter in Mavallipura landfill is estimated. Total organic carbon increases steeply with an increase in depth and is significantly high at a depth of 6 m. Subsurface properties cannot be specified but must be analysed through in-situ tests. The in-situ testing that are carried out in a landfill are boring, sampling, standard penetration test (SPT), dynamic cone penetration test (DCPT) and plate load tests (under static and cyclic condition). A correlation between corrected SPT ‘N’ values and measured using shear wave velocities has been developed for Mavallipura landfill site. Results show that the corrected SPT- N values increase with depth. Corrected N-values are used in the landfill design, so they are consistent with the design method, and correlations are useful. The results obtained from the dynamic cone penetration tests shows lower value when to compare with standard penetration test. The unit weight profile with depth ranged from a low unit weight of 2.48 kN/m3 near the surface to a highest value of approximately 9.02 kN/m3 at a depth of 6 m. The highest temperatures for landfills were reported at mid-waste elevations with temperatures decreasing near the top. The bearing pressure-settlement curves for plate size 75cm and 60cm presented similar behaviour while the plate size of 60cm curve presents a lesser settlement of 70mm, compared to with plate size of the 75cm curve with the settlement of 80mm and failure mode could be classified as punching shear. The cyclic plate load test with plate size of 60cm and 75cm were carried out on the soil cover. The elastic constants were found to be 73.87 and 96.84 kPa/mm and for 60 and 75cm plates respectively. Geophysical testing may not be as precise but has the benefit of covering large areas at small costs and sometimes can locate features that might be missing by conventional borings. Multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW) is an indirect geophysical method used in the landfill for the characterization of the municipal solid waste site. The Mavallipura landfill was surveyed up to the length of about 35m at the top level. A series of one-dimensional and two-dimensional MASW surveys used active seismic sources such as sledgehammer (5kg) and propelled energy generator (PEG-40) was used. This hammer was instrumented with geophones to trigger record time. All the testing has been carried out with geophone spacing of 1m and recorded surface wave arrivals using the source to first receiver distance as 5m with recording length of 1000 millisecond and the recording sampling interval of 0.5 milliseconds (ms) were applied. Results shows that the PEG-40 hammer can generate the longest wavelength with a maximum depth of penetration. The shear wave velocity varies from 75 to 155 m/s with an increase in depth of about 27.5m. Based on the site characterization at the landfill site, it was found that the Mavallipura landfill site can be categorized as very loose, and it is still in a continued stage of degradation. Shear wave and P-wave velocity profile for eight major locations in the study area were determined and variation of waste material stiffness corresponding to the in-situ state with depth, was also evaluated. Also, MASW survey has been carried out to develop dispersion curve on another landfill site at Bhandewadi, Nagpur. MASW system consisting of 24 channels geode seismograph with 24 geophones of 4.5Hz capacity is used in this investigation. The seismic waves were created by sledgehammer with 30cmx 30cmx2cm size hammer plate with ten shots. These waves were captured by the geophones/receivers and further analyzed by inversion. The results indicated that near surface soils(less than 3m depth) approximately the to 5mm, and with 85% of dry weight basis of waste particles with sizes less than 10mm, the shear wave velocity varies from 75 to 140 m/s (frequency ranges from 30 to 23Hz). With the increase in 6.5m depth, the shear wave velocity ranged from 140 to 225m/s (frequency ranges 23 to 13Hz). Overall, the results of the study showed that seismic surveys have the potential to capture the changes in dynamic properties like shear wave velocity and Poisson’s ratio of the depth of MSW landfill to infer the extent of degradation and provide dynamic properties needed for seismic stability evaluations.
Based on the in situ and laboratory results of this study and a review of the literature, the unit weight, shear wave velocity, strain-dependent normalized shear modulus reduction and material damping ratio relationships for Mavallipura landfill are developed and also validated using semi-empirical methods. Finally, seismic response analysis of Mavallipura landfill has been carried out using the computer programs like SHAKE 2000 and DEEPSOIL. Results show that the unit weight is increased with depth in response to the increase in overburden stress. The proposed material damping ratio and normalized shear modulus reduction curve lie close to the profile given in the literature for landfills composed of waste materials with 100% particles sized less than 20mm. Peak spectral acceleration at 5% damping value is 0.7g for 0.07 sec in SHAKE 2000 and peak spectral acceleration at 5% damping value is 0.63g for 0.04 sec in DEEPSOIL. Amplification ratio is 6.11 at 1.1l Hz in SHAKE2000 and 4.65 at 2.67Hz in DEEPSOIL. Peak ground acceleration (PGA) for the landfill site, it is observed PGA has decreased from 0.3g to 0.15g in DEEPSOIL and PGA has decreased from 0.33g to 0.15g in SHAKE2000.
The studies presented in the thesis brought out the importance of characterization of municipal solid waste leachate regarding metabolism and treatment/degradation of Mavallipura landfill leachate. For municipal solid waste of with sizes ranging from 0.08
coefficient of permeability being about 10-4 cm/sec, the compression index was about 0.47. A more reliable method of calculating the coefficient of consolidation has been recommended. Correlations between shear wave velocity and SPT-N values has been developed for the Mavallipura landfill site. The results showed that the dynamic cone penetration tests values are lower than indicated by standard penetration tests. The cyclic plate load tests carried out with plate sizes of 75cm and 60cm showed that elastic constants of 96.84 kPa/mm and 73.87kPa/mm respectively. MSW properties evaluated in this thesis are compared with those of soft clays. The MSW properties showed higher values (strength and SBC) and lower values of compressibility, compared with those of soft clays. Thus foundation improvement on MSW is less challenging than foundations on soft soils. Also stabilization of MSW with other solid wastes such as fly ash can be considered as an economical option.
Based on detailed studies the importance of unit weight, shear wave velocity, strain-dependent normalized shear modulus reduction and material damping ratio relationships for landfill waste have been developed. Based on the site characterization, the waste landfill has been categorized as very loose material, which is still in a degradation process. SHAKE2000 software shows higher PGA value comparing with DEEPSOIL.
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Medidas da emissão de gases em oito aterros de resíduos sólidos urbanos do Estado de São Paulo - Brasil / Measurements of gas emissions at eight solid waste landfills of the state of São Paulo - BrazilJosé Berto Neto 18 December 2009 (has links)
Os aterros de disposição de resíduos sólidos urbanos são equipamentos que, necessariamente, devem ser integrados ao sistema de saneamento e proteção à saúde pública das municipalidades. Independentemente se bem planejados, construídos e operados, os mesmos oferecem impactos ambientais aos locais onde estão implantados e ao seu entorno. Os referidos aterros são fontes de emissão antropogênica de gases indutores do efeito estufa global, como o metano (\'CH IND.4\') e o dióxido de carbono (\'CO IND.2\'). O presente trabalho teve por objetivo medir, estimativamente, in situ, a contribuição destes equipamentos no fluxo destes gases na natureza. Para isso, foram desenvolvidas duas campanhas em oito aterros de municípios do estado de São Paulo (Brasil) nos anos de 2006 e 2007. Foram medidas a concentrações de \'CH IND.4\' e \'CO IND.2\' no ar ambiente dos aterros, a emissão solo-ar e o fluxo a partir dos dissipadores verticais, quando presentes. As amostras coletadas do GAS foram analisadas por cromatografia gasosa. Os resultados evidenciaram que as concentrações de \'CH IND.4\' e \'CO IND.2\' na atmosfera dos aterros foram de 18.000 ppm e 5.500 ppm, respectivamente. Estes valores corresponderam a dez mil vezes e quinze vezes maiores que aquelas medidas em locais distantes dos aterros (background). Os resultados das medidas do fluxo solo-ar apontaram para uma grande variabilidade desta emissão, entre os sítios da coleta, entre os aterros e entre as campanhas. As taxas médias de emissão solo-ar variaram de 5,66 g/\'M POT.2\'.d a 148,20 g/\'M POT.2\'.d para \'CH IND.4\' e de 17,78 g/\'M POT.2\'.d a 223,04 g/\'M POT.2\'.d para \'CO IND.2\'. A emissão estimada solo-ar para os aterros variou de 276,82 a 75.730,20 toneladas por ano de \'CH IND.4\' e de 501,02 a 76.312,74 toneladas por ano para o \'CO IND.2\'. A emissão estimada para os aterros a partir dos dissipadores verticais variou de 73,52 a 307,31 toneladas para \'CH IND.4\' e de 165,83 a 692,32 toneladas por ano para o \'CO IND.2\'. Os resultados também evidenciaram que a concentração dos gases no ar ambiente dos aterros e a emissão solo-ar, especialmente, pareceram independer da operação dispensada: caso aterros sanitários, controlados ou lixões. Todos apresentaram muitas semelhanças no processo de emissão. Mesmo a presença do sistema de sucção do GAS para alimentar a usina termoelétrica (UTEB) no aterro Bandeirantes, São Paulo, Capital, não o diferenciou dos demais. De modo geral, não foi possível correlacionar variáveis que apontassem para tendências gerais na emissão destes sistemas de disposição de RSU. Com base nos resultados supracitados, este trabalho sugere futuras perspectivas de pesquisas. / Urban solid waste disposal landfills are equipments that must be integrated with the drainage and protection of the public health of municipalities system. Regardless of whether they are well planned, built and operated, they offer environmental impacts to the areas where they are deployed and their surroundings. The present work aimed at measuring, as estimates, in situ, the contribution of the aforementioned equipments in the flux of these gases in nature. The research was developed in 2006 and 2007 in two campaigns in eight municipal solid waste landfills in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Concentrations of \'CH IND.4\' and \'CO IND.2\' were measured in the air from landfills; the ground-air emission and the flux from vertical drains, when present. The samples collected of the GAS were analyzed utilizing gas chromatography. The results showed that the concentrations of \'CH IND.4\' and \'CO IND.2\' in the atmosphere from landfills were 18,000 ppm and 5,500 ppm, respectively. These values correspond to ten thousand and fifteen times greater than those measured on places far away from landfills (background). The results of the ground-air flux indicated a great variability of this emission, not only among the collection sites, but also among the landfills and between the campaigns. The average ground-air emission ranged from 5.66 g/\'M POT.2\'.d to 148.20 g/\'M POT.2\'.d for \'CH IND.4\' and from 17.78 g/\'M POT.2\'.d to 223,04 g/\'M POT.2\'.d for \'CO IND.2\'. The estimated ground-air emission for the landfills ranged from 276.82 to 75,730.20 tons per year of \'CH IND.4\' and from 501.02 to 76,312.74 tons per year for \'CO IND.2\'. The estimated emission for the landfills from the vertical drains ranged from 73.52 to 307.31 tons per year for \'CH IND.4\' and from 165.83 to 692.32 tons per year for \'CO IND.2\'. The results also showed that concentration of gases in the environment air of landfills and the emission, especially ground-air, seems to be independent of the operation given: whether it is sanitary landfill, controlled landfill, or dump. They all presented many similarities in the emission process, and major differences among them were not elucidated. Even the presence of the suction system of the GAS to feed the thermoelectric plant (UTEB) at the Bandeirantes landfill, located at the capital of São Paulo, did not differentiate it from the other landfills from the \'CH IND.4\' and \'CO IND.2\' emission perspective. In a nutshell, it was not possible to correlate variables that pointed to general trends in the emissions of these USW disposal equipments. Based on these results, future prospects for research are suggested.
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Medidas da emissão de gases em oito aterros de resíduos sólidos urbanos do Estado de São Paulo - Brasil / Measurements of gas emissions at eight solid waste landfills of the state of São Paulo - BrazilBerto Neto, José 18 December 2009 (has links)
Os aterros de disposição de resíduos sólidos urbanos são equipamentos que, necessariamente, devem ser integrados ao sistema de saneamento e proteção à saúde pública das municipalidades. Independentemente se bem planejados, construídos e operados, os mesmos oferecem impactos ambientais aos locais onde estão implantados e ao seu entorno. Os referidos aterros são fontes de emissão antropogênica de gases indutores do efeito estufa global, como o metano (\'CH IND.4\') e o dióxido de carbono (\'CO IND.2\'). O presente trabalho teve por objetivo medir, estimativamente, in situ, a contribuição destes equipamentos no fluxo destes gases na natureza. Para isso, foram desenvolvidas duas campanhas em oito aterros de municípios do estado de São Paulo (Brasil) nos anos de 2006 e 2007. Foram medidas a concentrações de \'CH IND.4\' e \'CO IND.2\' no ar ambiente dos aterros, a emissão solo-ar e o fluxo a partir dos dissipadores verticais, quando presentes. As amostras coletadas do GAS foram analisadas por cromatografia gasosa. Os resultados evidenciaram que as concentrações de \'CH IND.4\' e \'CO IND.2\' na atmosfera dos aterros foram de 18.000 ppm e 5.500 ppm, respectivamente. Estes valores corresponderam a dez mil vezes e quinze vezes maiores que aquelas medidas em locais distantes dos aterros (background). Os resultados das medidas do fluxo solo-ar apontaram para uma grande variabilidade desta emissão, entre os sítios da coleta, entre os aterros e entre as campanhas. As taxas médias de emissão solo-ar variaram de 5,66 g/\'M POT.2\'.d a 148,20 g/\'M POT.2\'.d para \'CH IND.4\' e de 17,78 g/\'M POT.2\'.d a 223,04 g/\'M POT.2\'.d para \'CO IND.2\'. A emissão estimada solo-ar para os aterros variou de 276,82 a 75.730,20 toneladas por ano de \'CH IND.4\' e de 501,02 a 76.312,74 toneladas por ano para o \'CO IND.2\'. A emissão estimada para os aterros a partir dos dissipadores verticais variou de 73,52 a 307,31 toneladas para \'CH IND.4\' e de 165,83 a 692,32 toneladas por ano para o \'CO IND.2\'. Os resultados também evidenciaram que a concentração dos gases no ar ambiente dos aterros e a emissão solo-ar, especialmente, pareceram independer da operação dispensada: caso aterros sanitários, controlados ou lixões. Todos apresentaram muitas semelhanças no processo de emissão. Mesmo a presença do sistema de sucção do GAS para alimentar a usina termoelétrica (UTEB) no aterro Bandeirantes, São Paulo, Capital, não o diferenciou dos demais. De modo geral, não foi possível correlacionar variáveis que apontassem para tendências gerais na emissão destes sistemas de disposição de RSU. Com base nos resultados supracitados, este trabalho sugere futuras perspectivas de pesquisas. / Urban solid waste disposal landfills are equipments that must be integrated with the drainage and protection of the public health of municipalities system. Regardless of whether they are well planned, built and operated, they offer environmental impacts to the areas where they are deployed and their surroundings. The present work aimed at measuring, as estimates, in situ, the contribution of the aforementioned equipments in the flux of these gases in nature. The research was developed in 2006 and 2007 in two campaigns in eight municipal solid waste landfills in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Concentrations of \'CH IND.4\' and \'CO IND.2\' were measured in the air from landfills; the ground-air emission and the flux from vertical drains, when present. The samples collected of the GAS were analyzed utilizing gas chromatography. The results showed that the concentrations of \'CH IND.4\' and \'CO IND.2\' in the atmosphere from landfills were 18,000 ppm and 5,500 ppm, respectively. These values correspond to ten thousand and fifteen times greater than those measured on places far away from landfills (background). The results of the ground-air flux indicated a great variability of this emission, not only among the collection sites, but also among the landfills and between the campaigns. The average ground-air emission ranged from 5.66 g/\'M POT.2\'.d to 148.20 g/\'M POT.2\'.d for \'CH IND.4\' and from 17.78 g/\'M POT.2\'.d to 223,04 g/\'M POT.2\'.d for \'CO IND.2\'. The estimated ground-air emission for the landfills ranged from 276.82 to 75,730.20 tons per year of \'CH IND.4\' and from 501.02 to 76,312.74 tons per year for \'CO IND.2\'. The estimated emission for the landfills from the vertical drains ranged from 73.52 to 307.31 tons per year for \'CH IND.4\' and from 165.83 to 692.32 tons per year for \'CO IND.2\'. The results also showed that concentration of gases in the environment air of landfills and the emission, especially ground-air, seems to be independent of the operation given: whether it is sanitary landfill, controlled landfill, or dump. They all presented many similarities in the emission process, and major differences among them were not elucidated. Even the presence of the suction system of the GAS to feed the thermoelectric plant (UTEB) at the Bandeirantes landfill, located at the capital of São Paulo, did not differentiate it from the other landfills from the \'CH IND.4\' and \'CO IND.2\' emission perspective. In a nutshell, it was not possible to correlate variables that pointed to general trends in the emissions of these USW disposal equipments. Based on these results, future prospects for research are suggested.
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Эколого-экономическая оценка рационального использования полигонов твердых коммунальных отходов в Пермском крае : магистерская диссертация / Ecological and economic assessment of rational use of municipal solid waste landfills in the Perm KraiБикташева, А. О., Biktasheva, A. O. January 2018 (has links)
The problems of formation and placement of municipal solid waste in the Perm Krai are considered. The lack of temporary storage of waste, the unreasonable organization of selective collection, the unsettled time for export, untimely disposal of waste generated have a negative impact on both the quality of life of the population and the quality of the environment. The problem of waste generation and disposal is considered to be the most acute in modern conditions. At the same time, there is a real opportunity to return them to production, contributing to the partial solution of many socio-economic issues. The paper analyzes the situation on waste management in the Perm Krai, considers various options for the rational use of MSO landfills, provides an ecological and economic assessment of the options for using MSO landfills in the Perm Krai. As scientific novelty of the work, it is possible to note the development of an algorithm for the adoption of organizational and managerial decisions for the selection of the direction of reclamation and use of the territories of MSO landfills. / В работе рассматриваются проблемы образования и размещения твердых коммунальных отходов в Пермском крае. Отсутствие мест временного складирования отходов, непродуманная организация селективного сбора, невыдержанные сроки вывоза, несвоевременное обезвреживание образующихся отходов отрицательно сказываются как на качестве жизни населения, так и на качестве окружающей среды. Проблема образования и размещения отходов считается наиболее острой в современных условиях. В тоже время существует реальная возможность возвращения их в производство, способствуя частичному решению многих социально-экономических вопросов. В работе проведен анализ ситуации по обращению с отходами в Пермском крае, рассмотрены различные варианты рационального использования полигонов ТКО, дана эколого-экономическая оценка вариантов использования полигонов ТКО в Пермском крае. В качестве научной новизны работы можно отметить разработку алгоритма по принятию организационно-управленческих решений по выбору направления рекультивации и использования территорий полигонов ТКО.
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Evaluation of the Engineering Properties of Municipal Solid Waste for Landfill DesignLakshmikanthan, P January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
The objective of this thesis is to evaluate the engineering properties of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) that are necessary in the design of landfills. The engineering properties of MSW such as compressibility, shear strength, stiffness and hydraulic conductivity are crucial in design and construction of landfills. The variation of the engineering properties with time, age and degradation are of paramount importance in the field of landfill engineering. There is a need to address the role of the engineering properties in landfill engineering as it is not apparent how the engineering characteristics vary with time. The thesis presents the results of study of the engineering properties of MSW comprehensively and develops experimental data for design of MSW landfills. The work includes the study of the index properties and the engineering properties of MSW such as compressibility, shear strength, shear modulus and damping ratio and a detailed experimental study of the bioreactor landfill. The components of settlements, variation of shear strength with respect to unit weight and particle size are determined experimentally and analyzed. The dynamic properties such as shear modulus and material damping ratio and its variation with parameters such as unit weight, load, amplitude, degradation and moisture content are studied and analyzed. The normalized shear modulus reduction curve which is used in the seismic analysis of the landfills is developed for MSW based on the experimental results and previous studies. A pilot-scale bioreactor was setup in the laboratory for long term monitoring of the settlement, temperature variation and gas production simultaneously. The parameters of interest viz, pH, BOD, COD, conductivity, alkalinity, methane and carbon-di-oxide were determined. The generated data can be effectively used in the engineered design of landfills. For a better understanding, the present thesis is divided into the following eight chapter
Chapter 1 provides a general introduction to the thesis with respect to the importance of engineering properties of MSW and presents the organization of the thesis.
Chapter 2 presents a detailed review of literature pertaining to the basic, index and the engineering properties of MSW namely compressibility, shear strength, shear modulus and damping ratio, bioreactor landfill and also the scope of the study.
Chapter 3 includes the materials and methods followed in the thesis.
Chapter 4 presents the evaluation of compressibility characteristics of MSW including the components of settlement and the settlement model parameters.
Chapter 5 presents the determination of the shear strength properties of MSW using direct shear tests and triaxial tests. The variation of the strength with respect to unit weight and the particle size is examined. The results are examined in terms of strength ratio and stiffness ratio and the implications are discussed.
Chapter 6 presents the study of the dynamic characters of MSW. The variation of the shear modulus and damping ratio with respect to unit weight, confining pressure, loading frequency, decomposition and moisture content are analyzed. Normalized shear modulus reduction and damping curves are proposed for seismic analysis. Chapter 7 presents the study of the conventional and the bioreactor landfill in a small scale laboratory setup. A large scale experimental setup is fabricated to study the characteristics of a bioreactor landfill and includes the long term monitoring and analysis of temperature, gas, settlement and leachate characteristics periodically. The results of the comprehensive study are presented in this chapter. Chapter 8 summarizes the important conclusions from the various experimental studies reported in this dissertation. Conclusions and the scope of future work are presented. A detailed list of references and the list of publications from the thesis are presented at the end. Appendix A presents the life cycle analysis and life cycle cost analysis of MSW land disposal options. The land disposal options such as open dumps, engineered landfills and bioreactor landfills are analyzed in this study.
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