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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Turbulent bubble suspensions and crystal growth in microgravity. Drop tower experiments and numerical simulations

Bitlloch Puigvert, Pau 11 October 2012 (has links)
We study the formation and spreading of a turbulent jet of bubbles in microgravity. This has been analyzed from the recordings obtained in previous experimental campaigns of microgravity. Results have been compared with a simplified model of passive bubbles, in which bubbles are advected by the mean flow and dispersed due to the local degree of turbulence at each point of the jet. Thanks to the expertise obtained with this part of the thesis, we have designed and built a new experiment that has been used 36 times in the 4.7 s drop tower of ZARM (“Center of Applied Space Technology and Microgravity”) in Bremen. With this experiment we have obtained, for the first time in history, a monodisperse suspension of bubbles, within a turbulent flow, in microgravity. From the resulting measures we have characterized the relaxation time of pseudo-turbulence (previously generated due to the effect of buoyancy forces upon the injected bubbles in normal gravity conditions). We have also studied the interaction between bubbles and the turbulent medium. Results have been compared with Lattice-Boltzmann simulations of the flow. On the other hand, we have also studied the impact of residual gravitational vibrations (known as g-jitters) upon the quality of semiconductors solidified in microgravity. The quality of the resulting crystals has been studied from the analysis of the inhomogeneities in their dopant concentration. This study has been based entirely on simulations, but g-jitters have been modeled from acceleration signals measured in real space missions. / En la present tesi s’estudia, en primer lloc, la formació d’un doll turbulent de bombolles en condicions de microgravetat. Aquest ha sigut analitzat a partir del tractament de les gravacions obtingudes per altres investigadors en experiments de microgravetat. Els resultats s’han comparat amb un model simplificat de bombolles passives, en el que aquestes són arrossegades pel flux mitjà i, simultàniament, són dispersades degut al grau local de turbulència a cada punt. Gràcies a la experiència obtinguda en aquest anàlisi, s’ha dissenyat un nou experiment que ha sigut utilitzat en 36 llançaments de la torre de caiguda de 4.7 segons del ZARM (“Centre de Tecnologia Espacial Aplicada i Microgravetat”) a Bremen. Amb aquest experiment s’ha aconseguit, per primera vegada a la història, una suspensió monodispersa de bombolles, en el sí d’un flux turbulent, en condicions de microgravetat. A partir dels resultats obtinguts, s’ha caracteritzat per primera vegada el temps de relaxació de la pseudo-turulència (generada prèviament degut a l’efecte de les forces de flotació sobre les bombolles injectades en gravetat normal). També s’ha estudiat l’efecte causat per les bombolles en el medi turbulent. Els resultats han sigut comparats amb simulacions realitzades mitjançant el model de Lattice-Boltzmann. Per altra banda, s’ha estudiat també l’efecte que tenen les vibracions gravitatòries residuals sobre la qualitat de semiconductors solidificats en microgravetat. S’ha analitzat la qualitat dels cristalls resultants a partir de l’estudi de les inhomogeneïtats en la concentració de dopant. Aquest estudi ha sigut realitzat íntegrament a base de simulacions, però s’han establert els paràmetres dominants del soroll gravitatori a partir de valors mesurats en missions espacials reals.

Comportamiento ambiental de lodos de fundición estabilizados/solidificados

Coz Fernández, Alberto 13 July 2001 (has links)
El objetivo de esta tesis ha sido el tratamiento de un residuo (lodo de fundición) procedente del lavado húmedo de los gases del horno fusor. Para ello, se ha evaluado la peligrosidad del residuo y, posteriormente, se han estudiado diferentes tratamientos previos al vertido y se ha realizado su evaluación ambiental. El lodo de fundición es un residuo ecotóxico, debido principalmente a la alta concentración de cinc y a la carga orgánica (fenoles) del mismo, pudiéndose establecer relaciones matemáticas entre la ecotoxicidad y la concentración de cinc y fenoles, tanto en el residuo original como en los productos finales. Entre las diferentes tecnologías de tratamiento, destacan los procesos de estabilización/solidificación con cal o cemento como agente aglomerante, por su elevado interés en residuos de carácter tóxico mixto: orgánico e inorgánico. Se ha llevado a cabo un estudio exhaustivo de los diferentes aditivos utilizados en dichos procesos y se han desarrollado diferentes formulaciones cal o cemento y aditivos/residuo con el fin de cumplir los parámetros ambientales, concluyéndose con la relación existente entre formulación y evaluación ambiental y obteniendo una patente de invención. / The aim of this work has been the study of the treatment of foundry sludge coming from after wet cleaning of gases of the furnace in foundry activities. Previously, the hazardous of the waste material has been evaluated. Later, different treatments have been studied and the environmental evaluation have been conducted. Foundry sludge is an ecotoxical waste due to inorganic (basically zinc) and organic (phenols) pollutants, being able to establish mathematical relationships between the ecotoxicity and the concentration of zinc and phenols, both in waste and end-products. Among the different technologies for the treatment, stabilisation/solidification processes with lime or cement as binders are very interesting technologies for waste of mixed character (organic and inorganic). An exhaustive study of different additives used in these processes has been carried out and different formulations have been developed in order to inertise the waste materials, concluding with the relationships between formulation and environmental evaluation and obtaining a patent.

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