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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An Exploration of the Relationship between International Students and Their Advisors in U.S. Higher Education Institution

Mitra, Shreya 31 March 2017 (has links)
International students in U.S. academic settings are facing barriers in the path of their academic accomplishments. In higher educational institutions, students work very closely with their academic advisors to solve a definite problem. Dependence on the academic advisor is much more when the advisee is international. Keeping these points in mind, one of the factors that might impact academic environment for an international student is the bonding that they share with their advisor. This research study determines the factors that encourage or discourage the relationship between the advisor and international advisee. More specifically, what factors, cultural or cognitive are more salient in defining the advising relationship, and how are coping behaviors being employed and by whom when differences between the working pair exists? Full-time international graduate students having at least one year of graduate school experience in U.S. academic settings and faculty advisors who had experience in advising international graduate students participated in this study. A total of 20 international students participated. All the participants completed the Kirton Adaption-Innovation Inventory (KAI) as a measure of problem-solving style. Of the 20 that completed the inventory, 14 participants from 10 different countries agreed to participate in a semi-structure interview. Additionally, five faculty advisors completed the KAI inventory and three faculty advisors participated in an interview. Findings of the study are: 1) a link exists between participants' problem-solving styles and their expectations for the advising relationship; 2) cultural difference outside academia had no impact on academic progress of international students; 3) acculturation into American academic culture seemed essential for academic success of international students in U.S academic settings; 4) international students wanted their home country culture to be acknowledged in a multicultural settings; 5) success of advising relationship seemed to be dependent upon how much the advisor and the advisee exhibited coping behavior; 6) acknowledging the differences and accepting a person in a holistic manner as a separate identity worked best in a multicultural settings; and 7) developing a human connect between the advisor and advisee seemed to be vital for a successful and academically productive advising relationship. / Master of Science in Life Sciences / International students in U.S. academic settings are facing barriers in the path of their academic accomplishments. In higher educational institutions, students work very closely with their academic advisors to solve a definite problem. Dependence on the academic advisor is much more when the advisee is international. Keeping these points in mind, one of the factors that might impact academic environment for an international student is the bonding that they share with their advisor. This research study determines the factors that encourage or discourage the relationship between the advisor and international advisee. More specifically, what factors, cultural or cognitive are more salient in defining the advising relationship, and how are coping behaviors being employed and by whom when differences between the working pair exists? Fulltime international graduate students having at least one year of graduate school experience in U.S. academic settings and faculty advisors who had experience in advising international graduate students participated in this study. A total of 20 international students participated. All the participants completed the Kirton Adaption-Innovation Inventory (KAI) as a measure of problem-solving style. Of the 20 that completed the inventory, 14 participants from 10 different countries agreed to participate in a semi-structure interview. Additionally, five faculty advisors completed the KAI inventory and three faculty advisors participated in an interview. Findings of the study are: 1) a link exists between participants’ problem-solving styles and their expectations for the advising relationship; 2) cultural difference outside academia had no impact on academic progress of international students; 3) acculturation into American academic culture seemed essential for academic success of international students in U.S academic settings; 4) international students wanted their home country culture to be acknowledged in a multicultural settings; 5) success of advising relationship seemed to be dependent upon how much the advisor and the advisee exhibited coping behavior; 6) acknowledging the differences and accepting a person in a holistic manner as a separate identity worked best in a multicultural settings; and 7) developing a human connect between the advisor and advisee seemed to be vital for a successful and academically productive advising relationship.

Algebraic reasoning of first through third grade students solving systems of two linear equations with two variables

Tsankova, Evgenia Kirilova January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (Ed.D.)--Boston University / PLEASE NOTE: Boston University Libraries did not receive an Authorization To Manage form for this thesis or dissertation. It is therefore not openly accessible, though it may be available by request. If you are the author or principal advisor of this work and would like to request open access for it, please contact us at open-help@bu.edu. Thank you. / The purpose of the study was to investigate the algebraic reasoning of first through third grade subjects solving systems of two linear equations with two variables. The population consisted of 60 subjects, 20 from each of the grades, 1, 2, and 3, in an elementary school in a suburban city in Massachusetts. To assess algebraic reasoning abilities, the Assessment of Students' Equation Solving Abilities (ASESA) instrument was developed, one version for each grade level. In ASESA, three types of systems of equations were presented in three contexts: pictures of animals, geometric figures, and letters to represent the variables for a total of nine problems. Variations by grade level were due to the magnitude of the values of the variables. A predetermined sequence of hints was developed to be used in the event that subjects could not solve the problems independently. The hints were of three types: 1) Look, that focused subjects on key information; 2) Record, that requested subjects to record given problem information; and 3) Solve, that led subjects to the algorithm for solving the problems. Hints were scored for each subject and each problem. Strategies used to solve the problems were coded as algebraic or arithmetic. Statistical analyses were performed to determine the effect of grade level, problem context, problem type, and solution strategy on solution success when the subjects solved problems independently as well as with assistance in the form of hints. Differences in the numbers of hints of each hint type were also identified and analyzed. When solving problems both independently and when hints were provided, grade level was a significant factor for solution success. Subjects in Grades 2 and 3 performed significantly better than did subjects in Grade 1. Problem context was not a significant factor for solution success. The type of problem was a significant factor for solution success. Type 3 problems, involving four solutions steps, posed the greatest difficulty for all subjects. Subjects who used algebraic strategies were significantly more successful solving problems of all types and in all contexts than were subjects who used arithmetic strategies. / 2999-01-01

Strategies in the teaching of problem solving skills in mathematics: a comparison between the experienced andthe less-experienced teachers

Luk, Hok-wing., 陸鶴榮. January 1989 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Education / Master / Master of Education

Effects of Tenderness on Problem Solving.

Kalawski, Juan Pablo 12 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of tenderness on problem solving. Thirty-four female undergraduates participated. In the experimental condition, participants received instructions to reproduce a specific respiratory-posturo-facial pattern that had induced tenderness in previous studies. Participants in the control condition performed a non-emotional exercise. After either the pattern or the control exercise, participants completed one of two jigsaw puzzles. One puzzle had only an empty room while the other had a family scene. For participants who worked on the room puzzle, the tenderness pattern led to longer completion times. In contrast, for participants who worked on the family puzzle, the tenderness pattern led to shorter completion times.

Task Domain Knowledge as a Moderator of Information System Usage

Marshall, Thomas E. (Thomas Edward), 1954- 05 1900 (has links)
Information system (IS) support of human problem solving during the complex task of auditing within a computer environment was investigated. 74 computer audit specialist professionals from nine firms participated in the field experiment. Task accomplishment behavior was recorded via a computerized activity-logging technique. Theoretical constructs of interest included: 1) IS problem-solving support, 2) task domain knowledge, and 3) decision-making behavior. It was theorized that task domain knowledge influences the type of IS most functionally appropriate for usage by that individual. IS task presentation served as the treatment variable. Task domain knowledge was investigated as a moderating factor of task accomplishment Task accomplishment, the dependent variable, was defined as search control strategy and quality of task performance. A subject's task domain knowledge was assessed over seven theoretical domains. Subjects were assigned to higher or lower task domain knowledge groups based on performance on professional competency examination questions. Research hypothesis one investigated the effects of task domain knowledge on task accomplishment behavior. Several task domain knowledge bases were found to influence both search control strategy and task performance. Task presentation ordering effects, hypothesis two, were not found to significantly influence search control strategy or task performance. The third hypothesis investigated interaction effects of a subject's task domain knowledge and task presentation ordering treatments on task accomplishment behavior. An interaction effect was found to influence the subject's search control strategy. The computer-specific knowledge base and task presentation ordering treatments were found to interact as joint moderators of search control strategy. Task performance was not found to be significantly influenced by interaction effects. Users' task accomplishment was modeled based upon problem-solving behavior. A subject's level of task domain knowledge was found to serve as a moderating factor of IS usage. Human information-processing strategies, IS usage, and task domain knowledge were integrated into a comprehensive IS user task model. This integrated model provides a robust characterization scheme for IS problem-solving support in a complex task environment.

Resolução de problemas, uma abordagem com questões da OBMEP em sala de aula / Problem solving, an approach with OBMEP questions in the classroom

Valerio, Wiviane 19 December 2016 (has links)
A questão desta pesquisa é investigar a Resolução de Problemas aplicada à situações-problema da OBMEP (Olimpíada Brasileira das Escolas Públicas) em sala de aula, na tentativa de despertar no aluno o gosto pela Matemática, colaborando para o ensino-aprendizagem, construção do espírito crítico e tomada de decisões quanto cidadão. Nos apoiamos em Polya (2006), Dante (1991), Onuchic e Allevato (2004), Mendes (2009), Pozo et al. (1998), Baldin et al. (2012) e documentos oficiais (BRASIL. Secretaria de Educação Fundamental (1997), BRASIL. Secretaria de Educação Fundamental (1998), BRASIL. Secretaria de Educação Média e Tecnológica (1999) e SÃO PAULO (Estado). Secretaria da Educação (2011)). Apresentamos a Resolução de Problemas e as etapas propostas por George Polya (2006) em seu livro, A arte de resolver problemas. Nossa investigação constitui uma pesquisa-ação qualitativa (Lüdke e André (2001), André (2008) e Bogdan e Biklen (1994)), na medida que desenvolvemos uma atividade no 8o ano do Ensino Fundamental - Anos Finais da rede pública estadual paulista, utilizando uma questão do Banco de Questões da OBMEP, com 21 alunos, de 13 a 14 anos, procurando nos aproximar das indicações de Polya (2006), Dante (1991) e Baldin et al. (2012), quanto à Resolução de Problemas. As análises nos indicam que ao optar por desenvolver conteúdos com situações-problema, sendo esses desafiadores, utilizando problemas auxiliares e materiais manipulativos, os alunos mostraram-se participativos e interessados, facilitando sua aprendizagem e encorajando-os a ser curiosos, assumindo um papel ativo na aprendizagem. / The question of this research is to investigate the Problem Solving applied to the OBMEP situation-problem in classroom. The aim is to awaken in students a taste for Mathematics, collaborating for the teaching-learning, the ability to think critically and improve your decisionmaking skills as a citizen. We found support for our objective in Polya (2006), Dante (1991), Onuchic e Allevato (2004), Mendes (2009), Pozo et al. (1998), Baldin et al. (2012) and official documents (BRASIL. Secretaria de Educação Fundamental (1997), BRASIL. Secretaria de Educação Fundamental (1998), BRASIL. Secretaria de Educação Média e Tecnológica (1999) e SÃO PAULO (Estado). Secretaria da Educação (2011)). We present the Problem Solving e as etapas described by George Polya in How to Solve It (1945). Our research is a action research studies combining qualitative (Lüdke e André (2001), André (2008) e Bogdan e Biklen (1994)), since we developed an activity in the 8th grade (elementary school) - Final Years public schools in the State of São Paulo. We using a question from the OBMEP Bank of Questions, with 21 Students, aged from 13 to 14 years old, trying to get closer to the Problem Solving presented in Polya (2006), Dante (1991) e Baldin et al. (2012). The analisys provide convincing evidence that develop learning contents using a combination of manipulative materials and auxiliary problems can provide an extremely useful addition to Mathematics teaching-learning. In addition, based on the analisys, we also noted a increasing students participation and interest, then, facilitating learning and encourage then to be curious, seek new answers and take an active role in learning.

The Cognitive Underpinnings of Multiply-Constrained Problem Solving

January 2019 (has links)
abstract: In the daily life of an individual problems of varying difficulty are encountered. Each problem may include a different number of constraints placed upon the problem solver. One type of problem commonly used in research are multiply-constrained problems, such as the compound remote associates. Since their development they have been related to creativity and insight. Moreover, research has been conducted to determine the cognitive abilities underlying problem solving abilities. We sought to fully evaluate the range of cognitive abilities (i.e., working memory, episodic and semantic memory, and fluid and crystallized intelligence) linked to multiply-constrained problem solving. Additionally, we sought to determine whether problem solving ability and strategies (analytical or insightful) were task specific or domain general through the use of novel problem solving tasks (TriBond and Location Bond). Results indicated that multiply-constrained problem solving abilities were domain general, solutions derived through insightful strategies were more often correct than analytical, and crystallized intelligence was the only cognitive ability that provided unique predictive value. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Psychology 2019

Spatial thinking processes employed by primary school students engaged in mathematical problem solving

Owens, Kay Dianne, mikewood@deakin.edu.au January 1993 (has links)
This thesis describes changes in the spatial thinking of Year 2 and Year 4 students who participated in a six-week long spatio-mathematical program. The main investigation, which contained quantitative and qualitative components, was designed to answer questions which were identified in a comprehensive review of pertinent literatures dealing with (a) young children's development of spatial concepts and skills, (b) how students solve problems and learn in different types of classrooms, and (c) the special roles of visual imagery, equipment, and classroom discourse in spatial problem solving. The quantitative investigation into the effects of a two-dimensional spatial program used a matched-group experimental design. Parallel forms of a specially developed spatio-mathematical group test were administered on three occasions—before, immediately after, and six to eight weeks after the spatial program. The test contained items requiring spatial thinking about two-dimensional space and other items requiring transfer to thinking about three-dimensional space. The results of the experimental group were compared with those of a ‘control’ group who were involved in number problem-solving activities. The investigation took into account gender and year at school. In addition, the effects of different classroom organisations on spatial thinking were investigated~one group worked mainly individually and the other group in small cooperative groups. The study found that improvements in scores on the delayed posttest of two-dimensional spatial thinking by students who were engaged in the spatial learning experiences were statistically significantly greater than those of the control group when pretest scores were used as covariates. Gender was the only variable to show an effect on the three-dimensional delayed posttest. The study also attempted to explain how improvements in, spatial thinking occurred. The qualitative component of the study involved students in different contexts. Students were video-taped as they worked, and much observational and interview data were obtained and analysed to develop categories which were described and inter-related in a model of children's responsiveness to spatial problem-solving experiences. The model and the details of children's thinking were related to literatures on visual imagery, selective attention, representation, and concept construction.

An analysis of Mathematics Problem-solving Processes of Gifted Primary School Children with General Intelligent Ability

Huang, Chia-Chieh 02 July 2004 (has links)
The purpose of this research is to use Schoenfeld¡¦s mathematics problem-solving model to analyze processes, strategies, and affective characteristics of children in a gifted primary program, and then, to propose concrete suggestions for gifted class and general class teachers. Participants were six third-grade gifted children who were great in articulation, and enrolled in one primary school in Kaohsiung. The investigator analyzed think-aloud protocols of them who solved four non-routine problems selected by several expert teachers. The findings of this study were three. First, all six gifted students' thought processes mostly conformed to Schoenfeld¡¦s problem-solving model, though with various differences by individuals, and by problems. One of them provided two correct answers, having no verification stage in all problems. And one only provided one correct answer, had less analysis, exploration, design, and verification stage in solving all problems. Second, children exhibited diversified and flexible strategies. They used representing, drawing figures, working backward, introducing auxiliary element, and attempting mistakes to solve four non-routine mathematical problems. Last, the affective characteristics of students were positive. They were patient and perseverant and showed personal mathematics curiosity, excitement, and confidence, which were given as creative characteristics by Sternberg, and as mathematical talent or characteristics by Krutetskii. The investigator concluded that not all gifted students possessed meta-cognition ability: including exploration, design, and verification. The gifted class teachers could use non-routine mathematics problems to discipline students' meta-cognitive ability, including exploration, design, and verification, and encourage them to generate more solving strategies by group discussion in class. Finally, the general class teachers could adopt problem-solving characteristics of gifted students as materials for gifted students and general students to learn together in class.

Investigation Of The Change In Sixth Grade Students

Yildiz, Veysel 01 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Teaching mathematics is now gaining more importance, as the new elementary mathematics school curriculum has been adapted to Turkish Educational System. One of the main goals of the curriculum reform is to increase elementary school students&rsquo / problem solving abilities in mathematics (Ko&ccedil / , ISiksal &amp / Bulut / 2007). In this study, the aim is to investigate the change in sixth grade students&rsquo / problem solving abilities, attitude towards problem solving and attitude toward mathematics after mathematics instruction based on Polya&rsquo / s problem solving steps. The sample of this study consisted of 53 sixth grade students from an elementary school in Istanbul. The participants consist of a class selected conveniently among all the sixth grade classes in the school. In these selected classes, mathematical problems are solved according to the Polya&rsquo / s problem solving steps by following different problem solution techniques during the semester.At the end of this study, the three main results were found: 1) Instruction based on Polya&rsquo / s step has significantly affected students&rsquo / problem solving abilities in a positive way, 2) students&rsquo / attitudes towards problem solving has changed in a positive way, 3) students&rsquo / attitudes towards mathematics is enhanced by the instruction based on Polya&rsquo / s problem solving steps.

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