Spelling suggestions: "subject:"sotho language"" "subject:"botho language""
61 |
A genre-theoretic analysis of sports texts in SepediMaruma, Mamalatswa Walburga 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study utilises the theoretical framework of text construction developed by Grabe and
Kaplan (1996) for the analysis of Sepedi sports articles from Bona Magazine. This includes
linguistic elements which are applicable in language learning to equip learners with analytic
skills. These skills are indicated in the Curriculum 2005 for the learning area: languages.
These skills will enable learners to analyse the discourse structure of written texts
Use is made of various textlinguistic strategies for analysing written genre texts on sports
matters. Including these strategies in language learning and teaching situation will help
learners to understand how language is used in text analysis. In order to demonstrate
how to analyse texts practically, these strategies are investigated through sports texts from
Bona Magazine.
This study demonstrates the importance of generic factors for a proper analysis of texts.
These factors include the community in which the text is produced, cultural factors and the
communicative purpose of a text. In exploring the generic features of texts, the definition
of the term text is investigated, including all its characteristics, textlinguistic construction
and levels of text analysis are also identified.
This study demonstrates the importance of including the parameters of the ethnography of
writing advanced by Grabe and Kaplan (1996) in the analysis of the linguistic structure of
texts. The ethnography of writing entails that a thorough text analysis should address the
following question: AWho writes what to whom for what purpose, why, when and hews.
The study examines the importance of utilising text analysis in language learning and
The study also demonstrates the relationship between the theoretical aspects examined
and the learning outcomes of Curriculum 2005. The study thus demonstrates how the
theoretical framework discusses is applicable in the analysis of Sepedi texts. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie maak gebruik van die teoretiese raamwerk van tekskonstruksie ontwikkel
deur Grabe en Kaplan (1996) vir die analise van Sepedi sport artikels vanuit die BONA
tydskrif. Hierdie tekslinguistiese model sluit in die linguistiese elemente wat toepaslik is in
taalleer en wat leerders met analitiese vaardighede toerus. Hierdie vaardighede word in
Kurrikulum 2005 gespesifiseer vir die leerarea van tale. Hierdie vaardighede stelleerders in
staat om die diskoers struktuur van geskrewe teks te analiseer.
Die studie maak gebruik van In verskeidenheid tekslinguistiese strategieë vir die analise van
geskrewe genres oor sportsake. Die insluiting van die onderrig van hierdie strategieë sal
leerders help om te verstaan hoe taal gebruik word in terme van teksanalise. Ten einde die
praktiese toepassing van die analise van tekste te illustreer, word die betrokke
tekslinguistiese strategieë ondersoek met verwysing na die BONAtekste.
Die tesis demonstreer die belang van genre-analitiese eienskappe in die analise van tekste.
Hierdie faktore hou o.a. verband met gemeenskap waarin die teks geproduseer word,
kulturele faktore, en die kommunikatiewe doelstelling van die teks. In die ondersoek van
die genre-analitiese eienskappe van tekste, word die definisie van die term teks ondersoek,
insluitende die tekslinguistiese konstruksie en die vlakke van teks-analise.
Die studie demonstreer voorts die belang van die parameters van die etnografie van skryf,
soos voorgestel deur Grabe en Kaplan in die analise van die struktuur van tekste. Die
etnografie van skryf hou in dat In deeglike analise van tekste die volgende vrae moet
aanspreek: "Wie skryf wat aan wie, vir watter doel, hoekom, waar en hoe." Die studie
ondersoek die belang van die gebruik van teksanalise in leer en onderrig.
Die studie demonstreer ook die verband tussen teoretiese aspekte en die leeruitkomste van
Kurrikulum 2005. Die studie toon aan hoe die teoretiese raamwerk toepaslik is in die
analise van Sepedi tekste. / SEPEDI SENAGANWA: Kakanyothema ye e somisa kakanyo ya semolomo ya hlamo ya dingwalwa, ye e
tSweletSwago ke Grabe Ie Kaplan (1996) tshekatshekong ya dingwalwakgolo tsa dipapadi
go tswa kqatisobakenq ya Sepedi. Se se akaretsa dithopolelo tseo di lego maleba
thutopolelong yeo e hlamago barutwana ka mabokgone a go sekaseka. Mabokgone a
tSwelela lenaneothutong la 2005 mafapheng a boithutelo a maleme.
Go somisitSwe mekgwa ya go fapana ya temanapolelo go sekaseka dingwalwa tsa go
amana le tsa dipapadi. Go akaretsa mekgwa ye go ruteng le go ithuteng polelo go tla
thusa barutwana go kweslsa ka moo polelo e somiswago tshekatshekong ya dingwalwa.
Go laetSa tirlso tshekatshekong ya dingwalwa, mekgwa ye ya tshekatsheko e nyakisisitswe
ka go sornlëa dingwalwa tsa dipapadi go tswa go kqatlsobaka ya Bona.
Kakanyothema ye e bea pepeneneng bohlokwa bja dinhla tsa besetshaba tshekatshekong
ya maleba ya dingwalwa. Dinhla tseo di akaretsa lefelo leo sengwalwa se hlamilwego go
lona, dinhla tsa setso le morero woo 0 tsweletswaqo ke sengwalwa. Go nyakisiseng ka ga
ponagalo tSa besetshaba. hlathollo ya lereo le 'sengwalwa' e nyakisisitSwe, go akeretse le
dipharoloqantsho tsa sona, hlamego ya temanapolelo le magato a go sekaseka sengwalwa
a laedltswe,
Thuto ye e laetSa bohlokwa bja go akaretSa le hlaloso ya phapantsho ka hlalososemahlale
ya go ngwalwa bjalo ka ge e tsweletswa ke Grabe le Kaplan (1996) tshekatshekong ya
dibopego tsa polelo tsa dingwalwa. Hlalososemahlale e tsweletsa gore tshekatsheko ye
etebilego ya dingwalwa e swanetse go araba potslso tse di latelago: 'Mang 0 ngwalela
mang, go tsweletsa eng, ka baka lang, kae, neng, bjang?'
Kakanyothema ye e lekodlslêa bohlokwa bja go somrsa tshekatsheko ya dingwalwa go
ruteng le go ithuteng polelo. Thuto ye e laetsa le tswalano ye e lego gona gare ga dinhla
tSasemolomo tseo di lekotSwego le ditebanyo tsa boithutelo tsa lenaneothuto la 2005. Ke
ka fao kakanyothema ye e beago pepeneneng ka moo kakanyosemolomo yeo e
hlalosïtsweqo e ka diriswago tshekatshekong ya dingwalwa tsa dipapadi tsa Sepedi.
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Adjectives in Northern SothoMphasha, Lekau Eleazar 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research investigates the adjective in Northern Sotho. The entire research
indicates that adjectives form a closed system and are morphologically marked with a
noun class prefix in Northern Sotho. Three semantic categories of adjectives which
may be recognized are descriptive, quantitative and colour adjectives.
Chapter One is the introduction of the research. The introductory sections which
appear in it are purpose and aim of study, method of research, organization of the
study, definitions of the concepts and derivation of adjectives.
Chapter Two concentrates on the semantic adjective. Semantics deals with the study
of words origins~ changes and meanings. Attributive (prenominal) adjectives tend to
denote fairly permanent properties, while predicative ones denote the corresponding
transient properties as in the following examples:
(1) a. The shirt is loose (not buttoned)
b. The loose shirt (not fitting properly)
(2) a. The apparatus are handy (conveniently at hand)
b. Handy apparatus (useful apparatus)
Adjectives can occur in comparative and exclamatory constructions. Two types of
adjectives may also differ from one another in that the one involving conversion does
not take degree modifier or comparative, whereas the one not involving conversion can
have either of them occurring with them:
(3) a. The strong should help the weak
b. The very strong should help the weak
(4) a. The cup is big
b. The cup is too big
Chapter Three evolves on the formation and structure of adjectives in Northern Sotho.
This chapter introduces a wide range of word building elements used to create the
adjective structure. Emphasis is put on the adjectival prefixes, adjectival stems and
adjectival suffixes which are the constituent elements of the adjective. Only the
adjectival stems are reduplicable and have usually an intensified meaning. This implies
that the adjectival prefixes and adjectival suffixes, in terms of their position and function,
cannot be reduplicated. There are also some restrictions in the use of adjectives. The
main concerns are the nature of word-formation processes and the ways in which wordformation
interacts with syntax, semantics and lexicon.
Chapter Four exemplifies the descriptive possessive in full. As a matter of clarification,
no possessives have been discussed in this chapter. Descriptive possessives and
possessives are two different aspects. In this chapter, various aspects which make up
the descriptive possessives are also discussed in detail.
Chapter Five deals with the nominal relative clause. The head is always the noun in
all the nominal relative clauses. The matrix and the relative clauses are given under
physical features, psychological features, habits, skills, taste and natural
phenomena. The distribution of a relative is also indicated. Attention is based on the
complement of a noun and position in a clause.
Chapter Six is the concluding chapter which gives the summary of all the previous
chapters. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie navorsing het as doelstelling die ondersoek van die adjektief in Noord-Sotho.
Die bevindinge van die navorsing dui daarop dat adjektiewe in Noord-Sotho 'n geslote
klas vorm wat morfologies gemerk word deur 'n naamwoordklasprefiks. Die drie
semantiese kategorieë van adjektiewe wat in die studie erken word sluit in
deskriptiewe, kwantitatiewe en kleur adjektiewe.
Hoofstuk Een vorm die inleiding van die studie. Die verskillende sub-afdelings van die
hoofstuk gee die doelstelling van die studie, asook 'n oorsig van die navorsingsmetode,
organisasie van die studie, belangrike definisies en konsepte en behandel die afleiding
van adjektiewe in Noord-Sotho.
Hoofstuk Twee fokus op die semantiese adjektiewe. Semantiek hou verband met die
studie van woorde se oorsprong, veranderinge en betekenisse. Attributiewe
(prenominale) adjektiewe neig om redelik permanente eienskappe aan te dui, terwyl
predikatiewe adjektiewe die korresponderende tydelike eienskappe aandui, soos
getoon in die volgende voorbeelde in Engels:
(1) a. The shirt is loose (not buttoned)
b. The loose shirt (not fitting properly)
(2) a. The apparatus are handy (conveniently at hand)
b. Handy apparatus (useful apparatus)
Adjektiewe kan in vergelykende en uitroepkonstruksies verskyn. Twee tipes adjektiewe
kan ook verskil van mekaar in die opsig dat die een tipe wat verandering behels nie 'n
graad bepaler of vergelykende bepaler neem nie, terwyl die ander wat nie verandering
behels nie met enige van hierdie bepalers kan verskyn. Beskou die volgende
voorbeelde in Engels: (3) a. The strong should help the weak
b. The very strong should help the weak
(4) a. The cup is big
b. The cup is too big
Hoofstuk Drie hou verband met die vorming en struktuur van adjektiewe in Noord-
Sotho. Hierdie hoofstuk stel'n wye reekswoordbou-elementebekendwat gebruik word
om qie adjektiefstruktuur te skep. Besondere aandag word gegee aan die adjektiefprefikse,
adjektiefstamme en adjektiefsuffikse wat die konstituent elemente van die I
adjektief is. Slegs adjektiefstamme is dupliseerbaar, en het gewoonlik 'n
geïntensifeerde betekenis. Dit volg dat die adjektiefprefikse en -suffikse in terme van
hulle posisie en funksie nie geredupliseer kan word nie. Daar word ook ondersoek
ingestel na die beperkings ten opsigte van die gebruik van adjektiewe. Die hoofoorwegings
is die aard van woordvormingsprosesseen die wyse waarop woordvorming
in interaksie is met die sintaksis, semantiek en die leksikon.
Hoofstuk Vier ondersoek die deskriptiewe possessief in Noord-Sotho volledig. Ter
wille van duidelikheid: geen possessiewe wat letterlike semantiese besit aandui word
in hierdie hoofstuk as relevant beskou nie aangesien deskriptiewe possessiewe, maar
nie letterlike besitaanduidende possessiewe nie, as kategorie van semantiese
adjektiewe beskou word. In hierdie hoofstuk word ook verskillende aspekte
bespreek wat die semantiese adjektief karakteriseer.
Hoofstuk Vyf ondersoek die nominale relatief klous. Die kern is altyd 'n naamwoord
in al die nominale relatiefklouse. Die matriks- en die relatiefklouse word bespreek
onder die klasse van fisiese kenmerke, sielkundige kenmerke, gewoontes,
vaardighede, smake, en natuurlike verskynsels. Die verspreiding van 'n relatief
word ook aangedui. Aandag word gevestig op die komplement van 'n naamwoord
en posisie in die klous.
Hoofstuk Ses is die samevatting van die studie waarin die belangrikste bevindings aan
die orde gestel word.
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A genre-based analysis of the society issue magazine text in SesothoKathekiso, J. M. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study explores the text-linguistic and genre-analytic properties of Sesotho magazine
texts on society issues. In particular, the model of text construction postulated by Grabe and
Kaplan (1996) is employed as general theoretical framework for the research on Sesotho
magazine texts. The writing properties of effective texts dealing with the theme of society
issues will be analysed, taking into account the ethnography of writing, i.e. the influence of
socio-cultural beliefs and views on writing in Sesotho.
The study will present an extensive invesitgation of the genre approach to writing in the
context of language teaching. The rationale of the genre approach and its advantages for
teaching writing are reviewed. The text-linguistic and genre-analytic properties of texts need
to be incorporated in methodology for teaching writing at secondary school.
The study presents an extensive analysis of the Sesotho magazine texts as regard
properties such as information structuring (topic-comment, theme-theme), coherence
relations, cohesion and lexical choices as a reflection of communicative purposes. The
linguistic devices in Seotho that characterise these properties are examined extensively. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die tekslinguistiese en genre-analitiese kenmerke van Sesotho
tydskrifartikel tekste oor sosiale vraagstukke. Die model van tekskonstruksie, soos
gepostuleer deur Grabe en Kaplan (1996), word gebruik as algemene teoretiese raamwerk
vir die ondersoek van Sesotho tydskrifartikels. Die skryf-kenmerke van effektiewe tekste wat
verband hou met die tema van gemeenskapsvraagstukke, salontleed word met inagneming
van die etnografie van skryf, d.i. die invloed van sosio-kulturele sieninge op geskrewe tekste
in Sesotho.
Die studie sal 'n uitgebreide ondersoek bied van die genre-benadering tot geskrewe tekste in
die konteks van skryfonderrig. Die rasionaal van die genre-benadering en die voordele
daarvan vir skryfonderrig word beskou. Die tekslinguistiese en genre-analitiese kenmerke
van tekste moet ingesluit word in 'n metodologie vir skryfonderrig in sekondêre skool.
Die studie bied 'n uitgebreide analise van die Sesotho tydskrifartikels t.o.v. eienskappe soos
informasiestrukturering, koherensie, kohesie en leksikale keuses as 'n refleksie van
kommunikatiewe doelstellings. Die linguistiese elemente in Sesotho wat hierdie kenmerke
realiseer word ekstensief ondersoek.
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The classificatory system of human features in SesothoMokhokhoba, Mamotheba Mataelo. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The classificatory system for features of humans in Sesotho has been investigated to show the
unique nature of such human features. There are various models to handle the lexicon of a
language and one of these models has been applied to Sesotho, i.e. the theory of the
Generative lexicon.
In chapter one attention has been given to the purpose of the study as well as various
problems within lexical semantics such as lexical ambiguity.
Chapter two is concerned with the theory of lexical semantics in which attention has been
given to the various levels of representation of a noun in the lexicon. A representation has
been given of the semantic entry of a noun in the Sesotho lexicon.
Chapter three has the core of the study which investigates the semantic features of human
nouns in Sesotho. Various semantic categories have been found within which such human
nouns may be classified. The major categories contain nouns of humans with various physical
and psychological features as well as nouns with features of various types of behaviour and
features of wealth vs. poverty.
Chapter four contains the conclusions of the study. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die klassifikasie sisteem vir kenmerke van mense in Sesotho is ondersoek met die oog op die
unieke aard van sulke menslike kenmerke. Daar is verskillende modelle om die leksikon van
'n taal te hanteer en een van hierdie modelle is toegepas op Sesotho, d.i. die teorie van die
Generatiewe leksikon.
In hoofstuk een is aandag gegee aan die doel van die studie asook verskeie probleme binne
die leksikale semantiek waaronder leksikale dubbelsinnigheid.
Hoofstuk twee handeloor die teorie van leksikale semantiek waarin aandag gegee is aan die
verskillende vlakke van representasie van 'n naamwoord in die leksikon. 'n Voorstelling is
gegee van die semantiese representasie van 'n naamwoord in die Sesotho leksikon.
Hoofstuk drie bevat die kern van die studie wat handeloor semantiese kenmerke VIr
naamwoorde wat mense aandui. Verskeie kategorieë is gevind waarin sulke naamwoorde
tereg kom. Die belangrikste kategorieë bevat naamwoorde van mense met verskillende fisiese
en psigologiese kenmerke asook naamwoorde wat dui op gedragspatrone en rykdom teenoor
Hoofstuk 4 bevat die konklusies van die studie.
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The polysemy of selected motion verbs in SesothoNgozo, Khulu Nicodemus 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The subject of this study is the polysemy of the motion verbs in Sesotho. Motion verbs can be
classified as verbs of process or transition. This study examines the semantic and the syntactic
properties of motion verbs in Sesotho. These motion verbs include verbs denoting process e.g. -ya,
-tla, -tsamaya, -baleha, -nyoloha and -theoha as shown in the sentences below:
a. Monna 0 ya toropong.
'The man goes to town'
b. Bashanyana ba tsamaya thoteng.
'The boys walk in the veld'
c. Bana ba tla hae.
'The children come home'
d. Bashemane ba balehile mophatong.
'The initiates run away from the initiation school'
e. Tshwene e theoha sefateng.
'The baboon descends from the tree'
f. Banna ba nyoloha thaba.
'Men ascend the mountain'
The study demonstrates that motion verbs in Sesotho are semantically divided into verbs denoting
'to go' e.g. -ya, verbs denoting 'to walk', e.g. -tsamaya, verbs denoting 'to run away', e.g. -baleha,
verbs denoting to ascend, e.g. -nyoloha, verbs denoting to descend, e.g. -theoha.
The study further demonstrates that these verbs are canonically intransitive. The study provides
evidence that motion verbs are characterized by specific selection restrictions and event structures.
The study further demonstrates that motion verbs are used with different subjects denoting (groups
of) people, animals, abstract nouns, mass nouns, nouns denoting food, intoxicating and nonintoxicating
liquids, natural phenomena, artifacts, natural object, possession/property, humans and
animals. Lastly the lexical conceptual paradigm, providing the different word senses of each verb,
is examined. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die onderwerp van hierdie studie is die polisemie van bewegingswerkwoorde m Sesotho.
Bewegingswerkwoorde kan gekarakteriseer word as werkwoorde van proses (aktiwiteit) of
transisie. Hierdie studie ondersoek die semantiese en sintaktiese eienskappe van
bewegingswerkwoorde in Sesotho. Hierdie werkwoorde sluit in werkwoorde wat 'n proses
(aktiwiteit) aandui, byvoorbeeld -~, -tla, -tsamaya, -baleha, -nyoloha en -theoha, soos geïllustreer
in die volgende sinne:
a. Monna 0 ya toropong.
'Die man gaan dorp toe'
b. Bashanyana ba tsamaya thoteng.
'Die seuns loop in die veld'
c. Bana ba tla hae.
'Die kinders gaan huis toe'
d. Bashemane ba balehile mophatong.
'Die inisiante hardloop weg van die inisiasieskool'
e. Tshwene e theoha sefateng.
'Die bobbejaan daal afuit die boom'
f. Banna ba nyoloha thaba.
'Die mans bestyg die berg'
Die studie demonstreer dat bewegingswerkwoorde in Sesotho semanties geklassifiseer kan word in
werkwoorde wat beteken 'om te gaan', bv. -~, werkwoorde wat beteken 'om te loop', bv. -tsamaya,
werkwoorde wat beteken 'om (weg) te hardloop', bv. -baleha, werkwoorde wat beteken 'om te
bestyg', bv. -nyoloha, en werkwoorde wat beteken 'om afte daal', bv. -theoha.
Die studie demonstreer verder dat bewegingswerkwoorde in Sesotho tiperend onoorganklik is. Daar
word aangetoon dat hierdie werkwoorde gekenmerk word deur spesifieke seleksiebeperkings en
gebeure-strukture ('event structures'). Die studie toon op uitgebreide wyse aan dat
bewegingswerkwoorde in Sesotho met onderwerpe gebruik kan word wat verskillende semantiese
tipes verteenwoordig, en wat verskillende kenmerke het, insluitende onderwerpe wat menslike
individue, groepe mense of diere aandui, abstrakte naamwoorde, massanaamwoorde, voedsel,
vloeistowwe, natuurlike verskynsels, artifakte, natuurlike voorwerpe, of be sittings.
66 |
The compound noun in Northern SothoMphasha, Lekau Eleazar 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DLitt (African Languages))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study explores the various elements which appear in compound nouns in Northern
Sotho. The purpose of this study fill in an important gap in the Northern Sotho
language studies as regards the morphological structure of compound nouns in
Northern Sotho.
This study is organized as follows:
CHAPTER ONE presents an introduction to the study. The introductory sections which
appear in this chapter include the aim of the study, the methodology and different views
of researchers of other languages on compound nouns. Different categories which
appear with the noun in the Northern Sotho compound are identified.
CHAPTER TWO deals with the different features of the noun in Northern Sotho. It
examines the various class prefixes, nominal stems/roots and nominal suffixes which
form nouns. Nouns appear in classes according to the form of their prefixes. The
morphological structures of the nouns have been presented. It also reviews the
meanings, sound/phonological changes and origins of nouns.
CHAPTER THREE is concerned with the nominal heads of compound nouns. It
examines compounds that are formed through a combination of nouns, and compounds
that are formed from nouns together with other syntactic categories. Arguments which
defend the structure of different compounds with nominal heads are presented.
CHAPTER FOUR explores compound nouns with verbal heads. It examines various
elements of compound nouns with a verb as one of its components. The entire chapter
includes examples that illustrate that when a verbal form appears with a noun, it is
adapted to a noun by the addition of the relevant prefixes and suffixes. CHAPTER FIVE gives an overview of the findings, and presents the conclusions, of the
research on compound nouns in Chapters Three and Four.
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Tragedy in selected Sesotho novelsMohatlane, Edwin Joseph 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DLitt)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / 207 leaves printed single pages, preliminary pages i-xiii and numbered pages 1-195. Includes bibliography. / Digitized at 600 dpi grayscale to pdf format (OCR), using a Bizhub 250 Konica Minolta Scanner. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The object of this study is to examine the expression of tragedy in randomly selected Sesotho
novels in two major periods, namely the early period (1925 to 1970s) and the later period (1970s
to 1990s). Five Sesotho novels will be discussed in each period and give an indication of tragic
expression in that period. It is however not the main emphasis in this work to compare and
contrast between the two periods but mainly to observe patterns of tragedy and tragic expressions
in Sesotho novels.
Chapter One orientates the reader by indicating aspects such as the problem identification, aim
of the research, the approach or modus operandi, the scope as well as the organisation of the
study, that is, a brief arrangement of chapters and presentation of what would be contained in
subsequent chapters.
Chapter Two presents the theoretical framework within which the research will be based. As
the theoretical framework in this work, aspects of tragedy, namely, character, plot and theme will
be discussed.
Chapter Three focuses on the early Sesotho tragedies within the literary period 1925 to 1970s.
As already indicated, five novels, namely, Chaka, Mphatlalatsane, Moiketsi, Mosali a nkhola,
and Leshala Ie tswala molora will be discussed in terms of the theoretical principles suggested in
Chapter Two. At the end of the chapter, an analysis of the findings and conclusions will be
drawn on tragic expressions in these novels. These novels distinguish themselves as largely
classical tragedies (there are modern ones also) in terms of the nature of tragic characters
Chapter Four examines the later Sesotho tragedies ranging between the period 1970s to 1990s.
As in early Sesotho novels, five novels will be discussed with a view to highlight tragic
expressions in this period. Peo ena ejetswe ke wena, Mehaladitwe ha e eketheha, Nna ke mang,
Ke lesheleshele leo a iphehletseng lona and Lehlaba la lephako will be the novels we analyse.
Analysis of the findings will be made and conclusions drawn at the end of the chapter in how tragedy is expressed in all these novels. These novels distinguish themselves as largely modern
tragedies in terms of the tragic characters portrayed in them.
Chapter Five presents the general conclusions on all the novels discussed in the two periods. A
comparison will be made as to how tragic expression differs from one period to another
particularly in terms of the three aspects of tragedy. Each novel will be given the individual
attention and focussed exclusively as to how it presents tragedy and how perhaps it differs from
others. / SESOTHO ABSTRACT: Ka mosebetsi ona wa diphuputso re hlahloba ka moo mahlomola a totobatswang ka teng
dingolweng tse kgethilweng dinakong tsena tsa bongodi, e leng ho tloha selemong sa
1925 ho isa selemong sa 1970 le tse hlahlamang esita le nako ya morao e qalang
selemong sa 1970 ho isa dilemong tsa 1990 le tse hlahlamang. Re tla hlahloba dipale tse
hlano mokgahlelong 0 mong le 0 mong wa nako e le ho totobatsa ka moo mahlomola a
hlahiswang ka teng dipaleng tsa Sesotho. Ha se sepheo se seholo sa mosebetsi ona ho
bapisa totobatso ya mahlomola mekgahlelong ena ya nako empa sepheo se seholo ke ho
bontsha ka moo mahlomola a hlahiswang ka teng dipaleng tsa Sesotho.
Kgaolong ya Pele re tla nyenyeletsa mrnadi diphuputsong tsena ka ho mo tsebisa dintlha
tsa bohlokwa malebana Ie mosebetsi ona tse kang totobatso ya qaka, sepheo sa phuputso
ena, mokgwa oo phuputso e tla etswa ka ona, dintlha tse tla fuputswa esita le tlhophiso ya
mosebetsi ona. Ka tlhophiso ya mosebetsi ona re bolela tatelano ya dikgaolo esita le
tlhahiso ya kgaolo ka nngwe, ho tse tla latela.
Kgaolong ya Bobedi re hlahisa teori kapa moralo wa tsebo 0 tla sebediswa bakeng sa
phuputso ena. Tse ding tsa dikarolwana tsa moralo ona wa tsebo e tla ba dikarolo tsa
bohlokwa tsa pale ya mahlomola, mme ka hona mosebetsi 0 tla totobatsa mophetwa,
moralo wa kgohlano (poloto) le mookotaba. Dintlha tsena tsa moralo wa tsebo di tla
sebediswa dipaleng tsa Sesotho tse tla hlahlojwa dikgaolong tse tla latela.
Kgaolong ya Boraro re hlahloba dipale tsa Sesotho tse ngotsweng mokgahlelong wa
pele wa nako mme e le nako e qalang selemong sa 1925 ho isa selemong sa 1970 le tse
mmalwa tse latelang. Jwalo ka ha re se re hlalositse, re tla hlahloba dipale tse hlano e
leng Chaka, Mphatlalatsane, Moiketsi, Mosali a nkhola le Leshala le tswala rnolora ho
latela dintlha tseo re buileng ka tsona kgaolong ya bobedi. Qetellong ya kgaolo ena re tla
hlahloba diqeto tseo re di etsang ho latela tseo re di lemohileng dipaleng tsena malebana
Ie tlhahiso ya mahlomola. Dipale tsena ke dipale tsa tlelaseki tse tshwanang le tsa.S ekgerike (le hoja ho ntse ho na le dipale tsa sejwalejwale) ho latela semelo sa
mophetwa wa mahlomola.
Kgaolong ya Bone re hlahloba dipale tsa mahlomola tsa mokgahlelo wa sejwalejwale
mme e le dipale tse ngotsweng nakong ya selemo sa 1970 ho tla tihla dilemong tsa 1990
le tse hlahlamang. Jwalo ka ha re ile ra etsa dipaleng tsa kgale, re tla hlahloba dipale tse
hlano e le ho bontsha ka moo mahlomola a totobatswang ka teng paleng tsa Sesotho.
Dipale tseo re tla di hlahloba ke Pea ena ejetswe ke wena, Mehaladitwe ha e eketheha,
Nna ke mang, Ke lesheleshele lea a iphehletseng lana Ie Lehlaba la lephaka. Ha re se re
hlahlobile dipale tsena re tla fana ka diqeto tseo re di tihleletseng mabapi le ka moo
mahlomola a hlahiswang ka teng paleng tsena. Dipale tsena di ka tsejwa e le dipale tsa
sejwalejwale ho latela mofuta wa mophetwa wa mahlomola ya fumanwang ho tsona.
Kgaolong ya Bohlano re fana ka diqeto tse akaretsang malebana Ie dipale tsohle tseo re
di hlahlobileng mekgahlelong ena e mmedi ya nako. Re tla bapisa ka moo tlhahiso ya
mahlomola e fapaneng ka teng ka lebaka la tshwaetso ya semelo sa mophetwa,
diketsahalo kapa moralo esita Ie mookotaba kapa molaetsa. Re tla lekola pale ka nngwe
mme re hlahlobe ka moo e hlahisang mahlomola ka teng le ka moo e fapanang le dipale
tse ding ka teng. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie is om die voorkoms van die tragedie in geselekteerde Suid-Soetoe
romans gedurende hoofsaaklik twee periodes, naamlik, die vroeere periode (1925
tot die 1970's) en die latere periode (1970 tot die 1990's) te ondersoek. Vyf Suid-Soetoe
romans sal bespreek word rakende elke periode en sal 'n aanduiding gee van die tragedie
gedurende die betrokke periode. Dit is egter nie die hoofdoel van die werk om
vergelykings en onderskeidinge tussen die twee periodes te tref nie, maar eerder om
tragedie en tragiese elemente binne Suid-Soetoe romans te bespreek.
Hoofstuk Een se doel sal wees om die leser te orienteer aangesien dit aspekte soos die
probleem identifikasie, die doel van die studie, die omvang en die voorlopige navorsing
gemaak in terme van ander navorsingswerke rakende die onderwerp bevat, naamlik,
vorige studies rakende die karakter in Suid-Soetoe romans met spesifieke verwysing na
tragiese karakters. Die hoofstuk sal ook die uiteensetting van die studie, soos die uitleg
van die hoofstukke en inhoud van daaropvolgende hoofstukke bevat, bespreek.
Hoofstuk Twee stel die teoretiese raamwerk bekend waarop die navorsing gebasseer is.
As deel van die raamwerk, sal aspekte van die tragedie soos karakter, intrige en tema
bespreek word. Hierdie teoretiese aspekte sal dan toegepas word op Suid-Soetoe romans
in opvolgende hoofstukke.
Hoofstuk Drie fokus op die vroeere Suid-Soetoe tragedies binne die literere periode
1925 tot 1970s. Vyf romans, naamlik Chaka, Mphatlalatsane, Moiketsi, Mosali a nkhola
en Leshala Ie tswala rnolora sal bespreek word in terme van teoretiese beginsels genoem
in Hoofstuk Twee. Aan die einde van die hoofstuk sal 'n analise gemaak word van die
bevindinge en gevolgtrekkings rakende die tragedie se voorkoms in hierdie romans.
Hierdie romans onderskei hulself grootliks as klassieke tragedies in terme van die
tragiese karakters se voorkoms.
Hoofstuk Vier ondersoek die latere Suid-Soetoe tragedies gedurende die tydperk 1970 tot 1990. Soos in die vroeere tydperk, sal vyf romans bespreek word met die doel om die
aspekte van tragedie te aksentueer. Peo ena e jetswe ke wena, Mehaladitwe ha e
eketheha, Nna ke mang, Ke lesheleshele leo a iphehletseng lona en Lehlaba la lephako
sal romans wees waarop gefokus word. 'n Analise van die bevindinge en
gevolgtrekkings sal gemaak word aan die einde van die hoofstuk en sal die voorkoms van
die tragedie in al die romans beskryf. Hierdie romans onderskei hulself hoofsaaklik as
moderne tragedies in terme van die tragiese karakters se voorkoms.
Hoofstuk Vyf verskaf algemene gevolgtrekkings waartoe gekom is in die voorafgaande
bespreking van die genoemde twee periodes. 'n Vergelyking sal gemaak word oor hoe
die voorkoms van die tragedie verskil van een periode na die ander, rakende die tragiese
figuur. Elke roman sal individuele aandag kry en klem sal gele word op hoe dit verskil
van ander romans.
68 |
Agreement morphemes in Northern Sotho constructions : a morphological and semantic studyKganakga, Thobakgale Johannes January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (M. A. (African Languages)) -- University of Limpopo, 2004 / Refer to document
69 |
Discourse analysis and speech varieties in Northern Sotho : a sociolinguistic studySekhukhune, Phatudi Dan January 1988 (has links)
Thesis (M.A. (African Languages)) -- University of the North, 1988 / Refer to the document
70 |
The pronoun in Venda and Northern Sotho : a comparative morphological, syntactic and semantic studyMakhado, John Tshifularo January 1976 (has links)
Thesis (M.A. (African Languages)) -- University of the North, 1976 / Refer to the document
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