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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Morale and military performance : a case study of second squadron South African Air Force in Korea, 1950-1953

Goldsmid, Michael David 06 May 2015 (has links)
M.A. (Historical Studies) / The Korean War was the first of the “hot wars” of the twentieth century’s Cold War. The three-year conflict (1950-1953) saw the United States joined in its efforts to defend South Korea by a multinational United Nations force drawn from twenty other member states. South Africa, in an effort to both endear itself to the United Nations and to back up its own vociferously anti-communist rhetoric, sent a single Air Force Squadron, 2nd Squadron (the Flying Cheetahs), to aid in the United Nations efforts. This study examines the everyday living and combat conditions of this squadron’s personnel, as well as the challenges they faced and the motivation behind their activities in order to gauge their morale and its effect upon their operations and lives during their deployment in the Far East. Flying in combat from late 1950 right to the Armistice, the South African squadron operated efficiently and with considerable zeal, earning it the respect of the United Nations, but even more so that of the United States Air Force with which they flew. The unit was awarded the Presidential Unit Citations of both the United States and the Republic of Korea. This study seeks to shed light upon the ever changing living and combat conditions, motivation, equipment and leadership experienced and utilised by the 800 plus South Africans throughout the war, so as to provide an indication of the morale of the air and ground personnel of 2nd Squadron who served during this conflict.

Kwaliteitsbestuur van die Toetsvlieg- en Ontwikkelingsentrum in die Suid-Afrikaanse Lugmag

Oschman, Jacobus Johannes. January 2002 (has links)
Thesis (M. Admin.)--University of South Africa, Pretoria, 2002.

The validation of the selection battery for pilots of the South African Air Force

De Kock, Francois Servaas 04 1900 (has links)
Assignment (MComm)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The recent procurement of modern fourth-generation fighter aircraft by the South African Air Force (SAAF), severe budget constraints, as well as demographic transformation of the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) impacted heavily on the selection and training of SAAF pilots. Against this backdrop, this predictive criterion-related validation study attempted to find an optimal battery to predict various aspects of pilot training performance, using all SAAF qualified pilots from 1997 to 2002 as the sample (N=107). Multiple regression analyses were performed to construct a model which can be used to predict the success of trainee pilots in three phases of pilot training, namely officers' formative training, ground school training and practical flight training. Stepwise regression analyses with training grade achieved as criterion were performed on the data for each of the phases of training. Multiple correlations of 0,34 (p<0,001), 0,21 (p>0,05) and 0,22 (p<0,05) were obtained for flight, ground school and formative training results respectively. Various recommendations regarding the present composition of the battery are made / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die onlangse aanskaffing van moderne vierde-generasie vegvliegtuie deur die Suid Afrikaanse Lugmag (SALM), sowel as omvattende begrotingsbeperkinge en die demografiese transformasie van die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Weermag (SANW) het In swaar impak op die keuring en opleiding van SALM vlieëniers gehad. Teen hierdie agtergrond het hierdie voorspellende kriteriumgerigte valideringsstudie gepoog om In battery saam te stel wat die verskeie aspekte van prestasie tydens vlieëniersopleiding optimaal kon voorspel. AI die SALM vlieëniers wat gekwalifiseer het van 1997 tot 2002 is in die steekproef ingesluit (N=107). Meervoudige regressieontledings is uitgevoer om In model te bou wat die sukses van kandidaatvlieëniers kon voorspel tydens die drie fases van opleiding, naamlik offisiersvorming, grondskool en praktiese vliegopleiding. Stapsgewyse regressie-ontleding is gedoen vir elke fase van opleiding, met opleidingspunt behaal as kriterium in elke fase. Meervoudige korrelasies van 0,34 (p<0,001), 0,21 (p>0,05) en 0,22 (p<0,05) is verkry vir vlieg-, grondskool-, en vormingsopleidingspunt onderskeidelik. Verskeie aanbevelings in verband met die samestelling van die battery word gemaak.

Instrument to evaluate to which extent the operational support information system (OSIS) adds value to the South African Air Force (SAAF)

Hattingh, Maria Jacoba 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MMil (Computer Information Systems))--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / Since the 1940s, the evaluation of information systems has been the topic of many authors’ research. When taking into account the amount of resources invested in an organisation’s information systems, especially in the present fiscal conditions, then the evaluation of an information system’s success is imperative. Traditionally, monetarybased evaluation measures were used to evaluate the success of an information system, however, these types of measures were found to be inadequate in their attempt to measure the complexity of information systems successfully. Surrogate measures, such as the user’s satisfaction with the information system, were developed to replace monetary-based evaluation measures. These forms of measures are often perceptual by nature and usually encompass the different stakeholders involved in the information system.

The retention of scarce skills : a study focused on South African Air Force pilot retention and reducing employee turnover

Wood, Craig Warren Barrie 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The South African Air Force (SAAF) is loosing pilots at an alarming rate and if not addressed with a matter of urgency will become the most critical problems facing the Air Force in the future. This study analyses the problem in comparison to other Air Forces, and how airline hiring and lack of Air Force leadership are contributing to the current situation. Employee retention is a problem inherent in most organisations. The study also examines the reasons that motivate employees to leave any organisation and what world-class organisations are doing to reduce employee turnover. This is used as a logical starting point towards finding a long-term solution as to how the Air Force can retain its pilots. This solution includes increasing pay, dealing with quality of life issues and by examining job and career issues. The paper concludes that the implementation of a multi-faceted solution will allow the Air Force and other organisations to retain its essential core of pilots/employees in spite of increased competition from other employers. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Suid-Afrikaanse Lugmag (SALM) verloor tans sy vlieëniers teen 'n hewige tempo, en as hierdie toestand nie dadelik en met erns aangespreek word nie, sal dit seer sekerlik die mees kritiese probleem word wat die SALM in die toekoms in die gesig sal staar. Hierdie geskryf staan te doel om die probleem te analiseer vergelyke te trek met ander Lugmagte, asook hoe lugredery aanstellings en die te kort aan Lugmag leierskap die huidige situasie vererger. Werknemer retensie is 'n inherente probleem in meeste organisasies. Hierdie studie ondersoek verder, die redes wat werknemers motiveer om 'n betrokke organisasie te verlaat, asook wat wêreldklas organisasies tans doen om werknemer omset te verminder. Dit word dan as 'n logiese vertrekpunt gebruik om 'n langtermyn oplossing te vind waarmee die SALM sy vlieëniers sal kan behou. Die oplossing sluit in verhoogde en meer kompeterende salaris pakkette, beter hanteering van kwessies met betrekking tot die standaard van lewensgehalte asook die ondersoek na beter werksomstanighede en loopbaan moontlikhede. Die geskryf sluit af met die gevolgtrekking dat slegs die implementering van 'n multi-faset oplossing die SALM, en ander organisasies, in staat sal stel om sy/hulle essensiële kern van vlieëniers/werknemers te behou, ten spyte van verhoogde kompetisie van ander werkgewers.

A framework for the implementation of total quality management in the South African Air Force

Oschman, Jacobus Johannes 30 November 2004 (has links)
The quest for excellence in institutions is nothing new. Most of the twentieth century saw management sciences grappling with the question how to improve the productivity and general health of institutions through sound management principles and practice. In recent research, proponents of Total Quality Management have identified it as an essential strategy of successful institutions in a highly competitive and rapidly changing business environment. The overall aim of this study is the development of a framework for the implementation of Total Quality Management in the South African Air Force. As a first prerequisite, a theoretical and conceptual analysis is undertaken of Total Quality Management as it is discussed in a vast volume of published literature. In the process, Total Quality Management philosophy and principles are described within the context of organisational theory, mainly based on so-called quality guru prescriptions. The variety of definitions of Total Quality Management is studied to find an appropriate definition for this study. The primary and supportive Total Quality Management dimensions are identified in the available literature, and integrated into a framework, which is called the "Total Quality Management telescopic framework" for the purposes of the study. This framework is formulated for use in the development of an appropriate methodology to implement Total Quality Management in South African Air Force Bases. As a basis for the understanding of the empirical part of the thesis, the context and nature of the SA Air Force are also discussed, followed by the self-assessment methods already in use in the institution. The Total Quality Management telescopic framework is meant to provide a mechanism for the adoption of a systematic and ordered approach to the implementation of Total Quality Management in SA Air Force Bases. To achieve this objective, a structured questionnaire survey is undertaken to establish the nature and extent of Total Quality Management as an internal organisational arrangement for personnel in SA Air Force Bases. The framework developed from the study of the available literature is used as a basis for the survey research, which attempts to determine the main hypothesis of the study: "The attitude of personnel of the South African Air Force Bases towards the primary and supporting dimensions of the framework for the implementation of Total Quality Management is positive." With the aid of computerised reliability analysis (Alpha Cronbach) for the test, the above hypothesis is proven to be true on a statistical basis. The attitude of personnel at SA Air Force Bases towards the nature and scope of Total Quality Management is that it enables them to perform their daily tasks better, and that they accept the Total Quality Management effort positively, in spite of specific deficiencies, which the study has brought to light. With these deficiencies as a guide, recommendations are made for their elimination. The research undertaken during the course of writing the thesis has led to the deduction that the greater the extent to which Total Quality Management principles is applied, the greater the improvement in work performance among personnel. / Public Administration / DADMIN (PUBLIC ADMIN)

A framework for the implementation of total quality management in the South African Air Force

Oschman, Jacobus Johannes 30 November 2004 (has links)
The quest for excellence in institutions is nothing new. Most of the twentieth century saw management sciences grappling with the question how to improve the productivity and general health of institutions through sound management principles and practice. In recent research, proponents of Total Quality Management have identified it as an essential strategy of successful institutions in a highly competitive and rapidly changing business environment. The overall aim of this study is the development of a framework for the implementation of Total Quality Management in the South African Air Force. As a first prerequisite, a theoretical and conceptual analysis is undertaken of Total Quality Management as it is discussed in a vast volume of published literature. In the process, Total Quality Management philosophy and principles are described within the context of organisational theory, mainly based on so-called quality guru prescriptions. The variety of definitions of Total Quality Management is studied to find an appropriate definition for this study. The primary and supportive Total Quality Management dimensions are identified in the available literature, and integrated into a framework, which is called the "Total Quality Management telescopic framework" for the purposes of the study. This framework is formulated for use in the development of an appropriate methodology to implement Total Quality Management in South African Air Force Bases. As a basis for the understanding of the empirical part of the thesis, the context and nature of the SA Air Force are also discussed, followed by the self-assessment methods already in use in the institution. The Total Quality Management telescopic framework is meant to provide a mechanism for the adoption of a systematic and ordered approach to the implementation of Total Quality Management in SA Air Force Bases. To achieve this objective, a structured questionnaire survey is undertaken to establish the nature and extent of Total Quality Management as an internal organisational arrangement for personnel in SA Air Force Bases. The framework developed from the study of the available literature is used as a basis for the survey research, which attempts to determine the main hypothesis of the study: "The attitude of personnel of the South African Air Force Bases towards the primary and supporting dimensions of the framework for the implementation of Total Quality Management is positive." With the aid of computerised reliability analysis (Alpha Cronbach) for the test, the above hypothesis is proven to be true on a statistical basis. The attitude of personnel at SA Air Force Bases towards the nature and scope of Total Quality Management is that it enables them to perform their daily tasks better, and that they accept the Total Quality Management effort positively, in spite of specific deficiencies, which the study has brought to light. With these deficiencies as a guide, recommendations are made for their elimination. The research undertaken during the course of writing the thesis has led to the deduction that the greater the extent to which Total Quality Management principles is applied, the greater the improvement in work performance among personnel. / Public Administration and Management / DADMIN (PUBLIC ADMIN)

The airborne concept in the South African military, 1960-2000 : strategy versus tactics in small wars

Alexander, Edward George McGill January 2016 (has links)
Text in English / Restricted files have not been uploaded / The thesis commences by elaborating on the concept of vertical envelopment as a form of military manoeuvre and defining airborne operations as comprising parachute, helicopter and air-landed actions. It goes on to describe strategy and tactics as they apply to the discussion before briefly tracing the development internationally of vertical envelopment and the thinking of the South African military about airborne operations during the Second World War. Events leading up to the decision by the South African military to acquire helicopters and to train paratroopers in 1960 are examined and the early operational employment of helicopters is analysed. The establishment of 1 Parachute Battalion is discussed in the light of the absence of a clear understanding of how it should be employed. Moving on to the commencement of the conflict known as the Southern African Thirty Year War, the issue of strategic versus tactical application of an airborne capability during operations in Namibia, Angola and Rhodesia is defined. Strategic application is then illustrated by specific independent airborne strikes, and the requirement for an airborne brigade to plan and conduct such operations is highlighted. The establishment of 44 Parachute Brigade and the difficulties experienced in its development are reviewed before scrutinising the tactical use of airborne forces in support of other ground forces. The high point in organisation and capability of the airborne forces of the South African Defence Force at the time of the ending of the Thirty Year War is appraised and the unfulfilled potential of the capability is elucidated. Faced with change and uncertainty, the employment of the paratroopers in urban operations during the height of the civil unrest is examined. This is followed by probing the response of the paratrooper organisation to severe budget cuts, enforced reorganisation and relocation, the ending of conscription and integration into the new South African National Defence Force following the country’s first democratic elections in 1994. The thesis concludes with an evaluation of the airborne actions during the incursion by South Africa into Lesotho in 1998 and an assessment of the implications of the loss of a strategic airborne capability. / History / D. Litt. et Phil. (History)

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